The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: Commander, Godfather, NBC GUY!

Episode Date: July 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability. What is up, PBN family? Preppers live. We are, uh, we got a special alignment of preppers for you tonight. We've got the Godfather, we've got the Commander, we've got the NBC guy. And I'll tell you the real quick story and then we'll just get this show on the road. I got overexcited about the Annie Jacobson, Joe Rogan interview and her talk about nuclear war. I called Dave Jones and I said, dude, you got to talk about this because it sounds kind of funny, some of it. And we got all excited and said, yeah, we'll do it Monday night. And then I was like, crap, I got Rick Austin on Monday night.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And then I said, you know what, we can have Rick Austin and we can have Dave Jones on Monday night. That would be great show. And so here we sit. There's all kinds of ground to cover. There's all kinds of things that we can get into tonight. You know, I think off the top, probably what we should mention before we get too deep in the muck and mire, gentlemen, is that we are, what are we, July, August, September. We're only three months out from Prepper Camp, right, Rick?
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, it's the end of the month, but yeah, we're only three months out. How are you feeling? That's the real question, three months out. I'm not really focused on anything other than one day at a time right now because it's just the thing that's getting me the most is the heat and humidity without any rain. So I've been spending a lot of time trying to keep the animals from getting heat stroke. Oh, okay. You're on emergency. Yeah. water and all that kind of stuff. I'm still doing prepper camp stuff and everything else,
Starting point is 00:02:31 but Jane and I have actually changed our schedule drastically in terms of when we start in the morning just so we can get most of it done before the heat hits. So you start earlier. Yeah. As I told Dave while we were in the green room there um it's 105 here and that's without the heat index i'm sure it was like 115 116 with the heat index because it's been super humid too yeah and we've had half an inch of rain
Starting point is 00:02:58 in the last six weeks on one day and that's it so um fortunately the secret gardener survival you know it's a perennial thing so it really you know it can reach further down with its roots for water but stuff like the the bluegrass that i got growing to keep my my goats happy that stuff is drying up to nothing so oh man yeah yeah it's real there's no doubt about it the heat is real my little dog was out playing with a dog across the street she came home sat on the only out for like 25 minutes sat out on the couch and then hopped off the couch and just started throwing up profusely all over the house wow she's a little pug yeah and uh i thought that's what it was i said you know i i was out running and i mean drenched and i my son calls me which never happens
Starting point is 00:03:56 and i pick i call him back and uh it's my wife and she's like i think zella ate poison or something she's throwing up all over that. And I was like, oh, so then I had to sprint home in the 100 and whatever. And I think she was a little overheated is what it was. But, yeah, I know it, man. James River's looking beautiful. I love and hate the droughts around here. Dave Jones, how are you managing water up there on
Starting point is 00:04:25 the mountain, man? I heard you a little bit on the tail end, but I think the audience would like to hear your process too. Well, yeah, we're really rationing the water here. I mean, I got to where I'm using the bath water from the kids and we're just watering enough to keep everything alive because we don't want our well to run dry i'm i'm i have a project planned to drill a second well actually hand dig not necessarily drill because there's an intermittent stream on my property and i want to tap into it and be able to put a hand pump on it and at least you know use that for the animals well hey you guys are so hospitable up there on the mountain that i will gladly come dig a hole with you if you if you need the help okay you let me know what weekend yeah well and uh to let you know that the Amish guy is going to do beef in the fall. And, yep, I know you and Dan might be splitting a cow.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I'm in for sure. I'm sure Ben is in. We're trying to stay away from beef, and I'm hoping to get a deer. You know, cholesterol and all that. I got you. Yeah. I heard crickets are pretty good oh lizard food yeah we're we're infested with deer here we are so infested with deer where i live it's it's a sin for me not to kill them at all times i mean they're everywhere now. They built a development, like, I guess it would be sort of like east of me.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And they chopped up all this big woods to do it. And we have deer roaming our streets in the middle of the day. Wow. I'll just be running down the street, and there'll be deer crossing the street. Just yesterday, what was it? Yeah, yesterday. Yesterday, I was trying to run my dogs in the woods, and I couldn't get to the woods because there was a bunch of people walking their dogs, and I was like, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:33 So then I headed up the other way, and my neighborhood is like nothing but hills. And there was a fawn standing in the middle of the road. This is like 2.30 in the afternoon. Just standing there staring at me and the dog. I'm like, please, this is a strong pit bull. He's going to dislocate my shoulder if you don't go. They're everywhere. I may actually buy a crossbow.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I don't have a crossbow. I shoot the recurve. I shoot the compound but there's they're around so much now that it's like like i almost feel like i could just hit them off of my steps at my house i'm doing the dave jones hunting now get you that crossbow man uh hey and rick was saying that they he adjusted his schedule well what we've been doing is getting up earlier and then when it's really really hot i come in and take a nap it's a good move i wish i could take a nap that's a good never gonna happen i'll tell you what's a
Starting point is 00:07:40 really good move this time of year is uh whatever kind of preferred electrolyte powder you got that makes a world of difference for me that changes the whole game because i drink coffee in the morning like an absolute fiend so i know i go into the heat already dehydrated you know what i mean i come back from the hot and and start filling up on that electrolyte stuff. You know I use the liquid IV. That stuff is a lifesaver. It brings me right back. Yeah, it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:14 This time of year, man. It creeps up on you, you know? You're like, 890, it ain't too bad. Then you start to cross the 100 threshold and you just debilitate it by the heat my kids walk out and it looks like it looks like they got hit in the stomach with a bat they're like oh what is going on out here but well it's like working in a sauna every day i mean i come in i'm changing like twice a day and oh yeah yeah. I mean, I just profusely just sweat. This is why I was laughing at you three, four months ago when you were telling me,
Starting point is 00:08:52 oh, I'm getting fat. All I could think of was, yeah, not for long. Not for long. You are right. I am down about eight pounds now, and I'm pretty close to halfway through my goal. And, you know, before school starts, I'm going to be right, you know, fighting fit. There you go. Yeah, you'll be in fine shape.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Humping that mountain up and down, man. That'll do it. Yeah, we do weekly weigh-ins here at the Jones Homestead. Oh, man. Competitive or what? No, no, no. If you focus on something, you will achieve it. So everybody lines up.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We get on the scales. We record it. We have data going back like probably 14 years. Wow. Yeah, well, you know, you can definitely get in trouble if you start telling yourself, I'm fine, I'm in good shape, and then 10 years goes by, you know? Yeah. And you haven't hopped on a scale.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You jump on a scale. What happened to me? So what door do we go in first tonight, gentlemen? Door number one or door number two? I know we have, I mean, I guess there could even be door number three. For those of you who didn't hear, real quick, let me just tell everybody who didn't hear Dave today, who didn't hear me today, who showed up only for Preppers Live. We're going to have to talk Trump.
Starting point is 00:10:24 We're going to talk us that stuff i guess we should even talk about his vp for people who haven't heard that um i'm a bit disappointed but we can get into that uh if you really are like out of your mind on all of the what could have possibly happened conspiratorial stuff which i'm sure we'll get into tonight, you have to listen to the Patriot Power Hour from two nights ago. It was, was it two nights ago or one night ago? One night ago. No, it's last night.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, last night. It's the penultimate. Future Dan went total green beret on conspiracy and it took it to a level that was just almost obscene but it was good i mean you know if you're gonna do it do it the best you can do it but uh yeah maybe even some new nuke talk all that kind of stuff um what do you guys think about jd vance the hillbilly elegy. I like the pick. I mean, the guy's 39 and, you know, super conservative. Will follows Trump's lead. And if anything ever happens to Trump, man, this guy can pick it up and take it over in a minute
Starting point is 00:11:45 yeah i mean he's got i was partial to tulsi i really wanted to see tulsi but i get it i get it he's not a it's not a bad thing it's a personal thing you know he's he's a smart guy he'll he'll do fine man i mean i really to be honest the most exciting thing about J.D. Vance is if they can, you know, awaken Biden from his slumber long enough for another debate and they get the VPs involved. I mean, that that'll be it. He'll cream. That'll be it. I would love to see that. I would love to see that.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Trump is playing like 3D chess because that locks in Ohio and they get to pick another Republican senator. You understand? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't even think about that. Oh, yeah. That makes much more sense. My biggest problem with J.D. is he's one of the handful, literally, senators that we can count on. And taking him out of the Senate is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But I don't know. I mean, I could have thought of other people that if he was going to pick from the Congress, I would have loved to seen Matt Gaetz. If he was going to pick from the Congress, I would have loved to have seen Matt Gaetz. I would have loved to have seen the senator from Missouri. Man, I'm blanking out here. It's a good point. I mean, it's definitely a good point as far as like these guys are doing amazing things. And you take them out of the seat and what moves in? Joshosh hawley you're talking holly yeah josh yeah he's i mean he's brilliant and he and he doesn't hold any
Starting point is 00:13:32 you know he doesn't hold back at all so i think i feel like they would have a seizure of josh hawley and donald trump united apparently apparently at the convention today you know there was all this wrangling going on the floor and people were you know the the neocons and the the rhinos were all trying to push marco rubio and nicki haley and and then trump makes the the announcement on true social and they just went ballistic they just it was like wait a minute it's over for us oh we got no power we got no power so that's funny that's funny well and then look what if he picks what if the governor of ohio picks vivek because he's an Ohio resident. Oh, they're buddies too, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:28 That's a good call. Back Trump up 100%. And he's young. And man, he has a great future ahead of him, man, that guy. I don't trust DeWine at all. I don't trust DeWiney at all.
Starting point is 00:14:44 No. He's a weasel he really is yeah i mean he's the guy come to find out he is the guy that um that ordered that said okay gave the thumbs up to the burning at east palestine and um oh really yeah yeah he's so Oh, really? Yeah, yeah. So it's finally come out that it was him that approved it, and it never should have happened. He looks like the type. He's a worm. He really is. He's one of those guys, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You could see him being hauled off for, like, they found children chained to a radiator in his basement. That's what he looks like to me. When I see a guy like that with that hair doing those spectacles on. Well, I'm sure Trump is going to have some input here or already does have input. I don't think he would have hurt the Republican Party, you know, by taking J.D. out and not being able to replace him with someone that's at least as good. I don't know. It's really up to DeWine. I think it's five years left on that term.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He was a freshman senator. But a great guy. A great story to the whole Hillbilly Elegy thing. Just kind of, poor poor guy father's gone mother is a alcoholic and drug addict and grandmother raises them and teaches them
Starting point is 00:16:34 all the right things to do and he was in ohio and middle middleton like middletown, Ohio, and his grandparents moved from Appalachia. So there's a combination to live in Middletown so that they can take care of him and raise him up. So that's a good story. A real, you know, rags to not necessarily riches but power, and I think people appreciate it. Could be a long future for the guy, depending on how things go.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Well, I'd like to see it at least be 12 years. Yeah, there you go. You're thinking like I am. Can you imagine? What would this country look like 12 years? Yeah. If we get the right guys in place, they could start destroying the deep state and taking them out and just eliminating.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yes. And we keep both houses. We already got the judges and, you know, the appeals court judges and, you know, the federal court. Sure. court gets a lot of the focus. But Trump put in, I don't know how many judges in the four years that he was in. And that is where the rubber meets the road. And if we could take the House and the Senate, oh, my God, we could turn this ship around. It would be one heck of a story. It would be one heck of a thing to look back on.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I'll tell you what, though. We've still got six more years left in the 20s, and I think the 20s are about the weirdest decade we're going to see. This has been one of the wildest rides that I can remember. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't mean that there's not going to be turmoil. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Oh, they're, they're not going to go down easy. They are not going to go down easy. They're not going to give up power easily, but the, the, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:38 project 2025 with, you know, when, when Trump went in before he had no clue what he needed to do in terms of filling positions. And he didn't even fill all the positions he had available where he could just choose somebody and stick him in there. But, you know, now they've got 3,000 people lined up, ready to go and jump in there that are all been vetted pro-Trump, promega and pro-america so i think we're going to see some changes happen and i think trump's got some other stuff up his sleeve in terms of like redlining some of these
Starting point is 00:19:14 agencies which we really need to do oh yes that's huge how does he how does he lose? He's been shot. He's been drug through every mud puddle you can. You know, Donald Trump is starting to remind me of Prepper. Not in the sense of the things that he does, but in the sense that once you drag someone through the shit enough, then they're completely free. And I always felt that way with preppers. It was years and years and years of people like, oh, they're crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They're nuts. They're out of their mind. They're paranoid. They're scared. They're terrified. They're hoarders. They're this. They're that. Then all of a sudden, 2019, 2020 comes around and it's like, oh, shit, they were right.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And then you're already for for advice and you feel bulletproof because everybody's called you every name you could be called and tested you every way they can test you and i feel like that's that's kind of where he's at now you know and i think to myself how do we wake up mid-november and and be like, Joe, Joe Biden won again. They're, they're still going to try to steal it. But I, Oh, I still think, I still think they get something up their sleeve. I, you know, they're, they've been, they want him out. They need him out. You think he's going to get, get swapped out? You think,
Starting point is 00:20:44 you think he's going to be assassinated next, but more quietly? Yeah, I mean, what I believe will happen at their convention is they're going to take him out. And I don't believe they're going to take him out with the 25th Amendment because that means that Camel Toe Harris would end up being president and it'd be hard to to get her out but i think they could um they could take him out and make uh kamala uh the the head and then guess who the vice president would be pelosi no who is it no i i'm i believe we'd have Hillary as a VP. Oh. And then the Clinton machine would do its dirty work, and somehow Kamala would be offed. Damn Secret Service.
Starting point is 00:21:39 They just can't seem to protect these people. And you've got Hillary, who no one would vote for, everybody hates, and she'd be empress of the world. God, if Hillary slid into home plate at the final seconds of the game, that would be an astounding end to that story. Well, the Obamas are working with some people and that's kind of the faction that you know put joe in there in the first place because he's a puppet and then you've got the the clintons and that crew that are kind of pushing the other way so you, we'll see. But I don't think it's over yet, you know, because if they put, you know, Big Mike in there, people might believe that he she got the votes.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Michelle Obama, Big Mike. Oh, okay. I was sitting here trying to go over the Mikes and figure out who. You know, Michael. I got you. Michael, who Obama has called her several occasions in public. You put Big Mike in there. I mean, why else have they been pushing this trans narrative for the last five years to make it okay yeah wow so and i you put big mike in there and and people might believe that she won um but um no one no one in their right
Starting point is 00:23:19 mind would believe that that biden won so for them to try to steal it and they're going to try um it's a tough sell just people would not yeah people would not believe it people i mean now people are awake much more awake than they were in 2020 and people would not believe it so you know that one they might be able to manipulate the the numbers and the results and do you know do their dirty work with the electronics and machines um and people might say well you know she was glamorous and everybody liked her and she doesn't want to be in politics you know yeah i think that's a front i do think that's a front i hear her saying that more and more oh Oh, no, I don't want anything to do with that.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's the one thing that makes me nervous about her. I don't feel like it's possible too much. But when they when they say she's oh, I don't know. No, I don't want to do that. I feel like I feel like she said, yeah, let's let's fire up the engines. So then you'll have your fourth Barackama term right there yeah and i i just want to point out this uh joan rivers was interviewed no she's dead oh yeah she's on camera she said that michelle obama's a trans everybody knows that yeah and really she was yeah she was asked the question she was asked the question i think she was going in for some sort of operation was a dentist thing or something like that yeah well she died of an abscess tooth oh yeah so she's so she's going in for an operation for you know for a dental thing and she's on the steps and somebody's asking, do you think that we'll ever have a gay president?
Starting point is 00:25:05 And she says, we have one right now. Like, just dismissive. We have one now. And what do you mean? Obama, he's gay. Oh, well, what about Michelle? She's a tranny. I mean, she said it right out loud.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And then somehow she never recovered from that abscess tooth. She died. That abscess got real bad real fast yeah yep whoa that's a dark one that is a dark one yeah and you know from the prepper standpoint we have to be no matter how crazy joe biden you know looks no matter how much his health falters or has faltered. We have to be prepared for what a Trump win means, because it means chaos in the country, at least in the medium term. You know what I mean? There's no doubt about it. Some of these cities are going to go absolutely ballistic. And you know what? That's fine. Let the cities let the cities implode, because that's where it's going to that's where it's going to be. Let them implode the rural areas that feed the cities. When I read what the next civil war would be, it would not be north versus south,
Starting point is 00:26:15 it would be cities versus rural. And strategically from a military standpoint, you surrounded them. You just cut off their food supply. Let them kill each other. Yep. So, you know, that's something to consider. That is most certainly something to consider out there, listeners. I really don't know anymore. I mean, I'm sure there will be places.
Starting point is 00:26:44 There's no way Portland is going to celebrate that Donald Trump is the president, you know? No. Exactly. And they practiced. They practiced from his inauguration because Washington, D.C. was trashed. And they had a woman's march planned because they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win. And they turned that into a hate Trump. Yeah. So they had four years of practice. They're organized. And well funded by the Soros. literally busing people in today outside of the convention in Milwaukee. And, you know, they were the usual suspects, the soy boys, the the the porky boys that never never left their
Starting point is 00:27:38 basement and the purple haired women with the multiple piercings all over. And they all had signs that they're doing a little better now. They look like they're almost homemade, but they're not. You can see all the typefaces are exactly the same. And so they're printed and you're using the same wood to hold them up. So it's not some sort of spontaneous thing it's they're i'm sure they're getting paid too oh yeah yeah i'm sure i'm sure there'll be plenty of that going on you know outside agitators hauled into cities to make it chaos not that i mean i don't know what the end
Starting point is 00:28:19 game would be though you know what are you gonna do what are you gonna do but then again it also just becomes an opportunity to loot and steal and all that kind of fun stuff i reduce the surplus population what a great book um so you know i'm already ate up on christmas seven months out or whatever it is but uh so you know the only surefire way To keep a man from winning an election Is to make sure there's no man to run the election And that almost happened Saturday night
Starting point is 00:28:54 What was going on in your guys lives When you heard That Donald Trump had been shot I was milking goats I knew it I knew there was going to be a goat involved. I just wasn't sure to what capacity. Yep. What about you, Dave?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah, I got a quick little, you know. Oh, go ahead. Somebody sent me something. Somebody sent me something. I looked at the video, and it was just a short video that showed the shooting. Yeah. that showed it, the shooting. And, you know, as someone that knows a little bit about firearms, I looked and saw, and he turned his head, and that is when that bullet pierced two parts of his ear
Starting point is 00:29:37 and went whizzing by. And that's when he put his hand on it, and he fell to the ground. I mean, he jumped to the ground cause he knew, you know, underneath was all bulletproof. So I, if he had not turned his head and I saw, maybe I'll share with you guys tomorrow or something like that. But I saw an illustration literally of how his head was turned prior and that would have gone right through his ear and through the back of his head.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Had he not turned his head and cocked his head to the left just slightly to read the teleprompter. So that was pretty amazing. And one of the pundits I listened to said today that that was the shooter shot Trump at 6-11, and he reminded people that 6-11 Ephesians is put on the armor of God. Whoa. No. Is that for real? Yep. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Wow. See? When I first got word of it and started to realize what happened and realize how close it was and all that kind of stuff, I just started thinking George Washington. I couldn't stop thinking about Washington. Then they showed the hole in the coat. I don't know if that ever panned out or not, but it was just, I don't know. It was the modern time sort of example of Washington, you know, coming off the battlefield. I mean, what is Trump doing if not, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:06 the general of the battlefield at these rallies? It's just a modern version. And, you know, to come off having been just grazed and, you know, there was a lot of bullets fired at the guy. I don't know. It was eight. It was eight. I guess he wasn't a good shot or whatever, but that's a lot to dodge.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Eight bullets, especially if they're close enough to your face that they just graze your ear. Jay Ferg in the chat room just put up an image of the one that you sent her, Rick. Okay, good. With the head tilted to one side and the brain and then the ear. Oh, Sloan watched it live sloan in chat was watching it um watching the the thing before it turned into an assassination attempt so ephesians 6 11 is is put the armor of god on that is bananas wow i didn't know i heard nothing about that. I think that that had to be the hand of God. It had to be. There's no way that he could have just in that second before that bullet whizzed by him, he just turned his head and cocked it so that it only hit his ear on on its way by and it hits here in two places so it was it was
Starting point is 00:32:28 not um i mean it was just it would be impossible it's just it's just too coincidental that he just did it just then i i do truly believe it was the hand of god protecting him it's it really stinks oh go ahead dave jones sorry no i i agree 100 i mean you you know larry james so he came over and pounded on the door because i was taking my nap i was taking my nap and he says they just shot trump and my God, you don't know how I was. The words came out of my mouth. I was making up cuss words. Wrecka, checka, wrecka. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And I could I don't have TV, so I couldn't find it, couldn't find it. And then I pulled my phone up and Facebook was saying, you know, I always get Trump notifications on Facebook and it says Trump live. And I'm like, I click on it and they show it. OK, I am behind and they show it. I watch this with Maria. I'm like, holy cow, I can't with Maria. I'm like, Holy cow. I can't believe this. And then I say to her, you know, there's so many people recording this right now.
Starting point is 00:33:52 They're going to have tons of videos to go through. Right. I mean, you'll get every angle. I mean, you go to a Trump rally and you don't pull your phone out and record everything of it. And then, you know, I'm getting inundated. I called you and then a friend of mine that's still with DHS. We you know, I'm back and forth with him. And I said, dude, call me.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I can't type fast enough. And he calls. And that's when we got word that he was alive. And I said, thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Because holy crap. Do you realize what would have happened? Had this been completely different?
Starting point is 00:34:54 What what the country would be like this? I think Washington, D.C. would have been burned to the ground by now. Really? Yeah, I can't even imagine. I can't, D.C. would have been burned to the ground by now. Really? Yeah. Dude, I can't even imagine. I can't even imagine. We got the guns! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I mean, that's true. It's true. I find it hard to believe, personally. I said, which is funny enough, I used to say, and I've said it on many shows, that they could kill Donald Trump at 6 p.m. on primetime television. And I don't think we would do anything about it. So it was really scary to see him get shot at 6, 11. I was like, oh, you might be right.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Every time he'd done a rally, I thought, you know, he is. Yeah. A bullet could come from anywhere. And Secret Service, you know, it hadn't happened till now. But that's what you get when you do diversity hires. Well, and then I clicked in the chat, the back channel, you know, when the police saw a guy with a gun. You know, they should have briefed the police that the code word for gun is gun. You understand? Yeah, there you go. It doesn't matter what frequency, as many frequencies as they had, and just said, gun, gun, gun.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Yeah. And none of this would have gun, gun, gun. Yeah. And none of this would have happened. None of it. Exactly. Well, you know, there were bystanders in the crowd that saw it. They were kind of off and they were pointing and screaming for five minutes. There's a guy up there with a rifle and you could see him. Somebody got a video.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I saw the video of the guy. He's, you know, walking or he's crawling on his belly and rolling over trying to get a shot. And they didn't do anything. Even if he couldn't shoot the guy, you know, the guy turned the gun on him. Yeah. Just shoot, because if they hear shots, Trump is down. Exactly. Yeah, fire off. Yeah. It would make sense. And this is what really surprised me. And maybe it's because you're in the rally, so you can't have a gun.
Starting point is 00:37:21 But it surprised me that no one fired some shots off in the air, having seen the guy, being sort of the red-wigged, red-hatted guy who was interviewed and said, yeah, we watched him get up on the roof and we watched him, you know? It seems like he could do nothing else. I heard somebody say today that, you know, maybe if his audience had been armed, this would have never happened either. Now, that's kind of a stretch because how are you going to monitor who's who? Yeah, that's a rough one. when Dr. Bill Forstian came to Prepper Camp and he was a keynote speaker
Starting point is 00:38:06 and they had just put out a FAQ on him. It was ISIS that basically put out a hit on him for his book, Day of Wrath. And he came to Prepper Camp and he was a keynote speaker and he said, you know, people told me I shouldn't go. You know, the Muslims are trying to kill me. And he said, I couldn't think of a safer place to be than Prepper Camp because I'm sure every single person is carrying there.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Man. Oh, my gosh, yeah. We would have ate them people. That reminds me. Oh, my God, yeah. We would have cooked them up on a campfire, Rick, and ate them. That reminds me. When I graduated from State Trooper Academy, and it's on Sitka, the island of Sitka, Alaska.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And there was 40 of us, and we all flew into Anchorage to get our connecting flights to elsewhere. And we had to fly in uniform. So can you imagine? There were only like maybe 10 other people on this plane that were just regular people, booked a flight and they're getting on. And there's 40 state troopers on this plane in uniform. Wow. I said, yeah, I said, if someone tries to hijack this plane, it'll be shot down from the inside. That's true. That's a nerve-wracking ride. Were there civilians on there with you? Yeah, about 10, 12.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It wasn't many. Man, we can't get away with jack on this airplane tonight yeah in the chat room they're talking about mass deportations the things that trump can undo if he's allowed to be in what do you guys think about that i don't know if america has the stomach to get the illegals out of the country. You know what I mean? You guys are talking about filming. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I mean, when you look at people in Chicago who are complaining and screaming about illegals being in there, that, you know, the people in the hood in Chicago, let's say, they don't want them in there. They realize that they're taking up resources, that they're taking jobs, they're taking money, and they're destroying stuff. Yeah, I think there's overwhelming support for getting rid of them. Absolutely. So you think they could grab them up off the street, throw them in buses and drive off, and the American liberal moms would be, you know... You know, I don't know logistically how they would do it my recommendation would be to fly them back to their countries and don't land
Starting point is 00:40:51 just push them out and then they won't come back if you leave them in chicago long enough they're gonna get shot so i mean that's true you know that Do you guys know that this is bananas? I think it was like an extended, I think it was from, yeah, here we go. From Wednesday, midnight Wednesday the 3rd to Monday following the 4th of July, 109 people were shot in Chicago. 19 were killed in, what's that, four days? Yeah. God almighty. It's safer in Fallujah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I wanted to see the stats in the Ukraine-Russian war in the same time frame. I was like, how many people got shot in Palestine? How many? Yeah. Oh, God. And that's one city. That's it. That's one Yeah. Oh, God. And that's one city. That's it. That's one city.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah, it's time for a ceasefire in Chicago, I think, for sure. China is collapsing. It's time to be self-sufficient and start productions in the U.S., Jay Ferg and chat. Yeah, I think it's definitely time for self-sufficiency. Oh, yeah. We're out about it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 You're talking to two of the bigwigs of the self-sufficiency world, for sure, right here at PBN. Dave Jones is... And Rick Austin, man, sweat equity, literally. Feeding those animals, tending those gardens. Yeah, more sweat lately than usual. Than equity. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But at least you get something out of it. At least you get some protein, some fruit, some veg. Oh, yeah. Yep. Absolutely. Well, should we jump set over to the nuclear war, Dave Jones? I'm sure there's got to be some people out there who have got their fill of Trump talk over the last two days and are probably interested in hearing what you have to say about Annie. But go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I mean, if you want to, we can, because, you know, I have some notes. I listened to the podcast twice. I was surprised to hear that. I appreciate the dedication. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, well, you put me on a task. I'm going to do it. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:43:21 So he even says it during the interview. this is a joe rogan podcast it's not quite three hours it's like two hours and 50 minutes i did not read the lady's book okay and and she says pretty early on that she wrote this book so that people would buy it okay so how do you write something so people will buy it well you gotta scare the crap out of them it's gotta be yeah you just gotta have an audience right how did you feel about her i didn't necessarily get like a bad vibe off of her but she did just kind of seem like like i don't know she kind of seemed just like a journalist you know yeah she's definitely you know the layman the the person that tells you what other people say right exactly she's never
Starting point is 00:44:19 you know been there done that she's just reporting on what they said. And, you know, I don't have great feelings about Leon Panetta. You know, she brought him up because he was secretary of defense and CIA. But, you know, the stuff that she's saying is true. OK, but it's it's no different than what we've lived with since the 50s. And and actually, we're in better shape now because we have less nuclear weapons. I mean, worldwide, there's less, even though other countries are trying to develop theirs. Now, that doesn't mean there's not going to be a nuclear incident. People ask me all the time, do you think they'll use nuclear weapons?
Starting point is 00:45:16 They've never developed a weapon that they haven't used. Is that a fact? Yeah. Yeah, I guess that makes sense, right sense right you're gonna sink all that money into something you want to see it go boom yeah i mean it it all depends upon how and when and and what happens you know she runs down the the conclusion that once it starts, there's no end in it. And that's not necessarily true. You know what's really surprising?
Starting point is 00:45:56 What? Joe Rogan has, I'm looking at the podcast real quick, Joe Rogan has 17 million subscribers on YouTube, which is unbelievable, first of all yeah he had that interview only got 800,000 857k views wow that's tremendously low for him, typically. Yeah. I wonder why. Do people just don't want to hear it? I don't know. Or they don't find it interesting? That's really surprising. I did not expect that. Well, he had Sebastian Younger on, and he only got $489. I just assumed that would be a very big and popular podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:46 But still, the reason I wanted to talk to you about it is because 850,000 people listened to it and have developed probably their own opinion, probably their deepest opinion to date on the condition of nuclear war around the world based off of her work. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And I don't know. It's it's much better to have you than to have her. I'll tell you that much. Well, you know, I I don't agree with the whole nuclear winter thing. You know, yeah, there's going to be a lot of crap. There's going to be a lot. I mean, there's no two ways around it. I mean, when when I was in at NASA and they they had an exercise going where they were going to set off a nuke, a terrorist was going to set off a nuke in Las Vegas. And then Las Vegas said, no, no, no, we don't want to do
Starting point is 00:47:46 that. So then they they changed it to Los Angeles, which would have been even worse. But, you know, I'm in this meeting and they're saying, oh, it won't affect us. And I said, if a nuclear bomb goes off anywhere in the United States, everybody's going to be affected. Right. Because, I mean, they'll go looking for the second bomb. Yeah. You understand? State of emergency everywhere. And all these special teams that they have put together from radiation and health and all these response teams, they go to other cities. They don't go where the bomb went off.
Starting point is 00:48:35 They go looking for the secondary devices. Does it seem inevitable to you guys? Do you ever, like, I don't know. It just seems inevitable to me anymore that there's going to be an event where terrorists detonate nuclear weapons in the U.S. Just by the nature of technology, you know, not tomorrow, maybe not even in 2030, but eventually, unless we somehow figure out how to neutralize all nuclear weapons on the planet, eventually they're going to get smaller and smaller and cheaper and cheaper like everything else, right? And then what? I think there's potential for dirty bombs because they can get that nuclear material. And that scares the public just as much.
Starting point is 00:49:26 But it's not going to have the devastating impact that that a actual nuke would. I don't know. To me, a more likely scenario that we need to be concerned about is is when you have a an enemy or you have a country, a nation that has stated that we are its number one enemy and that they want to eliminate us completely. And there's 50,000 people that just came up across the border, and they're all sitting in little areas, and they've got a bunch of different cells all over the country, I'm much more inclined to think that we're going to see the grid get taken down. Now, that could have been from a cargo ship in the middle of the country coming into port in New Orleans and shooting a nuke up 200 miles and then igniting it and taking the entire grid out. But I think more likely we're looking at a scenario where it doesn't take much to make the entire grid fall.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And the DOD wargamed this out years ago, and if we lose the power grid, we lose pretty much everything, our ability to do transportation, fuel, refrigeration, electricity for everyone, and we will have the population, we'll be killing each other for resources and food, and 80% of the population will be dead in the first two months. And if I was China, that would be my strategy because then it would be a mop-up operation after that. Hey, how do I power my electric car after an EMP?
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah. How's that work how am i supposed to bug out in the in the old what do they call them the leaf or something like that i don't know everybody how do i bug out in my leaf post emp or even if it's just physical sabotage and cyber attack which is probably highly likely too you know what i mean yeah yeah i think that's more likely yeah what rick was explaining uh you know our electric grid is the achilles heel of this giant the hemis called the united states and if the electric grid goes down you know what what happens to our forces? What happens to our military? Do they come back to the mainland? I mean, our military that's overseas, do they come back to the mainland to protect us? Do they try and find out who did it?
Starting point is 00:52:18 The amount of Chinese that have come across the border since Biden took over is the equivalent of over two divisions. Two divisions. How many is that, Dave Jones? Two divisions worth? Over 20,000. I think it was like 28,000 or 24,000. That is crazy. I mean, that's huge. And like Rick said, you don't leave China unless they know you're leaving China. Yeah, definitely not 30,000 people sneaking out the back door, right? Yeah, they're here for a reason. You know, Dane D did an amazing job. I got to find that episode.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He did an amazing job at taking that 28 000 and spreading them out across the country i don't know if you heard that dave i did i did hear he talked about you know he talked about basically taking the southwest over completely with 28 000 people and i thought it was really well done he broke it down really Yeah, how many thousand to put here and there and, you know, what to destroy and what to take over and all that kind of stuff. It was really, what was really nerve-wracking about it was when he started talking about those people and police departments. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You know what I mean? When he was like, well, you take X amount of guys, you know, how many guys do you need to really neutralize a police department? Oh, yeah. Don't even want us to have weapons of war because we'll never fight another war on American soil. Yeah. You know? Yeah. What do you need a weapon of war for? Yeah, you would need F-15s.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Oh, to fight our government. Yeah, well, you know Joe. Joe's got a lot of military experience, you know, growing up in Delaware. Yeah. A lot of experience with shotguns, too. Shoot them up in the air in your neighborhood. Yeah, yeah, that was a good one. I love that one. When they hear that gun cock,
Starting point is 00:54:31 they're just gonna piss their pants. Okay, Joe, calm down. Calm down, buddy. Wilmington's a hellhole. Well, it is now, yeah. For sure. There's a lot of crack going on there, I oh is that what it is yeah i think it's hunter and his friends yeah there you go
Starting point is 00:54:52 it's the it's the biden shrug drug trade yeah in from china out through uh hunter that's the man at the helm get back to the to the nuclear thing yeah yeah the times that she said yeah the you know from moscow to washington dc is about 28 to 30 minutes right that's that's yeah and then and then if it's from a sub— Is that their hypersonic missiles? Well, it's a normal ICBM because once it hits space, it's traveling at like Mach 7 or something, 14,000. I thought it was like 15. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:55:40 It's crazy fast. And then the terminal phase is when it turns and, you know, pummeling down you. It's it's practically impossible to shoot something like that down. So Israel did it, though. Remember? No, they didn't. They didn't. It wasn't an ICBM. Oh, I thought that that's what that was. Remember the Houthis shot it up there and they shot it out of the sky with a satellite or something? Yeah, but what was it?
Starting point is 00:56:16 And speaking of the Houthis. Oh, it was ballistic missile. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So so if Iran develops a nuclear weapon, they will definitely give it to some terrorist group to use. They're not going to launch it themselves. They're not going to write international condemnation and everything that goes along with it. They're going to supply it to one of their, you know, front groups. And it's going to be delivered, you know, whoever their priority is at the time. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Yeah, that's wild. Yeah, that makes you seem pretty on point. They would hand it off to somebody else because they don't want to have the actual responsibility of doing it. I had a partner in another business one time who previously had been an executive officer on a nuclear submarine, and those guys are a special breed. And he said – and I said, well, what about Iran with a nuke? And he's like, Rick. He said, we just turn the entire country into glass. And yeah, they probably would.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah, I could see that. I could definitely see that. That is the weird thing about what's happening with Israel and America's like. with Israel and America's like, and even some European nations are kind of like, you know, tone it down over there. You know, and you look at our historical response to when people show up and do stuff to us, and there's never like a,
Starting point is 00:57:59 we never have a meeting where we're like, should we tone it down? Nah, shock and awe, baby. Let's give them something to remember yeah that's what the weird thing about israel is right now everybody's kind of like hey take it easy over there what are you doing you know yeah i don't know surprising reaction i guess no one can say take it easy to us i mean they could say it but they know it's not going to happen well the democrats are telling us to take it easy about trump oh just tone down the rhetoric
Starting point is 00:58:31 tone down oh no oh no don't don't don't get upset with us yeah yeah i think uh there was a thing on babylon b you know it's a it's a comedy satire yeah and it says trump indicted for inflate uh causing an assassination attempt hey i don't know how early you guys got in on the whole assassination thing and i'd hate to get get back to it again but i just have to tell you this one thing because my wife and i were sitting there watching in all of what was happening and uh they brought a guy on lester hole i'm gonna find i'm gonna try to find anyway the clip because it's so unbelievable and this is a man who works at the atf and they bring him on audio only they brought him on the first time you couldn't even hear him he was like on a he was on like uh one of those handheld radios that's shaped like a Power Ranger that you play with with your kid. The connection was so bad.
Starting point is 00:59:34 It was unbelievable. Then they bring him back on, and he's talking about what happened. And it was in the early stages. I think I left my house to get my son like 6, 45, 7-ish. So it was before that. my house to get my son like 6 45 7 ish so it was before that and uh and he says well we don't based on what we hear we don't think it's it's a projectile weapon like a slingshot or anything like that and i turned and looked at my wife and she started laughing so hard and i said where do they find these people i mean literally on on, whatever Lester Holt is on,
Starting point is 01:00:06 we're watching regular TV. The guy from the ATF is affirming that it wasn't a slingshot that hit Donald Trump. And it was bananas. I couldn't believe it. And then to watch the mainstream media put out the, you know, loud bangs heard at rally. They kept putting out these crazy headlines.
Starting point is 01:00:30 The video that I saw, the headline for the video, it was projectiles. Yeah, projectiles. That's another great one. Anyone, any fool can see that, wait a minute that those projectiles were bullets you could hear them right so uh it was so great to watch him sort of like how can we frame this so that it doesn't why do they do that they have to know it looks so silly i can't understand what the editors so the editors sit there and go let's let's figure out a better way to phrase that i mean of course of course he was he was he was a registered republican he gave the democrats and uh yeah he voted democrat yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:01:19 exactly i'm sure mk ultra said youra said You need to change your Voting Your affiliation before you do this thing Yeah And what 17 Year old Donates to Asaurus back what was it
Starting point is 01:01:38 Great Blue or something like that I mean it was Yeah But what 17 year old is compelled sorry let's slow one one one whose mother one whose mother defends him online and saying you know he was a good boy and um i don't understand you people trying to protect a racist and and you know he's just a rich man so she's talking about trump so you see where he gets it yeah yeah there's no doubt that guy was yeah that guy was uh he was doomed for a long time there's no doubt about it
Starting point is 01:02:23 how what happened with the rumor that his dad was a dead veteran i heard that like for a long time. There's no doubt about it. What happened with the rumor that his dad was a dead veteran? I heard that for a while, and then all of a sudden the dad was alive and he wasn't commenting on his son. Apparently it was his dad's gun that he used, too. It definitely was his dad's gun because he can't buy an AR-15 at that age, not even in Butler, PA, I don't think. Act Blue Charities, thank you, chat. Thank you, header. That's who it was.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Sloan in chat says CNN reported loud pops at Trump event. Loud pops. Like the cereal? Like pop rock bags? What are we talking about here, CNN? How to fail
Starting point is 01:03:04 in a headline. I mean, how do you do any better than that? That's phenomenal stuff, I'm telling you. Well, the man's back, and he's back. Was he on the stage with the VP at the thing? I didn't really look into it. Did he come out and shake hands? I don't know either.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Anybody in chat see him out there, you know, gallivanting with J.D. Vance? They're already trying to make J.D. Vance out to be some kind of sexual harasser. I don't know the background of it all. Did you guys? This is totally unrelated to everything, but while we're on the subject of harassment, I don't even know how I wound up with Mike Glover on my phone. You know, like Mike Glover from Fieldcraft Survival?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Mm-hmm. He was on my... Oh, I was going to watch his video about his take on the assassination. And... Oh, Dave, what's going on? Oh, Dave's out. Oh, he has no internet.
Starting point is 01:04:06 So I was watching a video of his take on the assassination. You know, he's Special Forces. I respect his opinion on that kind of stuff. And he starts the video out with, like, all my legal troubles, and I'm convicted of felonies, and they got dropped to misdemeanors, and so on. convicted of felonies and they got dropped the misdemeanors and so on i heard nothing about this but apparently he like got into a scuffle with the girlfriend in the bathroom and broke her wrist and i heard all about it no you heard all about it she yeah she it so it finally came out she made the whole damn thing up oh my god you gotta be kidding me she was you know disgruntled um yeah
Starting point is 01:04:44 she made the whole damn thing up. Yeah, but she smeared his name in the process and could have destroyed his career. May have to some degree. Because people, you know, all of this stuff comes out, and that's what's in the news, and then when his name is cleared, nobody ever hears about it. Who's got time to check and balance every person who creates content? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:12 You see a guy breaks his wife's wrist, and you go, okay, well, I guess I'll spend a little less time learning from Mike over there at FieldGraph. But I get you. That's a wild one out there, man. So you were talking about our keynote speaker from years past. Who's keynote speaking this year? Who's keynote speaker this year? Well, we have Professor David Clements.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Right on. And he's been on War Room. He's been on Mike Lindell's three-day summit where they were looking at the election integrity stuff. And he just finished doing a movie, which I'm thinking we're going to play at Prepper Camp. It's Let My People Go, but it's about the J6 prisoners and about the elections and how the machines,
Starting point is 01:06:15 how it's totally rigged. And he goes through it point by point by point. It's really well done. So he's going to be the keynote for Prepper Camp. Is that what he's going to talk, you think? Election preparedness, that kind of thing? Oh, yeah. Election, all that? Yeah, because it's timely. I try to put in classes every year, new classes that are kind of timely for what's going on or what I project to see happening in September or beyond. And
Starting point is 01:06:48 we have a lot more classes in the realm of martial law and, you know, protecting your family and guerrilla warfare and, you know, those kind of things that we really didn't have before. In addition to the standard classes about how to grow food and solar and everything else that we have at Prepper Camp. So we're doing a lot more or we're doing new classes in those areas because I think we might be seeing a civil war and people need to be prepared for it. Yeah, I look forward to see.
Starting point is 01:07:30 One of my favorite things about Prepper Camp every year is to see as much the people I don't know as the people I do. Because it's always crazy every year that you see all these people come. And I think there'll be more than ever this year who've, it's their first time. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Because it is the home stretch.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I mean, it's literally one month till election. You leave Prepper Camp with everything you've learned, and then you've got a month to enact your game plan. And then the election is right there. Yep. Yeah, that's good. Then we'll find out what happens so no it's gonna be something man it will be something but what else rick anything before we kick the bucket for the night uh nope just get some you know just check out We got a lot of, I have all the new classes up there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:27 All the classes now. So everything's, and all our new speakers. So we, you know, we've got a class on ghost phones and ghost computers, which you and I talked before this show. And I was like, oh, wait a minute. I have to pull my old computer out because I can't be running Skype on my new one. It's de-Googled. You've de-Googled, man. I know it's a popular thing.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Yeah. And I will tell you that when I turned my old computer on and, of course, it had to go get all the Microsoft updates and all of the crap that I didn't have and suddenly I started getting ads thrown at me. I'm going, man, things are so much faster on the de-Google laptop because I don't get all this crap thrown at me. And if I want to upgrade and install something, I click the button to do it instead of me waiting for it to happen. So, yeah, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Yeah, it must be wild to see how out-of-control things are that just get dumped into your phone and onto your computer daily almost. Yeah. How do you feel about security on it? It's my number one concern. No, no, no. With the de-Googling. Oh. It's my number one concern.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I feel good about it. I feel good about it. Yeah. I still have VPNs and that sort of stuff on it. So there's firewalls and everything else. So, yeah. Yeah, I'm totally in it. And my phone is de-googled now too so um it's a little there's a bit of a learning curve in terms of you're always used
Starting point is 01:10:14 to doing something a certain way but once you figure it out it's um it really it's it's great because you know what i go someplace i something, and nobody's hearing anything or seeing anything from my phone. They don't know where I am. Yeah, there's value in that. It's the way it should be. That is the way it should be. You're right. That is true.
Starting point is 01:10:41 So big-time classes at Prepper Camp, there's so many. I'm on the website right now there's so many god when you say 60 classes it's 64 yeah and it's every single day 64 classes so i mean we got some pretty pretty interesting folks um one guy is is a u.s Hall of Fame mixed martial arts competitor. Who's that? Jay Hirschwald. And he's teaching cane self-defense. And what he likes about that as a weapon is nobody gives it a second thought, but if you know how to use it, it is a great self-defense weapon. You can take it with you everywhere, on the plane, anywhere.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Nobody gives it a second thought. That's a good point. So it's kind of cool. That's a good point. We got a guy who's an Army Special Forces contractor who's done electronics for the Army, and he's teaching a class on night vision and thermal optics because that's what he did. So that's really cool because he's going to be able to go into detail on that stuff so um yeah i'm just i'm really i really like the classes that we got and
Starting point is 01:11:54 the people that are teaching them are you know top of the line in their field so i love it man it's going to be another great year people yep it's going to be another great year Yep It's going to be another great year at Prepper Campbell Thanks for joining us Rick Awesome show man We covered some ground tonight We covered more ground than I thought we would And I thought we were taking on a lot to begin with
Starting point is 01:12:18 Well PBN family Do a bit of a rain dance for Dave Jones And Rick Austin. They need some precipitation. It sounds like a lot of animals to take care of out there with the heat and everything like that. All right. We'll talk to you guys manana, PBN Daily News. God only knows what's on the docket.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I am going to unveil what's been in this plastic bag, though. If you're in Element, you already know. Garden Girl discovered it today, and you guys will get the breakdown in the morning. All right? Talk to you soon, folks. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network,
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