The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: Public Drone Theory
Episode Date: December 17, 2024www.pbnfamily.comwww.disastercoffee.comPackFreshUSA!
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Your path back to stability. Can you comment on the drones that are flying?
It seems like there are people.
The government knows what is happening.
Look, our military knows where they took off from.
If it's a garage, they can go right into that garage.
They know where it came from and where it went.
And for some reason, they don't want to comment.
And I think they'd be better off saying what it is our military knows and our president knows.
And for some reason, they want to keep people in suspense.
I can't imagine it's the enemy because it was the enemy that blasted out.
Even if they were late, they'd blast it.
Something strange is going on.
For some reason, they don't want to tell the people.
And they should because the people are really, I mean, they happen to be over Bedminster.
They're very close to Bedminster. I think maybe I won't spend to be over Bedminster. They're very close to Bedminster.
I think maybe I won't spend the weekend in Bedminster.
I've decided to cancel my trip.
Have you received an intelligence briefing?
Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
What is going on, man?
I'm just laughing at Trump there.
That was pretty awesome.
Trump, the truth has a certain ring to it
Doesn't it? When it comes from somebody
Who you actually believe
Somebody behind a microphone you believe is rare anymore
So I thought we'd
I thought we'd probe the
Internets and see who's got
A theory on the drones
And talk about our own sort of
Feelings on this thing as it's evolving
as i told you at the beginning of the show like as soon as they said they're panning for radiation
and stuff like that i started thinking dave jones the nbc guy i wondered what you were thinking
and uh and then trump popped out and said oh yeah we know what they are we know what they are they
know what they are they're just not telling us which makes me think and i'll just
say it off the top what i've thought from the beginning is uh it's us looking for something
and it's got to be something pretty big because they don't want to tell us yeah let's you know
yeah where's your head at with it oh yeah they they're definitely looking for something. And to just let them into our airspace, you know, unimposed, unencumbered.
I mean, that's unbelievable.
So too many uns in that one sentence.
Well, it's the unministration is what's in there right now.
So you never know.
And it seems to be spreading.
Yeah. yeah and it seems to be spreading yeah like it like it's if it were some kind of nuclear situation it seems like it came in jersey you know what i mean and then oh we we can't find it
let's expand out into other parts of jersey let's expand into philadelphia now to maryland
what really bothers me is that now they're showing up on the West Coast
because that makes me think maybe there's more than one
of whatever it is they're looking for.
You know what I mean?
Because they went from, yeah, East Coast popping into West Coast.
And I even heard as much as Ohio.
Oh, we might have lost Dave.
I think we might have lost Dave. I think we might have lost Dave.
Dave looks great tonight.
Dave's got the freaking I survived it look on.
Pardon me, I'm drinking a Waterloo.
And I'm finding out that it is not the perfect podcasting drink.
The late night.
See, when I'm doing a podcast, I want to drink something.
I want to have, sometimes it's a coffee, sometimes, whatever, you know.
Dave Jones will be back, don't worry.
In the meantime, you know, it's the Prepper Broadcasting Network, for those of you who don't know.
I'm James Walton, the Intrepid Commander here at PBN.
We are the podcast network you should be listening to.
We are the news source you should be paying attention to.
And more important than all of that stuff is we're doing the stuff that you should be doing.
You know what I mean? I heard a really interesting quote the other day and it made me kind of nervous and the quote was the public
is not interested in being informed they're interested in feeling informed
and that kind of scares me because I started to apply it.
There he is.
Yeah, I got kicked all the way off.
I saw.
You gave us a steely-eyed look and then just gave it to us for about a minute straight.
I was telling the audience, I heard a guy, I can't remember, Sagarar i think his name is from uh diamond and
silk no yeah yeah is that is that right or is that black ladies show that was the fat lady show
okay no not that one this guy is sagar from uh another show whatever he was he was on an
interview and he was talking about news and interview and he was talking about news and
media and he was talking about how the public the public doesn't want to be informed they want to
feel informed right and the reason that hit me so hard is because i started thinking about what we
do here at pbn and i started wondering if the public wants to feel informed and not be informed
does the public want to feel prepared but not be prepared?
You know what I mean?
I don't know.
Because I know there's a certain amount of people in our audience,
large portion of our audience, that wants to be prepared,
and a lot of them are.
But I don't know about the full scope.
I think for a majority of our audience, you know,
they won't get a life strong and say, OK, I'm ready.
Oh, yeah, definitely not.
You know, so I should explain to the listeners why I look like this.
OK, so usually I ask James, can you hear the heater in the background?
Because I usually have a heater running over here.
Well, right now I have no heat.
And we actually had snow.
We had a two-hour delay on school today.
On Friday night at 4 a.m., which is Saturday morning at 4 a.m.,
my golden retriever decided to start having puppies
at 4 a.m and she's here in the office my wife did the same thing you know
yikes not not saturday but when she had her first son it was like 4 30 a.m and not puppies right
yeah kind of i mean He does eat dog treats
I was hoping for a puppy
It didn't stop
Until she reached the number 15
Which is
Only two away from the record
So for golden retrievers
If you google this You'll see that for a record of golden retrievers is 17.
And she almost made the record.
And it was exhausting.
And of course, I'm a night shift.
David had that night shift.
gift yeah you know i don't have to explain the logistics here because you have 15 puppies and you don't have enough you know machinery right you you gotta actually be there and rotate them
and make sure everyone gets fed and every two hours now we're up to three hours so we're doing a little better i can almost get six
hours sleep a night with i'm telling you dave jones these puppy things i had no idea that
dogs having puppies was like so much like kids having i mean humans having babies yeah you know
yeah she went into labor at 4 a.m. and didn't get done until 7 that night.
Oh, that poor girl.
Yeah. And I go and text the vet because we have a vet that does house calls, which is really great.
And I said, 13. And then I know about an hour later, nope, I was wrong, 14.
And about an hour after that, I said, final count, 15.
And he said, wow, make sure she eats enough food.
And I said, yeah.
That's insane.
Those long labors are unbelievable.
I feel so bad for the ladies. Yeah. That's insane. Those long labors are unbelievable. I feel so bad for the ladies.
And she was up eating and all of a sudden.
My wife was like a drive-thru.
I always call her the drive-thru because both kids were out in like an hour.
She just no time for this shit.
Let's just get in and get out.
Chin sent us a video. You want to watch it sure it's called it's by a guy named chase hughes on youtube i don't know if you never heard of him
i haven't and he's it's uh we can't watch the whole thing because it's 22 minutes but
it says planned event the truth about about New Jersey's drone UFOs.
Dang. He did really well
with this video. This thing got a million,
almost 2 million views in one day.
likes, so it should be
a pretty good one. We'll get his take
on it. Okay. Let's share
the screen. I'm pretty sure we can remark
over it and everything. Yeah.
Yeah, we can talk about it. Let's bring him up. We'll see sure we can remark over it and everything yeah yeah we can talk about it
let's bring him up we'll see what we could see okay
yeah you know i don't know possibly that's a familiar looking face well let's hear what
chase hughes has to say I don't know who he is.
I don't know his background.
All I could tell you is Chin, the comms master from PBN, brought the video to our attention.
Are we in the middle of a psychological operation right now?
There are thousands of drone sightings.
I've never seen so many UFOs in my life.
And more weird stuff every single day.
Were they human or non-human?
We are not alone.
You deserve to know how to tell what the hell is going on.
And I just did a very confidential talk to my inner circle last night.
But I think that you need to see this.
People within the US government believe it's true.
The world deserves the truth.
Growing number of drone sightings.
I'm going to move forward a little bit.
Higher intelligence.
If you don't know, I'm the guy that trains psyops.
I'm the person that teaches this kind of stuff to companies and stuff.
So the government's kind of gone from decades of denial to throwing around
terms like UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena, unofficial hearings. Add to that the sudden rise
in reports of drones all over the place, these weird sightings and emergency declarations that
are going on, I think in New Jersey right now. It feels like we're being prepped for something,
in New Jersey right now. It feels like we're being prepped for something. But what are we being prepared for? So let's dig in. So why would this be happening right now? So we're going to go both
sides. It's aliens. It's not aliens. Let's do both sides here. Most governments don't just usually
open up about things like this without a reason. With governments ain't aliens writing a narrative it's most often
to serve a bigger agenda if this is deliberate so here are three possible reasons i can think of
why this might be happening number one a distraction tactic when huge issues are brewing like economic instability, political unrest, global crises.
World War.
Somebody's done something bad and it's about to get in the news. Governments usually and very
often create some kind of distraction. So remember when the Pentagon released UFO footage in 2020,
that conveniently happened during a global pandemic, this chaotic
thing that was going on around the entire world that we all suffered through. Number two,
using fear as a tool. So fear unites people. So if there is a threat big enough, and I want you to
remember if you're just listening to me right now i'm
sitting on your kitchen counter or something like that and you're making dinner i said the word
threat with huge quotes around it if there's a threat big enough like ufos people are more
likely to trust their leaders give up freedoms and rally behind whatever solution that they're offered. It's all Trump.
It's the same playbook used during the Cold War.
This was called the Reds.
Well, you hear Mayorkas, he wants more power.
Or post 9-11.
Yeah, that's the answer.
What did he say?
He said he wants Congress to approve him more power, more latitude.
And I'm like, yeah, we saw how that happened during 9-11.
Jay Ferg, you can come in with us if you want.
Yeah, I saw her pop in there.
You could pop in and yak with us.
Yeah, I like the fear tactic concept, but I don't know what they're fear tacticking us for.
Unless, Dave, you're right.
Unless you're right from the get-go.
go. Yeah. The distraction usually happens when the, uh, the administration wants you to look away from something that they're doing or they're not doing or to, you know, lessen the blow of how
bad they are. It usually doesn't happen when, uh, you know, they're outgoing and the new one's
incoming. Yeah. You know, what's weird though? I'll tell you what is weird that's happening.
What was it? Oh, the guy who was diluting the chemo.
So the. There's a couple of things.
One big one is the. What's it?
What's what? What did Biden do with the sentences? I can't think of the word commuting.
He commuted the sentences, I can't think of the word. Commuting? Commute. He commuted all these.
The commuting of the sentences, right?
Largest in history.
So who's going to go through all them and figure out who the real demons are?
Like the guy that they found a guy who was diluting chemo drugs and giving them to people.
So who?
God only knows who else.
And the other thing that's happening is an FBI resignation sort of situation.
Yeah. And I was talking to my family over a meal. My family's now reached a point.
This is ridiculous. And I almost feel bad as a dad.
But my family's reached to the point where my nine year old's talking about Putin.
My wife is talking about the drones. My kids's talking about, my oldest son is talking about the FBI, people leaving the FBI.
And I'm sitting, this is at Chick-fil-A.
No way.
Yeah, we're just sitting there at Chick-fil-A eating, talking geopolitical.
And, you know, it was a really good thought because I'm thinking to myself, I said to my wife, why would they resign?
Because if Trump fires them, they'll get, you know, some kind of severance.
I'm sure I don't know how the government works, but I imagine you wind up severed, you know, like that.
Yeah. And she said, you know, because they know what they did and they know they got to get out now while they can.
So those are some big things. those are some big things about distraction nobody's going to look into all these guys who
are just resigning and disappearing into the shadows if we're looking up going what the hell's
up in the sky you know yeah well christopher ray was worse than any fbi, any. J. Edgar Hoover, worse than him, worse than Comey, if you can believe that.
So he did more damage to that organization than all of them put together.
I mean, the FBI needs to be flushed, revamped and renamed, kind of like what they did in uh scotland yard several years back it was it was
totally corrupt and uh they they actually put a sign out in front the new scotland yard yeah well
i started talking to my kids about treason and about the death penalty for treason yeah and i was saying you know that's that's probably why people
are leaving the fbi and my oldest was like well what what could they have done that could have
been so bad and i said well imagine because we were also we were simultaneously talking about
putin and leaders who never come out of power. And I said, imagine.
Imagine how much trouble you'd get in if you were overlooking or under focusing on a attempted presidential election.
Oh, yeah.
Or not election attempted presidential assassination.
You know, I mean, if if you're complicit in that or involved, which they were, don't forget.
Remember, he crooks, they said, went to Washington to talk to the FBI.
I don't know if that got thrown out or disproved or whatever, but I remember reading about that and saying, oh, my God.
So if you're the guy that crooks talk to and Nash comes or cash comes in and says, all right, well, we're going to have a meeting and talk about what you said to crooks before he tried to shoot Donald Trump in the head.
Yeah. Yeah, that might be that might be your ass.
Who knows? That's a big deal. So that's a that's that's my vote for distraction.
That kind of makes sense. But to your point, the other one was fear and, you know, getting everybody together in the country.
And I think you're on to something, and I hope you're wrong,
but I don't think you are wrong about some big event
with Trump not getting allowed to be in the office, you know?
Rally the people together.
What's up, JP?
JP in chat.
I don't know who JP is.
It might be Jay Panetto Actually one of our members
With a different name on Rumble
And Jay
Jay Ferg
He's got co-workers calling her
What's going on with the drones
They know she
Follows it huh
They know she's got a show and all that.
So they're coming for advice.
This happened to her, too.
I think, J-Fur, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the same sort of outcry, I remember her telling me, happened during the pandemic.
You know, what should we do, so on and so forth.
She verified it.
Yeah, it's wild.
Should we keep going?
We got to at least see what number three is, right?
He went through number one and two.
This is from Chase Hughes, if anybody wants to watch full video.
I was asking about theories on drones, and one of our hosts, Chin from the Changing Earth podcast, sent us this video.
On terror and the Patriot Act.
And then number three,
testing the waters. This goes back to BC years. All three of these things go back to the BC
years. This is not something that's original. So governments tend to test and gauge how people
react. So if we accept UFOs as real and we don't freak out, that means we can kind of
escalate the narrative without any pushback. So think of it like kind of a slow drip instead of
pouring it all out at one time. And if you want to look back at some of these historical parallels,
this is not the first time this has happened. There's just a few that come to mind right now.
The first is the Gulf of Tonkin.
This happened in 63 or 64,
1963 or 64. Bringing out the big one.
The United States used extremely questionable reports of attacks on naval
which were not true to justify escalating this Vietnam War.
And then in 1962, we had this thing called Operation Northwoods.
This is a declassified plan about the U.S. officials staging, quote,
fake attacks, completely fake attacks, like blowing up planes with people in them
to justify military actions against Cuba.
And in the post 9-11, what I would call a fear campaign.
So after the attacks, governments push for these just sweeping changes like the Patriot
Act, which expanded massive surveillance under the guise of terrorism.
So if you just replace terrorism or communism with UFOs,
you can start to see a pattern.
So what might be happening?
What might be happening?
Should we listen to the what might be happening?
Well, I think he's drawn a conclusion here
that the government wants to take over more power.
And if you give up your freedoms more, you know, we can control the UFOs.
Yeah, well, I could see that.
I could see that.
I could also see them firing up this well-crafted story about and it could be the truth.
That's the scariest part.
But firing up this well-crafted story about what they're doing up there and why you need them up there all the time yeah we've reached a point just like he's talking about with
the patriot act where terrorists are so empowered and emboldened now that they're bringing things
into the country or they're you know the other thing i talked about today on the show this
morning was um drones looking for drones you know sort of like the counter drone,
because the drone swarm itself we're all worried about.
I mean, here at PBN, we've been worried about it
for probably, what, two, three years?
I don't remember.
But I know the drone, we always,
it's crazy how ahead the preppers are.
And I don't just mean us.
I mean like the audience and the hosts combined
like how far ahead we are of things is crazy and then they happen and it sucks yeah and you hate
to be right yeah you do hate to be right on a lot of this stuff especially drone swarms of death
yeah but yeah yeah that's another thing they could be looking for. Let's get his take.
Let's get Chase's take, the PSYOP professional.
Right here.
It might upset you.
It might piss you off.
But we're going to talk about that in just a second.
Don't do that to me, buddy.
Keep that in your back pocket for just a second.
Number one is a normalization phase.
So just steadily leaking UFO footage, holding hearings, using all these terms
like UAPs all the time. The government makes the idea of something out there seem reasonable.
So this keeps people curious, but not panicked. Curious, but not panicked.
The second part of this is setting the stage for a big reveal. And I want you to keep
that one in mind. So at some point, we might see a more dramatic event, like a giant UFO
sighting over a major city or footage that is just impossible to dismiss. And you could think giant holograms giant drones or other advanced tech just
creating something that you cannot ignore so number three would be a need for a savior oh boy
so once the threat feels real enough governments or even global now this sounds like uh step in as these heroes they may call for
increased defense budgets maybe govern all the governments in this area need to unite into one
big government maybe a global response team and i say that with quotes around it to handle this
threat so this could lead to giant power shifts and more control in fewer hands is kind of the maybe the goal of that
and this you could look this up there was even a plan to stage a fake kind of alien invasion this
is on record on paper that there was a full government plan to make a fake alien invasion
but what could be next what could you roll in to save the day, Jay Ferg? I did. I saw him jump, so I'm in.
Here's what might happen.
First would be escalating UFO reports.
Expect a lot more sightings. Let me shut this guy up for a minute.
I appreciate him, but we'll get back to Chase's theories.
But since Jay Ferg is with us, I think Dave's back now.
All good, Dave?
We got Phoenix.
The Phoenix is burning with us as well.
I don't look as cute as y'all.
Oh, that's all right.
But thank you for the compliment.
I'm wearing the wool cardigan I finished.
That looks beautiful, Jordan.
Look at that thing.
What's wrong with that?
It's all of this. Oh, it, Jordan. Look at that thing. What's wrong with that? Nothing. It's all of this.
Oh, it looks awesome.
That thing looks so comfy.
So what do you got?
Purple and maroon and gold on there?
And a cup of tea?
Yellow, tan, gray, gunmetal, all of it.
It was clearance.
It was discounted wool, so.
I love it.
And it looks very warm. Yeah, no doubt about it. And it was discounted wool so i love it and it looks very warm yeah no doubt about it
and it's hot water i think i'm on my hot water this evening hey well that's all right hot water
is good in the cold for sure so what do you think about this lineup jay ferg with the fear
tactics and psyop and all this kind of stuff i'm i'm seeing so things of it. I've had co-workers call me
and ask me, so what's the deal with the drones?
And they live in the area the drones
are being seen.
And honestly, I tell them, you know,
we've got three different
variations that we're hearing.
I'm seeing different things about
military personnel
being on top of it.
I have wondered more on the serious end of it
than you know i make the jokes about the the ocean aliens but then you see where i saw a clip where
the police department have been actually trying to interact and they're running into the same issue
of there's no heat signature coming off of these drones whatsoever they're pull you know 50
of them came out of out of the ocean which honestly i don't think it's necessarily coming
out of the ocean but it's coming out of something that's running dark and i think dave could agree
with me and how many times that we had submarines and other warcrafts end up coming into areas they shouldn't be and never even get realized because
they're running dark so that's why i i think it's more of a strategic thing we there was one uh one
drone was found in south carolina redneck boy shot it down and uh kept it dark while he did it too
because he didn't want to get caught for doing it because an old man in New Jersey was shot, was arrested for it.
And I had to break down the laws that even though it may be a foreign device of some kind, it may be admitting EMPs because other personal drones are dying.
There is still the federal it's protected under federal FFA.
And so you're you're FAA, not FFA. And so you're, you're F FAA,
oops, not FFA. And so you're running into different things. And so you're going to, I think, honestly,
we're going to see more panic because I saw another video just tonight,
right before you went live,
where there's like six of the drones and they came down within like touching
range of a person before they shot back up into the sky down like a
residential neighborhood so i don't know i think we're gonna see a lot more and then later all the
pieces are gonna come together like uh we were looking up instead of looking to the left you
know yeah maybe well they need um they need we need as people the, the people need a better, we need our own FFA now.
We need an FFA for the people because security has changed.
And the better the drones get, the more.
Here's the thing is, why wouldn't you have license for drones if we have to have license just for communications?
Well, not just that.
I mean, if you come through my front door, there's things I can do to you.
If you're trying to come through my front door, there's things I can do to you.
If you're destroying stuff on my property, right?
And property's always been the grass, the perimeter, and what you own.
But now I think we have to talk about that property
because if a drone could fly a quarter mile above your house
but see right into your backyard while your kid's swinging on the swing,
that's a thing.
You know what I mean?
There's got to be airspace property and privacy
because I know people can do that.
When I was talking to Daveave about the guy adam who
i can't i gotta get on the show he's a drone you know one of these guys who just loves drones it's
not like his job or anything but he's in love with them and uh he flew a drone up so high i couldn't
even see it this was like three years ago at a prepper event in goochland in virginia he flew
it up so high nobody could see it and he showed us the
video and he could see us you know yeah so this is like a dgi or a dgj whatever that brand is
run of the mill 200 i think it cost them so you can't tell me that these things can't look right
into your window into your yard into whatever i mean i think what gets me is the fact that you're seeing these drones with some
type of ordinance on them and it's like are you really surprised you know someone else when they
called me today and they were like i saw one it looks like it was doing a laser light show i'm
like they're shooting i said even the small drones that we've seen in the ukraine war are used as um
devices that explode as soon as they get close to someone.
So then they emit shrapnel and everything else.
I'm like, why are you not surprised?
I said, these drones are the size of golf carts and cars.
You really would expect them to have a lot more capabilities
than even the smaller drones.
So can you imagine what they can carry?
How much do you think they can carry?
I mean, in terms of ammunition, because what do you think they would fire off of a drone like that?
Because it looked like tracer rounds.
You could easily fit anything with, you know, 223, 556, you know, all of the above with no problem.
It's heavy right rocket also makes that because
once the rocket ignites you'll see a line going with the rocket oh okay i didn't think about that
but a rocket's got to be even heavier than a damn five five six round well i mean i sent you i sent
you something about how far advanced our um technology was back in the 60s and 70s on Instagram that clip.
So honestly, I think those are capable of holding about the weight of a grown man.
I mean, that's what, 250 pounds average?
170 to 250 pounds of ammunition?
That's going to be quite a bit bit not including what's running the whole device
yeah well yeah you know we're we're thinking along the lines of the hobbyist size drones and
what militaries and and china and you know net nation states have are these big drones that are uh you know the size of small aircraft
and how our our drones came about uh with that was the air force had all the drones and they were
using it for observation and they would they would fly the drone over and they report enemy here
and then they'd fly back and and this general said well why didn't
you just put a rocket on this thing air force didn't have anything small enough so they went
to the army and they found uh i think it was the sidewinder that helicopters would fire so then
they started putting two or three or four on onto these yeah and they and that's how it all started wow
the predator began yeah man let's listen to this guy let's see what uh what his overall theory is
where's my tab with old chase i like this guy chase i could listen to some chase on my free time i mean pretty good he's making
some vital points but i think we're kind of past a lot of that yeah well that's a good point that's
a very good point near misses with airplanes mysterious objects interfering with infrastructure
like power grids or airports uh it's going to feel real and urgent the next would be a media
blitz that would come after that so mainstream media will amplify the story they're going to feel real and urgent. The next would be a media blitz that would come after that.
So mainstream media will amplify the story.
They're going to interview pilots.
They're going to release grainy videos.
We're seeing that now.
Experts explain these things that are maybe defying physics.
We get more information from the civilians.
As a potential hypothetical to make everybody believe this is a huge deal.
Next would be a global event.
And this could be something absolutely.
This guy's thinking more of like a coordinated UFO appearance.
He's thinking more of like simulated.
We've made.
I don't think this has anything to do with what's going on.
Believable enough.
And of course,
pause it for a second chaos governments
sorry i didn't want to talk over it but what what do you think of a this theory of the fact that if
you run enough you have enough people worried enough people up in uproar then guess what you
get to implement implement military or martial law rule and then oh look the inauguration can't happen because if anytime we're under any
sort of war military um rule then it pauses and holds everything else this makes sense to me this
this seems like something that makes sense you know what i mean as opposed to the idea that
oh it's going to be like some kind of big worldwide event i don't buy that people are
looking up in the sky and they're seeing drones.
They're not looking at it and going, is that a UFO?
No, they're going to go.
But the thing is, right.
But the thing is, is, you know,
you're still not paying attention to what's going on around you.
I'm still curious.
All of these are, you know, hand in hand.
There's always something else at play too well to your point jay ferg all
it would take is for them to say at least to get rid of the physical inauguration now all they have
to say is well we've detected something in washington dc so well and that's just it there
i've seen people's theories that some of these drones are our Jones,
but we can't admit it,
but they're radiation snippers.
They're a hot top,
you know,
hot spot snippers.
So I'm just like,
would that be Dave Jones?
How crazy would it be to get a Geiger counter to read from however the hell
high up they're doing?
It's not crazy because they they
use different kinds of sensors so they'll they'll use like thermal imagery and uh you know all
different spectrums of wavelengths that uh you know a years few years back this would be considered
impossible but now uh it's definitely possible and probably highly likely that they have stuff like this that detects something that's not in the atmosphere, but contained somewhere else.
I mean, with all the advances of reading different thermal thermal imagery they could tell you what's inside
of something else yeah and it seemed like it was what made me most what made me think that it was
legitimate was that the comment or the unit being used was something out of the private sector
something from the canadian Canadian or some kind of company
that was like Canadian Natural Resource.
And that made me think this is viable
because if it's a private company,
they're flying drones detecting natural resources
and things like that, trying to make money.
And I always give the people who are trying to make a profit
and have people to pay, the ones who have the technology that's going to get the job done because they
have to get the job done you know well in u.s norcom are the people that they they stood this
command up after 9-11 to protect nothing but north america so and and they reactivated Cheyenne Mountain and put their headquarters in
there. And these guys, I mean, they have stuff. They have satellites on top of satellites.
They can look all the way around the curvature of the earth to see things and that's why trump says our military sees them they know
where they go they know where they come from because they're they they're locked in they
they have to that's part of their mandate and and they didn't come out and say anything not a thing
not yes not no did you guys see anything about this?
Missing nuclear package sparks major search.
Why are these websites so terrible?
Do I need an ad this big for Condor?
Yes, apparently you do.
God in heaven.
I can tell you one thing.
Red Beacon Media will never have a single ad on it.
There will be no ads on that website.
There might be links to ads,
but definitely won't be ads there.
Thank you, Butterfire.
For real. Missing Nuclear
Package sparks major search after
container vanishes.
I mean, if we're finding out about it now,
this could be exactly
what the hell they're looking for.
And you got to think about it.
What we know, what we get told is well after the fact.
Well, this happened December 6th and it's low level radiation, but it's perfect for a dirty bomb.
Oh, that's what they're thinking.
but it's perfect for a dirty bomb.
Oh, that's what they're thinking.
If they want to contaminate an area and spark all kinds of panic and stuff like that,
this is the stuff you would use.
Linnium 7.5, huh?
Very dangerous category.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, and also we have to say we have to know, you know, who verified what was in the thing, what was in the container. Right. Right. So maybe it was a missing nuclear package. Maybe it wasn't selenium 75. Maybe it was something much worse. Who knows?
different requirements for transportation and those things.
But this actually happened. It's a report that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission filed,
and it was on a railroad car, and it happened to be missing in New Jersey.
So, yeah.
Hey, we got a guy from Brush Fire Clothing in chat from Prepper Camp.
That's who I was saying.
Hi, Brushfire.
Thank you.
Check it out.
What's up, man?
Okay, I'm going to get rid of this article because it puts Dave down here and his face gets cut off by it.
But, yeah, who knows if that's tied in or not?
I don't know.
But that's an interesting one.
For sure.
You remember when this first started and we all agreed that they're looking for something.
We just didn't know what the something was.
It could be a person.
It could be.
Now that this radiation thing is out there and, you know, some people say it's a warhead.
And I'll tell you, I was explaining this today.
It's 11.
He put up these.
Oh, no.
Oh, you froze.
Hang on, Dave.
You froze up on us at the most inopportune time.
I'll tell you what.
Your internet knows exactly what you're doing.
I think they're monitoring us and cutting us off.
They know exactly what you're about to say.
Say something valuable, man, and then things get wacky.
Oh, I got to know, though.
I got to know now. I i think dave happened to reconnect
i can't believe hold on do you got any windows open or anything on the computer
right internet explorer nothing nothing all right well you seem clear now but i just
okay so they have these sensors that are in the tunnels and across the bridges to New York City.
So you can't sneak anything in there that they're not detecting already.
But you can go right across the river, right across the Hudson River.
And, you know, that's as close as you need to be for a nuke.
So if they have a nuclear warhead they don't have to
the nuke man right we we may have to get him to write down our second
secondary record on the sidelines yeah i mean that that this would be and the weird thing that we always
talk about on pbm we talk about nuclear is not to be so worried and dave will second this when
he gets back but not to be worried as much about the fallout because if you get nuked by a country
in an icbm it's an airburst which is right up the earth and right well it's it depends
on where it's at if it's within a certain level of the sky it's not going to half fall out it's
going to have an emp effect yeah so this situation though if we have a detonation out of a warehouse
in manhattan across the hudson river or whatever that's a fallout scenario the
good news is you know it's all going to the atlantic ocean so not too much to worry about
unless you're in the direct path of it if they're you know depending on how big the thing is but
that's like i have a friend in baltimore who called me as well like today was a day i was getting blown up left and right by people she said that she's very nervous being that she's so close to dc and i told her i understand i was
like but unless you're willing to make a big move you need to make sure you have at least the basics
be have food have water have filtration have something okay sitting idly by oh no this is
gonna happen and never doing anything you didn't help yourselves in any kind of way
yeah i haven't done it myself yet but um oh let me throw this up here i that's what i was trying
to select it too i'm sorry you. You go ahead. You go ahead.
You know what you're doing.
You know what you're doing.
My bad.
I'm so sorry.
No, that's fine.
Yeah, I haven't done this yet myself, but I think it's worth doing.
Where these drones are, where they are, and how the news starts to go, and how things start to feel in terms of the threat itself
it might be a time to start putting a list together on when you're going to leave your area
i think that's why i was really pushing on on trying to find out from you on the emp bags so
i can have a secondary means of communication because um you can think chin, I, you know, we have the mishpastic,
we're growing a network here, but the GMRS is more feasible for me and my partner and then still having communications and getting the license. So, but, um, and then going to work
my way up to ham. Ham is definitely, like I said, the birdwatching of the communications world. It's
just takes a lot of time. I just don't have our focus for it i'm gonna be honest with you i think i've largely left ham in the dust for a while
i i think i have two but gm uh gmrs has really been something that really has you looking into
it for on my end as a backup means of communication because phone lines aren't aren't you know reliable he's back so what we what we
were talking about was this could lead to a potential ground detonation which is rare right
if it is in a warehouse across the river from the hudson which is kind of where you left off at
yeah you don't have to be in downtown manhattan to have the effect of a nuclear bomb
going on and uh i'm telling you if it goes off anywhere in this country it's going to be
positively chaos everywhere pandemonium pandemonium people are going to lose their freaking minds
yeah and all this technology that we have it goes to look for they don't go into
ground zero where the bomb went off they go to look for a secondary device so this well you can't
go into ground zero right i mean limited well i mean the only help you're going to get are are you know the local and i mean outside of the blast
radius uh first responders there there's not a big federal team that's going to come in
you know what happened with the hurricane yeah this ain't that. This is way worse. We're talking millions dead
in the flash of an eye.
Yeah, I mean,
it's a reason to throw
a hundred drones
up in the sky and scare the shit
out of the entire population.
Yeah, and tell them nothing.
What are they going to say?
Somewhere in the United States
there's a nuclear warhead.
We just don't know where.
If you want to see a mass exodus out of
Manhattan, yes, say that.
Which is more
of an issue than anything
because who's not to say it won't
speed up whoever's planning what.
You know what? You want a mass casualty
moment. You want them when they're all trying to leave and you have it on the side of the bridge they're evacuating even just
people in a mass evacuation will wind up killing each other absolutely you know what i mean oh
absolutely especially especially in the city situation people are going to take it as an
opportunity to pillage and everything else so some high-level Christmas shopping going on.
Whenever we ran an exercise at Pennsylvania Emergency Management,
the evacuation order because of Three Mile Island
and all the nuclear power plants that they had in Pennsylvania,
that order came with it.
You're responsible for every thousand people that leave.
One of them is going to die.
So, yeah, those people, you know, if you have an area of...
So one in a thousand.
One in a thousand.
That was the calculation back then.
So it might even be more now because of the way people are.
I feel like it should be more.
People aren't as smart now as they were back then.
And they didn't have these it
was a lot more simpler yeah exactly definitely death by a mass evacuation or panic if you want
to panic something every time this thing goes deep deep deep for amber alert oh yeah big old but yeah exactly what's going on some divorcee just kidnapped his own
kids yeah yeah yeah that's 99 of those i didn't realize that the majority of that of those
kidnappings is that um but whatever you know i get it i get the viability and all that kind of stuff
so yeah that is an interesting one.
Brushfire Clothing in chat says,
I think it's a mix between what she says and Dirty Bomb Theory maybe prepping
for something to happen New Year's Eve
or in the swearing in of Trump.
He's on the same page as you, Dave Jones.
Yeah, I mean, if you want to coordinate an event
over 50 cities,
and you want it to go off all at the same time,
you know, Trump raising his hand, putting his hand on the Bible. It's going to be broadcast.
Every television network. Yeah. It's going to be all over the internet. You know, YouTube TV is
going to be broadcasting it live. So that right there can be the signal to kick things off.
And they already know it's going to take place, like the coin flip at the Super Bowl.
Yeah, yeah.
This is the thing, though.
if you do it,
then it's,
I just can't imagine the military response.
It would have to be done so carefully that you couldn't run it back to a specific group,
and you know there's going to be groups
that take credit for it right off the bat,
because they love to do that,
but then it's just i mean then it's just
going to be like nothing we've ever seen in response it would probably make shock and all
look like a poof yeah like when 9-11 happened um it was crazy because osama bin lad Laden was able to get on TV before Bush was.
Bush was down in Florida at some elementary school.
Reading to kids, yeah. Yeah, and they flew him to Barksdale Air Force Base.
I only know this because I was stationed there for a while.
Nuclear Weapons Command for the Air Force.
And they had this big placard and all, you know, pictures of Bush flying in
and all that kind of stuff. But they had to secure the president. And then Cheney went to a
undisclosed underground location, which I won't tell you what that was but uh it was it was pretty crazy it was pretty crazy yeah oh i bet and this
yeah this will make that look pale yeah but my question would be from a terrorist side of things
is it worth what's going to come after well you know what i mean look what we did to afghanistan
after well you know what i mean look what we did to afghanistan yeah and then and then 19 years later we pull out and give them all the weapons well yeah it's a good investment i guess if you're
in the terrorism business yeah the americans will show up but they might leave us two billion in
tanks and choppers and yeah headgear in the whole nine yards if you're playing the long game it's
worth it you know and they are playing the long game it's worth it you know and they
are playing the long game right yeah there's no doubt about that well yeah that's a dark one but
it's part of the picture it's definitely part of the whole you mentioned that sean ryan interview
and and i only saw bits and pieces of it but there's one thing there that she was saying about, you know, the Mumbai attacks.
These are terrorists that will keep killing until they get killed. And it's different from a
suicide bomber because it's like, boom, you know, and it's over, it's done. These guys,
they'll go in, they'll take hostages, they'll fake negotiations, they'll kill more people in the process.
And what really got me was all those men, and I mean men because there wasn't a woman or a child, that they flew into these 50 different cities.
Oh, yeah. Yeah yeah you've been talking about
this for yeah yeah three four preppers lives ago yeah and if they if they do that with these guys
wow what an attack well you gotta you gotta think that some of those guys are in there oh absolutely what was most interesting from her
i thought was the training if you didn't hear the part about the training definitely go back
and listen to that yeah because she talked about the three types of training that they're doing
over there with these guys and i thought that was it was an eye-opener you know what i mean it was urban warfare it was uh covert operations you
know they don't even share she was saying how in camp you show up to camp and get a new name
right you know what i mean yeah they don't know anybody else or anybody about interrogation yeah
yep yeah i don't remember what the third training was but there was three of them in total that these guys are all undergoing and
and then she said you know they did it already they trained up a bunch of guys for uh for the
israel attack yep and then what's coming next is the homeland attack and that's
they're training them up for that now or they have them trained up or whatever the situation is so
yeah they could be here and they could be primed they could be those dudes that smashed a gun store they're training them up for that now or they have them trained up or whatever the situation is. So yeah,
they could be here and they could be primed.
They could be those dudes that smashed a gun store,
open it down your way and took all those long rifles.
You know,
the one cool thing about America,
if you're a terrorist is you don't have to come with weapons.
It's already here.
You come empty handed.
You just got to know how to use it.
What'd you say, Jayver?
I was about to say I'm gonna jump off
I didn't expect children to start talking to you in the background
Oh, that's alright
But I'm gonna still listen
Thank you
I hear them, they're having a ball too back there
Them pups are ready for feeding.
Puppies at Christmas is kind of cool, man.
Oh, yeah.
I think if I were you, I'd take them up Christmas morning and just rape them all over the gifts before I wake the kids up.
You probably wake your kids up now, right?
They're that age.
They probably sleep in.
They're like, yeah.
Yeah, you go going there and shake them
yeah it's it's i when i was listening to that podcast man i turned it down when my oldest son
got in the car yeah that's rare i don't usually do that yeah yeah yeah yeah but that's the that's
how strong that thing was yep and she was 100 legit man oh yeah yeah she's got the street cred and you know all his other guests
he gets on there what do you carry and they oh i'm carrying this and she says i don't want you
to know yeah yeah that's wow that that's the answer right there. That sounds like CIA, right? Yeah.
Yeah, she opened a lot of people's eyes, no doubt about it.
I don't listen to a lot of the Sean Ryan stuff, but that was a good one.
He's done some other really good ones too.
Hey, you know, thank God for her.
God only knows what that could brew up and how many people that could get prepared for
something that may or may not happen in 2025, you know,
could be a huge difference maker. Yeah.
I've got something in the works for the PBN audience to do with the,
with the Homeland preparation. So, cause I think it's real.
I think it's legit.
It's hard to believe that we haven't
been hit for how many years you know exactly 20 years 20 what 25 years almost exactly and this
dirty bomb thing and this nuke that's been around for forever you know it goes back and and they've
been you know like i said they put up these sensors so
that you can't get into new york city you know if if you're transporting something radioactive
and it's hazardous they stop you they don't let you go you know they may stop you on the other
end of the tunnel right now you got it they know what truck it's in and they know who to stop and
who got it they know what truck it's in and they know who to stop and i'm i mean but unless it comes by drone yeah well you know the the scenario that i always put out with the
my presentation is a 200 pound nuclear projectile that you would fire from a howitzer yeah there were tons of those
i mean just unbelievable sort of like a tactical nuke yep yep that you fire from a howitzer
yeah i often wondered about the guy that actually pulled the lanyard. Yeah. You know.
Yeah, I think he's pulling and running his ass off.
And yeah, that's terrifying.
Unless it's like some kind of little bunker goes along with it.
Well, we got so good about making those things smaller and smaller that we could fire a bigger one from a howitzer
than we dropped on Hiriroshima and nagasaki
what yeah
yeah it will all go up if they start nuking
howitzer nukes going off? Oh, my God.
Well, think about the economic upheaval.
I mean, like I said, pneumonia.
No one's going to go to work in any big city in this country.
If one goes off in Chicago, Los Angeles, you know.
Mass accidents.
Every city.
Every city's emptying out yeah it'd be like
something out of batman the joker exactly yep tumbleweed just blowing tunnels full of people
but then i i've said this before too when i first started at nasa they had this scenario that this suitcase nuke was going to go off in Las Vegas.
And then the two senators from Vegas, you know, after they had planned this and prepped and spent all the training money and all this kind of stuff,
they said, oh, no, we can't do that because that'll lessen tourism if we even just practice this thing.
So I'm in this meeting and there's like 100 people in this room.
And one of them says, well, if it goes off in Las Vegas, it won't affect us at all.
Now, this is in D.C.
And I said, no, if it goes off in vegas it's gonna affect the whole country i don't care where
you're at if not the world yeah you know yes even terrorists if it's a big sucking sound in northern
virginia with everybody leaving definitely there's already a big sucking sound.
In Northern Virginia.
But yeah.
If it's a terrorist group.
Then the UK has to go.
London has to be like.
Are we next?
What's going on?
We might be next.
I think we've thoroughly ruined everyone's Monday night.
Right before Christmas.
This seems to be a theme with us.
You're welcome, everyone.
Freak out Mondays.
Freak out Mondays.
Hey, look, this, I mean, it's often us or us in a little article that's talking about this kind of stuff.
You know, an article written by like a Mike Snyder or a Zero zero hedge author or something like that this is happening
you know everywhere it's everywhere we're in the midst of a war with russia we've got the drones
up in the sky looking for something we've got israel doing its thing it's time to be prepared
it's time to get prepared yeah and the world is is picking sides right now and we're sitting here sucking our thumbs you know koreans are fighting
in ukraine yeah china is providing drones to iran you know it's it's just the uh axis powers are
getting back together and we ain't doing anything my youngest son told me a little factoid about the
north korean army today. Yeah.
I don't know if it's 100% true, but he said that the soldiers have a height limit.
They can't be taller than Kim Jong.
Oh, yeah. They were talking about that, but I don't know if that's exactly true.
Yeah, he said it was 5'4".
He does limit who's in pictures with him.
Oh, because of that.
You think that's why he likes the NBA so much?
Because he dreams of being a big, tall dude?
Hey, so just to recap, here's what I think is most likely.
Yeah, let's hear it.
It's most likely our government. I our government i agree most likely they're looking
for something also agree and it's it's most likely that we won't know anything until trump takes over
or whatever this thing is they're looking for happens and they get it clear of everything important yeah yeah either that or they fail at
that yeah right either they find it and get it somewhere safe or they fail and then you find out
because you go damn it i knew we should have went to new york yeah when we had the chance
yeah or whatever yeah yeah i think that's i think that's where most people are at i think the
the foreign entity thing seems too hard to believe for me i feel like generals and and
high-ranking military would be on youtube and on the news and screaming you know their silence is
speaking volumes right exactly you know like they would be out saying, there's somebody up there far, and this is crazy.
From your standpoint, I'm sure you would be one of those guys.
If you were in the military, you wouldn't be sitting idly by going, well, I guess we'll find out eventually what they're doing flying around up there.
Yeah, that's not an option.
Yeah, exactly.
I don't care how woke the military's gotten. There's still people up there yeah that's not an option yeah exactly exactly i don't care how woke the
military's gotten there's still people up there ready to do it yeah uh all right yeah i'm sorry
we're low on prepping advice i mean it's it wasn't really a show for that stay tuned you know
how do you prep for that kind of stuff just what's what you're doing every day. Because, you know, if you're able to hold up in your house for weeks or months and not go out, you know.
Huge difference maker.
For whatever reason, if you have the food and the water and the means of securing yourself, you know.
And you guys were talking about comms When I got flipped off there
You know comms are good
If you have someone that you can communicate with
If there's no one out there
Yeah I mean you can scan though
For information
If things get real bad
And there's no TV signal
And stuff like that Scanning the ham, you won't be able to verify anything, but you'll be able to hear at least something.
Because I'm sure there'll be some kind of national message going out on the high frequency.
The plan for the nation is NOAA.
is noah so the the noah network is the emergency broadcast network that they're going to use if they have to get information out and that one i think you can program noah into even a bow fang
without hooking it up to a computer that's pretty easy to find and pretty easy to program so
definitely do that even the cheapest you know ham radio you can get your
hands and probably gmrs too i just don't play around with it um you know the other thing that's
probably worth you don't have to go haywire with it but at least something that'll help you sleep
tonight is you find that room if you're in tornado alley you probably have it already or if you're in
somewhere that experiences that like that room at the center of the house concept is viable as long as you're not.
If you're in the blast radius, you don't need to worry about it anyway.
But if you're worried about something, you know, nearby and fallout and that kind of thing, then having a room in the center of the house is something you could fortify.
And put in a plug for the book because oh yeah yeah of
course the link is in the description too to so if you are concerned and you
want to read more from this guy right here dave jones the nbc guy the uh the the ronin of nuclear
warfare nowadays um or at least nuclear war preparation, and I am going on that guy's podcast.
Oh, Mike C. Oh, that's going to be good.
His audience is going to love you, man.
Yeah. So PBN family dot com.
Go down. As soon as you get there, you're going to see four options at the bottom.
Or on the main page, the one that is a bullseye looks like the target logo right below that.
You get the book for free. Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared.
Click on it.
It's a PDF.
Read it on your lunch break or whatever.
It's a short read full of great information about surviving a situation just like this.
And another thing that Dave said that if we get further down the road, you may want to
consider is I always loved your idea, Dave, about sleeping in the basement.
You know, and being down there at night because the probability that these things go boom at night is pretty high.
As opposed to middle of the day.
But, I mean, look, yeah, the thing about PBN is if you go to, you will be inundated with preparedness stuff.
So even if we don't talk about it in deep detail, it's always there.
It's always hanging on.
Jay Ferg's got it printed, Dave Jones.
Thank you.
Yeah, have it printed out.
Give it to your grandkids.
It's worth it.
All right, folks.
What's going on here?
Oh, sorry, Dave.
I just now got your I don't know how to rejoin private message.
I guess you figured it out.
I'm back.
All right, folks.
We're calling it a night.
You feel good, Dave?
Yeah, I feel good. I got to feed these puppies. I appreciate you coming on tonight, man. We're calling it a night. You feel good, Dave? Yeah, I feel good.
I got to feed these puppies.
I appreciate you coming on tonight, man.
Thanks so much.
No problem.
Happy to help.
All right, folks.
We will talk to you maybe next Monday.
We'll see.
It's been a good one.
Preppers Live.
Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and myself, James Walton, and Jay Ferg from Phoenix Survival,
live Saturday mornings, 9 a.m. Don't miss it. All right? We will talk to you guys soon.
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