The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Prepper LIVE: The NBC Guy...nuff said

Episode Date: November 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. The NBC guy is in the house. What is up, Dave Jones? How's it going this evening? Oh, I'm doing great, James. How are you? Good as can be for 8 p.m. on a Monday. It's been a long day. I'm sure you've had a long day, too. Yeah, Mondays, what they do is they put every class on Monday. So we have 45 minutes and we do nine classes Oh, okay, I follow you
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, that way if we have a Monday holiday, you only miss out one Oh, that's a good call Yeah, a lot of days off on a Monday Yeah, man, holidays here What do you guys do on Thanksgiving? You do the whole Thanksgiving thing up there on the mountain? Oh, yeah, yeah, Maria year i'll what do you guys do on thanksgiving you do the whole thanksgiving thing up there on the mountain oh yeah yeah maria oh well usually i butcher my own turkey but this year uh we didn't get turkeys we have some from last year but i i think maria's saving them we're we're kind of down on food right now that we've actually butchered oh i got you it seems like you were just
Starting point is 00:01:47 butchering like a few months ago you've been tearing through the chickens no it's only a few and and she just wanted to get the ones that weren't laying yeah of course yeah and what do we have left we have probably about a freezer or so left of our stuff. Your stuff. Yeah. And we're looking at getting a pig from the Amish guy that we found before we found the Amish butcher. Yeah. And all he does is take the pig and saws all of it in half.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Like the one guy we went to, right? Exactly. And then you got to do the rest. That's my style, yeah. I always do that. It's good practice, man. It's the only way to get it. Literally the only way to get it.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I mean, unless you can go to like a butcher class. But I don't even know if a butcher class would give you a half a hog with hair on it. Right. You know know like that's a task man yeah but you get all the goodies that way i mean they get all the goodies that way yeah yeah and the the the dogs love the hooves oh and we go crazy we we give them the ears and you know all the all the parts that we're not gonna eat and if i left it up to maria we'd be eating everything but the oink well i'll tell you what those ears and those pigtails are not bad if you know how to cook them up well yeah the ears the ears are actually really
Starting point is 00:03:18 good you slow cook them right in broth or water even if you don't have broth and they get like gelatinous but there is like this just like our ear there's like this thin cartilage in it right so what you do is you cut the ear like real thin like it's called a chiffonade when you do it the herbs and then you take that and you refry it and then they become like uh i don't know it'd be like kind of like a snack i always would eat it on like a like a frisee salad you know what frisee is it's like this bitter green that's got a bunch of spiky looking things coming off it but it's good it's it fries up it gets crispy it's a little little bit crunchy you know that with that ear cartilage but good yeah they're worth it they're worth it but you're right the dogs probably appreciate it
Starting point is 00:04:13 better more well i you know i gotta draw the line somewhere and she wanted to make soup out of chicken feet because they do that in romania oh they do that in romania i didn't know oh yeah whenever i see chicken feet i always think of our uh like our our asian family you know what i mean yeah because the first time i've ever i ever saw a pack of chicken feet was at the on washington avenue at a uh chinese food market in philadelphia i think I know right where you meet. You probably do if you've been to Washington Avenue. It's like a- Oh, yeah. It's quite a place. I wonder what it's like today. Have you been there lately? Lately, no. I keep threatening, though, because my kids are just addicted to pho. So that's where in college we go to eat bowls of pho and go to the shop next door and buy cleavers and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I've been threatening to go down there, but it's been a good, I mean, it's probably been 15 years. I've been staying out of Philly, man. I didn't want to take my kids in there. I didn't feel safe. I didn't feel like it was good. My sister would tell me the same thing, you know. And my sister, she's closer than me, so she knows, you know, you know how it is. You know what the real deal is when you live close to the place.
Starting point is 00:05:30 But I have a feeling Law & Order could be on the rise here within the next four years. I have that feeling, too. So we might head back there. My son, my oldest is dying to get to an Eagles game. He wants to get to a Philly Eagles game so bad. There used to be some comic shops down there. Comic? Like the funny book.
Starting point is 00:05:51 On Washington Avenue. There was a huge comic store. And I swear that's where they got the. Oh, the comic book stores. Yeah. Yeah. I would go to Broad Street. No, South Street. I'm sorry south street i'd go down south street oh go ahead he froze up for a second okay oh he froze up for a second i'm like okay i'm
Starting point is 00:06:17 good yeah we'd go to south street for comics south street was the place man south street was so cool you know what they had at south street d Dave, you would have loved it, man. You would have loved it. I sought this thing out when I was a little kid and found it, and my dad took me to it. It was called Hocus Pocus. Yeah. And it was a magic shop.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yep. And it was so sweet. And it was so legit. Like, you walked in there, and they had a display case with all the tricks. And if you saw a trick, and're like how does that work like the guy behind the counter was like looked like well who's the one in pen and teller with the hair the long hair ponytail oh yeah that guy pen or teller i don't know which one but i think he looks like yeah he looked like the guy with the ponytail and he'd pull the trick out and he'd whip it up and
Starting point is 00:07:05 show you how to do it or he would show you it he wouldn't show you how to do it and you'd be like whoa man i need that one i want that one yeah it was awesome awesome and then not too long ago like five years ago or so there was like a big shooting on south street and i remember kind of like scratching that off the list of places to go. I was like, well, we'll give that a little bit of time to work itself out. But it was fun. It was a good part of that. That was where all the people
Starting point is 00:07:33 that originated with purple hair. South Street? Yeah. Yeah, you're right. That's true. Yeah, that is true. Yeah, because they had the gigantic... I think it was the wall they had uh the gigantic i think it was the wall i think the wall is what it was down there music store a massive music store down there and then they also had a massive oh this place dave jokes it's so silly the things that
Starting point is 00:07:59 you would kill for when you're a kid but they had a place that was nothing but posters wow it was just posters books big ass books that you like opened posters you know and i go find all the bands that i like their posters and it was like i gotta get to the poster store yeah it's funny i look back now like what what wow it's just crazy the things that now, like, what? Wow. It's just crazy. The things that you're into when you're into them, you know? Yeah. So that was nice. That was a way nicer conversation than the one we're about to have.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Well, yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you're following Ukraine, but Putin activated an agreement that he made with North Korea. Oh. Because Ukraine went into Russia. Yeah, it occurs. And attacked Russia. Yeah. So that activated disagreement that they have,
Starting point is 00:09:02 that if anybody attacks, you'll come to the aid. And they sent. Oh, it's like their discount NATO. Yeah, exactly. I got you. So that's why they sent the Koreans, the North Koreans over there. And that helped Russia because they didn't have to redeploy troops from the Danbas region. Is that why they're amassing the 50K or whatever I keep reading about on the front line?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yep. Okay. And about 10,000 to 15,000 of that 50K are North Koreans. Wow. Yeah. UK are North Koreans. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I heard just, I didn't check the source, but I heard like they were shelled pretty bad and they were shooting each other. Yeah. I heard about the North Koreans as sort of like a baseline understanding of competency over there, which, you know, I'm sure the military probably really bad. If Russia is crazy as it looked in the early stages i'm sure they got yeah well and the russian troops have been at this for you know two years so they're training up yeah the north koreans the north koreans are the rookies and they're training them up so they're getting like on the job training while they're getting shot at while the drones are coming in oh shit i seen a video of a russian guy with a shotgun sitting in the back of a pickup truck and it was his like his pov and the guy's driving in the back with the truck thing
Starting point is 00:10:39 open yelling and there's a drone chasing the truck and it winds up blowing up right behind the truck and it gets shrapneled i'm okay i'm okay it was wild like oh my this is what actually happening on planet earth right now guys running away from drones and pickup trucks yeah i got oh i don't have the book here dave i gotta get you Maybe I'll give you this book for Christmas. This SHTF drone it's called or something like that. I don't know exactly what it's called. But it's sort of a reduced version of this other book called The Poor Man's Air Force. Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's really sweet. I know we were into the drones earlier, like a year ago or something. You were talking about them a lot. Yeah. I tried to get the guy on, but he he wasn't he was in bad shape health-wise you say he couldn't come on i don't know if he's doing better i have to send him an email but the guy who wrote it it's it's a cool book it's well thought out you know how to create like a not just have a drone you know what i mean but like a lot of drones and how to use them. Really cool. Because that's the thing, man. Yeah, that is cool. Hey, someone you got to get on is Refuge Medical.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Oh, I can definitely get them. Because I just, didn't you share a post or something? Something popped up. It might have been Shield Bearer of Faith. Yeah. The Shield Bearer of Faith is a separate guy. He, I think he worked with Refuge for a little while. Was it the one where he had like a whole group of people doing like TACMED stuff?
Starting point is 00:12:20 They were like putting tourniquets on and then they were doing pushups in the water. Well, I saw this one where there was a kit and I can't remember what the kit was called, but it had a specific name. Oh, okay. And this kit was going to take you from anywhere from gunshot wound all the way down to, like, he called it a boo-boo. Oh, okay. It could have been the Bearfack. Was it the BareFac? That's Refuge Medical's kit.
Starting point is 00:12:48 That's their IFAC. Yes. I mean, they got good stuff in it. It's got the best stuff in it. It's expensive, but it's got the best stuff in it. Yeah. But, yeah, those guys. Give them a call.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Get them on and add them to your Christmas catalog. Well, they were in last year's. Oh, was it was it yeah yeah we we have a good relationship with refuge they um i always reach out to them during because they're my sort of liaison to grindstone the guy over there yeah yeah i talked to them about i know i never did talk to them about in the back of my mind i wanted to talked to them about, no, I never did talk to them about, in the back of my mind, I wanted to talk to them about creating like a, maybe like a first aid coffee or something like that. I don't know what, but I feel like they need their own coffee too from disaster. So the Koreans are getting into the fray. talked about this morning was um Putin coming out and saying you know really cool that you guys are going to allow Ukraine to shoot missiles into Russia um but we're going to look at that as basically an attack from NATO and act accordingly and possibly nuclear Lee
Starting point is 00:14:10 and that got my hackles up yeah well he has said this before yeah well that's a good point that's a good point but he's done some red lines yeah if uh you know if you want to reason and and maybe he's ready now maybe he's sured up enough, you know, support to attack, you know, Poland or Romania. Yeah. Because that would be his natural progression to go across Europe. But I have to think that somewhere in the back channel, someone from the Trump administration is saying, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. Yeah, it's such a weird move for Biden to come out and do this right now, right?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Why? Other than let's start a war so Trump can't get in, which is my hypothesis, you know, let's start a wider war. Why do it? You know, why come out right now before the holidays too, right? Like Americans don't have enough to worry about. I don't get it. It seems like atrocious timing. And then something else happened. Go ahead, and I'll tell you the second part of the story that's terrifying. No, the last time Trump took office, this time period is when they they dreamt up the Russian collusion thing to get him impeached.
Starting point is 00:15:35 But this time they don't have the House or the Senate. So the only thing that they have is the military. And I don't know. Everybody keeps talking about the peaceful transfer of power. And that gets me, you know, it's almost like they passed out talking points and say, you got to say this every time you have a press conference. You're going to work this in. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Just so there isn't one.
Starting point is 00:16:10 there isn't one. And you can't say just because we started World War III, we can't transition to a new president. You can't say that because we had elections during the Civil War. Well, that's a good point, right? If we had two countries worth of elections, we can handle one. If we had two countries worth of elections, we can handle one. Exactly. And, you know, World War II, we were attacked. The United States was attacked in Hawaii. And we had elections. And Roosevelt got elected again.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And, you know, had he been voted out, he would have transferred. So I don't know if Biden is doing this. I don't know. But it's not a reason not to step down. Yeah. It's just so odd. And you see here in chat, Hunter SF said, did Biden do it or did his handlers do it? And I guess, you know, I guess you definitely got to put some money into that pot for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:12 There's a clip of him. There's a clip of Biden quiet quitting the presidency today. It's in my email newsletter if you listeners got it because it's bananas. It's the video that I played the audio from on the podcast today. He's standing in the Amazon. Did you see it? He's standing in the Amazon, and he finishes his speech, and he's all olded up. He looks the way Biden looks now.
Starting point is 00:17:42 like, you know, he looks the way Biden looks now. And he just, like, looks, like, side-eyes the camera and does this little low wave and walks off into the Amazon. No escorts, nothing. And it just was like he quit. Like, almost like he quit in that moment. It was really weird, man. And he's walking down that trail. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's, like, metaphorical to watch yeah you're like wow so then this happens dave jones it scares me to death because i value your words all of the sudden this was 12 27 p.m eastern monday november 18th i'm sorry this is when it was updated it was out earlier than this but I've been listening to the Biden thing all weekend and I didn't get on the microphone to talk about I said whatever I'll get there Monday um and then after I I was looking stuff up for the show actually I think it was after the show. Yeah, after the show, I ran into this article, which is Dave Jones right off the – I mean, this is your whole thing. Mystery fault takes undersea internet cable between Germany and Finland out of service.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Ooh. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's in Helensky, right? And all I could think about is cutting communications before attack. You know what I mean? I was like, oh, God, that's a bad sign. You know, it's hard to imagine that happening by accident. You think that anybody out there doesn't know who I am?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah, definitely. No, that's a very good point, Dave. That is a very good point. You should definitely tell the folks. Because I'm sure there are some new people on the streaming side who are listening and don't know. Lay it down on them. Lay it down. Dave Jones, the NBC guy, you can Google me.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Other stuff will come up. Other places I've been, Off Grid recall off grid magazine uh i was on the blaze once blaze tv a long time ago and then uh i'm 24 years active duty army i nuclear biological chemical warfare the pretty much the whole time i was recalled to active duty when six months after 9-11 happened and I was sent straight to the Middle East and I traveled to 16 different countries in 22 months doing security assessments for the army interests abroad and Egypt, you know, Saudi Arabia. I was in Baghdad right after Bush declared war or declared victory. I mean, he said we won and I guess that was my cue to go in there. And I worked for the Department of Homeland Security, NASA, Air Force Global Strike Command, Nuclear Weapons Accident Response Team.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And now I teach history. It's a good job. It's a good job for a guy like you. Yeah, this is Dave Jones, the NBC guy. This is why I always tell you to get the free book. This is why I always tell you when nuclear stuff comes up, I go to Dave Jones. Now you guys understand the reason. You want me to read you something cool, Dave?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Back when Reagan was in the Cold War, we fought the Cold War. Yeah. So, gosh. You want me to read this new missile system what's that so you want me to read you something cool real quick sure go ahead something fun to do is to not just google your name now but if you plug your name into chat gpt it's really impressive what yeah if you plug your name into chat GPT, it's really impressive. What? Yeah. If you type who's Dave Jones in the chat GPT, it says Dave Jones, often referred to as the NBC guy, is a prominent figure in the prepper community, known for his expertise in nuclear biological chemical defense.
Starting point is 00:22:01 He has a background that includes military service where he engaged in tasks like performing NBC target analysis during the Cold War. One of his notable experiences involves active duty in the Middle East following the events of 9-11, contributing to his credibility on NBC threats. So this one's a little dated, but he says he hosts a show called Prepping Up with the Joneses on the Prepper Broadcasting Network where he discusses various preparedness strategies, NBC defense, and practical tips. Jones's work includes educating people on how to prepare for chemical or biological emergencies.
Starting point is 00:22:32 He has also been involved in promoting products like skin decontaminants approved by the U.S. military for use against chemical agents. Wild, isn't it? That is crazy, man! Holy cow! If you ask Wild isn't it That is crazy man Holy cow
Starting point is 00:22:47 If you ask chat GPT Who Dave Jones the NBC guy is That's what they come up with Pretty good Chat GPT Makes me sound better than I really am The chemical agents The
Starting point is 00:23:01 What was it called that stuff Yeah RSDL Reactive skin decontamination lotion. That surprised me. I'm surprised that they had that there in ChatGP. Yeah, they dug for that. And they got prepping up with the Joneses. I know. Isn't that wild, man?
Starting point is 00:23:20 I'm telling you. They do a good job, that little machine god that's going to take over the world it knows who you are oh my god it's targeting me it'll be coming by your house with a drone or two when the time comes yeah that's cool though i haven't done it with all the hosts but i did i did it myself once to see uh-huh i was like scared to see what would come up you know and it was it's super nice it always is really nice it always does does it like like i don't know i wonder who's donald trump donald trump is an american businessman television, and politician who served as the 45th president of the U.S. It goes through his, it goes through when he was born.
Starting point is 00:24:11 He has a populist approach, emphasizing themes like America first, immigration reform, nationalism, economic nationalism. It doesn't have anything about, see, ChatGPT. Nationalism. It doesn't have anything about see chat GPT. Oh, I thought chat GPT was only up to 2022. It says as of 2024, he remains an influential figure in American politics and running for president again. How about that? I thought chat GPT was only up to 2022. Good to know. Yeah, and not only that, they didn't say he was a white supremacist, a Nazi. Yeah, that is strange. Where's all the bad stuff? Oh, here you go.
Starting point is 00:24:59 During his presidency, Trump implemented tax cuts, appointed three Supreme Court justices, and pushed for deregulation. He faced two impeachments over a phone call with Ukraine's president. Imagine that. That's hilarious. And second in 2021 for incitement of insurrection related to January 6th Capitol riot. He was acquitted both times by Senate. Yeah. It's not bad. Could be much more biased nowadays.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah. I would say overall pretty accurate. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I like what they did on you though they got you they got you pretty good there's some things i would add but that's good well yeah geez i'll have to remember that so this uh weapon system that they authorized the use of yeah this is it is uh it's It's big time. It can strike deep. It's supersonic.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah. It's 3,600 pounds. So it carries a big bang. Carries a big bang and I guess has to be moved around by special equipment. Yeah. Not too many things you've got laying around the house pick up 3 600 pounds well it shows a tracked uh vehicle with a launcher it looks like there's two missiles per launcher i gotcha so yeah you get you get two of them i guess what up jay ferg in chat i wonder how accurate they
Starting point is 00:26:29 are if they're like um you know guided or oh absolutely oh okay so they yeah that's it's uh okay i wonder who's gonna get it i mean that's where we're at right right where we're at now is i wonder who's getting it because you know it's coming zielinski said it's coming we're not going to tell you when it's coming but it's coming so you know not in those words but so we're going to wake up one morning and there's going to be massive damage somewhere in Russia, probably Moscow, I guess, right? Unless they go military target. I mean, you could keep the heat off yourself to some degree. I've learned this watching Israel and Iran go at it by hitting military targets exclusively.
Starting point is 00:27:19 But I don't know if Ukraine's going to do that. I don't know. They might have too much of a chip on the shoulder, you know? They've taken a lot of damage well one of the yeah one of the reasons to go into russia proper was to take enough territory that they'd have a bargaining chip to try and get some of Donbass back. Right. Some of Crimea and all that area. So this might be. Gosh, I don't know. This might also be a bargain.
Starting point is 00:27:55 That's a good call. Yeah. What do you think about Trump's demilitarized zone plan and no Ukraine and NATO for 20 years?'s the what i've heard about his plan to stop the carnage so i don't remember exactly what like what size it is but it's a large-scale demilitarized zone did i lose you we may have lost the Jones man. Oh, there he is. He's back. Yeah, you lost me.
Starting point is 00:28:30 We lost you for a moment here. Yeah, I did not hear any of your questions. Oh, okay. I was asking, what do you think about Trump's proposal for the demilitarized zone um in ukraine and the 20-year or whatever it is i think it's a 20-year promise that ukraine won't be in nato i know this is part of his proposal to get you know to get putin and zelensky to stop killing each other well that was part of uh Well, that was part of Russia's reason to go into Ukraine. They didn't want them to be a part of NATO. We did give them assurances that they wouldn't be a part of NATO. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And then NATO starts, you know, courting all the Eastern Bloc countries. You know, Romania is now part of NATO, and it's just... We pulled Finland in, right? I think, yep, I think it's pulled full, you know, definitely on the table, and if that's the thing that gets the people from killing each other, why not? It doesn't seem like even if they got all their land back that they'd have a big flow of people to come populated again, right? Like my understanding is a lot of people are gone and never coming back. A lot of people are dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And, you know, who the hell is's gonna live near the demilitarized zone after what happened it's not like you're gonna want to see the russian border from your front door after what happened so exactly and the same way withilitarized zone is, you know, desolate. It's no one. No one is up there. I mean, it's everything that happens in South Korea happens way south and no one no one stays there. Yeah. Even them, though, even they blew up some kind of road there the other day.
Starting point is 00:30:45 North Koreans getting all pissy. Yeah. Even them, though. Even they blew up some kind of road there the other day. North Koreans getting all pissy. Yeah. Well, think about it. You know, they get these troops back that are combat trained and, you know, they saw real combat in Ukraine and they get them back over there to North Korea. Yeah. They feel pretty frosty all of a sudden, right? They're like, oh, let's do something. and they get them back over there to North Korea. They feel pretty frosty all of a sudden, right? They're like, oh, let's do something. And the sharing of weapons and technology and training, you know, they're getting trained up on Russian weapons.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah, that's true. And Russia has been, they got their production of weapons up years ago when they were coming into this fight. They put the old crap up front. You know, it got blew up and now they're backfilling with newer, better stuff. And their war production is going. Ours is stagnant. Oof.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, so. Ours is stagnant Oof Yeah so Yeah and we're sending it all over there right Exactly Well what we're sending over there Is our reserves The stuff that we kept on hand In case we needed to fight Now we have none of that
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah that's terrifying And the shells they say are taking all kinds of time to produce shit that i read an article about the shells like a year ago and it was just crazy how long it takes to produce these i want to say it might have been the howitzers i don't know one of those shells takes a long time to get produced and up to par and up to speed. You know, if you're like a new manufacturer or something like that. Yeah. Well, they have to, you know, they have to be milled. They can't be cast.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So they're milled from metal. So they have to be precise so that they spin without wobbling. Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. So it ain't just cranking out some, you know, cartridge. Yeah, nothing metal stamped with a press. No, it's none of that. You get in there with a precision lathe,
Starting point is 00:33:00 and you cut that metal down, and it's measured with a micrometer and weighed and wow yeah well that makes sense yeah that makes perfect sense and when you're at peace you know at peacetime you only need maybe one two manufacturers to produce what you need, you know, for these shells. That's it. Yeah. Because all you're doing is producing them for training. Right. When you're at war, you need multiple manufacturers just in case something breaks. You need everything.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah. All hands on deck. Yeah. In case one of those manufacturers gets bombed out of existence. Right. Right. Yeah. So Russia's in that mode. We haven't even started on that.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I mean, when you think about it, they started their draft two years ago. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, they started yanking guys off the streets two years ago out of the jails. Yeah. So they're already, you know, they've been through that. Like if we started the draft today, it would take at least six months to get it up and running right to where we have a steady stream of people.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I mean, it's. If you can do it. If you can even do it in America. you can do it. If you can even do it in America. You'll do it. It will add to the population of Canada. Yeah, definitely. And we're already streaming the liberals up there. They're already
Starting point is 00:34:36 on their way. Well, if everybody goes, they're promised to go. If we could be so lucky, right? If if we could be so lucky, right? Yeah. If only we could be so lucky. So what do you think in terms of the next four years?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Because we've got a lot of stuff happening all over the world. I'm sure that Donald Trump is going to get in there and economically attack all of these people if i had to guess you know i'm sure you we know china is going to be under economic pressure so that could thwart their focus on taiwan um you know he's going to go for the throat economically with iran and i don't know what we could do with Russia I mean I feel like we're sanctioning the hell out of them already but do you think go ahead he can he can do things for both sides he he can do things that affects Russia and Ukraine so he can say look we were
Starting point is 00:35:44 So he can say, look, we're... We had another epic timing, Dave Jones. We might have timed out on Dave. Yeah, it was another one of those epic cutoffs. Where you were like, what he could say is. You know. So start back there, because I think you were on to something awesome. Chrome.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oh, you think that's what it is? I don't know. I think Google wants to listen to us well could be so what do you think trump would what do you think trump would say or could say in terms of sanctions on both yeah he could he could affect both sides he could give both sides a deal. You know, the United States is positioned to where both sides can get something that they want. You know, he could say, look, I'll produce this much oil, which will drop your income by X. Or I can turn the spigot all the way on And you ain't getting crap Yeah You know
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah I mean he can offer both sides Look you won't be In NATO But we're going to protect you And we'll man the demilitarized zone You know with a coalition Of you know Forces to make sure that you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:37:28 yeah and then the just just the everything with china china needs us to be customers and if he brings back the manufacturing base to the united states and puts tariffs on anything coming from China, that's going to cripple them terribly. Oh, yeah. They're in big trouble. Yeah. The last time he put the tariffs on, the Chinese government actually ended up paying the tariffs so that the consumer wouldn't feel it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Oh, okay. Yeah. tariffs so that the consumer wouldn't feel it oh okay yeah and they've done a bunch of stimulus right now over there every time i hear economic news there's stimulus stimulus stimulus so yeah yeah they got enough to deal with i'm not i'm not all in on this idea that they're ready to go to war particularly with us maybe not even taiwan you know because i don't understand you take over an island of people who hate you like that's a lot of work you've got to deal with them now you know you've got to commit forces well you would know you've got to commit forces you've got to you know probably quell all kinds of flare-ups of rebellion and yeah and you know and you know the rebels are not going to be doing it alone you know they're going yeah they're going to be getting stuff in shipping containers from the united states it seems like a lot for taiwan i don't know i mean i i guess the chip industry
Starting point is 00:39:06 makes sense to them something like that having control of the chips but you know all that takes is a is a ballsy bunch of rebels to blow that whole chip manufacturer up you know or start blowing manufacturers up in taiwan and then china's just sitting there going, okay, well, that was a waste. Well, recently, the Taiwan government denied China their most advanced chips. Oh, that's right. The AI necessary chips, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 That's big news. chips right yeah yeah so that's big news so if china's cut off okay and they're not getting anything what's what's wrong with destroying everybody else's ability to get something you know when you when you bring that up that is reason to go to taiwan and fight because you can't fall behind on ai yeah there's no country can afford to fall behind on ai i don't even know what it's going to be but i know it's going to be militarized and i know the countries that have it are going to be unbelievable yeah i mean the countries that have it are probably going to be able to say you can launch these missiles on monday because i know where their forces are going to be monday night already before they know you know what i mean yeah like well it's going to be like that
Starting point is 00:40:37 just about probability calculations and all that kind of stuff yeah i'm sure they'll know what the enemy's going to do before the enemy does it. Maybe before the enemy knows it's going to do it. That's probably what AI is going to be able to do. That's a wild guess. You can put AI to figure out things that you haven't even thought of yet. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You know, and since we're talking about probable attacks. Sure. Since we're talking about probable attacks, there's a reason why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Sunday morning at 8 a.m. Church? Yeah. Okay. First of all, everybody that can afford to be downtown was downtown. They had very little defense we we weren't awake everybody was you know it's sunday just like the upcoming thanksgiving do you know do you know more people travel on thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:41:39 than they do christmas yeah yeah that's always a weird one, isn't it? Yeah. So I'm just saying if I was going to attack and I wanted to get, you know, the maximum surprise. Yeah. I would probably do it on a uniquely American holiday where everybody's off or at least, you know, if they're not off, there's a lot less people there than normal. Yeah. Do a George Washington Revolutionary War style. Yep. Right. Get them when they're all toasted and roasted.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, though. Thanksgiving. I don't know. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where it does feel a little – I mean, you do it late, I guess, after everybody's eaten. You could have to turkey.
Starting point is 00:42:34 There's always a – yeah, there's always a little fire in the air. There's always a little Indians pilgrim versus pilgrims in the air in my house for Thanksgiving, I feel like. I don't know, though. You know, the forces that are in this country now anymore, Dave Jones, I have no clue. You know, you could tell me anything. You could tell me there's a company of Chinese soldiers in downtown Richmond, and I'd believe it. I'd be like, yeah, they've been here since Biden got in. We saw them come in with their backpacks. I wonder all the time why they flew those specific people from Central America into certain cities around the country
Starting point is 00:43:19 and bypassed the border and entry altogether. Why is that? Who are they and and what was the reason what made this a good idea yeah exactly well nature abhors a vacuum and joe biden's presidency has just created one big vacuum where we could just go insane thinking about what's possibly has happened and why it's happened because he doesn't come out and explain it have you had somebody come out and say well they had family in new york and this one had family and we'd still be suspect but at least we would say well maybe you know yeah instead of just uh you know we got our orders from Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Instead of just, you know, we got our orders from G, and we flew them where he said to fly them. Yeah. Joey got his paycheck and sent them where they're supposed to go. Yeah. So that's the deal. For the Thanksgiving Day attack. The Thanksgiving Day parade, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Oh, man. Hey, speaking of attack, I got my second ammo squared shipment. Oh, nice, man. Bam, pest control is here. Now, I have to tell you, I won second place in the ammo lottery. Yeah, I heard this. I heard this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'll let Maria know. I'm very proud of you the next time I see her. I got that second box, and she says, we're playing the lottery. You're so lucky. How did you win? I'm telling you, man. That's a nice feeling. That's a nice feeling.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Oh, yeah. But I had to say, since this was not the normal size shipment, I said, well, I won second place this time. Last time I won first place. Yeah, that's a nice feeling. I gave my son a box of 522s for his rifle. That was cool. That was a cool thing. We put them in the backpack and went out squirrel hunting with them.
Starting point is 00:45:23 But, yeah, that's a nice feeling, man. You get that big old box of ammunition and you're like okay this is the way to do it ammo squared is the way to do it i mean just oh yeah yeah it's the way unless you're super ammo nerdy and like you really like to go out and shop ammunition they just it's the set it and forget it system. It's too good. I think a promo code is still available too. Use the promo code PBN at Ammo Squared and you'll get 75 rounds of 9mm free on your first order. So get them. It's great.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's a service. They provide a service that is, you know, it just takes one thing off your mind. That's it. You don't have to. Yeah. You set the trigger. And when it reaches that trigger, it ships. And free shipping, it comes right to your door, UPS.
Starting point is 00:46:20 It's fantastic. And you can do any dollar amount you want. That's what's beautiful about it. You can do any dollar amount you want that's what's beautiful about you can do 10 bucks if all you got is 10 bucks a month you can just pile 10 bucks into the old ammo squared account and not even look at it for a year and then by the time a year rolls around you'll have a bunch of ammo yeah it's it's awesome and the companies that we have uncovered over the years are like, it's just awesome. Yeah. That Christmas catalog is going to be amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Oh yeah. Every year. That thing. So you got to put ammo squared in there. I'll put them in there. I got to know. I got some awesome stuff. Who else do I have in there?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Oh, give a little preview. I got prep. Prepper beef is going to be in there this year we interviewed the owner of prepper beef a ways back what he started doing which is really cool is he started freeze drying steak so he says sells packs of freeze-dried filet mignon packs of freeze-dried ribeye packs of free and it's diced it's it's cooked and freeze-dried filet mignon, packs of freeze-dried ribeye, and it's diced, it's cooked and freeze-dried, so it's ready to go, you know, rehydrate and eat. And he's a good guy too, Jason over there at Prepper Beef's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:47:36 We've got a new company nobody's ever heard of that I'm really pressuring to become a sponsor. They are sweet. They're called Fail State. And what Fail State is, it's the cleanest training I've ever seen for online training. And they're going to have an ad in there this year. You can check them out. Fail State does, i don't know i the thing i don't know
Starting point is 00:48:07 with fail state is who outside of our people is going to get into it but it's so clean the the logo is clean the website is so clean it's so awesome the guys who do the training are all military i mean it's it's awesome. They did a really great job. You'll get to know them. I got a bunch of people, man. Of course, all of our people will be in there. Faraday containers. You'll get to see pictures of those things. Those are incredible. Faraday proof containers, shipping containers. Packed Fresh USA is going to have a bunch of black friday deals so if you got food storage aspirations food storage to do packed fresh usa is going to have their stuff in there i think i'm going to have mira in there again we'll do the me we had a lot of good deals
Starting point is 00:48:55 from mira last year mira safety if you want to get your nuclear padded all up get your gas mask get your filters all that kind of stuff Yeah, it's good awesome tons of great great things in there it's it's I was telling you Dave Jones before we got started the The Black Friday catalog just was something that I wanted to make because it was something that i wanted like i remembered hanging on to the old sears catalog as a kid and just loving it and i said man how come adults don't have something cool like this how come preppers don't have something cool like this to leaf through and uh unfortunately there's no you know we're not doing mail so it's digital only but it's packed it's packed with all the good stuff i teased the uh dave you
Starting point is 00:49:47 probably didn't see it but i teased the new cover this year this year's cover out to the members the members got a heads up look at the cover the cover is pretty fun it's pretty fun last year's was really good this one's pretty good too so the black friday catalog when are we going to release this thing let's say let's make one of those i have this habit man i make these like really important business decisions on air live we'll say tuesday the 26th for release on the black friday catalog yeah that gives me one extra work day before or one extra work day so that if i don't get it all done the weekend before, I can sure it up that Monday. We put it out that Tuesday, and there will be Black Friday exclusive deals.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, the other thing that there will be in this one, and this is not for all of you out there listening, but for those of you who are fans of my writing also. I'm going to add a link to pre... What is the word? Pre-buy? What am I saying? Pre-order. Pre-order. There it is. Hello. It's been a long day. You'll get a chance to order my new Christmas book. Pre-order my new Christmas book, Let Your Heart Be Light. That will be in there also. That'll probably be outside of an email. One of the only places I do the pre-order because I don't do a lot of pre-order stuff. If you're looking for a fireplace, Morning by the Fireplace with Coffee read.
Starting point is 00:51:25 fireplace morning by the fireplace with coffee read let your heart be light is It's a good one. It's a good one It needs to get in the hands who needs to read let your heart be light Dave Jones is the you think? the young like the 20-somethings because it's all about kind of love and marriage and Hall and and fat family in general, but a lot about relationship stuff, a lot about love and marriage and grown up kids and, you know, all that kind of stuff. It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:51:52 But yeah, man, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be an awesome year as usual. Yeah, I can't wait. It's all we do around here. I was telling you, go ahead. We got we got to stop meeting like this. I think I've done the last three Prepper lives.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Three or four. Well, you know, here's the truth, Dave Jones. They love you. The listenership loves you. And it's not only this is how much they love Dave Jones, the NBC guy. It's in the statistics so like i have so yeah i have not seen that i have not seen when dave jones is on when dave jones is off it gets a little inconsistent if you're on consistently doing
Starting point is 00:52:39 daily audio caches we're higher than than normal's a dave stats and then there's a no dave stats and it's a different thing really oh i never knew that you go back and look at uh bring up the stats for the month you did what was it september when you did all the prepper tips yeah it's a whole different month compared to october or november wow yeah it's you you make a big difference they love hearing from you, man. Well, that was fun. That was fun to do. I like that.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Oh, that was amazing. Yeah, it was bang, bang, bang. You know, I tried to keep it at like two minutes, including the intro. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I, to be honest with you, I think we should have one. Not from you, because that's too much of an ask. But I think we should have one not from you because that's too much of an ask but i think we should have one every day just like that i think we could pull that at least every
Starting point is 00:53:32 weekday if not every day of the year that we do a do you know every every day that we have a show because it was like five minutes and it was awesome you know and i know there's three i know there's 400 prepper tips we could compile oh yeah that may be something that i gather the hosts together for in 2025 and we commit to a uh a prepper tip of the day for every day plus it'd be really cool 365 prepper tips oh man that'd be amazing right and not not not just from me you know to have a bunch of people do it yeah because i figure if we did it that way you could get two if i got two per month out of every host that'd be 30 so that's it it'd just be two prepper tips a month out of each host.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And then we'd have we'd have enough for the month. So that's too easy. That's too easy. Yeah. I mean, I did those 30 and sometimes I'd be on a roll and I do like five of them, five of them in a row. And I got ahead like a week because I knew I was going to prepper camp. And I hear it in your voice when you were on fire i was like yeah he could do he could do 20 of these today he could do half the month today well you did almost do like a you did a chunk of the month one day i know you did because i watched him doing the speaker and then one time I forgot to click the forward date. So I, Oh yeah. You published a bunch.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. They like four or five of them posted the same day. And I'm like, yeah, that was fun. Performance oriented training. No, that,
Starting point is 00:55:19 that was the one that I don't think I gave. I did it justice pot. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I saw that and i thought you i i listened to it and when i first went into it i thought you were going to talk about growing marijuana and you know how you could use it for barter or something along yeah when i never know the jones homestead right we always have a good time and we always eat well so yeah wouldn't be the worst performance oriented training where you have to identify small things that you can do to train up your people quickly so these are small individual hands-on tasks like shoot an asthma you know and i was thinking of this i don't know why I was thinking of this last night.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Salute. A salute report is an enemy activity report. So if you observe someone, and let's face it, anybody outside your group is the enemy. Okay? So salute is size, activity, unit, time, location. Yeah. Salute. And yeah, I spelled it wrong, but it's those, you know, that's the acronym. And I was thinking, people on your perimeter and people in your group need to be able to relay that information,
Starting point is 00:56:49 who they are, what kind of equipment they had, what they were doing if they were lost, or if they were looking for something, if they had weapons, you know, and where were they? You know, how many people in your group actually know which way north is? Well, yeah, that's a good one. You know, if you went to your location and you had all your people there and you said, which way is north? Could they point to north? Some in my group, no yeah so if if you say they were
Starting point is 00:57:30 over there but did you get it osmuth did you what direction is over there and you know can just little things like that and i don't know why I was thinking that last night. Well, it's perfect. It's that modality of training is exactly what every one of us would be faced with. If we had to grow a group or build a group or add to a current group or start a group from scratch in a situation like that, you know what I mean? That'd be exactly what you'd be tasked with. what i mean that'd be exactly what would you be you'd be tasked with yeah you have to break down tasks small individual hands-on tasks that they could perform really quickly and you'd get a go no go at this station at whatever whatever you were doing and yes you can do it no you can't yeah dave jones you you got so much in you it's crazy oh like where like something like that salute report i just wrote it down i just wrote it down for red beacon media because i
Starting point is 00:58:36 had a great idea about how we could use it and i was like wow that thing that's just one of those things that's just sitting there in the uh in the embers of Dave Jones' soul, just waiting to come out. I never heard of it before. I don't know nothing about it until you said it's awesome. I mean, I've heard of similar things, but I like that. So it's size, activity, location, unit time, and equipment. Oh, unit time and equipment. Oh, unit time equipment. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah. There you go. So that's what it is. I had to write it down myself to get it all. So it's, you know, it's basically, that is the information that someone needs to decide whether or not this is a threat or what the activity is going on in your area. And, you know, you would not be there.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Your outpost wouldn't be seen. They just observe it. And if you were going on a recon, if you were going somewhere to look at something, this is the information you'd need to bring back. Yeah, I like it. I like that. I mean, I don't want to get into like Stassi, but there's definitely some, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:54 uses for that nowadays. And it really could come into play if things start to get crazy post-Trump inauguration. Who did it last year? No biggie. Let's call it a night. Let's call it a night because
Starting point is 01:00:09 I owe my dogs a walk. Okay, man. Things got to keep on moving. But you were great, Dave Jones, as usual. Even ChatGPT thinks so. Thanks. I'll talk to you soon, my friend. Appreciate it it see you guys take care
Starting point is 01:00:27 if i told you you could own land for 200 down and highly affordable monthly payments your cheap is your answer to bug out land hunting recreation and whatever else your Thank you. the properties, use the promo code PBN and get $100 off your purchase. Thank you. for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper University and order their box set of mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7-mil 100-pack of mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.

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