The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: Darius with Prepared Mentality

Episode Date: June 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. What is up, PBN family? We are live tonight in multiple venues. You can find us over at Instagram. It's not my best. I'm in a dark room with a light. Hair looks good, though. Mustache is totally out of control.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I got Darius with us from Prepared Mentality. Check him out. Is it at Prepared Mentality? Yeah, at Prepared Mentality. At Prepared Mentality over there there we'll mention that several times i'm not naming this live right now we're just going live so we're going live over at instagram also and uh we are here with you prepper broadcasting network so you know one of this You know, this show was made easy by a drone from the United States and a missile system from Ukraine, fundamentally. This morning I got real excited about our show, Darius, because it looks like, well, the story that I got is a little different than the story that actually has taken place.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Russia is claiming that the U.S. used a drone to identify a target. Then the Ukrainians shot rockets at said target. And it's made to look like, and cut me off if I sound wrong, I'm just kind of putting this together in my head. What's up, garden girl? It's made to look like rockets are raining down on the beach in Sevastopol in southern Crimea. And people are running.
Starting point is 00:02:18 The video's terrible. The video looks like, you can't even see anything in the video. It's like a Bigfoot video. But as I sort of researched into it deeper, it looks like the Russians picked up the missile. Like their radar and I guess surface to air, whatever, picked up the missile and blew it out of the sky. And what happened is shrapnel rained down on these civilians. So it's not as clear cut as U.S. and Ukraine blow up beachgoers for fun. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:48 But two kids were killed, and it looks like the mouthpiece for the, the state mouthpiece for Russia, I think his name is Dmitry Preskov or something like that. I don't have the article in front of me. Right. He's basically saying, you know, there's going to be repercussions for the U.S. Like there's going to be something. We can't allow this to have happened without repercussions.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So, you know, that's another step closer to World War III. What are your thoughts? Yeah, it's unfortunate the way things kind of are taking place. I mean, we've seen the inevitable with Russia. We currently see Russia have dealings with North Korea, have dealings with Iran. And right now, it looks like Putin's setting up territories. He's setting up alliances that he badly needs. And Crimea is just a part of the major plan. bring in America and say, hey, America, look at what you've done and this is why we're going to attack you. I think there's going to be more of that to come from Russia.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And we just have to stay tuned. I mean, there's not really much more we can do except for wait. It's a waiting game. It's a big waiting game at this point of the big one. The big one. Are they still in the Atlantic? Are they still down there in the Caribbean also? Yeah, they're still near Cuba.
Starting point is 00:04:33 They're still down there. War gaming, quote unquote. Yeah, unfortunately. It's really just a boss push to kind of see what we were going to do and kind of push our, our ships closer to them to see, you know, try to engage a little bit. But their, their tactics are, are very, I don't want to say in their infant stages, but I mean, we kind of can play ball a lot faster than they can so
Starting point is 00:05:07 yeah i'd say so i'd say so if you're if you're joining us over at instagram uh this might be a bit confusing you might see me just sitting here staring at you or somewhere else uh this show you can get at just click the live show and you'll be able to listen to us live while we do our thing here on instagram i just put in a request for you on instagram too here oh perfect you saw yeah oh great forget everything i just said this will be good the sound on the podcast is probably going to be way better did i not allow you yeah it's gonna be way better now i'm in i think i'm uh yep there you are oh i gotta turn you down okay we're doing things we haven't done before i thought i heard you
Starting point is 00:06:06 you got me still got me yo yeah you're on there now audience give me a heads up survival solar garden girl if you're in there solar let me know if you can hear my man i can't see darius through here but i see where you can't to be it's okay as long as they can hear you i'm good yeah let's see here someone in chat let us know that you can hear the guest um i know the pbn family at the podcast so i can hear the guest i can hear you so they gotta be able to all right good good yeah j Good, good. Yeah, Jess Hackney verifies, Darius, that they can see you and hear you. It's just wacky on my end, so who cares about me? What's up, JP?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Welcome in. We're talking Russia. We're talking, oh, the all-hazards preppers here, man. What's up? We're talking the Crimeaa incident the shrapnel incident and and what could be coming from russia as they as moscow they always say like moscow you ever notice that they'll always be like moscow's threatening what the hell does that mean who who then moscow you know what i mean i don't even know right Right. If it ain't Putin. I mean, I think they name it for, you know, the major city.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Like, they'll name D.C. or New York here as just a major standpoint city. I got you. Like Washington responded. It's the big name. It makes headlines. Yeah, I guess that's what it is. Got my attention. I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Right. Definitely got my attention tell you that right definitely got my attention so uh you know for for the better part of this what has become like the russo ukrainian war i've been talking to folks here at pbn folks over on instagram and telling them you know i fundamentally believe that war equals off-grid. And I think if we get into any type of war where the United States is truly affected, that it will be, you know, off-grid living for at least lots of people in the United States because of the cyber warfare and that kind of thing that is just pretty much inevitable in a modern war. What are your thoughts on that? the top four, I'll say. It's going to affect our economy. It's going to affect our spending power. It's going to affect our groceries at the grocery stores. It's going to affect our gas.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Everything's going to go up, you know, and supplies is going to run low for a lot of things that we is going to run low for a lot of things that we are used to getting in a modern day society. Those things may be shortened. Yeah, one of the big ones is, and issue it's going to affect the ammunition market and of course any wars are already affecting that and affecting prices and washington wants to affect that and affect prices and uh that should be a concern to everybody. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's going to hit us hard. And the more we prepare and the more we stay aware of these things
Starting point is 00:09:53 and the time of events, it's going to help to get ready, get prepared the best way you can. I mean, there's only so much people can do. People are already struggling. The pockets are tight. Things are expensive. But there's little steps that you can make, little things that you can do to get ready. You know, put a little can of beans aside, you know, the simple things, you know, make sure you get first aid supplies. We know that, you know, if something happens domestically here, I mean, that's a major threat as well.
Starting point is 00:10:26 As well as the territories overseas, the territories here domestically. I mean, our borders are open, so who knows if they're setting up a double whammy. That could be in play. So these are things that people just have to be aware of. Yeah, the threat profile is uh changing by the day the one thing that i would slather over everything you know like if you're really looking for an answer the what i would what i would really slather over every aspect of your preparedness is your ability to i mean if i I mean, if I say no inputs on your own for two weeks, then given the situation that we're in and where we're at and all the different threats that we're facing, whether it be resource, whether it be terrorists, whether it be warfare, whether it be, you know, immigration, whether it be social, cultural upheaval, you know, into civil unrest, everybody should at least be in a position or be moving into a position where you say you're at home for two weeks
Starting point is 00:11:35 and it doesn't even make you flinch. You know what I mean? Like that should be a goal or it should be a place where you're already at from my point of view. You know, you should be able to say two weeks at home no tap water no electricity not you know none of that and we're going to be okay no matter what season it is and that that should be your starting point right now you know what i mean yeah world war three jumps off tomorrow you should be able to say, no matter what gets shut off by cyber attack, no matter what happens to freight lines, air travel, whatever, import, export, we at least have a two-week window to say, what's our next move? That's enough time to probably figure out what your next move actually is and be able to decide if it's a good or bad move. You know, that's enough time to probably figure out what your next move actually is and be able to decide if it's a good or bad move, you know? Yeah. I mean, that's one area where I hit
Starting point is 00:12:34 the most when I train and I do these courses is make sure you have enough emergency supplies for everybody in your household. create an emergency plan. That's going to be essential for anything, whether we have war, whether we have a domestic threat, whether the grocery stores are down or your power goes out for a month, create a family plan. This makes sure everybody knows what to do when the time comes. You're not running around with your heads cut off. You're not doing things at the last minute. You're not trying to go get supplies at the last minute, which you don't want to be in that chaos. So that's number one.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Get an emergency plan. Let everybody know what's going on. Your relatives, your preparedness. Just take the time and recognize who you may have to take care of, what kind of supplies you may need, what type of medical supplies will you need for certain types of individuals in your family. What are you going to do when the power goes out um so that that's a major thing i think people should should really really pay attention
Starting point is 00:13:54 to yeah another and within that plan and this is a tough one i'm not going to act like it's not a tough one. But within that plan, you should have some way to get everybody back home. A method that you've already touched on, already discussed, already figured out. To get everybody back in the house in the middle of the day when people are at work, kids are at school. You know what I mean? all that kind of stuff. Or maybe it's not even home. Maybe home's step two. Maybe you are all in a location that is closer to another meetup point, you know what I mean, and then that goal turns into
Starting point is 00:14:38 we're all going to meet at our aunt's, you know what I mean, or some other location, this school. We're all going to meet at this school because the kids are there and then from there we'll figure out what's next so right that's a huge part of the plan that's oftentimes overlooked is you know we have this idea that everything's going to go wrong 6 p.m after dinner dinner. Everybody's already home. Or Saturday morning, you know. Everybody's already home.
Starting point is 00:15:08 The perfect situation. Yeah, exactly. But it could just be the middle of a work day, and you've got to go get everybody. Or somebody's got to go get half the family, the other parent goes and gets the other. Whatever your situation is, sit down and think about that, because that's probably something you're going to be faced with, you know, in a real – it doesn't have to be a World War situation.
Starting point is 00:15:29 It can be any kind of major disaster. Like everybody's got to get home before you can do anything next. And that's a really good point too because normally when we think about getting back home, you know, we think it may be a smooth ride, you know, a little bit of traffic, you know, traffic lights are working, you know, there's no emergencies going on on the roads, there's no crashes, but all that could be going on. There could be traffic, there could be crashes on the road, there could be emergencies right in the middle of your destination. emergencies right in the middle of your destination. So you're going to have to plan, you know, how to get around certain areas. I always think it's important to get a county map or even a state map. Map out your locations. Map out your traffic roads. Map out, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:23 where you guys are going to meet if that road is blocked because of a accident or because they shut it down no way around it but you're not going to know unless you have a map or you really really know the area and not many people really really know their area like they should yeah uh one of our hosts the pbn family you'll know him very well instagram you may not know him as well but you've heard his voice um dave jones the nbc guy really takes all emergency planning all training and really sums it up best in in one phrase and and that's to avoid having firsts or have as few firsts as possible. So in other words, the first time that you do something
Starting point is 00:17:13 shouldn't be when it counts, those firsts. And that might resonate with you, man, because you're a military guy, and I'm pretty sure that's military talk coming from dave jones but that's a big one that's a that's a big one to lean on you know when you go through your preps man it's real easy to look at things and say have i ever used that have i ever shot that have i ever done that have i ever even put that on you know and then we talk about planning you know have we ever gone through that have we ever practiced that? You know, nobody's perfect, right?
Starting point is 00:17:53 So it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's just try to avoid the firsts when it all counts. Because that's the worst. You have to stay ready, you know, don't try to get ready, stay ready and and i think you know what i go over too is make sure that you go over your plans your emergency bags your kits your directions your uh emergency files and documents every single month every single month do it the beginning of the month or the end of the month just make sure everything is up to date because if you know people have to know where that stuff is, if things are going bad, if you need to get rid of some stuff. I know many people who have too much stuff, too much gear,
Starting point is 00:18:36 and there's no possible way that they can load and have all that if they're, you know, on the road or if they have to flee. So. Yeah, there's a great resource, guys, everybody out there listening, at It's called the Preparedness Master Schedule. If you've listened to me, then you've heard about it before. But, it is a paid resource, so you've got to join our membership side.
Starting point is 00:19:07 it is a paid resource so you got to join our membership side but if if planning and scheduling and routine resonates with you and you're saying i want to get prepared i want to be prepared the preparedness master schedule is is probably worth 10 years of membership at pbn to be honest and one of the things on that membership is exactly that, is scheduling out what I call, you know, your QAs, your QCs, whatever, for your bags and things like that. Oh my god. This thing, the
Starting point is 00:19:37 ceiling fan behind me looks like an alien. Scared the shit out of me. But anyway, yeah, That's another conversation. Yeah, right, exactly. Look at that thing back there. The Preparedness Master Schedule, check it out. Really, it's designed to be customized, but it's got a bunch of examples of what you could do and how you could do it. It is fundamentally preparing for your entire year,
Starting point is 00:20:04 fundamentally preparing for your entire year, 365 days. You know, plan it out, plan it out the way you want. We've got an area for plans. We've got food storage stuff. We've got firearms training stuff. We've got drills, you know, all the basics. And then you can add to the spreadsheet as you want. You go ahead and notch it the way you want to notch it for when you want these things to be checked, purchased, practiced.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And, you know, the whole thing was fundamentally built out from a annual schedule for just numerous inspections I used to have to deal with in my previous career. And it worked. So then I applied it to preparedness. And, you know, it, sometimes it takes that, you know, it takes that when you start getting deep into this stuff, because who the hell can remember it all, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's a lot. It's a lot. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You have to make sure that you have a schedule, you have a plan, write things down. You know, if you keep a notebook, you know, these things count, these things matter, especially, you know, if you keep a notebook, you know, these things count. These things matter, especially, you know, if you have younger family members or older family members that may not remember or forget.
Starting point is 00:21:15 It's good to write things down for them, if anything. Yeah, I've been thinking about that lately for kids. Yeah. thinking about that lately for kids um yeah i had been taking on a bunch of contacts in my cell phone some new ones but important ones and i started thinking about how you set up your cell phone in terms of the naming of things you know so like your kid you know something happens to you or or something along somehow in a in disaster, your kid winds up with your phone. Like the way that you name things and people in your phone is important if you look at it through the lens of my kid has it now. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Like your kid might see your wife's name and you might have your wife's name under as her actual name, and it might not resonate in an emergency. Right. You know, like my kid, maybe my eight-year-old or something like that in an emergency might grab my phone and see my wife's name is not her real name under my phone. It's not anything secret. It's just love. It's just corny. But they know that. That stands out.
Starting point is 00:22:30 But if it were her first name in a calamity, they might see that and go, I don't know who that is. Where's mom? You know what I mean? Like I put my parents in under mom, mom, and pop, pop the other day. Because I was thinking about it that way. Like you see dad, I don't know, if I got dad under mine, that might just be confusing.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Why does dad have his own number in here? Yeah. one way, you know, that that could help is to start letting them dial that number and recognizing that name, you know, just dial the number every month, every two months, just to get them in that habit of knowing, you know, who that is and who they're talking to. Yeah. And that's easy too. It's a great idea because you can just do it for fun. It doesn't even have to do anything. You have to have anything to do with prepping through their lens. You know, you can just say, call my mom up. Here's my phone. Call my mom.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Tell her you love her. You know, see what they're up to today. And then they'll get the reps in. You know, you don't have to be like, call pop up because we're practicing for the end of the world. I mean, that might be a nice role play, you know, play time. Depends on your kids, you know. Yeah, yeah. Get them involved.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I got one of each, you know. My oldest son, he's just like, let's do Apocalypse, you know, and the younger one is like, I don't want to think about that kind of stuff. So, you know, it depends on the kid. But, yeah, they're the ones that need it. about that kind of stuff. It all depends on the kid. They're the ones that need it. They're the ones that need the reps because they're living their life. It's important with the kids to give them the reps
Starting point is 00:24:14 in a way that works for them. You're welcome, burpees and survival. Thanks for joining us. It has to resonate with them. It can't be dad's way or the highway because they just will block once they get a certain age man they just block you out you know you're just and they're gonna know more about the phone than you yeah well that's true too that's true too yeah we got uh about two hours no it was about three hours about three hours ago my
Starting point is 00:24:42 emails my son's emails my son's entire computer because our emails are linked together were hacked and we were shut off from our emails he was starting trouble i think online with somebody and they were a little more endowed than he was when it came to the uh the digital world but um, so we dealt with that. But those things happen. What's up, Jor-Rae? I'm drinking water, man. I got no coffee this late.
Starting point is 00:25:15 But, yeah, the kids need the reps, you know. It's an important one. You forget about them. You think you're just going to throw a kid on your shoulder and carry on and it ain't going to work that way. Yeah, I think, too, possibly people can implement, you know, printing out the contacts and having them on a little, you know, laminated piece of paper that they can always get to and recognize the names and the phone number. So even if, you know, they don't have a cell phone, they can always use somebody else's or, you know, in another location. Sure, man.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah, that paper stuff is imperative. That hard copy stuff, them hard copy maps, hard copy references, really cool stuff. There's an awesome, and I'm going to shout him out again here. And he's here on Instagram, at survive drive is the product. It's not released yet, but we're talking about something where it would really fit. And what the survive drive is essentially is a, uh, paracord bracelet, you know, and in the buckle there, instead of having like a pharoserium rod in the middle of the buckle you have a usb an android style usb a usbc and uh it's loaded with like survival library and uh anything else you want to put on it so it's a pretty cool little resource if you're into the paracord bracelet thing i don't really
Starting point is 00:26:45 rock paracord bracelets but um yeah it's cool though i like it i like the concept of the portable plug into your phone survival library you know just in case because you know even when you know your stuff there's some stuff you want to review why yeah that's come to mind that's uh i think that's that's a good idea especially you know with these tornadoes and hurricanes and flooding you know you have to grab and go and and you may not want to carry a box full of your documents and files because yeah either be too late or maybe just be in a rush. So having that bracelet, I mean, could definitely benefit a lot of people in that scenario. Yeah, definitely. Garden Girl in the Instagram chat says her son makes makes paracord bracelets. How sweet is that? That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Maybe he can expand on that idea, Garden Girl. I don't know. That's something cool. Maybe he can expand on that idea, Garden Girl. I don't know. That's something cool, though. Yeah, a good thing to do, since we're on the subject of evacuation, and the room's too dark for me to show you, but they sell fireproof, highly affordable, fireproof locking document bags that you can put all that stuff in, whatever documents, cash, you know, snub nose revolver into one of these bags. They're highly durable and, you know and they lock by combination. And then everything's in one place.
Starting point is 00:28:29 You know what I mean? Then you have everything that's vital in one place. You can tell everybody in the family where it's at. That way, if you're doing this, you'll go get the special bag and grab it and go. And that's been my go-to from the get-go, was getting one of those bags and putting the important things in it because, you know, it's just easy. Yeah. It's just easy. I think, too, like for me, I'll have some important documents at another relative's location, you know, out of state with somebody I trust.
Starting point is 00:29:03 This way I really don't have to worry about it. I know that they have a copy either on USB or on paper, but I know that it's in a safe location. I don't have to worry about it. I trust who has my documents and, you know, it's not a thought anymore. Yeah, I love that idea. If you have, you know, know the resources to do that i know a lot of people don't have family so it just depends on your situation but it's it's another choice and option that's like a locker you could even use like a locker not what's it locker nine or something like that concept where you have a small storage unit with it all in it in another state yeah no yeah that's a good move. I think that's
Starting point is 00:29:47 one of the things that a couple people are implementing right now is having, you know, emergency supplies in a storage unit, even when you have to evacuate and or if you have to get from work and there's a middle location to home uh but you can't get home so that storage location will be the meeting point for your family yeah to meet up at with supplies that's a good move and if you put it in a strategic location you probably could even make it a short-term bug out location oh. Oh, for sure. Depending on the seasonality of the situation, you know. You don't want to run a propane heater
Starting point is 00:30:30 in a storage unit with your family. You'll all be dead by morning. And you probably don't want to be in one in June either with your family. Yeah, yeah. But it could, you know, could be an option. Springtime and fall, you never know. You could bundle up too. Yeah, I know, could be an option. Springtime and fall, you never know. You could bundle up, too.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah, I know some people who have vehicles in the storage units, and they're ready to go. That's a good idea, too. Yeah. That's a good idea, too. If you got that kind of scratch. I don't have vehicles. I could just, you know, stick in hidey holes, pay insurance.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah, it's called extreme. Yeah, that's out of my budget. uh i like it i definitely like it i think it's a good move it gives you a place to launch from too you know should you wind up on foot or something for some reason now you can launch from this location with four wheels instead of two feet and that's a that's a benefit yeah i mean you bring up a good point there with with the walking situation because you know i'm thinking about getting home from work and let's just say an amp occurs right our cars are dust at that point so we have to walk there's a lot of walking there's a lot of miles between home and work or home to the store especially if you're not physically fit right um oh so i i think
Starting point is 00:31:54 i think one little tip and this is simple have a good pair of boots or shoes in your in your car that's that basic, right? Something that can save your life. Especially for ladies. You don't want to be doing miles in heels. Or really miles in most shoes that girls choose to wear to work. Or girls think they have to wear to work, I guess. And flip-flops, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You don't want to be that guy. Yeah, man. I mean, it all depends on the person, but humans can be soft things. I mean, I see people do, like, use a shovel for 10 minutes and their hands are ripping apart. So, you know, if you've got to walk 5, 10 miles and you've never done that before and you're doing it in in work shoes yeah you're gonna have an injury precautions right because you got to think about you know if something drastic happens like that in the roads are are full of cars there's traffic what's the safety measures right you're gonna be going through obstacles there's no way you can't go through obstacles right yeah so you want to have the right foot gear to make sure you make it out of those obstacles yeah uh because it can be
Starting point is 00:33:12 a hard time for you if you if you you know are running barefoot in those types of scenarios i mean you can run across oils fire you know nails anything could puncture your feet, and you're out of the game. You're done. No doubt. What up, Jay Ferg? In the Instagram chat, whenever I travel, I bring boots. I just got back from the beach, and that's just part of the travel prep.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'm not going to use them. There's almost no chance in hell I'm going to put them on for any other reason than everything sucks and we have to get home and those are those and those boots aren't like apocalypse boots that i reserve for the end of the world only like those are the boots that i hike in hunt in you know all that stuff they're the boots that i wear when it's boot time and. And that's what you need because a new pair of boots. They've got to be broken in. Yeah, a new pair of boots can be as bad as no shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 You know what I mean? You could wind up with all kinds of hot spots and blisters and everything on your feet. And that's hell. That's definitely true. That's a problem. And especially if you're lugging around gear. If you've got a go bag or an emergency bag, if you're hauling around weight, water, stuff like that, that weight adds up.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You have to, again, it goes back to firsts, avoiding the firsts. Don't be in that position for the first time when it's that time, because there's no magical gear that you're going to click into in a survival situation. and you don't walk regularly, and then all of a sudden you've got 30, 40 pounds of gear on, and you've got to travel five, six miles by foot, it's going to be the worst. And there's a good chance you might not be able to take the next day off to recover. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So you've got to get harder now. Yeah. Yeah. Some people. people yeah firsthand experience i mean i i i work in the city right so i work in the city so i wear boots i wear uh working boots but i have a pair of spare uh shoes my work shoes in my backpack um because i come across a whole bunch of things in the city you know it depends on your environment for sure but i know when i'm walking on the streets of the city there's glass there's nails yeah um there's all kinds of liquids there's homeless people with feces you know i mean like that that is real. So like for my situation, I know I have to have some durable walking shoes in that environment. It may be different for somebody else. Somebody else may live on the countryside. What are your environment? You know, what will you come across on the street, on the sidewalk, in the grass you know do you have snakes you know that that's a possibility you know what kind of animals insects may be crawling around on the streets in the grass
Starting point is 00:36:31 you know you never know but it depends on your environment so oh for sure man yeah yeah you better understand your area of operation that's for sure the good the bad and the ugly yeah yeah because once you get down in it man it's yeah it's rough the just just the uh traveling by foot in your city traveling by foot in your town county whatever distances you know it's one of my youngest son's favorite things to do i don't know what we'll drive like you know out to a place not far a couple miles three miles maybe and he'll just be like let's walk home i don't know why but we always do putting you to work i never tell him no and it's always a good time but you always see stuff you always find stuff back alley stuff and you and all that kind of things you don't see when you're driving through all the time, always driving.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Exactly. You miss a lot of stuff when we drive. It's funny because when I drive with my wife, I'm always pointing out things to her, and she always misses it. It's always a miss. I'm like, hey, look at that. Look at that car. It has something on it. Or look at that store. There's something over there. And know, I'm like, hey, look at that. Look at that car. You know, it has something on it. Or look at that store.
Starting point is 00:37:47 You know, there's something over there. And she's like, where? What? What is it? Just passed it. So your awareness level, you know, changes when you're on foot, especially if there's safety concerns involved. Oh, sure, man. oh sure man so uh now that we're 40 minutes in why don't you tell us about darius and prepared mentality i think everybody's got a pretty good
Starting point is 00:38:12 feel for your base level of prepping knowledge and stuff like that and uh obviously over here on instagram make sure you go over there and follow. And tell us a little bit about what you guys do over at Prepared Mentality and how you wound up, you know, doing all this crazy stuff. Yeah, man. So my background, I was a firefighter in New Jersey, volunteer, and went to the academy for fire rescue. I started there doing some medical things, some rescue operations for the fire department. Then from there, I joined the military. I was in MP company 401. I was stationed at Fort Leavenworth for all of my duty. If you know anything about Fort Leavenworth, it's a place you don, if you know anything about Fort Leavenworth, it's a place you don't want to be when you're in the military, uh, for obvious reasons.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Mississippi? No, that, that's, uh, Kansas. Well, it's Missouri and Kansas. It's on the, the, on the border. So it's on the borderline. Yeah. Uh, so it's, it's internment, uh, So it's internment and incarceration for military personnel at Fort Leavenworth. So I was an MP there. For real? Yeah, yeah. So from there, I got out and got my degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. We moved into Richmond area back in 2019 when I got out of the Army.
Starting point is 00:39:55 You were right down the street. Yeah. So unknowingly, we had the big pandemic happen, and that was a case of concern for many people. And especially, you know, my friends and family members. And I was telling you when we talked last, you know, they were asking me, you know, all the questions, you know, what do we do? There's going to be lockdowns. The stores are closing. There's no more toilet paper, right? The big, the big important things. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, so, so for me, I, I, that I took that as a calling to kind of help people in these worst case scenarios. Um, being that that was my topic, that, that was my, uh, my skill, um, in emergency preparedness and safety. I figured, you know, why not create a business and try to start helping people the best way I can outside my career? So it was more of a calling to do what I'm doing now. And that's where Prepared Mentality comes in. It was the birth of prepared mentality in 2021, uh, and started, you know, talking with people, uh, doing consultations, uh, with people, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:12 what they should be doing, how they should be gathering their preps, uh, emergencies, what type of disasters are in their area. So what we try to do at prepared mentality is we try to break it down to the most simplest level for anybody who had any emergencies, any safety concerns, break it down so the average person can understand the meaning of emergency preparedness. I know a lot of my friends they're into the tactical aspect the major survival, the bushcraft that stuff is great but the average person that's not their daily life
Starting point is 00:41:52 so I want a prepared mentality to be something they can gear towards their everyday life their daily life somebody has a 9 to 5 somebody is working hard to provide for their family and they can understand what's going on in their life about emergencies and preparing and make it not so taboo. You know, this is not doomsday preppers. Right. This is not that.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So what we provide on our website and what we provide live is an emergency preparedness course one on one. is an emergency preparedness course one-on-one. It's very simple. It's basic. It takes you through the steps of having an emergency bag, having your everyday carry with you, how to set up, you know, your preparedness at home, recognizing what disasters are in your location, setting up your vehicle for emergencies in preparation. And so from there, you know, we just started to build and build and build on top of that. So I've been doing it now for quite a while and it's been successful trying to help people the best way I can. And that's the joy that I have. I like doing that part and the results that people get. And then hopefully, but not, you know, I don't want emergencies to happen,
Starting point is 00:43:06 but when people come back to me and say, hey, you know, I had a hurricane and my lights went out and, you know, the grocery stores were down and I had some food that, you know, we talked about putting away, you know, that those stories come up once in a while. So. It's a good feeling. There's no doubt about it. It's a good feeling. That's what I do it for. It's for the people, for the citizens to get ready, especially now in these current times. I mean, it's it's getting ridiculous. It's getting crazy. and people are tapping into what we're doing and gaining more of an interest because it's such a hot topic with what's going on. So that's the simplest broken down part of me and Prepare Mentality. Burpees in Survival asks, where do I get the course?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Website? Oh, you can go on the website, prepmentality prep is going to be our emergency preparedness one-on-one course there you go there and you take the course and uh have at it you know we give uh some some list of things that you should have or you can get within the course. But we break it down for you in simple, easy steps. And it's great to share with your family. I want a prepare mentality to be something that you can share with everybody in your family and kind of break it down for them so they can understand it and have baby bites, you know, and it's not coming at them like a tsunami you know that's important
Starting point is 00:44:46 that's a huge deal you know a lot of people just want to know like what what do i need and where should i put it you know what i mean like i want to have it when it goes bad but i don't want to sit around and research what i need and how much and all that kind of stuff. Just tell me what I need and where I should put it and how it works. I talk to a lot of people like that, man. They're not really driven by a desire to prepare. But they do want to be that guy when the lights go out that's like, we're good. You know?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. I think that's an important thing. It's really important for men. You know? For sure. When all hell breaks loose, you want to be in that position. You want to know, okay, we got light, we got food, we got fuel to cook, we got water. You know?
Starting point is 00:45:43 And all of that's handled. Because the rest of the family gets all excited. You know what mean they're like oh god what are we gonna do the lights are out it's scary i don't know what you know yeah but uh it's good to be in that position yeah it's a great feeling you know it's it's great to know that you can provide and protect your family the ones you love the ones closest to you. If anything happens, if there's any safety concerns, you're the guy that they come to for that, for that protection, for that oversight, for that wisdom, you know? And so it's, it's, it's more important for us as men to be ready at all times, be ready so we don't have to get ready, like we said in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah, avoid those firsts, right? Yeah, that's the deal. But even things like flashlights and... Thanks, Crypto San Diego. We'll do our best. Crypto San Diego and Chad has invited us all to stay alive. And so even things as simple as, like, flashlights and, I don't know, I don't have, like, real simple cook.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Well, I guess you could call, like, a camping stove and propane a pretty good option. Right. But just the thing that you know you can do. You know, if you eat mountain house and you have mountain house and you know that you're a pot of boiled water away from eating and feeding everybody in the house right you know just just possessing that those resources and knowing how to use them it's because like 99 percent of disasters that we face resolve in a week at the most, you know. So you can really be, you can really handle things well with minimal preparations.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Right. I think it's when people have nothing, that's when they get in trouble. Yeah, that's true. I think it's important for people to look at what they already have and kind of assess, do an assessment of your home, do an assessment of your pantry, your closets. How many batteries do you have? How many flashlights do you have? What does your medical supplies look like? Are you, are you, you know, low on Band-Aids? Simple stuff. stuff, Neosporin, you know, alcohol, that stuff counts, you know, when you need it in a pinch. And so you build off of what you already have. And you don't, you know, like, like you say, you don't, you don't want to be rushing around and when a disaster or an emergency happens,
Starting point is 00:48:25 you know, you don't want to be out of luck. You want to already have it set aside, prepped, and ready. Ibuprofen for the family. Easy, affordable. I mean, you can buy big, big bottles of ibuprofen, not even have to think about it. Stock up. Always have, like, two deep on children's liquid ibuprofen, even if you're not a parent. Because when you are a parent parent that's a life and death serum right there whether you got an injured kid or a fevered kid or whatever the situation is man i knew right off the bat like this stuff we need this stuff around and in massive amounts and
Starting point is 00:49:02 then as my kids started to grow out of it, I realized, like, still probably pretty good to have. You know, somebody you know has got little ones. And, you know, you want to have someone be eternally grateful to you. Bring them over a fever reducer when their kid's got a fever and has had it for 48 hours or whatever. You know, break that fever. It's a difference maker. Cody Mixon how are you man so yeah i mean yeah those little things that brings up you know that brings up the topic of personal hygiene items you know oh yeah that's because that that
Starting point is 00:49:36 that can get to you fast if somebody's sick you know yeah i subscribe to the, and this is like one of the main reasons I even play around with essential oils, but I subscribe to the study of baking soda plus essential oils. and essential oils, you can make almost everything you need for personal hygiene aside from a razor, you know, your deodorants, your toothpaste, your hair, your shampoos, all that kind of stuff, body washes with minimal ingredients. You may want to even add coconut oil to that mix if you really wanted to have an ultimate trifecta, mouthwash. I've made all that stuff with essential oils, sea salt, coconut oil, baking soda, you know, and you can clean. That's good to have.
Starting point is 00:50:31 You can also clean too. And, you know, a lot of those doTERRAs and, oh, man, they were a sponsor at one time. I should remember, but it's been so many years. There was another one. I actually have still some of that stuff. I got one of the cinnamon roll anti-inflammatory doTERRA for sickness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 The doTERRA starter kit is cool. It's expensive, but we had a company, and I still have it upstairs, but I don't remember the name, unfortunately. And I got a starter kit from them when we first started doing the sponsorship with them, and that was a nice kit, man. That was a nice kit. It came with numerous rollerball jars, droppers, all kinds of cool stuff. Yeah, they're legit.
Starting point is 00:51:25 all kinds of cool stuff yeah they're legit they're when you talk about when you talk about that personal hygiene and cleanliness you know we keep i'm one of those chemical people like i'm not i keep a lot of bleach because of that you know bleach is yeah go to cleaner when things need a real you know a real cleaning but if you don't you know those those real cleaning. But if you don't, you know, those, those essential oils are powerful. That oregano oil stuff, you know, if you put oregano oil on your skin directly, it'll burn. It'll literally burn your skin. Sure will. You dilute that down and use it in a spray bottle, create some kind of concoction for cleaning with that. And maybe vinegar,
Starting point is 00:52:03 you know, you're going to, you're going to kill everything that's needs killing. Yeah, no, for sure. That's, that's how I do it when it comes to that stuff. I mean, also to be honest,
Starting point is 00:52:14 before we ever needed to even get there, my wife does the whole soap and soap and what's the other stuff? Body wash shopping. Like she, she's big in on that so we got all kind of hand soaps that kind of stuff yeah and that's really that's not even a prep that's just kind of she just likes to shop for that every day yeah yeah so you wind up with a stockpile you know and that's nice right but you know even if you wanted to stockpile on bar soap like if you were if you were really aiming to knock out personal hygiene you could probably do it with a hundred dollar bill you know if you weren't if you weren't like
Starting point is 00:52:58 if you were truly concerned with the basics and if you weren't thinking like we got to have the best stuff that we can get our hands on like you could buy enough toothbrushes enough toothpaste enough mouthwash floss bar soap and shampoo probably with a hundred bucks to last you a very very long time you know yeah raise dollar raises the cheap plastic razors you know you could stockpile those they're cheap as can be if you really wanted to build like a bucket or like a trash can a la uh personal hygiene you know you could handle that with 50 to 100 i bet and have it be something you know you wouldn't have to think about for a year easy. Yeah. I got a friend. He doesn't throw away his small soaps that get really short.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Oh, yeah, the little one. Yeah, it's like leftover soaps. He puts them in a bucket, and he melts them all down, and he makes more soap out of the smaller soaps. I thought that was always cool. Dumps them into a mold or something and cuts them. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I always thought that was cool. I've never made soap. I love it. Bar soap. You know, before, what's it called? What's the popular man bar soap now? Dr. Squatch. Before Dr. Squatch came out,
Starting point is 00:54:23 I was like secretly in love with like artisan soaps. Like I wouldn't admit it that much, but it was one of my favorite things. Like if I could get like a good homemade lavender soap, I was living. And now it's like a lot of people use the bar soaps again, which is good, I think. Oh, yeah. The good goat milks and all that. That's good stuff. Goat milk's good.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Yeah. I love that stuff. Especially, you know, I think, too, getting away from all the synthetics that are in the liquid soaps. Yeah. You know, all the chemicals, all that stuff that, you know, that's on our bodies. That's not even knowing that it's making us sick. Sure. Yeah, I never liked that feeling.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I was never big on the body wash feeling afterwards. I like the soap. The soap feels like, hey, what's up, Jake the Snake? I like the soap feeling after you clean up. You're like, feel clean. It feels like something happened with the bar with the gels it's always like there's like a like a film on me or something i don't know you know cancer yeah exactly exactly you feel more dirty yeah or you feel like maybe less dirty but still
Starting point is 00:55:42 contaminated yeah you need to wash again with the bar soap. Yeah, the bar soap is it. That's the way to go. I'll take the crappy Irish spring over a fancy body wash or whatever with fragrance. You know what? We're talking about soap. about soap it's like if water if you're on city water and that city water turns off the county shuts it off on you you better have some solutions right so like that that's that's what i go into you know what if your city water turns off when they turn it off one morning and it just doesn't come back on.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Or it's so contaminated, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta right now. Your city water is so contaminated that you can't use it. You can't even boil it. You can't get everything out of it, yeah. What scares me is that you won't know. Do you know what I mean? Like if it is an EMP or if it is some kind of disaster that affects the water system at large, but water is still coming out, you're not going to know. Unless communications are clear and that's assuming they're doing the proper testing.
Starting point is 00:57:01 We know because it's a person's job to test the water before it you know heads out into the pipes but amid chaos you know you might be thinking this water's safe it's clear looks good maybe it's a little darker but it can't be that bad that's what scares me is when that dependence because it's not like i highly doubt in a really serious disaster that somebody's going to come over the radio and be like stop using the tap water you know right you'll never know exactly never know and and or it just won't turn on you know they'll they'll they'll have it turned off um yeah and and or you you will notice that the chemicals aren't running in it. You know, the machines aren't running. It's just flowing water.
Starting point is 00:57:48 You know, sometimes you will know. Yeah. I mean, there's everything, you know, for those of you who are listening and getting overwhelmed, it's like you have to give the benefit of time, the benefit of the doubt to time. You know, like you have to learn a lot of things to get to a point where you can think about these kinds of problems and have the tiered approach is what I call. Like you don't want to be like the water doesn't work. So I have this one solution. Like you want to be like the water doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So I have a filter. I can make a bio filter. I can make water catchment in, you know, numerous ways. I have a creek. I have a well, whatever your situation is. You know, we have stored water. Oh, that that's where you want to be. But that stuff takes time so whenever you're feeling overwhelmed just keep listening to pbn keep listening to folks like darius from prepared mentality because if you if you buy a bunch of stuff and say well i'm prepared i'm good then you'll never really build that repertoire where you can look at a problem and say you know i've got many solutions for this you know so if one thing doesn't work we've got many solutions for this. You know, so if one thing doesn't work, we've got another thing. If that thing, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:11 But, yeah, to your point, there probably is not going to be a go or it might be a hard stop, you know, and then your life changes dramatically in three days. Exactly. And there's nothing like that, really, in our day-to-day life, where a resource can be taken away from us that literally will result
Starting point is 00:59:32 in death in three days. For sure. And that's a mind-bender. Electricity is the first thing to go. Then you're a water source. Then it's that time. It's go time.
Starting point is 00:59:49 It is definitely go time. It's change time is what it is. Yeah. It's time to start figuring out how to survive off grid, which is why I recommend looking at the world and understanding that war equals off grid. Just have that in your head when you see this war news. Say, you understanding that war equals off-grid. Just have that in your head when you see this war news. Say, you know, war equals off-grid.
Starting point is 01:00:09 That's how we're going to be living. And also understand that we are playing with the sun. We're playing a game of galactic Russian roulette, essentially, with the sun. And we don't know when that chamber is going to have a round in it that shuts the power off forever or at least for a long enough time that we have to bend at the knee to china to beg them to send over all the components we need to rebuild our power system god only knows what that would look like it's a shame yeah so you know you look the i talk about it all the time.
Starting point is 01:00:46 You guys are probably tired of hearing it. Those of you who have it, I'm sorry, but I have to mention it. What do you mean 27 seconds remaining? Is there a time limit on lives? Yeah, I think they're putting a time on us. They don't like what we're talking about. Probably, probably. No grid survival projects, okay?
Starting point is 01:01:04 It's a book that I wrote. Get your hands on it. Go to and continue to listen to this. We're live over there. Okay, Go to the click the live show and chat, and you'll see this podcast is running live. How about that shit? Who knew?
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah. I had no idea that they shut you down for yapping yeah the moderators uh i think they're they're they're on to us hey we did good plus 200 too much information plus 200 others viewed your live video that's good yeah let's see the insights on the live i'm'm going to post it on my thing, but it is what it is. PBN Family, they shut us down over there on Instagram. Wow. That's a first for me.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I do lives all the time. I mean, I don't think I've done an hour live or so. Maybe. That seems so silly. I think it is. I mean, it might be a combination. You know, we start talking about these things and, you know, the powers that be get a little scared for some reason. When you when you do talk about these issues and subjects for a long period of time. So I'm not surprised. It happens.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It happens. Oh, God. Imagine. This is why podcasting is king, man. I'm telling you. Podcasting is king because, you know, it's between you and the podcast host. You know, the hosting service.
Starting point is 01:02:43 And the hosting services have been strong through all the censorship you know they stand strong Spreaker our host they never approached us about anything you know and we were just decimated through COVID because we dared ask questions man yeah we were dissolved off a number of platforms and our podcast host never, they never batted an eye. There's something about it, man. It's almost like AM radio. It's a good deal. You're doing a podcast now, right? Yeah. I'm just getting started, man. It's going to be preparedness talk. We're going to be doing our first show. It's going to be live on the 30th.
Starting point is 01:03:30 My plan is to do a podcast every month. So the end of the month will be when we do our podcast live and get into some preparedness stuff. Once I get some more guests and get it off kicking and running we'll be doing more more frequently but i'm starting off slow for now yeah well when you get rocking man i got 15 people here on pbn 14 not counting me uh 13 not counting our uh our religious guru steven menking though he's a great guest i mean i could he's just a busy guy so i don't know i can't guarantee you he would hop on one of them but the other hosts they'd be glad to i'm sure they yeah for sure they're all awesome they all have something you know jay ferg she's a
Starting point is 01:04:18 she's got the uh the fiber skills dane d the with the gunmetal armory, he's a trained blacksmith. Dave Jones is a nuclear biological chemical warfare expert. They all got stories to tell. Every one of them is great, man. Yeah, we got to get them on. Yeah, you'd have fun with all of them. The Patriot Power Hour duo, they're like our news team. Those two guys are a hoot man and
Starting point is 01:04:46 they know their stuff foof i know their stuff but uh yeah man what else i don't want to keep you all night i know you and me we could yak it up the whole night where should we send people and i think that the prepping 101 course sounds like a good starting line, right? Yeah, that's a really good start. Again, everything is on I just released a new book, The Eye of Clarity. It's the keys to effective situational awareness. It's how you want to get started in your situational awareness in your everyday life. Again, my courses, my books,
Starting point is 01:05:27 they're geared towards the average person, nothing too hard. It's a small read, you know, 70 pages, but they're key points. It's more like a guide to get you started in your situational awareness. So go check that out. It's on Amazon right now, The Eye of Clarity, The Keys of Effective, the keys of effective situational awareness. Beautiful, man. Well, thank you for joining us tonight on Preppers Live. We always value a good guest. You're more than welcome the next time you drop something. Hell, after you drop this first podcast, if you want, you're welcome to come back and join us. We'd like fresh voices and fresh takes.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And, you know, you're the real deal, man. I like talking to you. No pretense. I had a good time, man. It's a good time. I really appreciate having on. All right, PBN family, we're wrapping it up. I'm going to send you over to the Ammo Squared ad.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Okay, this nitrocellulose thing is real this ammo shortage thing is real ammo slash pbn until i hear better news about ammo i'm gonna be pushing this on you guys because it's a phenomenal opportunity to get your ammo preparedness taken care of by uh by an ally man by a guy who gets it you know and he has a great business over there so run a few ads and uh i'll talk to you guys tomorrow morning for pbn daily news all right adios pbn family i hope you had a good show who wants free ammo our new sponsor ammo is a truly automated set it and forget it ammo purchasing program pick your calibers set your budget select a shipping trigger and ammo's coming to you there's no minimum to buy no memberships no extra fees ammo squared was started in idaho
Starting point is 01:07:20 in 2015 and today has over 30 000000 customers across the country. Start stockpiling ammo at slash PBN and get 75 rounds of 9mm for free. That's slash PBN.

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