The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: ELEMENT

Episode Date: May 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. Your path back to stability. សូវាប់បានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបានបា Thank you. We'll be right back. P.B.N. family, what is up? Oh, my sweet Jesus. The microphone was muted on my end. Truth be told, Meleron, back to life. The song you're listening to here, the band or the artist that you were listening to just then was... They were the soundtrack of P.B of pbn for a long time whether you knew it or not um you know copyright free music copyright free music it's a game changer for a guy like me. And Meleron still, I mean, they do amazing stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:07 They have some amazing songs, if you're into that kind of stuff. What is up? Preppers Live. I was just reading some reviews for The World of Ready, the beautiful, wonderful, incredible, paragraph-long reviews. I need more. Get your reviews in, please. I know many of you read the book, and I do appreciate all of you for buying the book on Kindle, buying the book on
Starting point is 00:02:31 K or through Amazon. I mean, I mean, it means a lot. It means a lot. This, the world of Ready is hitting just the way it's supposed to you know it let it's i don't know did the christmas hook land better than the world of ready you know when i write a book in sort of the prepping vein like darker trails it's all over the it's me you know what i mean when i write a piece of fiction out that's like for me uh it's all it's weird you know what i mean i don't know how it's gonna land because it's a it's like a high dive like into a soup can um but i feel the same way about the world of ready as i did when I released the Christmas hook. When I released the Christmas hook, I was like, oh, this is it.
Starting point is 00:03:29 You know what I mean? I sat down, and I outlined, and I wrote, and I rewrote, and I wrote, and I rewrote, and I sent off to an editor and got back, and then I rewrote again, and what I put out with the Christmas hook is, well, it's a Christmas story like no other. That's what it is. It's a one-of-a-kind Christmas story. Beautiful in every way. It's one of the things that I am most proud of.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Really. I really am. Because it was a one-off. It was a whim. It was a one-off. It was a whim. It was a dance with fantasy. It was just one night in May after I went to see It. I came home, and I was just sitting there with my wife, and I said, you know, I think I want to write a Christmas story. And, you know, my wife, she's ever, ever the supporter.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You know what I mean? Ever supported. And I could talk about her for the rest of this hour tonight, to be honest with you. But I felt the same way with the world already, you know? I looked it over. We did the illustrating. We did the, you know, flip this, do that, change this, do that. And I said, you know, this thing is going to land
Starting point is 00:04:45 exactly the way I want it to land. And that's it. And I think it'll do way better than the Christmas book has ever done. Because the kids need it. They need guidance and preparedness. So look, as fate would have it, apparently Dee Cooper is a tough gal to get a hold of and to stay a hold of. We had scheduled the 13th for our podcast. I reached out to her earlier
Starting point is 00:05:14 today. Couldn't get a hold of her. Checked her out on Skype 10 minutes ago. Still no sign of her. go. Still no sign of her. And so that means we are at 35,000 feet and we only have one pilot. And that's fine because I can do this thing with my eyes closed. But what I thought I'd do tonight on Preppers Live. Whoa, sorry. I'm still not through with that. I am still not completely through with the hacking. What I thought we'd do is dig into Element. Dig into the preppers that exist in Element. Now, many of you listening, you know what Element is. You know the deal. We appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And all that kind of stuff. Right? Some of you out there. Don't know what Element is. And I started thinking to myself. You know what would be really cool? It would be really cool. To just do a whole show.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And I probably should do this more. the incredible people here at PBN, they do awesome stuff, man. And they do awesome stuff, and, you know, it rarely gets to sort of what it deserves. You know what I mean? So what we're going to do is we're going to go through the rooms of Element because I haven't had a chance to go through and catch up in a lot of stuff. And we're going to see what the PBN family's up to.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Now, I'm not going to give you names of everybody and all that kind of stuff because, in all honesty, Element is a bit of a safe haven. If you wanted to join element now the thing about it is it's a safe haven but it's a safe haven because you got to work to get there you go to prepper you go to the live show chat okay then you go to join the live chat here. And when you click that button below the live show, you will get a prompt for how you can join the live show chat. Hang out in the live show chat for a little while. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:07:42 You know, don't stir the pot in ways that we don't like it stirred. And, you know, then we're good to go. Then we're good to go. And I'll invite you into the depths. I'll invite you into the nine circles of the element chat. So we'll play around in here for a little bit. We'll do some things. We'll have some fun. I've got an article here from the A restaurant apocalypse is starting to sweep across America. To a guy like me, that's very interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:08:22 Let's start in one of our newest rooms, which is the PBN Family Cookbook. One of our newest rooms, one of our newest folks up there, Jorate, has a picture of some beautiful fresh strawberries and some beautiful fresh strawberry liqueur. And he says, anyone care for some strawberries with their strawberry liqueur? Garden Girl, everybody knows Garden Girl. She posted a great recipe up there for strawberry lemonade, canned strawberry lemonade concentrate, which I thought is just such a cool idea.
Starting point is 00:08:57 We had a conversation about water. I think that was today's Instagram. We were talking about water. Talking about having two weeks worth of water. Putting up water. And I said, you know, a really easy thing to put up are powders. You know? Powdered lemonades.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And when I was talking, I also said, you know, black tea is not hard to put up either. You know, you could store sugar forever. Even if you don't have mylar bags you can dump sugar you could put sugar in you know the one pound bags just stack them in a five gallon bucket and cover the bucket you know what i mean like that'll work that sugar might be hard as a rock when you go to use it, but you could chisel it off of there and use it. And Gardner Girl mentioned this really cool canned strawberry lemonade concentrate that she's made, and that recipe's up there. This PBN Family Cookbook is new. It came by recommendation from a bunch of people.
Starting point is 00:10:04 by recommendation from a bunch of people. MeGray, excuse me, has a beautiful picture of some fiddlehead ferns twisting their way up, bending their way up off the forest floor. And it looks like he's made himself a saute of fiddleheads as well. And he said, is that how it's done, Commander? And they look good. The saute looks nice.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Gray. Looks good. I probably sauteed them up with a little garlic. I can't see what you got going on there. I see some salt on them. A great springtime combo with them fiddleheads, man, is some ramps. All right, some ramps, some baby leeks. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Let's see what's happening in the open chat room. I see gigantic milkshakes. What in the world? So every day, you know, there are things happening that are just behind the scenes all the time. Oh, we got some canning issues happening. JB, the Patriot, talking about canning citrus. It looks like freeze dried citrus looks good interesting
Starting point is 00:11:36 little canning issue I don't want to go into it I don't want to get into what's going on in garden and homesteading. You know we always got amazing stuff going on over there. Looks like Jayfer caught some kind of a lizard using beer. Is he dead? Oh, no, I guess not.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Garden girls got some plums. Head headed to the freezer to steam juice later for jelly oh that sounds good oh man the beans are coming already and down there in texas look how great they look i am so ready for some be my bush beans are like maybe a week away we've got members who have cool weather plants in the ground. Transplanting, sowing, putting lettuces, putting beans. We've got a freeze-drying conversation. Yeah, it's just such a great place. U.S. economy We gotta give a round of applause
Starting point is 00:12:49 To Are You Feeling Lucky The U.S. economy and business section Of The Element Chat Would be nothing without you my man Period Be nothing without you I mean this guy is up on it Several times a week You know The element chat would be nothing without you, my man. Period. It would be nothing without you.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I mean, this guy is up on it several times a week, you know. Friday he posted, consumer sentiment retreated about 13%. This May, following three consecutive months, very little change. Put the survey of consumers, sca.isrumic at He finds all this great stuff. Used Vehicle Value Index. The Manaheim Used Vehicle Value Index fell to 198.4, declined at 14% from a year ago. That's funny because here at Richmond, they've overvalued my vehicle.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Something preposterous, by the way. Members only. What do we got in members only? A Friday entry. That was a good one. PBN EMP alert. Six solar flares to hit Earth starting today. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Everybody got that one. What was the last piece of member content I put up? Oh, the last skills to go. That was a good one. That was a good one. What was the last piece of member content I put up? Oh, the last skills to go. That was a good one. That was a good one. What are the last skills you would give up? That was on Thursday. Pappy's Iron Paradise.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh, we've got this month's routine up. Everybody got this month's routine? Better. We're almost halfway through. This month's routine, this month's fitness and preparedness routine is open to everybody, guys. It's routine? Better. We're almost halfway through. This month's routine, this month's fitness and preparedness routine is open to everybody, guys. It's open to everybody. If you're not on the mailing list, you might not have got it, but it's in the prep or fit and health. I'm sorry, it's in Pappy's Iron Paradise. And it's a good one, man. It's a good one. Kettlebell lower body
Starting point is 00:14:40 circuit. I guess I probably should have shown off that circuit instead of just throwing it at you guys, huh? Dry fire practice of your choice, 30 minutes of reading, gratitude prayer before bed. You know, the day-to-day routines are important, man. I'm telling you you right now. Routine changes everything. So what else we got? The Reliance room is usually pretty quiet. Looks like we got something in U.S. shortages. Oh, this was back in April 17th. Containership loses power near Verrazano Bridge. Just days after Baltimore, you remember? Yeah, the element chat's an amazing thing, man. Over 100 people in there doing their thing.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Doing their prepper business. A restaurant apocalypse is starting to sweep across America, and that is really bad news for the U.S. economy. Before we get to that, I want to give you 75 rounds of 9mm ammunition. Okay? I'll say it again. Before we get to the restaurant apocalypse that the nation is facing, which is terrible news, especially considering all the best dishwashers are rolling in like you wouldn't even believe.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And if you think that's racially charged or something like that, like, oh my god, I can't believe he's saying that these people are fit only for washing dishes. No, I'm saying it because I spent my life in restaurants and I know who make the best dishwashers. And if also, if you think that being the best dishwasher is not an important job, then just go do all the dishes yourself from a restaurant one night, you know, or go in a busy restaurant where you have to turn the whole restaurant over. And the only way you can do that is if the dishes get done quick enough. Literally the entire business can hinge on the dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And I was also a dishwasher. It's my first job. But before we get into the restaurant apocalypse, I want to give you 75 rounds of 9mm ammunition on the house. Yeah, free. 75 rounds of 9mm ammunition on the house. Yeah, free. 75 rounds. You need to go to slash PBN. Okay? I have fully automated my ammunition purchasing. Do you know what that means to me? That means, thank God, I don't have to go another month and say, dude, you really need to buy some ammo. Like, this is getting ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Because most months, I don't know if you're like me, but most months, that's the conversation in my head. Dude, you need to get some more whatever. You're getting low on this. You're getting low on that. You need to get out and go shop some ammo.
Starting point is 00:17:42 You need to go online and buy some ammo. You need to, ammo and buy some ammo. You need to ammo, ammo, ammo. Dan over at has put an incredible business model together. Great dude. Out of Idaho. Our cut from our cloth, man. This guy's the real deal.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And he's taken all the work out of buying ammo you set the amount of money you want to spend you set the regularity by which you want to spend it once a week twice a week once a month whatever and then you set your budget and you gather up the amount of ammo or the calibers rather and he even has it set set up where you break, like if you have more than one caliber, you can break it up by a percentage. I want 25%, 5.56, 25%, 9mm, 25%, 12 gauge, 25%, 22. However you want it, you know? You can set it up any way you want.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And you know what happens? It just keeps going. It just keeps on going. It's so beautiful. It's an amazing business model. And if you're like me, you're not the type of guy that's just like, oh, I can't wait to go buy ammo this month. Like, sign up.
Starting point is 00:19:02 There's no sign-up fee to start. No tricks. I mean, this guy is as transparent as they come it's like you know what it's a lot this is what it reminded me of when i signed up it's like what would you want if you were creating a business that does what ammo squared does right you wouldn't want any weird stuff you wouldn't want any contracts you wouldn't want any fees to pay up front you just want to sign up to get the types of ammo that you want delivered to your house um picked for you the calibers that you want at the price point that you're willing to spend and you want to get that done. And if you get that done
Starting point is 00:19:47 with and you visit slash PBN, then you're also going to get 75 rounds of 9mm ammunition on top of it. Now listen, even if you don't shoot 9mm, 75 rounds of 9mm is going to get some use. Do you know what I mean? It's too popular a caliber not to get use. So visit slash PBN, guys. Okay? Get it. Get it going. Take another thing off your plate. Let PBN take another one of your worries and flush it away. That's what we do here. That is what we do here, man. We do that a lot. It's not what I set out to do. There's just amazing people out there doing amazing things, and I like to have them here as sponsors. You can get a really good idea how the U.S. economy is doing by watching restaurants in your area. When the economy is booming, restaurant parking lots are full.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Sadly, in 2024, it appears that a restaurant apocalypse has started. You know, the restaurants are going to have some trouble with prices, and they're also going to have trouble with the self-sufficiency movements. Do you know what I mean? Like, you get to a point, we eat out quite a bit. I mean, not tons, but we have our weeks where we do eat out a lot. But, you know, if you live a self-sufficient lifestyle, then you never have to. Money gets tight, you don't have to. And let's be real. I mean, going out to eat is insane. It really is. It's really become insane. And it's become insane at a crazy time for me,
Starting point is 00:21:37 which makes it feel even more insane because my kids are getting older. You know, my kids are getting older. they're getting bigger, they're eating more. So as the price is raised, we find ourselves like eating for four adults rather than two adults and two kids. And in a lot of restaurants, man, you want an appetizer, you want to eat four adult meals, you know, here's $100. You know? And that's a problem because when you start growing food and raising eggs and buying bulk meats, you start looking at that grocery store every week and you're like, I'm getting to the point where we can spend as much money going out to eat as we do for a week's worth of food.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Seriously. It's close, you know? If my kids drank, if we all drank, if we all went out and had beers and wine with dinner, we'd be spending as much when we go out to eat as we do at the supermarket. One dinner. at the supermarket. One dinner, entire supermarket. You know, that's the balance. That's how crazy it's getting out there. Americans are eating out less as inflation weakens the dollars in their pocket,
Starting point is 00:22:58 which is leading to some harsh consequences. Visits to sit-down restaurants were down nearly 5% in 2023 from the year prior. Well, but visits to sit-down restaurants is a different thing because so many people get food delivered too. Even big metropolitan areas in the U.S. known for their great dining spots are struggling. Yeah, people don't want to go out and get punched in the head. They don't want to go out and get punched in the face on the way to your restaurant. Eater New York reported that over 40 bars and restaurants closed in New York City from December 23 to January 24.
Starting point is 00:23:38 With some saying business simply never picked up after COVID. It's every restaurateur's nightmare, guys. This idea that you invest your heart and soul into this restaurant and you have some good nights where you're flying high and then every other day seems like a Monday, no money coming in. I've seen it so many times. Breakfast lovers are in for another jolt as orange juice prices surge to near record levels. A new report released on Friday indicates that Brazil, the leading global exporter of OJ, is facing its worst harvest in over three decades.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Hey, did anybody else see, where was that? I saw a headline. It was a wild one. It was about how the solar storm affected farmer tech. Farmer's tech affected by solar storm. And it affected planning. Here we go. Oh, it's a New York Times article. They're not going to let me read it.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Why don't you just sign up and make a free account, and we'll take some money from you. Now, this is interesting. John Deere dealership says a solar storm left GPS tracking on farmers' tractors extremely compromised. The severe geomagnetic storm hit the northern U.S. The storm caused auroras and apparently disrupted precision farming systems, a John Deere dealership said. Satellite signals were extremely impacted by the storm, the dealership said. Satellite signals were extremely impacted by the storm, the dealership said.
Starting point is 00:25:27 One of the strongest solar storms in decades hit Earth this past weekend. But some farmers, the geomagnetic storm was more of a headache. Geomagnetic storm... I read that it even affected the planting. John Deere. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It seemed weird. When I first heard this story, it seemed very, very weird. I was thinking, how few things? Because it said, the headline from New York Times, the solar storm fried GPS systems used by some farmers stalling planting. And I looked at that and I said, hmm, the only people affected were the people who make our food, huh? Interesting. Seems like a coink-a-dink. The other thing that seemed interesting about it is I had this guy who reached out to me through Instagram, and he was trying to sell me on this idea that Harp was up there conducting this EMP altogether.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Like it had nothing to do with the actual solar flares. I don't know what he was getting at, to be honest. I could be getting it wrong. Solar flares. I don't know what he was getting at, to be honest. I could be getting it wrong. Then he told me the sun was, like, superimposed. It's actually just a big light bulb superimposed in the sky over top of where the sun used to be.
Starting point is 00:26:59 There's some wild people out there, man. You got to be careful. You got to be careful. I could tell you a story you wouldn't even believe. It was good, man. You gotta be careful. You gotta be careful. I could tell you a story you wouldn't even believe. I forget. It was good, man. But today was such a wild day.
Starting point is 00:27:13 It was such a wild day. Wonderful. Just on all levels. Alright, what else we got here? Restaurant of Pop. McDonald's is looking to launch a $5 meal in the U.S. in a move to bring back price-sensitive customers. The meal includes four items. People familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. All right, so you get a McChicken or a McDouble,
Starting point is 00:27:37 a four-piece nugget, fries, and a drink for $5. That's a good deal. Not bad. Not bad. I'll be in there we eat mcdonald's sometimes i'm not one of these guys you know what i'm having sworn off like i don't swear stuff off first of all i'm not a swore offer you know there's no swore offing i there are things that i do almost never but i'm not a big fan of swearing off of things like i don't eat pork anymore i don't eat mcdonald i don't need i don't you know what i mean you got 100 years folks all right. One zero zero. Most people don't make a hundred. What you really got is like 75. That's what you really got. 75 years. Right. My dad's going to, my dad's 74.
Starting point is 00:28:35 He could literally have one year left. The average is one year left. He's an above average dude, but you know, that's what you got. Like'm 38 years old i'm halfway there i'm i'm all more than half done you gotta really meter what you waste your time worrying about number one and what you waste your time swearing off you know what i mean like if you wake up one day and you're like, dude what would really be amazing is if I got the biggest Coca-Cola I could get the biggest fry
Starting point is 00:29:13 and a Big Mac. You do that every day you're gonna die. But if you wake up and it's even six months since you had something like that and you eat it, you're not going to be on your deathbed like, it was that damn Big Mac that got me. If I didn't listen to the intrepid commander and get that last Big Mac, I wouldn't be here. No.
Starting point is 00:29:46 here. No. If you want to concern yourself with something, it's the consistency you can put towards physical fitness, the daily activity, the diet that you carry on a day-to-day basis. You know what I mean? Probably with a hyper-focus on that first meal. You know what I mean? You hyper focus on that first meal and try to just max out a lot of things, a lot of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and then take it easy the rest of the day, you know? And if every so often you decide you got to go to Chick-fil-A and you got to crush two chicken sandwiches with a milkshake, you'll be fine. and you've got to crush two chicken sandwiches with a milkshake, you'll be fine. What happens to the Biden economy, Dowd says? The economy, quote, is going to take a nosedive sometime in the next 12 months.
Starting point is 00:30:39 The real economy is not doing well. The only thing that has been holding up the GDP is government spending. How dare you? This guy Dowd needs to go to work. I mean, needs to go to court, rather. They need to line him up next to Trump at the firing squad. Ed Dowd agrees that big trouble is coming during the months ahead. We are spending $1 trillion every 100 days. That's adding $1 trillion to the deficit.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I need to buy more goldbacks. I need to buy more silver. Holy moly. $1 trillion every 100 days. Imagine what the American people could do. Imagine if these kids who are incapable of buying homes or whatever, what we could do as a nation if we started putting a trillion dollars towards things that mattered every hundred days instead of out
Starting point is 00:31:35 the back door to Ukraine, out the back door to Israel, to Africa, out the back door to the UN, right? Reports are coming out now that the low-income consumer is getting absolutely hammered. McDonald's talked about it in their most recent earnings call. So low-income and middle class are getting squeezed while the rich continue to plug along. Now listen, what would be really disastrous, folks, is if we were bringing in tons of people who had no capacity to make money, who were bringing children, who were bringing families, who were going to make families, and so on and so forth. That would be scary. It could be scary if the world and this nation in general were going through a terrible, tough time,
Starting point is 00:32:23 and we found ourselves in a situation where our own people were suffering. And we were also responsible for bringing in a bunch of other people and finding them jobs and giving them meaning and so on and so forth, right? So what you have is gangland warfare ready to break out. I mean, this is just what happens. You know what I mean? When the economies falter, these guys come out to play. So get your home security plan right.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Go to Listen to our incredible master class on security. If you're a member, you got it free. Just go watch it. It's me and Dave Jones for an hour. It's great. It'll open your eyes about how to secure your home, the areas around your home,
Starting point is 00:33:15 how to make sure that you know bad guys are around long before they're at your front door, side window, whatever. This is where you want to be. You know? What else? What else is going on in the world? I don't know what's coming in, Debbie Downer, you only. Well, we were talking about food and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Rat face-to-face with the Don. Secret tape played in court. Oh, now they're pulling out secret tapes oh my god what could they what could he have possibly said erdogan confirms confirms ancient istanbul church converted to mosque oh imagine that strange uh psychologists make frightening prediction about cognitive decline Imagine that. Strange. Psychologists make frightening prediction about cognitive decline. Oh, boy. Let's read on some cognitive decline. Oh, well, it's not just cognitive decline.
Starting point is 00:34:25 You see, these amazing psychologists are very concerned. See, this is so painful, PBN family. This is so painful to read. Psychologists make frightening predictions about Trump's cognitive decline and the personality trait that will only get worse. Wow. You see, they're very worried about the rapid mental deterioration of former President Trump. But they're not at all worried about the current mental deterioration of the now-seated President Joe Biden. Eh, he'll be all right.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Get him in another four. But this guy who's thinking about coming in, ooh, he's got some cognitive decline we should worry about. Unbelievable. I read the Germans are thinking about conscription. Yeah. Not kidding. I read the Germans are on about conscription. Yeah. Not kidding. I read the Germans are on the fence about conscription.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I don't see it anymore. See if we can find the story. Yep. Conscription, baby. Pardon me. Let's see. News. Conscription for all 18-year-olds being considered in Germany amid call for the UK to prep for an all-out NATO war with Putin.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And that's from The Sun. The Metro also posted it. London loves business. Germany's considering military conscription for millions of school leavers. Unbelievable, man. This is where we're going. This is where we're going. See, because we're obsessed with the cognitive decline of a man who isn't even
Starting point is 00:36:25 president, and we're hell-bent on running him through the dirt, we're heading into World War Three, baby. We're prepping for an all-out NATO war with Putin. And you know, here's the crazy thing. Here's the crazy thing. What happens if we see a rerun of World War II? Not in Germany attacking, but what if we see a European war that America's not involved in? And why would America not be involved? Well, what if we have a falling out with the UN or even NATO. What if we have a falling out over Russia? Donald Trump gets in office and says, Hey, look, we've sent billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars over there to get everybody armed and ready.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And I told them to stay out of it. But the UK and the Germans, they won't leave Putin alone. And now they've started a war over there in Germany, and we're not getting involved. That would be wild. That would be a wild thing to see, and you could very damn well see it.
Starting point is 00:37:38 It could happen that way. You see that C word, man? It gets nerve-wracking. Conscription. Conscription. Conscription. Conscription Conscription Conscription You want to put the final nail in Putin's coffin from the west You start conscripting kids Oh my god, can you imagine Can you imagine what they would do to poor Putin over there?
Starting point is 00:38:01 I don't have any sympathy for the guy It's a joke But yeah, you start conscripting kids You're going to have Poor Putin over there. I don't have any sympathy for the guy. It's a joke. But yeah, you start conscripting kids, you're going to have, oh, wow, you're going to have the full force of the Columbia protesters at your front door, Mr. Putin. I hope you're prepared for that. We keep having these dull and boring headlines about AI. Like we didn't see them coming.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Artificial intelligence trained to deceive humans, comma, and to lie. OpenAI gives chat GPT new powers to see and hear. Altman making Apple nervous. Human-like robot tells students to take risks in graduation speech. Let's see about the deception and the lying of AI. Let's see what they've done.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Deceitful tactics by artificial intelligence exposed. Met as AI a master of deception in strategy game. AI's increasing capabilities at deception pose serious risks, ranging from short-term, such as fraud and election tampering, to long-term, such as losing control of AI systems.
Starting point is 00:39:15 You know, PBN family, I'm not that jazzed. Large language models and other AI systems have already learned from their training the ability to see via techniques such as manipulation like what you didn't think that was common you ever seen uh any movie you ever see did you ever see one movie did you ever see you never saw ex machina you didn't see that coming? People are going to pull away from tech. I know it sounds crazy and impossible to believe. But it's going to happen. People are going to pull away.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I think it's going to splinter. You know what I mean? It's not going to be as clear as like everybody leaves. But people are going to pull away. I can see it already. I can already see it. I can already see the movement that is human. There's a human movement taking shape right now. That's what it is. It's a human movement.
Starting point is 00:40:19 It's a human movement that is going to morph back into an American movement, that is going to morph back into a God-given rights movement. And, you know, the worse the economy does, the better it's going to be for that movement. I'm telling you right now. You people go to God when it gets rough. That's where they go. You know, that's why they cry out,
Starting point is 00:40:43 my God, when they're the the deathbed and the painkillers stop working you know what i mean um it's coming things are things are changing quicker and sooner than i thought they would they They're just changing. I think prepping, I think dystopian mindset has a lot to do with it. But I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it in a big way. A lot of documentaries, a lot of understandings about tech, a lot of understandings about a lot of systems and things in our world that have betrayed us are pushing people in this direction.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Sam Kaufman calls it the human path, and that's what I think it is. You know? If you have, I mean, how many, I don't know, but I'm sure it's a lot. Like how many children are raised by video games? No interaction with parents do you know how easy it is for that to happen this is how easy it is for that to happen you come home from school play video games till your mom gets home from work you go down eat dinner say hi to dad if dad's around. And then, you know, after dinner, mom, I'm going to do my homework.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Then can I go play Minecraft or Fortnite or whatever? And you get on Fortnite and all your friends are there. Hey, what's up, guys? Yeah, no, yeah, let's play. Okay, I can play until 9. And what happens after that? You get to a certain age, right? Then all of a sudden, what rolls around?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Summer break rolls around Oh, summer break's here, shit Well, mom can't take off summer break Nobody's taking off summer break And you're old enough now, son You can watch yourself Okay So son wakes up at You know Ten
Starting point is 00:42:45 Makes himself a bowl of cereal Hops on a video game Before he realizes That it's two in the afternoon He's gotta knock some chores out Eat some lunch Get back on the game Till mom comes
Starting point is 00:43:03 Come down eat dinner Everything's taken care of you mind if i go play till bedtime okay yeah sure go play and and then before you know it like three months goes by that you're looking at your kid and he looks like he he looks like the people from uh the incredibles 2 who ran into the screen slaver. You're like, whoa, what's going on? But anyway, more important than what you think is what they think. When they hit 18 years old and they say to themselves, you know, I let video games have my childhood. And I don't want that for my kids, right?
Starting point is 00:43:39 You can see people like that. The crime, the chaos, the corruption in government. You know, there's another generation coming up here and now. Why is it so important? Why is it so beautiful? The left wants you to believe that tyranny is one man. They want you to believe that the entire nation can be tyrannized by one man The truth about tyranny is it's not about one despot It's not about one charismatic, despotic leader willing to do anything
Starting point is 00:44:19 It's not even about one leader with his henchmen It's not even about one leader with his henchmen. The truest metric for tyranny, the total takeover of tyranny, it's pretty straightforward, man. It's who and how many. Or you know what it is? It's will the majority lie? That's what it is? It's will the majority lie? That's what it is. That's why people get so scared and so nervous and so pissed when we start telling mass lies.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Lies and mass. No, that's not a girl. That's a boy. No, that's not a boy. That's a girl. And you're a racist if you think otherwise right once you start telling those lies that make no sense and and then the majority of people start nodding their head up and oh okay sure yeah he can go into the ladies locker room that's fine as soon as those things start happening you are on the fast track to tyranny. Now the reality is, PBN family, that people like us, people like you,
Starting point is 00:45:34 you stand in the breach. You say what needs to be said. You don't nod your head up and down when people are telling lies. You literally stand in the breach, prepared to take the shrapnel from this movement. And you know what? It's well worth it. It's worth every bit of it. It's worth every bit of pain to say no,
Starting point is 00:46:04 to not go along with the lie, because the lie makes the tyrant. The lie makes the tyrannical history. You look at any tyrannical dictator, leader, whatever, throughout history, he had one thing that is required of all of them. He had a population willing to look at their families and lie, look up at him, look at their families and lie, look up at him, look at their families and lie, look at their bosses and lie, look at their children and lie,
Starting point is 00:46:31 look at their parents and lie. And when they all can participate in those lies, that's truly tyranny. That's why I always tell you that every single thing you do, every choice that you make, every word you decide to say and not say, has immense power. Because it does.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Don't forget it. I'm getting out of here, PBN family. I do appreciate you. It's been one heck of a day. I can't wait to cross over to the subliminal mind. I cannot wait to cross over into dreamland. And I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Don't you worry, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:21 PBN Daily News will be hot off the presses. And we also got a new episode of Through the Veil with Lisa and Jay Ferg teaming up. You're going to love it. All right? Talk to you guys soon, PBN family. Do me a favor. Support our incredible sponsors. I mean, they really do make everything possible for us.
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