The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE: The Fasted Cast

Episode Date: August 20, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're playing back the stability. What is up, PBN family? What is up, Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and Ben, the Bankster Breaker, all with us tonight on the Fasted Cast edition of Preppers Live. What's up, gentlemen? Yes. Hey, Trevor, come in here. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:00:50 I think we should start with a sort of a round robin to discuss times and do we want to do weights? Does weights even matter to people? I don't know if they even care about that, but at least times, like what we did, where we're at, that kind of thing. Yeah. So I'll start because I'm the bronze medal. So I'll start because I am at 49 hours. And, yeah, that's where I'm at, 49 hours. There's a dinner plate across from me that I'm drooling over right now.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I will tell you this, Ben. On my desk here, I do have a small tablespoon with some pink Himalayan sea salt in it. And throughout my work day today, I was dipping my tongue in that Himalayan sea salt. So I appreciate the tip. Yeah, it's helpful for a lot of reasons. my tongue in that Himalayan sea salt. So I appreciate the tip. That's a savior. Yeah, it's helpful for a lot of reasons. Dave Jones, what about you, man? Oh, man, that Himalayan pink, that pink Himalayan salt.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I was living on that. I really thought you knew that in the back channel because uh yeah that is that thing once you take that little bit i don't know if increases your blood pressure or what it does to your system but it like gives you a a jolt and then i think it's just replacing minerals probably yeah you take a sip of water and you go for it. Listen, I was doing 72 hours. So it was Friday night. I was done. And I sent pictures in the back channel of what I had eaten. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Beautiful. Smoked salmon with a tomato, cucumber, bean, kale? Avocado salad? Yeah, avocado. Oh, my God, it looks so damn good, Dave Jones. And then he wasn't done. He hits us with the green-lipped mussels, steamed green-lipped mussels. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Were you guys at home here, or were you eating out? No, traveling. We're traveling, man. This is our vacation. We're out of town. I'm at actually at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. And I got to tell you, the activity that was at the PX and the commissary was very little. and the commissary was very little. Now, it is Monday, but I didn't see any planes coming in. I didn't see anything landing. So I don't know if the amount of troops that they're able to recruit. We were here a number of years ago when we were trying to get a hop over to Romania.
Starting point is 00:03:54 When we were trying to get a hop over to Romania, and I think that was the trip to Romania where I did the podcast with Ron from Atlas Bunkers. Oh, yeah, you ran into him. That was so funny. That was funny. He must have been installing bunkers in Ukraine. They knew it was coming. Well, I told him, I said hey i'm going to romania he says i'll be in romania in a few days and i'm like holy crap so so yeah that was a trip we never did get the hop we never did we're able to hook up and i, when you're a retired military, you are rejected more than when I was
Starting point is 00:04:28 single at 48. It was you are last on the list. I mean, dependent women and children are before you. you. So we went to every base on the East coast from Norfolk to McGuire. I mean, we hit Dover. We even hit a hair guard base, could not get a flight to Europe. And we were hoping for anywhere in Europe, um, because then we would fly to Romania and it would be like a hopper flight. We would fly to Romania and it would be like a hopper flight. So when we stayed here, we were quite impressed. And on the way out to try and catch another hop, we stopped at the beach. And Maria says, hey, why don't we go back to that place we stayed at? And I got to tell you, it's really nice. We got a two bedroom suiteroom suite full kitchen 110 bucks
Starting point is 00:05:28 i can't beat that two-bedroom 110 it's like two hundred thousand dollars if you were to buy something like that two bedrooms in a kitchen well and it has a washer and dryer in it which we didn't know wow oh that's key for vacation for sure yeah that's that's huge and it's fully stocked full kitchen full size fridge uh dishwasher uh stove a microwave it's got it all he pots pans dishes everything so it's like a like a condo uh good living yeah yeah you deserve it you deserve it well thanks thanks but this is our only vacation for this summer and i don't think we took a vacation for two years so we're gonna try and make yeah i know we're to try and make the best of it because school starts for the kids in two weeks and it starts for me next week. Mr. Jones.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yep. I say mystery. Sophomore year. Here we go. How about you, Ben? All the time. I got millions of things to talk to you about the fast. So let's hear what Ben's doing.
Starting point is 00:06:49 He's going to be the gold medal winner, right? I guess so. I think so. I'm going to hope. I'm going to try my hardest. I'm on hour 71, nearly 72. I started Friday kind of late. I ate dinner at about 7 p.m but then i was like well i'm gonna have another half dozen eggs why not at about 9 30 so it's 907 right now so almost
Starting point is 00:07:15 72 hours i'm down from i'm down about seven and a half pounds and you, you know, I know a lot of that is water weight, but at least a couple pounds of fat, I'm not losing the, looking to lose too much fat. We'll talk about this later. I think this is super valuable for preppers to have a, a bit of fat on them. Functional fat,
Starting point is 00:07:37 not 50%. Uh, I know Dave Jones can certainly talk about, I think he said the army once, once you had 20% when you deploy, so you're in good shape, but like a little porky just to have a little extra to burn. Long story short, though, it's going pretty well. Mostly mental.
Starting point is 00:07:54 It really is. And I've quit cigarettes many times in my life. But luckily, I haven't smoked for several months. And when I do, it's only for like one night or something with someone or at my parents' smoke. So I smoke with them. I see them. Long story short, that's way harder than fasting because the intensity of the cravings, for me at least, of the cigarettes are way worse than fasting. However, you have to eat eventually, so you can't just quit eating forever.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So you've got to – being addicted to food, though, is a problem. And I think fasting can actually, in the right way for the right people, can break some of those addictions, whether that's sugar, whether that's just overeating or just the mental part. Like you'll realize how quickly how much you rely on food to get through the day sometimes. You're like, oh, now I'm done with my 11 a.m. meeting. Now I can have a snack and some coffee. Oh, now it's time for lunch. Oh, now time for my mid-afternoon snack. Oh, time for dinner. Now it's time for some popcorn. Now it's time for a candy bar or whatever. Long story short, a lot of people live like that. I've lived like that for a few years of my life. I've tried to clean up, but you know, I think fasting, whether you start with 18 hours or 24, I'm going for a hundred. So that's what I'm going for. I'm on 72.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's equal to longest I've ever gone. And I'm going to try to go to a hundred. That's about it though. Cause I don't want to lose too much muscle. Once you get after like five days, you can lose a lot of muscle and stuff like that. So, you know, I think it's 100 hours. That's the number I'm going for. So why don't we do why in the world for those who are now nine minutes in? Because there's a lot of people out there probably doing this right now. Nine minutes in going, why in the hell would preppers who have all this good food, Dave Jones always talking about freezers full of meats and gardens full of vegetables, James is a chef, Ben's living, doing whatever the hell Ben wants to do. Why on earth would those three guys say, let's just not eat for days?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, yeah. Why don't we talk about some of the benefits? You want to give out the phone number so they can write it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do that. Let's do that. So if anybody took on the challenge of the 24, even the 24-hour fast, or even if you did 5 hours, 10 hours, whatever, whatever, feel free to call in. We'll bring you right up on the show through Skype.
Starting point is 00:10:23 It's just a regular call in number 804-767-7171 804-767-7171 tell us how your fast went or is going or even past fast if you ever tried it yeah i think it's important that the people, you know, they're hearing three hosts. OK, so they're like, oh, yeah, those guys. But if they hear other listeners, do you know what I mean? They don't know that we're just guys. They don't know that they think. I don't know what they think, but when you get independent verification of what we're about to say, it lends credibility to everything.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I started fasting. It was years ago. I was still working. OK. And and people would ask me, what are you doing? And I stopped telling them because no one believed me. And it was like, yeah, do you want to feel better? Do you want to stop the aches and pains? Do you want to sleep like a log every night and wake up fully awake with a brain rush where you're thinking about 50 things at once and have energy to do them. Stop eating. I know it's so counterintuitive, right? Right. It's cheap, too.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. Oh, my gosh. And think of the time you save by not cooking, not eating and definitely not pooping. Exactly. At least an hour, hour and a half a day of all those combined. I do miss the pooping. You know, last night now I had been without food for days. So I started having gas and I almost texted you guys in the back channel.
Starting point is 00:12:35 How do you have gas when you don't have food? That's funny. That is funny. Yeah. What about you, Ben? What kind of benefits do you get out of this outsider like just starving and not and losing weight yeah losing weight's part of it i would say just self-discipline working on some discipline and the prepping part of it is a huge aspect because i guess first and
Starting point is 00:13:02 foremost if uh power grant power down, grid down, you're probably not going to be eating a lot. And even if you do have storable foods, you might want to ration them out or not break them all out right away. But the point is you should be able to go a couple days without eating, simply put, if you're a prepper. I really think at least 48 hours. I think 72 is probably a good, and that includes working out.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Now I haven't been hiking 14 hours a day. Like you might be doing with stuff hits the fan. Imagine not eating for three days and hiking for 14 hours every day. Cause you're bugging out. That's, you know, so that is part of it. And also just the realization like, oh, I could actually do it. Um, and the mental blocks, like getting over those is nice, knowing that it's just temporary in terms of really like the lust for food. I'm not even hungry.
Starting point is 00:13:54 But when I saw those pictures that Dave Jones said, I was lusting after that food. That's what I would say. And finally, maybe just like controlling your emotions or thinking about your emotions. um and finally maybe just like controlling your emotions or thinking about your emotions like i there's different phases of it where sometimes i'm a little grouchy but right now i'm in kind of a zen spot and i know once you get over the first like 48 hours you're usually a little more zen but early on especially like the first like at hour 12 to 24 is some of the hardest you're kind of grouchy your body's like hey i want some food um but getting over that oh you can get over that is a big big part of it and um all around i think is
Starting point is 00:14:33 it's something that i've learned about just in the last six months probably and all the research i've shown is health is good for your health anti-cancer anti-aging and i don't know i just think it's really good to be able to convert to using only your own fat for fuel as a prepper i think that's super important well yeah and uh you you touched on a couple things when you said that you know shtf you might be hiking for 14 hours and not eating that was future dad's experience in ranger school okay oh yeah yeah a whole different level and sleep deprivation so if i if i combine sleep deprivation and more exercise in this it would be a lot harder i'll tell you that oh yeah but uh then then the other thing you said was uh oh shoot now shoot. Now I forgot what it was.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I got to start taking notes. Did you get, did you get a few things? Go ahead. What did you get? The brain rush, you know, the brain rush. Yes. I would say, uh, the second morning is the best. The second morning until about dinner time so let's
Starting point is 00:15:47 just say 9 a.m to 4 p.m the second day which i guess is our hour 40 to 46 like great that's like peak feeling almost although i'm feeling almost peak right now at hour 72 maybe it's just because i'm on the air with you guys you guys are the best but feeling great now but i've had some ups and downs i know this morning the third, I was dragging ass a little, but I had to get up for work, and it was Monday morning. So who knows? It's just that, too. Yeah, no, I was dragging a little this morning,
Starting point is 00:16:16 but boy, did I knock it out yesterday. Dude, I worked. I cleaned the car. We're prepping everything to go. You know, we're getting the animals ready. We're putting the food, the water, and man, I'm just, I'm flying. And I can't, I, I knew this was going to happen, but I couldn't remember when it kicked in. Right. happened, but I couldn't remember when it kicked in. Right. Um, it's been about a year since we really fasted good because I didn't, well, I was in school. So, um, yeah, so we've experienced this. Maria has done way longer than I have. I think I may have done a seven day fast and she's done like a 12 or 15 day.
Starting point is 00:17:09 What? Yes. She just wanted to show that she could kick my ass. And it's true. Double you. Yeah. Double me. So it is true that you get in this Zen state. OK, and that's why starvation diets in prison work. You get in this Zen state. That's why those people on Survivor, they go and rescue them because they don't know they're going to die.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Oh, yeah. That's why they take the vitals and everything. Yes. And that's why in concentration camps, you know, you say to yourself, why didn't these people fight back? Well, they didn't. And they they were never going to. I mean, they were just trudging along one day after the next.
Starting point is 00:18:06 But another thing you said, Ben, and this reminds me of Stockton. He was a Vietnam veteran that was captured and he endured the longest capture, I think, of anybody. longest capture i think of anybody and he said and everybody else that came in and died and stuff like that he said i can endure any amount of pain possible as long as i knew there was an end and he knew he was going to be rescued and he knew that this was going to end and he just kept going And he knew that this was going to end, and he just kept going. So there's – like you said in the back channel, 80% mental. It is 80% mental. It is a great – it is definitely – Maybe even more.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah, maybe even more is right. It is a great test of where you're at with willpower. There's no doubt about that. It is a great test of where you're at with willpower. There's no doubt about that. I noticed that, Ben, you were talking about all those little points in your day when you eat. And I noticed that the toughest part for me was around dinner time, before dinner time, during the making of dinner i didn't realize how much slips into your mouth while you're preparing food until i was like whoa nope nope nope oh garden girl garden girl in chat
Starting point is 00:19:33 went 24 hours last week two times two separate 24 hour fast last week and said she really liked in the element chat over there. Thank you, Garden Girl. We appreciate that. You know, one of the things that I like most about it, I got like two, are we still on reasons? We're still on reasons, right? Reasons why we would change. I'll tell you what, for me, fundamentally,
Starting point is 00:19:59 it's probably almost entirely about the struggle. There's definitely sort of like the anti-cancer, you know, those kind of benefits that go along with it. But for me, it really is just that. It's just that, like, the struggle. Like, will you pass or fail? You know what I mean? Like, will you do this or not?
Starting point is 00:20:24 I don't know why. That just seems to be the most motivating thing in the whole thing for me is just are you going to do this or are you going to slip up and eat? You know, or are you going to quit and eat? But you like kettlebells and flipping tractor tires and stuff like that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Same same idea will you quit yeah although i didn't work out hardly at all because i hurt my shoulder magically i have no idea how the shoulder hurt but it came at the perfect time i woke up the day before the fast and i couldn't even move my right shoulder i did nothing it was a it was the least amount of working out I did The week before that injury
Starting point is 00:21:06 I have no idea what happened And as the days That must have been it But I mean that's hilarious You know what I mean I punch punching bags You know what I mean With no boxing gloves on
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like if you're gonna tear a rotator cuff Or hurt a shoulder You would think something like that And I only do that on friday so and i didn't do it this friday so to wake up saturday like was really weird but um yeah all that and i knew it was going to go away thanks to dave jones dave jones has always told me you know you're going to heal faster and your inflammation is going to go away so i was like oh this thing this thing stands no chance now because i'm going to be fasting for 48 hours so
Starting point is 00:21:49 i know it's going to be fine and it's about it's about there it's like 78 80 percent back to mobility but it was it was weird timing isn't that one of the most counterintuitive things? Because I have constant back problems. And I mean, I get up and I'm stiff. I mean, it takes me a while to... Yeah. And then when you fast, you get up and you're like, man, I haven't been able to do this.
Starting point is 00:22:23 You know, it's like, why? You know what always makes sense to me is that you're shutting down the operations in half your body, if not more. And I think that really is the core of why it's so good and why you do such miraculous things. good and why you do such miraculous things because if you had any other kind of machine where you could divert power and all of a sudden you were like just shut half off and divert the other half to you know whatever process we're doing them processes are going to run good man you know yeah the brain power and the lack of infection in your body and the healing process, because it kills off all the dead and damaged cells and your body feeds off of those. Yeah. Because because you're not getting any food.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And it's no wonder it's mentioned so much in the Bible. Holy crap. If you want to get next to God. Yeah. If you want to have just if you just meditated and fasted. Do you know what I mean? Oh, I know. Oh, it makes you appreciate things so much, too.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Like, I feel like, you know, growing up as an american born in the mid-80s just spoiled as heck with my food right and i maybe got a little overweight not too bad but long story short didn't appreciate food at all and now you know not having it you appreciate it more and then when you go back to eating if you're the right way you eat healthier and you're more appreciative and that's godliness right there, just being more appreciative overall. I feel in my head in the first, I don't know if my metabolism is super fast or something, but the first 24 hours for me always go without a hitch. And the later I go, usually the harder it gets for me.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I don't have the, but what I do feel feel i feel a lot of stuff in the first 24 hours i feel the hyper um i feel the hyper like uh instinct in the first 24 hours like it was it was about seven the seven o'clock or six about six or seven o'clock which would have been me hitting about the 24 hourhour mark on Sunday. And I was out in my neighborhood walking with my kid and looking around, and everything was, like, hyper. You know how—I don't know if you guys get that, where it gets like, oh, shit, the leaves are, like, super green, the sky super blue. Everything is fire. Oh, yeah. And the other thing that happens always, and this is always within the first 24 hours, is I get this weird third eye feeling.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's a weird space in my head that feels like the place that I go to when I meditate. It feels like it opens up. Like it's like if you like tilt your head back and let your eyesight drift to between your eyebrows and you stay there and meditate in that position, you'll start to feel like a weird space in there. And when I fast, that space opens up all by itself. It's weird. And I'll be like, oh, man, it's time for some prayer. It's time for some meditation. It's time for something. Even though I didn't really i didn't
Starting point is 00:25:45 really take advantage of that i tried to stay busy keep my mind off it well now you know this fast was to uh do do your normal routine whatever you do do your normal stuff so that you can know that you can do your normal stuff without eating but if you did a fast where all you did was pray and meditate and fast, I mean, holy cow, I think the universe would open up to you. I'd see crazy stuff. I know I would. I would have, what's it called? No, I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I'm like, really? Yeah, I can easily hallucinate. Yeah. So I know if I were like 48 hours in meditating, I'd be seeing all kinds of crazy shit. I should have done it before. Hey, damn it. Now it's eating. I knew I was going to regret eating.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Well, if the Democrats get enough power and throw us all in jail, we can do that. We'll have plenty of time to starve. Exactly. Well, if the Democrats get enough power and throw us all in jail, we can do that while we're starving in jail. We'll have plenty of time to starve. Exactly. All she's going to do is just price gouge, fix the prices on everything. Gross. Sorry for bringing that into the conversation. But a couple of things.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I think the inflammation is huge or lack thereof. I think a big part of it is your lack of uh water weight you lose a lot of water when you fast especially already carrying a bunch so that just i think that itself helps the inflammation there's other reasons inflammation or less and i think and a big part of it's just your body's using or having to do less like you said i wake up an hour earlier, like the second, third day I fast. I guess we'll find out tomorrow the first time I've gone fourth day. But the second and third day, I wake up an hour earlier than normal and I feel great and motivated because I know my body isn't digesting. On the other hand, there's been times where I've been a night eater a little bit. Like I wake up
Starting point is 00:27:41 at one in the morning and eat a little snack or eat right before i sleep or on the weekends or whatever and i'll wake up groggy as heck the next day feeling like crap so you know that stress you put or do not put on your body when you're sleeping makes makes a difference too both for the inflammation as well as just like i don't, your weight and grogginess. And obviously you got to eat, but just know using food is like a tool rather than as a reward. That's a big part of it, I think, too. So one thing that you'll notice, because I noticed this on my long fast, you actually need less sleep. That the amount of sleep that you get is higher quality sleep and you get you i mean i was at this point where i lay down and sleep and i'd probably sleep three or four hours and then i'd get up do some stuff and then later on i tired. I'd lay down and sleep. I mean, I think we were
Starting point is 00:28:47 primally built that way, that when it was time to sleep, you just slept. You found a place you hid, you slept. And then when it was time to go out and forage for food, you went and got food. And you'll find your sleep pattern is completely different when you're fasting. And I slept so sound, so deep, and so restful. I mean, that's one of the huge benefits. You know, I got sleep apnea and I got to, you know, I'm I'm 67 soon. Sixty eight. I get up three or four times a night. Nope, nope, nope. Not now. Not when I'm fasting. Awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:38 You know, the other cool thing about it is you can't get it anyway, but the way we get it. It's one of the rare things nowadays that you can't buy. You know what I mean? Fasting. It can't be duplicated in a video game. The feeling can't be purchased from Amazon. The struggle, all of that. It's one of those uniquely human
Starting point is 00:29:59 things that you can only do if you do it. You can only feel it if you do it and go through it. And man, those it if you do it and go through it. And man, those things are getting rare all the time. You know what I mean? Those human things that are basically irreplaceable. Very true. They even got like Ozempic and different weight loss drugs now. So you can lose weight without even having to go through the struggle in the modern society.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Of course, it's probably not very good for you, but you're right. Just the mental part of it. And think about our ancestors. All the time they went 24, 36, 48 hours without eating. I mean, hopefully they learned to plan better, and that was the foundation of civilization, right? How can we eat throughout the year? How can we trade and preserve?
Starting point is 00:30:52 But, yeah, you're made to not eat for a little bit of time, just like from from the base animal. Right. I'm with you, Ben, on on this, you know, that the challenge and the achievement and the knowing, because think about the millions, maybe billions of people out there that don't know what we know right now, that they'll go into an SHTF situation and just positively shut down because, yeah, yeah. But we say, OK, well, I've been there, I've done that. And, you know, it builds a confidence in you to where you can say, yeah, I can do this level of activity for this period of time before I eat. It is weird because I used to, like i was saying before we started the podcast i used to live by this weird idea that in high school and when i was working uh for various you know jobs that i would be in at an early time i would always believe this lie that like if you don't eat
Starting point is 00:32:00 breakfast your day is done like you're just going to be tired the whole day. And I remember falling asleep in school when I didn't eat breakfast and just believing that weird thing. And when you talk to people about fasting, they'll tell you that same thing. It's just, it just, but it feels so real. It feels like, what do you mean? You can't go two days, three days, four days, 12 days without eating. You know what I mean? Yeah. It seems impossible. And then you're, you know, 24 hours in, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:32:34 oh, I don't feel bad at all. Then you're, you know, 36 hours in, and you're like, this ain't bad. I had a pretty rough, like, one to – really it was almost just like a 12.30 to 2 o'clock today Where I just got dead tired I don't know what happened I crashed Oh
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah it was a crash And I was like But normally I get tired at that time of day Well now see Just knowing that Right there You know I didn't have a problem not eating. Maria's eating in front of me. And I was like, OK, I knew I'm going to 72 hours. Now, when I got to 72 hours, that was when I said, put the food on me.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I went out to eat with my family last night. That's hard. I've been avoiding all that. Oh, have you? I let them leave, and my wife, she was traveling at a hockey tournament all weekend. And once they left, was like man i just i want to hang out we haven't hung out as a family and you know she came home and was like let's go get mexican food and i was like oh man oh man i don't know and then i just i just drove
Starting point is 00:33:58 my truck up there it wasn't far from the house and then popped in and you know they're eating chips and guacamole and fajitas the hot they bring the hot fajitas over in the cast iron pan all three of them had up and i was just like well if i can get through this i don't know if anything else is going to really phase me you know right that's getting me right now. So actually being there in person would be so much harder. It was rough. Yeah. You do like that torture. I'm only doing 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I'm going to do all of it, go all in, make it tough. I like it. Yeah. Am I going to quit or not? You know, that's what it comes down to. And I think Ben probably has it the toughest because nobody would tell. That's why that stands out so good. You don't have Maria there with you.
Starting point is 00:34:54 You don't have my kids running around that will make fun of me for the rest of time if I break the fast. Oh, yeah. No, it's character. It's what you're doing when no one's looking. Yeah, that's real. That's real. A 72-hour fast by yourself, man, that's character. It's what you're doing when no one's looking. Yeah, that's real. A 72-hour fast by yourself, man, that's something. Because any time... It's kind of easier, though, because I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:35:12 if people were in front of me, that would be a lot tougher. I don't know. I think I can still get through it, but that would be tougher than seeing... I don't know. I was looking at a jar of peanut butter for like 30 seconds before I realized I was doing it. So, fajitas, that's way harder. That's sweet. I was looking at a jar of peanut butter for like 30 seconds before I realized I was doing it. So fajitas, that's way harder. That's sweet.
Starting point is 00:35:34 That peanut butter was in so much trouble and it didn't even know it. I'm going to get it this weekend. Your time will come, buddy. So what do you guys think is optimal in terms of like, uh, how often, like you've been doing it? Um, this is your second one in a short period of time, right, Ben? Let's see. I would say I don't have the exact date, but I would say in the last three months I've probably done five or six however half of those were only like 36 hours so i did a few 36 hours in like may and june and then i i think 172 hour fast per month if you want to lose a little weight is a good way to do it if you're already relatively thin or you're trying to build muscle, maybe a little less or maybe do 48 hour fast. Um, so what's optimal. I think there's different people say different things. Some say do the full five day fast, seven day fast,
Starting point is 00:36:38 a couple of times a year, and you'll get most of the benefits. But some people say just do, you know, 36 hour fast once a week, like pretty much take a day off of eating once a week and maybe that's optimal. So I'm going to be experimenting. I think. Yeah, I like that I live a lifestyle of calorie reduction. So I do what's commonly referred to as the warrior diet, where you have a period of timeline six to eight and you eat all your calories that you're going to have until the next next night so this 72 hour fast for me seemed like pretty easy pretty easy now went back when we first started we were doing like uh every quarter uh like a five day, a long, a long fast every quarter. And the good thing is it resets your metabolism and you reap the benefits long after you start back eating. Because when you start back, you're eating very small portions and your body's still in ketosis and you're still,
Starting point is 00:38:05 you know, auto phasing all your bad cells and stuff like that. So you, you keep reaping the benefits. Yeah, you can feel it, man. It's definitely one of those things. You can feel the challenge and you can feel the difference. think that the top of the hill though for me was like i was saying last night which was not that deep into the past really i mean it wasn't it wasn't really that deep about 24 hours but to garden girl's point you know knocking i don't know how you guys feel i mean i know you said that 24 was tough i feel like a 24 hourhour is something you could do like once a month with ease.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Wouldn't even feel it. Wouldn't even notice it. But I think the benefits of, I guess what it would depend on is how long do you think it takes until everything's emptied out and your digestive system is completely done? Everything's digested. Everything's out of your small intestine and all that kind of stuff see now with dave jones telling me at 70 hours he still had gas that makes me nervous well it was funny i i didn't have it before and i started developing it and i'm like how does this work i I don't have anything in my stomach, but I'm getting gas. So maybe that was just stuff that was left over in my intestinal walls. Well, I guess if you breathe in, though, right,
Starting point is 00:39:35 if you breathe, like, air into your stomach, then it's going to get stuck and have to come out, even if it's not, not like the digestive process. And I, surprise, surprise, I'm no doctor. But I pretend to be on Patriot Power Hour. No, actually I don't. But I do know that your gut bacteria undergo a lot of changes when you fast. So maybe it was digesting some stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Or maybe all the bad bacteria were dying off or off gas and detoxing. I presume it's a good thing. I don't know for sure. Of course, each person is different, but I know your gut bacteria kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:17 improves. And then after you're fast, you really need to, especially if you go like five plus days, you got to get the right prebiotics, probiotics, and all that. So maybe it was that. Past how many days you got to do that? Five?
Starting point is 00:40:32 If you go past five or if you do a lot of antibiotics, either way, you got to kind of like reset that gut biome. There's different ways to do it. I think kimchi and sauerkraut are two of my favorite. I got some in the fridge right now. And there's different ways to do it. I think kimchi and sauerkraut are two of my favorite. And kefir. I got some in the fridge right now. So, and fermented foods. Like, you can take different supplements and stuff. But I really think fermented foods, eat some of that in the first day or two after your fast.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And that will, like, just make sure your gut biome is in good shape, you know. Yeah, Maria is giving you a thumbs up on that, Ben. All right, nice. That's the best little proof I could get tonight. Thank you. So what else? What else on the fasting side? Well, okay, I just have a story, okay?
Starting point is 00:41:21 All right. So I'm at the PX tonight tonight and there were some young soldiers in there and i'm trying to figure out what's going on why isn't there any activity here oh did you find out yeah no but i told the kid i said uh yeah i was here in 1975 for basic training. 1975, that was 50 years ago. I said, well, I guess it was 50 years ago. And the funny thing about it was we were talking before the show started i didn't even know breakfast existed until i came to the army and and they fed me breakfast now i gained 45 pounds in base training and i
Starting point is 00:42:17 lost three inches off my waist now i don't know how that happens, but, yeah, I went from, like, 130 to 170-something in basic. Wow. Yeah. Dang. That put you through a lot, right? Oh, my gosh, yes. Yeah, so we got, you blew the, but did they tell you what the deal was? Did they ever get you the information on, like, what the hell's going on?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Where's all the soldiers? No, no. And, well, I asked them what they were doing, and they're going through a transition school. So a lot of these combined bases now, they'll send all the services to one school so that's what's going on here with them now i was kind of interested that when i was filling up the car a guy gets out he's he's airborne he's got the airborne beret on and i look at his license plate and he's patched and he's from the 82nd oh boy and i'm the real deal what yeah what is the 82nd. Oh, boy. The real deal. Yeah, what is the 82nd Airborne doing to McGuire
Starting point is 00:43:29 unless they're going somewhere? But then I got to thinking about it. He's driving his car, but it still has the North Carolina or South Carolina license plate on it. So I don't know. So what does that mean to us who aren't previously military? I don't even know if you get a special license plate when you're on base. No, no, but he might be here temporarily training or doing something but it shocked me that they first of all they don't have any actual
Starting point is 00:44:09 combat army troops here okay this is they they don't have like a division or something like that here so when i saw the airborne guy get out of his car, I'm like, oh, that's strange. And that's when I looked at his patch and then I looked at his license plate. So he he must be here doing something. I wish I would have just stopped and went over to him, say, hey, I'm a retired army, you know, and tried to suck some information out of him because when i was in romania that happened i'm i'm standing in line at the airport and these guys were talking and you could obviously tell they were military i mean the haircuts and the stuff they had so i just kind of the haircuts and the stuff they had so i just kind of saunter over to him we get to talk and then they were a navy navy guys working with the army and that's when i found out we had
Starting point is 00:45:16 military stationed there in three different bases in um romania Romania and, uh, also Navy in, uh, on the black sea there on Stanza. So these guys like spilled their guts. I got a, I got a question from the chat room. Oh, garden girl wants to know if you guys uh allow yourselves coffee i drank the hell out of coffee the whole time yeah i don't think coffee has calories i mean water really unless you do that latte oh you know that's the way i drink my black is night right me too so So I definitely had coffee. Some could say that's maybe not fully fasted, but I definitely –
Starting point is 00:46:10 my other cheat was carbonated water. No sweetener. No pink calories. Oh, a little Perrier. But essentially, yeah, the cheap version of them all. So the faster survivor pack would be pink salt, coffee, and carbonated water. Good to know. There you go, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:46:33 That is something that I don't think I've ever seen anywhere else. That is prepper gold right there. Yeah, the fasting survivor's pack right there. Because the salt helps. That salt was a difference maker today. And that's huge. I think as a prepper, for prepping purposes, you've got to have a nice store of that. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Because you're going to need it, especially if you consider months or even years of grid down. If you're going to get through that, you're not going to be able to load load back up on that salt and don't forget about potassium and magnesium and stuff too so uh it's i have a whole bunch of really it's made for people that are fasting or athletes uh zero calories zero sweetener and it has potassium sodium chloride all that i have a little of that but i have a couple big jars of that stored away as a prep too because i'm like this stuff could be very valuable uh stuff hits the fan oh yeah i keep a lot of regular salt too i keep i buy that uh yeah i buy the freaking salt bricks from sam's club every time i'm there almost they're only like two bucks i think they're like two bucks and two pounds or something like that and it's just hard to even walk by i can't walk by i'm
Starting point is 00:47:50 like a civil war soldier i'm like look at this currency come on yeah it was civil war i think when they got paid in salt or something like that wasn't it or is that revolution yeah i mean through history salt has uh that's where the word salary comes from sally so yeah and uh you can create a sweetener you know from honey from sap from trees, from different plant leaves. You cannot create salt. Yeah. So, yeah. Well, not to mention the whole, and I don't share this enough, but the whole, my first step would be if I was in a situation
Starting point is 00:48:42 where my generator ran out and the solar wasn't charging quick enough and the gasoline was all used up and the meat in the freezer was compromised, it would be a combination effort of canning and salting. And it would require a lot of salt. You know what I mean? And salting. And it would require a lot of salt. You know what I mean? But I would coat everything in salt and hang it until I figured out what we're going to do next in terms of, like, I know what we're going to do. But I'm saying, you know, do we want to eat some steak tonight that's been salted and hanging? Or do we want to let that cure completely?
Starting point is 00:49:19 You know, that whole thing. So you've got to have salt for that. You know, that whole thing. So you got to have salt for that. You know, all that bacon making and all that kind of fun stuff that you do with salted meats, man, and preservation. The salt is a godsend for that. So you got to have salt. Yeah, big time. Get them out.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Hey, the next time. Go ahead. Sorry. Well, I'm just saying, guys, the next time you're at the Jones Homestead, I'll show you my cache of salt. The salt cache? The salt mine? I was going to say, the whole cavern or something. You know, that's a really cool idea, actually. That's not a bad idea because it's one of those things that that like, it's pretty tough to, I mean, if you're using food, food safe stuff, like you could, here's a great one.
Starting point is 00:50:10 You could use like a four inch PVC pipe and cap it on both ends and bury it and have a salt mine, you know, 10 foot long, fill the whole thing up and bury it. That'd be a lot of salt. Oh my God. 10 feet long that'd be probably close to 100 pounds oh that's a good point might be too heavy to move it might even be heavier than that yeah maybe cut her down to five two five pounders i mean two five footers because wow that you know salt's pretty heavy i mean it's heavier than sand yeah good point okay yeah those two pound boxes i was talking about have weight to them themselves so if you got yeah i guess it wouldn't take all that much two pounds so that would be you know 25 of those little boxes would be 50 pounds. That's not that much. They're only about six high by maybe three or four deep.
Starting point is 00:51:12 So, but yeah, it's a winner. You guys want to do this again sometime and maybe make it? Well, I mean, when Ben finally stops, okay? I feel like we're going to have to check up on him. Well, maybe. You eat yet, man? I'll give you my 12-hour weight check-ins, and if I miss one, you know to come and get me. Yeah, for real.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Okay, okay. We'll break into the Megs. Yeah. Hey, man. Well, maybe next time we can do, like, five days. We'll break into the Megs. Yeah. Hey, man. Well, maybe next time we can do like five days. Yeah, I'm up for it. Yeah, because I found this to be pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Dave said too damn easy. I need more. Give me more. Give me more. Well, I was looking forward to it, actually. And even though I knew what what we were doing and we're going on vacation, I said, yeah, put me down. And Maria was all in. Maybe she'll join us next time, too. What about February?
Starting point is 00:52:22 Oh, yeah. February, I'm at my weakest. i'm at my weakest i'm at my lowest so that was why that was one of the reasons why gotham get out was such such a challenge and such a great thing to do because i already knew i was at my weakest point of the year february so i was like man i like it through this this this will be good january or fe, like right after the holidays, maybe not like the week after. But that's a nice way to get rid of a little excess. Maybe at the end of the year you have a little bit too much food and alcohol or whatnot. And I agree. With no sunshine, I get kind of down in the dumps.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And here's something. I have not felt hardly any depression or anxiety over the last, especially a couple of days. And I'm not crippled by that by any means, but you know, occasionally I'll get my feelings here and there, but try to power through in a smart way. And long story short,
Starting point is 00:53:19 I haven't felt hardly depressed or in particularly in particular anxious even though we got all this crazy stuff going on in the world a lot of time i'm a little anxious but uh i feel like a little more calm and and like dave was saying like actually both you guys have said throughout you know throughout the conversation that you know you feel a little more motivated to do things and so that activity keeps your mind away from food, but also kind of makes you less anxious too. So, yeah, that's about all I got. Running low on steam here, I guess. A few minutes left here, but it's been a great call.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I have to bring this up because I mentioned it to James earlier, okay? One thing that happened to me, your sex drive just drops off a mountain. I mean, those oysters. Yeah. No, I you just it's like, I might as well be a eunuch. OK, because I'm pretty, as they say in England, Randy. But, yeah, that was nonexistent. It was like someone flipped a switch and I was,
Starting point is 00:54:36 that's that. Yeah, my wife was out of town, so that probably, it was out of my head to begin with. See? See? There was nothing on the table for me. You know what I mean? Anyway.
Starting point is 00:54:51 But Garden Girl says that February is her birthday month. So she would also like to join us for a fast in the month of February. Nice. Let's do it. We can build up to it. We can really con people into doing it this time because they'll all feel all fattened up from the Kringle and all the deliciousness of the holidays.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I like it. I like it. Let's do it. I'm in. I'm in for sure. The reservation. Let's see how many people we can get to join us and experience this unbelievable benefit, confidence builder, you name it. I mean, there's – I don't think there's a downside.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I don't ever experience any problems at all. Never. I mean, unless you could say lightheadedness. It's hard. Yeah, unless you could say lightheadedness or something, but even that seems to pass. Even if you're exerting yourself and you feel like, oh, I'm getting a little lightheaded, it passes,
Starting point is 00:56:01 and then you're back to normal. It's not like I'm going to pass out because I'm starving to death like it's nowhere near that right no no and and uh the other day when i was doing all this stuff and sweat my butt off and i i changed my shirt like three times and i'm oh you're right no that is a downside my breath and my body are on another level. That is one downside. Once I get ketonic, and because I think I get ketonic real easily, so it happens super fast. And then, you know, today was just like I was a different man.
Starting point is 00:56:43 There's all new smells coming off of me. I'm like, what in the hell is burning off right now? But that is one of those things where you know something has changed. It's one of those things where you're like, something has changed. There's things coming out of me I'm not used to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 But not really that big of a downside. It wasn't like you know i don't necessarily have to be around a bunch of people and my kids nor my wife said anything about it they weren't like god dad you know so at least in my house wasn't a big deal but you know in vietnam they said that uh the vietcong could smell the amer Americans because they smelled like hamburgers and stuff like that. And and what the snipers and people, the Lerp long range reconnaissance people did who were out in the jungle all the time, they started eating what the Viet Cong ate. So they smell. I mean, they said they could smell them for kilometers. started eating what the Viet Cong ate. So they smelled like their enemy.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I mean, they said they could smell them for kilometers. Well, they smoked like stacks, too. I'm sure that had a lot to do with it, right? Smoking cigarettes, you smell that shit. That stays on you. True. But you never know. I'll tell you what, though. I'll take a bowl of pho over a hamburger most days out of the week, so I understand.
Starting point is 00:58:07 It wouldn't have been a hard transition for me. Yeah. Well, they were flying in all the beef from America and all this stuff, you know. And that was foreign to Vietnam. Yeah. I mean, it would be easy to pick these two smells out, especially if you're out there doing what we did. Yeah, I believe that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Oh, yeah. All right, gentlemen, let's wrap it. I think we did a solid hour. I think those who are intrigued are intrigued. Those who are not intrigued left 30 minutes ago. So we do. I think that's about what we're. Those who are not intrigued left 30 minutes ago. So we do. I think that's about what we're going to get out of it tonight. Good work.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Hey, no matter what happens, good work. Everybody did a great job. It was fun. And don't kill yourself, Ben. No, I'm motivated to do it the right way. And any time I feel like I felt extra sick or I wake up tomorrow and I can't move, trust me, I'm going to end the fast. But on the other hand, I'm not going to just end it artificially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Now, here's what I'm worried about. I actually have Wednesday. I have a little bit of a work lunch. And that's actually a social aspect. So I'm just going to power through that if I can make it that far and just tell them hey guys i'm having lemon water today and don't be ashamed of it but on the other hand that's so cool and then they'll talk about you behind your back on the other hand i might just you know eat that day because i'll get a free you know free free lunches don't always come around. But no, no, that's weakness.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I'm going to keep going. Dude, you got this. You got this. Keep it in the back channel. Keep it in the back channel. I will. So here's the goal. Really what happened. Long story short, I talked about this
Starting point is 01:00:01 for a couple minutes on one of my shows. You guys heard it. We thought it was a cool idea to try as a group. I'm really looking forward to doing what we're going to do in February. But Future Dan on Patriot Power Hour last week said, you got to make it till next Patriot Power Hour. So that would be, you know, less
Starting point is 01:00:17 than two days from now. That's going to be more than 100 hours. That'd be like 120. We'll see if I make it. I'll try to make it a Patriot Power Hour in a couple days. But if not, it has been a great time, guys. This has been a great show, too. No doubt about it, gentlemen. Have a good evening.
Starting point is 01:00:36 And PBN family, don't be afraid, man. You're capable of insane things. All right? We'll talk to you guys soon. It's James Walton, Dave Jones, Ben the Breaker of them banksters, Cochran calling it a night. We will see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:00:53 All right? Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander,
Starting point is 01:01:21 and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy.

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