The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE - Twas the Night Before...Chaos

Episode Date: November 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. You're planned back to stability here. Good evening, PBN family. What is up? Jay Ferg is with us. You might as well just unmute and hang out, Jay Ferg. Or do I have to unmute you? Oh, no, can't unmute your guest. No, I can unmute. Yeah, say it to Caroline. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Maybe mute yourself. Oh, mute myself. Okay. I don't know what's in the background, but it's loud. It sounds like you're watching a TV show or something. But, yeah, that's the night pbn family it was the night before chaos and all through the house uh not a kamala was stirring i guess i don't know there shouldn't be any noise now i was trying to leave the room i heard uh it was a red versus blue nypd blue in the background was it
Starting point is 00:01:28 no no it's red versus blue for like fortnite um actually it's an old series there's like several series where it's very basic animation all the way up it's on um prime i don't know he enjoys it i don't get it i gotcha yeah we're good for it we're good for a bunch of that a wife doesn't get it but we love it you know what you i think you might you might dig it probably so probably so so uh how you feeling i'm interested it's gonna be interesting that I went ahead. There was just a few things I needed, and I still forgot diapers and wet wipes. But I was trying to go ahead and get everything tonight, so I did not have to go out tomorrow just in case.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think that's probably a good move. Although, I'm assuming We probably won't know Until tomorrow night anything Well we probably won't see any actual outcome Until about two weeks after When all the PA's votes Finally come in
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah That's a good call Dave No was it Dave I don't remember I was just talking to somebody about PA. I don't know. It's looking good in PA, though.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I do have interesting news out of the Jones Homestead, though, if you want to hear that. Dave is not going to be here tonight. But he said, can I call about an hour before the show? And I said, sure. And we were yakking it up for a minute. And he told me that he got some Romanian intel that's a little interesting. Romania is preparing for a wide scale power outage tomorrow. The source, he doesn't know, but he's just getting information from his family and the family's
Starting point is 00:03:27 asking maria and dave what should we do there's a there's a there could be a large-scale power outage tomorrow and there has been a bank run in romania that his niece reached out to them and said what should i do should i you know put my next paycheck in the bank keep it out whatever my money out i don't know what the he doesn't know either what the reasoning is what the source is why um but if that's got enough people on edge the last thing you want to do is gamble with money by having a large amount in the bank account. I mean, that was like when we were, when we had the blue screen of death and bank and establishments and phone lines and medical systems were down, it actually, right before that,
Starting point is 00:04:15 we had gotten to a point where we only leave enough money in our account to cover the bills. And then we pulled the excess out to keep cash on hand because it's not going to do us any good if the grade goes down. Cash is king and cash is going to be good a little bit longer than non-existent electronic currency. So our whole mind thought is I'd rather have a little bit of cash on me that I can at least still buy my way through places versus having no financial resource at all. Yeah, sure. Cash is always king.
Starting point is 00:04:52 There's no doubt about that. In terms of civil unrest, the Wall Street, the crack team. I don't know if you saw this, Jayford, but I saw this earlier today. It's so funny. I had to bring it up. this jay ferg but i saw this earlier today it's so funny i had to bring it up the crack team over at the wall street journal have reported they're way ahead of this the game here they reported that the proud boys have regrouped and are signaling election plans i'm gonna tell you i've heard a lot of different things. You've got different divisions with everything else that I've heard negative things about Proud Boys and I've heard positive things about the Proud Boys.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So it's just you don't even know what to believe anymore. It's just amazing to me that they had to dig this deep to create a right wing civil unrest threat because they know just like the people out on the west coast who are calling in the freaking national guard know it's their people who are going to do the burning oh right which is funny because you know jam six you know we had that whole issue and everything that was going on and people who were at the white house the proud boys were there you know what they were doing they were putting stickers on people's cars they were stickering people's cars so if they're to that point of extremism it's it's definitely gonna be something because if you push the right-wing individuals to the point of extremism well that should say a lot right there
Starting point is 00:06:24 yeah right well here's this here's what where they really messed up To the point of extremism. Well, that should say a lot right there. Yeah, right. Well, here's where they really messed up. Where they really messed up was the January 6th punishments. Because the Proud Boys leader got 22 years. I don't know if you know. Seditious conspiracy. 22 years in prison but yet you've got rapists and criminals and illegals being allowed to come back into the state with no punishment at all right so so what you do at
Starting point is 00:06:58 that point is you take a crazy ass right wing person and they're out there and he says well if i'm gonna get 22 years i'm gonna do a hell of a lot more than put stickers right right exactly because that's that's that's what my mindset is is 22 years for for something non-existent well if that's the case then why not escalate yeah stewart roads of the oath keepers got 18 years wow joe biggs uh another another proud boys leader got 17 years i mean like that's pretty i mean i don't know what the average murder murderer gets the murder sentence um depending on the class you're looking at usually 25 to life so usually a minimum of 25 years depending on you know if it's um manslaughter versus murder versus there's a whole another one but typically you're looking at about 25 years and uh you're right on
Starting point is 00:08:01 the money so enrique did you google it yeah enrique came in three years shy of first degree murder wow at that point i mean i'm not saying to commit murder but at that point if i'm going down can i at least take some some horrible i mean become a little vigilante and take some of those uh rapist immigrants out with me well look i mean that you know you're a you're a reasonable person there's a lot of unreasonable people out in the world on both there are quite a bit of unreasonable people i deal with sick patients every day that i the other day i had an hour straight of just getting ranted out because people are so miserable and so unhappy they have to spread it
Starting point is 00:08:46 and you know i'm sorry for these people and i hate that they're sick but i'm not gonna go attacking people just because i'm unhappy yeah yeah it's rough out there man there's no doubt i was having a i don't want to go into garden girl is gg in with us she is here something's wrong because we have zero viewers i see that but i show i show garden girl shouldn't even show the viewers for her definitely yes this must reading must be wrong or something i don't know why um i'm over at the the most amazing website on the internet right now to me which is the drudge report oh what's on there so i can't get off of this screen or i lose you oh well the drudge report has done a total 180 and it's so crazy how what is it became democratic but 100
Starting point is 00:09:41 oh someone must have bought them out like they did fox news that's exactly what it says last days of dawn it's 2020 all over again harris up for u.s on the eve of history wow i call bs months yeah it's i call bs right Right. Did you not see the post where the Supreme Court was stepping up to keep it from being a crooked vote? In Virginia? I saw some. Yeah. Yeah. Somewhere. Well, not just there, but I saw somewhere else that the Supreme Court was stepping in to make sure. Yeah, that those illegal immigrants can't vote vote but now you're running into issues of illegal students like students who came from abroad are now getting away with votes and in washington those votes are still being counted even though they're not legally um allowed to vote
Starting point is 00:10:38 is this louisiana's congressional map i see something about that maybe i'll have to see if i can find it here in a little bit. But yeah, no. Oh, I also saw there's a lot going on where the college that there's a college up in Washington. I think it was Washington. It was a northern state and some college. And people are saying even if students are saying they're not surprised because college students go in saying there's somebody else or going in with someone else's id and go and vote and those votes count even though it was illegally submitted oh boy geez yeah i mean everybody's gonna be vigilant everybody's gonna be very vigilant and you know they're gonna be paying attention it's not like it's not like people are behind the eight ball this year.
Starting point is 00:11:28 You know what I mean? They're going to be hyper vigilant on that. But even with all the mail in vote votes or mail in ballots, it looks like the Democrats are still like way behind from last year's numbers. Like, I think they had like 100 million mail-in ballots last year and now they're pretty i'm looking for what i saw yeah i think i'm pretty sure it was like 100 million mail-in ballots were in by this time last year now something like 30 million or something like that. Wow. Well, I mean, how many got destroyed when those ballots were set on fire? How many times did we already see this year alone someone standing there next to the ballot boxes trying to physically take people's ballots for the early mail-in?
Starting point is 00:12:20 So, I mean, we've seen corruption firsthand before the even polls have completely opened up. So there is no telling. No telling. Yeah. Yeah, it's, you know, well, that's kind of the way I don't know. It's a weird thing. I think we should all just be able to vote on the one day. I mean, I guess it's good that people have.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I don't know. You voted early, right? I did. And here in South Carolina, which we've had to have a huge article be posted for our news. It is South Carolina state law that you are not allowed to photograph while in the ballot area. It says it right on the signs. You know, cell phones must be put away. There is absolutely no photography allowed of any kind. You're not allowed to wear any sort of campaign attire.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So no hats, stickers, shirts, anything that says anything about any of the campaign and individuals, but they've had to post on the media that taking a valid selfie can land you in jail. And it's South Carolina state law that it is illegal to take a picture. So people are getting arrested for taking selfies or taking pictures of their ballots while they're submitting them. Ah, I don't think that's a bad idea. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Okay. Current early voting figures for 2024 are down, excuse me, more than 101 million people who voted early in the 2020 election, which included 36 million early in-person votes and 66 million in mail-in ballots. So the overall early voting is what's down.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Gotcha. Oh, Garden Girl put a good comment, if you don't mind. She says, we have some Brazilian friends that are patiently waiting until they're eligible for citizenship so they can't vote yet. It's infuriating that illegals can get a vote in before them. I absolutely agree. The people who are legally trying and the people who are going through the correct process are the people who are being punished while the ingrates are being rewarded. We're giving them housing. are being rewarded. We're giving them housing. I saw where in an area where we've had African refugees come in from south of the border are being housed with two years, two years of housing
Starting point is 00:14:57 for free. They've never, they don't have to pay any, they don't have to pay any utility bills. They don't, the house comes furnished. So they get all of the furniture, a big flat screen TV. And the people who want to move into those same apartments are allowed to. But it is $2,500 for a one-bedroom house while these families are being housed for two years rent-free with two- and three-bedroom houses. Yeah. See, this is what Kamala actually means by he's gonna fix the housing crisis right but we can't help our people who are still sick and starving and people we're still looking for from hurricane helene oh no but we can give people money for that no because we spent billions on the immigration. And have you noticed the terminology for those individuals has changed over the years that they no longer call them illegal immigrants or illegals or immigrants?
Starting point is 00:15:55 They're now considered just migrants. That was a good switch up, right? That was a good switcheroo. Yeah. Just migrants all of a sudden yeah i mean it look it's got to be a landslide or we lose that's all there is to it it's got to be a massive trump win or it's a trump loss that's all there is there's no close race where it comes out in his favor as far as i'm concerned excellent so posted, made a post today on Facebook
Starting point is 00:16:25 and I absolutely, absolutely loved it. And it says, remember folks, tomorrow is garbage day, not recycling day. Nah. I, hey,
Starting point is 00:16:39 Trump's level of petty of being called garbage and then showing up in a garbage truck with a garbage man vest on i thought was phenomenal phenomenal i did he stood with the rest of us garbage piles according to our current president you know what i mean right and he is a man of the people throughout even when you know yes multi-billionaire a businessman has always, always been there to help the people, regardless of what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:10 He actually was a man who took several of his paychecks to try to clean up parts of New York City and make it relivable for people. And people used to love him. But now that he's at a political figurehead, they've got to condemn him. love him but now that it's at a political figurehead they've got to condemn him but even when they try to condemn him i can't help but laugh because it's like what what can you what has he done what has he done that you can say this is what makes him what i say he is because you know people are like where is it it? Because I remember one interview, he was being interviewed for something. And this was years ago. I mean, years and years ago. And a young black woman asked him, would you hire a young black woman? And he goes,
Starting point is 00:17:57 what's your name? How old are you? And what is the job that you're looking for? And he hired her on the spot. He goes, he goes, I have many black people and all sorts of positions throughout my my company he goes but if you want that job he goes you you can have it just bring me your resume and the job is yours i don't understand this mentality of the democrats that is like that looks at people like Trump who own, he owns hotels. Like how could he not be employing black people? You know how many people you need to run a hotel. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's like, it's just crazy to me that people look at a guy like that and go like, he may be a racist and probably doesn't give black people jobs. Like what? That's so crazy it's like you've never been in the real world before and then you got kamala who's like i don't know if i've seen race baiting to this level in my lifetime i love i love her um her voice change and someone's actually they were supposed to send me the
Starting point is 00:19:06 video. They had a clip of, you know, how she changes her accent with whatever group she was with. And she did the Spanish one and it just, like, I, yeah, well, apparently there is actually one where she was meeting with some French scientists and started putting on a French accent to these engineers and scientists. And the only thing that cracks me up, I'm still waiting to see is when she goes before a bunch of Asians. I can't wait to see her go before Putin and sit with him for a little bit. Oh, my gosh. But it kills me because it's like, you know, what are you doing? You're making a mockery of yourself. Good. Oh my gosh. But it kills me because it's like, you know, what, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:19:47 You're making a mockery of yourself. Good. I know, but nobody, nobody thinks twice just because she's a woman. She's not doing anything for me. Yeah. She's, she's not doing anything for me. What is she doing for me? Oh, she's pro prochoice, pro-abortion. Trump isn't one way or another. He put it in the hands of the states and let the states decide. I think that's phenomenal. They can't seem to figure that out. That just goes right over their head it's great and they think just because he didn't make a yes or no decision he
Starting point is 00:20:25 did make a decision he left it to the decision of the states so some states allow it and some states don't i think that's perfect because regionally people don't think the same across the board in the south you know we believe all life is not maybe everyone in the South, but in my Southern roots, all life is precious, even from conception. And all life is amazing, even when it comes from bad moments. Well, I'll tell you what, it's always good for the, and this is really the fundamental issue. One side wants the federal government to have all the power the other side loves it when things like that happen and and the government has to relinquish power to the states you know i always love that it's that's just the way it should be we need more of that well it's a
Starting point is 00:21:17 little more self-governing i think that's the right way to do it if you give complete control to the government we're not far from a monarchy on its own. Yeah, exactly. Or you have like a drug situation where you kind of can smoke pot in some states or you can also get your house raided by the feds in the same state. You know what I mean? The more that we can pull away from the federal government and put in the hands of the people, obviously the better. Have you not noticed the biggest headliner recently? And it is sad, but it came at a right moment to kind of get people's heads to turn hard left for a second instead of looking at what's going on in front of them.
Starting point is 00:21:59 The squirrel? Yes. Peanut. Peanut. Oh, so the woman is now so the woman went online and bragged about having the house raided and the animals killed she told she reported that those animals had rabies and so um and was she was supposed to be some sort of contravation, uh, contra, Oh, Lord have mercy. She does pictures, you know, all for saving the animals and protecting the animals. And she lives in Texas and she actually had been to their house once before. I believe, I believe you mind you, I'm getting all toward different sources. Cause I got curious and I went down the hole the rabbit hole good because i did that and it's interesting to me her name is monica kessler but she's deleted all of her social medias now she has a facebook with this picture on it to still push um her photography page but
Starting point is 00:22:59 it's now monica ann so she's gone to try to block everybody out because she had, you know, social media, she bragged about it. So the owners had peanut the squirrel for seven years. They had rescued him as an infant. They tried to release him. Um, but a dog had attacked it. He came back and ended up living in the house with them with no problem for seven years. She reported him. Uh, it was a health issue and come find out i think there was something about his his um something about either licensing or some of their forms hadn't came in to legally own a squirrel but because he was a um a rescue what do you call it when you're fixing them? I'm sorry. Adopted? No. Yeah, but because they were like a rescue, they didn't classify them as a pet.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So the state was able to get them as, oh, well, you've kept them for seven years. He's a pet and he's not licensed or documented as a pet. So he had undocumented exotic animals in his house, which was the raccoon and the squirrel well essentially i mean if you follow down it that's what i'm piecing together like i could be completely wrong but um i hope the word undoc rehabbing rehabbing uh so get this um the man was handcuffed and made to sit outside of his house for five hours. He wasn't allowed to feed the horses breakfast or lunch.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And horses have a set schedule and how you handle the routines, especially horses that have been rescued and are being rehabbed. His wife, they started questioning his wife's documentation on her immigration records, too. So they had her, too, pulled to the side. Questioning her immigration records, if she was legally immigrated here or not. So this woman ensued chaos on a level that destroyed a household. Well, the man, both the rabbit, I mean, both the raccoon and the squirrel were euthanized two days later. And he said he went to retrieve their bodies, but they had cut off their head. Well, if anyone understands and knows animals, the only way to find out if an animal has rabies is to test the brain.
Starting point is 00:25:20 So they had to take the head. So they had to take the heads. So because this woman made a false claim of rabies, the animals were put down and sent to a test and lab to see if they actually even had rabies. Sure as hell didn't look like that thing had rabies. It didn't. It was the coolest squirrel I ever saw. It didn't. It didn't.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I don't know what triggered this. I don't know if it was because of the fact that this squirrel had brought in. He was a big part of a nonprofit organization for rehabbing animals, for rescuing. And that he brought in a ton of money for that nonprofit organization that they were able to save so many animals and horses and things in need. Yeah. And I don't know if maybe the woman was upset. Right, right. And that's just it. He said he felt like he was being treated like a drug dealer.
Starting point is 00:26:12 They went in his home and tore everything apart like he was hiding something, but had warrants. They specifically had warrants to seize the raccoon and the squirrel. What kind of judge could could with a straight three three judges three judges signed off on it i can't even like aren't there isn't there at least to some degree a point where you go i think he's probably doing a little more good right you would think but if you gotta look at it look at the new new york judicial judicial system anyways probably but i mean you're looking at the fact that they're housing all these illegal immigrants that children have been displaced after their own schools because initially they were all being put
Starting point is 00:26:57 in the school gyms and you had to worry about children being around predatory men or people in general. And now, instead of dealing with the crisis at hand, let's stir up the pot and take away a poor little house-fed squirrel and raccoon and kill them. Oh, yeah. For what? You're going to question this man's wife's immigration status and her legitability, Question this man's wife's immigration status and her legitability, but you're fine with how many tens of thousands illegal immigrants roam in the street, not including the number of minor children who are now subway surfing. You know, this has been the third death in the last few days. A 13 and 12-year-old girl were subway surfing.
Starting point is 00:27:44 One's dead. The other is critically injured. A 14-year-old died died a few weeks ago my son told me about this today yeah oh it's bad i've already seen where they pulled her arm off of a stoplight oh well listen to this stat listen to this stat for you peanut the squirrel hunters this is from uh daily US, by the way. Staggering 75% of all New York arrests in Midtown are migrants. Surprise! I am not surprised. I'm not surprised. Garden Girl says she had never heard of any of this until last night.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Small mention of a squirrel this is nuts but it just goes to show it's kind of convenient though because you know how it's heartbreaking don't get me wrong and this family was devastated but for what what really is going on that there's like oh we'll distract them by invading a legal citizen who's doing right by the community and saving animals who are abandoned. But yet you can't do anything about the women and children who are being raped and murdered and the people who are being burnt to death. I mean, it was in New York that one migrant killed a man, a wife and their two kids in their home and then squatted in there. Oh, nice. Yeah. and their two kids in their home and then squatted in there oh nice yeah oh you know now we have children trying to start a trend by subway surfing and and dying and it's just it's absurd and then what are they going to do they're going to blame the parents now yes i think parents should speak to their kids but parents need to be more vigilant of who their children are hanging out with
Starting point is 00:29:23 i mean you've got all these different trends that go around. This is going to be another one that was like the knockout trend or the Tide Pod trends. And oh, my God. And you know what? The sad thing is, it's that Darwinism at its finest. Hey, you said it. You know what I mean? You said it.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Hopefully there's a vote for Trump trend that kicks in right around tomorrow morning. I hope so. But, you know, I'm I'm glad for early voting because it honestly for me with my work day, there's no way I there is no way I would have time to stand there with an infant with the traffic here. That's why I do not plan on leaving the house at all tomorrow. We'll be in and out before the sun comes up, my wife and I. But it will be interesting to see who's there early. Now, are the schools in there? Because here, the schools are closed yesterday and today because the schools are used for polling locations here.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yes, public schools are closed. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this is what I was thinking today. I was thinking, what's something that you wish you had established for tomorrow and beyond that you don't have yet? That's a good one. Because I was looking around my place
Starting point is 00:30:50 and wishing I had a more brained-up security force. I'm not worried about, well, yeah. Luckily, we live at the end of a cul-de-sac. Only one way in, one way out. And all of us keep our heads on swivels because if people drive down our road, I mean, we're all looking at our windows. Because unless you live down here, there's no reason for you to be down the street. That's great. That's a good start.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You know what? For me, it's more or less like the secondary heat insert sources. Like I have a cooktop, but I wish I had a kerosene heater because our fireplace was removed for insurance purposes. And so we don't have a fireplace. I mean, right. I'm all electric here. Right. I'm all electric here. So, you know, that's one of those things where there are certain aspects to my home. I wish I had a little more of certain things, but I'm pretty comfortable with how we are. I just, I would like it better once we're further off of this little island we're essentially on and further inland. Yeah, I could understand that. That makes sense. I mean, because essentially Myrtle Beach is an island. And so it's, it's, because it is hell trying to get out of here. Traffic is back to back anywhere you go here dang well i mean we i mean i have a list longer than just that you know what i mean it's oh yeah
Starting point is 00:32:33 no same here but you know just off the top of my head it's just my main concern isn't so much the election as it is the incoming elements what do you mean by oh you mean the people no not just people but the weather um the resources like i'm i'm one of those where i went ahead while i was out my my little boy is loves carrots and loves peas and destroyed all the cans of carrots and peas. So when I ran out this evening to pick up the last little odds and ends, I stocked up on several more cans of carrots and peas. I was like, you know what, while I'm at it, I'll go ahead and grab a couple more boxes of pasta. You know, while I'm at it, I'll grab a couple more cans of tomatoes. And, you it's it's the fact that here resources don't get resupplied as quickly as you would think being that we are you know oceanside i am i'm curious of what the elements
Starting point is 00:33:39 are going to be as far as the incoming weather what we're going to be seeing in the weather changes here soon, because it seems to be hectic or chaotic everywhere with the weather changing. One moment it's hot, the next minute it's cold in the back. And then on top of it are resources. You know, people are going to run out
Starting point is 00:33:58 and go shopping. And that's why I was like, you know, I'm going to go ahead and top off what we need tonight so I don't have to go back out for a while. Not at least until next weekend. It's a, you know, I'm going to go ahead and top off what we need tonight so I don't have to go back out for a while. Not at least until next weekend. It's a good call. Come to Texas.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You did the right thing with the, yeah, no, I had to put that up there for you, garden girl. Open invite. Some days it feels like we're all going to wind up in Texas, doesn't it? Yes, I'm working on, and mind you, I'm not gonna lie i loved texas when i went to texas it was probably one of the most welcoming states i've ever been to um and most culturally diverse states i've ever been to and i but i am trying to believe or not get up to western north carolina we it's where we want to be even after the disaster everything's telling me that's But I am trying to, believe it or not, get up to Western North Carolina. It's where we want to be.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Even after the disaster, everything's telling me that's where we should be going. Really? Mm-hmm. And I plan on still going out that way. Well, I mean, you know, it was those things, those once-in-100-year storms are a thing. Well, they happen. But the thing is, is you take and you learn from them i know this has always been a me thing i can't live in a valley i've never been comfortable with living in low ground or valley areas that i would have to live on a
Starting point is 00:35:17 mountain to feel comfortable ah it is nice having water though close, close by. It is, but I have always been leery about having water too close. No, I get that. I'd rather hike a mile or two to get to water than have it 10 feet from me and potentially drown. I get it. I mean, the water is an unstoppable force. Once it's on you, there's not much you can do. Right. Water is patient and relentless.
Starting point is 00:35:50 That's a good way to look at it. I like that. Yeah, I think, you know, to be honest, I really don't know for the first time in a long time. Like, I know that there will be spots. I think that Trump will win. I know that there will be spots i think that trump will win i know that there will be spots of civil unrest i have no clue where it's gonna be the worst i think you're gonna see it's more in a heavy populous areas like in more in the northern states than the south you think it'll be like an opportunity to uh shop that's what i was saying earlier maybe you know what i i'm thinking i just offhand if i were to list states that i think it would be it would be like portland um maybe certain places in california chicago um i don't know where how pittsburgh's sitting but you know
Starting point is 00:36:44 in michigan or or Minnesota in certain areas in there, especially like the world, the world mall, I had a friend who said that there's so many immigrants over the years that it's more of a Muslim culture up there now than it is anything else. I'm not hating on these cultures, but you know, when she says you're outran from your own home because immigrants have been coming into that area much longer before the border was ever opened wow yeah i it's you know and there are i'm sure there are i i'm 100 positive actually that there are muslim communities in this country that are probably 100 trump oh absolutely i mean we have morality right we have a few here and it's not so much the when i say immigrants i think because culturally though
Starting point is 00:37:33 you're running into such a a mix that um how do i say i'm not trying to sound like an an asshole but essentially it makes it difficult when you're being chided by someone else's culture because you're not following their beliefs when it makes your own home uncomfortable that's where i'm trying to point to i got that that makes sense yeah i don't know it'll be interesting to, especially if it happens in the middle of the night. You know what I mean? Well, I imagine there's going to have to be something. We're going to get a curveball out of somewhere. You can't have a calm election, especially with Trump and the way the Democrats have been speaking.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Democrats have been speaking. And I guess the most interesting outcome, I don't want it, but the most interesting outcome would be to see Kamala win like three days later. I don't believe, though, it's going to be an easy handover. The thing is, is even if he wins, which I believe he's won, I do. And in my heart of hearts, he won last time, too. But I don't believe they're going gonna make it easy on the handover you don't think you think war you think some kind of thing i think they're gonna try to pull some old civil laws oh you know civil war laws of some kind to
Starting point is 00:38:59 that state that he is not fit or whatever i think think they are going to pull some backhanded BS. But this is his seat. This man had more times apiece than less countries tried us. And I mean, people are trying to say that we live under Trump's tax law right now, but we don't. That was Biden and Kamala's inflation, because even she got she got got on air when she was being asked about giving tax breaks. And she goes, yeah, I'm going to give tax breaks to this community and this community. And the interviewer says, ah, but you're not increasing taxes right she goes well you've got to increase taxes to give tax breaks where's the money supposed to come from
Starting point is 00:39:50 and i'm like she said this on air that's sweet that is sweet right there i love that well i'm gonna give you all the money you need i'm just gonna take it from them right right and so that's just one of those things where it's like you know right exactly it's actually exactly from daddy well i mean she did say come with a go with joy i mean it was the same same line that was used by the nazis yeah well donald trump's the only nazi so don't worry about that right obviously no so like what gets me me, though, is Trump wants to use tariffs. And I think that's a great idea. You should be taxing the people who are bringing products in versus, I mean, sending products in from all of these foreign ships.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Because, I mean, it was a foreign ship that took down the Baltimore Bridge. Yeah. And we've not heard any more on that. And they're still reconstructing, and they still haven't found families who were plunged into that river. Man, all those, that year, what was that, 21 or something, 22? No. That year of attacks on the railway systems, attacks on the plane. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:08 attacks on the railway systems attacks oh yeah notice like that all that stuff when it was happening everybody was like well there's a certain amount of this stuff that happens every year i ain't heard shit right but when you have no except for except for like the well now we are seeing more catastrophic events than we are which don't get me wrong the other events were catastrophic too but did you not see about the um the chemical plant that went caught on fire in georgia like a week before her pain hurt that same plant caught on fire for the same issue two three years prior well that that's a good point that debunks my theory because my theory was that that was a that was a standout year with all that stuff with the oh it was a standout year because it was convenient that all of the trains and all of the
Starting point is 00:42:00 fields and everything were all food sources. I do think you're right. Remember East Palestine? That was like a chemical weapons attack. Yeah. Via rail. I mean, that was crazy. And it was handled so pissed poorly. It was unbelievable to watch that apocalyptic plume of dangerous black smoke and everybody was like buddha judge
Starting point is 00:42:27 was like it's fine you could just stay here you're safe i'm sorry the second they say it's okay you'll be fine we'll take care of you run shit your pants and run that's it even evac As Dave Jones would say, bring out the brown pants It's evac time As soon as the government says you're safe Don't worry, drink the water Right, or what is it Even on movies If you hear them say, oh you've done a good job You can just come on in
Starting point is 00:43:01 We've got it from here As soon as they say we've got it from here, run. It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow. I think we're going to see more. Let's say there's a little tussle with Kamala and Biden not wanting to hand over, but then Trump comes in the office. I think not that we'll see more assassination attempts. I think we will see more.
Starting point is 00:43:35 So this is a theory and I threw it out there back before the blue screen hit. I told a friend it would happen and she contacted me. She goes, you said that would happen. I'm like, yes, I have theories. I think that was more of a less of a baby bloop. They wanted to see how far the reach was. I don't know who they was, but they is not us. And I think we're going to see it again. And why not hit the infrastructure when, you know, the man is in office because what better to do than to make it look weak but here's the thing is all of these things have occurred with biden
Starting point is 00:44:12 and kamala in an office and nobody has once questioned what they were doing to recover from it we as the people have been fixing these problem so what's going to happen is you're going to get something like this happen when he's in office is you're going to get something like this happen when he's in office and they're going to be like, what is he doing to fix it? But yet they never question the people who are at hand for it. You know, it's a really good point because we've come to realize that the left religion is, the woke religion is all about, I'm right and you're wrong wrong and if you say i'm wrong
Starting point is 00:44:46 then i'm gonna silence you i'm gonna say a quote someone else said they're so woke they're still sleeping they've gone full circle they've gone full circle no but what i'm saying is will they be willing to literally attack the country and like you're saying just to prove the point yes i told you he wasn't no yes yes these people some of these people who are on the extreme ends not everybody you know we've had plenty of people who've changed their viewpoints by seeing what's happening but you're gonna have those select extreme people kind of like Nancy Pelosi, they would chew off their own right hand and do it in front of you and still
Starting point is 00:45:32 blame him for it. I mean, you are going to watch people chew through their own hand and foot and still say it's his fault and refuse to take responsibility. There's no copability nothing you know nothing about it is going to work out to the way that they want it to be or their level of control that they want well i hope that a large portion of them those who threaten to leave the country if trump wins, will actually leave this time.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You know, we said that the first go around too. And guess what? Whoopi Goldberg didn't leave. None of these people left. And you know, what's funny though, is I was more tickled at the people who are saying, I'm going to Canada. Well, you know, it's funny. Good luck. Because Canada only allows you to immigrate to their state or their country if you have a job that they are in need of so if
Starting point is 00:46:27 they don't find use or need for you then why are you here and i think we should be looking at immigration um almost on the same level as what what skill set what ability you know what i mean like i understand we we do allow more immigrants coming in and people who can do lower-end work, but even Canada regulates how they let people in and when they let people in. We should have that. We should have more regulations on ours. I agree. What's wrong with that? I mean, if liberal – what's the guy's name over there?
Starting point is 00:47:04 Trudeau. If Trudeau's Canada has that in liberal, what's the guy's name over there? I can't, Trudeau. If Trudeau's Canada has that in place, what? I mean, come on. I think that was in there before him. Right, because I looked into it years and years ago because I was curious. And I mean, this is, I don't know, mid, mid 2000s. And even then you had to be able to come up to Canada. You had to list your skill set and what type of work you were looking for.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And it said on there only only what was it? Only allow an immigration status for individuals with jobs of need. I mean, it makes makes sense there have to be limitations right and now the the citizen population is almost outnumbered by the amount of illegal immigrants running up and down the street yeah it's just i mean I mean, I don't know. I see, I could be wrong, but I see good times for America. It's hard to believe, but I just feel it. I don't know. No, I think we are going to see both good and bad.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I mean, it's just the way of life is. We have good times. We have bad times. It's how we handle it. It's how we control our reaction to those times. I mean. I guess it's how we get there, right? Maybe it is. It is. But it's possible we get there on a Kamala presidency because people go, oh, this is it. This is it. I have to go completely insane prepper mode and get get the goats. And get the chickens. And become self-reliant.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Because I know she's going to blow everything up. I'm terrified if she gets into office. How much worse it's going to be. How much worse it's going to be. Agreed. Because what she's trying to implement. With her project 2025. What she's trying to implement.
Starting point is 00:49:03 With the tax breaks. And what she's trying to implement with the um tax breaks and what she's trying to implement on the taxing season right we're already seeing a huge inflation already now and anyone who says they don't see it as lying or blind or dumb and i i see it i i'm one of those people we don't have a lot of money in this house i mean i'm not gonna not going to not begging for a handout, but I'm just going to say the way it is. There are a lot of times we're making it barely paycheck to paycheck on a two income household. Yeah, that's because you were full time, right? and it and it is difficult to get ahead that you know that huge grocery trip was because i hadn't shopped for groceries in a couple months we had prepper camp you know there was a lot of different factors coming in and that we were able to save up just enough money to the side that i was able to do one giant grocery trip and that was that's going to last us for the next few months until i can save up again
Starting point is 00:50:05 and go get more food and by then you know that 16 pound rump roast won't be 80 it'll be like 100 and something so crazy it's it is almost it is almost defeating to think about, but I don't let it, but it is, it's terrifying because with her in office, what are you going to do? I would never, I tell you right now, if she were to come into office with some of this stuff she's talking about and implement, and especially with her vice president, I would never allow my son to go to a public school ever. Ever. I will pull out every stop I have to to either homeschool or cottage school or private school because there is no way in hell you could get me to put my child in a public school with the stuff they're trying to enforce. I'll tell you what, he might not be your son for long if you put him in the public. Exactly. Exactly. Well, that's just that's just it. You know, being able to children go through phrases because we were all children once, all children. There were times I love dressing like a tomboy and there are times my personality is still very much like a tomboy. And you know that I'm a very small, petite woman, but we both know I have a six foot five personality.
Starting point is 00:51:23 It's just it's just who I am. But God forbid in school, I'm sure they would have tried to convey it as one way or the other, you know, but children go through phases where they, I mean the emo phase, come on, we were a kid of the nineties. How many times did the guys, or even maybe you had painted nails and black liner? It didn't mean shit it was just kids doing a fashion trend and now you're and said i think you're gay or i think you're a girl right like you know i had friends who you know were finding their sexuality and and they're gay and it's you know like good for you but never once oh you like this so you're automatically gay you should support no nobody gave two shits what you did or didn't like pardon my language i'm gonna be cursing a lot but it's just one of
Starting point is 00:52:10 those things where nobody cares nobody cares like it was yeah it was definitely better when teachers didn't and what well it's not that they didn't care it's they didn't care about your personal shit you know what i had a teacher say and she had it on her door she had it on the door before you step in here put your big girl panties on and get over it this is life literally that was her saying it that way i i remember yeah garden girl i know that's nice right i remember all kinds of weirdos in my school in weird situations. I don't know if you did it. Yeah, how many times did we wear safety pins as earrings or clothes with safety pins all the way down and the sleeves that went all the way?
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah, I mean. I've seen my hair in middle school through high school. I mean, I deserved all the punishment I got. But see, I was that person. I wore everything. One day it was goth. The next day it was tomboyish. Or the next day it was emo.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It didn't matter. I wore what I wanted. And now it's like, who cares? Like, yeah, I kid, but here's the thing. Kids are mean. Kids are relentless. But sometimes a little bit of, but a little bit of healthy bullying would help some of these kids today because they are relentless but sometimes a little bit of but a little bit of
Starting point is 00:53:25 healthy bullying would help some of these kids today because they are too soft and too protected well i'll tell you what it might it might give them the strength they need to stand up to these lunatic teachers who want them to cut their uh penises off yeah exactly because god forbid you come at me and say oh she really is a girl no that sounds like projection if you feel that way then you go have your genitals mutilated you know which is funny because we had that huge movement where we're trying to save women from genital mutilation right because of the cultures who believe that women should be circumcised and in those cultures women those women are circumcised so they cannot enjoy sex um it's it you know historically women are not allowed to um that means the women would most likely run off and cheat if she enjoyed sex and these women are scarred and maimed and mutilated to a point that
Starting point is 00:54:24 some of them died during childbirth. And we were all set on stopping this and having human rights. And now we're stepping back 10 steps by saying, let's give them these hormones and suppress their growth and mutilate them. What the hell? Yeah. And the ones that make it through that nightmare, they just send the boys in to beat them up in sports. You know, yes, or worse. Why is my child having to share a bathroom with a boy in a dress?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I'm sorry, but it's not happening. It is not happening. That's the thing, Jay Ferg. It never would happen if the kids were allowed to be. Look, I got bullied a lot. I deserved a lot of it, but I got bullied a lot. And some days were hell. But look, at least 50% of this stuff in bathrooms and all this kind of stuff would never happen if it wasn't 100% don't anybody don't say anything mean ever in the years because
Starting point is 00:55:27 there's no way all that bullying policies never worked you know what happened look i don't know what your school was like i grew up in the 90s this is probably hard for people to believe but if you were gay we had a couple gay kids they were not it was rough everybody except their girlfriends you know what i mean their girlfriends stood up for him but every boy in the school didn't matter what didn't matter you know what called him names you know what i mean i i yeah because i there was a kid i went to school with and i i wasn't nice i mean we were all not nice i think if anything i wasn't nice to him because i was, we were all not nice. I think if anything, I wasn't nice to him because I was, as we were playing hangman and I know this is out of left field and I, I never cared for the kid. And I, you know, he seemed successful in his life and I'm happy for him. And I'm happy that he came out comfortably in an environment he could, but we were playing a game in school. And this is
Starting point is 00:56:23 probably where I came off as an asshole, but we were playing hangman in school and this is probably where i came off as an asshole but we were playing hangman and this kid was big into manga and anime and we all were just we had different levels but he he was in the full metal alchemist if you know anything about the show you know what it's about and he put a specific word across the board. And as soon as I figured out what it was, I snapped at him in front of the class. And I know that was harsh, but I did it because I knew the second that word made it fully across the board, he was going to be in for twice as much hell from the rest of the class than if I snapped at him and embarrassed him for a moment. And I know that was harsh but when it came down to it I mean you're you're from a small southern school and you want to put the word necromancy across the board in front of a whole room of
Starting point is 00:57:16 devout Christians and you're the one emo you know closeted gay kid who's big into full metal alchemist now I get into full metal alchemist. Now I get it full metal alchemist, but now you think you're a witch and you're announcing it. You know what I mean? I'm not saying that's what he thought, but the, when that came across, it was one of those things. I was an asshole in high school, but I was an asshole who, when I was a jerk, I did that trying to spare him from the amount of shit he was going to get from the rest of the class.
Starting point is 00:57:43 That's very nice of you. There wasn't no one like that in my school there was we were when we were assholes we were just assholes and what i mean i was a jerk oh sorry no what i was getting at was i can't even fathom a guy in my high school dressing like like the kid that i'm talking about the stand-up wearing like dresses dude but not not wearing dresses like my friends would i'm talking about wearing dresses and saying to the kids in the class no no i know i look like a boy but i'm a girl and i'm gonna oh yeah no no there's no way it never would have happened it could never happen the only time i ever experienced something along those lines is and he was gay and he knew he was gay and this young man was blatantly gay we were in a college dorm set in we were all part of the theater and a few of the guys had made some comments about you know him being gay in the dressing room with them that we actually
Starting point is 00:58:45 pulled him into the women's dressing room but that's different you know having the option to pull someone who's openly gay and you know he's gay because you've known him all your life to all of a sudden have any full-grown man with a beard walking in that's a problem you know but yeah and in high school no way in hell you know if someone said oh i'm really a girl trapped in a guy's body and here i go into your girlfriend's locker room right i would be laughing at that right and then you know then what's funny is because some of the straight guys did make the comments of maybe i should say i'm gay and i looked at the kid and i'm like we know you're not gay we've known you our life good luck you know yeah well it's you know it just the the it's what it all goes back to sort of like the the law and order of things you know what i mean like it's everything's wrecked
Starting point is 00:59:41 the law and order of things in all aspects of life there is a little bit of this sort of like virus in all of it that just needs to be purged and worked out yeah because i think the problem is is truthfully growing up we didn't care if you were gay or straight we really didn't but when you start forcing that lifestyle down everybody else's throat i'm over it it. I'm over hearing that. I have friends who are gay who have told me never once did they ever feel like they were in the wrong body. And if that's your lifestyle and that's what you choose, more power to you. I'm happy for you. But don't come in my house telling me how to raise my children, what I should and shouldn't be teaching them. You know, I can't show my kids half of what's on tv because it's pure filth and pornography yeah well how many times in your life this is
Starting point is 01:00:32 the one that always gets me how many times in your life were you compelled to tell someone that you're a straight woman never have you ever done it i've never done it i've never been in a situation where i had to say uh just i you know we're here conversing you're getting to know me i'm getting to know you i'm a straight guy no never and i think i said yeah i mean i think i may have just said i'm a straight woman on this on this topic today but i but I never just think conversation with a stranger. I think the vast majority of gay people out there in the same boat, it never comes up. It doesn't. And, you know, I think the problem is, is I saw something where the pronoun be bullcrap. The say them, he, she, it, what you might call it i feel right but what it is is a woman made a tiktok
Starting point is 01:01:28 that she had a gentleman come in and ask her what are your pronouns because you look like a they them and she got pissed off no no and she and but she was mad because the gentleman was right her pronouns were they them so you're damned but because you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't because people who want their pronouns to be known don't want you to get it right because they want to be able to yell at you for that so then when you get it right they want to be offended because you got their guests their pronouns so these are, in my opinion, children who never got put in a proper timeout. And so don't understand the consequences of their behaviors or their actions. Because I can tell you right now, my son is a little baby.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And all of my kids did this. If you swatted at us or went to hit, I popped you in the hand. Because guess what? No, you don't like it, do you? Then you stop. Yeah, that's the way you do it i mean i feel like at that point i have to talk to them like children well they probably were talked to it like children a little too much probably too much talking to you know what i
Starting point is 01:02:38 mean and not enough screaming at them and all that business you know ipad kids i don't yeah i mean i don't know i think that's a different problem right that's a whole another generation i think that's a different problem because an ipad kid can get you know well you know what though the sad thing is and it's not to speak ill on the younger generations but this youngest generation oh is it generation is it z we're in a now we're now right we've got generation alpha is my children and your children yeah but the the one who are now in the workforce um my it was interesting my mother was reading the statistics to me and mind you my mother is um oh god what is she she's not a boomer second generation boomer right before the generation x i'm terrible at this stuff so yeah we're regardless she is a
Starting point is 01:03:34 generation well past us and she was reading an article where and and it is true because i've seen it firsthand that the this generation z are not surviving or thriving in the workforce because there's the lack of concept of time there's a lack of concept of responsibility and because they don't want to work they don't believe they should have to work you know what i think it actually is i i'm sure it's some of that but you know what i think it really is is you can't you can't walk into a job as a manager and say pack your shit you're done today adios no you've got to give them so many warnings and then you've got to go through so many counseling yeah it's that is what made me well fundamentally that's what made me a good worker. Because my first job was washing dishes under the table. And at that job, if you suck, you got fired the same day.
Starting point is 01:04:33 So it became very clear to me, like, dude, if you want to keep making money, you better be fast. You better be good. And I just carried that for the rest of my life. Yeah. Well, but, you know, also depending on the state you live in i right here we have a state where they can fire you without giving you a reason yeah but then they might get sued or so i don't know no so depending on the state laws there's always unless it shows um like you're dealing with nepotism or wrongful termination,
Starting point is 01:05:07 such as due to a disability or being pregnant or something like that. It really fine lines. But yeah, I agree. I mean, my first job, I was a dishwasher under the table too. Cash in my pocket. Yeah. You learn a lot. You learn a lot about who's going to make it and who's not in life in a business like that early on, you know.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But yeah, it's also it's also that entitlement age, you know, that idea. And to their credit, you know, they were kind of sold the same bill of goods that we were sold, which is you go to college and you're going to get a good job. And we know how that worked out for most people. Right. What, what good job meant was actually ass load of debt and, and, you know, your third favorite choice on the list of jobs. And, you know, they came up with that same idea too. Oh yeah. That's like, I'd love to go back to school. I, I kid you not, if I had the opportunity to go back to school tomorrow to do what I want to do, I mean, and I've looked at the colleges and I think that's why I'm so set on where I want to move to because it will put me closer to that college I'd like to
Starting point is 01:06:18 go to for those classes. I would go in a heartbeat. If you told me I could apply for a scholarship tomorrow and get it, I would do it. I would go back in a heartbeat. Yeah, I think the problem, though, is that when you're 18 and your family and the world around you is like, pick what you want to invest $200,000 into and your career for the rest of your life. It's a suck formula. Well, you know, I didn't have that. So for me, I wanted to be a mechanic. Don't get me wrong. I loved forensic science.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I loved forensic anthropology and entomology. Bugs and bones are fascinating. I think the human decomposition rate is as interesting as all get out. But when it came down to it, I didn't think I'd ever be able to go to college. And so I had made up my mind because I loved working on cars that I wanted to be a mechanic. And I was told early on by my mother that she would not have a child who was a grease monkey. So you know what I did? I put myself through Weldon school and I started working in construction.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And I was, you know, I, I, I loved that work, but I'm going to tell you what, I'm a five foot two woman. It breaks you down. It breaks you down. I, I mean, but I loved that work. But if I could get the opportunity to go back to school and become a funeral tech, I would do it in a heartbeat. And I still want to, because guess what? The patients don't talk back. That was a good setup and knockdown, Jay Ferg. I like that. Well, I mean, but that's just it. It's a job that I think I would enjoy. Yes, it is sad, but I've dealt with the ER aspect. I've dealt with the trauma side of it. I like trauma medicine, but I've seen families break down. I've seen people
Starting point is 01:08:20 lose loved ones. I've seen people go way before than they should have, you know, way sooner than they ever should have. And people die in some horrible ways. And you know what? I'm going to tie it up into a whole prepping thing. But you've got to look at it as life is not, life doesn't play out the way we expect it. You know what I mean? Like I've seen from patients firsthand firsthand someone who's lived a perfectly long life and then just like that it's gone or someone's getting ill and fighting it and it just
Starting point is 01:08:52 goes to show you know i'm that's why chris and i talked to have talked about it that i'm going to take that opportunity to better my family so this is what prepping is for. I'm doing what I can to better my family now so I can do even better in the future. I like it. You want to go over some polls real quick that are absolutely hilarious? Absolutely. Let me hear it. So all I did, anybody can replicate this, is all I did was search polls in Bing. is all I did was search polls in Bing,
Starting point is 01:09:27 and it sent me this beautiful little graphic that's pre-built into the search engine. Are you able to share it on the screen? Oh, I can actually. Let's do that. Hang on a minute. I set that up. Because I can't leave this page. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Let me remember where it's at. See my... Okay. See, you poor listeners. You thought you were going to get Dave Jones and James, the commander, with all their infinite wisdom, and then you got me. Nah, you were great tonight. Are you kidding me? Hold on, let me... No, I don't want that i want do i want that i want this that sounds funny i'm trying to share a screen but it's okay yeah there we go all right we got it we're gonna share a screen for you all right on stream yard and you could see it now right jay ferg everyone can see it yes i can see it now is that i'm gonna scroll through this thing because this is absolutely hilarious and it speaks to it speaks to the mainstream media
Starting point is 01:10:38 completely and totally so i don't know i don't know what the rcp average is no clue that's ignorance on my part but that has harris up 0.1 atlas intel has trump up one the tip has a tie a dead tie the ipsos custodies. The Hipsos has Harris up to 48 to 50. The New York Post has a tie. Lord, I see what they're going to do. They're going to make it look like she's ahead and that
Starting point is 01:11:17 he somehow won it wrongfully. Oh, that's a good call. But you've got to keep it close the national public radio and the public broadcast system poll which is funded by the government has harris at the highest a four plus four against uh and which it makes you wonder which which news station or which city is this coming out of because there's no way. It's a variety.
Starting point is 01:11:46 I mean you have the New York Post poll. You have the NPR poll. But then again, you're also dealing with the polling and the people taking the polls. Who the hell do you think is taking an NPR poll? There's probably not one Trump voter taking an NPR poll. And that's a good thing. or taking an NPR poll. And that's a good thing.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Actually, I'd like to see more polls being put out this way because then it'll keep those people who are on the fence about Kamala anyway in their Barka lounger tomorrow. So they'll think, oh, she's got it in the bag. I don't need to go vote. You know what, though? I'm seeing a lot of people just not voting this year, and then I was surprised I have a sibling who normally never votes decided to vote. And she doesn't like either candidates.
Starting point is 01:12:31 So I'm like, all right, well, do what you got to do. Joe Rogan has come out for and endorsed Donald Trump. I never thought that would happen in a million years. Right, because he's actually announced that he was a Democrat. Yeah, he's always been a democrat really yeah and then he went i mean even right right i think the rfk thing changed a lot for people who are we're kind of like on the fence you know what i mean people are like i don't know about this Kamala, but I'm a Democrat. I think the RFK and RFK coming out and talking all about what the Democrats had done to him, that really blew my mind about all the lawsuits. Right. No, I think that was great, but I still can't get over the fact that nobody is batting an eye to her celebrity back end being everybody from P. Diddy's list. Oh, I know. I love it.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I love it. Keep it up. Keep bringing rap stars and girls twerking. Oh, yeah, nothing like J-Lo, Beyonce, DiCaprio. I mean, you're putting everybody who you know. You know there's some crookedness going there. Let the real list be released for the P. Diddy and Epstein. And you know what you know, there's some crookedness going there. Let the real list be released for the P. Deadly and Epstein. And you know what? You know what? We don't need celebrities.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I get it. It kills a multi-billion dollar industry. But at this point, who gives a damn? I don't think celebrities should be allowed to say who they're voting for or have any sort of say in trying to sway people. I don't don't and i at this point let half of them go to jail actually let's find out who was there and who did what and who didn't sort it out that's what the judge you know that's what the court system is for it's good though because we're building up an immunity to influence you know what i mean like the american people over the last three elections are starting to build an immunity to their you know what i mean like the american people over the last three elections are starting to build an immunity to their favorite actors getting on and saying vote
Starting point is 01:14:30 for this one or their favorite musicians or their favorite athletes you know three elections ago that made a huge difference and now there's right who are like i don't want anything but you're seeing people that i'm like you know what i quit listening to certain people only because you know watching either musicians or whatever not because i didn't like their music but it's like if you're gonna make it all political i don't i don't have the time or energy for that i just want to listen to your music i don't give two rats on what you think about whoever man i used to love the steve harvey morning show oh yeah until barack obama yep once barack obama came onto the stage the steve harvey morning show went from good advice a little bit of god a lot a bit of comedy to everybody who says anything bad about barack
Starting point is 01:15:23 obama is a racist monster and i couldn't listen anymore and i love it that's like you've got the view like what is the point of that show like at this point get rid of it i've never watched it i mean i've watched this yeah i mean what who was it um what's it what is his name is it it Harrelson Ford? No. I mean, Han Solo? No, no, no, no. Oh, Lord have mercy.
Starting point is 01:15:54 What is that guy with the nose? He played in... Oh, stink. Hold on. You're talking Luke Wilson? No, no, no. Not Luke Wilson. I'm thinking he does all those Cadillac commercials or buick commercials he did yes um mcconaughey was on there and you know he's not a republican in his in his views or anything and that's fine but i did like his stance when they tried to
Starting point is 01:16:22 get him to talk about removing guns. And he actually, if I remember it right, it's been a while. He actually was in, you know, commented about being able to keep his guns. So, you know, you see people who I don't have to agree with everyone's political point of view, but I do like it when I see with things that agree to laws that are natural laws, we should already have be in the right to, you know, our, to protect our family, to be able to feed our family. Those are natural rights that should not be infringed on in any way. Hell yeah. That's really the difference in the vote. The difference in the vote comes down to a party like like the Republican Party. Well, I don't know if the Republican Party is this way because I don't know much about it.
Starting point is 01:17:12 But it comes down to a group of people that when you tell them I'm voting for Kamala Harris, people like us are going to probably in our head go, you're an idiot, but we're going to treat you like a human. probably in our head go, you're an idiot, but we're going to treat you like a human. And on the other side, it's you're going to vote for Donald Trump. Well, we may have to burn the house down when you fall asleep tonight. You know what I mean? And, you know, that's sad because, you know, for me, you see people who have all these awesome bumper stickers. And you know what? I can't bring myself to put a single sticker on the back of my car because um and one place you know if you put your military stickers it's it's pride i i think it's beautiful and i wish that i could but you also run into the fact that if you go into the wrong area you've just put a target on
Starting point is 01:17:59 your back of all this person thinks they're this so let let's try them. That's like, I'm not against it. I understand the baby on board sticker, but you do have to keep a level of OPSEC and be mindful of what you have on your car. Oh, definitely. Especially now with the human trafficking being so bad. You can learn a lot about people off their bumper stickers and not just political
Starting point is 01:18:25 affiliation right i can tell you this person has three dogs six grand kids you know and right now they have an infant on board you know it's just one of those things where you do have to keep a level i think we're going into times where we do need to keep a little more of a higher level of our own security and our own peace of mind with that security. Well, nobody's scared of Americans right now. You know what I mean? And it's not that you want people to be scared of Americans, but you want people to know it's not just the police out there who've got their eyes open. And right now I feel like that's what America is. America is everybody's got their head in their phone or everybody's so woke that they're scared to say anything when anything goes wrong anyway.
Starting point is 01:19:16 So when you when you migrate to America illegally, you get away with whatever the hell you want. The Americans aren't going to do anything with all their guns which is not which is not the case because i'm we both know i i am not afraid of conflict i'm not i'm not going out seeking conflict but i'm not afraid of conflict that people come up and even back at first voting when it was Trump. I had a gentleman who he made it very clear what he was voting. And he asked me and I told him and we had a very good conversation, but I'm also that person. If someone comes up and tells me I'm voting Kamala, I said, okay, tell me, name three good things she's done in office right now that she's going to help
Starting point is 01:20:04 in the future. You know, name what it is that you're saying is so bad about Trump. I'm not trying to question them in the sense of, you know, if that's how you feel, that's how you feel. But if you're going to come at me with an argument or a debate, then have the facts to back it up. Give me a reason, because I'm all for it. Okay, don't come at me yelling and spitting, because these hands are rated E for everyone.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Nah. You can thank Willow for that one. Oh, is that a Willow? That's what she said. She told me that my hands are ready to eat for everyone. I dig it. But it's just one of those things where what happened, what happened to the times when we could disagree and we could peacefully
Starting point is 01:21:00 disagree with each other. Do you not remember that growing up in the early mid, no, in the mid to late 90s, growing up, we could have disagreements with people with different ideology, different religious views, different political views. And it didn't turn into a screaming match or spitting in people's face or setting stuff on fire. It didn't. We could have a healthy debate and then at the end shaker shake each other's hands and just agree to disagree and go on our merry way and still say hi to him at sunday mass or in the in the local grocery store well it all went crazy when people
Starting point is 01:21:39 started disowning and disavowing family over Donald Trump. I think you're right. I think you're right. You know, we have seen a dismantling of the nuclear family, of unity in a whole, that it's terrifying. That the nuclear family used to be the core value to what Americaica was and where it started from yeah i think it still is i i really i think it is for a good majority of people but i don't think people are going to realize how much they've lost until that that hole that unity is completely dismantled yeah well that's a good point but we see it in the statistics you know
Starting point is 01:22:26 what i mean you look at single parent households and it's it's a different kind of thing you know what i mean it's a different kind of outcome in most cases it's not like it's not like um having but the broken up family is like you know what, what you want to aspire for. You know what I'm saying? For the kids. No, no, I've been a single parent and I can tell you what it I made the best decision to be a single parent at the time. And it was the best decision at the time. Was it easy? No, but I'm going to tell you right now.
Starting point is 01:23:16 But I'm going to tell you right now, I am fortunate enough that I have a partner who he and I have a complete understanding and full communication between each other to have a functional work and family together. And I can tell you this. I'd rather have, I prefer having a partner. But if I have to do it alone, I can. But it is so hard. It is so difficult being a single parent i can't even imagine literally i can't even imagine my sister did it raised her daughter and and her daughter's amazing and i right and i commend these mothers and fathers who do it by themselves and it's not an easy task but the building block of america is always going to be the
Starting point is 01:23:48 mother father family right because that's the only way you can get the right outlook and do the right things in life is if you have those kind of pressures you have that kind of foresight you know what i mean but there's there's though. There are things your wife can show your sons that you can't. For sure. And there are things that you can lead your sons by that your wife cannot. Definitely. And that is what is needed. You need, children need, we can survive without mothers or dads.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I grew up in a single-parent household. And I can tell you, I became the man of the house once my brother left, because that's how it went. I was the second oldest. So I raised my sisters while my mother worked all the time. But there is certain things fundamentally that children need and even parents need to be able to flourish and to function. And you and your wife are that for each other, as well as the love of your children. And being able to have that myself and have a healthy love and relationship. I've seen where I flourished now that I didn't before.
Starting point is 01:25:03 I flourished now that I didn't before. You know, it's kind of like starving plants of oxygen or starving them of sunlight. They only last so long. You need all of those elements to have healthy growing plants. Yeah, true that. That's an essential. You definitely can't have a garden when it's lacking in nutrients in the same and i think i think that the having the the family structure is what makes all of those parts of the family complete you know what i mean i think it does wonders for men it does wonders for women
Starting point is 01:25:39 and it does wonders for children when it's you know when it's communication i think that's something else fundamentally we've lost over the years is the ability to communicate with another individual because we've become became so technology driven like don't get me wrong i do my little videos which i have one that edit in to put across the show social medias but he and i've talked about you know disconnecting other than checking and being on for this and these of disconnecting, because I've gotten where I've noticed I've been on my phone too much that we lose a level of communication from technology. And it's so nice to be able to sit down and I'm sure you do it. I know you've actually set the phone down at weekends that time and just spend time with your kids and that is
Starting point is 01:26:25 i think a huge crucial crucial role is learning the communication between partners between parents and children between family members everything oh it's the phone game has changed all the technology changed so fast it became so addicting that we're all i mean truth be told like we're all fighting that battle we're all fighting the battle of like it's really nice to sit here and just scroll maybe i'll just scroll another 15 minutes you know what i mean and then three hours pass yeah like everybody's in it everybody's in it it. Well, I think there was actually a scientific study showing that the attention span of people have dropped drastically. That like with TikToks and Reels and stuff, people cannot keep their attention more than five, like three to five minutes at a time. Yeah, you've got to practice.
Starting point is 01:27:20 I'm sure the kids are probably way worse off, you know, because we have we have the old experience of television and, you know. But the funny thing is, I notice on YouTube that they're doing about as many commercials as they used to do on regular television anyway. Now, between videos. Oh, yeah, it's gotten terrible. There is a giant spider running across my floor. Leave them be. No, it's gotten terrible there is a giant spider running across my floor leave them be uh no it's a wolf spider it's one i can't risk getting near my son's playpen yeah you gotta kill they get big too man oh it's big it's about the size of a nickel oh i've had some giants in my house oh i've had i had i killed one a few weeks back that was the size of a i want to say legs and all is about the size of a half dollar.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Yeah. But we also get brown widows here. So I'm always keeping mindful of anything that could potentially harm my son since he is now mobile and moving across the ground, you know, walk in and everything else. Yeah. Yeah. That's when the real fun begins. I like that time though, man. That's a fun time.
Starting point is 01:28:25 It is. It is. He actually destroyed an entire can of tuna and an entire can of carrots tonight. Nice. Yeah, once they're mobile and then once they can start voicing their desires, that is my favorite. You know what I mean? No, I get it the problem is is being a mom um and i know and not just moms but a lot of moms are guilty of this is we know our children's non-verbal cues
Starting point is 01:28:55 and then we just do it so it's now working on making sure he says the word like if he wants up he now has to say up which he does but you know mother instinct is to automatically know what's going on with your child and so sometimes that's a downfall on dads this is where i think dads excel is y'all can bond with your child and get them to be more verbal because dads are known for um pretend play and good verbal play Mothers are actually known better for quiet play. Yeah, man. Pretend play is my favorite. I know. I know. I think just hearing about you and your boys, this is fantastic because this is what we will get back.
Starting point is 01:29:40 PBN is here to teach prepping, family values, not only just the trump and kamala campaign oh yeah i mean you know we're way more than that i gotta let me read this before we head out because i i got this and i want to wait wait no did i lose it no here it is this is from uh we'll call him ryan i don't know if he wants his last. Well, he wrote it in the comments. This is from Ryan Flanagan over at Spreaker. He says, hi, y'all.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Huge fan of PBN. I listen, getting ready for work and driving in. Love it. Raising values is a nice change from the other pods, and hopefully it helps those who listen. Keep up the good work what matters most is how you look at each other the world be damned thanks for doing what you do so you know just uh since you're talking about what people get out of pbn i thought it'd be
Starting point is 01:30:36 cool to read that one on there no i love it i think that's fantastic because we we have a much greater reach than people realize that we do reach quite quite a few people. I mean, I every now and then log in just to look at the statistics online. And I mean, it's a lot higher than people could imagine. Yeah. And the reach is a different kind of reach, too. You know, it's not just a reach of like, let me listen to this thing. Like it's, it affects people's lives. You know, I get the emails. I'm sure you get emails or meet people that tell you like,
Starting point is 01:31:14 I've done X, Y, and Z from listening to PBN. And now we're, we're feel a lot more ready than we were. And it's, you know, that's a crazy feeling. Yeah. And it's, you know, that's a crazy feeling. Yeah, but tomorrow is definitely going to be a day for us to see how that goes. Now, what time are we starting tomorrow? I think I'm going to hold off till nine tomorrow night. And then I'm going to try to hold out. Maybe I mean, we'll just play it by ear.
Starting point is 01:31:42 If things seem to be dying out at midnight, one o'clock, I'll probably sign off. If we're getting close to something happening, then I'll just stay on. I think it's going to show just a quick theory or guess. I think it's going to show Kamala in the lead. I think they're going to flip-flop it, but I think they're going to keep Kamala as being like this big avalanche winner and then at the very end somehow trump
Starting point is 01:32:11 pulled through like hillary like yes oh absolutely yes yes exactly like that well i hope we don't do a show i hope that by 12 noon Trump has won a landslide victory. I think Trump has done already won, but because they have to have the elections for tomorrow, they're holding out. With everything I'm seeing from other people putting charts and polls for all these different states, he has won. I sure hope so. it'd be nice to celebrate something about the presidency for a change right this last four years i'll tell you what the last three and a half years kind of paled in comparison to how bad the last what four months have been. We have the president.
Starting point is 01:33:06 You know, there's no president of the United States. No, but, you know, sorry to get off on that. But, you know, he's he just realized he wasn't actually on the ballot. Yeah, I mean, I believe, you know, Biden did not know he was not running for the presidency. That's why he'd say me and Kamala. And he's just found out. Yeah, he just found out I saw a headline on a news station where he just found out he was not on the ballot. And he and it showed him in line to go into vote for Kamala. And he said he was going to help run her campaign and gave a list of days that he was available to do it and they've came and gone and uh has not pulled him once to help with the campaign when he's offered to because they know if they do it's just going to hurt them but she's hurting herself but it's sad because
Starting point is 01:33:55 this man that it's proof enough this man doesn't know what's going on yeah they should have had an election they should have had a primary told you know with versus just being told she was going to be yes exactly exactly because they it was it was handed to her it was completely handed over the democrats should have had the chance to vote for the best candidate they could find that That's how America works. I agree. They destroyed democracy while telling us that Donald Trump was going to destroy democracy. Usually how it goes,
Starting point is 01:34:35 it's the guilty dog barks first. Yeah. Well, it's like I always say, they will punch you in the face and then tell the police that you punched them in the face That's how they work You know what I mean Alright PBN family
Starting point is 01:34:49 Jay Ferg it was fun I'm glad we went off on several tangents And spent an hour 30 Because I think it was a fun show But yeah tomorrow night 9pm PBN family will be doing our Election Coverage
Starting point is 01:35:04 I don't knowbn family will be doing our uh election coverage let's go with that i don't know what it'll be but some say some group of hosts will be here we'll be having final dave jones is in for tomorrow night we'll be having fun yakking it up and hopefully we'll be popping champagne bottles by the end of it bring your drinks though you're gonna be enough on the edge of your seat you might as well bring a drink ah don't get too drunk. You might have to bug out. I got to work in the morning. There you go. All right, folks, we will talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I guess I better run some ads here for our sponsors. All right. I'm putting us both on offstage, Jay Ferg, so feel free to. EMP protection is on the minds of all preppers, stage, Jay Ferg, so feel free to... fortified EMP protection on the planet. 20-foot and 40-foot shipping containers built with copper beryllium gaskets for maximum protection. They also have 5-foot workboxes that can be loaded with solar generators, solar panels, comms.
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