The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Phoenix Survival- Tampons, pads and such

Episode Date: July 13, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability here. I keep on moving forward. I was getting closer. March until it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. I'm marching till it's over. Good morning PBN. Good morning. And yes, I am running a little behind, but it was probably better this way. So, let me get my sound right. There we go. That sounds a bit better. What
Starting point is 00:01:34 do you think? So, oh no. See, if it's not something, as Pappy would say, butterflies. Is that a little bit better? There we go. So, I am reaching out this morning because we have seen it on the news. We have seen it in articles. Well, I don't think it's making news as much as it should be, realistically. We are dealing with an issue now for the ladies. For you men, I know you're not ladies, but do keep in mind you have a loved one or a female or someone in your life you need to think about. So let me pull up these articles. There is now the issue of the fact, let me pull this up, about the arsenic, lead, and heavy metals that are now in women's feminine products. Yes, you heard me correctly. Arsenic, lead, and heavy metals. Can you believe that? All these years, they have managed to put even more toxic things in our feminine products.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And ladies, it's not just pads, it's tampons. And there was a big study on it. So yes, we are going to talk about women's health alternatives and ways of staying vigilant because guess what your health matters let me pull up this article because there is a part of it that has me absolutely dumbfounded with what they put let me go into my history because I pulled it up and was just dumbstruck at the ignorance of it all. Oh, here we... Okay, here we go. I found it. So let me read just a portion of this to you. You can go online, read just a portion of this to you. You can go online, you can find this. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:03:54 No, that's not it. There we go. An alarming study shows many tampons contain lead, arsenic, and other toxic materials. Yes, you heard me right. Lead, arsenic, and other toxic metals. lead, arsenic, and other toxic metals. If we didn't think things were bad enough, ladies, the fact that we don't look forward to our own cycles half the time. Yes. So, its study was conducted on 30 unique tampons from 14 different top-selling brands in both the U.S. and Europe. The researchers assessed products for 16 different metals, including lead, arsenic, nickel, mercury, and zinc. And alarmingly, they reported finding measurable concentrations of 16 metals in at least one sampled tampon.
Starting point is 00:04:43 of 16 metals and at least one sampled tampon. The biggest issue that we're seeing here is even low exposure to lead can result in neurobehavioral impacts in adults and children, including decreased cognitive function, such as impaired attention, memory, and learning ability. Yet, there is an article here that goes to state that they do not know yet if metals can leach out the tampon or whether they are absorbed by the body excuse me i'm going to tell you right now we know for a fact that any part of the body especially in that area is going to be susceptible to anything you put in there i I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just not, you can't tell me that it's not going to.
Starting point is 00:05:29 So the popular brands that were included in the parent companies are Playtex, Kotex, Tampax, and Always, as well as the organic brands. One is L, like the letter, Lima Lima L and OB and Ray L and these companies did not respond or to the fast company's request for the company on comment on the study so get this though so it's not just these popular parent brands a lot of people don't realize these parent brands also own a lot of the generics as well and that's all it is so playtex owns um um stink my brain stopped all of a sudden playtex owns a generic company um always does well as well l does as well um at the organic brand which it also showed that the organic tampons and materials
Starting point is 00:06:29 had a higher level of arsenic and less lead versus the machined ones from the popular brands that were non-organic had higher lead than arsenic. Either way, it's still dangerous. Okay, so as Garden Girl says in here, as soon as I saw your article post, I ordered more cups and will be getting the undies as well. They had the nerve to say they don't know if your body will actually absorb them. Exactly, exactly. Hand to the forehead, 110%. Ladies, gentlemen, we as preppers try to make sure we have an abundant supply of things in the house. But what happens when, as I've been saying, that those supplies are part of the Joker effect? For those of you who haven't heard me say it, I've said it many a times. I say it to James, I say it to some of my friends personally, the Joker effect is almost exactly like the first Batman and Joker remakes, you know, 90s.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And what happens is the Joker puts a toxic chemical in everything. And you don't know which items are lethal in combination. Maybe an item by itself may not be fatal in its own, but with a combination of another. This is what we are dealing with, is a real life version of the Joker effect. It's not one item that could kill you, but multiple. And here's the thing, one item can do enough damage as it is. One item can be bad enough to make it worse for everybody else. I mean, that's, but that's the thing. Ladies, this impacts us. Lead impacts cognitive for ourselves, for our offspring. I mean, arsenic is a poison. Yes, it is a natural occurring poison in certain things, but it still is a poison.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's not something we want to intentionally put into our body for any reason. So yes, there are some alternatives to look into. We have heard of the Diva Cup or any sort of silicone menstruation cup is considered safe. Hold on. Actually, was it Patriot? Let me jump back. Patriot had sent in a link, and I want to give a shout out for that one. Yes. yes prep and patriot had sent in a link a guide to non-toxic period products which i appreciate him a lot for that eco-friendly lifestyle non-toxic live-in period care
Starting point is 00:09:16 reader favorites now keep in mind it does give a list of things to be considered. Dioxins are considered. They're highly carcinogenic. Endocrine disruptors. Highly cumulative in the body. They can accumulate in breast milk and affect neurodevelopment in children. Damaging to the reproductive and immune system. And associated with risk in fetal development. Volatile organic compounds. These give a list of what
Starting point is 00:09:46 they are looking at trying. So chemical byproducts come from bleach and cotton and rayon fibers for tampons and pads. Those are what dioxins are usually from. There's VOCs, which is the volatile organic compounds, are gases that can be emitted from products, including paints and pesticides that may show up in your tampons. These compounds have been associated with kidney and liver and nervous system damage. Pesticides, which we all know, pesticides, glyphosates are one of the worst things you can be having in you. PFAs are man-made chemicals found on
Starting point is 00:10:27 fabrics, packaging, and are stained in water repellent. So I mean these are phyothylates, parabens, BPA, and TCCs. I mean it gives an entire list. I will, for those of you who don't have this, I'll probably go ahead and link this in the live chat if you are not in the live chat jump in by all means join the group join the chat you want to see this all right let's see now it does also give a list oh hold on Hold on. I got a sneeze coming on. Bless it. Okay. So it does say here the FDA doesn't require ingredient labels. Don't recall CNVOCs or dioxins listed on packaging for any period products.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Menstrual products such as pads and tampons are technically, air quote, medical devices. So the FDA does not require manufacturers to disclose ingredients. This is why it is important to look for companies committed to ingredient transparency, sourcing, and third-party validation. Can you believe that? That this is not something that is required to be told because it is a medical vice here's here's another thing why look at the tampon tax um again woman rant today thank you for you guys who are listening but it is absurd
Starting point is 00:11:58 so some safer non-toxic period products are reusable silicone menstrual cups the terrible humor that we call them is a vampire shot glass ladies please use that it is hilarious I have yet to use one I actually plan on going out this weekend and purchasing one and attempting it I am going to admit I am absolutely terrified. Garden Girl, I will definitely need an inbox. Some of the recommended brands apparently are Diva, Organicup, Cora, and Salt. Salt? S-A-A-L-T. Look into the companies. I know Cora is a company that is kind of on the crosshairs for some of their testing. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:12:47 No, Cora is considered safe, natural care. The Honey Pot company just got bought out. I think they're known for doing organic, but I think they are owned by Rael or one of the other ones. Johnson and Johnson also owns one of the companies that were tested and came back for high chemicals which Johnson and Johnson for any of those who don't know back in the early 2000s went through a huge lawsuit for having used formaldehyde in their shampoo baby shampoos and lotions hence Hence, in our house, no Johnson & Johnson products are actually used
Starting point is 00:13:26 when they're gifted to me. That's very sweet. I may use them elsewhere, but I don't ever use them on my baby. Reusable pads. Now, this is something that we're looking into in our household. I say we, I mean I. I do have two daughters of a certain age and who are at that age of, you know, ladyhood of menstruation and everything else. So I am actually looking into what I would like to use. I have patterns right now. Once I try that out, I will be more than happy to share that with you folks and the journey the journey on that one I will be more than happy to put up descriptions how that went maybe even do a tutorial just not on using it but on sewing the the reusable pads
Starting point is 00:14:19 just so other women out there can say hey it's it's not that bad. Yes, I have gotten different reactions on this of, ew, that's gross. That's nasty. How do you deal with it? And I'm going to say it as bluntly as possible, okay? Blood washes out. If you're worried about staining, use peroxide. Peroxide is great at removing blood stains. And vinegar is great at removing blood stains and vinegar is great at removing odor when you're washing so you it's not like you're going to be sitting there
Starting point is 00:14:52 leaving it but it can be rinsed just like with the cup the silicone cups those can be rinsed which garden girl if you wouldn't mind putting a little information in the group so i can share it on how those work that would be great she says says the cups are comfortable. She uses a June cup, and they donate to countries for women's health. There is a small learning curve. That's what terrifies me, but I will explain that later. But on the reusable pads, say you don't want to sell them. There are brands that do have them that you can purchase from, Luna Pads and Glad Rags. But these are all, you can purchase reusable or you can use them. It does cut down your waste.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It is safe, especially if you're using cotton, bamboo. Reusable pads will decrease plastic waste and exposure to toxic ingredients. You can wash them. You would contain them in a separate bin during that time of the month. You'd, you know, treat them, wash them, dry them. There you go. It's always an option. Folks or gentlemen, those of you who have ladies in your life or young women who are going to be coming into that point in life,
Starting point is 00:16:07 you may want to consider just keeping a few on hand. Yes, it may seem gross, but truthfully, in an SHTF, in a grid down, in a severe storm, our periods don't stop for anyone. They really don't. The only time our periods stop are if we're pregnant and if we've gone through the change. Ladies, it's just a fact of life. It's something we have to deal with. Rain, shine, hail, storms, tornado, whatever. So it is great to always have an alternative option on hand because what happens if your house gets flooded and you have all these purchased pads right here and they get soaked what would you do then let's see I did cloth diapers on my kids so no worries yep and that's
Starting point is 00:17:00 another thing so that's another item if you're not sure about absorbent material, sometimes, and I've been very fortunate to go through Walmart, and I'll find the cloth diapers discounted quite a bit, which in our house is a great use for all, whether it be guns, children, burp cloths, cut up for the lining of a reusable pad. I mean, it's great for everything. All right. NYX leak proof period underwear is made with carbon coppin that naturally reduces odor and bacteria. I have not used period panties, but typically those are meant for like lighter flow days versus a heavy flow day. So if you have a heavy flow period or if your partner does, do keep in mind not one thing usually works for everybody.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Sometimes it's good to have options and or alternatives. Non-toxic reusable pads and period underwear do require an upfront investment, which that is true. They are not necessarily cheap, but they will pay for themselves in the long run. It's kind of like Canon. It's kind of like your prepping items. You always do an investment on the forefront, but in the long run, it pays for itself. It's kind of like your Sam's Club membership. You pay $50 now, but in the long run, you've already saved that in one purchase from the store itself. So is it really that much of an investment if you're actually investing in your family and their health?
Starting point is 00:18:32 No. Now, there is non-toxic and disposable, and which this was new to me when I read this article, was a FlexDisc. It is a disposable menstrual disc that is made of medical grade polymer. This disc works similar to a menstrual cup, lasts in up to 12 hours, and replaces up to three super tampons. Gentlemen, I know you don't understand. Most of you probably don't understand. A few of you do. That is a big deal, especially for the ladies who have very intense and very heavy flows
Starting point is 00:19:07 that's that right there is a great thing to look into I actually as soon as I get off here I'm going to run back to the store because I had meant to look at some of these before but again I got sidetracked with some other things I had to do so this is awesome for heavy flows and for those of you who may need to empty a cup but can't clean it, which that was one of my concerns with the cup. 100% organic, chlorine-free pads and tampons. Cora has 100% organic. So it does say here L products are made and woven by women. The problem is, is this is no longer accurate since L has been one of the main sources even though it says made by women for women they are one of the main products that
Starting point is 00:19:54 was tested under the organic that came back with high levels of arsenic and heavy metals as well I don't know much about seventh generation I mean so essentially we need to look into our health into the health of our women into our daughters uh June cup sells those too they can be worn during sex oh huh all right let me see the cup can be worn during sex or the disc? Oh, a compact sanitizer. See, I like that, to be able to contain it. And they have panties. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Hmm. Yeah, I mean, I wasn't trying to go on this huge tirade, but it is something you really need to think about. And unfortunately, I feel like these this whole issue is not making enough headlines it's not worrying people enough and it's not being reached out far enough that people need to realize your health ladies your health is being impacted by these companies. You are paying people to poison you, to make you sick, to potentially affect the mental health and well-being of your offspring. I don't want that.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I want my children to be the healthiest they can be. That is why, as parents, you know, I understand my parents did what they thought was best for me. I do not judge them for it. I do not think less of them for it. That was what they thought was in their best interest. So yes, we are doing what we believe is in the best interest of our children. If that means minimizing their exposure to toxic things, then that is a hundred percent what I'm going to do. Hmm. There's a how-to video on here. Okay. I'm not gonna lie, Garden Girl, I have the whole, the whole suction thing, and what if I can't,
Starting point is 00:22:16 oh, the disc, okay, what if I can't get the suction to break loose? I'm so terrified of that. All right, let's see, she says they have the disc as well let's but that's not the um disposable disc right this is a reusable that's not a bad price for two all right i'm just gonna read the product real quick and then i'm i am going to let us go to a quick commercial break it says a new way to flow the perfect alternative to pads and tampons. This comfortable, reusable silicone disc collects blood at your cervix and gives you 12-hour leak-free protection. Reducing cramps and making period sex without the mess they knew possible.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Look, y'all laugh when I made that noise. I am a grown woman. I have four kids. Yeah, ladies like sex too. Just that simple. And for you ladies who don't, I'm sorry. Alright, let's see. But yeah, so you know what?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Let's go ahead and take the commercial break at this moment. I will be right back and we will continue on our little rant. But ladies, gentlemen, Pappy, I know you're listening there somewhere. I would love to hear your thoughts from a male perspective or what you're considering once hearing this. Because that's kind of a big deal. I would love to hear what you men think. Some of you think, eh, not a big deal. but I want to hear directly from the horse's mouth all right give me one moment and I will be right back on the brink of blackouts again as power demand reached an
Starting point is 00:23:58 all-time record high overnight slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. It expects to continue with stage six throwing blackouts for the rest of the week. A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American tested, American assembled,
Starting point is 00:24:20 reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest. With a removable, expandable lithium ion battery, 2000 watt hour, 3000 watt high efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours. Your laptop for 35 hours.
Starting point is 00:24:43 A CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Mimi and family, your garden is the resistance. And we are back. Yes, very short commercial break. But we are talking about tampons, pads, and the sorts. It is what it is. It is a Women's Health Day. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's a big deal. Women have been doing it for hundreds of years. And women as a whole will continue to do it. It is our body's natural way of letting us know that we can produce offspring. It is also our body's natural way of letting us know, hey girl, you're not pregnant this month. Is it always a fun, joy and wonderful visitor? No. Some of us have it worse than others. Some of us also have health issues to this.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And it makes you question with this new news, is all of our health issues when it comes to women health our fault? Or is some of that underlining because of the fact of the chemicals that we are placing into our body unknowingly. Because we were told these are safe. That it is okay. This will not cause an issue. Which now kind of makes me question. These same companies make these tampons right? How safe are our pads?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Hence why when I went into this whole spill. I was talking about the fact that, into reusable pads, into self-sustainable things because of the fact how safe are these products really. And guess what? Some of us ladies have started our cycle at a very young age. And we have been looking at exposing ourselves to heavy chemicals at a very young age. Very young. Some ladies start later.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But regardless, those are years. Whether you be 8 or 16 when you start it, we are dealing with that until we go through the change oh so garden girl says here my sister has had terrible cramps forever I got her cups and she noticed a big difference in her cramping I am not gonna lie I felt off for the longest time I was a big tampon user and I actually stopped using them unless I absolutely had to i.e. swimming um bathing suit cute little outfit what have you you know something in which my pad might be a little too cumbersome for the outfit I'm wearing whatever and I noticed since I had stopped using them because it's been a while now um my periods got better my discomfort level went down my cramping eased up so it really made me
Starting point is 00:28:35 feel like and then hearing that recently really connected the dots of were those tampons causing issues were those the reasons why I was cramping? Which would make sense because my body is absorbing a bunch of toxins. And that part of the body is very sensitive and very susceptible. And so, come on now folks. Connecting the dots here. It is something we need to look at. connecting the dots here it is something we need to look at so if you have alternatives or you have thoughts or opinions I would love to hear them
Starting point is 00:29:15 gentlemen I would definitely love to hear your take or your point of view from the male perspective yes it, it's a period. Yes, it's gross. Whatever. It's not. It is natural. It happens. I mean, I could go into the full breakdown.
Starting point is 00:29:32 But that being said, ladies, moms, future moms, sisters, aunties, whomever, grandmas. uh aunties whomever grandmas I did a thing for my daughters that I right before you know they started or going through the changes I put together a a period kit in which I mean super inexpensive I went to Ross bought a little makeup bag for each of the girls. Like a big one and then a small little pouch. And I made them a kit. And so dads, listen into this. Because I promise you, this is something you need to do for your daughters. Whether it be mom or dad or uncle or whomever.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Look out for your females in your family. They are precious. They are precious. They are beautiful. They may be hard as nails, but they, they need this. I put together a kit with some feminine products. You know, little girls starting out, tampons are not something you want to introduce them to. You're not. Pants, panty liners, so definitely look into maybe a few options for reusable. That's up to you. I put in also a change of panties. I put in disposable wipes, like the individual packs of wipes. So, you know, if they start in the middle of nowhere, they can clean themselves up. And Ziploc bags. It's not a super big bag, I mean kit, but it's enough to work. And these Ziploc bags, I put quart to gallon depending on,
Starting point is 00:31:12 and if you just normal sandwich size baggies based on what they're wearing. And if something gets soiled that they don't have to feel like they can throw it, have to throw it away, they can put it in a bag, Ziploc baggie, contain it it and then don't have to worry about it getting blood anywhere else and you know what my daughter thanked me for this because of the fact she had not only the large kit that she keeps at home in her bathroom which we restock with feminine products when she runs out but her little school bag kit that's what the little mini pouch is for as so she can have it and that way when she you know has a period and we talked about it that um she would just take her bag with her and then she wouldn't have to worry because for young girls it's embarrassing. Unfortunately
Starting point is 00:32:05 it has been made such a thing to hide and make secretive and make embarrassing but you know I don't want my daughter to be embarrassed. I don't want anyone else's daughter to be embarrassed so I would do the same thing for any other little girl. I make that little pouch. It's a little clutch like a little mini makeup bag. Has her little products. Has some disposable wipes. And it has some Ziploc bags. So, and an extra pair of panties in there. So, if anything happens, she can easily change those out and come back without anyone ever knowing.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And it's discreet as ever. And I promise you that level of confidence for your daughter or niece or whomever the first time she starts will make leaps and bounds for the rest of her life when it comes to her feminine care. Now that being said, take the extra step like I did and explain to them how pads and tampons work. I did the simple little water with red food dye and showed them how absorption works on pads. I showed them how you put it on a panty, showed them how you take it off of the panties, how you roll it up and you wrap it up and you throw it away. Take your daughters through the steps because these are pivotal. Yes, this is basic. This is something that all women go through, but I promise you it is not being taught enough. It's not. The
Starting point is 00:33:34 conversations I've had with grown women who don't understand basic feminine care is heartbreaking. is heartbreaking. Yes. So garden girl, a hundred percent. Um, here's the thing. I was 11 and I had just turned 11. My daughter was nine. So, or right at 10. No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, right at 10 um so um just it's always best to start educating them at where she's at now at nine because some girls start at 10 and up I had just literally turned 11 my daughter had just turned 10 um so her little sister, who was 8 at the time, or 7 at the time when I was teaching her at 9, it was so both girls know. And it's something we keep open communication on. And so I did kits for both of them. I had them both standing right there.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I explained everything to both of them. They had questions. I explained it on a level in terminology that they would understand. And I'm just honest, a hundred percent honest, because female health and female care is a huge importance, whether it be everyday life or a grid down situation because I promise you women's normal functions do not stop even if the world itself ends. It just doesn't. We will still have cycles. We will still be able to get pregnant. We will still give birth. We will still have post-care we have to deal with. We will still go through the change. Women as a whole will always have these normal functions occurring. So your little five-year-old daughter or niece
Starting point is 00:35:35 or granddaughter will one day turn into a young woman and have these same functions as everybody else. Unless they have some sort of health care issue which god bless uh you know i pray they don't but it is a normal function we have to deal with as a whole and i just i can't be vital enough i mean i can't be persistent enough enough. Oh no, garden girl, is it okay if I read this aloud? So before I read something she said, I mean, I, I know she put it in group chat, but without her consent, I'm not going to just read it to the whole, but it is something to think think about so I am going to share my first time not that y'all want to hear but you're going to my first time I had literally just turned 11 I had a girlfriend over she was spending the night and it hit me I was not told what would happen. I was not told what
Starting point is 00:36:47 it would look like. I literally had no clue what was going on because schools did not start teaching this part of sex education until a year later. You know what? I'm not gonna lie. I thought I pooped myself. It was so dark. And that's what happens for a lot of girls. And I'm just going to say it that way, y'all. Sometimes the very first time is super dark. I didn't know. I got my mother. She looked. She goes, oh, you started your period. My mother never gave me the talk of what happens when you start. My mother was much older when she started. My mother and my aunt, I think were like 15 and 16 or 14 and 16 when they started. So that goes to show she thought she had time. I started super early. And so I was terrified. By then my mother was using tampons, didn't want to give me a
Starting point is 00:37:48 tampon. Luckily, my girlfriend who was staying the night, one of my best friends, she had been having a cycle since she was nine years old and just happened to have some pads on her. So she gave me one and my mom had to run out and buy some. And so I swore to myself, I would never allow my daughters to go through the same thing because I was terrified. I had a friend start in school and we were in the bathroom and I want to say she was 15 or 16 and she started and she goes, oh no. And I'm like, what's wrong? She goes, I think I started my period for the first time will you go get the nurse I'm like oh I've got pads right here and I kept a little pouch on me because I knew my own cycle and I gave one to her and she was just done I'm like I've been
Starting point is 00:38:36 having a period since I was 11 you know it's one of those things where you learn you set guidance for the other girls and that's another thing that is key importance now is to teach your daughters to track their period. They're going to need it to know it for health care, for appointments, anywhere they go. They're always going to be asked, when was the last date, the first date of their last period? That gets them to track in how many days their period lasts for,
Starting point is 00:39:04 what the cycle is in between. And ladies, yes, that can change. Hopefully, I will go back to a three-day cycle with four weeks in between. Not a very common cycle, but bless God for that. Some women have five days. Some women have seven days. Some women have 21 days in between their cycles. Some have more.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Some have less. This is something to know and not only for health concerns and appointments, but also to know how much stuff you need to have on you, how often your cycle may be hitting. It also makes you ready so you don't have any surprises. Uh-oh, I didn't bring an extra pair of panties with me and I don't have any pads. Not something we want to think about, but it's not fun. All right, so Garden Girl had said, I am the youngest of three girls and my mom was out of town when I started. My sister gave me a tampon and said, use this.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It was no good. I didn't want it to be like that for my daughter. Exactly. Now she also says, my older brother was driving on a field for me and i leaked because i didn't know how to use it he was so sweet but i was so embarrassed and i understand a hundred percent i understand and there are different factors can affect certain certain um you know certain things elements anything going on can affect your cycle it's that simple so ladies men prep for your ladies and keep in mind yes this may not be something you want to talk about you may find it gross you don't want to discuss it, but it is a normal biological
Starting point is 00:40:45 action that just happens. We have no control. We have no say. We can't just flip a switch, because trust me, if I could have my period send me a text, to send me a text and say, girl, you're good. You're not pregnant. See you. Text you in a month. I'd be okay, but that's not how it works. It's just not. I mean, garden girl, I'm sure a month. I'd be okay, but that's not how it works. It's just not. I mean, garden girl, I'm sure you'd rather have a text as well, right? But yeah, I mean, it's not a subject many people want to hear about, but it's something we really need to think about. So it got me going down a rabbit hole of if tampons aren't safe, then that means the pads aren't safe. But does that mean our kids' diapers are safe? I mean, I'm not trying to fearmonger. I'm not trying to get you, but right, it would be awesome about the text.
Starting point is 00:41:45 But it's one of those things we need to really look at it. Big Brother, the government, mass corporation is not looking out for you. They don't have your best interests in mind. They don't. They have theirs in mind. What can they do to line their pockets? And guess what? Periods are a normal biological action that is going to happen regardless if we want it to or not.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And corporations are making millions off of us. Millions for something we cannot control. It's absurd. we cannot control. It's absurd. If the health department can give out condoms for free, then why aren't feminine products given out the same way? Right. They are about the money and not our safety, exactly as Garden Girl says. So look into options. Yes, it is going to be an investment if you're looking at period panties, if you're looking at diva cups, if you're looking at disposable or reusable discs.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Keep in mind it is an investment. It's no different than the investment you made into buying your sewing machine to make your own products and then buying the can cannon set or the jars so you can can your own food it's no different than the seeds you purchase to be able to feed your garden your feed your family in the year it is no different it is an investment in yourself and the ladies in your family and the potential ladies in your home. It is an investment into not only their health and well-being, but the future. It is something you can do to make it sustainable and make it less stressful. Because I can tell you this, periods are stressful. Okay, men?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Just a rundown. We go through such an influx of hormones, we are hurting. We are cramping. We feel miserable because our uterus at that time does not like us. Our uterus is angry because we did not produce a child. And it is shedding the lining. It is exactly what it is. We cramp.
Starting point is 00:44:00 We hurt. Some of us will get night sweats. Some of us will get night sweats, some of us will crave sugary stuff, some of us will crave salty. We have no control over our body during that time. Yes, we are able to react to those, but we still get symptoms and effects that we just, we have no control on.
Starting point is 00:44:33 One June cup is cheaper than a box of tampons. You know what? Let me go back to that. Cause let me see. Cause tampons are not cheap. Um, that's why when I was stocking up on pads, which luckily I no longer, I'm almost out, um, which I'm about to go to an alternative source. Oh, you're not kidding. So one original June cup is $12, $12. Um, let's see a box. Um, you know what, let's go to Walmart. It might be a little cheaper at Walmart. Um, let's look at cost. Alright, Tampax. Phew! One box of Tampax. Oh, that's with a coupon.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Um, so, roughly the same um it is a little less if it's just a combination box which not everyone needs so yeah uh one box of Tampax Pearl $20.13 this one's $10 this one's $7 yeah you're right in the long run one cup is still gonna be um cheaper in the long run than a box of tampons which then you're also dealing with the plastic applicator you're dealing with all sorts of stuff it's it's it really is a mess let's see and then twelve dollars for one yeah and then another thing is disposal this is the conversation I've had with multiple grown women of not flushing tampons down the toilet I don't know how many times I've had to tell women, do not flush your tampons. They're like, oh, you just throw it in the trash. Well, if you're worried about it, wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:46:31 But do not throw it down the toilet. They do not break down the way you think. They are going to clog the toilet. A lot of companies and businesses have had issues because of it. It's just disposal-wise wise it is more waste. Yeah, it's just more waste. At least with a June cup, you can empty it, rinse it, put it back. You're good.
Starting point is 00:46:57 With tampon, you have to throw it away, open a wrapper, use the applicator, throw the applicator away. It's just more waste. Just more waste. I feel like I've beat this one to death, but I feel like hopefully people are listening. Pappy, I see that he was here. Where did he go? Is he hiding now because we're talking about lady stuff? I'm just kidding. Love you, Peppy. Butterflies everywhere, man. Butterflies everywhere. But yeah, it is something to think about. It is something to look at. I'm sure many men are going to scoff past this one because of the title alone but please take a listen please take the time think about what I said because ladies health are a big importance big importance unless you're okay
Starting point is 00:47:56 with being by yourself the rest of your life you have some consideration for your partner for your loved ones for your offspring think about it because no one else is looking out for them. Corporations are not looking out for them. Not at all. Not at all. Because like I said, this whole article, let me go back. This whole article, let me see if anything new has been posted before we wind this up. Garden Girl, while I'm looking this up, are there any good news, any changes you would like to share with us? yeah I'm just showing study conducted by researchers of the University of California Berkeley have revealed the presence of lead arsenic and in menstrual tampons and the effects could be potentially harmful to the kidneys, liver, and neurological system. Y'all, I have kidney issues.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Now, I'm not saying this is what it came from. Oh, cambium? Oh, Lord. Okay, sorry. We talked about having to deal with toxic shock syndrome all of our life, about wearing one too long, you had to deal with toxic shock syndrome all of our life about wearing one too long you had to deal with potential toxic shock now you have to look at bigger issues okay I deal with health issues already since my youth with my kidneys other health issues and to think could
Starting point is 00:49:42 some of this be because of that? It's possible. I was a severe tampon user for a long time. Long time, that's all I used. There aren't many safety risks that come with the use of pads or tampons. Yeah, I'm just, I did a quick search on here. I'm not seeing anything new put on here in regards to a day ago. It looks like there's been another post about a day ago. CNN is finally posting about it a day ago. NPR, the New York Times, all a day ago. And and mind you the original study was back around the 3rd I want to say
Starting point is 00:50:32 I know I announced it earlier in the week so just keep in mind media is not going to look out you have to do your own research you have to look into things just like you're not really hearing um sidetrack 40 main or 40 bank banking institutions in china have collapsed yep that's right and they are continuing to collapse so pay attention to what's going around i'm not saying that the u.s correlates with China's banking system, but it might be something just to keep your periphery on. Just keep an eye because we depend on China for a lot. Unfortunately, we are not a self-sustaining nation like we used to be.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Our petro, our drugs, a lot of our antibiotics and medications clothing wares everything comes from china and india so we need to really look into what we can do for our own families for ourselves for sustainability yes you are right news is too focused on biden which we knew was going to happen. Um, Oh, there we go. We knew, we knew that was going to happen. We really did. Um, I, I'm not surprised with the fact that it didn't go so right, which means what is really going on in the background that you're missing because they're trying to keep Biden's face everywhere. There's some backhanded, you know, pass offs going on. So keep in mind, there's a lot going on that you are not noticing and you need to be vigilant. Oh good news here at
Starting point is 00:52:12 PBN baby girl got her second stripe in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu same levels as her brother now. Did you tell her brothers they need to watch out because that means little miss can take them down my youngest is in, uh, does jujitsu and she is a stout little monkey. I can tell you that because she once clasped on my back and I flung around like a fish. She's good strength. Very so let me see where are we at okay not quite at an hour no biggie because here in the phoenix home we are going to i say we i'm going to do a massive clean i've got some things in the works for Prepper Camp. I am, for the listeners, I am slowly, once I get everything cleaned up, I will get back to my drop bags now that things have finally started to settle down since all of the family members and guests were in.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I will be able to pull out those dump pouches and proceed to make more because I know I had someone hit me up for one probably a month and a half ago, two months now. And I'm so sorry. Just life threw me a curveball. So I work with what I have. And at the moment I didn't have the energy either. As soon as my family left it takes a few weeks to, you know, come back from that one. Bless it.
Starting point is 00:53:43 you know come back from that one bless it but yeah be vigilant folks please take ladies take your health care in into mind please I've met so many young women who refuse to do what they need to do for themselves because they think it's gross or it's odd or it's nasty sweetheart it is a normal part of our life whether it be lady checkups periods or what have you it is a normal function we are taking the kids to be to a brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament one of their instructors are oh i can't wait to see pictures speaking of which I saw the pictures of your kids in their uniforms. They are the cutest. I could just eat them up.
Starting point is 00:54:30 They're so adorable. But yeah, folks. I am going to call it here. I hope you have a great and amazing weekend. Thank you for listening to me go on my little tirade but I feel like women's health is a big issue that is being underplayed so severely that it's not even funny we need to keep our health our girls you know our our young ladies our girls our women's health in mind when you're prepping keep those thoughts on the forefront because somebody has to keep them in consideration for any situation.
Starting point is 00:55:11 So prepping is not just for the extreme. It's for the everyday, and their health is important. Oh, no problem. All right, folks, I do appreciate it. Thank you for listening on this saturday and i hope you have a great weekend gentlemen if you have questions opinions or suggestions on this topic feel free to reach out to me in the chat you can send me a pm you can reach out to me on insta at phoenix survival or you can even send me an email at proton mel my system kicked me out let's
Starting point is 00:55:49 see hold on stink it's always something well once i get that back up i'll post it but all right folks i do appreciate it have a great day have a great weekend and take care Take care. Put your hands up, put your hands up If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough Put your hands up, put your hands up We'll fight until we die, this ain't ever gonna stop Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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