The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: REDDIT Q&A

Episode Date: January 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. Good evening, PBN family. I hope you like the sounds of the new and wonderful intro. I'm not sure what happened there. It kind of exploded on me. Oh, my headphone jack screwed up. The intro was bumping and then it went quiet. I think the old Tascam headphones are due. I don't know. I don't know why they would be though. They're
Starting point is 00:00:51 relatively new. Tascam, they do great products by the way. Getting the live chat opened up. I don't know who's going to join us tonight over on the live side of things. Join us tonight over on the live side of things. Everybody, I have one question for you. First of all, I hope you like the new intro. We're going to play another ditty for you too later in the show, some new sound. New sound for 2024. I got a question for you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:23 We're going to play ads for our wonderful sponsors. And then the rest of the night is going to be devoted to Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and myself going over question and answer from the Reddit Preppers community. Me and Dave have a lot of fun with these, man. This is a good time. It's a good time for us. It's a good time for you., you're doing your routines. Are you staying focused on day A and B? Tomorrow is day B for me. Okay. I, I was supposed to be getting my nine millimeter eye target bullet delivered tonight. I don't think it's going to happen. So it's back to the revolver for a eye target dry fire. Well, maybe I'll just do, maybe I'll just do some standard dry. You know what I'll do? This is what I need to do. Do some dry fire practice tomorrow and film it for the members.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'll show you a little ditty that I do from time to time. Okay. So if you're asking yourself what is he talking about with the routines, we started a routine on the 2nd of January called Setting the Tone for the Year. If you've been paying no attention to me, which is a lot of hosts, fine. We're routine heavy this year. We do these routines sometimes, and then we don't do them. We're going to do them every month of the year. Every month of the year,
Starting point is 00:02:53 we're going to have a different routine set, workouts, preparedness, uh, skill sets, a variety of things. Okay. In each month, I can tell you right now next month is going to be heavy mental health, okay? February will be heavy mental health. I'll probably share it with everybody. This one is members only. Some of them will be members only. Some of them won't, okay? It'll be the Commander's Challenge on steroids next month.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And that's because February is a nightmare for me guys that's what it is it's an absolute nightmare it's my least favorite month of the year even though my father was born that month and my birthday's that month too it's just it's the last vestiges of winter everything fun is over and I'm over winter. I'm ready for heat. I'm ready for fishing. You know what I mean? So, cause even I've noticed even winter activity is not the same as summer activity. You know, I, like I used to think, get outside more, enjoy the outside, get out there in the winter. You know what I mean? Winter activity is not the same as summer activity. I mean, the days aren't even as long.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's like every, you know. By February, my sanity will be waning. So we'll be conducting those routines, right? Go to the PBN links. Link down there in the show description if you're interested. Join as a member. And look, you're there in the show description if you're interested. Join as a member. And look, you're going to get your, anybody who joins as a member in 2024 is going to get their money's worth immediately upon signing up. Because we're doing a $60 open to all food security master class the end of this month.
Starting point is 00:04:44 food security master class the end of this month. So the class is going to be $60 for everybody who signs up and shows up. Unless you're a member, then it's free because our master classes are all member-driven. And the cost of membership is $60 for the year. So you do the math. If you're silly enough to show up and pay for the class for $60 and then in four months go, Dang it! I should have been a member. And then sign up for another $60.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, I'll appreciate it. I'll certainly be happy about it. I'm not going to be angry with you. I'll say, well, thank you. Thank you very much. But I don't want to see that for you. Hang on one second. My headphones are failing me, and I have a guest tonight. So we can't have that. They get fickle.
Starting point is 00:05:35 All right, here's the question, guys. It's a heavy one. I'm going to ask it. We're going to go to break. We're going to get back. We're going to get Dave Jones on, have ourselves a show. Okay. We're going to get Dave Jones on, have ourselves a show.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Okay. This is part of a much longer line of thinking that may make sense later as we get down the line. It's not something I wish for. It's not something I want. But it's something that as a nation we have to consider. The situation we're in is dire on numerous levels. And I've been highly exposed to it today. And it brought me to this thought, this question that I wanted to pose to you, the PBN family, that is,
Starting point is 00:06:28 is a violent revolution still on the table for the United States of America? I don't want you to answer yes or no. I don't want you to answer hell yeah. None of that business, okay? Quite frankly, I just want you to think about it. I want you to think about a path that a nation takes that allows it to arrive at something like that. I want you to think about what's going on in this nation. I want you to think about the numerous catalysts that are occurring as we speak, you know? we speak, you know? Again, a violent revolution is no fun for anybody, and I'm not saying it's the thing that should happen. But some questions are posed literally for the purpose of just
Starting point is 00:07:21 thinking them over, right? You have to pose a question to fully understand a concept to fully understand where we're at as a nation. Sit down and really think. It's a violent revolution still on the table for the United States of America. Because we're
Starting point is 00:07:42 a rebellious lot. We're a competent lot. Competence. Of the many things you can say about the American people, for a long, long time, we've been a competent lot. We've taken our most gifted and our most effective and put them in the highest reaches of business and science and medicine and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And, you know, that competence shown through. And then DEI was born. Affirmative action was born and we decided to change that. And, you know, the rest is history, as they say. Hey, support our sponsors, please. Please, pretty please. They're good to us. We'll be right back with Dave Jones. Every year at Prepper Camp, I talk to Steve from This is a guy who's been prepping since before Y2K. is his favorite stuff. It's one prepper's curated experience, and let me tell you, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:46 You want an exothermic underbarrel UBF flamethrower? You want a two-way satellite communicator? And a long-standing friend of the Prepper Broadcasting Network and the next generation Wolverine Tough bottles, the best bottles on the planet for water storage, water carrying. Find them at What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments?
Starting point is 00:09:18 is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up has properties in texas new mexico colorado oklahoma arizona utah go to garden is the resistance. to enjoy today's show. Be me and family. Your garden is the resistance. What is up, everybody? We are back.
Starting point is 00:10:13 We have Dave Jones with us, and I guess what I got to do is get some questions up here. What's up, Dave? You still with me? Hey, I am still with you, and I got a couple comments from your lead in here. Oh, sure. Go ahead. Okay okay so you said uh d e i okay i prefer to call it d i e
Starting point is 00:10:34 oh brilliant yes yes and and it's not affirmative action. It's actually racism towards white people. OK, affirmative action was when they said, OK, you have to hire 50 50 minorities. And it was kind of like a thing, a thing that the courts imposed. And and that was that was back in the 80s. Yeah. So it's the opposite of affirmative action. It's discrimination. So and when you said is a violent revolution off the table. OK, I a flashback of John Boehner, Speaker of the House. I remember Boehner.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah. Just saying on camera that impeachment for Barack Obama, the first black president, is off the table. Well, once that was out, Obama could do whatever he wanted because he knew they weren't going to impeach the first black president ever, ever. Yeah. So just just those things. And then you were saying that February makes you depressed. Well, we used to call that cabin fever in Alaska. an absence of vitamin d and in uh alaska they combated it with something called fur rendezvous and it's a big festival it happens in january and it ends with the iditarod sled dog race oh okay yeah yeah so the whole thing is called fur rendezvous and it was when the trappers would bring their furs to market and everything yep and they would have a big celebration and everybody you know you know what trappers would do back then oh for sure yeah that's a great idea get everybody out get community together yep oh that's good and they still do it today of course not many furs are
Starting point is 00:12:47 being traded but everybody gets together they they had a race down the streets of anchorage and they put hay bales and stuff up because these porches were going with these spike tires and uh they would just slide all over the place on this ice. Oh, wow. They were probably having a ball. Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Pretty crazy. Well, Dave Jones, I appreciate you joining me tonight.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I know you're a working man these days. You've got plenty on your plate. First day of school back. I don't want to be up too late either. Yeah, I'm sure the kids were glad to get back to you. They got off the computers and the video games they got for Christmas, I'm sure, all of your students. And had to say, damn it, we got to go back to school. See Mr. Jones.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I'll tell you, it was a lot better than I anticipated. I anticipated just bedlam And they were I even told them to their face You guys act more grown up Wow Well let's hope it's a trend Let's hope
Starting point is 00:13:57 Let's get into some Q&A Oh I love this I'm over at Reddit Preppers So let's get into some Q&A. Oh, I love this. I'm over at Reddit Preppers, Their group has grown. I think they were at 380 or 350 or something K. They're at 402 K over there. There's 895 people online right now.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It is a good time to be a prepper. It is a good time to be a prepper. I a good time to be a prepper it's really it's i mean you better be a prepper in times like these oh yeah they got a really great one right off the top it's probably the wrong question for you and me um but i know you know somebody like this and i know people like this what to do with an unsupportive spouse? Oh, gosh, that's got to be the worst. That's got to be the hardest right there. I think it's probably a pretty tough run. I'm talking to a guy who I need to keep his confidentiality, but I've heard some horror stories of late as we start to chisel away at his preparedness plan um yeah about this very issue you know and it is
Starting point is 00:15:08 one hell of an issue well i'll tell you sometimes if you can get them involved and make it their idea okay um so as you know over christ Christmas, I got a Titan. Yeah. Welcome to the fray. Yeah. Well, it was actually Maria's idea. She got it off of some Facebook prepper group, and she said, these guys are just swearing by this solar generator and i said well you know so i had to explain the capabilities and limitations and that you know the why i was hesitant to get one in the first place i do have other
Starting point is 00:15:53 battery packs i have a jackery and uh two of the duracell things when they went on clearance at uh yeah i remember you sending me the the pictures of them and the prices yeah at costco you know uh solar panels which i have plug into the back of them you can charge them i was thinking these would be great things for like a portable relay station or uh you know portable power somewhere outside the perimeter. Yeah, those Duracells are great size for that. Are they waterproof? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Those are pretty good size. I think water resistance, but, you know, you could do something to make it. Oh, for sure, yeah. Yeah. So then I explained to her what it is, And, and I, you know, I thought to myself, well, if I'm ever going to strike, now's the time. Hey, it's all about timing. Yeah. Honey, it was your idea. If you can get your spouse into something small, you for exactly what i was thinking yep for years maria has always said to me give me your knife because she knows i carry a knife all the time
Starting point is 00:17:16 to to do things to open things whatever yeah sure not just to stab finally finally i just got her a Smith & Wesson folding knife, and I said, here, honey, put this in your purse, and it can be your knife. There you go. She's been carrying that ever since. I feel like she needs a Bowie knife. Oh, yeah. In the boot. Yeah, a boot knife. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:17:44 My same sentiment. You know, the idea there are like I always say, prepping is a river of many tributaries, man. And and if you tell your spouse, I'm preparing for the end of the world and she gets up from the dinner table and storms off or calls her mother. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of your world. I'll tell you one of the best things you could do, and, I mean, look, we're in this weird space, Dave Jones, or at least I am, where I've surrounded myself with so many awesome people,
Starting point is 00:18:20 so many awesome events, resources, products, that it's hard for me not to sound like an advertisement. But look, if I had a spouse who was completely unsupportive, what I would do is I'd take her to prepper camp. I'd say, look, here's a list of 60 classes. We'll hang out. We'll get lunch. I'll row you out into the lake. And we'll get a cabin on site or whatever accommodations your lady would like.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And we'll have a great weekend. Look over these 60 classes and see if there's something you want to do. Yeah. Oh, my God. 60 classes. There's not one thing she'd be interested in right right oh yeah you know what i mean and then she can fly because really when it comes down it's just like you said she your spouse just needs to find their niche in it all they probably don't get it they probably
Starting point is 00:19:16 don't understand it you probably don't even understand it all i mean it's it's a huge undertaking yeah so so for them it might just be an overwhelmed thing. I don't know. I ain't putting on a plate carrier or hanging out at the gun range with you every weekend. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, another thing at Prepper Camp, she can actually see how many people, because it's a lot, and how normal they are. True, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 A lot of times people think preppers are some kind of fringe, and these people are just everyday, common, walk-a-life people you could meet anywhere, and they just want to be ready. And what's wrong with that nada yeah right yep there's a really great post up here i'm not going to read um but it's interesting if anybody wants to go to reddit preppers and read it it's an update on my japan preps here in ishikawa japan wow i have no idea what's going on or what you're allowed to do and not do in japan i've never been but it looks like there's been some looting going on there too people have resort to oh because of the because of the this is because of the earthquake earthquake yeah
Starting point is 00:20:46 oh shoot people have resorted to looting and stealing the past three days in my observation although the japanese people are quick to catch some of them but i can't blame people resorting in this axe to survive you know he he must be japanese credit cards are 90% useless. Oh, this is a great post. Yeah. We have mostly used up all our paper cash, and funny enough, we are able to get some cash from the non-Japanese PayPal.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Maybe no one uses it here, so they have some extra cash inside. Wow. And then he's got a list of about five things he has experienced personally. Uh-huh. Wow And then he's got a list of about five things Yeah He has experienced personally Uh huh Number two is get a weapon
Starting point is 00:21:32 Number five is medical prep Oh Number four is I really wish I bought The Sawyer Mini or even a Grail as the water Supply is getting sketchy now Hmm Get a personal retention grail as the water supply is getting sketchy now. Get a personal retention lanyard if you have an extra fund for it.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And if you have a toddler in your family, I thought it was gimmicky for me as I wanted to be like a hook and leash for my worry bag, but damn, I was able to clip it to my daughter's belt when we were moving. I saw some kids getting lost or separated from their parents on the confusion. Oh, my God. That would be the worst. That's wild. What a great post, man.
Starting point is 00:22:19 What's this guy's name? Yeah. Running Rain. Powerful post. Yeah, there's some great information over here. I always try to post these shows on here. They hate me over here. They absolutely hate me.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I don't know why. I post the show, and they're like, you're self-promoting. This is total bullshit. And I'm like, I'm answering the questions. Exactly. Why did they put them up there? Geez. Yeah, they put them up there? Geez. Yeah, they don't like it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Without them, you have an actual catastrophe. I mean, when you think about Japan, you know, tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons. Oh, my gosh. And you're on an island. You know. Yikes. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad to hear they're building up their freaking military power.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Oh, absolutely. That makes me real happy. Yep. Let's see. What else we got? A lot of newbies. Newbie to the journey. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Top three. Oh, this is a good one for Dave Jones. Top three small arms in SHTF. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay, you ready? Yeah. Sarah Hathaway's going to love me for this.
Starting point is 00:23:43 The 22. Very nice. Yeah. Sarah Hathaway is going to love me for this. The.22. Very nice. Okay, for, you know, those jobs. And then 9mm, you have to have a 9mm. Agreed. That's the most common round in the world. What would you define as small arms, Dave jones well any anything like a handgun that's what i thought these people in the in the comments are all answering shotguns long rifles
Starting point is 00:24:14 semi-automatic rifle in 556 i don't look at that as a small arm no that is not a small it's well small compared to a howitzer. Yeah. You know, I don't think that's what they're talking about. I think it's, you know, firearms. Yeah. And now if you want constant, reliable, durable, you know, a revolver, and in that revolver, you know, a revolver. And in that revolver, I would say a.357 because you can fire.357 and.38 special.
Starting point is 00:24:51 So you can fire two different. And, you know, a revolver, you just pull the trigger. Keep pulling until it's empty. So very little to go wrong. I did hear a horror story one time where a guy was responded to a bank robbery and his weapon fell out of his holster and he just grabbed it and picked it back up. Well, then when the guy came out of the bank, he drew his weapon, and the guy was going to turn and fire on the cop, and the cop pulled the trigger,
Starting point is 00:25:30 but he had bent his hammer. Oh. And it would not travel all the way, and he said he pulled that thing until he almost got hemorrhoids, and the guy threw his gun down. How did he bend the hammer well the at the back of his revolver is a hammer that you can pull down with your sure yeah
Starting point is 00:25:56 well when it fell out of his holster it hit the concrete oh i see okay bent that hammer just enough that it wouldn't travel far enough to fire that is terrifying worst timing ever award i know but it's it's the craziest thing in all my years that is the only story where i've ever heard of a revolver failing. Oh, yeah. Semi-automatics, man. I've had so many problems with my semi-automatic fire. They're finicky as can be. Yeah. I don't know if they're all like that, but the guns that I have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'll tell you a gun that ran pretty good. The M&P was the, what was that thing called? That small little M&P they put out not long ago, real cheap. I shot it at the range one time with a friend. And that thing called that small little m&p they put out not long ago real cheap i shot it at the range one time with a friend and and that thing that thing was nice even with cheap ammo but my guns that i carry man if i use that range reloaded range ammo oh yeah yeah i'm doing a lot of learning i can tell you that much that day i'll do a lot of learning with uh you know shells stuck and you know how it goes clearing double feeds oh yeah all that kind of wacky stuff and i remember i remember when that stuff because i didn't um i didn't learn how to shoot a gun with anyone first you know what i
Starting point is 00:27:20 mean like i bought a gun because someone tried to break in my apartment when I was 19. And I was like, I pulled the, this is the, it's so dumb too, because I was a chef. I had 15 knives, but it was the middle of the night. And the only thing that came to mind was to pull the bar out from the bench press, you know, like those bench press you keep at your house with the bar. from the bench press you know like those bench press yeah keep at your house with the bar i was like this is the only weapon i have i didn't have a basket i mean i didn't even have a baseball bat and and then the next day i was like okay it's time to get a gun yeah and uh man that ruger beautiful for years that thing i i used that thing for years but anyway i you know i just learned to shoot that way and i i would just take it to the to the range and shoot and this was before youtube so it wasn't like i could go like oh see how to use this semi-automatic pistol at the range to be effective it was just like go there and figure it out and i remember when things would get jammed i would be like oh my god this thing's gonna blow up you know because i didn't know shit yeah but yeah i will tell you i have had a lot of smith
Starting point is 00:28:28 and wessons in my life and i've never had a bad smith and wesson oh that's good that's great and i'll tell you a lot of people uh will say amen to that that's a good thing maybe it's time for me to get a smith and wess and see. Everything's different now, though. You know what I mean? Everything's like the old adages of like, I'll tell you what you need. You need one of these. I had one of these for 50 years.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And then you buy it and it breaks. And they're like, oh, yeah, well, they shipped it over. It's getting made over in, you know, Bangladesh now. Sorry. But, you know, like I said, that one that I shot was nice. I like to have a full-size semi-automatic with a nice big magazine, you know, a nice weapon for combat, if you will. I also like a subcompact or even a compact semi-automatic handgun i think
Starting point is 00:29:28 they're nice to have i think they're nice to strap on you know what i mean when you don't have to worry about like printing when you don't have to worry about anything like that you know what i mean it's a small you can slip it into a backpack easy, all that kind of stuff. It's light. The biggest difference for me was how much or how less weight when I bought a subcompact and started carrying it, I was like, oh, wow, this is a different thing. I don't like shooting them, though. I can tell you that much. I definitely prefer to shoot a full-size handgun over a subcompact or a compact. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Just because it absorbs the recoil and stuff way better. Yeah. And I'm right there with you on revolver too. I would say, you know, I do like having the—I have no problem shooting with iron sights, but I've had the Crimson Trace for a while now, the red dot sight on my everyday carry gun, and that's nice. Once you get it all honed in and you get used to it, that's pretty nice. It's a pretty cool thing. So maybe for small arms, I'd recommend upgrade on the sights or something,
Starting point is 00:30:37 and probably a weapon light too. That's a good thing to have. Small arms, PBN fam. Yeah, there you go. There you go. If Phil Rabelais was here, he'd tell you a CZ Scorpion for the backpack. Yeah. Hey, it shoots 9mm, right?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah. Does anyone store charcoal, and how would someone go about it? Huh. I don't. No, i haven't stored it i mean if you had to you could make it i think that's the better answer yeah find a good hickory tree and you know what one that's fallen and and you could easily make it by heating it, you know. Charcoal, as long as you don't get it wet, it lasts forever. Yeah. I mean, it's just charred wood.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. So. I mean, there's a good method if you have a burn barrel. I'm sure some of you have a burn barrel. If you have a burn barrel, I'm sure some of you have a burn barrel, there's a really easy method to doing it where you can start a fire in that burn barrel. And you might also have a small feed trash can, metal feed trash can with a lid. If you put holes in that thing and take chunks of wood, and if I were to do this, I would just chainsaw chunks of wood off of the split wood that I already split
Starting point is 00:32:11 because I think that would give you a perfect chunk. Yeah. And you fill that metal trash can up and put it in your burn barrel, and you let that thing rock and make sure that your burn barrel's rocking. I don't know, an hour, something like that. So my brother was deep into knife making, and he started with charcoal, and he went with bituminous coal. So there's another option.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It burns hotter. That's like Coke. Don't they call that coke? Well, coke is refined. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah, bituminous is just dug out of the ground, and it's a rock that'll burn. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, Somerset County, you know, that's what you burnt. But it burns hotter. So if you want a hotter flame, if you're doing metal work and you want something hotter to make that metal more brittle, I guess, the coal works better than the charcoal. That makes sense. Look, from my experience with blacksmithing, which I've been doing it for a while now, that's the biggest pain in the ass is the heats.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yep. You know what I mean? The heats and getting it all the way heated up, like the propane forge that I have is, it's the bottom of the barrel in terms of heating. It takes a long time to really get the metal hot enough. Yeah. And, you know, then you've got to be efficient with your, well, all right, let's not turn it into that.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I got a great one here, though, and it's a very interesting take see the one of the biggest benefits of this reddit preppers group is that i guess aside from me they allow all kinds of people they really do i mean but but a lot of the people have takes on reasons why they prep that are varied and i like reading them you know so this guy's question is i got a solar oven should those be considered when prepping but i want to read his total not his whole entry but just the beginning of his entry because it's interesting he says hello everyone i'm sort of new to prepping but i started to get more invested as the political situation in the United States, I predict, will deteriorate very rapidly in the coming year.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Okay. And then he says, and with our inaction about the climate crisis, I also think our infrastructure will collapse in the near future due to flood, heat wave, or storms, or maybe all three in the span of a few months. So you've got a guy here who is, or a gal here, I don or storms, or maybe all three in the span of a few months. So you've got a guy here who is, or a gal here, I don't know, someone draws. His name is someone draws. You've got a person here who shares a variety of sort of concerns about the situation in the United States.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You know what I mean? Yeah. you know what i mean yeah well you know the reasons for prepping is as many as the reasons for you know just about anything yeah that's true we just talked about japan and i named three threats that are right off the top of my head and then you add and you're on an island. Yeah, right. Yeah. So the guy thinks. He's asking about solar ovens. Well, no, he got one. Wait, did he get one? Yeah, I got a solar oven, should those be considered when prepping.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Well, you can talk to this firsthand, but you got to know capabilities and limitations. Yeah, big time. And a solar oven is a great thing for off-grid cooking, but if the sun ain't shining, you ain't cooking. Yeah. Yeah, it's a good tool. The sun oven is a cool little tool to have. You could dehydrate on it pretty effectively too which can be cool without electricity yeah you can't there are things you can't do too no matter how nice the day it is like you can't sear things like you can't really fry things right temperature low and slow you know
Starting point is 00:36:42 is what you're doing with a solar oven primarily baking it's pretty good for baking it's not bad i've done bread in there several times but even on a unfortunately even on a cloudy day you're gonna struggle like if you're not if you're not in a situation where you got direct sun particularly if you're doing like a meal meal like if you want and i learned this at prepper camp this year if you want to cook a meal meal for like people four to six people or something like that um you need sun it has to stay rocking you know or your whole process is going to just cool down to 200 degrees or something and you're going to be like all right dinner in uh six hours so yeah they get like six hours of sun left yeah right yeah if you got that right and then you know the worst possible thing that could
Starting point is 00:37:32 happen and one of the days actually it was a little too shady and i took the pasta sauce off the out of the sun oven that i was making and put it on my Coleman two burner because I was just like no this ain't you know I had red wine in it now you know it was good and I wasn't trying to uh number one I wasn't trying to lose it number two I wasn't trying to have it be you know something we wouldn't want to eat so I wound up pulling it out of there and and it was a beautiful day mostly sunny um but then there was some overcast that showed up around you know the end of the day and i was just like nope hanked it out yeah if you got nothing else but a solar oven then hell yeah you know good on you
Starting point is 00:38:17 but i wouldn't make it your only option i'm with dave jones dave jones when you told me about all your heating methods of the house yeah that's when i got on the kick of uh variety you know what i mean and variety doesn't have to mean variety doesn't have to mean uh money people hear variety and they think like oh god okay so what i gotta buy a solar oven i gotta buy buy that oven. No, it's just about exploring variety. Yeah. Taking advantage of all your opportunities. At a state sale, I picked up a Coleman two-burner, and it's the one that takes fuel, not propane. What do you mean, gasoline?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah, gasoline. Oh, sweet. That fuel is nothing more than unleaded gasoline. Okay? People don't know that. They'll pay $5 for a gallon tin of this Coleman fuel. Because we did this in Alaska. That's what we heated with, we lit our lanterns with, and we cooked on Coleman two-burner stoves, and it was gasoline.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Now, if you do this in your house, you know, carbon monoxide, oxygen, all that kind of stuff, but it's a method. Okay, so I got wood, I got electricity, I got propane, I got gasoline, and I got butane. So if I had to heat a room in the house and get everybody all snuggled into one room, I could easily do it five different ways. It's the way to go, man. Yeah. Well, it's contingency, right? It's pace. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It's all those things. Yeah. I got one just for you, Dave. Uh-oh. It was posted seven hours ago. What city or state is least likely to be hit with a nuke or bomb? I think it just means a nuke. Yeah. is least likely to be hit with a nuke or bomb i think it just means a nuke yeah well um
Starting point is 00:40:38 is the any of the interior of the united states you know the east coast and the left coast their targets their population center their production center, their transportation. You know, when San Diego Harbor went down, you know, everybody in the United States was hurting for stuff. So those are the places that will be targeted. And pretty much the breadbasket is going to stay all right. And I've already talked about Fallout enough. You guys don't need to hear any more of that Fallout. If you have any questions, NBC guy, Man.
Starting point is 00:41:16 We got Garden Girl in chat. We got JB in chat. Nice. We got the Patriot looking in. I can't tell who else. it's hard to tell because their little images are small um this is an interesting one i don't know if i can i can give you a little oh this says aside from weapons um what are some things you have used your 3d printer to help you prep i don't have a 3D printer, but for a little
Starting point is 00:41:46 while, a buddy Cameron and I were thinking about doing a 3D print outdoor camping products business, and we did print off some fishing lures. Actually, JB and Chat 3D prints fishing lures, I think. No, she might make her own jigs.'m sorry jb i can't remember exactly you can you can remind me um some of that stuff works some of that stuff was really nice you know uh i have seen a a sawyer adapter 3d printed before that like allowed the sawyer adapter to fit several different types of water bottles. Yeah. I think they go right on to like a Smart Water or something. I don't remember which.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Maybe a knife sheath? Yeah, I guess you could pull that off. That's a good call. What else did we do? We did arrowheads. We did these really cool lanterns. did we do? We did arrowheads. We did these really cool lanterns. They were like small
Starting point is 00:42:46 lantern caps that fit over the Olight S1R. Oh. So you would slip this thing over the flashlight, and then when you turn the flashlight on, boom, it was a lantern. It was like a big bulb at the end. That was kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:43:01 A little 3D printed thing. What else we got here at Reddit as we come to the end of the show here? Somebody posted a funny. I love these. I used to live for questions. When I went to Prepper events, sometimes they would do an expert panel, and they'd get us up there, and all the people would come and just fire questions at us. And I loved that.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Oh, yeah, man. You get five or six different perspectives. How can I get medicine for radioactive, for nuclear fallout? Oh. Prussian blue. DTPA can be used for radiation poisoning and silver sulfatazine for third degree burns. You know, I don't I don't know enough about that, actually. Oh, he has a stockpile of potassium iodide already. OK, well, I think that's that's pretty much it right there.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Okay. Well, I think that's pretty much it right there. Silverdine is an ointment that eliminates bacteria for burn patients. That's right. Sulfate is, yeah, yeah, that's it. He says third degree burns. That makes sense. Yep. That way they can put it on, wrap it up, and the bacteria, because subsequent infections is what gets you with the burns. Oh. Yeah, yeah. Good grief. Let's see what else we got. Fortunate to have a get-home bag. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Come on, dude. This has got to be a joke. Oh, no. Two days ago. This is insane. I mean, you're not really going to learn much from me and Dave on this, because we already espouse all about it. He says,
Starting point is 00:45:04 any use for pork fat? Oh. The wife and I are processing an 18-pound pork butt, and it looks like we're going to end up with about 5 pounds of fat. Seems like a waste to throw it all away. Oh, he's throwing gold away. Oh, my God. Don't you dare do it. Oh, my God. Don't you dare do it.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Oh, my God. Hey, and the other day when you were talking about your fats and lards and all that kind of stuff, don't even throw away your old expired stuff because they can power a lamp. Yeah, that's a good call. You can put a wick in there. Oh, okay. I've got six ways to heat my house. Ah!
Starting point is 00:45:49 There you go. There you go you go yeah pork fat is king it's everything oh my god magic you can't tell you i eat a tablespoon of it every morning with vitamins i'm just kidding i can't tell you how many quart jars we have right now on the shelf because it's just unbelievable. Man, I need to buy some, actually. I used all mine up from the last pig, and I didn't get a ton from this one. Yeah, your pig looked pretty lean. He was pretty lean. He didn't have a whole lot of that good leaf fat in him like the one we did before.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And then I also roasted the ribs up separate and left all that good fat there with them and turned the pork belly into bacon. So we missed out on that. But it's indispensable now. You know what I mean? These pork fat, these lards and these tallows, guys, like they might be the best thing for you to cook with. Maybe barring maybe olive oil. Maybe. I don't know. But maybe not. You know, maybe olive oil maybe i don't know but maybe not you know they're they're probably i don't know this this is not me saying something i know this is intuitive but there's a lot of stuff about inflammation coming out about eating certain
Starting point is 00:46:57 kinds of vegetables and how they interact with your body i still eat them you know what i mean i don't care i like vegetables but i have to imagine that olive oil might have that kind of effect, too. I think if you're looking for a fat that your body just really loves and probably really has an easy time digesting, it has to be these animal fats, these pork fats that you know because they're they're they're not processed at all there's no processing like if you could take an olive for me and show me how you turn it into oil i would love to see it i have no idea how that works you know what i mean but i know exactly how like an olive press and that's what you read on the on the cold pressed if you get cold pressed yeah and then some of them are not that way you know those those are the cheaper olive oils because they just press them again squeeze them harder yeah i probably warm them too you know you probably get more oil to move when they're warm um But yeah, anybody can make beef tallow.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You don't need a press. You don't need a tool. You could do it with a fire and a steel cup. You know what I mean? Beef tallow is very, very cheap. I mean, probably like a dollar a pound. Yeah, it's awesome. I mean, I really think that.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I think butter's up there too butter's probably up there but then again that's an animal byproduct um that's why i think your body's like oh yeah i know what this is let's get this all in here but after a year of munching pork fat yeah after the joneses it's just superior in so many ways, man, for cooking, for baking. I have a spouse. And then we did, I kept a tallow around too last year, and it's just, it feels like your body knows what it is better than it knows what a processed oil is,
Starting point is 00:48:56 a nut oil, a coconut oil, or whatever those, you know, whatever kind of fancy oil you might be cooking with. I remember when I used to be terrified of eating eggs and fat. Yeah. I remember those years. I avoided that stuff like crazy. And then when we got chickens, I said, well, I'm just going to eat these eggs every day.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And if they kill me, they kill me. And if they don't, at least I have something cool to talk about. Well, I'll tell you, eggs are like the perfect protein. They are amazing. They are just 100%. If you can eat eggs, Maria has later in life developed an allergy to them. Oh, no. Yes, she can.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I would be heartbroken. She is. She is. Jeez. to him oh no yes she can't be heartbroken she is she is geez yeah i mean if you had chickens and pigs you're gonna eat like a god through the apocalypse chickens and pigs chickens and pigs and you're eating good baby that's all there that's all you really need if you know what you're doing so yeah man plenty to do with pork fat never throw it away you know even phil rabelais uh espouses the importance of sausage fat and bacon grease yep you know cooking up the sausage in the morning and all that and uh saving that beat the grease yep we used to do it all the time when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Whenever mom made bacon or sausage, she'd pour that fat off and later on make gravy and biscuits. She kept all that. You could oil your guns with it if you didn't have gun oil. Oh, that's a good point. You could lubricate, protect, steel. You can lubricate, protect, steal. I use all that on my high-carbon knives that rust quite readily.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, good point. Pork fat on that would be fine. It's not petroleum-based. It's not poison. You clean it off if you need to clean it off. Million and one uses. And you can burn it in a candle. There's a lot of new preppers on here, man.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Oh, man. They need to know about PBN. There's a lot of new preppers. I got guys. I'm just high preppers. I need some advice on what to get. I'm new to prepping. Just bought my first stock of supplies yesterday.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Wow. There's a lot of them. Oh, here's a good one. I did a show. I did a show about this not long ago and it got future Dan all fired up. Preparedness, myths, illusions, and fantasies most commonly talked about or encountered yeah that's a biggie there's all kinds of fantasy yep i remember that yeah that so that's what this guy asked about let's see what some people said no comments oh no 82 comments they dug this. How do I get to the comments section?
Starting point is 00:52:06 Oh, I got to scroll down. Let's see what people said. From my experience, having been in various situations, people vastly underestimate how much in supplies they'll lose or how quickly they'll go through. People don't consider how they'll preserve food leftovers when they have no power. And there is no set it and forget it prep. People don't consider how they'll preserve food leftovers when they have no power.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And there is no set it and forget it prep. I don't know if that's fantasy, but illusion. I'd say probably the biggest illusion and one that is most helpful to break down, and I can tell you exactly how to break it down too, is your physical capability, particularly violence oh yeah especially if you're a dude yep like if you're a dude there's probably a good chance that you are sitting there right now listening to this thinking that if two guys break into your house they're getting fucked up you know what i mean yeah and that's most likely not the situation oh my god so when i was competing in taekwondo tournaments the rounds
Starting point is 00:53:16 were two minutes two minute rounds and you got three rounds oh my gosh oh my god exhausted yep i mean it was constant you were either throwing kicks or punches or you were blocked yeah people sleep on taekwondo man taekwondo is for real i mean you're getting kicked by another grown man it is you're gonna feel it yeah i'll tell i mean if i were if if if you're in that camp if you really think that you're gonna devastate someone in a physical altercation and you and maybe you're like strong or something like that um every every jujitsu school i've ever seen gives free classes. It's an introductory free class. So go to a jiu-jitsu introductory class
Starting point is 00:54:08 and get into the clutches of somebody who's like a purple or brown belt and it'll change your whole life. Yeah. It'll change your entire life. One of the most embarrassing moments of my adult life All
Starting point is 00:54:24 of my most embarrassing moments in my adult life i think happened on jujitsu mat but the most one of the most embarrassing if it happens in the bedroom that would be bad well nobody's around to laugh at you then just the lady you spend the rest of your life with but but i got um i got to i think it was revolutions bjj here in richmond and i get there and they gave me a little gi to wear and all that kind of stuff and um i get down in guard and this guy puts me in half guard which is basically i've got my legs wrapped around one of his legs and he's on top of me and he was in like his arms were up he wasn't putting all his weight on me or anything
Starting point is 00:55:10 and he was like all right now get out and uh i couldn't yeah and that was a that was a real rubber meets the road moment for me he wasn't that much bigger than me or anything it wasn't a big guy and i was like oh god i can't move this guy off me yeah and that was when i was like oh there's there's a whole nother layer to this thing i'll tell you another hilarious the probably the most maybe the funniest jujitsu story ever because when i started doing it i had i had maybe a one-year-old and I had like a five-year-old, something like that. No, no, no, maybe I didn't even have Jake yet. When did I start?
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah, because Carter was four when he first started doing Muay Thai, which was too young, but he did it anyway and he had some fun, I think. And I was doing jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai at the same time. So I got a four-year-old at home. We're tying shoes all the time. You know what I mean? Like, I want this kid to be able to read when he gets into school, into kindergarten, and I want this kid to be able to tie his shoes when I'm not around. Those are the two things. You know, the rest of it, the teachers can do for you. those are the two things you know the rest of it you the teachers can do for you so i'm tying shoes all the time and when you roll with a gi on yeah stupid your shirt comes off all the time your belt comes untied it's dumb i don't even know why they do it i'm rolling with this big dude he's got long hair he's not that
Starting point is 00:56:42 good like we're having a good time it's decently matched for as big as he is. And then we're drilling, you know, so, like, the coach is talking to us, and then we're walking through these steps, and then we're rolling and doing the drill. And it comes to a point where I'm in his guard, so he's got his legs wrapped around me, and I'm just kind of postured up, and we're listening to the coach, right? And his belt's untied.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I grabbed his belt and tied it for him real quick without even thinking about it and looked at him, and he looked at me, and we were like, in our heads, we were like, I don't know if that was tinged with homosexuality or not and then we just both started laughing and got back to it but it was such a weird moment man it was just like my brain was so triggered just like shit's untied tie it shit's untied tie it that i was just like and he looked at me and i looked at him and i was like
Starting point is 00:57:46 just like and he looked at me and i looked at him and i was like let's just let's just move past this together but yeah myths of your physical prowess gentlemen listen up it's not a movie out there now another thing if you're not sparring sparring on a regular basis, you don't have the reaction time. You don't have the—you're just going to have to come full force, give it everything you got with one shot because you can't square off with someone if you haven't been sparring. Oh, yeah, and they have. Yeah. Yeah, if they have, you're in big trouble.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah. If they have and you haven't. If you're both coming from they have, you're in big trouble. Yeah. If they haven't, you haven't. If you're both coming from square one, you might be all right. It's going to be funny, but it might be all right. Right. But you're 100% right, Dave Jones. I remember the first time I sparred, period. And I was just like, oh, and I thought I was pretty good at hitting objects that didn't move.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah. I felt really good about hitting things that didn't move. I felt really good about hitting things that didn't move and knowing where to be. And I was like, oh, God, I'm just going to get my legs kicked this whole time. Because I got too much to worry about from the shoulders. And you know what I mean? From the waist up, there's too much to worry about. I can't even imagine worrying about from the waist
Starting point is 00:59:05 down on top of it and trying to move yeah it's uh it's a thing that's a big one um what else let's do one more illusion myth fantasy of the fallen okay one more then i gotta go that works That works for me. It's nine. We did it. Yep. All right. Let's see. Misperceptions. Like I need to have a million dollars or I need a Humvee. What? Oh, my God, no. A Humvee. That's funny. As a matter of fact, those two things would make you a target.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, really? That's a good point. You know, a lot of times people ask me about a bug out vehicle that's EMP proof. And I said, well, yeah, you can do it. It takes a lot of work. Explain all this stuff. And then I say to them, do you really want to be the only person out there that has a moving vehicle? Yeah, I've heard it, and I've seen the revelation on people's face in real time when you've done this in class, because I know this question's come up with me present at one of your classes. Yeah. You would be nothing but a target.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah, the only car. It's that War of the Worlds scene. Yeah. Remember that one? Yeah. Well, one? Yep. Well, I think we can go out on that note. That's a good tidbit. Look, I'll try to post this thing in the... Huh? Okay, that's great.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yeah, we had a great show. Touched on all kinds of bases, Dave Jones. These are fun, man. I'll miss these when there's no more of these left I'll tell you that much the Q&A's from Reddit with Dave Jones the NBC guy these are a good time I'll see maybe tomorrow I'll beg and plead once again to the Reddit people and say listen
Starting point is 01:00:56 see but see this is where I get myself in trouble though at the beginning of the show I asked the audience to contemplate a violent revolution in the United States so immediately they're asked the audience to contemplate a violent revolution in the United States. So immediately they're going to listen to the episode and go, no, no, no, buddy. Yeah. You didn't get my input on that, but I think it has to be on the table. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:19 How it's going to all go down and transpire. I have visions of guys going into the armory parking lot and driving away with tanks. I have visions of people, you know, military people flying jets to some airport that they know they can fly them to. I mean, I just have, this country is so divided. This country is so divided. You have to wonder how many of the military will be on our side. I know it would be a large portion. Yeah. You know, and the deeper we get into World War, I think the more likely the military is going to be on the side of isolation. You know, it's not like Peter is going to be like, I can't wait to go over and fight in the Pacific against China.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Yeah. You know what I mean? For the sake of Taiwan. Yeah. Well, it's a whole different thing when you're fighting your neighbors. Well, exactly. I would it what kind of an animal would you have to be to be like you know what i think i'm on the side of joe biden and the government in this one i don't see it joe biden and the government i'm on joe biden and
Starting point is 01:02:39 the government side for this team i'm on the team. Does that mean we get to nap all day? I thought that's what that meant. And eat ice cream. All right, Dave Jones, I'll let you get some rest. I gotta get home, too. And prepare for Tuesday. Yep, Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Thanks, man. Thank you, sir. All right, PBN family, please do us all a favor support those incredible sponsors and uh that's it for me I'll talk to you guys probably tomorrow with some PBN daily news
Starting point is 01:03:16 until then man in the words of the immortal Dave Jones prep on thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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