The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE - ELECTION PREDICTIONS from Preppers 2024-2025

Episode Date: October 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to pbn your path back to stability here welcome into preppers live pbn family i forgot i had the uh the quiet intro the creepy quiet intro for our preppers predictions show our election 2024 preppers prediction show oh i also forgot that it loops you're listening you get to hear it again some of these settings save and some of them don't we'll have to get used to that so just so you guys know uh on top of the show that we're doing
Starting point is 00:00:51 currently we're also going to be live with some contingent of the pbn family um for election night okay so we'll probably do like a five-hour like we did last time. Hopefully this one turns out a little differently than the last. But tonight we have Ryan Buford with us. We've got Jay Ferg with us. We've got Dave Jones, the NBC guy, with us. We have an amazing lineup. And we're going to be doing Prepper's election predictions.
Starting point is 00:01:23 This was an idea from the NBC guy that he brought to my attention maybe two weeks ago, something like that. And then the live blew up, and so we had to fix that, and now we've got that fixed, and we're going to run it. Oh, can anybody check Twitter? Oh, you know what? We are live on Twitter. We got the check.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Okay, cool. We got the check. We're good to go. We had to go premium over there for Elon to let us go live, and we did that. who's going to win the election? So each person will give you their thoughts on who's going to win the election. Then we'll follow that up with, and what is that going to look like and what you should prepare for and so on and so forth. And I think we'll have an amazing show. I'm looking forward to it tonight. And without further ado, I think we bring Dave Jones, the NBCbc guy on first and uh get his thoughts on the situation well awesome hey can you hear me i got you loud and clear dave jones you sound great
Starting point is 00:02:36 thanks for joining us well sure and i gotta tell you that the reason i came up with this is purely selfish. I really, honest to God, I really wanted to know what everybody was doing. And then I thought to myself, wow, that would be a good show. Maybe I'll suggest it to James and get her done that way instead of, you know, chatting in the back channel and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, so that's the reason behind it. I really wanted to know what the host, I haven't seen anybody since Prepper Camp. And we've been going crazy here between school and all that kind of stuff. So I'm counting the days down to the election. to the election. And bottom line is, I think Trump's going to win, basically, because they can't cheat as much as they did last time because of COVID. They will try and cheat.
Starting point is 00:03:33 That is absolutely a given. But they can't cheat as much as they did because there was a conspiracy last time between those states when the counting went off in Pennsylvania at the same time in Arizona I knew something was up because they're in completely different time zones sure and yeah and then when Trump wins uh of course China's gonna do China or their proxies or Iran, their proxies, North Korea. Someone's going to do a cyber attack because they want to throw as much chaos into this election and question, you know can claim foul and just cause massive chaos confusion you know problems yeah yeah i mean i like the sounds of it i definitely like the sounds of a donald trump victory i personally uh think the same i think i i actually I actually think that we're headed for, and this, you know, let's hope, but I think we're headed for a landslide victory with Donald Trump. I do. I think that that's coming in already
Starting point is 00:05:05 based on the amount of democrats that i've seen moving and voting republican for this election based on oh you know what really too the amount of pandering i talked about this on my show today but i'm just so blown away by it the amount of pandering that they have done and and guilting the black men into voting for democrats and and sort of like this assumption that they're required by race to vote democrat like i just i think people are looking at that stuff and getting as bad a taste in their mouth as we've had since the beginning so that's that's my prediction on the on who's gonna win who's next oh i'm gonna second um dave i i do think trump's gonna win um there's so much that's going on that's just so blatant and in your face that you kind of can't you can't really
Starting point is 00:06:02 deny what's going on i mean i don't want to jump ahead to the second you know second question but i'm seeing already the mail-in ballot boxes in um washington were set on fire you're seeing where the opposing party has to had a big issue with uh having beyonce and and Kelly Rowland open for her. And people thought she was going to sing. And when they realized she wasn't going to sing, they started booing once Kamala started talking and left. So, I mean, it goes to show when you have to have all these celebrities endorsing you, who are probably all on P. Diddy's list anyway. So actually, we know three of them who are.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And it's like, you you know it's kind of funny of course they're gonna go vote for the person who can use them for blackmail to hopefully make it disappear make it disappear as quickly as epstein's listed yeah yeah it's it's like i said it's they're they're fumbling the easy stuff it seems like um but how about you ryan you're you're on the whole other side of the nation do you have a contrarian voice well i i saw the um what do you call it the um the ballot box on fire i saw it i saw it from you actually you're the guy who i saw it from first and that's something that to me is uh it's eye-opening uh but then again i'm i think we've gotten to the point where it's like yeah that sounds like a leftist tactic right it's not a surprise yeah
Starting point is 00:07:32 i'm really not surprised at all um so i'm kind of but um this is where we're at and i think when you when you have a dog that's up against a wall in a corner. And they're, you know, here we have the whole, the left ideology being questioned and, you know, the last four years being questioned, what's been accomplished being questioned, who's in charge being questioned and all these different things coming up. And people are like, they have no answers. The answer that they have is like, look, this is, this isn't ridiculous. This isn't what we want. Just as people, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that, hey, look, this is probably not the ideal way to run a nation. And so you have a lot of the people that were in this same room on November 4th, 2020, and none of us were prepared for the outcome in that regard. going to be installed uh i think that it is too big to rig so to speak and i think that trump is going to get all the votes that he needs to win but as far as who is going to win the
Starting point is 00:08:53 election i think it's going to be kamala and i think people need to realize that there is a very real reality that that happens not because it's a close race by any means because i don't think it is i think it's it's probably 80 20 at best but um and we're saying 60 40 right now but honestly when people actually do hit the polls i think it's going to be closer to 80 20 with 80 voting trump and 20 for kamala by comparison but honestly i think that um there's gonna she's not gonna concede and there's not going to be a peaceful transfer of power and i think that's something that's something that i've been preparing for for several months and it's funny that you say that because i that's my mindset too is i i think trump is gonna win but whether or not he gets to actually hold office, that's a whole different story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I think that is kind of where we go next, right? So there's a winner, and then there's a whole slew of things that happens from the time someone declares victory and someone is, as you put it, Ryan, installed into office. Dave Jones, you want to lead us off on or did you already give us sort of repercussions and that kind of stuff? Well, you know, in a daily audio cache or something a while back, I said that the vice president, one of their duties is to certify the election. If you remember when Trump was in, he was pressuring Pence to not to certify the electoral votes. And same thing here. She's going to cause a constitutional crisis as big as the Civil War. crisis as big as the Civil War. She's going to not certify the election. They're already setting up Washington, D.C. with fences and bringing in the guard. The guard was notified a long time ago who was going to be there and who wasn't. So they already know. And they're
Starting point is 00:11:00 fortifying D.C. because they know what their game plan is. And that that's part of it. So I think the even the Patriot Power guys alluded to something like this. And they said, you know, that that it would go back on to the House and the Senate to cast a vote. And here's, you know, are there more Republicans in the House to cast a vote. And here's, you know, are there more Republicans in the House and Senate? Or are there more Democrats? Because everyone gets one vote.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah. Yeah. If that happens, holy cow, it might come down to Kamala's vote for herself. Kamala's vote for herself or Donald Trump. Wow. Yeah. Could you imagine?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah. And then what? You know? Okay. So let's say that Kamala's installed, as is the plan and as has been the plan, I guess, since they realized. I don't know. What the hell did they realize. But anyway, so they put her in, coup her in, and now they're going to do everything they can to make sure that she gets in. Then she gets in.
Starting point is 00:12:27 is because aside from january 6th we've never we've seen hardly nothing out of the right wing republican so on and so forth in terms of protest i mean very little and uh do you think that would kind of spawn off anything along those lines anybody can answer this well honestly i think the right wing republicans uh they tend to fight with their wallet. Yeah, that's a good point. I have a feeling that the preemptive strike to hire 87,000 IRS agents had more to do with who they intended to install because they know how we act. They know how we think. And the end game is to make sure that we all pay our taxes. But if we all stop paying our taxes, because what's on Trump's agenda? What is he ramping up? All these different tax breaks that go from people who are paying taxes on tips, people who are paying taxes on social security, people who are paying taxes on income, on capital gains. And break for parents who are homeschooling.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Like that's a big one for homeschoolers. So if you think about it, the inverse of that would be people who flat out stop paying taxes because they voted for no taxes and they're going to vote with their wallet. And to be frank so would i i i i mean i'm to the point where i feel more confident in my ability to not pay taxes because i feel that because we're at the point where we're looking at taxation without representation at that point and we're right back to the revolutionary side not even civil war we're
Starting point is 00:14:05 talking about evolution here and i don't think it's just the taxes if you don't mind me jumping in but i think you install kamala what's gonna happen you're gonna have all this praise and more more chaos you think it's bad enough that your children are being taught about transgender or they the certain states allow to be able to prescribe medications to your kids, you're going to see even more of a strain on the economy, on the individuals themselves who actually pose a threat. So who is the person who poses the threat, right? It's you, it's me, it's everybody. Inflation is already here, but we're going to see even more. How do you keep people from fighting back?
Starting point is 00:14:45 You make it almost impossible to live because they're going to be too focused on trying to get by day to day. Then they are going to be focused on fighting what's really coming at them. If you look at other countries where this has happened, Someone pleased the country. So someone leaves and says, hey, I was elected. I had to leave for my life, save my life. And then they're the leader abroad. Whenever a coup happens, someone takes over the military and someone runs away
Starting point is 00:15:27 so yes is kamala gonna be the one taking over the military or is trump gonna be the one one of them's gonna have to run away i think i honestly i i don't know trump trump has done so so much good like people want to hate on him but they don't have enough enough solid you know anything to say all the stuff they say oh they say he's a racist they say he's this they say he's that but if anything he should be proof that he hasn't i mean kamala has been a vice president for how long and what has she done for us? Oh, she spent all of our FEMA money on immigrants who are now raping and murdering families. But when our own people need help, we can't help them.
Starting point is 00:16:14 You know, it's it's one of those she shot herself in the foot so many times that anymore. Half the people I see on TV who are I'm voting for her because she's been great. Anymore, half the people I see on TV who are like, I'm voting for her because she's been great. I don't know if I even believe that those are genuine people or if they're just paid people at this point. Right. Yeah. You have to wonder about someone's mental capability that thinks she's actually wonderful. I mean, they used to do literacy tests in the South.
Starting point is 00:16:48 She originally used to date Montel Williams. Come on. I can't have a lot of respect for a woman who dated a reality show host. She dated Montel Williams? Yes. I had no idea. Love that song. So the question about Kamala, she takes power. We have this mix up in sort of who gets in and not, and does the right do anything?
Starting point is 00:17:14 That's sort of like that three months that Dave Jones was talking about. The other thing I think that we have to consider is, okay, we almost have to consider it a foregone conclusion unless Donald Trump runs off like Dave Jones is saying, that that dude's going to jail. Like if Kamala gets in, Donald Trump is going to jail, I think, because this is their goal. This has been their goal from the get-go. Well, do they margarine? I think he'd be lucky from the get go. Well, I think do they margaret to go to jail? Yeah, exactly. Do they margaret or do they allow him to be in prison like Nelson Mandela? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:59 You know, it's kind of a lose lose situation for them either way. I mean, they get their way, but, you know, I don't know. I feel like if they were to do something like that um i think they're really gonna see how outweighed they are amongst the people because i i don't think after a while you know republicans you know we we follow the rule books right we we try to you know be peaceful and kind but I think at that point, I think most peacefulness would be out the window only because what peace have the people been shown with who's in office and who right now is at command? What peace have we been shown with everything that's going on? I think there's so many people who've changed from blue to red that the red tide is going to have the whole thing. Yeah. And that particular red tide might exist now on paper, but if it's
Starting point is 00:18:55 not certified, then it doesn't exist. And what we're seeing with the illegal immigrations offsetting blue states right now, that they're going to affect the, the election right now. They're going to affect it in four years. So as a result, you're going to have swing states that are no longer swing states. They're solid blue. And what that'll do is turn the nation a democratic candidate nation. And until, until we actually see, you know, some civil discourse, we're never going to be able to avoid the potential of some sort of conflict.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Oh, no, you're right. Now, did y'all vote early? Because I know I did. And on there, I remember voting to change it to where a U.S. citizen was the only individual who was allowed to vote. Oh, we didn't have that here. It's already a U.S. citizen was the only individual who was allowed to vote. Oh, we didn't have that here. It's already a law. It's already a law. I guess it's a South Carolina thing.
Starting point is 00:19:52 We had one where we voted to change the rule because at this point, it's any individual of age. Now it's to be only U.S. citizen with proof are going to be allowed to vote. And I voted yes for that one because, you know, it sounds horrible. But I think we as citizens, you know, we have a right to vote. Not just anyone walking through the door should be allowed to. Yeah. Well, back in the day, if you didn't own property, you didn't vote. You had to be a property owner. You had to have skin in the game.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, yeah, that's a no-brainer. Well, I got bad news. I got bad news, Dave Jones, for us in particular. I don't know if you've seen the story yet, but you will see it, I'm sure. But a judge just ordered Virginia to restore 1,600 voter registrations. I saw that. What? Yeah, they were purged in the last two months in an effort to stop non-citizens from voting.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So in other words, Youngkin came out and said, we got to get rid of these 1,600 voters because they're not citizens. Of these 1600 voters. Because they're not citizens. And a Virginia stinking judge. Ruled Friday. Last Friday. That they got to restore them. Biden appointee judge. There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And not only that. They're using something. That should have went into effect. Last election. You can't change the rules 90 days yeah yep 90 days and they they used that to for an argument now i heard that the supreme court is gonna hear the case i think they will i think you can't have non-citizens voting and they'll they'll blow that out i hope but you But, you know, you've got to. You could just be I mean, you can be a French citizen or a North Korean citizen or a Chinese citizen and just basically vote for anybody in the United States that you want running the United States.
Starting point is 00:21:55 That's not. Have you all seen the video about in Japan? Which one? They are having a parade with a Trump statue. It's a giant float of Trump, and it's his coat saying, let's make it greener again. Let's make America great again. They are marching and pro-Trump down the streets in Japan. Well, you know what they're worried about. They don't want China to bust their ass. You know what I mean? about they don't want china to no yes you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:22:25 they need donald in there yeah people don't realize that this is a world stage election well but and that what people don't realize is we had the greatest amount of peace when trump was in yeah we had covid and other weird things going on but we weren't involved in three wars, you know, like Ukraine and everything else. We, we would have handled that differently. Trump was known for going straight up to individuals in the middle East and tell them, I will shoot you. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, uh, something Brian, uh, Ryan said, um, that, uh, you know, the illegals, said that, you know, the illegals, there's a reason why they flew all those people to the cities where they flew them to. And I think you're going to see what that reason is in the next few months as this election goes and why they're there and who, you know, the whole operation is going to be laid in front of us.
Starting point is 00:23:28 We're going to see it all. And you should be prepping to stay put for a an extended period of time in your house. Yeah. So we're looking at it like, you know, just like the pandemic. Like, you know, just like the pandemic, we stayed here for six weeks. I think we went downtown one time to check out the craziness and then we came right back. And it's going to be something like that. Yeah. And I'm kind of on the along those same lines and i saw it coming as soon as um what happened i don't know if it was the assassination attempt or um there was some other event back in may that was like nope that's it because i was i was planning to do some things to get out ahead but this year i
Starting point is 00:24:19 decided no i'm i'm getting ready for four years out because I basically want enough supplies and materials on hand to sustain for a duration. And I mean, that's the drive that I got to get it done because it's so unpredictable. And there's really all the signs are pointing to just like what Dave was saying, you know, that the shelter in place, once you, you know, it's going to be the type of thing where you you're going to need to hold up and that's unfortunate but it's it's very true and to the point where people are you know going door to door potentially or you know making sure that you have your food stores set up in a way that people aren't raiding your place or coming by knocking because that's kind of where i see things going. You know, those people that always joke about, oh, when shit hits the fan, I'm coming to your house.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Well, guess what? You're about to find out who's going to show up at your house, I think. Yeah, I mean, it wouldn't take much. You know, that's the thing. It wouldn't take much to put us in that kind of a situation. And I think that's kind of what what the predictions at least in my head look like when we talk about donald trump winning and donald trump taking office and and these the most crazy and the most violent alienation saying oh yeah well it's time
Starting point is 00:25:39 to it's time to do what we do right those are the people who are waiting in the wing right now they're the most crazy and the most violent and they if he gets in they will do their thing i i think yeah i agree a hundred percent with you ryan like and both of y'all all of y'all but it's like we had the blue screen of death remember remember when the thing was i and i've told people and i hope i'm wrong but i felt like that was a practice run What do you do when someone you opposing that you don't want in office wins? So he'll win So what do you do you cripple the nation? something bad has to happen to make him look like he's not fit for that position or Proof that kamala just can't surrender the seat. she needs to stay in it you know i mean it's
Starting point is 00:26:25 just too convenient there is going to be chaos whether financially economically on the streets chaos is going to happen yeah sure you know like the one thing it's it's we've gotten uh you know like when you write you have uh those things that happen out out of time. Foreshadowing? Foreshadowing. Well, the Longshoremen's Strike is a foreshadowing event, I think, of what is potentially going to happen because they've already set up. Because they can hold up for 30, 60, 90 days, which would be enough for them to be able to pull rank depending on who gets elected.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And people are kind of forgetting about that right now but that's what kept us alive during covid was people who were driving people who were running trucks and delivery vehicles and fedex and ups and all this kind of stuff well guess what happens when that stuff stops coming yeah we're all holed up and i don't think people realize we're on the precipice of it actually now because of the fact that medications are in short supply just from the disaster hit in florida and um western north carolina and south carolina and tennessee you know all those that entire region was devastated and now we're looking at another storm potentially hitting there But what people don't realize is you're already having a supply chain issue now. And people think, oh, well, the port strike is done temporarily. It's
Starting point is 00:27:54 on hold, but that's not the issue. Right. It's temporary. And, but people get comfortable. People complacency is a killer. And I've always said that, and I'm going to keep saying it, but the problem is, is people aren't seeing, you know, we're going through a huge shortage now with our healthcare system, the hospitals, we have a shortage on certain supplies that there are certain tests and certain things that cannot be performed right now. There's a supply with medication. If you order from Amazon, guess what? Something as simple as my maintenance medications, birth control, I've waited two extra weeks now and it keeps being delayed even longer and longer. Something that you wouldn't think would be an issue. So think about it. Your things that you're used to
Starting point is 00:28:35 being able to get just at a click of a button is going to get that much harder and people are failing to look around them. Open your eyes, folks, and watch all of the signs. Sandwich meat in a tiny container went from $3 to $6. It is happening right under your nose and it's going to hit hard. Yeah, I think that's pretty well put. So the other thing that is looming and what may probably one of the things that makes me most nervous, particularly about the transfer of power, because it's the perfect excuse. And I never know how much American politics are in world wars. And we have a world war or two world wars, however you want to look at it, is the timing with the back and forth with Iran and Israel. Is the timing with the back and forth with Iran and Israel.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Right. It seems like it almost seems like they're playing this volley game until we need the war. You know what I mean? Like once Kamala's camp says, oh, we need the war. I can't leave. We're in a world war. Oh, by the way, North Korea is now in Russia. All this stuff seems to be getting ready to be timed for that sort of perfect.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Whoops. Now we have a war. Donald Trump won, but it's just it's just too dangerous for us to transition at this moment. I'd like to hear Dave Jones's thoughts on that because, you know, he might have a better sense on the the warfare angle. Well, yeah, they're going to seize any opportunity they can. I don't think Israel's done attacking. I think this thing that happened Friday was the beginning. I think they're going to continue because now they knocked out their air defense and they have pretty much a free reign.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Ah, that's a good point point i didn't even think about that yeah so now they can fly in when they want where they want yeah pretty much but um everybody's going to be watching china's going to be watching for their opportunity of course you know if we're fighting all amongst ourselves, if this goes into, you know, a civil war, I mean, if Trump flees the country, if you look at what happens when this happens in other countries, the army rolls onto the street, they kill a bunch of people, and then things calm down for a while. and then everything goes to crap for that country. OK, and the other leader that was supposed to be elected and democratically elected, he's living in another country until he can build up his forces to cause his own coup so i wonder if i wonder if in the american
Starting point is 00:31:28 sense of that if ron desantis creates some kind of yeah florida sanctuary for donald trump to operate from so that the federal government can't come in and take him out throw him in prison out of texas yeah well he's got his home base in florida though you know oh yeah that's already can't come in and take him out and throw him in prison. Outer Texas. Yeah. He's got his home base in Florida, though, you know? Oh, yeah, that's true. He's already there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I could see something like that going down. And that's, you know, that's when you get into some serious Civil War situations. You know, once you have a... Go ahead, Dave. Well, I mean, what... And what's the craziest thing is, here we are talking about about this like, you know, this isn't science fiction. Oh, no way. You know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah. It's so I mean, for whatever reason, the international left thought that Obama was their ticket. And make no mistake, they either want to take the united states over or they want to destroy it because it's been you know it's been the the thorn in their side since forever so if they can't control the united states they will wipe us out i think that's the game i think the game because i don't think you'll ever control america you know really we've seen a lot of that this year you know from from various situations that we've seen americans in and we've we've seen that we've seen that the idea of the idea of
Starting point is 00:33:00 ruling over the united states as a whole, I think is impossible. So your only, your only option is to destroy it, you know? Yeah. And what better way to do it than pit us against each other and let us, you know, fight each other.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Well, you know, the important thing that we do, this is the toughest part of this whole situation too. We've talked, I think every one of us now has talked about the pitting Americans against Americans. What's going to be the hardest part in all of this, I think, no matter how it goes, is one day we're going to have to have conversations with these people who have the Harris-Waltz flags hanging outside their house. We're going to have to have conversations with these people who have the Harris-Waltz flags hanging outside their house.
Starting point is 00:33:46 We're going to have to, you know, I've said it for a while now. We're going to have to find a way to forgive these people who have been wrong for the last four years. Like there have been people who have been wrong and wrong and wrong and told you you're wrong and you're an idiot and you're a killer and you're a monster and you're wrong and they've just been wrong for almost five years straight now how do you how it's not that we can't forgive them it's how do you have that open dialogue period because you know these are people who aren't going to forgive anybody because in their mind whether they're wrong or not they're never wrong i see what you're saying so so well that that kind of takes us off the hook it's kind of their hill to die on right if they never come looking for forgiveness then i guess it's not really for us to worry about but i mean i'm saying should the world flop on its head you know what i mean and and people in in start to see, oh, I've screwed up.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You know, whatever the situation is, you could harken back to masks, to vaccines, to defund police, to, you know, all this sort of stuff that they've been wrong and wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Like it's amazing how wrong a single person can be. I think we'll see some doing it, but honestly, with how well they ingrained all of that that you just listed off, all of that, that people are still wearing masks and people are still worried about COVID, especially the elderly patients they take care of. It is very religious. well ingrained that a lot of these people will believe it until their very last breath and on that one i can forgive them for not knowing i i see them as a child who knows not what they do and the sad thing is though is the people who are accountable and see it it's just it's just one of those things they've just done such a good job at ingraining it so deeply that we're still the madmen at the end of the day yeah that's a good point that is a good point i i i guess we could probably start with these people who are moving to vote republican this year i don't know if you guys have seen a lot
Starting point is 00:35:59 of that my son's been showing me a lot of those videos of people i haven't voted early as republican and saying like i never voted republican my whole life but i'm voting republican this time you know and then what i'm saying is we don't want to leave people like that out in purgatory where they're like well the left is nuts i'm not going back there but i voted for biden and i you know for six months i said biden's cool man he's fine there's nothing wrong with biden that's what cnn's telling me and then you know then they vote for trump and they're looking for you know what i'm saying you know how in those social situations you run into
Starting point is 00:36:35 a person they could say well i voted for biden in 2020 but i didn't vote i voted for trump in 24 that was something we've i've had those conversations in my household. When my partner, back in the day, I found out he voted Obama. We talked about it. He goes, I didn't know better. But that's like, I have the same conversation with two of my sisters. They do not vote. And I made the remark, well, if you didn't vote, and I'm not saying they couldn't complain, but it was one of those, then you can't give your two cents if you didn't vote and i'm not saying they couldn't complain but it was one of those then you can't give your two cents if you didn't give your idea i'd rather deal with someone who voted the opposing party and knew they actually took their right to vote versus someone who just sat by and watched and did nothing sure yeah i think there's been a lot of social experiments
Starting point is 00:37:24 happening where people from the left try and infiltrate the right and realize that they're actually being welcomed. Right. Versus being attacked because that. Yeah. The opposite is not true. Well, that's right. Who goes that? They realize basically what they already knew and they just got attacked. I think a lot of people that are of a left mindset don't realize how welcome they are for learning the perspective. Like it's almost like not drinking the Kool-Aid, so to speak, but it's like, hey, look, you know, I'm glad that you finally have come to a point where you realize what we are fighting for and what we believe in and why we believe in having a strong family culture or, you know, strong beliefs and, you know, personal rights and responsibilities and less government and all this kind of things because it is actually better for you than having so much government oversight and, you know, people wanting to,
Starting point is 00:38:26 you know, go to endless wars and all this kind of stuff. You know, they, they preach all these things about equality and, you know, but the reality is, is that they,
Starting point is 00:38:36 they don't treat people the way that they preach. Whereas you take that same individual and you pick them out of there, drop them right in the middle of a Trump rally, and they're welcome with open arms. And I think that that alone is enough to change people's minds about the right wing or the current Trump movement. Oh, absolutely. I'm seeing lots of videos on that. And it's sad, though, is I can tell you one video that's going crazy right now uh one of um kamala's own campaign managers uh for one of her rallies uh what the girl's name is uh jordan bowen
Starting point is 00:39:15 got into a man's daughter's face and yelled like screaming in this child's face and i believe the child may have been special may have been special needs she or she was disabled and it was just one of those things it didn't matter if well or not for a grown woman to get in a child's face and scream because the father was not a democrat is absurd and if that doesn't blow people's minds, like the woman next to her yanks her back and she goes, whoa, we don't yell in children's faces. Like you can see the woman yank her back, but you're right is as Republicans, if someone decides that they're wrong and they say, oh, I'm not going to vote that way again. I don't see us being critical. I'm more critical of the
Starting point is 00:40:00 people who, who want to yell at us and treat us like we're this horrible person because we're republicans and it's like you know i think acknowledgement of knowing where you were wrong and changing that goes way further than someone just yelling at you the whole entire time because i've seen those videos where a gentleman uh you know said i'm scared to come over here i'm a black man she had him come over, invited him in. And he goes, well, I'm wearing a Biden shirt. And the gentleman goes, it doesn't matter. You're with us. You're fine here. And found out that maybe he was voting the wrong way. Well, then had the white young woman come with him to the other side and they were in
Starting point is 00:40:41 her face cussing and spitting and spilling stuff on her and it just goes to show we are not in the extremist mindset now don't get us wrong um we are individuals who if we get pushed hard enough and you cross the line then we will fight back yeah we wouldn't the right kind of struggles with the middle ground. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like, we'll be nice, and then it's from nice to life's threatened, pull the firearm, defend life. Well, it's kind of like the old saying, you know, what is it, speak softly but carry a big stick?
Starting point is 00:41:22 Yeah, we're good at that. The problem is the war is being fought in the gray area. It is. You know what I mean? They're masters of the gray area. That's what they're good at. They're good at, like, screaming in babies' faces. But also, you know, like, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Like, that's something that we've lost, and we need to get back. Because I know if I were in a baby care. Well, I can tell you this. He had much better control because if a woman gets in my child's face and screams, I'm catching a charge. Yeah, exactly. And my immediate reaction is going to be to defend. And the man got his child out there quick. But still, regardless, just allow someone to get that close to my child
Starting point is 00:42:05 and scream would be a death sentence for them yeah that that is surprising because she could have done anything at that distance that's a dangerous she was inches from that child's face but uh you know i i do want to say despite what goes down on either side, that I think a focus on your ability to gather particularly local and community-level intelligence is going to be something that – not only something that you should be able to do, but I think it's something that's going to help you sleep. And I'm saying this from past experience. In 2020, I've hammered out a pretty good system for monitoring what was going on in the city of Richmond with the defund the police movements and the riots therein. chaos all over if there's civil unrest in your area um you're going to want to know you're going to want to pinpoint it you're going to want to know where it is and you're going to want to know what direction it's moving and its proximity to you and i i found myself that twitter was really effective i found that uh broadcastify the broadcastify app that chin taught me about years and years ago that i always tell you guys about really gave me a way to listen into EMS in general.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And when there's chaos like that, listening into EMS will tell you a whole lot. They may not say exactly where everything is and what exactly is going on, but you'll be able to deduce whether or not the chaos is on your front door or, you know. So I was using that. I was using that here. And then I found out why all of a sudden I couldn't hear it anymore is they secured their air channel. So now you cannot pick up on any emergency services here. You can't get it, not even fire? They secured all of their channels.
Starting point is 00:44:07 had not even fire they they secured all of their channels okay well that's um that's a great that's a great uh bit of information that should light a fire under your ass listeners it did um oh well yeah mine personally because i live here and it's like i need to know what's going on down the street if there's been another shooting or what and now i have no clue yeah so if you if you have the app check it and see because it's probably something that's happening in more than one place so that we may need an ancillary we may may need an alternate for that one because that's a really helpful app i'm sure there's something else out there we could find well back in back in the day when i used to be a journalist we always had a police scanner running and obviously they could switch channels, but it was just a box like a CB radio and it would just call out. And, you know, it might, we might be getting to the point where that is the type of thing to keep dust off out of your dad's nineties prepper gear, you know, because that was, that was common, you know, people would listen and you'd, you know, like boom hour, you know, that was that was common you know people would listen and you'd you know
Starting point is 00:45:05 like boom hour you know oh yeah on the radio it's like yeah that guy was a conspiracy theorist but now man that's that's valuable information these days so and you you could program a lot of emergency channels into your bow fang if you have a cheap even if you have a just a cheap bow fang your bow fang if you have a cheap even if you have a just a cheap bow fang you can um and a cable to plug into your computer even the cheapest ones you can program with local ems now like you said you might not always get it but you know you're gonna find something you're gonna find specifically when things start to ramp up there's gonna be some kind of chatter out there so but well here's another thing though that's important like i have a i have people in my neighborhood who who are in ems and in other realms that um during 2020 talking directly to those people in the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:46:00 you could learn a lot you know what i mean you could you could find out you know what's on at the hospitals during covid. You could find out what's going on in the streets during the riots. And that information can be, you know, worth its weight in gold when you're trying to fall asleep at night. Andrew is EMS for the county over from us. Oh, nice. Yeah, he actually responded to my house when I got stung by the wasp. Oh, that's a good thing. He heard my 911 call and he says, wait a minute, that's Dave. He just came walking over. Just walked on over. Yeah, I said, who called you?
Starting point is 00:46:42 He said, no, I heard the call on the radio. He monitors it all the time all the time wow yeah yeah that's great man yeah but you know knowing what's going on is it it it's not something we talk about it's not in the realm of food and self-defense and tactical and wilderness survival and all that kind of stuff but it was something that i did on a nightly basis when the cops were battling the uh the rioters in richmond and they did a great job they they have a great program here but you know not knowing would have been hell and there's going to be chaos like that around and you're either going to know or you're not going to know how close it is when it's gone and if you
Starting point is 00:47:21 think that you're gonna like rise to the occasion and gather up people and cut down trees and block off roads and do all this kind of cool prepper post-apocalyptic stuff you gotta know where the enemy's at long before you know it's not it's not like you can see see them coming down your street and go grab the chainsaw and say all right let's cut these trees down there and block off the neighborhood you know you gotta have you gotta have points on where where the bad guys are at it's a big one what else guys oh jeez start talking up now now is gonna be the last time because i that's like i had an opportunity where we were completely empty on our freezer as you've seen the videos i've posted and i stocked up on so much meat that i it's all in my freezer
Starting point is 00:48:14 i'm going to be looking at canning it next go ahead and stock up now because i don't think people realize with the holidays coming up it's's going to be crazy anyways. You've got the election coming up. You need to go ahead and get ahead of things now because it's not going to get any better. I seen you had that Thanksgiving turkey all ready to go. So actually, turkey is a year round thing for us. I got it. I figured that. But yeah, but the funny thing is, is people don't realize like people go in for convenience. I bought a nine pound ham for $16 when one of those tiny little one pound hams are $13. So you got to, you got to do the math y'all. I mean, I'd rather put in the extra work and cook the whole thing and take it apart and put it up in pieces than then buy a piece of something because i mean a turkey breast by itself cost more than the entire bird it's it's ridiculous how food is costing right now
Starting point is 00:49:13 and you get so much out of a whole bird you know i mean i got a 16 almost 17 pound slab of um bottom round for 78 dollars yeah and then that's that's 16 pounds of food for my camp oh that's that's crazy good i did the same thing with sirloin the other day i bought a whole sirloin broke it down same that's great yeah that's great the uh why don't you guys because the pbn audience is listening but we also have a tremendous amount of people i don't know if they're all real or not because i did pay money to become uh whatever it is premium on twitter so i don't know elon sending us a bunch of bot love or whatever but let's err on the side of caution and say of the 80 people over there listening you know a of them could be real. Why don't we go down the line and tell everybody what you guys do here on the Prepper Broadcasting Network?
Starting point is 00:50:11 Because there's a good chance. We've got 12 people over on Rumble, too. There's a good chance that some of these people listening are new. First time. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I am Dave Jones, the NBC guy, Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare. And you can Google me, you know, check out what the Google says.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I'm all over the place. Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare in the Army for 24 years, 22 months in the combat zone, 22 months in the combat zone, traveled to 16 different countries, doing security assessments on U.S. interests abroad, emergency management for Pennsylvania Emergency Management, NASA, Air Force Global Strike Command, and Department of Homeland Security at a little place, you know, called Mount Weather. So that's my background. And I chime in here mostly on daily audio caches. I also do several voices on the Changing Earth audio drama. Sarah, hey, Sarah told me to plug, she got a binge weekend coming up of her audio drama sarah hey sarah told me to plug she got a binge weekend coming up of her audio drama and we're gonna play family feud oh yeah i'm in okay i'll be there this weekend i think we're on the same team jay ferg you and i yes oh am i on your team um you might be actually it
Starting point is 00:51:43 might be you me phil Phil, Jay Ferg. Yeah, I think we got a powerhouse team coming for sure. So what about you, Jay Ferg? You're in some new spots and new places. Why don't you tell them what time your show's on here at PBN and everything else you're working on? So, hey, y'all. This is Jay Ferg, also known as Jordan. I'm Phoenix Survival.
Starting point is 00:52:02 This is Jay Ferg, also known as Jordan. I'm Phoenix Survival. I actually do the Saturday morning live show at not anywhere between 8, usually 9 a.m. I am a fiber enthusiast, prepper, and mother. So I used to be the host for Family Affair. I've rebranded my life, restarted it. Now I'm, along with everybody else, showing you prepping a more urban lifestyle, but still trying to get my way back to that homesteading lifestyle that I had previously. So it's a process for me. I'm meeting interest in people, learning new things, and sharing it with you. I am now airing things on Instagram, TikTok,
Starting point is 00:52:46 and I actually just posted a video today on Rumble from the same TikTok video. So I'm working on putting more content, more in face-to-face stuff for individuals to see. So if you have questions, reach out. I do crochet. So I try to do as much as I can by myself. And they can find you on those platforms is it all at phoenix survival um i believe so i've actually started hashtagging
Starting point is 00:53:13 everything as phoenix survival so um i i am i am uh phoenix i want to say it's phoenix underscore survival on instagram same emblem as here on the screen tiktok's phoenix underscore survival on Instagram. Same emblem as here on the screen. TikTok is phoenix survival. Rumble, I think it's actually just under JFerg. I'll have to fix that. And then I'm going to actually set up an X account too. So I plan on trying to stream across the socials. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Ryan Buford back from the dead. Tell them about the Rising Republic, man. So so yeah my name is ryan buford i used to have a podcast here at proper broadcasting called the next generation show that i had with my son colin we did that for about what five years something like that yeah and uh i think more took a took a break for a year and came back to, uh, to life with L Douglas Hogan over the rising Republic. So, um, it's,
Starting point is 00:54:11 uh, it's been a fun fat last couple of weeks and, you know, he's had his podcast for what? A couple of years now on prepper broadcasting. Uh, he's been with us since the last prepper camp. He was the prepper camp, the new prepper camp guy, you know, he since the last prepper camp he was the prepper camp the new
Starting point is 00:54:25 prepper camp guy you know he gained one every prepper camp yeah because he's got a boatload of books out um fiction non-fiction great stuff a lot of patriotic and religious undertones going in with his fiction and non-fiction um so that's kind of a it's kind of an interesting podcast that we do together it's pre-recorded and then usually kick it out about Tuesdays or Wednesdays or whenever it hits the stream. But as far as I go, I'm just your normal average everyday kind of prepper. I don't have nearly the experience that Dave has, so it's kind of hard to go after Dave when it comes to credentials. But I live on a small.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You're killing me. I'm on mute. I'm rolling. Okay. I got lots of experience. All bad. Yeah. That's not true. That's not true. Because when James called me after you, I'm like, how am I supposed to even follow that up, man? When James called me after you, I'm like, how am I supposed to even follow that up, man? I'm glad he called you instead of me. But no, I live on a small homestead in Washington state. And so I kind of have a more of a West Coast perspective on preparedness. So I'm and I'm fairly fortunate in the region that I live in because of the mentality and the folks that live here that's a little bit we're we're in general the community that i live in is probably closer to the 30s 40s and 50s lifestyle so um i'm pretty fortunate for that and it kind of lends a different a lens lends a different perspective for sure when we're looking
Starting point is 00:56:00 at technology and other kind of things coming down the pipe especially on the inner city side of things so yeah you wrote a great book you inner city side of things. So, yeah. You wrote a great book. You should tell everybody about too. Oh yeah. So I, when, in fact, I probably need to do a version two cause I have done that presentation at a couple of other prepping events, but I, I wrote a book called pint sized prepper projects. It's available on Amazon and I'm sure you can probably
Starting point is 00:56:26 download it from a couple other different places, but basically it's a project book that's designed for kids on how to get them involved in preparedness without, you know, scaring them or, you know, getting them too deep into the weeds when it comes to concepts and topics. It's more along the lines of here, This is some basic survival skills, something to get you started, uh, one step on the rung, so to speak. So, um, you check that out. Also, if you want to reach out to me directly, feel free to contact me on social media. I do have a Twitter account or X account, excuse me. Um, it's just at dad prepper. So you can check me out there. Most of you who are listening, hopefully if you're, if you're listening,
Starting point is 00:57:08 if you're one of my followers, Hey, uh, always love to make contact with the folks who do follow me. And I have met some of my followers in person, which is pretty amazing. So, uh, I do enjoy communicating. And if you want to hear my banter on social media, check me out there. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah, these are the people that I'm lucky enough to broadcast with. We are, and you guys are like sort of the old guard in terms of hosts nowadays also,
Starting point is 00:57:39 which is kind of cool. I didn't think about that until now. But we have, along with these great hosts, we have, what? I can't think about that until now. Along with these great hosts, we have 11 other hosts that do shows on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. For those of you who are new, you can find us everywhere. Podcasts are available. Now you'll be able to find us in a bunch of other places, too. We also have a website, All of our podcasts are up there in chronological order.
Starting point is 00:58:06 So you can listen there if you'd like to. I think we did a great job tonight, guys. What do you think? Absolutely. Yeah. I think you should put a plug in for membership while you got everybody listening. Oh, they'll get plenty of that. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:58:22 But yeah, that's a good call. Visit If you're interested, check out the website. There's a free book there that Dave Jones, the NBC guy and I wrote. It's an amazing book. It's primarily Dave Jones's expertise in that book all about nuclear war. It's called Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared. You can go to and download that for free and that's our membership website we have uh a number of series all kinds of different videos courses discounts podcasts for members only lots of stuff there are tons of stuff uh for you to dig into oh don't forget the chat as well as our chat yeah yeah we have our chat too um yeah chats everywhere now definitely so check it all out you'll be hearing about that kind of stuff from me on a daily basis i'll be live again tomorrow on all these channels um at 9 a.m and uh i guess we'll talk to you then appreciate it guys Thanks so much Ryan, Jordan, Dave
Starting point is 00:59:26 For being on And yeah I think we've done it We'll talk soon folks See ya

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