The Prepper Broadcasting Network - PHOENIX SURVIVAL- SEEDS, CHICKS AND MORE
Episode Date: April 20, 2024...
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You're going to have back the stability. I keep on moving forward.
Always getting closer.
March until it's over.
And just like a soldier
I keep on moving forward
Always getting closer
I'm marching till it's over
And just like a soldier
I keep on moving forward
Always getting closer
Marching till it's over And just like a soldier Good morning PBNers, it is Jay Ferg here on Phoenix Survival and another beautiful Saturday morning.
Did you know Phoenix Survival is not TikTok friendly? Who would have thunk it? I say that.
I go on a live for about 30 minutes to an hour before the show here just to reach out, trying to slowly see about converting my TikTok over to PBN or to Phoenix Survival.
Literally this morning, we were talking about farm injuries and other things that happen.
And I got flagged for speaking on violence or endorsing violence and bullying or whatever.
And what a joke.
An absolute joke.
All right. Who would have thought just telling something that you went through would be enough to be considered violent actions all because of
a concussion? Yes. You hear that little man is here in the immediate background. Yeah.
Yeah. Chilling with his bottle as he sits with us. So what is this morning's topic? Seeds and chickens and more, right? I never usually stay too much on topic, but I did, as those of you
have seen in my page on Instagram. If you're curious about my Instagram and you have not seen it yet, it is phoenix underscore survival, phoenix underscore survival. All right. So
yes, I understand that seeds, you know, thank you. Um, Jay Bondi, I did see you on there saying,
I have old seeds that are 10 years old. That that still sprout germination rates have gone down.
I'll actually, all of my radishes have been doing pretty good.
I did this because of the fact that one, the seeds were quite old and two, they had not
been stored in a great, great system with me moving and everything else.
Some of them had gotten damp.
Some of them had been through super humid situations. So I figured, why not? Let's try it this way. And it's a fun project
to watch the seeds sprout and everything go on. So I was curious of how well they would do.
Carrot seeds aren't doing so hot. And which is funny is the radish seeds that I had
already had a very low germination rate on them to begin with from the year that I bought them.
So I figured I would, and same with some of the carrots with from the year that I bought them. So I figured I
would, and same with some of the carrots and the other seeds that I'm playing with at the moment,
which I've got new seed coming in. I've gotten new seeds, but I'm just always curious. So I'd
like to make sure I have something with a higher germination rate on it, but they're doing well.
Radishes have been sprouting. maybe I've only seen one or two
carrots starting to show all of my lettuce is already sprouted within a few days literally
I think three days of me planting them um let's see oh
and then I do have some of my older seed from the tomato.
They're kind of still just sitting there.
I'm waiting to see.
I'm adding more in there.
I've got beans growing in between tomatoes with their own little bamboo poles to try to get them running across that.
I'll actually run some fish line across everything that I've lined out.
I'll do like a makeshift trellis.
Alright, let me just
respond to something. I did put my phone on
vibrate just so it wouldn't interrupt there in the middle.
What is this?
I'm checking something.
Yep, you hear that?
He's got his remarks to say too.
But yeah, check us out on Phoenix underscore survival. I do little post updates. I'm trying
to go where I do a live every so often. Um, made some new friends in which I will be going out
there today. Beautiful horses. I mean, I mean, it's, it's not bad.
So chicks, right? I started out with eight little chicks, two Orphantins, two Rhode Island Reds,
two Americana, two Black Sex Links. Wait, how many is that?
Yes. So there's eight, right? Well, one of my Orphatons, um, ended up getting fatally injured by a neighborhood cat in which we did have to put her down. There was no saving her.
Unfortunately, chickens are susceptible to infections and the injury was way too intense.
And the injury was way too intense.
She was nearly cut open from top of hip all the way down to her ankle.
And the skin was completely back.
So there was not really much we could do for her.
This nicer thing was putting her down.
But I love Orphantons because they typically do go broody a little bit sooner.
My two Americanas were from a straight run, so it's a gamble that one or both could end up being males, which is fine by me.
Well, in the process, I told my partner that, hey, I'd like to replace my Orphanton.
Okay, he said, not a problem.
Well, Tractor Supply has a four chick minimum.
Two Rhode Island Reds and two Comets are now in there as well.
So we have 11 chicks.
I have started or have done some modifications, which we realized the coop we got was not a coop, but more of a rabbit hutch.
But it's okay.
That's where we grow and we build.
And I am in the process, already have all the measurements, of making nest in boxes.
I'm going to modify the coop, add four nest in boxes as well as an additional run in which we are looking at putting another mini coop on the opposite end.
Then that way chicks have their own space and individual shelter.
Did you spit up?
What's going on there?
Nope, drool.
All right.
But no, it's been interesting to see where this is going.
And I have a runaway baby.
Come here.
Come here.
If y'all could see this, this boy is taking off crawling.
Can you tell them about our chickens?
You want to tell them about all the little chicks?
No, you want to be quiet.
But it's going to be interesting, yes.
I have too many chicks for the coop size that I have.
I understand that.
The Americanas are probably the smaller ones out of all of them, even though right now
they are the biggest chicks out of all of them.
I don't know if that's because they hit their size the soonest or what, but I was impressed
with how much bigger.
We are doing a huge prep assessment in our house of what we have, what we would like,
where we're moving, what to wear.
I mean, we're trying to grow and expand and make sure our stuff is on point for what we need and
what we believe we need. Let's see. I'm checking up on or
That's right.
If you are not a member, check it out.
James always has some amazing things on there, content, things that are for a member only.
It's actually a very reasonable price.
So I'm just checking everything just to see if there's anything I should be aware of.
I need to get my page fixed.
But yeah, it's definitely something to look into. Let's see, just on here,
21st Century Home Security with Dave Jones, the NBC guy. Becoming a forger today. Strategic relocation for suburban survival.
Live on less than an acre. Have access to a hundred. See, these are things to look at. Self-reliance
courses are free to members. You hear that? Trust me, it pays for itself. It really does.
I eventually would like to get my stream yard and everything set up so I can just throw these across the board to every platform just on my end, not included on PBN.
Have you seen about the system that James has created?
No. You have to be a member. He has some great stuff on there. You'll definitely want to check it out. Let's see.
Oh, Lord, I didn't mean to yawn. I am tired. Why is this? Oh, my proton melt. I have not checked that in a hot minute.
How are you? Are you ready for that nap you've been holding off on?
This kid has been fighting sleep. Fighting sleep.
fight and sleep.
Fight and sleep.
No, so here, you know,
I've got all of my extra Sorry, I'm trying to
put this
in here.
We're trying to do our best in such a small
space to see what we can produce.
I'm hoping that we do well enough to not necessarily going to have enough to can,
but maybe we'll have enough to be able to put up to eat. Well, no, we probably won't have enough
to put up and that's okay. I'm hoping that we'll have enough to be able to eat on and minimize some of the stuff that we have to buy from the store itself.
I know what I'm doing wrong.
Wow. I've been kicked out of all of it.
Well, that is nerve-wracking.
Well that is nerve-racking.
You hear that? He's as frustrated as I am. I didn't mean to do this on the live.
It's gonna bother me.
it's going to bother me. You know what? Now I'm annoyed that it is doing that. So, huh.
Okay. Oh, well, I'm not going to fight that. I am, real quick, because the man here is struggling with me.
I am going to...
Yeah, I am going to actually go lay him down real quick.
I'm going to put us on a commercial break
and then see
what we can do from there because
this is odd.
Let me get him
down because he's yanking on headphones,
everything. So, alright, bear with me
one moment. I will be back and then we'll
see if we can get back on topic because once I get off topic, topic, one moment. Oh, stink. Yep.
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Looks like there's some turbulence up ahead. It's a good thing you found us. all right thank you for that it just looks like my system is just trying to be super difficult and
same with an eight month old all right so as i was saying i do currently have uh different
lettuces and a grow tower my tomatoes beans cucumber all in a raised bed squash i've even
so when you order through, if you order
over a certain amount, they do always send you a free packet of seeds. Well, the last time I
ordered a larger amount, I got, um, mammoth dill. And then with this one, I got Japanese wasabi
radishes. I've never grown that. So for me, it is interesting to now be seeing a new plant.
We're trying it. I'm also seeing, want to see how well upland rice will do out here.
So I'm just trying different things at the moment. I'm enjoying it.
I'm definitely curious to see how that's going to go about. Um, I forgot my skirt.
Good morning. I see you peeking in there. It's great. Garden girl. You changed your picture.
I like it. How are you mama? Yeah. So I am trying my hand at a few different things.
I always try to grow lavender wherever I go. I usually get something wrong at some point in time.
Let's see. You will lose all current encrypted data in your account if you continue.
Oh, man.
That means if anyone has emailed me at phoenix-survival at,
there is a good chance that I will have lost all data from previous ones.
I hate the thought of that.
But I'd rather lose it than not be able to get in at all.
I thought I had my password saved on here.
Who would have thought it?
How are you doing, garden girl? Oh, I never sent you my address, did I? Let me do that right now. So Garden Girl was nice enough. Love this woman. She is a
badass Texan who said she was going to send me a little plant but i
am a total space sometimes let me send this see if i don't do it while i'm here now
i will forget see folks i and you know what's funny is james talks about how i'm good about
staying on people's butts about getting things done.
I am when I feel like, you know, when I remember on that stuff.
But yeah, doing stuff on my own sometimes I will absolutely forget.
No doubt about it.
Sorry, y'all.
All right, there you go, Garden Girl.
How are you this morning? What is going on in the Garden Girl homestead urban
gardening as well? Actually, that is something I was gonna ask. Have you posted in the group lately?
So, as I mentioned earlier, we are an overabundance of chickens at the moment i am not upset about that and did you
see what they said about the the bird flu that it is now in milk milk i and i made the joke of course
not a not why not be able to spread infection through something we consume. That's how you get it into people with no problem.
Let's see.
Oh, I know what I was doing.
It's terrifying and terrible all at the same time.
If you're commenting in there, give me just a moment.
I'm just double checking something on my end since my systems are giving me issues.
Okay, it's not on this one.
Okay, let me check element.
It's usually Garden Girl, Mad Dog, and Pappy first things in the morning.
JB Bondi is several hours behind, or I know she would be in here,
but I also ran a little bit later today, I feel like. All right, let's see.
Boom and thunder and crazy storm right now. Ah, you know know we're supposed to get some rain soon too so let me ask you this we're just gonna go ahead and go off chart because i'm not feeling chickens
and seeds at the moment we all saw what's going on in dubai dubai has had a history
a record amount of rain in a very short period of time that airplanes cannot take off.
Everything is essentially underwater.
And people are trying to say, air quotes, that it is not due to cloud seeding.
I call BS because they say cloud seeding is only supposed to increase your rain for the
year by 15%.
Okay. is only supposed to increase your rain for the year by 15%. Okay, if that is the case,
then isn't the amount of rain that they got over at the 15%?
Because when isn't Dubai,
when they do have rainy seasons,
their monsoon seasons,
it's very torrential rain.
So what if that is the 15% increase?
Just we're seeing it the wrong season. Well, it makes you also think
if they are cloud seeding, right? It's illegal in certain areas. Uh, oh, I, I believe a hundred
percent it's totally seeding. But what, what I'm getting at is what effect is it going to have
globally on the rest of the world? So we're seeing Dubai underwater currently,
right? But who's to say that that will not push its way over here? What does that mean for the
rest of our season? We're coming up on our rainy days, but who's to say it's not going to be even
more torrential? What effect is it going to have everywhere else? If it can do this
to one area, who's to say that it can't span across or have effects on everywhere else? You
can't say it won't. And you can't say it hasn't or isn't currently because we've noticed, yes,
we are hitting our peak seasons for tornadoes, spring weather and everything. But if it can
make, have that much of effect on Dubai, that it's everything is underwater, then who's to say
it will not stretch out and have that effect on us. I mean, come on. Tell me it won't.
tell me it won't tell me it won't that is my password why is that not working oh let's try that you know tell me tell me it will not work
and then let's see what happens. Because I don't believe for one second.
Oh, I know why.
I know why this isn't working.
Poo, poo, poo.
I mean, Golden Girl, what is Hubby's opinion on, do you think, and to my listeners, do you think Dubai's cloud seeding will or will not have an effect here in the U.S. or any other region?
You know, and it's funny that they're trying to be so dismissive of cloud seeding.
So dismissive, like it's not a thing that we have to worry about that.
Oh, this wouldn't happen. It's not a thing that we have to worry about that. Oh, this wouldn't happen.
It's not that much.
But they admitted to cloud seeding because they were hit in their hottest time of the year.
And they needed a little bit cooler.
Come on.
You know, that's what happens.
That's the hot season. All right.
We're just going to have to,
I'm going to have to just reset, which means I'm going to lose any data in there. So
anyone who has emailed me at, please reach back out because
it looks like for whatever reason, I have lost access to my own email account. And I do have the email password
saved right here, which is more concerning at the fact that I lost access. Hmm. Well, I don't like
that. Because this is the one that is supposed to pop up on my phone. I have it logged in,
and for whatever reason, my phone has even lost access, so I don't like this.
Okay. Oh, he doesn't think it will spread. Okay. I mean, we've talked about it. We wonder if
or not that it could have an effect on the rest of the world. That it's kind of hard to believe that something that could change the weather the way it does,
that it wouldn't affect, I don't know.
I don't think that it won't not have an effect.
But that is just my personal opinion.
I by no means know will be locked and can only be unlocked with your old password.
I don't know my old password.
I'm getting frustrated with this. What are you saying?
Sorry, I'm trying to... All right, let's see.
What did you say?
Oh, you're typing.
I like it.
Watch it be this password.
I'm going to be so mad.
Yeah, I'm throwing a fit about it. I know it's stupid to get hyperfixated on this, but this is one of the few emails I use specifically for PBN and when I talk to people about patterns.
And I knew I had a girl who was messaging me in regards to those. So it just,
it's really bothering me. I can't access it.
but it's let me in there.
Oh, account and activity policy.
Oh, okay.
So, and it is encrypted.
So I cannot look.
I can see if someone has emailed me,
but unfortunately I cannot look at any of the emails.
They are staying encrypted.
You know what? That's a good safety feature.
I definitely need to make sure I write this one down.
I'm no longer going to worry about that.
So, everybody else.
Now, it's just interesting to see where everything is going in the world
that things are
escalating we see what's going on with uh russia china iran israel
we need to support and back israel it's not trying to say anything against anyone else
but it's that is the Holy Land
that is the way it is
I'm sorry
and if you don't agree with me
okay we are allowed to have a difference of opinion
we are
and I'm okay with that
I'm okay with having a different viewpoint
than anyone else. There we go. Okay, so I'm now reset backup. Let's see.
Who is in here with you, garden girl? Hey, Stumpfield, how are you, man?
it's you know it's it's frustrating because we are seeing i am seeing a cost cost in normal everyday food items going on uh rent keeps going up shoot we just got an email that our rent is
going to go up another extra 150 a month if we want to leave before that increase, then we do have to give them
notification by June 1st for a 30-day notice. It is absurd. We don't want to be out here much
longer, but unfortunately the rent keeps going up and I don't know how we're going to do it.
One of us is going to have to get a second job. And it's absurd
because we have a baby and child care is ridiculous and cost and everything. It's not feasible to work
and live anymore. You can't. And definitely not work and live and have a family. It's just,
it's a lot. It's a lot to put on a household. We are not at the times where one
income can take care of an entire family. Nuclear families are now unsustainable.
You have to work two to three jobs to four jobs just for people to be able to get by.
just for people to be able to get by.
It is definitely stressful, and that's why I garden.
I sew. I crochet. I do embroidery. I spin wool.
So, one, you know, make a little bit of extra here and there,
and two, it's nice to be able to take care of your own family and know you're able to do it yourself,
because unfortunately, things will get bad at some point.
We all know that.
That's why we prep.
We know at some point things get bad, whether it be our life with work or a storm or a natural disaster or worse to worse.
You know, an S-H-T-F moment.
What do you do then?
You just keep going, right?
It is stressful and mind-boggling all at the same time.
And I'm exhausted.
And I know you are too. Garden girl, tell me something good or Stumpfield. One of y'all. Somebody tell me something good. What's going on with your
garden? Oh, hey, Cracker Woods. How are you? You know, I would love to hear something good,
whether it be gardening, chickens, a new project. Let's put some positive light out here.
I actually would love to hear y'all's take on what you think about the whole seeding,
the cloud seeding.
We know what happens.
We know that people would rather try to make things a certain way
versus accepting the consequences of their actions. It's not the
Cloud Seedon's fault that everyone's drowning over there. No, that didn't happen. Cloud Seedon only
raises your by 15% for an entire year. That is it. Sorry, it's Laffle. Absolutely Laffle. I don't
know if y'all can hear him.
He put him down for a nap and now he's calling for Dada.
Because he thinks Daddy will save him.
Daddy's at work.
I have some good things in the works.
I have made a drop bag.
I have sold one. I'm waiting on J Panetti, Panetto from Instagram to post.
So y'all can see.
I will have more of those made.
I'm excited about that.
Our son also has a solo cello performance today.
No sucker.
I was wondering about the soccer, but when you said boom and thunder,
I didn't figure they'd be happening.
And congrats.
Oh, cello.
I think cello is beautiful see something beautiful out of
all that right how is my boy has he been crocheting anymore her kid is amazing see that's it is we are
setting up the future for our children right and there's so many people out there who's trying to destroy that. If we can keep ourselves, we can teach our children how to add to the world, to be able to
take care of themselves, because unfortunately you don't see that. You really don't. I met a family
who's two young girls. I say girls, they're young women. And these two young women aren't like your average
19 and 20 year old. They have their head on their shoulders like they're, you know, 32 and 36.
These young women are a beautiful, beautiful example of being raised to be independent,
of being raised to be self-sufficient, of knowing their value and their worth and their strength and their ability to be able to overcome
and adapt and survive any situation that is thrown at them. That's what I hope for for my children.
That's what I hope for for my son. And that's what I hope for for your children,
is that we are able to give them that platform, that guideline,
that basis to become thriving individuals and adults who don't count or rely on other means
just to get by. These are two young women who find value in the work they do. And when I say
these young women are gorgeous, I mean, they are model gorgeous. And yes, they have been approached and asked about modeling and Beaufort said, no, there
is no career in that.
They love how smart they are.
They love doing a hard work.
And you know what?
I'm very proud of those women because those young women are going to have great futures
as doctors or nurses or whatever it is they may
achieve to be because that is the drive and the mindset that they have. They want to do more for
the world and actually help people versus just helping themselves. That was absolutely beautiful
to see. He's being a grumpy teenager, but he still has all his stuff to crochet. He goes through phases.
Yeah. I think that's just the teenager phase. I actually think that's just the adult phase.
I love to crochet. I love to sew. I love to embroider. I love to be crafty, but I do go
in phases right now. I'm hyper fixated on, and yes, I use that that word but I am on expanding the chicken coop because I want to
get that done um I will jump back to sewing when I'm sitting at my work desk I'll crochet
so there's always something going on for me because I don't want to get put myself so hard
into something I burn myself out he likes to do paracord bracelets right well that's fantastic hey garden girl
will y'all be coming to prepper camp this year or will you be coming i'd love for y'all to be there
stay hydrated folks stay hydrated but speaking of which i need to see if i still have
a coupon code with rovin blue that's not rovin blue that's audacity i don't need that open
love rovin blue i have one pin is super amazing functional and We do it quite a bit, actually.
I do, especially if we run out of our water bottles or our filtered water.
I do use the, it's the only way I trust to drink any of the water we have from the tap here,
since everybody has gotten sick so many times from our tap water.
And they have tested our water and said nothing is wrong.
I call BS.
I'll just rub in.
Love what they have going on.
Let me see if I can log in.
Let's see if I can log in. Yes. Uh, let's see. Let me get,
you know what? I will reach out to her. I will see if we can get a discount code if you are interested check out they have some amazing products and items
clean out chemicals let's see the go3 travel hiking and preparedness so So I have the Ozone Pin, the travel water purifier. It is amazing to have,
perfect for hiking, camping, traveling, and emergency preparedness. It'll purify eight
ounces of water in 40 seconds with a long lasting rechargeable ozone generator. So I mean, it's
great. Now, mind you, this, you can use this in, in partnership with a good water filter you know it
never hurts two is one one is none but this pen is amazing they actually have the go3 which is a
portable water purifier that fits onto um fits onto a standard uhalgene 1 liter or 32 ounce wide mouth bottle.
So then that way you can drink directly from it.
Purifies that way.
Let's see.
There's also the Home Ozone Water Generator product.
I've seen that.
And they do have even larger products.
These are some amazing items.
I need to get these.
I need to reach back out to her and see how she's doing because I've been wanting to
2024 marks our 10th anniversary in electrolyte ozone business see yep yep yep let me I'm gonna
shoot her a message right now actually and let her know I need to get her back on for 2024. As well as I need to get us a code for those of you who are not familiar with Roving Blue.
Let's see.
I say that.
I don't even know where my chat went.
There it is.
I will message her after I'm making a note to myself.
Oh, mother of pearl.
That's usually how it works.
If I'm not dropping something in the room in blue,
I need to reach out to you love her
she is amazing
fishing, camping, hiking
this woman is a superhero
I promise you
look into her items, reach out to me
I definitely need
I will see about
reaching out to me. I definitely need, I will see about reaching out to her to see about getting us a discount code.
That way, if you're interested in it,
you can definitely reach out.
They've got some amazing items.
They really do.
All right, let's see.
I'm trying to
here we go are other people commenting here i only see mine no so it looks like right now
you're the only commenter i've got three people lurking in the background the intrepid commander
is is lurking too i'm trying to figure out where he went.
I don't like him to stay so quiet.
Nope, just you and me today, garden girl.
You and me, boo-boo. Just you and me.
That's alright.
We'll show him how it's done.
I'm okay with that.
You're pretty awesome to have anyways.
No, I completely understand that.
Hopefully we can get you out another year or something.
That would be great.
Have the whole tribe there. But yeah, let me know what it is you're putting in for your garden, what you're
looking for, seeds, growth, plants, what have you. I may not actually stay on here too much longer.
I'm just trying to look up a few things real quick. Has anyone used the electric sliding door for their
chicken coop? I think Garden Girl, you said someone else has in our group. Let's see. I have actually
been looking at a grain grinder. So if anybody has any suggestions or opinions or anything,
let me know because I would like a good grain mill. I do want a hand crank. I also do have a
KitchenAid, which I know you can get an electric attachment for those.
So just thoughts, opinions. Garden girl, do you happen to have
a green mill? I would love to see what I can do as far as a good one. If anyone has any suggestions,
James, where are you at? You usually have one. Let's see. I'm just, you know what,
for those of you who are on live,
I would love to hear what you think
would be good items to have
as far as prep camp,
preparedness, something.
I do have the drop bags,
which I need to send James one
and see what he thinks.
Let's see.
Got to send one to each of the hosts and see what they think.
Can y'all hear that?
That baby is fighting sleep left and right.
All right.
Yeah, I think I'm actually already ready for a nap.
I've been up since six didn't sleep very well
I do have to get things done as far as groceries for this month um
I've got my notes here sorry things I've got to add things I've got to check
if there's anything you would like to see or me cover on a short
Insta live or anything else, let me know. I'll be more than happy. Also, as Garden Girl, I'm,
I appreciate you being here with me this morning. I am going to go ahead and cut it,
go ahead and get the rest of my day started while it's still nice. And I actually get to be outside
for a little while, but elsewise, I appreciate everyone who's popping in on the replay or download or however you choose
to listen. Check out Look into becoming a member. We offer a lot of great things
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pen. All right, folks, I do appreciate your time, and I hope you have a great and fantastic weekend.
Don't hesitate to check out the other hosts. There are 15 of us running
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in which it is secure group chatting and where like minds can join each other. All right, folks,
take care, have a great weekend, and I will catch you all on the flip side. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence.
Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at