The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: Prepper Camp Survival Guide

Episode Date: September 24, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. Prepper Camp Survival Guide 2024. What is up, Jay Ferg? You are with me tonight riding shotgun, and I appreciate your company. Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't miss it for the world dave jones tapped out on us i think the kids beat him up at school today so he's uh he went to bed worn out he's got a big week ahead of him right on top of students and then us it's a lot it's a tall ask not to mention whatever he's got to do at home.
Starting point is 00:01:07 So what's happening behind the scenes right now? And I don't, you know, we're going to talk about some of the things that you need if you're going to Prepper Camp that I think make Prepper Camp easier, better, and so on. Jay Ferg, you've got a ton of ideas and information about that stuff too because this will be what your fourth fifth year sixth year where are you at um so i think i'm at hold on 2019 yeah that sounds about right yeah i think you and us are the you and i are the same age prepper camp age yeah this is my i want to say this is our sixth year that sounds about right that sounds about right a fifth year teaching yep yep so we we we've done the uh the old prepper Camp thing several times. And should we start with the rundown or should we? As of right now, we actually have a sunny day Saturday,
Starting point is 00:02:13 which is a change in the weather that had a lot of people concerned, myself included, on the lead up here. There is a storm brewing in the Gulf. Not quite in the Gulf yet. And we're somewhat worried about that. But I think you said it best, Jay Ferg, rain or shine, prep or camp will be. Oh, absolutely. It doesn't matter. I mean, what was it, our second year in, it was a flooded mess.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And my tent leaked and everything. But we still got out there and enjoyed it, and it didn't stop us. Not only did it not stop us, I almost felt like it emboldened the prepper campers. Right, I think so too. They seemed pretty staunch in there, because I remember sitting there. It was my first year with a booth, and it was my first year with a booth and i was my first year with disaster coffee and i was thinking this could go terrible i bought all this coffee it's miserable no one's standing in a puddle that sold the coffee more i think you're right i really do just because on a dreary and damp and wet day there's
Starting point is 00:03:27 just nothing like a nice cup of joe to really get your morning started. Oh yeah you gotta have it. You gotta have it. It's the first thing I do every day at Prepper Camp. Yeah. I start that that griddle up and I'm going. I know because i think we've had booths next to each other just about the entire time except once and first thing in the morning you and i are probably up about four or five o'clock and by then everything stood up everything's wiping off you're getting the water boiling i'm heating up the coleman that's it yeah Before you guys brought the Coleman, you'd be over at my Coleman warming up. Yes. Yes. That is, that is very accurate because, um, we are now, oh, I didn't even think about it. I've got to write that down. Looking at, you know, last year, the year before we got
Starting point is 00:04:18 a fire pit and then, uh, so we're, but we gave it to Sarah. So I don't know if Sarah still has that. So we've got to look at picking one up because, remember, I didn't have room in our vehicle. Oh, that's right. I forgot all about that. Well, yeah, I don't have one that's poured like that won't burn the bottom of the grass out. And, I mean, it's probably going to be soggy, too, on top of it. But a fire will be essential because it's going to be 60. Well, it looks like low 60s.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So it'd be too bad to have a fire at night if we're not at the fill camp. Well, I don't know how long we'll be up there with the little one. Oh, that's right. You guys got to bebe. He's 13 months now. He was a month old last year when he went, and he's now 13 months for this one. Wow, that's a big jump. That's a big jump. That's a big difference right there.
Starting point is 00:05:14 One month to 13 months. You're getting into that, like, the best time of life zone. I love that, like, two years, like right around two years to three years so much oh i yeah i like it when they can uh express what they want a little bit more the communication level is a lot more advanced once they hit about two yeah that's a good time, man. They start to get their super likes and dislikes on, their favorite shows and toys and all that kind of stuff. I can tell you this, with as much as
Starting point is 00:05:54 he loves food as we do, you're going to be tickled seeing him. That boy can put away food. Oh, he's like my youngest. That's good. That's a good thing. Oh, I'm proud of it. i would be worried if he wasn't i see too many kids with uh picky appetites and it's nice to see him my oldest is like that he's picky i mean when he gets food that he likes he'll eat but he could be a bit picky he can be a bit
Starting point is 00:06:20 like uh you know i'm not eating haven't eaten in a few like hours type of thing but it is what it is you know everybody's weird this doesn't help because our build when we're teenagers in my family our build is like skeleton like my my oldest is tall and skinny as a rail and unfortunately he did come by that quite genuinely i mean i was no not much bigger than he is now yeah i i looked like i used to shave my head when i was like seven six seven eight and i look like one of those cancer patients yeah exactly i see me walking around my like thighs were almost the same size my calves type of thing oh no i mean my mom was a great cook i never minded eat we ate really well but yeah just doesn't stick on that you know what it is you got the high metabolism craziness also so yeah no sit there it's on but yes
Starting point is 00:07:28 so if you are listening and you're an attendee i would say probably one of the most important things you can have in your survival bag for uh prepper camp is a massive notebook and what, three, four pens, Jay Ferg? What do you think? Absolutely, absolutely, and an extra copy of your class schedule because at some point you're going to lose it or it's going to get crinkled or if it's raining, put it in a little sleeve protector. Yeah, that's a great call. Yeah, I see people save lives every year with the freaking, there's always like one lady who's got like a pack of them. You know what I mean? She's handing out schedules. Yeah, that's a good call that the schedule is essential. That's a big one.
Starting point is 00:08:24 camping things what what if because a lot of people at prepper camp are there and they're camping and they're hanging out and they don't leave what are some essentials uh that you guys got to have in the camp to make it comfortable so uh comfortable a pillow you wouldn't believe the number of times going somewhere i can forget a pillow and i know it doesn't seem like it but it is a a comfort but um we've had a year where we forgot our toiletries. You know, being able just to wash our hair was something. And when you're around a campfire every night, being able to wash the smoke off of you is kind of a big deal. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's definitely nice.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Definitely nice. I like the blow. I got a blow up sleeping mat with a blow up pillow in it. That's pretty nice. I have that. And that's what we brought last year. We have one that you can pump it up with your foot. So then we didn't have to worry about the little device to blow it up. So it comes with, it's built in a little foot pedal.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And you push it and it pumps up the entire mattress with the pillows. Oh, it's a mattress. Well, it's like a little air mattress. Yeah. That's nice. It's not super thick like an air mattress. It's a little bit thinner, but it does make it a little more comfortable, especially after the year in the parking lot, as you call it, that parking lot tenting.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Oh, parking lot camping, yeah. After sleeping on the – catching a few pieces of gravel. You know, we love our sleeping bags, but we're like, you know, let's give ourselves just a little bit more of a barrier. And so I invested in one of those uh those little foot pump mattresses yeah i like the underpad it makes a difference definitely i also like a like a heavy duty sleeping bag i really do yeah i actually got one on sale from walmart it was one of those like it gets down well below 30 degrees like negative something and it's an extra large one too so it's an xl so it opens up that it actually
Starting point is 00:10:34 fits me and chris and it very comfortably even zipped up so i mean i'm always for looking for sales or waiting for an item versus jumping on it as soon as I see it. Because, you know, in our house, we have to be very cost efficient about things. Yeah, it's a good move. Why not? I'd rather be hot in a hot sleeping bag than, you know, the opposite. Like I'd rather just shed clothes and be in a warm sleeping bag than ever be cold camping. Being cold camping for me is the worst.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I think it is great to have a good fan, though, because there have been a number of times that we've had camp, and it is just hotter than Hades. So having a good fan makes all the difference. And I actually got one. You're going to laugh from timu i figured i'd just give it a shot i got one from timu that has been phenomenal i had two but the other one went solar charge at all so i sent it back but this one um it solar charges it plug-in
Starting point is 00:11:38 charges we can actually run it all night long um with no issues right off of our our nightstand so we've we've been it for several months and i mean seven dollars for a solar power fan and it works it's a hit and miss with timu but it was nice to actually get something that i was like okay we're gonna use this quite a bit yeah solar fan that's sweet So you charge it all day, run it at night? Yes, if I can get it in the direct sun, I will. Elsewise, it only takes about two hours to charge it completely from an outlet. That ain't bad at all. No.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That ain't bad at all. Yeah, that's a good one. Headlamp, for me, I don't know if this is a necessity for everybody but i'm setting up in the dark of night and i'm just you know the headlamp is superior in my opinion it's phenomenal but if you want to go a little extra and you don't want to have to wear it i have my um battery powered led lights that i hang from the top of my uh-up. Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. Remember? I've had those for a few years just to get a little extra light without having to. Yeah, I put those things everywhere now, thanks to you.
Starting point is 00:12:56 They're everywhere in my house. They're inexpensive. They're dirt cheap. If they have an on-off switch the battery powered ones always do i hide those things everywhere they're behind all our tvs they're in all our bathrooms yeah because i've been doing that for for years even when i did um prepping with children when i talked about when lights go out because i had gotten one year at christmas time you know how all the little led battery operated lights go on
Starting point is 00:13:25 clearance. And I got probably several packs of those and soft white and bright white or white. And those, those are wonderful. And I actually had some for each kid in their packs. So if something ever happened, they had an extra light source besides their headlamp. Yeah. They're way better than like springing solar lights in they're better than using a flashlight in a room they're really they're most of the time better than even a lantern in a lot of cases you know right it's just something about the way that the light works in the strip i guess because it's spread out you know but man they're a game they're the probably one of the cheapest game changer preps that i've ever bought and and put in play right well the way i see this is we prep
Starting point is 00:14:13 and we understand there are going to be times where we are going to be absolutely roughing it but just because we know those times are coming doesn't mean we can't enjoy the simple luxuries of what we have right now right yeah why not why not and then if when you know the well that's the tough part you know those types of preps you can only really and that's why prepper camp is important because you can only learn about those things um if you do it you don't need to go through it you don't you never get a chance to see like do these led lights actually work when i need them to work or how important it really is to scotch guard your tent well definitely that yeah yeah definitely that i i kind of like stacy's idea i might do stacy's idea which one oh where she an extra pop up just for the tent tent under tent i don't hate that i did that but that's why we have an extra
Starting point is 00:15:14 tarp so if we had to we have a tarp over the tent yeah because for me the thing which i think it's a great idea the only thing i could see a potential issue with it is if the winds pick up. True. Yeah. Because, I mean, yes, we already have on our list extra stakes. For anyone who goes on a camping excursion or any sort of events, always get extra stakes because something's going to happen or you're going to need an extra tie somewhere. And those extra stakes can make the difference between something really staying in place or something flying away.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Because what was it last year and the year before? There's always one. Got blown across the market area. Yeah. Yeah, that's going to be important this year. That's going to be huge both for vendors and campers, because if that wind gets whipping, even if we're on the outskirts of the hurricane, that wind's going to be up for sure. in a valley. Move around mountains more than anything. Yes. Not saying that there's not a potential for bad weather or that we haven't gotten bad weather, but it's kind of like when we were in Ohio, we were in a valley and we were, we, how the storm through, we had a tornado warning, you know? So just the, the weather affects mountains and valleys very differently.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. It's got to get up there. It slams into it. It slows it down, I'm sure, and all that kind of stuff. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's a good one. My wife bought these sandbags, God, years ago now. And they're like two – well, I'll bring them. They're like two tubular canvas bags that you fill with
Starting point is 00:17:06 yeah they're awesome man i forget them every year i have been looking into them but i just i wasn't sure i forget them every year i felt like every year i forget them things and i'm like god so i think i'm gonna throw them in my car tomorrow just so i have them because they're great they wrap around the leg and they sit there and they're heavy you know and it's just one one more layer because yeah them them things will sail and they'll sail right into the damn lake we've seen that before yeah we have i'm i'm excited though right regardless if it's going to be rainy or sunny because i mean i feel like every so many years you have one that it's super super hot like last year and which is funny because the first year we went it got really hot too
Starting point is 00:18:00 and then the second year it was rainy and then the third year it was super cold so it really feels like it does just alternate on what it's gonna do yeah oh definitely yeah yeah and you know it's always good to see what what the people's response is that's always really interesting to me you get sort of a feel for not just preppers, but like, you know, what are people up for? Are they up for this kind of thing or not really? You know, I think what I learned from that second year of camp is always have a second pair of shoes. Oh, that was big for me, too. I screwed that up big time.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So I am actually investing in a pair of rain glasses just so I have an extra pair of shoes just in case. That's a great idea. I screwed that up big time. I brought down my trusty. I think they were 511 booths that year. They were great. I mean, they never let me down. But the rain, the wet, it was so soaked everywhere.
Starting point is 00:19:05 It was just soaked and raining all day. And it was so muddy right in front of our booth area, too. Oh, yeah, it was brutal. But it could be that way. We could see that. It will be, you know, I think it'd probably be worth, and I don't know, I sure rick's probably thinking about it already but it'd probably be worth sending an email out to everybody coming and saying hey you know prepare for rain and prepare for flooding and stuff yeah it changes what you bring you know it changes your load out yeah because i think on this sense we're're actually considering, you know, making sure we have extra towels.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It may affect what time we fully head out. You know, it does play a big role into our travel. And actually, in our group on Signal, you know, there are several people who are determining how they're going to head out based on what the weather's saying. Let's call it like it is. They completely panicked today. Absolutely. I felt like I was the only one who was like, it's not a big deal. It's never stopped us before.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Why are you saying it might stop you now? Yeah, there was a little bit of panic in that chat room today. Yeah, but I mean it. I may have to stop and pick up a bottle of Mr. Bubbles. Oh, there you go. I know. I wish it was. Well, actually, it's not going to be that bad because I had this vision of, like, bathing suits.
Starting point is 00:20:44 it's not going to be that bad because I had this vision of like bathing suits. I was like, man, maybe I'll just wear swim trunks and flip flops during the day. You know, it's funny. What was it? Two years ago, hon, two years ago, I jumped in the lake and swam. And then, um, I ended up chasing poor chin around trying to get a a hug from him because I was soaked and covered in the lake water. Nice. Yeah, that's what was going through my head.
Starting point is 00:21:11 You know, it's either like a it's either like a wrap down mentality and, you know, try to keep your dry clothes dry and used. No, because I just didn't close. I just think clothes and the way I see it is it's like, you know what, at this point, just embrace the chaos and have fun with it. Well, that's kind of Ryan Buford's mindset, right? Ryan Buford's kind of like intent on being sopping wet all weekend. Right. But you know, that's a, but it goes to show, it's a testament to what he's already done as far as build tests in his preps with camping,
Starting point is 00:21:47 like cold weather and everything else. And the same with Doug, it really shows a testament to what they are willing to do and what they're not going to allow to hold them back. Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I mean, you put me in a flying piece of plastic plastic like a a hammock i'm probably gonna blow away but i mean i commend them it sounds it seems interesting jb says she's excited for the challenge well she said she's excited for it oh yeah yeah well yeah i can't wait to see everybody though i think that is what really so i don't think people realize is when we talk about prepper camp it's not just the classes which don't get me wrong the classes are phenomenal the classes are amazing you've got great teachers you've got great hosts but it's really the camaraderie, the networking and the relationships that you build along the way.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And it really sets a tone. I wish more people who aren't preppers could actually partake in this and understand that preppers, we're not this these weird wingnuts. We are a community who stands by our beliefs and our morals, and that stands a lot further than most people realize. Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. And I think, you know, I think people, a piece of that survival guide or that survival kit that you bring to Prepper Camp definitely has to be your ability to get out of your comfort zone and talk to people whether that be vendors whether that be speakers after they're done or whether that be just some guy who's got a bag that you like and he's wearing it like people are super
Starting point is 00:23:38 nice there man you stop and talk to them they'll you. Yeah, I think that's what people don't realize is it's we're not just, oh, the world is ending. We're, hey, come take a look at this. Are you hungry? It's kind of like, what was it, four years ago? I had an uncertainty if I was going to be able to make it, a bit of a financial strife. uncertainty if I was going to be able to make it a bit of a financial strife. And I even told the group, Hey, I'm going to make it in, but I don't have the funds to be able to do things like I want. And y'all immediately took me in. Hey, don't worry about this meal on this night. Don't worry about this meal on this night. We've got you. And it was just one of those things where we take each other in. Like I couldn't tell you the number of times
Starting point is 00:24:25 i've had offered someone hey do you are you hungry do you want a plate of this you know and vice versa oh yeah well we now at this point we know so many people you know i think even if we didn't i don't think that would stop because you know that's a great point because you and i our first time at prepper camp walking up up to Phil and their little group, cause we were just wandering around the camp. And then all of a sudden now they are a permanent part of our family. And don't forget the biggers. The biggers invited us over for pizza.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I love the biggers. I I've tried to reach out, but I know they've got so much going on. Yeah. The biggers, they were there one year. They invited us to Tent City. They cooked pizza in their pizza oven they brought.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It was cool. They are probably the one couple who worked so well, like a well-oiled machine. Just two people who were fluid together. It was beautiful. Yeah, you look back on that, and that was something. You look at the things that ail couples nowadays, and you see probably what makes them work so good is they have limited distraction. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Like limited things pulling them from what's important because they're working off the side of a mountain raising goats and grapes. Or pigs and grapes.'re pig they're pig farmers so um migre says he'll watch from the dry comfort of his recliner you know what i have added nothing wrong with it and uh jb oh no she says she's gonna be out of her zone most of her preps are still in her car in south dakota oh no well you Well, you know what, JB? If there's anything you need, let us know. Oh, yeah. We'll take care of you.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Don't worry. Okay. What's up, garden girl in the chat? Chat looking nice tonight. I keep telling my partner, I was like, hey, you you know we're talking about heading out early Thursday like stupid early but I'm like depending on how I get the car loaded Wednesday I may have to uh may have to try to con everyone to heading out late I mean Wednesday night well the way I see this I'm kind of ready to be there and I'd rather be putting it up and have time to really dry things off
Starting point is 00:26:46 versus if it is raining and we get there and then be soaked the whole time. Yeah, that's a good point. I think I should be rolling in around 4 or 5 Thursday night evening. Don't know what we'll be coming into. Hard to tell yet, but it'll be. Well, you can't trust the weatherman anyways you never know that's true yeah the first night i could stay completely underneath my i mean i don't know i might my tent's so easy to pack up i may just pack it up every morning well you have don't
Starting point is 00:27:19 you have the tent just like um i used to have right or did you finally have a little pop-up tent yes no i love that thing man never upgrading when that thing's done i'm buying another one just like it it was great we loved it and then it snapped and then we realized you know with him being as tall as he is it is nice to be able to like the one i have it is nice to be able to stand up and get dressed that's a good call yeah I don't mind sitting but I just I also usually pop right out and go to the bathroom and take care of whatever I gotta take care of yeah I don't know where your phone is okay that was me that was me like five minutes before the show my wife was saying the same thing I don't know where your phone is
Starting point is 00:28:04 minutes before the show my wife was saying the same thing i don't know where your phone is that has set it for work alarm and literally the man sets his phone down and then you don't see it again for quite a while same way it's a good sign i think because uh because that means you you're capable of losing like i i you know some people aren't capable of putting that thing down long enough to lose it. At least in my experience. As long as it didn't get left outside, he was treating the cast iron
Starting point is 00:28:35 dutch oven. Oh, I got you. Yeah. It accidentally got left in the back of his truck and rained on quite a bit that we had a well rusted cast iron that he started to blaze so hot with the cast iron in it it was turning like cherry red wow yes which was great because it caused all the impurities and rust to form like slag and then be able to spit off and brush it off yeah i gotta i haven't done anything in terms of food and food cookery yet
Starting point is 00:29:13 i'm gonna sit down and figure that out tomorrow well wednesday i think i'm gonna have dedicate most of wednesday to prepper camp prep prepping i'm prepping for prepper camp. Wasn't that your T-shirt? Yeah, you prep for prepper camp. Yeah, that's what's coming, I think, Wednesday. I think I might do pre-cooked. I've been thinking about whipping up some good meals, some good hearty meals for rainy weather that we can just reheat. That's what we were talking about.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm thinking about maybe going ahead and putting the stew on the cast iron and i mean in the in the pot and then that way all i have to do is bag it or jar it and reheat it at time of that's what i'm exactly thinking i'm gonna also be doing my skillet potatoes like I do every year. Yeah, that's good. I'll have, like I told you, on the phone today or yesterday. When was it? It was today, right? I can't keep track.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yesterday. I think it was yesterday. I've been tearing into the eggs, but I got an 18 count that I know will be full Thursday morning when I leave. Fresh from the coop. They look like hell, though. Oh, my God. I've got to clean them off before I bring them. Hey, not a problem. Eggs go a long
Starting point is 00:30:36 way in our house, especially since I have a child who doesn't like scrambled. He doesn't care for hard fried, but he loves hard boiled. Yeah, I'm going to hard boil some but i'm gonna keep some too just to fry up in the morning it's my it's like become one of my favorite foods the old egg the old egg man oh i go to bed dreaming about it so what else what else do people need to have on their person or in their tents or whatever the situation is to make the most of Prepper Camp?
Starting point is 00:31:13 I would say like a not just a map for the not just a map for the event, but a map for the campground. But a map for the campground. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Because it's actually great to actually walk the campground to realize how big it is. Yeah, the grounds are sweet. There's a lot of cool stuff. There's two fishing ponds. You've got the play area for the kids.
Starting point is 00:31:39 You've got the other play area, too, up there by the check-in office. It's a nice campground. I've never even crossed. Have you ever gone across? Remember where we camped the first year? Have you ever gone across the pond to the other side of where Phil and them camp? I've never even walked over there. No, I haven't. And I think that's only because I feel like those,
Starting point is 00:32:07 I think the last few times they've had families outside of prepper camp renting them out at the time, or even staff members for certain people coming in and working the grounds. Oh, I got you. Yeah. No, because it's funny that you say that because I have, like when we were on that side of the lake, right off the lake, yeah, we talked to somebody who was staff members, or there was, like, a back-and-forth party or something that was staying up in one of those lodges. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:46 Mm-hmm. Yeah, I guess that's the deal over there. Yeah, because, I mean, you know, that's the one thing about those campgrounds is it's not closed off to outside people for a prepper camp. You've got other families and other things going on on top of... Oh, really? I didn't know that. I never really ran into anybody who was like, what the hell is going on around here? Right.
Starting point is 00:33:12 So the RV thing. So the RV is over by the office. A lot of those spaces are actually for long-term tenants. They've got people who live up there. Oh. So the campground isn't just the campground it's actually home for for quite a few people so a lot of those rvs right there as you pull in yeah a good i think six to ten of those are permanent um permanent residents i wondered about that because they're all decorated up real nice and some of them don't
Starting point is 00:33:45 even have are aren't even on tires anymore they're bricked yeah yeah that makes sense yeah it's going to be uh it'll be another one for the books it'll be another story to tell when we have another year like last year interesting to see if it does rain at the level they're stating um for the parking area yeah i didn't even think about i was thinking i've had so much thought about vendor row turning into a river because there is like a i remember 2020 there was like a river that started to form over by the tail end of it you know know, by the tail end of Vendor Row. Or not the tail end, but where it turns left to go to like the swamp rooms. Yeah, the swamp tent or swamp one.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah. Yeah, there was like a little river starting there. So you might be on to something. Yeah, the last thing we want is people stuck in that parking lot yeah but i it's worth it though for those of you who are thinking about not going even with the weather it's still so worth it it really is i i don't think and i'm i've gone through some really crappy tent and sleep you know camping areas and some events that I've even told you I will not go back to. And those events that aside from the fact that I adore Rick and Jane and I
Starting point is 00:35:16 love my family from PBN, if it was as bad as those other events just in the camping alone, then I probably wouldn't come back. But it's worth it. I've not had one bad camping trip with Prepper Camp. Yeah, and it's definitely way, way out to be making
Starting point is 00:35:36 any decisions about anything. You know, it's way, way out. If you're nervous and you're thinking, I don't know, maybe I don't want to go, like, definitely wait. Well, just take the chance. Worst of worst, you what? You decide you don't like it and you leave early, but at least you got to attend a class or two?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Well, that's a good point, right? You show up on Friday morning or if you get in Thursday night and set your tent up or whatever kind of situation you're in. I say give it a shot. Worst to worst, you just decide, eh, it's not for me, and then leave. Yes, I understand you took the journey, but at least then you can say you made it and you tried it and it just didn't work out. Yeah, because there is a bit of a, you'll definitely start to form that, like, you know, that suffering camaraderie with everyone, and that's kind of fun. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Enjoying the rain with the coffee and the umbrellas and the sense of humor and the number of people who end up just walking around barefooted. Oh, there you go. Yeah. I think we've seen our share of people walking barefooted through the mud. Sure. Shoot, it might be Ryan Buford. Right? Ryan Buford I could see in like a pair of cut off jeans and that's it at by the end of this thing a pair of jorts yeah pair of cut off jeans with a pair of jorts absolutely oh that is so perfect i'm gonna ask him
Starting point is 00:37:01 can we get him a pair of jorts we'll get you a pair of jorts we'll we'll like get a henna tattoo with a pbn logo on your back and then you just hilarious and he can walk around with the yuri accent oh man that would make it yeah that would make it that would be hilarious see like like jb she loves camping in the rain i don't hate camping in the rain it doesn't't hate camping in the rain. It doesn't bother me. It is definitely going to be interesting with a toddler or an infant, however you want to classify them. It is going to be interesting teaching the classes, but I'm excited regardless.
Starting point is 00:37:39 There's a level of rain that I really like camping in. There's a level of rain. There's a level of rain that I really like camping in. There's a level of rain. When we arrived in 2020, Dave and I, we arrived. Well, Dave was there before me. I arrived like, I think it was about 1.30 in the morning. No, that wasn't that year.
Starting point is 00:38:00 He was already set up when I got there that year. That was 2019. That was 2019. 2019, it was really nice. But you know what? It was 2020 that I set my tent up in the rain. And then my tent leaked. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, Dave and I set ours up in the rain too. I stayed in his tent that year. That's right. That's right. I remember that because his booth was actually on the opposite side, so his tent was right there by the parking area. And now he sleeps in the old trailer, so he'll be good to go. I don't blame him. Worst of worst, you may have to tell him to scoot over.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I'm coming back. He'll be like, I knew you missed me. In all honesty, I'm undecided. I may actually get a place. I'm not sure. I'm not quite sure. Well, you've got to do. There's no judgment there because I'm sure if we'd really thought about it long and hard
Starting point is 00:38:58 and it looks like a lot of rain, we probably would have chose somewhere, too, just out of comfort of our infant. Yeah, I won't pull the trigger probably till wednesday by wednesday we'll all know everything you know what i mean you'll be able to see the path you'll be able to see how strong it gets you know all that and then also if you guys get you know if it turns out like the whole thing is flooded i'll see if i can get a place with an extra room or something let me know i'll gladly ship because then it could be a way to safety or even if it's just one night yet you're like
Starting point is 00:39:33 you know saturday is like uh looking like it might not rain too much or not at all maybe do saturday night i just does break up a bit because that second year and trying to get things to dry out. Yeah, there's no dry. No, there's no dry. So honestly, I think that's the thing is normally I pack a little lighter. But if it looks like it's going to be super rainy, I'm probably going to pack a few extra clothing items just because of the factor of like my pant cups getting wet i think i'm gonna put nothing in my tent i well so i've got my little rubber mats i'm gonna put in my tent with my son's pack and play and our mattress and then i'm uh
Starting point is 00:40:19 we've actually already discussed a way to offset any heavy water flow if that's the case with a tarp that we're going to use to fold up and stake but have it sitting so if water does build up it can flow around the side and into the lake yeah yeah that makes sense yeah i usually throw my whole bag in the tent you know with all my clothes and everything, and I'm just thinking just leave everything in the car that could possibly get wet. Well, and remember, I'm also going to have the little pop-up tent that I attached to my pop-up canopy. Oh, right, yeah. So if you need to for any reason, you're more than welcome to stick stuff in there as well.
Starting point is 00:41:04 That's a good call maybe a propane heater i don't know i got a buddy heater i have a buddy heater but you know you really oh like a drying room canopy right i was like a big ass dryer actually willow knew i had been wanting one forever and she she bought me one for my birthday i am proud it's the best gift ever they're definitely sweet man little buddy eaters are cool they're good for that kind of situation you know if it were a little colder buddy eater would be like king you would be sitting by that thing the whole event there have been plenty of times i used them when i was hunting in tree stands there you go or in a gearbox i don't know i mean even friday you know friday itself is well shit well we'll
Starting point is 00:42:00 be pulling out sunday but friday is uh low. That's pretty cold if you're wet. Yeah. 63 when you're wet is cold. You'd be like shivering for sure. Something that people don't give enough credit to and have it in your bag, regardless of the time of the year, is hot hands. Yeah, they're good. I love keeping hot hands on me just because i do sometimes get cold super easy and that can make the world of a difference especially if it's rainy yeah if i were camping um and i didn't have
Starting point is 00:42:36 a plan and i didn't have a cot or something like that i would bring well I will bring because I always have it with me the Tac Bivy the Tac Bivy is a game changer in the cold man I don't have one believe it or not it's funny that I don't have one I always make sure I have blankets that is something I travel with regardless of
Starting point is 00:43:01 where I'm going in my car I always have extra pillows and blankets. Because if you break down, the last thing you want to do is be cold. But you'll sweat to death and attack, Vivi. That's the only problem. Really? I don't know. I'd rather sweat than be cold.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Oh, me too. That's why I do it. That's why I do it. Right. I can deal with sweating. I can't deal with the shivers. Yeah. I hate being cold, man, man for sure it's the worst thing
Starting point is 00:43:26 i'm used to being wet and cold is like oh god you know i'll start turning purple you guys will be looking at me like dude my lips are get all purple i would be in the pool at night with my sister and stuff and my friends and her friends what was it there was one year year, Ryan saved me because he had that blanket or something that I was able to stay warm with. I'm sorry, I just realized I cut you off. I'm so sorry. Oh, no, it's all right. It was just turning purple. Just turning purple and unwilling to go inside the way the kids used to be, you know. Remember when kids used to not want to go inside? Yes, and now you have to about beat them to get them outside. That's right. You've got to force them out. You've got to get out of there.
Starting point is 00:44:16 We'd be dying, Jay Ferg. You know what? We'd be freezing to death in the wintertime. A key prep. A key prep to prepper camp? Let's hear it. Snacks. Yeah, that's a good one. I don't think people realize, even though I typically intermittent fast, I really only eat once a day and there's nothing wrong with that. Like that's just how I, I do. But when you get
Starting point is 00:44:40 to camp, you don't realize exactly how much walking you're truly going to do. I eat three meals a day just about at camp. I have my breakfast. I have my snacks. I have my lunch. I have more snacks. Then I have supper. Then I have more snacks.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah. They need a snacky guy there. Right. I guess that should be me probably, huh? I mean, I can help. I almost picked up some nabs and stuff. Yeah, the snacks are great. The classes, they're great.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Like, you know, lunchtime quick fix, end of the day before, you know, like you're done your last class at 3 and you're hungry, but you're not going to eat dinner until 5 or 6. Because it's a lot for people, man. People don't – the average person isn't walking around a campsite all day in the sun a lot of days and a lot of walking and you don't realize your legs are going to be sore or how much energy you're burning yeah snacks are good that's a good one you want to wrap it yeah we can wrap it but i would will say this i always keep a mini
Starting point is 00:45:47 first aid even though we will have um people there who sell you know first aid and stuff but i always make sure i keep like tylenol ibuprofen all the tylenol's the ibuprofen's a big one that's a big one oh you know what's another big one? Is sun, maybe not this year, but is sun protection. You know what? I think that's absolutely accurate. I had to pack some last year just so Chris couldn't be on the sun. He still ended up getting burnt. But, yes, sunscreen is always a must.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I was sitting in Sam Culper's class on area study in 2019, and I was carrying a lot of stuff on my back, and I had a backpack, and I had a shemagh in it, thank God, because I was in a seat that was out from under the thing just a little bit, and my neck was getting roasted. And you're in there for an hour. You're in the class for an hour, and you're like, oh, God, I'm going to cook in here.
Starting point is 00:46:50 But, yeah, sun protection's a big one. That's a big one. Floppy hats. Yeah, they're good, too. So plan on being wet or taking precautions to stay dry this year, folks, one or the other. You know, that's the fun it's going to be. Maybe we'll bring a baby pool and just put it out there and embrace the wet. You know what?
Starting point is 00:47:16 I have a little blow-up one. If you are willing to blow it up, go ahead. I'll sit out there with you. I don't know if I'm going to have the power that I usually have. I don't think I'm bringing my solar generator in the chaos of the rain. I don't know. I've been thinking about
Starting point is 00:47:33 maybe not. I'll see how it goes. Phil and them are bringing theirs or not, and that might help. Yeah, that's true. Maybe I'll bring it and just charge it up once and not set up the panels and you know i don't want to lug panels down there in the pouring rain for no reason that's dumb but i could charge it
Starting point is 00:47:55 up we can get a lot of power out of it we can recharge phones and all that kind of stuff right it's always good to have more power plus i'm traveling with no one so i'll have plenty of room 50.0 hey it's a great a great thing to show people too yeah i just don't want it to get soaked you know what i mean i bet you a gigantic lithium-ion battery in that thing well that will burn down the whole of Prepper Camp if that baby catches on fire. Oh, I get that. I picked up an extra panel so at the end of the night I could close up the booth
Starting point is 00:48:33 and minimize, hopefully minimize the moisture inside itself versus having to drop it down every night. Yeah, I think that might be key. It might be. We may have to go a little minimalist on a booth setup and breakdown and all that but we'll see either way it'll be a blast we'll figure out what's what you know so long as the torrent of the thing doesn't pass right over top of us i think we'll be fine so hang in there pbn family and i guess you know come down to us
Starting point is 00:49:03 if you got problems we'll figure something out. Yeah, that's what we're here for. And, yes, JB's right, garbage bags. I always make sure I have garbage bags. Yeah, that's an important one. Garbage bags are, like, number one. That's a big one. All right, folks.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Well, Tuesday tomorrow, stay tuned. And, JFrick, thanks so much for joining me tonight on the Prep Camp Survival Guide 2024, the wet edition. Yeah. We'll see. Yeah, we're going to have a good time. You know we will. All right, folks. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Adios. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties,
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