The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Phoenix Survival- Road Snacks and more

Episode Date: August 3, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability here. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. March until it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward Always getting closer I'm marching till it's over
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm just like a soldier I keep on moving forward Always getting closer I'm marching till it's over I'm just like a soldier I keep on moving forward Good morning PBN. We are late, but we are live. I did announce in Element that today's show would be a bit behind. There were things that I had to take care of on the forefront and things as soon as this podcast is over after little man has finished his morning nap, I will be back on
Starting point is 00:01:38 the road to run some more tasks because things have to get done. All right. So how are you on this nice and sunny day? I don't know what the temp is like there for you, but here in Myrtle Beach, I can tell you it's already a bit toasty. I say that. It's 88 degrees. It feels like 105, which can tell you what our humidity and heat index are like. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:02:04 All right, so I did title it snacks and more. I did have a listener reach out to me and ask if I could do an episode. And I think, honestly, I'm going to end up doing more to this because I didn't get to go in depth with what I would have liked to have done only because, well, it's been chaotic. So is life. Of course, we all know the basics. You have your peanut butter. You have, you know what, I actually reached out to a few people too. Let me see. Peanut butter is always a great go-to.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I know this individual keeps peanut butter. So when I drive, I actually end up traveling anywhere from an 11 and a half hours to 15 hours one way. Now, a lot of times those drives are turnaround trips, which I can tell you is a pain in the butt. And eating on the road is expensive. I don't care who you are. The only time I've found somewhere is cheap to stop and eat at, believe it or not, is Chick-fil-A for an adult and four kids and they're even there ordering off of either a half, one of their meals or
Starting point is 00:03:17 an adult meal, it's still cheaper. Which who would have thought $30-something between four people would be such a godsend? But elsewise, it is expensive. Gas station food, gas station stops. Yes. So when I travel, I typically try to make my drive as through as I can. I do always leave several hours ahead of when I actually intend to only because I account for the fact I once one trip thank god I left hours and hours and hours in advance because I got stuck in a three hour hold up in state traffic because someone flipped their big truck with a 24 foot rv on the back of it um or sorry uh yeah mobile home rv whatever and it blocked the entire entire highway
Starting point is 00:04:20 so you've got to account for that that That means fuel stops. Anytime I travel, I make sure I top off before I hit the road, regardless of where my fuel is sitting at. I know each of my stops because one, I am a creature of habit, and two, it makes it easier. So if my partner's trying to keep an eye on me or family members they know where my stops are if I deviate from those stops for an emergency I always contact someone just how it is so anytime I'm driving and I know my tank well enough that I know my stops and I know what I'll hit and even if one of my stops are coming up and say I had to deviate and I went ahead and stopped beforehand, even if my tank is still relatively well, I don't want my
Starting point is 00:05:16 tank to really ever hit below a quarter of a tank. I will still stop and top off just because I then know my exact stop for the next one based on that. I, uh, but yes, so I'm, I digress. These snacks, right? The food. I'm an MRE fan. Not gonna lie. I have those. Not ashamed.
Starting point is 00:05:41 When I travel, I do take things with me that are easy enough to prepare so for example I always keep water on me whether it be jugs a couple case or two of water on me I just do it's a lot cheaper than trying to go into the store and buy and it it racks up it racks up and cost so quick. Oh, I know what I was doing. I was pulling up this list. So you really got to think things out. So some people I know will stop and get like pretzels or the peanut butter snacks.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That's great. And when you travel, having those snacks is great. But also keep in mind if you're doing a long drive like I am, you really don't want anything that's going to tire you out too much. Carbs are sugars. Sugars break down and then make you sleepy. So a trick I have found and a snack I love to keep in my vehicle when I'm driving are apples. love to keep in my vehicle when I'm driving are apples. The natural sugar gives me a little bit of boost without giving me that complete dropout. The crunch will help me stay awake while I'm chewing on it and I mean apples are great for you. Apples are big on the trip for me. Bananas, I've traveled with them
Starting point is 00:07:01 they do typically bruise but I'm person. I do eat a banana every morning if I can. Just a preference. Get my intake of magnesium, potassium, you know. Did I say magnesium? It's potassium. See? Yesterday, I was running on less than two hours of sleep. So I'm still recouping from that. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I'm trying to pull up where... If I'd been smarter, I would have screenshot it. Excuse me. Okay, so here we go, um, one of the, one of the hosts that said fruits, nuts, protein bars, chips, PB&J, kind of, kind of stuff for us, is what he says he takes when he travels, I don't think that's a problem at all. If you're looking at, I know anytime we do make trips, I will pre-make sandwiches, keep them in a small cooler. I keep cooler bags, actually a really good cooler bag in my vehicle. So even if I'm grocery shopping or I'm taking snacks, I really don't have to worry about it too much and it doesn't take up a lot of space. I really don't have to worry about it too much, and it doesn't take up a lot of space.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So I do suggest sandwiches, but if you're living out of your car, you're looking for something that's going to sustain. Protein bars can melt. Just keep them in a cool place. The wheel well in the back where you keep the spare usually works. Fruits and nuts. See, like I said, I'm all for apples. Nuts are great. You can get them individually individually packed you can get them in a container um I'm not a big chip person so I'm not gonna say don't do chips chips are teach to their own you know that's the same with making a Chex mix or having uh the wheat crisp wheat thin not, yeah, wheat thins are a type of crackers.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I mean, all of those will be fine. Just know that any time you have things like that that are open or exposed to air, eventually they will go stale. This isn't something we're trying to keep super, super long term. Let's see. Yeah, everybody saw where I had put in there this morning. Nobody's in yet. Not a problem.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So I am going to digress for a moment and, or change subjects. And I am actually working on a project, which you're going to see before too long, on Instagram. I have obtained 4 inch PVC. I am going to put a cap and a U on it or a 90 depends on what I'm feeling, how I'm feeling. And I'm going to use that as a gravity feeder for my chickens. I'm still having to work out some kinks in their water supply because I also have a hen who thinks she can perch on whatever she wants. So no matter how much I try to seal it, she ends up breaking one of the little autofill cups loose. So that's fun. So I've got to find a way to be able to give them water without letting them stand on it, which is going to come to an issue of just having to bring it up higher, I would think.
Starting point is 00:10:34 It doesn't matter how high I put something. Those birds still find a way to roost on top of it or stand on top of it. It's absurd. Right now, the biggest issue for us is we have so many chickens in a very limited space, which is harsh. We're going to end up fixing that. A few, three of them are planned on being cold here before too long. It never hurts to have fresh, fresh meat in the freezer. Let's see. Sorry, folks, I am thirsty. So I have been on the lookout for old handmade quilts. So for any of you listeners out there that you've got quilts that you no longer want, that you're looking at donating, that you're getting rid of, let me know. I would love to see them. I have been stalking the Goodwills. I've came across one handmade quilt. I just bought another one. Thinking the stitching looked handmade, which
Starting point is 00:11:37 they did a good job, but it was commercial. Somehow got lucky that it was 100% cotton. So that should be interesting. So what's going on with these quilts? I'm repurposing them. Any of these old things can have a second and new life. I am trying to make, you know what, I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to try to make. You're just going to see it because you're going to start seeing it. I'm going to be able to offer some of these items at camp this year. I am excited to show the versatility of repurposing and yeah, I mean, that's basically it. The main thing is everything can be multifaceted, right? Old blankets and quilts. Ah, you don't like them anymore it's not your style okay not a big deal someone else can turn that into something completely new and absolutely love it
Starting point is 00:12:32 in an shtf fan situation being able to have a little bit of ingenuity and repurpose something can make the difference between being cold you know being able to get out of the elements it all it all has its place oh i'm still struggling this morning folks struggling this morning, folks. The fact that I was able to run any errands is kind of something in its own. Let's see. I am tired, to say the least. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So, I know, I didn't really go too much into snacks. I have a whole list somewhere. And I wanted to think of some easy fixed meals for traveling. I'm sorry, bud. I will make this a two-parter and have you more info. I know it was a good one. You asked about it. So, I'm going to deliver, but I'm going to make sure I deliver at full force, even if it's repeating some of the stuff I have already said.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Because I actually want to think of good ways to snack and feel full. I know a big one here is jerky. Beef jerky is a big one. But here's the thing. If you buy jerky from the store, please keep in mind that when they make jerky, there's a lot of sugar used in that process. A lot of sugar. And then for me, my dietary issue is soy.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That's right. I will have an anaphylactic reaction to soy. And it's only gotten worse as I've gotten older. of phylactic reaction to soy and it's only gotten worse as I've gotten older. So we, I have been having a itch to make my own jerky again. It's been a while, but that is always something you can look at. If you are going to make your own jerky and you want to be able to pack it to put it up, keep in mind if you're going to vacuum because meet you know when you do that there's probably still a little bit of moisture in there never hurts to have those those absorb packs in there you can get those off of that Amazon vacuum zone with a couple of
Starting point is 00:14:58 those in there put them up those will last if you are one who, you know what, this might hit up your alley. So you want to have meals, right? You want to have snacks, but you don't want to sit there and just snack out of boredom, but because you're hungry. Well, if you're going to go the jerky route, portion it out into each of your vacuum sealed bags to the amount that you're wanting whether it's a cup or you know how many ever ounces that's fair for you without it going to waste because that's another thing anything that we take and travel or eat it's going to get opened it's going to potentially set up your vehicle to attract insects or even you know go stale or go bad. So the main thing is making sure that when you do travel and you have these meals, if you have the time to vacuum seal them, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:54 change it, separate them out into the portions that you want. So if it's an easy fix, oh, all this is in this bag. This is for this day. This is is for this it does make it more convenient yes it's a little more time consuming yes you may end up having a little more trash but it's gonna hold the longevity of the life of the food itself dehydrated food dehydrated snacks are great apple slices I used to dehydrate a bunch of apple slices. I used to dehydrate banana chips and make my own banana chips. You can do the same with the SCOBY from your kombucha. You can make a fruit leather using the SCOBY and mixing it with fruit and then laying it out on a pan or a parchment. So it's like a fruit roll-up and it's really good for you and it's delicious so there are ways and means just
Starting point is 00:16:52 sometimes it takes a lot of preparation and from my understanding you said you're on the road basically 50 hours a week which that is a lot of. It's 10 hours just in a few days, five days. Um, so I understand it's going to take some prep, but anything worth doing is worth doing right. It's making sure you have that availability. You can go buy a bunch of bananas just a full little bunch of bananas for less than you can buy a bag of banana chips way less I think a bunch of bananas today cost me like two dollars and a bag of banana chips is anywhere from, is usually around five bucks, is what I saw the last time I had looked at them. You might be able to get them less, but this way you can, you can treat your food the way you want it.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You can season it the way you want it. You can have, you know, everything's put to your liking because a lot of times those bags of banana crisp or banana chips are it's mainly air a lot of those bags of chips and snacks you're paying for air you're hardly getting anything to eat out of it it's it's just a waste so really for me this challenge that you gave about foods and snacks wasn't just that but also the cost effectiveness of prepping for your road trips i mean we should be prepping anyways we we look at putting food storage up we we look at the convenience of keeping things good in our home
Starting point is 00:18:37 but what how do you keep them good in your vehicle do you travel with a few cans of canned food? Something easy that you can pop open and eat straight out of like some beans or I don't know how you feel about veggies. I'm that weirdo who could eat out of those little individual cans of spinach and be absolutely happy with a little salt and spinach. Hey garden girl, how are you? Yeah, I'm over here just talking about road snacks. I told him I was going to do a two-parter, but the more I keep thinking about it, it's just, it really is something I don't think people consider because it's so easy just to stop and pick up a snack for what? You're packing yourself and your kids and your family full of how much sugar and how much crap? You don't even know what's in half of that food anyways. I'm that person, if we stop for a snack for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:19:36 I have to read the back of the ingredients for just about everything. Did you know there's only maybe one brand of jerky that I can eat, but they've changed the original brand. So unless it's an older bag of jerky, I can't eat it. And it tastes super sweet too because of all the sugar they put in it. There's nothing wrong. And I understand it's easy, it's convenient, but it's not sustainable. It's not. Having your own snacks, having your own food makes the world of a difference. You know what? If you really want a sugary treat, make up a batch of cookies before you go. Put a couple in a Ziploc bag. You know, keep yourself set. If you're really that worried
Starting point is 00:20:20 about it, put freaking, yeah, just take the snacks. Make your own snacks. Garden Girl actually has an amazing protein bar recipe I keep looking at. I don't know how well it would hold up in a vehicle all week, but it would be great to have as a quick, easy snack. I imagine it's something I could probably keep in my little cooler bag. Yes, and homemade jerky does taste better, and I miss it. I was actually telling actually telling Chris about it and saying, man, I haven't made my own jerky in forever. Right now, I would kill to get my hands on some good venison or rabbit. I was craving some rabbit soup the other day. And literally the next day, James started talking about rabbit.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I'm like, oh my God, he must have read my mind. Because it's just, there's something about having your own food, making your own food, knowing where it's coming from. Yes, it's work, but it's phenomenal. You're going to feel better. It's going to taste better. It'll fit to your needs. It's just work.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And you know what? Anything worth doing is worth doing right. It's all going to be work at some point whether it be my screen is doing really weird sorry folks i'm just realizing my stuff is not popping up like it should be huh okay let me save and close out of this because this has me worried but no so it's you really need to you know what uh garden girl what's one of your favorite road snacks i don't know what's going on with my computer.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I will have to... I will definitely have to turn this off. And restart it after. Huh. Okay. Regardless. Oh well. No, yeah, I'm curious of what you take when you road trip. Because for me, having those options of snacks that I can eat one, especially if
Starting point is 00:22:38 you have someone in your household or someone with a food allergy, you do have to take it very seriously because nobody else is gonna care oh yes i forgot you had mentioned that before so garden girl said here the tuna pouches uh the tuna pouches are great protein which i agree with you keep in mind though certain foods if you're not adjusted to it will have an effect on your digestive system what does that mean all right folks we're just gonna say it out right you're gonna fart or you're gonna poop it's just a part of it so that's something else that kills me when people are prepping and they say that they're going to start keeping this, this, or this, and they don't
Starting point is 00:23:25 realize the effect that these types of food will have on your body, especially if you're not accustomed to a high protein diet or a high whatever it be. My favorite was when I started seeing people store wheat. Nothing wrong with that, folks. I have some wheat put up. I had a friend who's had lots of wheat. She would slowly mix in a little meat with her beef just to cut it so it could expand even longer because wheat does have a high protein. But you have to take it slow. They're used to eating it. Anyone not used to eating it, too much wheat, too much protein, it will give you diarrhea. So you take with caution because that's all you need is in an SHTF situation, you are now dealing with explosive diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Could cripple you. Could kill you. It could put you in a situation that you are not ready to handle. All right, let's see. Let's see. Pretzels. My daughter loves freeze-dried strawberries. You know what, Garden Girl? I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I was going to mention a freeze-dryer. Not everybody has a freeze-dryer. Unfortunately, I can't afford one. I would love to have one. I would. I know plenty of people who do have one. And freeze-drying snacks are amazing to have them I was actually considering so there are some if you're looking at traveling on the road there are some things to maybe consider taking with you I don't know how people feel about powdered milk but there are
Starting point is 00:25:20 certain recipes that I take that are easy to fix and I use keep everything in a practical form or an easily obtainable form. So then all I have to do is add water. It's not hard to do, but if you're looking for meals, definitely plan those out on what's going to be sustainable in a vehicle. So here in the South, we really have to consider the fact the heat can play a big factor into whatever we bring or take with us. I'm not saying it doesn't get hot up north, but it is something to consider. Is the climate, is the weather going to affect what you have? Like the bananas or the apples. Apples will last longer in the heat than bananas will. Strawberries will last longer than the bananas as well. But only for a certain time before they start getting a little leaky if they're fresh.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I do like my fruit to the point that I will get a cantaloupe and cut it up and put it in baggies so I can snack on it. Because natural sugars. Yes, so as Garden Girl said in the chat, totally understand. Even as you mentioned, making your own fruit leather is easy and totally customizable. Exactly. I love mango. One of my favorite kombuchas I used to make, whichinda Lee if you're listening don't come after me but my scoby finally did die um so yes so I have no more kombucha no more mother scoby so uh but I love mango to the point that I have done mango, strawberry, kombucha, and leather,
Starting point is 00:27:06 and I love it. But that's where being able to be customizable is a godsend because my partner, even though he refuses to admit it, is allergic to mango. Your face should not turn purple. Your throat shouldn't hurt when you eat. Trust me, I know. And so being able to customize our snacks to each individual, yes, it's a little more work, but at the same time, it doesn't matter if it's something as simple as that that you enjoy. I don't mind putting in the extra work for somebody to have something that they can enjoy
Starting point is 00:27:46 safely. You can make all sorts of things and you can make it so easy. I'm not a bread person so I'm sure there are things you can make around that area that you might be able to take. I'm not sure. that you might be able to take I'm not sure I wouldn't think garden girl do you just get the big bag of pretzels or do you you make your own what I did not mean to yawn folks I'm so sorry all right so I am real quick going to go ahead and go to a commercial commercial break. Tongue tied. And then we will come back. We'll talk a little
Starting point is 00:28:34 bit more. And we'll let you enjoy the rest of your weekend. So hold on one moment. On the brink of blackouts again as power demand reached an all time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. ComSays expects to continue with Stage 6, running blackouts for the rest of the week.
Starting point is 00:28:53 A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable lithium-ion battery, 2,000 watt-hour, 3,000 watt high-efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power.
Starting point is 00:29:52 You're listening to PB podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Mimi and family, your garden is the resistance all right i think i may have to have a nap after this i've got more things to get done but i am dragon i am so sorry folks all right you know what y'all hear so much of the politics y'all hear so much of the politics. Y'all hear so much of everything else.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And just stay away from it. And we talk about it enough in other shows and at other times. Speaking of which, tune in Monday for our funny fail moments. I know I have shared many with y'all before. moments. I know I have shared many with y'all before. I have no quarrels about admitting my mistakes or my shortcomings. I'm human. I am no perfect prepper. I have dealt with chaos in a way that chaos feels like sometimes it has to deal with me. So tune in. I think that one's going to be a entertaining show, something a bit lighthearted, something that will be a nice change from everything else that we're currently dealing with and processing. Because the world out
Starting point is 00:31:41 there, it's a mad world. It's a completely mad and insane world right now. And you know what? We're making it by. We are prepping. We are still going. Yes, my garden looks like a shit storm. You know what? It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You win some, you lose some. I have fallen short where I need it to because I'm not going to lie. I've gotten frustrated and just kind of, eh. But I'm also working like crazy. I've got a bunch of dump pouches set up for snap installation and straps. So you will be seeing a bunch of those popping up on insta and yes they are a bit funky in color and wild and patterns but i am using up everything i have before i invest in i got it down to the way i pretty much want it um before i invest in any more material it before I invest in any more material. I'm gonna knock out a few other projects. I actually did invest in a snap machine because I'm gonna tell you this I love
Starting point is 00:32:51 you folks but nearly catching my hand with a hammer is not fun and a press is a lot less noise too especially when you're in a duplex so we'll see how that goes if you do not did not see it uh james did have drew miller from fortitude ranch collapse survivor app on his live with him on insta so if you're not following him you need to jump over to insta a lot of our hosts are on there a lot of great things going on a lot of lives under oh look here we go james put up 20 hours ago feels like 108 liquid iv and prepper fit and health you know what james you are on point because i use liquid iv it's one of the best ones it's safe for diabetics uh double check into it, though, for each individual. I found Propel is one of the worst things you can be drinking.
Starting point is 00:33:50 A lot of these other ones is mainly sugar. This is one of those few drinks. I have some health issues in which I can't have certain things. It could cause me to end up prone to infection or potentially become ill. me to end up, you know, prone to infection or potentially become ill. And liquid IV is one of those things that I can drink and not have to worry about it hurting my kidneys. But James's page is underscore survival, underscore and, underscore preparedness, underscore. Yes, it's a mouthful. Find him. The picture is of, what is the picture of? Looks like a sunset with a dystopian, a dystopian city in the background on a road. Yeah, follow him. The man's always got lies, our intrepid
Starting point is 00:34:35 commander. But we've got some great hosts, y'all. Great hosts. I like to jabber on the Saturday mornings because why not? Everybody else likes to do in the evenings. I like to jabber on the Saturday mornings because why not? Everybody else likes to do in the evenings. I used to podcast in the evenings. Truthfully, for me, this works better. Typically, I get up. The show could be 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock. Today, we were running behind. But again, errors and my child's needs are always going to come first.
Starting point is 00:35:01 So, there's that. are always going to come first. So there's that. But no, if you have ideas of, or suggestions of meals you like to travel with, or things you make that are vehicle friendly and safe, send them in. Let me know. I will definitely share it on, on air. Would love to see what meal ideas you have because I'm one person. What I like may not be something you like and vice versa. But someone else may enjoy that same thing. Garden girl, how's your garden been so far? Have you gotten anything out of it? I was trying to think if there were any, like, one can meals you can make where you prep it, that carrying mason jar that's glass, you know, I'm trying to think of ways of being able to travel with things without having to put too much to it. I'd say empty peanut butter jars, but all my peanut butter is glass jars.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So I'm not 100% certain on that one. I don't know. But a lot's coming out of Phoenix Survival Home right now. When I'm working during the day, in between my calls with my patients, or I am crocheting, I'm making up a bunch of cloths and scrubbies. They keep my time. That's how I made the Lizard Lord Invasion for James, which he totally did not know was coming. I have been, during the day, I will sew between my two 15s or my 30-minute lunch.
Starting point is 00:36:48 But yesterday I was so exhausted that I did not sew any of my dump pouches because I did not want to have to make an error and then cry or cuss because I'm seeing ripping things out over a stupid mistake because I was tired. cuss because I'm seeing ripping things out over a stupid mistake because I was tired. Now I did make something else completely different that I am kind of really obsessed with. Don't get me wrong folks I enjoyed the crocheting but I think this is going to be a better replacement for some one of my items and Chin and James are probably going to be two of the guinea pigs for this i've got one made so far i wanted to see how it worked up do have to add a
Starting point is 00:37:35 few things but kind of loving it i'm like really in love with how it's turning out. I did think about doing something on there a little differently since this is the first one. It's like, you know what, let's see how it goes. I think next time I may change it up a little bit. We'll see. We'll see. I'm trying different things, seeing what I like, what I don't like. It's not the prettiest, but you know, most prototypes aren't. I've got a few things made up right now on prototypes of just random material. I would feel for anyone who walks in my house and sees what was our dining room table is covered in my sewing machine and military fabric and
Starting point is 00:38:21 bright colorful fabric and sewing pins to the point that I actually have a sewing needle missing. I have no clue where it's at. So if anyone has a good suggestion of a good magnet that I could use in the house, let me know because it probably wouldn't hurt to have one for those instances that a wild pin gets loose and takes off running. You know what? I would also like to hear beyond your recipes or food ideas, which if you are not an element, get it in there now. We have so many different chat rooms.
Starting point is 00:38:58 We have the live chat, the open chat, family cookbook, Pappy's Iron Paradise. That's right, our own Pappy. Open just for the fun of it, which we put a lot of jokes, humor, memes, gifs, you name it. Let's see. World events, U.S. economy and business, and more. I'm not going to tell you it all because you should be a part of our group. You should be in here chatting with us because that is where the real action happens. Even if you're not sure you're into this whole prepping thing, if you're not sure this is what you want, take a look. You might be surprised.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You might be surprised some of the stuff you're already doing does make you a prepper. Sure, you don't want the title. Okay, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with being called a prepper. We are finding over time this evil stigma that we used to have over the name is slowly waning away because you are seeing articles and clips and people stating that preppers might be on to something. And now, now, these people, these homesteaders, anytime we try to do anything to fend for ourselves and make ourselves self-sufficient, we are a threat. Your garden is an issue. Did you know that? Your garden is causing way too much pollution.
Starting point is 00:40:27 It shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg to eat healthy. It shouldn't. And in the store, if you notice, organic costs twice as much. Processed foods and candy are cheap. Fruits and vegetables are ridiculous to the point that right now there's a huge listeria outbreak. At Walmart, Aldi's, and a lot of places, there's I think a list of 10 different stores. In which their produce have came back positive for listeria. Can you believe that? How terrifying is that?
Starting point is 00:41:02 This is why even the little bit of produce that I am able to get out of my garden, I am proud to have grown. My walking onions are delicious because guess what? The entire plant can be eaten. It's great. They're not super big onions. Walking onions don't expect to ever get giant bulbs. They're not. But you know what? don't expect to ever get giant bulbs. They're not. But you know what? Their taste is a little sweeter. It's really nice though.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I do enjoy it. The stalks can get a little hardy or woody at times if you're not careful. Because if you let them overgrow and then have shoots. But the young ones, you can clip right off a stone. And cut that up for like green onion or chives. It's delicious. Did you know? I'm really going down the food train now.
Starting point is 00:41:56 My biggest issue I've ran into is I was finding out about how much pesticides are on your food and produce which is why you should always wash your food always wash your produce always and I was reading something where you don't have to do a soak a quick rinse will actually do fine I do spritz my stuff with vinegar and then wash them. I, the amount of pesticides on blueberries, did you know it was one of the highest, highest content of pesticides and toxins are on blueberries? That I've quit buying blueberries. are on blueberries that I've quit buying blueberries. I will get them locally. I will get them from someone who I know grows them, but I refuse to buy something with that much poison on it. Even if you wash them, I don't care how well you wash them, I don't think you can get all that crap off. I don't. I don't at all. You know what? That's something else I would love to hear. What food did you
Starting point is 00:43:05 start avoiding once you found out the truth behind it? Um, and I mean like the pesticides or the toxins. I don't have a problem with rice. Now that's something I grew up learning. There's bugs in rice. Okay. That's a given. Hence why every time I buy a 20 pound bag of rice, Hence why every time I buy a 20-pound bag of rice, I vacuum seal one-pound increments so I don't have to worry about rice weevils or the rice bugs hatching. That's just a part of it. I mean, it would really kill you if you knew how much the FDA allows in our everyday food that we don't know about or certain things under a microscope. It's disturbing. It's disgusting
Starting point is 00:43:46 and it is something of nightmares. Now I'm not trying to terrify you away from food. I'm not trying to fear monger you here but I want you to realize there is pride in what you do when you do it for yourself. There's no shame if you go to the store and buy it. There's not. But take pride in the work that you put to feed your family, whether it be making your own goods, growing your own goods. There is nothing wrong in what you do for your family. Nothing at all.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Be proud of that because there's pride and there's one more step closer to self-sufficiency and independence that they can't take away from you. They can try. But we all know we are all stubborn individuals who will always have, we will always be ready. We will. It's just a part of it. All right. So let's see here again I'm gonna keep saying this if you have not gotten your tickets for prepper camp
Starting point is 00:44:54 please do so now they are going up they are gonna go up and this camp is always sold out right before prepper camp You have to have the tickets before going. They do not sell them at the door. Prepper Camp is where it's at. Three days of 64 classes a day. A class every hour. Eight classes every hour. There is no way you will have time to take all of the classes.
Starting point is 00:45:22 If you bought a ticket, make sure you print out your ticket before you get there. They don't do the electronic ones because they'll take, just trust me, trust me, print out your ticket. You'll need it with you. Print out your map, print out your class schedule, bring a notebook, bring a pencil, a pencil pen crayon whatever form you want to write in make sure you do so because it is a blast and people are like oh I hate school this isn't just school this is life this is education with tons of awesome people. PBN will be here. We'll have our booths. Dave Jones, myself, James, Ryan Buford,
Starting point is 00:46:12 Toolman Tim, Phil Rabelais. Don't know if Andy's going to be there. Andrew is going to be there or not. Why is he? I don't know where that came from. Andrew, I don't know if he's coming. Sarah Hathaway will be there with her, her whole crew. Chin will be there. I mean, come on, folks. We will all practically be there other than just a couple hosts. We understand why they can't make
Starting point is 00:46:40 it, but we hope someday to have all of PBN network there that would be phenomenal phenomenal also coming up in May of next year make sure I say this right because let's see the Heartland Self-Reliance Conference. It is going to be in Ohio in May of next year, okay? They are phenomenal. Actually, we know this man. He's at Prepper Camp every year. You know what? Shout out to Jess Smith. He is the, I believe, the everyday prepper? Oh, I already
Starting point is 00:47:35 have my hiney for this. This goes to show you. Speaking of which, if you don't know which you should all know that we talk about this non-stop yes everyday prepper is um Jeff Smith he's the one who's putting it together and it is going to be fun it's going to be in the heartland of Amish country but for prepper camp it is Rick and Jane Jane Lord Rick and Jane Austin Rick the old goat and Jane sweet Jane I love Jane I love them both they're amazing these people are phenomenal and if you're not going or you can't make it this year put it on your calendar or a reminder to go next year. Or try. You're missing out on so much.
Starting point is 00:48:29 We have an entire market where we have goods. There's great networking and communication. And it's probably one of the safest places in the states you'll ever be at. But I am going to call it from here. I appreciate you Garden Girl for jumping in and being a part of this. For the rest of you, reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Insta has been giving me some issues on, I've had to restart my phone a couple times because it'll say I get a message and then I don't see it, So I'm not ignoring you. If for some reason it's not going through, you feel like I haven't responded, shoot me a message on Element
Starting point is 00:49:13 if you're on Element. And if not, you can message me at phoenix-survival at E. That is phoenix-survival at M-E as in me. All right, folks, I do appreciate your time. I hope you have a great weekend, and I will, right, left. So put your hands up, put your hands up. If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough. Put your hands up, put your hands up. The writing's on the wall, this ain't ever gonna stop. Put your hands up, put your hands up. If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough. Put your hands up, put your hands up.
Starting point is 00:50:14 We'll fight until we die,-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at dot com

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