The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Prepper Campers Made it Out!!!

Episode Date: September 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 PBM Family family the hosts as far as i know all the hosts i haven't had verification from doug hogan but the hosts largely are out of the disaster area we've got some tales to tell uh i don't know the full story i wasn't there clearly but But I know for one thing, Prepper Camp happened Saturday at about 30% capacity, according to Dave Jones. Sort of the full scope of it all is, well, it's a very interesting thing. Mixed feelings on all sides in terms of how it went down and whether it should have or shouldn't have went down. I was pretty surprised at what was happening over at Facebook at Prepper Camp's page. But it is what it is. The good news, the only news really fundamentally that matters on this broadcast is
Starting point is 00:01:26 that our people made it out. Our people made it out and they're en route, most of them to home or at home. We carry on. We carry on, folks. More updates to come tomorrow on the event People there and so on You know, amazingly enough There were people there doing the tinfoil hat contest So, Dave Jones took the MC
Starting point is 00:01:52 The tinfoil hat contest Took the microphone And did that portion of it for me And we'll make sure that those people Are awarded handsomely for their efforts Now We find ourselves in this situation with prepper camp behind us oh before i forget disaster coffee since we had so many plans and
Starting point is 00:02:17 big plans um and now we have so much coffee and plans and business cards. I'm going to mail the host these business cards too. They're pretty sweet. But anyway. PC 24. Promo code PC24 till the 11th of October gets you free shipping on two bags of Disaster Coffee. Two or more. Two or more bags of Disaster Coffee gets you free shipping when you use the promo code PC4PrepperCamp24. If you're more into the Bunker Beans, PC24BB, that's PC24BB, gets you 10% off BunkerBeans.
Starting point is 00:03:07 These were deals we were bringing to bear just for Prepper Camp. And since we weren't at Prepper Camp, we didn't announce them at all until just now. So, yeah, get on it if you're into that sort of thing. I'd say if I were you, I'd probably go with the two bags of coffee for free shipping. That's a pretty good deal. Our shipping is not very expensive, though. I buy my own coffee straight up. I don't get any kind of special deal.
Starting point is 00:03:38 But even shipping from Temecula, California to Richmond, Virginia, which is like literally clear across the country. It's like five bucks thanks to Shopify. So not bad. Big news. Bigger news. Biggest news. What I need your help with. I want to start something.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I'll go probably deeper on this tomorrow. And this is an entire. this is a stop set, whole new segment of the show. Erase everything out of your mind. Write down the promo codes PC24, PC24BB. Forget everything else. New part of the show. Got to touch on it. It's too big a news not to. I tell you this all the time. I don't imbibe in a ton of prepper stuff outside of PBN. I'm not a big consumer of prepper content outside of PBN. Not even like prepper fiction. Hardly even prepper movies. In my free time, I'm not like, oh, I want to watch The Road again. You know what I mean? I'm not really all that into that stuff. Don't know why. You know, a lot of people nerd out on that stuff, man, and good for them. My PBN family, my hosts, they give me enough to listen to on a weekly basis.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And there are very few people I listen to. Otherwise, one of the they give me enough to listen to on a weekly basis. And there are very few people I listen to. Otherwise, one of the only people I listen to otherwise is Pastor Joe Fox from Viking Preparedness. And I haven't listened to that dude in months, to be honest with you. I'm a patron of his. And I don't even listen to him. I used to be a patron to Bear Independent. I don't listen to him at all. I don't have any time. You know what I mean? I really don't have time. It's nothing personal. The guy puts out cool stuff. It's I didn't stop following for any reason other than the sheer fact that it was like, I don't, he's getting too low on the list. You know what I mean? So Saturday, I think it was Saturday night, Pastor Joe Fox puts out something.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And I just kind of took it with a grain of salt. Maybe, maybe not. I mean, look, Pastor Joe Fox is fun. He knows his stuff every so often. And him and Bear would get on this a lot. They'll say crazy shit like, I feel something in the air. You know what I mean? Something's coming. They'll go on this kick. You know what I mean? I don't know if it's like a culmination of things that are happening in the country, right? But we've been living in
Starting point is 00:06:17 a sort of something's coming world since 2020. He had one of those and they're fun. And he usually gives out good tips and stuff like that too. He's well worth the three bucks a month or whatever it is I pay. And what I got from him was that he had talked to a couple people who talked to a couple people. And he didn't break the sources down. But they were close people to him. He had talked to a couple people who had talked to a couple people and said that there's legitimate concern at high levels of first response and such, right? LEO.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That something in America was going to happen on the 7th, retaliatory to Israel and America's support of Israel. And that was over. And you know, it was what it was. You know, I said, imagine what it would look like in America when it happened. Remember, right after it happened, I said that said it to you guys, I said, imagine what this would look like on your street. Imagine you get outside and you look down the street and here come a bunch of head wrapped terrorists with AK-47s. How do you have a response? Do you have a plan? Does your neighborhood have a plan? Right? And I put it out of my head, to be honest with you. I put it out of my head. Then, after that, here I go. Wake up Sunday morning. I woke up Saturday at 4 and Sunday at 4, no alarm.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Don't ask me how or why. If I'm honest with you, I spent a lot of time since Thursday worried about people. That's the truth. The truth is I spent a lot of my time worrying about Dave Jones, Jay Ferg, Sarah Hathaway and her family. I spent a lot of the weekend looking at news reports, just frankly worried. Worried that they were going to drive off a cliff on the ride home or not be able to get home or whatever the situation is. It was very, it was very, I felt like a parent. You know what I mean? That's what it felt like to me. It felt like that my kids are out there and they're in a situation that is out of control.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So anyway, I woke up at four on Saturday I woke up at 4 on Sunday I wake up at 4 on Sunday And one of the first things I did Or watched was Pastor Joe Fox again In the dark now Now he's in the dark Like in a shed And he's talking to the camera again
Starting point is 00:09:03 To the phone And telling me that He's now had three people who have talked to local sheriffs in Missouri. Who have told him that they know of an active terror cell, the sheriffs know of an active terror cell that are training in Missouri. Now, I probably shouldn't put all his Patreon details out. But you know. Whatever. I think I've earned it. I've been a patron of his for a long time. And.
Starting point is 00:09:33 You know when you put stuff like this out on the internet. People need to know about it. Plus it's going to lead to an important piece. So. His takeaway was. If it's in the Ozarks. It's definitely in other places. And you know he said essentially essentially we're preparing for something to happen on the 7th or the 8th.
Starting point is 00:09:54 My morning goes on. I brew a little coffee, whatever. Then I get a gray man brief buzz. I'll read it in full tomorrow on PBN Daily News. But essentially it was the same thing. It was the same thing about this potential threat. So what I want, PBN family, I want you to stick an ear out over the next week. We only got like a week till the 7th. I want you to put an ear out over the next week. We only got like a week till the 7th.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I want you to put an ear to the ground. I want you to put an ear to Twitter. I want you to put an ear to the places that you go to. Digitally and physically. I want you to look around at the gun forums you go to. I want you to look around at the gun ranges that you go to. This is where things get a little tricky. I don't want you to confront anybody or say anything, but I'd really like you over the next week to do a bit of intel work. Okay. Over the next week,
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'd like you to do a little bit of intel for me. I'm going to be doing my own here in Virginia. I'm going to talk to the hosts. I'm going to talk, obviously, to the contingent of PBN. And we're going to do a bit of an intel challenge here as a network and see what we can come up with. What kind of information can we gather? I'm not going to tell you what sources to use and not use. You do whatever it is you want. But I want you to understand that there's a good chance that something could happen on the 7th of October in this country.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Right. And we could be prepared for it or not. Right. There will be people that if something like that unfolds, I saw a guy with a parachute, parachuting over the James River last night, and all I could think about were those little go-kart parachute jobs that they flew in.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And this was before I saw the second video, and before I saw the Gray Man Brief piece. To this week, starting now or starting Monday, whenever you want to get started, you're an intelligence officer. You're an intelligence officer and you're gathering intel on potential terror cells and terror factions in and around your area. And what we'll be able to do with that information, and you may find nothing, or you may find clues, or you may find something. The reason I'm asking you to do this is because you guys know how to look and you know where to look.
Starting point is 00:12:47 You see, preppers have a certain skill set. We have a particular set of skills. No, but truly, we have a certain skill set in a variety of arenas that really help. You know what I mean? That really work in a situation like this. And I want to kind of put it to the test. I want to see what we can come up with as a network. Maybe we uncover something. Maybe we uncover a terror cell in New York. Maybe we uncover, you know, you never know until you start looking, right? Until you use the humint and the, what's the other one? Osint, right?
Starting point is 00:13:30 I learned this year, just this year, talking to, I want to say it was Jorate probably, about intelligence and about the value of just information that you can get. Gun clubs, you know, you can look up gun clubs. You can look up gun clubs in your area and you might find a certain kind of gun club made up of a certain kind of person and you might think that this might be worth looking into. And maybe you even make a bit of a phone call
Starting point is 00:13:59 to a certain kind of gun club and ask a few questions and so on. And listen, in the world of political correctness, what they want to do is scare you into asking questions. I'm sorry, scare you away from asking questions. So in other words, like there ain't no way. You they want you to feel comfortable About calling up Explosive Mohammed gun club Right like just say you're Searching around gun clubs in your area
Starting point is 00:14:34 And you find one and it's called explosive Mohammed gun club I'm being an idiot right The last thing The politically correct Suicidal lunatics in our In our country want you to do is say, hmm, wonder what they're up to, right? So be smart. No confrontations needed.
Starting point is 00:14:57 You know, don't get crazy. But just use a little bit of your common sense and your web of communication skills and your ability to do a little intelligence gathering and figure out, you know, if you can figure something out. See if we can pull some information. See what we can find out in a week's time. And maybe it's all bunk. Who knows? It doesn't feel that way to me and it doesn't look like that way to me and it fits right in with everybody's desire to punish right there's a desire for punishment
Starting point is 00:15:35 don't get me don't get it mistaken the reason that nobody cares about the guy who was posted up in the bushes with an ak-47 and a GoPro is because the media has a desire for punishment. They want to see Donald Trump punished. Well, guess what? If a terror attack happens and Americans are slaughtered, there's going to be a certain amount of people in this country that are going to say, well, you know, we bombed the Gazans for how long? Or we sent them the money to make the bombs, buy the bombs, we helped them bomb. So, you know, really America's getting what it's deserved. That faction exists.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And that faction isn't in some secretive, violent mosque. That faction's in the media. That faction's in the White House. Okay? So let's do a little intel challenge, PBN family. All right, we'll discuss it more tomorrow. Suffice it to say, everybody is home safe, as far as I know, or in route to home safe, out of the disaster area.
Starting point is 00:16:43 That's the biggest news, right? that's the biggest news, right? So PC24, 10% off. No, no, I'm sorry. PC24, free shipping when you buy two or more bags of disaster coffee. You can get ahead on Christmas. You can buy your Christmas hook. It'll be fine by Christmas.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You can buy the new F5. That's what i'm drinking right now it's unbelievable i can't talk about it too much or i'll go home and make a pot and then you know it's bad santa for the rest of the night um what else pc24 bb for 10 off your bunker beans okay green coffee beans store Store them, roast them, whatever you want to do with them. I appreciate you, PBN family. I know it was a quiet weekend. Just is what it is. Sometimes that happens. A lot on my mind, a lot going on outside of it all. We'll be back. We'll be hitting it hard. I'm going to try to get the Prepper Cam contingent on tomorrow night to discuss how things went and the challenges they faced and the things they saw on that ride home because I know they saw some amazing stuff on that ride home. All right, folks, I will talk to you soon. See you.

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