The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Phoneix Survival- What is happening around you?

Episode Date: July 6, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. Marching till it's over. And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. I'm marching till it's over. And just like a soldier.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I keep on moving forward. Always getting closer. Good morning, PBN. Yes, that's right. I am here today, JFerg. I am actually trying to see, make sure everyone can hear me. Is this any better? I'm going to be honest with you. I have no clue what the system is trying to do to me. It is giving me glitches after glitches. I've had to restart, I've had to reboot, update, and the system still is trying like ever to keep this down. But today, I'm here on Phoenix Survival.
Starting point is 00:01:21 What's happening around you? So, I have been off air for about a month now. Had family, had other things I had to take care of and in that time it was interesting to see Tess to stop and pay attention to everything that's going on around me. Bear with me on the audio and everything. You, you know what, something we've seen a lot of and noticed is there are, I'm seeing a lot of posts. I'm seeing a lot of people talking about the food, the fact that it's become very rubbery, that produce, as well as not realizing the amount of pesticides and codons that are on your produce
Starting point is 00:02:06 has really made me very leery to purchase any sort of produce from the store. Only because, for example, I have a neighbor who bought blueberries two months ago. And she reconfirmed that this morning. She said they are just now starting to get wrinkly. And she said the fact that they didn't turn within a week because here in South Carolina produce does not last long you buy bananas you're lucky if you get a week out of them it's just how it is because the humidity anyone who's lived on the coast or in the south you understand so we are, um, produce that are now being coated with stuff that we really
Starting point is 00:02:48 don't know what it is. It's not just pesticides. The, the fact that her blueberries have not turned is very concerning. Um, I'm concerned with the fact that, you know, what was it last year we had bought some apples and at that point I had bitten into an apple and it was, it was nasty on the inside. It had turned, but the outside looked perfect that we left the apples there on our counter in the bag for about, I want to say it was almost, it was three months for sure. I want to say we were trying to get up to five months and then they were just scary to look at because they never turned. They stayed perfect and red and shiny and that really concerned us. I actually had switched to organic which truthfully isn't is supposed to be better
Starting point is 00:03:40 but the organic apples I bought I bought maybe not even a week ago. I bit into one and the inside was ruined. Uh, I mean had turned. So it wasn't a good, good apple. So, and it's just goes to show you've got to be concerned. Uh, anyone in the chat, hey Pappy, let me know. Can y'all hear me? All right. Hey Patriot. I'm glad to see y'all in here. But yeah, it's very concerning because now it's like, oh, and then wanting to try to grow more produce, trying to get things in our life set up, it's not been easy. Right now, people aren't talking about it, but South Carolina, we're in a bit of a drought. We haven't had a rain or not enough rain to actually do anything feasible for the gardens,
Starting point is 00:04:39 for the plants. We've gotten rainstorms here and there, but not enough to really do anything. Sweet. Thank you, Patriot. This audio has been a pain today absolute pain even now i can tell where my sound is just off if you hear all that creaking it's because i'm trying i'm trying to get this where it's not so bad oh heck yeah get your swole on prepping patriot says that he is driving to the gym yes i stopped for some god's chicken this morning i dropped a friend off at work but i tell you what it's it's very concerning to see where things are going how things have been oh see pappy if you could send a little bit of rain our way, that would be greatly appreciated. I had planted a good size container of rice this year because I've grown upland rice before.
Starting point is 00:05:33 No, I'll be lucky if 10 plants out of the whole thing survive. It's, it's been something else. My squash, squash is a very temperamental plant in the sense that it needs quite a bit of watering. It needs good amount of water and they didn't do very well. The ones that they have produced haven't been worth eating. The chickens have enjoyed it. The peas didn't last, but peas are a very delicate plant. I don't care who you are. I have, for years since I've started gardening, peas are hit and miss. They are so delicate. My cucumbers have been doing fantastic. My tomatoes will off and on start producing.
Starting point is 00:06:15 My bell peppers produced once and are just now. My pepper plants only produced once and then the plant are, they're almost like in a point of stasis. They haven't changed. They haven't gotten worse. They haven't gotten better. So it's just one of those things where I now have to sit and figure out what I'm moving around. I have actually planted okra and loofah. And what's funny is I got those weeks ago and nothing is, everything is in like a standstill. Even the tomato plants I put in separate pots to give away, nothing, everything seems to be just floating. It's not, it's not getting worse. It's not getting better. It's just existing. Which is interesting in its own because I've never had plants that just didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:07:06 At all. I mean, they're just there. It is definitely concerning because as a prepper, as a gardener, as an individual who's trying to find a way to homestead even in an urban area, your life is producing food for your family. You want to know and have a successful harvest. You want things to be productive so that you can feed your family. And I'm not seeing that. Which, as a mother, as a partner, as an adult, My goal is to feed my family. Sorry, I can hear the TV in the other room.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It is... Who else is in here with us? Hey, Silver Streak. You know what? What is something good that's happened on y'all's end? I mean, on our end, it feels like this last month has just been chaotic. And it's just, it's been something else. It has definitely been something else. So the morning of the 4th, I ended up spending an entire day herding 11 chickens, which I tell you this, trying to herd cats is much easier than trying to gather up 11 chickens that have decided they are going to permanently reside in your neighbor's front bush.
Starting point is 00:08:46 are going to permanently reside in your neighbor's front bush because somehow I still can't figure out because the pull lock on their gate you have to pull up from the outside and pull the door at the same time to get it to come open was wide open and all 11 chickens were loose. So my 4th of July morning was in the process of trying to catch 11 chickens and put them back in their pen. So that was entertaining to say the least. I couldn't imagine any of my neighbors sticking their head out, see me climbing underneath my other neighbor's big row of hedges that she has perfectly manicured yeah they're not so pretty anymore unfortunately oh Pappy States did a great family hike in Red Bluff Mississippi now getting hurricane prepared
Starting point is 00:09:39 yeah you know I've seen that uh hurricane barrel You know, it's one of those things where they say it's not going to hit y'all, but at the same time, any of those storms, regardless if they're near you or not, you're always going to catch some sort of side storm or something off of them. Their reach is a lot further than people realize. I would love to go hiking. I think that's what we need in this household. We've had so much going on. So much heartbreak.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So much stress that we need it. Let's see. What about you, Cratria? Anything good? I know you're... Oh, well, you're driving. Never mind. Don't text and drive.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But it's... Yeah, it's been a lot. I actually had content, everything written out right here, but I'm like, no, I feel like winging it today. I have slowly been working on the neighbor friend I have who I, you know, we help out. We feed her. She feeds us. Making a good connection, a good friendship. She's interested in herbals and growing stuff. So I'm teaching her that.
Starting point is 00:10:56 We did pick up some stuff she wants to be able to sew. So I actually went and picked up some flannel so I can make her a pair of pajama bottoms and then teach her how to make said pajama bottoms. Just something easy. The fact that people want to learn and they're out there just really makes my heart happy to know that there are individuals... Oops, sorry. Bumped that.
Starting point is 00:11:21 There are individuals out there who want to get to learn. I've been saying since the start we were going to get some of that. Yes. Oh, absolutely. I don't know a single hurricane that hasn't hit the Gulf, even on the lower end, that hasn't affected Mississippi or Louisiana. I mean, I lived in northeastern part of Mississippi. I mean, I was 45 minutes south of Memphis and anytime a hurricane hit, we felt it even that far up to the point that I've had, even here on PBN, y'all heard when I was a family affair,
Starting point is 00:12:02 the showing pictures of my garden being under several feet of water. I had chickens, you know, who a couple of them did drown. I, we had our yard near our house was a half inch from being flooded that our neighbors came over in a canoe. So, I mean, it just goes to show no place goes completely unscathed when it comes to these types of storms. Hey, that nub! How are you, darling? Batnub? How are you, darling? How are you? See, I've missed y'all. I know normally I'm going to start having everything back up, but like I said, I had family coming in. I had more family come in. And then we had a heavy loss. Our service dog passed away.
Starting point is 00:13:11 He'd been sick for a couple years, so for those of you who have seen him at Prepper Camp, he will not be there this year. To say I'm holding back being a little emotional is an understatement. I mean, originally, he's not my service dog. He was my partner's service dog. But he is no longer in pain. So, that actually...
Starting point is 00:13:41 You know what? This is going to go a little morbid. But that actually made me think um when when not if when things go shtf whether it be our lifetime or whether it be our children's which death is a part of life uh i've never never tried to say elsewise. Death has never bothered me. Absolutely. But it really made me realize in the aspect of people don't, people think about the living. And that's what we want to do. We want to plan to live. We want to plan to survive. But we also need to plan how to handle death. How to handle our deceased.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Death has become such a taboo thing for the entire world. And it shouldn't be. Yes, you should mourn your loved ones. Yes, you should feel loss or heartache. But something as simple as our service dog yes you know he was a pet we loved him he had been sick for a while but the thing is is you don't think about what to do when your loved ones pass so we weren't going to throw them in the trash a lot of areas that's illegal and we just couldn't we and we weren't going to I spent an entire day clearing out our entire back area
Starting point is 00:15:13 removing a bunch of pine straw that are pine needles that had fallen from the trees and there was over four inches thick of that stuff and it was definitely interesting to say you know having to know how to do something as simple as digging a hole which I've I mean we've all done but to really think about what it takes to tend to your deceased was definitely something and maybe that was my morbid way of getting through the loss but it's one of those things I see everything we go through in life as a learning moment as preparation while still mourning our loved ones sorry y'all if I got a little dark there but it's just one of those things no one wants to talk about the dead. No one wants to handle the dead, even if it's a pet.
Starting point is 00:16:06 But it definitely gives you time to reflect on, okay, pray to God this never happens, but what would I do in this situation? How would people handle this in this situation? What is the best way to do it? And it was literally realizing, oh, where we live, we have to cut through three inches of top root then get through the next four inches of solid root to then get to a hard soil that was so difficult even if you saturate it with water and let it soak for an hour it was still like cutting through I don't know what how to explain it it reminded me of something that was like pure clay but it was not soft even while saturated I
Starting point is 00:16:54 don't know how to explain it I don't know the name for the type of soil we went into but it was definitely concrete like but it just makes you realize, you know, people, we, we prep for everything. We really do. We want to, we want to live. We want to survive, but we also have to understand in extreme situations in everyday life, especially during SHTF, there will be deceit dead there we will have loved ones lost we will have people that we know pass and my question for you is how do you handle your dead how do you handle your deceased do you dig a hole throw them in it do you how do you handle a hole, throw them in it? Do you, how do you handle planning for that?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Or where would you place them? And that's, I've gone way too dark. Okay, someone say something good in the chat so I can get off of that. I'm sorry. See, we all cope differently. For me, I go into a thought process of, okay, what would I do in an SHTF situation for something like this? You know, do I have a place to keep our loved one where the insects won't get to them until we can get that area cleaned? You know, what state is this person in or individual in at time of. Just morbid things, but I mean truthfully, we shouldn't be scared of it. Should not. Hey cat's Catskill Frank.
Starting point is 00:18:47 You know what? Let's see. Yeah, I'm just going. Where is Garden Girl? Pappy, you and Garden Girl are usually in here. I may have to give her a message and tell her she's being a snob today. I am also on much later than I intended to. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Anything good? I guess I could I intended to. Let's see. Anything good? I guess I could go back to my notes, but... I'm enjoying the randomness. Oh, come on. Y'all don't be silent now. Oh, here we go. Burley bears down on Texas. Storm expected to intensify in the Gulf ahead of the Texas landfall. Yeah, y'all are definitely going to get it, Papi, both in Louisiana and in Mississippi. I don't know where y'all wouldn't, hold on, I'm going to pull this up on here. Oh, there it is. The temperature's going up even higher for today.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Okay, so they're expecting it to turn and hit, turn into Texas now. Okay. Okay. You know what, Pappy, what are you doing for some of your hurricane preps? I mean, here on the East Coast, even in the Gulf, we always had to prep for some level, whether it be making sure we have plenty of water, making sure we have food, making sure we have a light source. If it's, you know, the heat of the summer, we have to make sure we have a way or a means to be able to cool ourselves off. Luckily, even though I'm only 10, not even 10 minutes from the ocean, I'm far enough inland when the hurricanes do hit. It usually is really hard
Starting point is 00:20:40 on directly on the coast and the houses right there on the beach versus us inland we get harder storms as far as your normal normal storms coming through those hit us a lot harder than the hurricanes do I see Pappy typing where is Garden Girl I'm gonna I'm shooting her a message where are you unless she's doing one of her morning runs or her kids have sports which she's a superhero
Starting point is 00:21:20 let's see actually how far in are we 21 minutes here in a minute I'll put it to some commercials and then we can see where that goes I'm always curious I mean I know there's the essentials. You have your candles, your water.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Oh, okay. Water, of course. Generator fuel, gas and propane. Freeze in sandwich meat so it lasts longer in power outages. That's fantastic. I know Phil from the Matter of Facts podcast will take jugs or like soda pop bottles or soda bottles of water, the big ones, and freeze them, which is great for a cooling source because that ice and then you can still drink the water that's in it. Do you ever do a redneck cooler for power outages?
Starting point is 00:22:35 So, I actually tried ordering some stuff. I've gotten stuff off of Amazon. And the other day, I actually ordered a few things off of Timu. I'm very leery of Timu. There's a lot of things that they sell, absolute ripoff, but I have Louisiana favorite Vienna sausages. We keep a lot of those in the house. We have those too for a quick snack. I ordered two solar fans off of Timu and thought I'd give them a chance, see how they do okay no no biggie bought one seemed great the lights flipped out well the heat doesn't bother me either but I mean on a humid day without
Starting point is 00:23:11 anything to cool off I imagine something helps a little bit I tried out one seemed fine worked great for sitting at my desk but it's a solar fan, right? It won't charge via solar, even though it has the solar panel on the back. So I sent it back. I'm not going to keep something that I can't use in the way I want to use it. Yes, it did have a USB to charge it that way, but I don't want to have to use electricity. I want the means to be able to have it outside, especially for prepper camp with my son. I'd like to be able to easily charge a few things out in the sun without having to connect to everybody else's power sources, which, you know, James and Aiden are amazing and let me use them, but still. And then I have this big orange fan
Starting point is 00:23:59 that we use at night to put over by the bed that has great it lasts all night it's fantastic now without direct sun it only charges to about 25 but if i put it out in the direct sun it actually charges pretty well so i've thought about getting another one but i want to see how it holds up for about the first month before i commit to something else because it is hit or miss a lot of things i've gotten from them are just chintzy crap and i've had to turn around and return it or they came broken and it's not worth it. But I did find one item from them that seems to work. Am I going to order more from them? No. No. It was more of a let's just see what they've got and yeah. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Well, Pappy, you're a true southerner. And the heat for us doesn't affect the same. But there are days the humidity with the heat can be quite intense. But no, I mean... I'm trying to think what else I got in that order, because I had to send a couple things back. I got the mosquito lights, which one of them worked. The other one was broken. Surprise.
Starting point is 00:25:18 They didn't require me to send those back. So I have the one that works. Seemed to do all right alright but it only works at night which by the time it's dark the mosquitoes aren't biting like they are at dusk I got a camping shower which the nozzle is absolute plastic
Starting point is 00:25:43 I need to take pictures and show this stuff. It's, it's not great, but you know, in a pinch it will work, but it was literally just buying a few things to try them out. Uh, yeah, some of this stuff was okay, but some of it was just not feasible. Just not feasible. stuff was okay, but some of it was just not feasible. Just not feasible. Oh, man. I'm trying to see what else. Oh, did y'all have a good fourth? Literally, we were hot as Hades after I caught the chickens. Me and and the neighbor we both had the day off Chris unfortunately had to work so me, her and baby Jericho we had to, well we didn't have to, we ran to Walmart first thing after all the chickens were gathered by 7 o'clock, all except for 2
Starting point is 00:26:40 and I picked up a kiddie pool for 10 bucks, a little over five foot and we sat in that kiddie pool in the afternoon to cool off in our yard because there was no trying to get to the beaches I can tell you right now on holidays or major events we avoid public as much as possible. And the only reason we went out first thing is it was early enough. We knew the traffic wouldn't be bad. Not everybody was out just yet. So we got out, got our stuff and went back home and chilled in our kiddie pool. And yes, you see two grown adults and an infant in a kiddie pool.
Starting point is 00:27:25 We did not care. We had our fire pit going. Uh, we made hot dogs and then I cooked steaks and it was great. We didn't buy any fireworks this year only because the baby is terror, is really scared of super loud noises that when the fireworks started going off, of super loud noises that when the fireworks started going off and he was in the house he was still getting a little scared so I ended up crawling into his little playpen he has with him and just holding him until I could get him back to sleep and then after that he was good but yeah it was literally a light hearted and easy day for us
Starting point is 00:28:03 we now have legal concealed carry without permit in LA. That's fantastic. When did they finally, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I think Phil said something about that. I'm glad they finally passed it. South Carolina is one of them states. There is, um, you know, legal open carry here, but I'm not sure, you know, let me look this up, I'm not sure if they allow concealed or not, let me, let me see let's see what are our gun laws so south carolina carry rapacity map i think that's if you have your license. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:29:09 South Carolina. South Carolina. Concealed carry rapacity map and gun laws. Louisiana. Oh, okay. So it's showing other states that recognize our license. Hmm. I'll have to go into it. I know South Carolina is a castle doctrine state, which for those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:29:40 is a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and is attacked, don't know is a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and is attacked and who is attacked in a place where he or she has the right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground which a lot of states have castle doctrine that was a big one in Mississippi let's see trying to add all kinds of places you can, so that we don't have to worry about the criminals bringing them in. Right, I don't, I don't bring you. Oh, this week is when they passed it. Okay, oh, finally. Okay, I see, I see. Because didn't they pass open, Carrie? I knew residence vehicle let's see okay so carol south carolina is a constitutional carry state as of march 7th of 2024 open carry permitted is open yes as of march 7th of 2024 open carry is legal without a permit however
Starting point is 00:30:45 municipalities may temporarily restrict the otherwise lawful open carry of a firearm on public property when a permit is issued for a public protest oh well obviously rally fair pride festival or other organized events open carry is permitted in city-owned buildings without written permission from the city manager during protest. Okay, that's it. Gun permit licensure. South Carolina is a south shell issued state. Y'all should definitely look up your areas because I knew the
Starting point is 00:31:23 constitutional and open carry were new. I didn't realize how new. Um, minimum age for concealed is, for a concealed carry is 18. No concealable weapon means a firearm having a length of less than 12 inches in length carried openly in one's person or in a manner hidden oh yeah yeah yeah stun guns and tasers are legal without a permit pepper spray is lawful which we now have pepper spray as well new governor also mandated that the 10 commandments be hung in all public school classrooms oh i like that. What a storm. I can only imagine.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I think here in the South, we're really pushing to have all kinds of fun stuff here. You know what, though? It's good to see areas hold to morality and the rights of the individuals. Because it has gotten so chaotic and so crazy, and all the liberal states up north, and all the BS with all the immigration, and the individuals, I mean, it's mind-boggling that people are so okay and comfortable with such things happening in front of them, or their children being taught things that are just immoral and ungodly, whether you're religious or not, these are not things you want your children to learn.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I mean, okay, for example, tirade time, and then we'll take a commercial break. But I was sitting on the couch with my neighbor yesterday, and we both got off early from work, and we were hanging out. And I said said let's put on a Disney movie she goes okay I have Disney plus which I am affluently against Disney plus for a lot of reasons being that the first thing that pops up on there is all pride and now they have net Hulu on there with adult content for children that we turned on a movie something adventure
Starting point is 00:33:30 oh strange world and that okay started out fine a little odd no biggie boom maybe not even 10 minutes into it you've got nothing against people and their own opinions, but I don't think this should be in cartoons, is 16-year-old gays. And on top of it, they made him mixed-raced. And, you know, by the way, my neighbor's black, I'm white. We both talk about a lot of things very openly. We, we, great communication, great opinions. She's very much like-minded. And the thing is, is even she, as soon as she saw that, she goes, turn it off. Turn it off.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And we were done with it. We turned it off. Haven't felt like turning Disney Plus back on at all, even for the normal Disney movies. You see the stupid disclaimers. It has gotten to be absurd. Absolutely absurd. Looking at getting a new rocket stove from, oh, I'm clicking it. Let's see. Chain, oh, what is that? Chasing Smoke. Oh, that's nice. Is this similar to the one that Aiden Tate, oh, I don't know if you've been to proper camp. Um, Aiden Tate from,
Starting point is 00:34:48 oh, I like that. I like that a lot. Let's see, Rocket Stoves. How much does this set you back? Oh, okay, yes. I think this is very similar to the one he has, or is the one he has or is the one and it is solid like this thing is heavy six inch bulldog sail diy weld kit hey i have a welder uh four inch diy oh i like that uh rocket stove weld together kit 195 a six inch 349 Rocket Stove Weld Together Kit, $195. 6 inch, $349. Alright, I have a welder. I have no problem tacking this stuff together. I like that though. That's pretty sick. I like that. So, you're going to laugh. It's funny that you look at that because in my wish list
Starting point is 00:35:44 on my Amazon, I have a propane stovetop oven for camping. And I know it's silly, but I'm like, oh, I like this. You know, even though we are not in SHTF time, it doesn't mean we have to completely live that way. I saw it, and it's like my little high-end thing I'd love to have for off-grid because I enjoy cooking. Oh, by the way, there are no magazine limits for handguns here in South Carolina. They do not regulate them. Very similar. Oh, Louisiana boy in Wisconsin. Hmm. Uh, yes, the possession and sale of Teflon coated ammunition is prohibited. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Sorry, I just, this is very interesting. Um, oh, okay. So, this would be interesting for those of you, uh, whoever come out to South Carolina. Carrying carry in vehicle, yes, as of March 7th of 2024, permitless transport and carry of a firearm in a vehicle on or about one's person, whether openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded, in a manner is not prohibited by the law and is allowed. Carry at a roadside rest stop. Yes, as of March 7th, you may carry at a roadside rest area without a permit. Oh, he built the stoves. Okay. Oh, he's an old Louisiana boy in
Starting point is 00:37:14 Wisconsin. Gotcha. Oh, that's phenomenal. Uh, you can carry in state and national parks, state and national forest and wildlife management areas. Uh, so yes, what they say. Oh, okay. So those you do have to have a license or permit from the state of South Carolina or, or a permit that South Carolina honors to be able to carry in those areas. Now, for those of you who are traveling, please take a look at which states and areas recognize your concealed carry license if you have one. I have a, or had, an instructor certified license, an enhanced carry from Mississippi. That was the only type of concealed carry that was recognized by South Carolina. They do not recognize a traditional carry conceal from Mississippi. He builds the stoves. Have you spoke to him directly? I may have to reach out to him. What do you think? We could do an episode on rocket stoves. How would that tickle your fancy, Pappy?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Let's see. I was having so many issues. Is your computer out of memory? No. No. No. Yeah. Sorry. This morning, this system, it didn't matter what I did. If I'm not careful when I play certain audio, it was skipping.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Somehow skipping track. And so it wouldn't perform right. All right. I am going to take a quick commercial break. I will be right back Give me just a moment Thank you. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. Be me and family. Your garden is the resistance. I apologize for that. I know. Yeah, thank you. I think I've got it fixed now I am so sorry that is what I've been dealing with all day the normal settings the normal settings I would have this typically set on for whatever reason is making it reverb like it's skipping and it's just harsh I am so sorry as long as you can hear me fine and there's not any issues then we're good let me know if for any reason the
Starting point is 00:41:12 sound stops because yeah I apologize you can hear me though right if you wouldn't mind just tapping in here so I can make sure I didn't lose my audio completely. Let's see. Let's see if this works. Hopefully, fingers crossed, because elsewise, I have to change the setting again. Come on. I need someone to respond. Is this one working better or the other way? Yep. Okay. Perfect. Then I'm going to go back to this way if that's, that's fine. Um, but yeah yeah so look into the laws and where you're going to travel to
Starting point is 00:42:09 make sure you are safe make sure you are looking out for yourself there's so much chaos in the world right now there's so much going on that it's it's not funny it's making it difficult for other people by all means perfect yeah this system has been giving me issues I don't know but yeah I mean I I'm so sorry that reverb was so bad let's see what is going on here? But no, I mean, y'all, look into the ammo, if you're looking into ammo, look into the cells, local, cells, locally around you. I know here, Palmetto State Armory has been having a lot of sales. They've actually had some really decent um... oh no I opened that in the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Computers are not my friend today. Oh, bless it. Oh, well. But yeah, it's been chaotic. The world around us is not going to stop. And that's something that people need to realize. That you are going to be your best protection for yourself for your family you know the things that y'all need to take care of each other to take care of yourselves i mean look into it uh defense any situation that could come about, you need to make sure you're learning the new skill sets that you want.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Make sure that you are taking the time to educate yourself. Read up. Do pay attention to what's going on around you. I have been the world's worst to just closing things around me. You know, what's the point, da da da da, especially when my world was being very chaotic, but you know what, it's okay, things have a way of working out, and that's just, just a part of it, let's see, I'm trying to get all of this pulled up because me being me, I stinkin' mother of pearl. I really kicked myself in the butt on this one. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Pappy, when do you want to come on? We need you back on. You always had a great podcast. It'd probably be all butterflies and squirrels, but you know. Let's see. One, two. I think people would enjoy a podcast with us both on there we definitely would have plenty enough to talk about and god forbid
Starting point is 00:45:44 my southern accent would come out so intense it wouldn't even be funny, let's see, because there's nothing like putting a southerner around another southerner, our accents always get thicker, always, I don't know where it doesn't, I don't know where it doesn't I don't know where it doesn't I am trying to, I had something I wanted to pull up but it looks like not happening okay regardless, you know what, I am just glad
Starting point is 00:46:17 to now be back, hopefully now on the regular, I've got content ideas I had an entire sheet right here for today. And I decided, eh, forget it. We're just going to wing with it. I enjoy having one day where I'm just not on track. I'm pulling a James. Love you, James.
Starting point is 00:46:37 But I'm pulling a James. Let's see. Where is... Let's see. So if y'all have any ideas or something you would love to hear in the morning, maybe not something so morbid, I completely understand. Or if you're okay with the more morbid topics, I'm here for that too. Reach out to me. Let me know what you think. Let me know what you'd like to hear about. I'm all for talking about some of the hard stuff. I don't necessarily shy away from it,
Starting point is 00:47:13 even if it's not something that is the most well-known topic or light subject. It is sometimes easier and better to talk about the hard things now than to put yourself in a situation where it's just going to be even harder. I am... almost found that tab. Where is it? I guess that's what happens when you have like a hundred tabs open on one thing. What the heck? Alright, who is in here? Mad Dog. Hey Mad Dog, how are you? How is it going in your neck of the woods? I'm glad to see some of the regulars in here. It's good to see y'all. Let's see. What is a skill set that you're hoping to learn? You know, what is something on the agenda for y'all? Before, let's send this out on a good note.
Starting point is 00:48:16 What is something that you are hoping to learn or to get better at? Let's share with the classroom. Is that that one? That's that one. Pretty sure that's that one. Yes. And that one's that one. Okay. Disk system. Computers, I swear, have not gotten, made anything easier. Oh, no. Mother of Pearl,
Starting point is 00:48:48 I X'd it out the whole entire thing. Okay, I give up. I'm not gonna sit here and fight with it. Let's see. But, no. Pappy, do you know when they're saying it's gonna hit y'all? How soon? And, Mad Dog, you're in Mississippi, too, aren saying it's going to hit y'all? How soon?
Starting point is 00:49:05 And Mad Dog, you're in Mississippi too, aren't you? Are y'all, are you prepping in your area? I believe. I think Mad Dog had said something about Mississippi in the past. I might be wrong, and if I'm wrong I do apologize let's see all right you know what? I have a question.
Starting point is 00:49:47 This might be something to put through the veil, but has anybody been having sleep issues? I have to tell Lisa. I have not been sleeping well. I keep waking up at odd hours. I'm in teaching mode. Compass navigation with Gr grands should hit Sunday late somewhere. Oh, okay. I didn't realize it was moving that quick. No, I think that's phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Pappy, what time are you doing compass navigation and when can I be there to learn? Because, I mean, I have the general down, but I could always work on improving my navigation skills. What time? Where? I'll be there. You're only a 15 hour drive for me. Actually, you might be longer. Hi, it's James, our intrepid commander. If I had the clapping sounds, I would put that our intrepid commander. Woo!
Starting point is 00:50:49 If I had the clapping sounds, I would put that on here, the cheers. You're right, it is better to be prepared. You know what? It's better to be prepared for anything than not ready for a thing. Let's see. Morning. Once a month hiking trip. Okay. Pappy, tell me when the next one is and where. I will meet you. You know what? Tallulah Gorge is beautiful. It's all stairs, but there's Black Raven
Starting point is 00:51:22 out towards St. Helen, Georgia, or Helen, Georgia. Dude, you missed out on some of it. I've already gone morbid this morning. Take them out and let them lead us back. That is phenomenal. Pappy, we would get lost, but I'm down if you're down. Chris and I take Jericho out on a lot of walks. We are looking at eventually getting a hiking pack that we can wear him on with our gear just to make things a bit easier. I am also on my wish list. I was talking about the little propane stove. I'm looking at getting an infant toddler seat to attach to my bike so we can ride with him.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Take them out and let them lead us back. I like that. That is terrifying but sounds like fun at the same time. I imagine though your grands are probably much better navigators than I am. Did y'all hear that tapping sounds like he managed to scoot his pen over so he can start tapping on either the bed or the windowsill the kid has figured out how to slowly rock it across the floor and it's a large pin and it's on the ground. So it's, that's even more entertaining. He's a big baby. This kid's going to be a
Starting point is 00:52:51 year old, year old in August. Take them out. Take them out and then... Stink! I think that's the weekend I'm driving up to Tennessee to see some friends from camp. Keep me in mind, though, Pappy. I would not hesitate to make a weekend trip to come out with y'all on hike if if the family doesn't mind but that does look like fun you know what James I was set on making this work one way or another I was going to either go live in element or I was going to go
Starting point is 00:53:45 live on Instagram or whatever platform I had to to make sure I put out content today I've been meaning to be back on track and ever since everything it's just it's time now I've got to quit letting life stop me because you know what if, if we let life itself dictate us, we'll never get anything done. Chaos is meant to be controlled in some way. Is it completely controllable? No. But how you react to it and how you handle it is where the control comes. Let's see. It is a fun live, but I enjoy this. I there was no way I wasn't though I actually considered
Starting point is 00:54:31 going live here on my phone while recording here but then I can't look at element the way I'd like to speaking of which James um actually while I this, let me pull something up on my end because as soon as I'm excited. Which I wasn't going to tell you. I was just going to let it pop up, but seeing you made me decide I need to make sure I have your address right here so I can ship you something. Yeah. I'm trying to pull up this address because I have something going to be going out today to our intrepid commander.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And I would love for everybody to keep an eye out because as soon as he receives it I think he is going to be tickled pink. Let's see. Let's see. I say that, but for whatever reason, no. Ah, did this change? Did USPS change their stuff so much now I can't freaking find? What in the world?
Starting point is 00:56:18 James, um, can you shoot me your address? It looks like I've lost all of my addresses since they've changed their system. Daggum. Maybe. I would be okay with it, but I think you will be more tickled pink than I will be. I don't know. I'm excited for you to receive it. Why is this... Here it is. It's under a certain one though huh, let me just look at it, okay you know what, I think I found it
Starting point is 00:57:16 I found your address, but no, it's definitely going to be interesting, I didn't mean to go off the rails, well, I don't care you're welcome. All right, let's see. There you are. I found your address. Okay. yeah it should be good you know i'm giver of excellent i don't know if it's excellent gifts but i i take enjoyment and what's gonna intrigue you even more james is um chin nose what it is and is excited for you too so we'll see let's see there you are garden girl where the hell have you been yes well that's why I shot you a message this morning. I'm like, where
Starting point is 00:58:27 are you? Figured you're probably on one of your great runs, not really. I see. I enjoy, I, on this one I promised you it will you just wait just wait just wait I am I am actually tickled pink yes garden girl you are phenomenal I am envious of how well your garden has done I'm proud of you but I am envious to say the least let's see. Yeah, I think I'm going to go up there. I saw another garden girl screen name the other day. Oh, about hiring. Ha ha. Really? I was enjoying the air conditioner.
Starting point is 01:00:02 So that is something funny here. Our unit is actually going out. Um, so even though we have it set to like 74 to 76, it's just not cooling the house down at all. The only thing still producing is cucumber. Same, same same my grapes have beautiful green leaves on them but I'm gonna tell you uh garden girl the ice I planted the luffa and the okra as soon as you gave them to me and everything is in like a permanent mold mode of stasis it's just existing they're not growing they're not dying dying. They're not producing. They're just as is. And then I had a few flowering seeds because we wanted to bring more pollinators to
Starting point is 01:00:52 our garden. I have several flowering seeds that haven't done anything. I planted some Carolina Reapers and Scorpion Peppers. Those plants haven't grown more than four inches tall and that's it. And it's taken weeks upon, no that's been months now and they haven't done anything. And it's just interesting because I've put in black cow, I've put in things to help and I'm just, I'm just done. The carrots started to produce and then stopped. The radishes did well and then stopped. Nothing is getting past a certain size. So I'm actually looking at taking my raised bed and pulling everything out and, and pulling all of the dirt out while I'm at it and then restarting it and then being very selective of what I'm putting in it as well as changing how I have my plant set up.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It's 84 downstairs. Luckily we have a separate unit upstairs. You know what that that's what we've talked about. We don't have any window units here. It's bad enough the electric bill has jumped to $12 a minute during peak time, so we have to keep our air conditioning even at a higher setting than we typically would just because. But we're hitting 90s and up. That luckily downstairs is reading at, I think, 74 exactly, which isn't bad, but upstairs it's getting hot up here that I keep the lights off. I've actually started keeping the blackout curtains closed, even though I prefer natural light, just to try to minimize the heat in any way I can. I keep the ceiling fans going, and the only reason I't have it on right right now while I'm in here is because this microphone picks up everything and I mean everything.
Starting point is 01:02:54 So that's something to think about. I mean I'd love to hear from y'all of how do you keep cool. I was asking uh Pappy if he had done a redneck cooler. What do you do when the power goes out to stay cool? I saw a video somewhere that some black cow hadn't been composted enough. Wait, wait, wait. I saw a video somewhere that some black cow hadn't been composted enough and the ammonia in it stunted and killed the plants. Oh, okay. So the thing is, is I didn't put any black cow down initially at all. So, everything as it sprouted, yeah, because I didn't put black cow down right away, but that makes sense. So, we actually bought some extra bags of soil, and Chris had suggested that I pull my plants and put them in containers
Starting point is 01:03:45 and then see how that goes. So that is what we are most likely the, after I finished cleaning and doing the housework today, um, I will probably go out and start pulling plants just to see what I can salvage. I do have, sorry for all the extra noise I'm trying to, I have to hold the microphone so there's not too much echo or sounding too hollow. We are, I've got my porch. I'm in the process of taking garden and fencing to close in our porch because our neighbor's cats are always on our porch, have vomited and all over my chairs at my table to the point that we're looking at putting that up. And I'm looking at trying to bring some of the plants on the porch, both the screened in and the front porch as well as extend them out and trying to bring some in the house
Starting point is 01:04:43 to see if I can get anything to produce a little differently. But truthfully, it's not just the plants outside. It feels like everything's kind of just stopped. I have aloe plants in the house, put them in bigger pots. We did have to take them outside for a few days, which did affect them that We did have to take them outside for a few days, which did affect them. That since they kind of came back. But I'm not seeing much growth in anything actually around here. Sorry, I see she's typing.
Starting point is 01:05:28 So we shall see. I won't keep y'all much longer. I know I'm past my hour, but who cares? It's my show. It's Saturday morning. That's the whole purpose of this. excuse me I saw oh no no neighborhood cat was shitting in my garden beds and killed many you know what I think that might be part of it um but my neighbor's cats aren't just going in my garden. They're shitting on my porch. And they're vomiting all over my chairs.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And it's just, it is making it so difficult for us to have anything. And I've had to move my chickens behind the house where I cleared it out. I do think, I do honestly believe someone let my chickens out with how my locking mechanism is. I'm not going to say they couldn't have pecked at it or something could have happened. Just the way the lock is set up, there's no way they let themselves out. Not, not with the door wide open and not with the way it is. Uh, gotta go hop on call with MatterFact guys. Thanks for everything. See ya, James. Um, yeah, uh, we have looked at that, but the cats take off, and there's like six of them running
Starting point is 01:06:52 around. Um, one of them has attacked another chicken. Luckily, she's fine, but that's, that's where we're at, and we're looking at having to fence in and tarp off an area for the chickens just to give them some sort of cover. We are living an urban prepping lifestyle, especially in such a close vicinity of all these other houses does make it different. It is a new challenge of its own, a completely new challenge. a new challenge of its own, a completely new challenge. So it's, it's going to be interesting. Um, I'm going to try to work on that this weekend to see how, how I can make that work. Uh, hopefully, you know what? I will start taking pictures. Uh, Garden Girl,
Starting point is 01:07:44 do you want to post it here or on insta what would be better for everyone let's see oh who just popped in hello hey stump field how are you catching you late actually at the tail end oh yes but no it's just gonna be interesting to see how I have to modify things how I have to what I need to do to get my plants going um we haven't done any sort of seven dust we've had a lot of um good good predatorial insects eaten any bad insects so not had any issues there I've noticed the lizards and the frogs have gone down the only other thing we did is Chris brought home a snake the other day for me it was a little black racer so I'm glad to have as now have a good
Starting point is 01:08:41 snake in the area those things are fast. I tell you what, that snake nearly got out of my hands a couple times. So we'll see where it goes. But alright folks, I have been chatting your ear off with all sorts of chaos here on PBN, but I hope you have a great weekend. I will be here live next Saturday, so be ready. I want to hear what you've done in your preps, how you handled Hurricane Beryl for those in that region, as well as what are you doing for your garden? What's going on? All right, folks, I hope you have a great weekend. It's great to be
Starting point is 01:09:19 back. I will talk to you next Saturday and enjoy your day. Take care. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. The writing's on the wall. This ain't ever gonna stop. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. If crawling for the scraps won't ever be enough. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. We'll fight until we die. This ain't ever gonna stop. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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