The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: REDDIT Q&A w/ Dave Jones

Episode Date: July 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. bbn family we are live it is preppers live it is going to be uh a night of intense knowledge i hope you've brought pen and paper yeah come join. Come join us from all across the lands. Share this one out. Get the link. Share this thing out because we got Dave Jones, the NBC guy with us first and foremost. That's huge, right? And we're doing Reddit Q&A. We're doing Q&A stuff. Nothing beats a Reddit Q&A We're doing Q&A stuff Nothing beats a good Q&A from time to time You know, we can talk about what we What is, you know On top of our minds at the time
Starting point is 00:01:16 You know what I mean? But it's hard to delve into everything That everyone is thinking Because you just don't know you know you got your own issues your own things your own whatever it is you're working on that kind of stuff and uh sometimes it's so nice when you have a have a show like this and people start teasing your brain with these questions and you're like oh yeah i forgot i knew about that dave jones being the guy that he is he's likely forgot more stuff than i even know so you get a
Starting point is 00:01:53 chance to hang with him on the show like this man it's a big one um real quick uh we're gonna start doing some rumble twitter live stream stuff. Probably PBN Daily News video live on Rumble Live on Twitter. The reason being, Rumble and Twitter are working together now. So I can hit both platforms at one time. Actually, I don't even know. I don't even know if I need to do video.
Starting point is 00:02:22 But we'll live stream there and at Twitter. One thing I haven't done at Twitter is don't even know if I need to do video. But we'll live stream there and at Twitter. One thing I haven't done at Twitter is live stream. Never done it. Not once. So it's worth checking out. I got a story for you, though, that I had to check and check and check and check. Because it's about as onion and it's about as Babylon Bee as it gets.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Okay? Came out seven hours ago. I'll give you the headline. The 20s. The 20s. What we refer to as the 20s by our kids and grandkids will be a time no one will ever not talk about. You know what I mean? They'll look back at the 20s and they'll say,
Starting point is 00:03:08 I just, I can't believe the things that happened. Case in point, from, Taylor Swift and Oprah to moderate a blitz primary that will displace Joe Biden in the presidential race. Yeah, when I read that, I said, uh, I said, uh, this is fake. This has to be fake. So then I went and did some research. The Independent headline seven hours ago, Democrats pitch blitz primary to replace Joe Biden, with a little help from Taylor Swift and Oprah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 New York Post, Democrat memo details plan to replace Biden in blitz primary. Live, Democrats splintering on Biden as president vows to continue 2024 campaign. Democrats splintering on Biden as president vows to continue 2024 campaign. So I don't know that the blitz primary itself will be Democrats pitch. What is this? Washington examiner Democrats pitch condensed blitz primary to ditch Biden and hoist new leader. So it's it's the Democrats plan to get rid of Joe. But what it seems like to me is Joe's not going.
Starting point is 00:04:28 He ain't going for it. He's not going down without a fight, old Joey B. So, I don't know. You know, we'll just have to see how that goes. But, I mean, Taylor Swift and Oprah. You know, I can't think of a more fair and balanced way to pick a candidate. You know what I mean? It's a wild time, folks. Like I said, the 20s are magnificent in every way, shape, and form.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Truly. I mean truly. The 20s are magnificent. I've got a really cool new item to show you guys. cool new item to show you guys. It is a, I guess, I don't know if I want to get into it tonight. It's coming, okay? It's a water filter, I'll tell you that much. And there are varying degrees of water filters. I've never really found a water filter, at least one that, you know that I was willing to buy that helped with the radiological, that helped with the nuclear. Three years ago or so, I had a dream about an EMP going off over Ukraine. Well, a nuke high-altitude EMP going off over Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I told Dave about it. And about a month later, you know, this is all going on as the wheels were falling off. Kind of literally, the Russian-Ukraine war. Remember what happened with the tanks early on with Russia? They ran out of gas and stuff. Russia. They ran out of gas and stuff. And about a month or two after that, I had a dream that a nuclear weapon detonated off the island of the United Kingdom. And that was wild. And there was like waves lapping at a shoreline and out there in the ocean, almost as if it missed, or if it was designed to create some kind of a tidal wave. Yeah, there it was detonating off the coast. Now, the Ukraine thing was me
Starting point is 00:06:35 looking down at my cell phone in a nightmare. I was looking down at my cell phone in a nightmare and I said, oh man, they hit them with an EMP. It's crazy. Then the other one was more like I was there. That was one of those dreams where it felt like you're really there watching it. You're seeing it. And the waves rolling in and I guess what would eventually be the radiated waves and the radiated tidal wave that would splash upon the shores. And listen, whatever happens with Oprah's and Taylor Swift's plan, you know, up until the election, unless good old Kamala gets in there somehow, you know, boxes Joe out and becomes Madam President. I'll tell you what, I'd be very upset if our first black president is mixed in. Our first woman president is Kamala Harris. That will be pretty that kind of make me upset a little.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Come on. I wanted the first female president to be Donald Trump's vice president. What's her name? She's great. I can't believe I forgot her name. The Hawaii military woman who ran away. Tulsi Gabbard. There she is. Tulsi Gabbard. There she is.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Tulsi Gabbard. Yeah, I want her to be the first female president. I'd like to see Donald Trump come in, give his all, maybe die of a heart attack in his third year,
Starting point is 00:08:20 and then her come in as president. I'm kidding. Dave Jones, what's up? Are you in now or are you still eating? No, no as I'm kidding. Dave Jones, what's up? Are you in now? Are you still eating? No, no, I'm in. OK, Dave Jones is with us, ladies and gentlemen. It's legit. It's real. It's here. Can you believe Oprah Taylor Swift to host the primary blitz? Well, that's that's a very powerful, you know powerful political combination. I can't think of someone I'd like to talk politics with more than Taylor Swift or the future of the country.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Exactly. America through the eyes of a 14-year-old girl in the body of a 30-year-old girl. Yeah. Right? I mean, yeah. Yeah. I don't want to want to go and then oprah is she back up is she is she 300 pounds again i have no idea oprah winifree winifree she said uh people magazine two days ago says oprah raved about this podiatrist approved shoe brand for years so she's doing ad stuff i guess cozy earth extended fourth of july sale oprah winifree says one uncomfortable habit separates the doers from the non-doers oh good to know oh wait wait what's this oprah
Starting point is 00:09:41 hospitalized for serious stomach pains 19 hours ago. Fans blame popular drug. Oh, is she on Ozempic? Oh, I don't know. She could have eaten turkey. She must be. This came out literally 19 hours ago from Newsner Stories. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I've never heard of that. She was absent from CBS Mornings where she announces her book club selection. It looks like she had stuff coming out of both ends, said Oprah. Dang. Which created an explosion of concern for people who connected her condition with weight loss drugs. You might be on to something, Dave Jones. Anyhow, we're not here to talk Oprah and Taylor Swift. Thank heavens for all of you.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Thank heavens for all of you. We're here to go down the list of the Reddit Preppers Forum, chat room, whatever the hell this is. I do love me Reddit, though. Let's see what these guys got going on i was checking out amazon prime early the prime day is coming you know i can't even say out loud what i was hoping to get um but but uh what i did notice is there were only a few items on the pre-sales that were running out and they were all solar generators that's surprising yeah that's surprising yeah now that says something right there i think it was eco blue or something like that is that that sounds right yeah eco blue i'm pretty sure were the ones yeah runs, and they were running out.
Starting point is 00:11:26 People are buying them. People are buying them, man. People know. Yeah. And every time I pull up YouTube, I get that Four Patriots ad. Oh, man, they're everywhere. Those guys are absolutely everywhere. Yeah, no doubt about it. The Prepper camp this year is going to be astounding
Starting point is 00:11:48 i mean it's good it i just can't even imagine the types of people we i thought last year was pretty um i don't know last year seemed to be people from all walks of life to a new level now now it's like i mean we even had some people in there who are like punk rock to the max we thought they were from antifa yeah they turned out to be really cool so i get i imagine it's going to be even more even more folks who are you know just like let me go see what's going on be even more, even more folks who are, you know, just like, let me go see what's going on with Prepper Camp. Because I was talking to my wife. I said, we will be like one month out.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Literally. Prepper Camp marks basically one month from election. That's crazy. That is crazy. I feel like we might need to talk to rick about that as a marketing element well you know i'm surprised the tickets haven't sold out already well that's a good point i don't know they may have but because it's it's gonna be positively and everybody says it it's not just me saying it you know yeah i mean all those youtube preppers they're saying oh you know the election and then uh kamala harris won't uh
Starting point is 00:13:15 validate the vote to keep trump out of office and that'd be you know that that would be something wouldn't it that would be then they'll see an insurrection a for real one that would be something ok you ready to get into this thing Dave Jones oh yeah I think we're running out should I tell them about my turkey emergency
Starting point is 00:13:41 oh yeah why not let them know man when the turkeys run wild, you never know. Yeah. Well, they ran wild for a reason. We let the two golden retrievers out to run a little bit. Now, they're in a fenced-in area, but they got out of the fence. And then they started charging up where the turkeys were and it was just total chaos yeah yeah total pandemonium i mean uh they got one turkey pinned it down now they didn't do anything to it i don't
Starting point is 00:14:15 know if they knew what to do you know well that's a good thing though that is that is and then we're wrestling golden retrievers and man i i got yanked and pulled across the yard clover is very popular and um but we got everything under control maria just came in and reported we had six of the chickens run away she found found them. She found all of them. Yeah. Wow. Especially this time of night. That's that's impressive. Well, she is a chicken whisperer. Oh, is she?
Starting point is 00:14:55 She got. Yeah, she got this called. Giddy, giddy, giddy, giddy. I don't know. It's Romanian. I can't translate it. And they just come. They're like, oh, mom's calling. And they just come. They're like, oh, mom's calling.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And they just come. Man, I'm chickenless at the moment. Oh, my God. Yeah, I know. I'm chickenless. I've been chickenless for like three weeks since vacation. They all died the day before vacation. Oh, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, they got disappeared. Yeah. the day before vacation. Oh, I remember that. Yeah, they got disappeared. And then I came back from vacation and I was like, we're going away to another event the following weekend.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And I said, you know what? I'll just wait. We got back from that. We had another big weekend and now it's like, okay, I think this week we'll go get ourselves the egg factory turned back up. Because, you know, I feel naked without them.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Well, yeah, it's quite a thing in your life that you program your life around, and when you don't got it, it feels like you're, you know, wearing boots and only one sock. Well, I'll tell you what really feels bad. That's good. I'll tell you what really feels weird and what really feels kind of depressing, actually, is to walk into the supermarket and grab your 18 eggs and walk up to the counter and pay for them. And the only thing more depressing than that is when you get them home and crack them into the pan and you're like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yes. This is insane right here. I can't believe people eat these things. Yep. They're yellow, pale, miserable, just limp little eggs. I don't know. It's a sad thing. I haven't eaten supermarket eggs in so long I forgot.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Dude, it's crazy. It's crazy. They're tiny. You get a large supermarket egg after you're used to getting your own chicken egg and you pick it up in your hand and you're like, this is a large? What the hell is a small?
Starting point is 00:17:01 A quail egg? Good God. they're tiny. But yeah, I got to have them. I can't do life without eggs in the morning. I'm like addicted or something. I don't know. I eat other stuff for breakfast sometimes, you know, and then a couple days go by and my body's like, You better make them eggs.
Starting point is 00:17:20 You better make those damn eggs. I don't know what it is. They're like vitamins or something. Yeah, we're going to get them back. I think we're going to get quails too. I think I'm finally going to try quail out. I'm going to put them in the same pen. Not in the same coop, but in the same fenced-in pen.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah. They're super easy. They're just like clockwork. Now, these quail that we got from a local lady here, They're super easy. They're just like clockwork. Now, these quail that we got from a local lady here, we incubated them and got them. They're not the, what do they call it, jumbo quail or giant quail. They're not the ones we used to have. And Maria doesn't like what they're doing, so we're going to get the giant quail or jumbo quail, whatever they call them.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Jumbo. Japanese. Yeah. It's jumbo. It's like saying jumbo shrimp. Yeah, well, hey, that's why I'm getting them. Not because they taste like shrimp, but because I want something reproducing going into the fall. And I can't do a rooster it i just don't we don't want roosters we cannot legally allowed to have roosters that
Starting point is 00:18:31 wouldn't necessarily stop me but i also don't want a rooster because of neighbors and kids and dogs and all that kind of stuff so um yeah the quail is what i'm thinking I'm thinking let's go quail Let's get some meat production In this little Urban backyard And then We may do tilapia too The aquaponics is going strong We're growing kale
Starting point is 00:18:55 It's getting eaten by bugs now We've reached the bug portion But that's alright It's time to replan It's time to do the fall garden. My first garden was a little rough. So, yeah, I got the tank is all ready to go. All I need is a little filter system.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I just found a pretty cool filter design in a five-gallon bucket I think I'm going to do, and we'll see what we can do with fish until the hell freezes over, I guess, you know. Well, I would like to hear all about that because we've been threatening fish for years and just haven't pulled the trigger on them i don't know yeah they're pretty cheap yeah the tilapia are cheap it looks like and from what i understand it's it's pretty easy yeah Yeah, I mean, it seems like it. It seems like you need to put some substrate at the bottom for the eggs, some kind of gravel, some kind of rock, and then, you know, to cling to.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And then you've got to have a filtration system that keeps that water the way it needs to be. And then I think I'm going to actually install a rain barrel on the backside of the house because I've been, since the beginning of this aquaponics, I've been using rainwater exclusively, and I want to keep that up because the chlorinated will kill the fish probably. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:23 We don't have to worry about that because we got well water but uh hey has it rained at all where you were at yeah it rained today we got a little bit of rain not not much though i mean it's it's phenomenal fishing right now the james river is epically low it's so good i almost stepped on a copperhead the other day man yikes in the middle of the river oh he was trying to cool off dude it was crazy i couldn't believe you won't believe it so i i went the middle of this spot i never could walk to but i can walk there now wade there because the river's so low. And I caught it, like, a 20-inch smallmouth there one year. It's the biggest smallmouth I ever caught.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So I'm like, oh, I want to get over here and see what the hell's going on, because the big guy came from over here. And I'm standing up on this rock, and I'm looking down in the water. The sun's at my back, so all the fish see me, and they're all nervous and swimming around. But there's a lot of smallmouth in there, and I'm like, like, I'll play with them for a little bit. And I catch a little one, and I take him off the hook, and I'm looking down at the fish, and I'm thinking, I don't want to throw him right back in where I got him because then he's going to scare the fish even more.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Then they won't bite. So I'm going to chuck him to my left into the running water, and he'll go downstream. to my left into the running water, and he'll go downstream. He wiggles out of my hand down onto the sand below the rock I'm standing on. The rock's probably like three feet high, so I'm perched up pretty high. But I'm already thinking I want to step down on that sand because then they'll calm down. They won't be able to see me as much, and they'll calm down.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I'll just sit here and catch them. But I dropped him down on the sand sit here and catch him but uh i dropped him down on the sand first and he's flopping around and i'm like oh i gotta go down here and kick him into the water because he's just gonna die on the sand if he doesn't make his way back to the water yeah and i look down and i see the copperhead body i mean i know i'm so good you know that it like triggers automatically boom copperhead pattern and uh yeah i see it and i'm like oh i threw him on top of a dead copperhead it must have drowned because i'm out in the middle of the room and then i noticed it's it's bit him it's bit him in the stomach
Starting point is 00:22:36 yeah oh yeah i dropped the fish i don't know where the snake came from it might have been sitting there the whole time and i didn't notice it because I'm looking in the water. It bit him in the belly. He's flopping around. He's like maybe he's pretty small. He's probably like seven, eight inch, you know, small mouth. And he's flopping around the belly. He winds up flopping free because I guess the copperhead said, I can't swallow this thing. This thing's big, too big for him.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And he winds up flopping free and swims off. I guess he died. he had to die and i looked down there and that thing goes darts right back under the rock i'm standing on and i said if i were to step down into that sand and took a cast i probably would have stepped right on that thing it would have bit me yeah it's crazy're reached down for the fish to oh god yeah oh oh dude yeah it was crazy but you know that i made the mistake of telling my wife and i think she's a little nervous of the river now so we'll have to let that die down a bit because we weighed all over that thing i walked through walk through this tall grass. It's like this thick, tall grass I always walk through. And my kids and my wife are always like, isn't there snakes in there?
Starting point is 00:23:51 And I'm like, no, there ain't no damn snakes in here. Yeah, yeah. Shit. Well, you know, the other day, I think you were on vacation when I did this daily audio cash. I moved a bag of mulch and there was one underneath there. Oh, and coiled up looking at you. He coiled back like he was going to strike. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah. And I didn't have the judge on me. And I ran in to get the gun and came out and he was gone. Long gone. Oh, yeah. they'll run. Oh, yeah, and fast, too. Yeah, I grabbed the nearest blunt object now. I used to do that.
Starting point is 00:24:36 My dog's been bit two times. And I used to be like, let me go get a shovel or whatever. Now I just, whatever's close and hard and long enough that i won't get bit i kill them things on site you got to oh you know what happened the one time because this was so dangerous because my kids like to go out and get the eggs and the eve the top eve we have like a yeah we have like an a-frame chicken coop in the top eve there's a there's a nesting box on either side and the top eve over the left side of the eve or under the eve was a freaking copperhead
Starting point is 00:25:12 one day just sitting there and i was like oh god look at this thing and i didn't i tried to shoot him with a bb gun yeah i tried to shoot him with a bb gun and i missed and he took off and then we spent literally an hour my wife and i chasing this thing up and down the fence trying to kill it because i didn't want to get away because this was post bite this is when the dog had already been bitten and i said my wife's gonna be a mess i'm gonna be worried about it i have to kill it yeah eventually we did but yeah they're a pain in the ass now we put the snake stuff around my wife found this amazing i got to find out what the product is she didn't buy it for this reason this stuff is designed to kill grass we were killing some grass on our patio but it was all natural stuff it smelled so strong of clove that i was like
Starting point is 00:26:08 if we spray this shit around the perimeter of the yard the snake will never come around here i think that might be a winner i'm gonna do some research on that and figure out what that is i'll let everybody know i could tell you know what i mean you could tell the smell of something like if you use the snake repellent and you smell the mothball smell and that kind of stuff, I think this clove oil stuff would do it. But anyhow, yeah, snakes are a pain in the ass. You guys got rattlers up there, though, too, don't you? Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You ever run into one of those? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm driving along, and I see it on the road. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm driving along and I see it on the road. Oh, boy. And I said, man, that looked like a rattler. So I back up. Someone had already run over it once.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And I open up the car door and sure enough, it's, you know, and I just close the door and drive away. And someone said, well, didn't you get the rattle? I'm like, no, I'm not going to mess with it. What are you, crazy? Yeah, really. Remember PrepperCon 2018? Yes. PrepperCon 2018, Dave Jones and I in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And watching the Prepper fashion show and and uh i went to the natural history museum which was phenomenal dinosaur bones like pulled right from utah awesome but they had they talked about these hiking trails they had out back and i was like yeah i'll go to the museum i ubered there i didn't you know i flew so i we were there And then I went back on these hiking trails. And one of them was like high hedges on either side. And on my way back down, I got rattled. Uh-oh. On my way back down, a rattle started going off right next to me.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And I just hauled ass down that trail. I didn't see it. I didn't look for it. It told me what to do and i obeyed yeah i was on a orienteering course in alabama yeah and we're my partner and i and we're running i mean we're running and there's this ditch and I jump over this ditch and just on the other side where I am about to land a rattler. And if someone can change location in midair, I did. Oh, that's too good, man. Yeah. Run, man. Jesse Owens ain't got shit on too good, man. Yeah. Run. Man, Jesse Owens ain't got shit on him, man.
Starting point is 00:28:49 If I could fly. They said, why were you running so fast? I said, because I couldn't fly. Yeah, right. Exactly. Oh, that's so good, man. Yeah, they change everything. They change everything when you see them poisonous snakes.
Starting point is 00:29:04 You're like, oh. Well, snakes change everything. They change everything when you see them poisonous snakes. You're like, oh. Well, snakes in general. But, man, that was. All right, we'll start. Right. Oh, yeah. We'll start out with a. Oh, this is from the sensible prepper.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Oh, yeah, I think I know. Yeah, I think I know that channel, right? Isn't that YouTube? Yeah, it's a channel, yeah. So it's from the Reddit, TheSensiblePrepper, and I guess it was reposted here, and it says, not that sensible prepper from YouTube. Not that. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Oh, this is not him. Okay, this is another person. Okay. Not that sensible prepper from YouTube. So this must be another Reddit guy with the same name. collapse. And there's a little bit of writing under a lot of new preppers have asked questions about backup power for the grid water and sewage issue and the power goes out. And they put a video up. The video is not directed at preppers. What is the video? Let's just take a peek at the video real quick. Where the hell the video go? I clicked the link no video. I don't know where the hell the video go. I clicked the link. No video. I don't know. The question is important. How long would society last during a total grid collapse? Dave Jones, what's your take on that one? really good uh mockumentary that national geographic did and i can't remember what year they did it but obama was in office and they have clips of him speaking and uh i think it was called blackout america and when american blackout Yeah something like that That's what it is I got it in front of me
Starting point is 00:31:06 October 25th 2013 A catastrophic prolonged failure Of the electric grid And the effects are depicted in this Nat Geo channel upcoming documentary Yeah it's really good It follows different groups of people You know and what
Starting point is 00:31:24 Goes on with them. And I think it's as accurate as you could portray something like that. Now, it only lasted like six or seven days, but in those six or seven days, it was total, you know, chaos. It was total, you know, chaos. And there was a group of people they followed that was in a college, and they got stuck in an elevator. Oh, God. Did they eat each other? I know. And, you know, no help is coming.
Starting point is 00:31:59 No. The help is not coming, right? Definitely not. You're going to have to do something yourself. So that's what they did eventually. One guy died. He fell down the elevator shaft. And then there was one group that was a prepper group, which I found interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah. And that family, you know, they bugged out. They went to their location. The boyfriend went with them to the girl. It's this guy's daughter. It was it was interesting. So if anybody gets a chance, see that American blackout. I'm sure you can find it on YouTube. a chance see that american blackout i'm sure you can find it on youtube yeah american blackout when it first starts there's going to be a period of time where people like party where uh okay let's have a block party you know let's cook up our food uh and they won't know they won't know that the power is never coming back on okay that's scary right yeah and and this is your time you know to what what i say is change your pants. And the reason I say that is because you know that the power is never coming back on.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And that's the reason you, and implement your plan. You will have a window of time before the chaos starts because no one else knows this. Okay, let's say it's an EMP and that brilliant flash of light and everybody's like awestruck and they don't know why their stuff isn't working. It was a solar flare. Yeah, it could be. But you'll know. And this is your time to, you know, get everybody home. Establish your perimeter.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Start, you know, start your SHTF plan. Oh, yeah. If you're bugging out, it's time to get bugging. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And if you have any lead time, I mean, hey, did you see Drew on Dr. Phil? I did, yeah. I've been working closely with Drew lately.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Oh, man, he hit the big time. I'm telling you, man. So many people, so many people are seeing the light. I just wonder if they're too late. I don't know. I hope not. I hope not. I hope not. It's like you said today in the Daily Audio cast, something is better than nothing.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, that's a good way to look at it. I've always looked at it that way too. So what do you think? How long before people start going from, hey, block party mode to I'm going to eat the neighbor and loot the store mode. Looting probably start right off the bat, right, if it's a widespread lack. I mean, they loot with broad daylight and all services on is looting anymore. Yeah. I would say 48 hours. At the most, you've got 48 hours. Okay. How long was the site last during total grid collapse got 48 hours. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:47 How long was society last during total grid collapse? 48 hours, says Dave Jones. Remember, total grid collapse means not just power but also water. So, yeah, you're probably right, 48, 72 hours. You know by 72 hours, people are in a real bad situation because no water's come out of that tap, and they've probably drank everything that they had in the house and now they're going shit yeah i'll die if i don't drink anything soon and that's going to lead people of course to drinking from creeks drinking from lakes drinking
Starting point is 00:36:20 from whatever and i think to be honest with you, drinking the dirty water, when people talk, the military experts talk about the 90% dead after an EMP, that's what gets you. And you look around the world, that's what kills people. What kills people is prolonged diarrhea from drinking dirty water. And if you don't have another option, you're going to keep drinking. And then you die. The other day I did a daily audio cache on water.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And I have three sources. My well is primary. You know the old man's property. There's a pond there okay that he he made himself and it's fed off of a natural spring and i know where there's another spring uh you might have even seen that spring in your yard did you know oh well now that's That's going to be my fourth source because I am putting a hand dug well there. Oh, okay. Nice. Yeah. Yeah, because I'm pretty sure I can hit water in just a few feet.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I think you're right. You say it comes out of the ground right there a lot of times. Yeah. Yeah, you'd definitely be good there. Yeah, the multiple sources of water is the way to go. You were dead on. You were dead on with that. We have creek out back. We have water sources that I am not at liberty to speak of,
Starting point is 00:38:01 and we have rainwater collection and and that kind of stuff but look if you got none of that if you're sitting there in like an apartment or in a suburb and you're like dude we don't have no creek i can't just start get a backhoe and start digging a hole in the backyard for a while yeah get the water bricks get the water cubes get the water cubes i use these damn the water bricks are like i I don't know, $40 a pop. They're expensive. The water cubes that I use at Prepper Camp, they're like $7. They might be like double that now probably.
Starting point is 00:38:34 When I first started buying them, they were like $7. But they're cheap. They stack pretty good. They're not super thick, you know what I mean? But you could put up, I think they're five gallons a pop, three and a half, four maybe gallons. gallons no they probably are five gallons of pop so you know you could do a lot with that store water now and uh you know then you got something but yeah order i think so at 48 72 hours no grid i think that's that's pretty good people are going to get bored of being buddies saying singing kumbaya uh i got one for you i can't really speak to it except from a flavor and
Starting point is 00:39:13 and tasting standpoint but this is a great question and a very popular question these days it's from time to get real 2021. Thoughts on freeze-drying food versus canning food? Ah, yeah. Well, there's advantages and disadvantages, okay? So, and limitations also. So, freeze-dried food lasts a long time. it's not as good to open up and just eat it you can do that but it's not as good you you should reconstitute it rehydrate it if you can stuff you can pop that can off and stick a fork in and just eat it yeah it's it's ready to go and you you should
Starting point is 00:40:08 have a little bit of everything so that you have the capability of you know putting a meal out like that or you know going somewhere boiling some water yeah i would save the freeze-dried food for, you know, the perimeter defense, the movement, all that kind of stuff, where you can't take something that's heavy. Is that the kind of answer? Sure, definitely. Yeah, I have thoughts. Two years, canned food can last two years or longer.
Starting point is 00:40:47 You know, if you pressure can them, it'll probably last a lot longer. But you'll know if it's bad, it'll pop the top. And you don't want to eat that. That's poison. Yeah. I got thoughts. Obviously, the freeze-dried food is going to last a tremendous amount. I think they both make sense right now.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah. But if we're talking about grid down, then your freeze-drying comes to a swift end the moment power is gone because it's a power-intensive process. So freeze-drying is pre-prep. You know what I mean? It is the prep that has to be done prior to any series collapse. And then the freeze-dryer is out of the question unless you're running some— I mean, I don't even know how many watts they run. Do you have any idea?
Starting point is 00:41:45 I know they're pretty impressive. Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot. And it's for a long period of time. Yeah. Like over 24 hours it draws and sucks and it goes through its whole process. Right, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Now canning, on the other hand, lights go out. If you have a pressure canner, it just goes over coals, or it goes over if you've got fuel of some kind, and you can be canning on and off grid. But freeze-drying, like I said, if you've got one and you're freeze-drying now and you're storing that stuff up, man, I think that's good. I think the cost, I don't know what the electric bill looks like, but I think, to be honest with you, the entry fee, $2,000, whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:42:34 might be much more nowadays. I haven't checked them in a while. I think the entry fee kind of pays for itself, specifically if you're, like, freeze-drying meats and stuff. I could see it. Oh, yeah. i could see it paying off pretty quick eggs you know that kind of stuff yep we're gonna do eggs i got a hold of ryan oh jeez i guess about a month ago and we're gonna do eggs yeah he's he's was doing it for business you know and he knows all the ins and outs. So I told him he should write a book on it.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah, they got the canner's Bible. They got the canning Bible. They might as well have a freeze-drying Bible by Ryan Buford. That would be an awesome book. Yeah. Yeah. So they're both viable.
Starting point is 00:43:22 One you can't do without power. One you can do no matter what happens. One's as old as, you know, I don't even know how old canning is. I mean, I know industrial canning is World War II, but pioneers were canning, weren't they? Yeah, they were. Yep. Pretty cool. Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:43:40 You should definitely be, if nothing else, you should definitely be able to hot water bath can. Yeah. You don't need nothing but ball jars to hot water bath can, to be honest with you. And, you know, the great thing about it, if you got no money, low money, you can go to the supermarket, buy the produce that's all going bad or that's cheap.
Starting point is 00:44:04 As long as it's well you could probably get away with some i could i could come up with some recipes for jar well no it has to be highly acidic for the for the uh water bath canning but you can get the strawberries when they're on sale the raspberries anything like that and you can water bath can with a little pectin and sugar and have all the jam in the world. Yep. But, hey. That's what my mom did. Yeah, and it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah. It's awesome. All right. What do you think about this one? This is a good one. Brawl95 asks, do y'all create your own cleaning supplies or have a plan to? Vinegar doesn't cut it for me personally.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I've been looking into buying hypochlorous acid generator or learning to make one. Currently, I use store-bought hypochlorous acid as a cleaner or toner for my face. I don't know what that stuff is. And apparently, it could make a good household cleaner too well you need something that's gonna kill bacteria germs so uh you know you can distill alcohol you can you can with a still you can make, which can be a cleaner, a solvent. You could power your generators off of it. Yeah. You know, so that's one cleaner.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And you can make it with nothing, right? Yeah, whatever. You can make it with scraps from the garden. Yep, whatever ferments. So you distill the fermentation down to make a higher content of alcohol um you have vinegar you can make vinegar that's that's pretty easy we make vinegar around here ourselves and and you can control the acidity in that uh what else can you make maria use a lot of baking soda, but that's camp. Essential oils, if you're storing them, they can work pretty well for cleaning and things like that.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I'm a chemical guy. I store bleach. I store 90% alcohol. That stuff is invaluable for me, so I always have that. And, you know, one thing about the bleach is learn the dilution for cleaning and max it out. You know what I mean? Even if you have two gallons of bleach, that doesn't mean you have two gallons of cleaner. Oh, you know another one that I store too is Borax.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yeah. Yeah, you can look on the back of the bleach and they got ratios for cleaning you don't have to use you know straight bleach to clean and you probably shouldn't even but uh yeah so you could stockpile a lot of that stuff you know when it comes to personal hygiene and and cleaning supplies and stuff it's like you could probably get the majority of that stuff done in one or two of those, uh, those yellow topped black crates. If you know what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:47:15 they're like reinforced rubber made crates. I store, I store Christmas blow, uh, inflatables up in them. Yeah. But if I, if I didn't have my soaps and toilet papers
Starting point is 00:47:28 and all that kind of stuff in the house where we already keep it, then I would probably throw it all in one of those and say this is our personal hygiene, toothbrushes, toothpaste, that kind of stuff, personal hygiene prep box. When you really think how many bars of soap how many you know all that kind of stuff um are you gonna need but same thing with cleaning supplies you know
Starting point is 00:47:51 stow them away fill one of those things full with one side bleach the other side 90 rubbing alcohol and you'll be able to clean whatever the hell you need to clean really or learn to distill it like dave jones yeah and also uh colloidal silver if you can make colloidal silver yeah it it takes a low level of electricity uh to to make the electrolysis which you could easily do off of a solar panel and uh that that does a whole bunch of different things i mean anywhere from uh a makeshift antibiotic to uh purifying um water things like that it's anti-bacterial and uh it kills some viruses nice yeah and Yeah. And you've got to basically electrify the coin, right? Or whatever silver you use. I've seen or I think you might have told me about people putting a coin in a rain barrel and doing it.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. Well, that's the way they would back when our money was made of silver. our money was made of silver. They would put it in like a pitcher of milk because the refrigeration wasn't very good and it would retard the spoiling. I mean, not forever, but it would keep the bacteria from growing. Nice.
Starting point is 00:49:21 That's a pretty good one. What's the best way to learn how to identify plants slash trees in your area i want to learn to identify plants slash trees in the area but the books that i've seen don't have an excellent excellent photos and even if they do it's hard to be 100 certain i see in the wild are the ones from the book any tips on the best method to identify plants and trees? Wow. I can go on that one.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm pretty good with that. I've done courses with Tim McWelch. Oh yeah, he knows his stuff. That guy reads the forest like a book. I mean, he can walk into just anywhere and say, that's for this anywhere and say that's for this and this is for that and this is you know uh so i've done courses you might want to try and find someone like that
Starting point is 00:50:17 in your area who can show you and identify him and give you how you identify them. Um, cause books, yeah, they're kind of general. They're the pictures usually aren't very good. Um, I'll tell you, um, Oh, at Prepper camp, uh, the secret garden of survival, those have high resolutionresolution pictures. His books are great. I got all three of them.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Definitely. Me too. Yeah, they're great books. They're essentials. The Bushcraft First Aid book by—what's his name? Who's the guy from— what the hell is his name? Dave Canterbury. That Bushcraft First Aid book is an essential, and it has a great palette of – well, it has a whole section on herbal medicine, first of all. well what it has it has a whole section on herbal medicine first of all and the section begins by telling you how to make all the various you know headings of herbal medicine right like your tinctures your salves your how to make all of those your infusions your decoctions all that
Starting point is 00:51:41 crazy stuff it tells you how to make. And that's what you need. That's what you're going to wind up doing with this stuff unless you're going to eat it. So that's essential. Then it goes into a nice color palette of all the different plants and trees he talks about in that book. It's a very little part of the book, but I bought that book for that reason, literally. part of the book, but I bought that book for that reason, literally. The Peterson's Field Guide to Wild, I think it's called Wild Edible Foods or Wild Edible Plants, is the book that I used. I found it at my library. I took it out probably seven times in a row, and that's what i did i studied it and then when once i got some committed to memory i would go um to the woods near us and spend time looking for them putting hands on them
Starting point is 00:52:38 figuring out what it is and what it isn't and what i what i came to realize about particularly identifying plants is you've got to figure out when they're in season. That's essential. When you know you're getting good is when you see them sprouting and you know what they are. I see certain things now because I spend a lot of time running in the woods. And, in fact, running in the woods is what really helped me learn to identify so many different trees and plants. But now in the spring, I see things sprout and i know what they are you know before i before i can before they grow up and you go oh look at the leaf that's you know i mean you could see the things coming see the may apple popping up that's a pretty very distinct one and yeah you see the blackberries and that kind of stuff popping up.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Trees, the book that I used for trees was, I think it was by the Audubon Society, and it was called The Field Guide to Northeastern Trees. I'm pretty sure that's what it was. And what that book has that's amazing, I don't own that book, but that was another library book. That book has all four seasons in the palettes so in the back of the book you can get the tree leaves in the springtime the flower the fall time and all that any fruits attributed to it uh even the catechins have come off the damn trees they
Starting point is 00:54:02 have all that stuff in there. And, you know, trees are not as diverse as you think. Edible plants are diverse as hell. But in most places, it's not like you've got to learn 100 different types of trees. Like when I walk into my woods, it's probably 10 different types of trees, maybe. You know what I mean? It's probably pretty similar up in your neck of the woods. So it seems overwhelming at first, but, you know, I would just spend time in there. The more time in the woods, the better, less time.
Starting point is 00:54:35 You know what works pretty well too, though, are the phone apps. The phone apps aren't bad, and I imagine they're going to get better and better. If your study time, you know, if your pre-collapse study time, they got these apps, you take a picture of a plan, it tells you it's probably one of three things or one of two things, or it tells you it's pretty sure it's this thing. Yeah. I'd avoid the Queen Anne's Lace with the phone app, okay?
Starting point is 00:54:59 That's the wild carrot that, I still can't tell the difference without resources. When I run into a patch of that stuff because I live near wetlands and the poison hemlock and Queen Anne's lace grow a lot in that environment and they grow right next to each other. And I don't mess with it. I don't mess with it. I look at it and then my mind starts going crazy. And I, you know the i can't even tell you one of them has a rib on it i think that poison hemlock has like a rib on the outside
Starting point is 00:55:31 of the stalk and i just get freaked out and i say it ain't worth it i'll eat a regular carrot yeah well and and tim you know i asked him about mushrooms, and he said, nope, just stay away from mushrooms. He said, there's not that much nutritional value in them anyway, and you just don't want to take a chance. Oh, yeah, yeah. I got a few under the belt. I got a few under the belt. The coral mushrooms are impossible to screw up because they look like coral. The oyster mushrooms I'm good with now.
Starting point is 00:56:10 You know what? I might have four mushrooms now. The sulfur shelf is so distinct and so crazy that that one is almost impossible to screw up too. And then the pom-pom mushroom. Though I found an enormous specimen last year. The one thing I read, though, about pom-pom mushrooms, and they look like big white puff balls. I think they might be called puff balls. Are they called puff balls or pom-poms?
Starting point is 00:56:33 I don't know. Anyway, they look like big white pom-poms, and they grow off trees or they grow near the roots of trees, that kind of thing. But the one thing I have read about those is slice them in half because other poisonous mushrooms can grow inside of them. So you can get a basket full of these puffball or pom-pom mushrooms. I don't know why puffball sounds like the right thing to me. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah, they're just puffball mushroom, I think. I wonder why I was calling it a pom-pom. We used to throw those at each other when I – Yeah. And they would – you know, and the – They spread the spore, hit you with the spore. The spore, yeah, is supposed to be toxic. So –
Starting point is 00:57:16 So the – yeah, you got to be careful. You got to cut those open. And, of course, morels. I mean, you know, I don't know. You guys got to have morels up there. But there is a lookalike called the verpa, and the verpa is very hard to tell until you really look at it and get to know it. So you could get a basket full of morels, eat one of those verpa mushrooms,
Starting point is 00:57:38 and you're going to be thrown up. It won't kill you, but you're going to feel like crap. Yeah. Yeah, so he's probably right. If you don't care about it, if you don't spend time studying it and you know you're not going to, it's definitely not a thing to wing. This looks like a button mushroom. The risk-benefit.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah, there you go. Because he said, you know, they don't carry that much nutritional value, so why even try? Yeah, that's a good point. I spent years before I ever got into prepping and survivalism and foraging, touching, physically touching, cutting, slicing, sautéing all kinds of wild mushrooms. So I had that base going into it from being a chef. Morels come in, you know, the morelsls come in you pay 50 bucks a pound for them everybody gathers around oh shit the morels are here be gentle you know what i mean yeah and uh so it's always been a thing but yeah that's a good one yeah it takes time folks some some of these things that we do
Starting point is 00:58:41 there's no substitute for time. You know what I mean? It's just skills that take time. Okay, let's see. Oh, no, that's too broad a question. Do you guys have a doomsday bag? I do not have a doomsday. I have several bags, not a doomsday bag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Oh, here's a good one. Oh, this is a doomsday. I have several bags, not a doomsday bag. Yeah. Oh, here's a good one. Oh, this is a real good one. Man. Because this happens to all of us. This happened to you not long ago. And it happens to me, like, monthly. So the question is from SomehowStillAliveLol.
Starting point is 00:59:28 How do you help someone who is starting to spiral into paranoid prepping i don't know exactly what that means but you you know the feeling you read too much news you feel like the you're chicken little in it a little bit uh here's the story here's the story real quick a friend of mine's 27 year old, has obsessive compulsive and is starting to get obsessively into prepping. Now, this doesn't sound like a problem to me. Talks about 72-hour kits we need to have, where we will meet if SHTF, and has started skipping her meds to save up if she doesn't have access for a prescription later. I also have OCD, so I don't really know which one of us is losing the plot. Has anyone experienced this? So the friend sounds smart to me, I'm going to be honest, OCD or not.
Starting point is 01:00:13 The one reporting the question seems like she might be a little lackadaisical for my taste. But let's go with the main question because this happens, probably happens to all of us, probably happens to many of you out there listening. How do you help someone who's starting to spiral into paranoia and it's all going to fall apart and there's nothing we can do about it sort of thing? Yeah. What do you think, Dave? Well, okay. I recall a specific incident, okay, where this was years ago.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And I was still working and, you know, and I remember talking to Tim McWelch. And I said, Tim, you got to talk me off the ledge here. I'm about ready to draw money out of my 401k. Oh, geez. Yeah. Yeah. I'm about ready to draw money out of my 401k oh geez yeah yeah so obviously the world didn't come to an end since then okay so he he did talk me off the shelf off the ledge uh he he just started you know it's basically talking back and forth well why do you want to do that okay what what would be the benefit you know and in coming around to uh the realization that it's not gonna happen tomorrow unless it does and then it didn't matter anyways yeah good point yeah good point i like to pump breaks and to
Starting point is 01:01:49 influence people to pump breaks on the incoming the incoming traffic of media and news is what does this to people you know what i mean that's what does it to me i know it i know it i thought about this two mornings ago while i was drinking coffee because I started the day out with a video of Putin. What the hell was he talking about? He was talking about the concessions, I think. I think he was talking about the concessions for stopping the war. for stopping the war. And I just had one of those epiphany moments where I was drinking coffee, standing in my kitchen, the only one awake, and I said, if I didn't have this phone, and if I didn't have this computer and this 24-7 newsfeed, I wouldn't even know Ukraine was fighting Russia. I'd have no idea. But this narrative and this war has dominated so much of my mind and mental space for three years, and the potential of nuclear war and all this kind of stuff. You there, Dave? Did I lose you?
Starting point is 01:03:01 Might have lost Dave. He'll be back. But it dominated so much of my life. I think we're trying to get him back. Hold on a second, guys. Oh, Dave, you're here, but you're muted. Check and see if we can hear you. Unless you're not here. If not, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Don't worry about it. It looks like you're here, but we can't hear you. Anyhow, when you are losing it, and when you're starting to think it's all going to happen, and it's going to happen tomorrow, and I've got to pull money from the 401k, I've got to make a big purchase, I've got to do something crazy, we've got to move, we've got to run, it's going to happen tomorrow and it's you know i gotta pull money from the 401k i gotta make a big purchase i gotta do something crazy we gotta move we gotta run we gotta hide we get you know whatever um that's when you have to take a break from the news you have to take a break from the nonsense and you have to tell yourself like i wouldn't even know what i'm worrying about in oakland i wouldn't even know about if i weren't spending all this
Starting point is 01:04:09 time looking at news if i hadn't fallen into this trap of the 24 7 oh dave's back hang on dave jones we lost you yeah i heard you just for a second. Then it went to that. Yeah, I heard it all going. I was just talking about how I realized that I wouldn't know a damn thing about the Russia-Uk the only reason we do is because we're beaten about the head and neck by it day and night on on the news so the best thing i think you can do if someone's getting a little paranoid is say look it's time for a news fast take three days days. Stay outside in the sun. Don't look at the phone. You know what I mean? All that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And that usually works for me. Yeah, Carl B. says it almost every show. Yeah, yeah, that's big from him. You're right. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. Anyone else getting these alerts? You heard anything about Carrington alerts?
Starting point is 01:05:27 No. I've heard nothing about this. This guy, this is not a question. It just piqued my interest. He says, anyone else getting these alerts from Carrington alerts? The NOAA monitoring system that keeps track of solar activity is going haywire right now. This is two days ago. Gotten 60-plus alerts over the last 30 minutes with a lot of different kinds of warnings.
Starting point is 01:05:49 A lot of them seem like standard flare warnings, but we don't usually get this many so rapidly back-to-back. A busy week is what? 10 a week. Got 60-plus over 30 minutes. Wow. I heard nothing about this I gotta look into this No That sounds like a glitch
Starting point is 01:06:11 In the system Right So Suspicious observer He's the man Yeah He is the man And that's Sarah's guy too
Starting point is 01:06:22 Oh yeah Hey speaking of Sarah I text her She said it uh this was a while ago she said she'll keep us posted she's getting the hurricane and it was supposed to pass the eye was supposed to pass right over her oh wow yeah it's got to be getting weak by now though right it came in as Category 1. I think it hit Texas as a Category 1. But, I mean, there's 3 billion people without power right now, so it did some work.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Lights out in Houston. Yeah. That's what it says here. Yeah, that's messed up. Well, I look at these things as opportunities to test your plan. Oh, yeah. Oh, they're great for that. They're absolutely great.
Starting point is 01:07:13 That power outage plan, that blackout plan of yours. Yep. Well, Dave Jones, it is 10 o'clock at night. I'm sure you're tired since you spent all day sprinting around chasing chickens and turkeys and retrievers and such. Yeah, and we're going to do some butchering this week. The geese are going to go first. The turkey's next. And it's going to be, I think we're going to do like three or four a day. It's just too darn hot.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Yeah, yeah. That's a lot with the heat. That's a lot. It's actually dangerous, dangerous right for the meat yeah because you got to get we ice it down oh is that what you do okay yeah we have these huge they're almost the size of satellite dishes these stainless steel bowls and we've put a whole bag of ice in there. And once Maria's done, look, she's the one. Okay, I'm the unskilled help. I do what she tells me.
Starting point is 01:08:12 So when she's done gutting it and she has a bucket for guts, a bowl with ice in it for the heart, the liver, and the gizzard. Oh, them goose livers, dude, fried up. Yeah. Delicious. Yeah, that's a special thing right there. Yeah, and then we take the heads and the feet, and we either dry them or freeze them, and they're little treats for the dogs. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah. Yeah, they love them. That's good call. Yeah, butchering day at the Jones Homestead is a big deal. I've been there for a few. They bring out the steel tables and everything. Yep, and we got a lamb over the weekend. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:09:04 How's that going? Well, it's at Ike's. We took it to the Amish butcher. He's butchering it for us. Oh, okay. It was just, yeah, too much, too hot, too big. You know, you got to know your limitations. Yeah, that's your thing, capabilities and limitations.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Take it to the expert. You know, you got to know your limitations. Yeah, that's your thing. Capabilities and limitations. Take it to the expert. Well, and he has a flat rate for sheep, $120. Oh, that ain't bad. You can't beat it. It's packaged, vacuum sealed, frozen. I think the last time I looked at a decent bone-in lamb leg, it was like $40, $50. So that's one. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:48 That's one leg. And, you know, you get all kind of goodies when you get a guy like him to break it down for you. Oh, yeah. But, yeah, two legs, two rack of lamb, two rib racks, and you're already over that. Oh, yeah. So it was $200 for the sheep and then $120 for the butchering. So you can't beat it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And, of course, it's top-notch meat. You're not buying supermarket meat, you know. No. No. Not something that came from new zealand or right exactly exactly it it came from 40 miles from my house that's it man that's as good as it gets right now it's the uh yeah it's the produce for us man freaking unbelievable Local stuff Popping off everywhere It's that time of year man
Starting point is 01:10:47 Yeah we found that I guess the heat Has been affecting The produce because We found different things that Aren't in the supermarket anymore Like radishes Well yeah that makes sense
Starting point is 01:11:03 That's a spring one for sure. The heat is my dad's doing the tomato growing this year, and it's crazy what he's got going on over there, the size of these things. He hasn't gardened in probably 30 years, and he bought a few. We have a smaller in that second garden we have a smaller garden that we've had in years because he was not feeling himself yeah i don't know i knew you know he they
Starting point is 01:11:33 moved to virginia and so they're oh he they're yeah they're new here and new to this whole climate and all that kind of stuff so he was a little nervous about it but there if he had filled that garden up like we normally do with tomatoes, man, we might be in a little trouble. Bumper. Yeah. Hey, something we've been doing is saving the bathwater from the kids and putting that on. Bathwater? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:59 And it's working. It's working. You know, you've got water. And so we fill the buckets up and put a cup of water on each thing. And it works. It's great. You know what really works, too, is creek water. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Creek water is outstanding, especially this time of year. You know what really works better than anything this time of year is when you get them downpours. You'll see it. You're going to get a downpour up in them mountains, dude, and the garden's going to go like Mario getting a mushroom. It's going to be huge. Well, I hope so. It's a great time, man, you know.
Starting point is 01:12:38 I didn't plant that much in mine. I've got perennials taking over my whole garden, and I think I'm going to turn it into a perennial garden. But I am going to do some fall stuff. I'm going to do a nice fall collection of crop, take advantage of all those greens, man. I love those greens. But, man, Sloan6 in the chat room said his water in his pool is 92 degrees. Dang.
Starting point is 01:13:08 That's incredible. That's almost a hot tub, dude. You're getting there. Yeah. Yeah. Holy cow. Hey, I get my first shipment of ammo squared. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:13:20 When I do that, I'll do like an opening video. Oh, that would be really cool if you do that. Yeah. Yeah, those guys are awesome, man. They have changed the game for me. PBN family, please take our advice, dude. Sign up. Sign up for Ammo Squared.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Plug in your calibers. Plug in your budget. And guess what? Dan Morton and his staff are buying ammo for you from the here on out you want to go buy some on your own go buy some on your own but you're going to be stockpiling all i can think about dave is a year from now two years from now three years that's all i can think about i'm just like rubbing my hands together you know like i really liked your interview too that's he's a great guy. I learned. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:05 And I learned that I could exchange. So I went into my account, exchanged some calibers out. But I, you know, I just listed every caliber that I had. Yeah. Sure. Why not? Yeah, it was breaking it down and giving me a little.38 special. And I'm like, I don't really need 38 special so i exchanged some
Starting point is 01:14:27 of those for shotgun rounds there you go yeah man i'm telling you the like there are certain things when done well are just you almost can't imagine life without them and that's what ammo squared has become for me for sure and again it's a cost that you get to define. You build it into your budget. You could do $10 a month if you want. I don't know how long it'll take you to build up ammo, but whatever. $10 a month, do it. Anyhow, all right, Dave Jones, let's wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Okay, my friend. You were phenomenal, as per usual, man. Well, thanks. We got to get up there. I got to bring my kids up there to play with your kids, I think. Yeah, we can shoot those little water BBs. Oh, yeah, we got some, too. Yeah, that would be a good time.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Maybe when it cools down a little. The kids will have heat stroke. Yeah, definitely. You know that generation they ain't equipped for that i had my son outside catching footballs today he walked out he was like whoa i said well let's just do let's do a little bit you got to get used to the heat but all right man sounds good to me oh hold on sloan six signed up for ammo squared and signed up three others for the 25 referral bonus man that's a great move that's a man he's making out yeah i hope you used a link though
Starting point is 01:15:54 sloan because you got you should have got your 75 rounds of nine millimeter also free with the promo with slash pbn ammo slash PBN. My man. All right. Dave Jones, always a great time, my man. It's good to talk to you. PBN family, you know, it's on to Tuesday tomorrow. Enjoy the shows. It's going to be a big week.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Talk to you soon, folks. Adios. Take care. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? Hey, thanks. This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization.
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