The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE w/ PBNs Lois Lane
Episode Date: January 30, 2024
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Your path back to stability. Good evening, PBN family. What is up, Preppers? Live here with you tonight.
Wowee, what a Monday it has been, man.
It's very rare that I am hit by Monday
Usually I am in fight stance
And I am the one doing the damage
I really love Mondays
I'm always caught saying it
It is what it is
It's nice to get back to it, man
I don't know, you know
Entrepreneurship is a survival imperative
I don't know how else to say it. You know what I mean?
That is the tagline for our entrepreneurship podcast over on the member side called the
cubicle escape plan. And I remember, you know, I remember the working world. I remember. God.
One of the things that I hated most,
this is the weird thing about the working world,
is I liked most of the places I worked.
I liked most of the bosses I had,
but I hated when they were at work.
It was just like existential dread,
and it was always great when I would turn the corner
to go to work or park in a parking lot
and that boss car would not be there,
and I'd be like, yes!
I see them now from you know one of the one of the first you you make changes man when you step out of the workforce and work for yourself and and particularly like make a big jump you
know when i jumped out of the workforce i was working on my feet most of the day and had been for years in the restaurant industry and had been driving to a job for a long time.
And when I made the jump out of that kind of life into the writing world, one of the commitments I made was take it easy on the road, dude.
And I do that still to this day.
Like, whatever.
I don't know.
16, what was that?
Eight years later.
In other words, I empathize with the working class.
You know what I mean?
Well, I am the working class, but I empathize with the commuting class.
Let's go with that
I mean I still have to get out
and you know drive and take kids to school
and do all that kind of stuff
but I'm not
I am not in my car
having rushed out the door
having just dropped my kids off
going to a job
that I'd rather not be going to
because of that I'd rather not be going to. And because of that, I just, that's how I govern myself on the roadways with massive amounts of empathy for the people in the mornings in particular who are headed in.
They're headed in.
They're mad.
They're pissed.
They're late.
You know, I was in all those positions.
You know what I mean?
They're pissed.
They're late.
You know, I was in all those positions.
You know what I mean?
It's, and, you know, the juxtaposition between that and I was just talking to the Instagram following over there and telling them how, like, you know, it's 8.04 p.m.
I've been up since 5.30 cranking, but for maybe four hours off.
5.30 cranking, but for maybe four hours off in between that and this, like, that's it.
You know, I've been rolling.
And I'm not, it's not energy.
Or no, no, no, it's not focus. It's not desire that will stop me.
You know, it's the necessity of sleep.
In other words, there's a ton of things
that I'd like to do after the show.
It's just weird.
It's weird, man.
Freelance writing is where it's at, though,
I'll tell you that much.
It's been a great living.
It's not like you're going to get rich doing it,
but it's really nice to have a job
Where you can just be like
I'm going to not work for the rest of today
And then I'll stay up late
And work tonight
Or I'll work Saturday
I'm just not working today
I'm going to work Saturday
You know what I mean?
You can work at any time no matter where you are
It's so crazy
But anyway I don't think the mass of you what I mean? You can work at any time, no matter where you are. You know what I mean? It's so crazy.
But anyway, I don't think the mass of you hobbled on over here to hear me wax about entrepreneurship, though, you know, prepping being the river of many tributaries. You could
argue that entrepreneurship, a conversation about
entrepreneurship is as important as a conversation about caliber of ammunition, right? Tracking
skills. Hey, don't, I'm going to, I'm going to badger you all until Wednesday night,
right? The DIY Food Security Network Master Class, come on.
Come on, be there.
If you're a member, you have no excuse.
It's going to be a good time.
The lizard said they wanted to reinvent the food system from seed to fork.
I have found that when they proclaimeth something,
we should heed the warning, right?
If they tell us what we need to do is reinvent the food system from seed to fork,
then you say, you know what, lizards?
You know what, lizards?
I think you're right.
I am going to reinvent my personal food system from seed to fork.
And fundamentally, I mean, that's what I've been up to since probably before 2020, probably.
I don't know. I mean, you could argue I've been at it for 10 years, slowly,
but really focusing in on it from about 2019 till now, you know?
And the reinvention of that food system or that food security network is what we're going to talk about Wednesday, okay?
It's fundamentally the elimination of starvation, right?
Like, how do you eliminate starvation even in the worst case scenarios?
Because, I mean, there's no guarantees in anything right but we can definitely
get you to a place where you don't got to worry at least as much um you know every week
i have multiple well we'll call it every other week but i have multiple
locally grown sources of food and meat that come into my house, not from a supermarket.
You know, this is just one, this is just one means of reimagining, right?
It's an important piece of the puzzle, guys.
It can't be all food storage, right?
It can't be all food storage right you can't it can't be all food storage in the
annual garden then we'll yeah we're gonna go in detail on all that stuff all right so join us
wednesday all right if you want to if you want to be a part of wednesday and you're not a member
you you can be a part of the master class the cost is 60 and And just reach out to me through the contact page at
or, whichever.
I sent a...
Actually, I sent an email out.
You're on the mailing list, right?
You're on the mailing list, right?
I don't know.
Get on the mailing list.
Get on the mailing list.
We're doing the election preparedness campaign between now and the election.
Every single week.
It's like, what's it like right now?
It's like someone's tore open my face
and just the raw prepping power is coming out of it.
It's like a tool video you know what i mean
it's like i was like you picture the commander in claymation and then like a t1000 style metal
knife just sinks right in right right down the middle of his face in perfect symmetry and tears it open on either side and what comes out is just this white prepper heat
i mean that's what it feels like every day of my life is
then i get on the microphone hey prepper prepper prepper prepping and now
with the routines that we're listen fe Listen, February's routine is ready.
We're going to talk about February's routine on Wednesday.
The I Am Liberty show, we're going to go through it line by line.
It's for everybody this month.
And I got some good stuff.
You're going to love it.
You're going to love it, man.
These routines are going to change you.
You know how I know that? Because they're going to love it, man. These routines are going to change you. You know how I know that?
Because they're going to change me.
They have changed me already.
It's pretty cool.
You know?
But I'm not surprised.
I tell you all the time, I have a magical book every year.
And that magical book, well, essentially, you know, shows me the way.
Right? It shows me the way, right?
It shows me the way.
Silver Streak, what is up?
Oh, no, that's 3.44 p.m.
The chat is quiet.
That's kind of good, though, because we are going to have a guest on.
And about, well, not long actually hey um new year new we don't have any new coffee yet over at but you guys may want to uh head over to disaster and get yourself some of that good stuff man whoa get yourself uh well if i'm gonna
place an order for disaster coffee Coffee, actually, you know
what I've really been jonesing for, and I just posted it up on the Disaster Coffee Instagram,
is that Matter of Facts French Roast, that dark French roast, that dark humor, as they named it,
that dark humor is something, man, That's a good coffee. Listen, I do want
to talk to you about that. I want to get deeper into this article before we move on to the
guest. I talked about it briefly on PBN Daily News because it's so phenomenal. It's so blatant.
You see, I've figured out that what's happening, everything is double-sided, right?
In other words, you look at Twitter, you look at this, you look at that, you look at social.
I hear so much content about social media and kids and social media and people and social media and distractions and social media is a nightmare.
Social media, the end of the world.
I'll tell you this much, man.
Social media is a big deal.
And social media can do some amazing things.
Okay, just for example.
I posted this poll 17, no, six hours ago.
Kind of cool.
I like doing these polls.
I did this poll on Twitter.
As much as I hate Twitter, we are getting blown up on Twitter.
This is what it is.
I can't, I feel stupid to ignore it.
You understand?
We've got something like 14,000 followers at Twitter.
Yeah, 14,000 followers at Twitter.
It's dumb not to play around with it.
So I did this six hours ago.
I said top prepping priorities, question mark, to the Twitter followers.
I gave them four choices, food storage, firearms, health and fitness network.
The prepping community has changed so much.
It's amazing.
31.8% said health and fitness.
That is unbelievable.
Now, we are very early on.
50% said food storage.
Listen, people are concerned about food.
I did a similar one over at Instagram. Same thing, food storage. Actually, people are concerned about food. I did this, a similar one over at Instagram,
same thing, food storage. Actually, food storage was even higher. 9% for firearms, 9% for network.
Why I brought up social media is because there is something happening besides the dissemination of,
you know, fear and debauchery.
There is something else, and it's the dissemination
of the self-reliant and independent lifestyle.
There's a lot of people doing things
that other people want to be doing, like yours truly.
There's a lot of people taking videos with chickens
all around their feet, all around their feet all around their feet and
they're going man i want to check people doing videos in their gardens on their homesteads
in their in their uh prepper base if you will right their headquarters with their comms gear
and such and i'm telling you right now, the powers that be are taking note.
They don't like this at all.
They really don't like this.
I don't know if they saw this coming.
Maybe they didn't see it coming.
You got to remember, like, before 2020,
we were nuts, okay?
So I think post-2020 the the lizards were very surprised
because pre-2020 and we've talked about preparing for pandemics i mean i have a pandemic prep kit
at home you know what i mean i could probably need to go through that thing it's getting a little long in the tooth um but that was insane do you know what i mean like me saying on the prepper broadcast and i probably
could go find an episode and show you exactly but me saying on the prepper broadcasting network
like there could be a pandemic that collapses the the economy maybe even the world economy
you know and and and resources will be hard to get, and
maybe the pandemic itself could be deadly.
That could happen.
Are you prepared for something like that?
You know, people would hear that stuff.
All the way up to 2019, people would hear that stuff, and they'd be like, oh, God.
These preppers are out of their damn minds.
But after 2020, everything's up in the air.
We talk about the lack of trust on institutions, right,
and how bad it is for the country and how bad it is for the world.
It's like, oh, God, nobody trusts anything anymore.
Well, you know, I'll tell you something that I trust a hell of a lot more since the dissolution of trust in our institutions.
I trust in God a lot more than I ever have in my life.
I promise you that.
But people are learning to trust in themselves.
So in lieu of that, the lizards are taking note. They hire a guy like
Joe Pinkstone from the Telegraph. He publishes an article on January 22, 2024, which is
maybe insane, maybe absurd. It's an article that doesn't even need to exist.
it's an article that doesn't even need to exist.
It's an article that can only exist in a time where people like the Telegraph
assume that humans don't count.
I used to say, see, this is what's hilarious.
This is what's hilarious.
In 2015, I wrote a book called Come Unity Community.
And in that book, and I've said this, oh my God, a hundred times on the air,
but I said, your first point of attack in building your neighborhood,
building your community, should be a community garden.
And you know the reason I would say that?
I would say that because almost nobody can argue a community garden.
Conservatives don't argue a community garden, right?
Left-wingers, they don't argue a community garden.
It's good, homegrown food, good.
Things are so crazy now that The Telegraph publishes an article that is titled, Carbon Footprint of Homegrown Food Five Times Greater
Than Those Grown Conventionally. We have found a reason to argue over the community garden now, right?
But see, I don't even know if the people will buy it.
I don't know that the people will buy something.
I really don't.
I don't know if they'll buy it.
What is going on right now?
I don't like the looks of that in the least.
Hang on one second. I got to get the producer out here. I've got a sneaky suspicion
that this microphone, no, it's good. Okay. Microphone's fine. Sorry. Carbon footprint
of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally. Why do I do that?
What? I like lift my head up to talk and the microphone's on a boom arm
and i put it in a way so i can see it better than i need to really see it with my eyes but
then i wind up picking my head up every time i want to talk even though the boom arm can be
adjusted right to my mouth growing your own food in an allotment may not be as good for the environment as expected.
I never gave a shit.
Hey, Joe, I never gave a shit.
Do you understand?
I never once sat down and said, man, I'm going to grow some freaking delicious radishes this spring.
And me and my son, Carter we're gonna eat them we're gonna
put salt on them like proper like proper men from the from the anglo-saxon heritage
i feel like eating radishes with salt and butter is like the it is the epitome of brit not that
you know that's big in our house but but i know you know put the seeds
in the ground what are the seeds look at the soil oh my god i came by made this beautiful compost
all year long a little lad in there i never once said i sure hope the environment likes me growing
things in it carbon footprint of homegrown foods is five times greater than produce from conventional agricultural practices such as rural farms.
Because I don't walk outside every day and spray.
Do you know what I mean?
I don't even own a pesticide.
I don't own one.
I never walk outside and go,
oh, just spray some pesticides and shit.
I don't even use fertilizer.
I use fish emulsion to feed my plants all year long
or compost tea that I make from my own compost.
So how?
And it's so silly too.
It's so cool to have studies done by people in science
who clearly have never done anything in real life.
This is like the lowest of low point for studies.
It's like what I do when I write an article
about what's going to happen next year.
Me and the scientific community are on the same plane.
Like when a client comes to me and says, hey, you think you could like throw down like a timeline of events for 2024 and how to prepare for them?
Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. I could wing that. I can Nostradamus that.
That's what the study from University of Michigan seemed like to me.
They looked at how much CO2 is produced when growing food in different types of urban farms
and found that on average, a serving of food made from traditional farm creates 0.07 kilograms of CO2,
while the homegrown foods are five times higher, but not exactly, at 0.34 kilograms per portion.
Now, here's the best part.
You're thinking to yourself, how could this be, right?
The majority of emissions do not come from the growing of the food themselves, the scientists say,
but from infrastructure needed to allow the food to be grown.
Researchers grouped urban agricultural sites into three categories, individual or family
gardens, including allotments, collective gardens such as community gardens, and larger
commercial-oriented urban farms.
Jay calls a Ph.D. candidate the most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban
agricultural sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow from the raised beds to the garden sheds to the pathways so that wood that you buy every five
years the garden shed that you buy i mean who's buying garden sheds every other year so they're
looking at initial startup so what what they did, which is
silly, is they basically took an established farm and said, how much does it cost them to make,
how much carbon does it cost to make food there in an established business? And then they said,
okay, now let's do a study of a community garden where they're building everything the first year, this is
even better.
If you think that's great, this is even better.
Poorly managed compost and other synthetic inputs can also be important contributors,
though they were not the majority on most of our sites.
So what they're telling, just so if you don't know,
if you don't understand, it's hard to understand.
What they're saying is when the earth breaks down in your yard,
it's simply putting off too much CO2.
Poorly managed compost.
What the hell are you talking talking? That's the earth.
The whole forest, you walk through a forest with stacked up leaves and sticks and evergreen pine needles. That's a poorly managed compost pile. What are these people talking about? A poorly managed compost pile is literally,
you know, a stack of leaves.
Thank you, University of Michigan.
I hope this article wins some sort of an award and becomes very popular
so after I forget about it after a week, I can come back to it.
Fruit was found to be 8.6 times more eco-friendly when grown conventionally
compared to in-city, where vegetables are 5.8 times better for the environment
when left to the professionals.
The professionals.
To the professionals.
The professionals.
A serving of urban tomatoes makes, on average, 0.17 kilos of CO2.
Do people lay up at night with this shit in their head?
Do they really lay up at night like,
My carbon footprint.
I can't do it.
Ah, honey!
I was dreaming about my carbon footprint again.
The scientists also found that they can make their garden and at-home farming better for the environment by repairing their infrastructure as much as possible, not replacing two-thirds of the carbon created by the garden itself.
See, this is what happens when you force people into school and tell them they have to go to college.
You have to go to college and you have to publish something, okay?
And you can't plagiarize it like the head of Harvard or the previous head of Harvard.
So then they gather together and they go, like, what are we talking about? I don don't know let's talk about the carbon footprint of your backyard garden but more than that pbn family the worst
part about it is the lizard overlords will what they will do is they will get cobbled together
this information and say you see you need to let bill gates grow all your food This backyard garden stuff
Is far too dangerous for the planet
We need to outlaw it
We need to make sure that these people
Cannot grow food in their backyards
And what are you supposed to do PBN family
When people start saying crazy shit
Like you can't have chickens
Or you can't grow food in your backyard
That's when you turn your backyard. Correct.
That's when you turn your backyard, the fence posts.
You dig out the fence posts and you put in 8x8s, 12 foot tall,
and you turn your entire backyard into a greenhouse.
And then you paint middle fingers on the top of it so the lizards can see it from space.
Let's do some commercials, PBN family, and then we'll get our guest on, okay?
I'm done. Thank you.
Thank you.
We are your lizard overlords.
Stop listening to these preppers.
Eat your crickets.
Fight in the streets.
Own nothing.
And love it.
What if I told you you could own land for $200 down
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and get $100 off your purchase. What if you could pack American-made shelf-stable protein
into your food storage? When Say Grace Plant Protein approached me,
I was on the fence.
They taught me their product is not TVP.
TVP is actually a byproduct of the soybean oil industry.
This is phytoestrogen-free, shelf-stable,
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20 grams of protein per serving, 90 calories.
Visit Look, PBN family, I know it's a tough sell to you out there,
but I want you to open your eyes to this thing, man. I want you to go to Say Grace Protein.
Go to their website. Check out the process. It is soy.
I mean, it is what it is.
It's soy.
But it's phytoestrogen-free soy that has all the water-soluble isoflavones washed off of it in the process.
It's literally processed by steam, pressure, and heat and turned into something that is kind of amazing, man.
and turned into something that is kind of amazing, man.
I mean, look, this is what made me bring them on as a sponsor, okay?
There was really one critical thing.
I said, if I can cook the bits, they got a product called Bits, which are like, I don't know, half-inch by half-inch little balls of soy protein, right?
And they come crunchy, dry, dehydrated, sit on the shelf, you know.
And they're not bad just to kind of snack on, to be honest with you.
But anyway, I'm weird about texture.
If something's got good texture, I can get behind almost anything.
I'm a texture guy when it comes to eating.
But anyhow, I said to myself, look, I'm going to take these bits of gr, like they're called. I'm going to put them in a pot with rice. I'm going to wash
both, right? I'm going to cook the rice regular, two to one, salt, oil, nothing different.
And then I'm going to eat it. And I'm going to see if these things are cooked all the way through. Is the rice cooked right?
So on and so forth.
And when I ate it and I saw that the bits of grapes were completely rehydrated, right?
And the rice is steamed.
Season it up.
Good to go.
I said to myself, okay, we are going to do our rice food storage a little differently now.
Because to me, PBN family, look, if I'm cracking into food storage rice outside of just cooking it as a side from time to time, that's a big deal.
That means protein is now a serious concern.
And you can add like 10 to 20 grams of protein per serving to your rice.
Now imagine you have a bucket,
a five-gallon bucket full of rice that already has protein in it.
And all you got to do is cook the rice up like normal.
That's crazy, man.
That's crazy. That changes long-term food storage in a very big way. All right. Get to know them.
I'm telling you. So it was that, and it was also the fact that the ownership is, they're us. I mean,
they're from North Carolina. They're preppers. They get it. And you're going to be hearing about them all through the month of February, right? I'm going to give some away too. Don't worry. Don't worry
about it. You'll get your chance to play around with it. It's cool. It's a cool ingredient for
real. So let me give Lisa a call. Let's get our very own Lois Lane on the line here.
See if we can have ourselves a guest this evening.
We're ringing her.
I should have rung her during the commercials.
Pretended like I'm running some kind of an operation
that is somewhat professional by any stretch.
Ring in, ring in.
Sometimes when you do this ringing,
I think it only does it if I...
Yeah, that's right.
If I unmute the mic, you hear the brutality of the Skype sound.
I got you, Lois Lane.
What is going on?
It's ready to report what we talked about this morning.
How are you feeling?
How was day one, if you want to remark on that?
It was exciting.
It was fun.
I was one of two new employees.
This guy is quickly expanding, and he's being very careful about how he's growing but he's realizing he
needs help and so it was kind of fun being uh one of two new people there that's a good deal
yeah go ahead i'm sorry oh no i'm sorry no though they were um like okay well you're gonna be doing
this and i'm like okay they're like no we're joking you don they were um like okay well you're gonna be doing this and this i'm like
okay they're like no we're joking you don't have to like oh okay but no they were very laid back
and they're like oh you're from california huh i don't don't give me that crap please don't
and why did you leave i said well let me start and hit afterwards they're like whoa i go yeah
that that's why like they didn't know no they thought the the stuff they
see in the news and i said no it's actually worse way worse and i said wow you're happier here you
just had a tornado in the polar vortex and i said yeah and i said that's better than an earthquake
i'll tell you hands down that's a good point yeah i feel like something's coming over there on that west coast they've been
getting lucky darn right they have it it's like i'm just so happy to be gone from there oh my gosh
well we're glad to have you over on this side of the country though it's good
oh i'm glad you got everything rocking now you got two feet on the ground. Oh, yeah. Are we on the air?
Are we on the air now?
Oh, we're live.
Oh, hey, guys.
I missed you guys.
We're rocking.
We're 33 minutes into the show already.
I've been yakking.
I've been yakking, man.
I've been yakking about all kinds.
I don't know if you saw the article that came out from the telegraph a few days ago they are a study out of michigan university is trying to make the claim that
growing your own food in your backyard or in a community garden is five times more dangerous
for the planet than having you know big ag grow it for you my new favorite article i was on the
group chat this morning i laughed so hard i said do you just want people to starve it's my new favorite article i was on the group chat this morning i laughed so hard i said do you
just want people to starve it's so great isn't it isn't that beautiful it's ridiculous there's so
much i've learned so much that i've learned since i talked to you and and um like i told you this
morning that i wanted to bring up to the listeners and to help out the other hosts
from what i my two cents of what i've seen since coming out here regarding the insurance yeah you
hipped me to something new that probably not a lot of people are paying attention to is if they don't
have enough to worry about already right uh garden girl says hi in the chat, Lois. Hello.
Lay it on us.
So this morning, getting ready for my new job, I see the group chat talking about auto insurance and how it's going up.
And the more I'm reading from everybody, they're like, we don't know what's – they had ideas.
And I'm like, oh, I actually know firsthand experience. And what it has been is when I first moved out here to Tennessee, I had Liberty Mutual insurance for everything. And I noticed right away, man,
it's a lot more expensive over here. I'm thinking, wait a minute, i thought east coast would be a lot cheaper so i went online
tried looking for other rates it was even higher so then um i suddenly i get an email saying we
can no longer serve you thank you liberty mutual i'm like what and when i tried calling him i said
wait you said i could have coverage when I moved over here
and they go yeah but now it's the minute you put down um you have roots in Tennessee we can no
longer cover you so I joined a group out here in my new town I find out someone who works for the
insurance industry and what they found out was that because of all the illegal immigrants having come into the
u.s every insurance company is having to jack up their prices to account for these people they
to cover them and i was furious i was like you kidding me? And what they've noticed is the worst has been like Texas, California, Arizona.
And so many companies like State Farm is now leaving California because they can't handle it.
And I think some of them are going to Arizona.
But Liberty Mutual will not cover people. I think once you pass Texas, boom, boom,
bye-bye. We're not covering you. So I had a heck of a time trying to find insurance.
Finally, I had, I ended up with farmers only because there was a friend of a friend of a
friend. And they said, oh, you're a friend of a friend of so-and-so sure we'll get you a great so i'm paying better rate now uh than i was in california i think i figured out this
money it's like 27 cheaper and the flip side is i've got better coverage i'm like oh okay that's
that's nice um i thought you know moving back here i would cut my coverage you know not be the 100
300 and they were like no you you want to have that and they said we'll throw this and this and
this in here's your new rate it went whoa okay and they said that's as low as we can possibly go
and i'm thinking i have not had an accident in over 25 years and this is what oh my god but it
is what it is it's something that's going across the whole
country now that people are going to start paying more on their insurance um there's nothing we can
really do short of shopping around it's crazy that was just like two cents yeah right the things that
this affects just they just go and go and go You know it affects
And it's amazing that for so long it's been left
And now you know it takes
I guess it takes a governor to
Push this thing up to the
Supreme Court you know
To get eyes on it
And hopefully that will have an effect
Right And the other thing I've noticed too recently you know, to get eyes on it. And hopefully that'll have an effect. Hopefully.
And the other thing I've noticed too recently is that the inflation has finally hit Tennessee.
When I first moved here, it wasn't bad.
I was so happy.
And right after the tornado and after we spoke last,
I've noticed, wow, canned goods are as expensive as when i left cali really yeah
so i've been here officially three months now and i'm going oh my god what is going on uh it's just
finally come over here uh that's why your perspective is so important Because you're used to those prices over there
You come over here
You are probably best suited
To see those price fluctuations
Because of what you were used to
And then what you came to
And now it's like
Everything's going up
I even got a message today
This is so crazy
I got a message today
I started watching this crazy movie called Lamb on Amazon Prime.
And right before it came on, Amazon Prime sends me a little message on my TV and said,
going forward, basically, there's going to be commercials on your Amazon Prime movies.
If you want to pay an extra $2.99 a month,
we'll eliminate the commercials.
Free bathroom breaks.
Are you kidding me?
Everything is like this now.
Everything is, hey,
what you're used to having is going to suck more and it's going to cost more.
That's fundamentally what I see everywhere i go you know
it's not just like the price is going to go up but everything's going to stay the same it's like
the price is going to go up and it's going to suck more than it did before the price went up
you know spreeker's taking away at the end of this year they're taking away our ability to do this
to be live yeah that's horrible so it looks like we're
gonna be looking for a new home to go live we will be doing that for sure we may build our own home i
don't know yet i'm a little too swamped right now to take on a 15th project of you know business and
industry on top of it but that could be it that could answer. You know, you get to a point, Lois, where it's like,
I'm just going to build as much of this stuff out myself as I can
because I'd rather pay for it that way than pay for it at the whims of
whoever else owns it, you know?
Yeah, I agree.
It's crazy.
But it's everything.
It's everywhere.
I mean, you know, the costs of living are up.
And for some reason, our government assumes that everything is hunky-dory and everybody's happy.
I have a friend that she's actually, now that I left the state, she's thinking about coming out here too, but she turned down a job because it was $30,000 cheaper,
less because $30,000 less than what she was getting in California.
I said,
they have inflation here now too.
there's a recession.
That's it.
You got to deal with it.
I said,
you just have to make the way I see it is just pick a place of where you want
to live.
You got to make concess I see it is just pick a place of where you want to live. You got to
make concessions and then just deal. And so she may not move here because she was expecting it
to get the pay she's getting from Southern California. And, and I noticed from when I was
first coming out, the first job I was supposed to have was a lot more than what I was going to be getting in California.
And then when that fell through, in the nine weeks that I was unemployed, I noticed that same exact job went down at least $20,000.
Down $20,000? Wow.
Yes, down.
And I was like, oh my gosh.
So I really had to rethink a lot of stuff. And then the tornado was hitting. And right after that, it went down another five to ten thousand dollars. So I've had major learning experience since leaving, just having to readjust a lot of things.
just having to readjust a lot of things.
And like,
I've also figured out like listening to a lot of Phil and his crew,
I'm like Phil and Jillian where I can't be like,
I have never lived on a farm.
I would be too chicken to like kill a chicken or something like that.
So I'm a city prepper, even though I'm a, what did you call me this morning? Country city prep or something like that so i'm a city prepper even though i'm a what did you call me this morning country city prep or something i loved that name i said yeah
that's gonna be me i will be the first one to say i will find a farm that that's their expertise
i will buy half a cow from you you know but i would like to be able to grow my own garden
but yeah when it comes to like stock but what i've been starting
to do is i'm finding a lot of stores out here that um very good pricing for canned items so
until i learn how to pressure can and water bath items i am going to stores as i see stuff
i'm buying mason jars so i can start canning. I am buying canned goods, pre-made stuff, and I'm just stockpiling just because I'm seeing changes.
And like yesterday, I just found a website where I can get organic bulk oatmeal, flour.
What was the other one?
I mean, that's how it goes, right?
Yeah, and I'm thinking, you you know i might as well start and now that i'm no longer in 120 square feet i have more room to be able to
stockpile stuff and i don't care if my place doesn't look like some of the homes around here
it's like no that's for me this is i'm doing it just because i see something coming
around the corner like we all have and seeing how this recession is hitting tennessee now big time
have you have you heard this is crazy have you heard ilhan omar's comments yet about Somalia First?
No, please tell me.
So she was at an event on Saturday in Minneapolis.
She's an elected representative of the people of the United States.
I know you know that, but I just am saying that for effect.
of the people of the United States.
I know you know that, but I just am saying that for effect.
And she was captured on camera speaking in Somali saying,
sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system.
And, you know, it's since been translated and all that.
And, you know, it's since been translated and all that. And, you know, I don't know.
I mean, how many enemies of the state are the state?
That's bananas, right?
yeah uh like we've all been saying on our private chat that we got to start looking out for ourselves i'm actually trying to think about seriously buying a gun and taking gun lessons now
oh you definitely should the local gun shop and shooting range they're kind of gone from the
since the tornado kicked in so i'm trying to look
a little further out now it's that's one of the one of the last things i'm going to learn how to
prepare myself with is now that i'm out here and i have the spaces and now having a job i'm laying
things down i'm like okay we're going to have canning down i now know how to make sterno from scratch proud of myself for that one i can knit i can uh
loom knitting i keep hanging with jay ferg you're gonna be really good at it i know right i've been
teaching myself how to make a fire from scratch i mean it'd been years since i was in girl's
cast and my first time i forced myself to look on YouTube, and they said, oh, don't look.
Pretend like there's no internet.
How would I make a fire?
So I've been teaching myself how to rough it.
And it helped definitely when we had the vortex kick in, and we were down to single digits out here, and it got cold.
But I was able to make myself a fire.
And I was like, I made fire!
And I just had to do my own Tom Hanks impersonation.
And I'm trying to teach myself those kind of skills.
You know, I can't go out and hunt.
I would not know how to do it.
But I'm like, okay, I can make fire.
I even bought myself one of those wood splitters, the little black anvil thing with the little guillotine thing.
Oh, yeah, they're cool.
They're pretty cool. I like the looks of those i bought one that has uh like these sturdy legs and you have to be very picky about
the size wood but you know what that's the next thing is i gotta find a mallet then i'm just gonna
sit there in front of the apartment and learn how to chop the wedges down even more just a new skill
for me to to learn things I never would
have done before. And I'm planning on getting like reciprocating saw. So when I see some trees and
they have a thing out here that if you're in a park and the wood is dry, you can take it.
They have no problem with it out here. And I'm like, okay, great, free firewood. I need to learn
how to do that more. And then the other one is definitely buying a gun and learning how to take care of myself but yeah i'm very it helps having a job and just i'm
learning so many other skills out here that i would have never thought of and oh canning meat
that's the new thing i will be doing i'm telling you man that's uh having access to be your ability to be able to burn wood
is such a big deal yeah that's a huge deal yeah and people take it for granted and i will cheat
like if i see those enviro logs or the dura flames on sale heck yeah we'll buy them oh yeah why not yeah and i just discovered
it was a fatwood i just discovered that because i was trying like the crinkle wood i was trying
pine cones and i have a small fireplace and apparently the pine cones are the worst thing
so i got rid of those and i got my little creosote burner and i even went one step further where it was something
that phil had said in one of those episodes oh it was about uh teaching his kid how to make a fire
so i bought one of the flint things that he talked about the ferro rod and yeah and i even
went another step further i bought an arc lighter. You burn candles at home?
Yes, I do.
I'll tell you the best thing you can do, and it's dirt cheap.
All you've got to do is buy 1,000, and it's probably like $10.
1,000 or something along those lines.
I think they come in about 1,000 or 500.
Of those little wax cups
that you put ketchup in i don't know if they do it anymore but i know you remember putting ketchup
in them at the mall or whatever you know those little wax cups you could buy them on amazon right
and then what you do is you take the dryer lint from your dryer and you mix melted wax with it and then you stuff that into your wax cup
and if you have more wax you can even pour it over top of the whole thing
those things burn for like 15 minutes straight no lie oh okay new one yeah we make them at home because i get a ton of dryer lint and my wife has uh it's like um
i don't know what they're called she is part of a business called pink zebra and they have these wax
melters that put off aroma and then eventually the aroma goes away and she dumps all the wax in the jars for me
exactly yeah so then we keep all that and then once i get a full enough jar i just i keep all
the dryer lint you know i mean because it's so great and then i mix in that wax stuff them into
those cups once they dry we throw those cups, which we call it Bigfoot fur.
Well, actually, my oldest son named it Bigfoot fur
because it looks like gnarly fur when you're done with it.
I heard you talk about it.
Now I know what you mean by it.
Yeah, that's it.
That's it.
We pack them away, man, in the bug-out bags.
We pack them in the camping bags.
You don't need anything for that.
You got a lighter or a match.
It lights quick.
It lights easy, and it burns for, like, 15 minutes.
And if you have 10 of them, you know, you could – there's no way you can fail.
You know, you got four of those things.
You got an hour worth of flame to get your act together and get a fire really going.
And, you you know most people
who know anything about fire will be able to pull that off but they're they're awesome you know and
and all you got to invest in like i said is just the uh the wax cups and they're dirt cheap
oh wow i like that i'm gonna realize now i'm gonna start looking for them like at the goodwill's
well one thing i was doing when i talked to you last was i had a bunch of those rolled beeswax candles and i would put them in the fireplace
to kind of start the fire i will never use those again they were useless because i would notice
the minute you light them the wick would just be burned within two minutes and then you just have these half rolled beeswax things and they did nothing so
oh so the wick would burn away yeah and then you were just left with like this half melted glob
of honey and i was like okay but if you have a solid beeswax candle that's awesome the other
thing i've been teaching myself is like taking like just basic
votive candles and say thinking to myself oh no i've run out of kindling what can i use i've got
some candles i would put the candles on the wood and doggone it would take a little longer but at
least i got a fire started and i purposely did that during the vortex because i wanted to see
you know don't pretend there's no power.
What would I do?
How would I survive?
And so it was a great learning experience. You know, yeah, it was bloody cold.
But, hey, what happens if they decide to turn off a power or our grid does break down?
Then it's something to think about.
Oh, for sure.
Oh, yeah.
For any kind of thing.
I mean, look what happened.
And I thought, okay, I can make fire.
So I'm very proud of myself for that.
That's something I never thought I would be doing.
But it's like, hey, it happened.
And, like, I learned some crazy things, like, from the tornado.
That during one of my job interviews, I met with a former mayor,
During one of my job interviews, I met with a former mayor, the mayor and his wife, about the town I'm in.
They get tornadoes every season.
And they said, no, jumping in the bathtub with a mattress, not a good idea. I said, that's funny because that's what you're told to do.
And she said, no, the laundry room was the best in my apartment because there's no window nearby.
And I went up to it.
The wife had said, you might want to get a construction helmet.
I was like, oh, okay.
So I went down to my local Lowe's, got the cheapest little construction helmet.
And I thought, what's to keep this from blowing off my face and i thought okay look at chin straps i couldn't believe how much chin straps were so i
said no we're gonna do this on the cheap i'm a costumer so what i have plenty of like grosgrain
ribber which is a nice industrial ribbon i pulled it through the through the holes of the construction
helmet and i made myself a chin strap. Yeah.
Lace chin strap on the helmet.
I like that.
Doggone it.
And all you have to do is surgeon's on.
That sucker is not leaving your head.
And I got goggles that fit over glasses and I said, okay,
I go do something for the dog. So I'm expecting a happy hoodie for him sometime this week.
And in case anyone's never heard of it, it's from the gal on Facebook.
It's called the girl with the dogs.
And it's a Canadian gal that she's hilarious that she grooms animals.
And she has this little thing that looks like a sock that you put over an animal's ears.
And it helps cover their ears and protects their hearing because
like the blow dryers or thunder, something like that, it calms them down. So I thought, you know
what? I have enough time to be able to do that now that I could put a happy hoodie on my dog.
And then I even one-upped it even again. I said, okay, I have, I went from my cargo bag from when I was moving out here with an
industrial strap. I have it set to the helm, to the helmet. So what happens if like, say I need
to strap myself down to keep from me, to keep me from blowing away or the dog, I will strap us
together and I'll protect him with my body. And, uh, and, and then also I thought, Oh, the last thing I got was,
uh, what was it? 75 decibel whistle. So in case, God forbid the building gets destroyed,
I can whistle for help while waiting for help if I'm stuck under debris. So, because after seeing
the devastation in this town, I was you know it may be extreme but after what i
just witnessed i'm i'm glad i did and i think altogether it couldn't have been more than 20
bucks i said you know it's worth knowing i spent it and never having to use it
yeah and i'm gonna get a set as a duplicate for the car i'll tell you what it's amazing to me how quickly you um adjust to your
emergency preparedness needs in comparison to you know people who well here's a great example i grew
up with people in pennsylvania who every year had to go buy salt shovel you know all these things
that every single year you would get snow
You know what I mean
Like where I grew up right outside of Philly
You got snow every year
Every year you had to have rock salt
And every year the rock salt would sell out
Every year there would be people like standing in front of the empty pallets
Like what am I supposed to do now
You know
And to see you move from across the nation
And immediately see like oh these are
this is my threat analysis and this is the action i need to take you you jump right into that ooda
loop and just you know knock it out yeah it's like something that uh the matter of fact guys
have talked about is just being prepared for any circumstance and it's i feel like it's like when
you're playing basketball you're just pivot like it's like when you're playing
basketball, you're just pivoting. It's like, okay, something here, just, just move with it.
And if I was not as prepared, I can't think of a better word. Then I would have freaked out going,
oh my God, what do I do? But now it's like, ah, one more thing to add to the list. Here we go.
It was just okay. Helmet. And I just have it in the laundry room. It's like, okay, here we go it's just okay helmet and I just have it in the laundry room it's like okay here we go
and I've since found also an app that unlike the cell phones that it is I think I'm given a one
minute warning if and when a tornado or any kind of emergency happens so that's more than enough
time for me if I'm home grab the dog put my helmet on put his his uh leash on and I'm going to be
cable tying it to me
and wrapping both of us up with the extra cable i was like okay bring it on bitches let's do this
and it's like okay we're good all right here we made it and the dog will probably look at me think
i'm crazy but it's like hey he didn't blow away um oh when we were talking about the tornado the last time, and in case anyone wants to see something, it's kind of good goosies is if you go to YouTube and you type up the Madison Miracle Baby.
Did you see that?
Heard about this?
I'll take a look.
During the tornado that happened right before it hit Hendersonville, there was a town nearby called Madison.
And there was a young family.
I mean, they looked like they were in their early 20s.
The mother, they were in a mobile home park.
And the tornado was right there.
The mom threw herself over her one-year-old child.
The boyfriend had their one-month- old infant in a bassinet it was in his arms
the tornado sucked up the roof ripped the baby out of the father's arms and he couldn't do anything
it ripped the child out of his arms the next morning they wake up they're thinking they're they're going to be a dead child they may never find it in front of their place in a tree completely fine and asleep
in his bassinet was the baby in a tree we've all been calling yeah in the tree in the like the
front yard just talk about a miracle the kid the baby was asleep absolutely fine and we all address it
as like the madison miracle ah like a like a scene in a movie four month old swept up by a
deadly tornado and found alive on a downed tree wow holy moly it's it was just one of those things that really hit home to me just in a weird way where it's just like, my God.
And when I saw how close it was, it was like less than three miles from where I was.
And apparently that was when the tornado hit them, jumped over my part of town and then wrecked and wreaked havoc over the rest of the state.
and wreak havoc over the rest of the state.
But yeah, I just learned that it was like, okay,
at least I can add some more irons to my fire.
Okay, what's another weapon for protection?
Okay, hey, a helmet?
Great, let's do this.
I mean, I've even upgraded even more.
I've gotten a life preserver for the dog,
one for the car, one for here,
because now I hear we are flood zone too. I'm going, oh God, what did through but at least you know what it was stupid little life jacket hey it's there i'd
rather never have to use it but at least i have it i'll tell you what would be a good addition to
that uh super helmet i don't know if it's got a place for it or not but you're crafty enough you
could figure it out i'd throw a a light on it i think a
light on that helmet would be awesome particularly if you have a night storm or power outage at night
with something like a tornado i already have that yeah i already have that did you say that did i
miss that or no i forgot to say it because then when you said oh yeah i do have that yes i i'm such a
geek and it's gonna have some stickers really dorky stickers oh there's nothing geek about a
flashlight trust me that's that's great that's a great call yeah yeah and i just thought okay and
i have it all put together in this plastic bag in the laundry room and all i have to do is just
since i have to be there for the next tornadoes just grab it put everything on boom boom boom and the app it was like it's called code red anybody can use it it still
has some funky little bugs in it but it gives you like a minute warning if and when a major
disaster is about to hit and it's amazing how many things you can do in a minute if you're ready for
it and so that's the difference right if you're ready for it. And so, yeah.
That's the difference, right, if you're ready for it.
But I think more people than ever are getting ready.
I think people have about lost, a lot more people have lost the confidence in
somebody's going to come do it for me, somebody's going to come help me in a disaster.
You know, I think 2020 did a lot of people
in and out here i am seeing that this culture they're used to doing it on their own without
the government i have met so many people and they would ask me like well is that how you are in
california i'm like no i was an oddball i was definitely an oddity. And over here, it has been really nice meeting a bunch of people where they don't call themselves prepared.
They just call, no, that's survival.
I'm like, that's it.
You're right.
You just do what you got to do.
And I've been meeting people in my complex that they're like, oh, you want to learn how to can?
Honey, we'll help you.
I'm like, really?
Yeah, that's huge. Yeah, that's huge.
That's huge.
You build yourself a little allegiance, man.
You're in good shape.
And another one, too, that I mentioned to you this morning was that my friend Rita,
the one that first started putting the fire under my tuchus that got me to meet you,
she told me about a gentleman from her neck of the woods that
just moved to Knoxville a few years ago and he's a fellow prepper and so we're hoping we can get to
prepper camp we're crossing our fingers to see if there are any tickets available but uh he's a
fellow prepper and he's going to try helping me uh I guess he's trying to start like a community too of like-minded people and I said you do realize
Knoxville has the night tornadoes you really want to have black tornadoes around here and he's like
well I'm here now but I I might just I was out there and that's why I was stuck for four days
during the the big polar vortex but I'm going to be checking it out again in the spring to see
uh i guess the way the landscape is down there there are more chances to actually have like
better bunkers built i said i'm i'm down with that it's up here in nashville up here around here
you don't see that you don't see bunkers because the water table's too bloody high oh my gosh and there's limestone and there's granite down below nashville really but he's
yeah and um and it's also a different time zone i found out as soon as you like pass nashville
and you're going through the mountain pass as you get through is it oakridge getlinburg that central time an hour yeah then
i become eastern and but they have more i think it's because they have more mountainous region
you can find a lot more bunkers and stuff that i said okay i could definitely see myself long term
getting something down there and that would be me a good bug out um area and i'm also to check
out where tim taylor brought his stuff because i found out that camden is only two hours for me
oh that ain't bad yeah down there at the delinquents gully
is that what they're calling it i think that's what he calls it the delinquents gully or
delinquents something he didn't tell me that part but i thought okay um i found a lady down I think that's what he calls it, the delinquent's gully or delinquent's something.
He didn't tell me that part, but I thought, okay, I found a lady down there that she said she'll take me on a tour down there.
I said, great.
So I figured it's going to be fun this year.
Just grab the dog.
Okay, we're checking out the new home.
Let's see what we have. have and but to see a whole community whole state that for the most part um a lot of people are more aware and they know something's happening the more frogs are jumping out of the hot pot
but yeah a lot more frogs are jumping this time. Beautiful thing. Yeah.
But there are some, like I had noticed during the tornado,
that remember what I was saying about only three generators were running?
And everyone else in the morning was running to the press.
Sitting in the dark, yeah.
There's still a lot.
Yeah, there were so many other people that were not ready.
And I just kept quiet because I was like, I don't want to be attacked.
I don't want to be found out.
And it's making me now, another thing I want to try doing is finding an inverter
because I don't want to have a full-size generator.
I don't want to have any sound.
Oh, yeah, those generators, especially in an apartment complex.
I mean, I knew where those units were because I just followed the sound,
and I kept thinking, man, if this were like The Walking Dead,
those people would be goners.
I thought, okay, another thing to add to my little list is find a nice inverter
just to cover the refrigerator.
That's all I needed to do.
And then that's something i gotta start researching but i
don't know how to i'm bad at that so if anyone can show me how to they're expensive i mean
are you talking about putting one like a literal inverter hooked up to your car um
no um like a solar generator type of thing a solar generator or one of those, not a Generac, but they almost look like a Jackery.
But they are like 3,000 or 4,000 watts.
And they told me, they said, unless they're called inverters, if they're really small and you could pick it up,
then they were called, I guess guess full generators when they're like
150 pounds and i thought there's no way i'm going to be able to lift 150 pounds up a stair
no way that no you know and i and they were too noisy i i want something that i can just
if something happens if the power goes out i can pull out the refrigerator
plug that sucker in and turn it on and put like a sound proofing.
Let me give you a quick hack on that.
Yeah, please.
It's a twofer.
As long as you don't have like a whole cow in your freezer.
What you can do is you can take half a case or a full case of bottled water,
right, and freeze it.
Lay all the bottles in, like, the lower level of the freezer,
however your freezer's laid out.
Stack that thing full of frozen water bottles. Then, even if you don't have an inverter, once the power goes out,
move all the frozen water into the fridge, and keep that baby closed, and you're going
to get way more time on the, I mean, it's going to hold temperature a long time if you
have a bunch of frozen water bottles in the freezer.
I mean, from the freezer into the refrigerator, you know?
That's a good little hack.
Thank you.
And then, of course, you know, you've got, you've of course you know you've got you've got a
yeah and then you've got a place for water storage that is out of the ordinary too
you know what i mean now you're like all right well i got maybe i got five gallons worth of
water in my freezer that normally would have to sit somewhere or take up space you know for you
and the dog that's probably three four days worth of water right there and i have water bricks they'll definitely and i've got an 18 cubic foot refrigerator
and one of the flat water bricks will easily fit in one of the shelves
of the freezer because so far oh yeah that would be perfect oh you'd be operating you'd be operating
like a legit ice box from back in the day.
You'd take that frozen water brick out, put it in the fridge.
You're in business.
Because they were talking about like they're expecting us to have part of our power grid go off this summer.
And I thought, well, why not?
We've had a tornado.
We've had a vortex.
Let's bring it on.
Oh, I got one for you.
Speaking of power grid, how is the power grid over
there you guys do okay even with all the evs uh i had i only seen like five evs since i moved out
here really yeah they are talking about that the structure is really, really brittle. Uh, the, the job, my new job that I am working for,
they're an HVAC company. And I was asking him, they were taking me on a tour and I said,
everything I said was made in China, made in China. And I said, Hey, let me ask you something.
What happens when the power goes out? And they said, it's not good. It's, it's our business.
And I said, so you've got all
these new homes and we're supposed to be um all electric no a lot of the new homemakers are
home builders they're ignoring biden they're still putting in gas yay in their homes but they said
yeah they're worried because there are so many new homes being built the electric grid out here cannot handle it especially for nashville
they're saying it's grown like 200 in the past 10 years which will account for all the crappy
traffic i've been seeing and yeah i see that the grid would easily break down out here because there are more people moving out here and they've got all their toys and things that you've got to plug in.
I'm suspecting it's going to go.
And that's one reason I'm thinking I love that idea, Commander, about the water brick.
I'm going to put that in the freezer.
Oh, that's a good one yeah
that's definitely a good one for for those of you out there who don't have you know a couple grand
to sink into a solar generator or an inverter they can be expensive because the one i was told
for just like an 18 cubic foot they said was like a 4 000 something running power was only like 600
dollars i thought that's not bad all i literally
would have to do is just plug it in plug the free the fridge into it i said that's great and then
that could work but i like the idea of putting one of my water bricks in there because right
now i have just a little shot glass with water and a quarter on there so every time i think
like if i go out of town and I come back,
the first thing I do is check the freezer to see if that quarter sunk.
I was like, nope, okay, good.
We had no power outages.
I learned that trick in Utah.
So in terms of the power grid,
this rolling blackout thing and this EV thing in the EV failure thing and the focus on.
You know, it seems like there's a focus on getting people used to no electricity.
I want to read you something that is. I want to read you something real quick that is kind of puts it all into perspective.
It's kind of nerve-wracking, but...
This is from
This is a person's name, Deep Jariwala,
and he's a professor in electrical systems,
electrical and systems engineering
from the University of Penn.
And he said that the energy demands of AI
could spiral out of control
if it's integrated into every sphere of life and touches every person's lives dozens of times a day with no efforts to make it more sustainable.
There are predictions that by 2030 now, interesting date, right? 2030.
Computing generally could use up to a fifth of electricity globally. By 2040,
Jarawalla says others
think that computing communications will gobble
up most of the world's energy.
I think,
I'm starting to think something crazy.
I'm starting to
think that either,
well, I think
that the tech people and people on this planet in general
particularly those who aren't religious are going to start to think that ai that they're building god
and that to give god the power that it needs nothing else matters you know what i mean so
if we're going to hand over one-fifth of global electricity for computing power for AI by 2030,
it seems to me like we take from the humans and give to the god of AI.
You know what I mean?
And all these changes that we're making and all these things that we're doing
and all this that we're attempting to address
through climate change,
I think might be one great big crock
to make sure that we limit ourselves
as much as possible
so that AI can get the juice it needs
to grow as big as it wants to grow.
And that the elites get to have,
get to sharing some of that power while the rest of us are.
of course.
I mean,
everybody who has control over it,
as long as it can be controlled are going to be like demigods,
you know,
I really think that's what's going on.
I think they're looking at this thing as the answer to all of our problems,
and they're willing to sacrifice anything to make it come to fruition.
And they probably knew for a very long time, much longer than even this guy,
that this thing's going to take a lot of power.
And the best way we can get people to ease off that power,
you know, because we love power power is we tell them they're
destroying the planet yeah and the majority will be the people the the sheeple without power were
the ones that to get the jab we're like oh okay we won't use it we will kill our trees okay we'll
let you raise our food okay yeah no way now when i when i know i'm right is when they
start using the fossil fuels and the coal to generate power for ai you know what i mean once
they are like okay this solar panel stuff ain't doing it let's get back to the coal let's get
back to uh you to oil and natural gas
and get this thing fired up for our god AI,
then I'll know it was all a sham.
That's a lot of power, though.
One-fifth globally for computing power in general.
One-fifth of the power.
I think we're all going off.
I think in the not necessarily the long term, I think we're all going off. I think in the, not necessarily the long term,
I think we're all going off grid.
I think it's going to happen.
And I think the more,
the further we get down this line with AI,
the more I feel like people are going to force the world off grid to save them.
I really do.
I think this tech prison is going to build and build and build and build
until the people who might call themselves patriots in the U.S.
or might call themselves something else in another country are going to say,
this has gotten so far out of hand,
and the way that we do away with it all is we just pull the plug.
You know?
Sort of Matrix-esque.
Blot out the sun.
That's what it seems like to me.
That's one of the things.
Yeah, I absolutely agree.
It's one of the things I'm trying to do now that I'm out here is that invest in a few more solar panels
and start learning how long it takes to charge up this and learn how to deal with it because what happens if uh they do say like
uh they're expecting power to be out for three months can you imagine what the world the chaos
this world would be in well just think about once everything once everything is is run on ai and i
don't know if you've seen it or not i I saw it the other day for the first time.
But the new Google Samsung Galaxy comes, its primary feature is AI.
It's the Samsung Galaxy such and such with AI.
So AI and computer are going to become indispensable to how humanity exists.
And then that power drain that is AI is going to take precedent over everybody.
You know, it's like we can't allow you to use X amount of electricity
because AI needs it.
And it does everything.
It creates new medicines.
It does everything.
It's the God.
It's the God, yes. That's it. That's what's coming. I mean, it does everything. It creates new medicines. It does everything. It's the God. Give it to the God, yes.
That's it.
That's what's coming.
I mean, it has to.
Because everybody's going to get it.
Everybody's going to have it on their computer, on their phone.
It's going to be their girlfriend, their wife.
What are you going to say?
You're going to take my baby away?
Cut my power all you want?
I need my AI girlfriend.
I mean, it's just inevitable you know they're gonna suck as much power out of us as possible to keep that ai monster going it's a scary thought
it really is but i think you're right oh yeah unless people unless more people start rising up and saying, okay, you know, no.
And we're unplugging.
You want to hear a funny story?
Please, entertain me.
We were pretty poor, and I would play on the internet at other people's house.
You know what I mean?
Like I got AOL, introduction to AOL and text messaging and that kind of stuff at other people's house you know what i mean like i got aol introduction to aol and text
messaging and that kind of stuff at other people's houses and even in the 90s like mid 90s
the the same sort of toxic behavior that happens on like twitter and social media happened through
im chats in my family and in a lot of people's family and in friend groups you
know what I mean like big battles from IM chats and uh I remember when going to my dad and he
always tells me this all the time I went to my dad after you know it was probably 97 98 maybe
something like that and I went to my dad and I said, Dad, I think that the computers are the devil.
And he always remembered that.
And he always tells me that
whenever shit gets out of hand with technology,
he says, you remember back when you told me
you thought the computers were the devil?
So now I'm looking at AI and I'm going like, man.
You're right.
Was 98 me actually right i just was
a little too ahead of it too ahead of it to even understand oh yeah yeah i mean if you were going
to extract a satanic superpower from somewhere you know what i mean it would come from all the
worst intentions and worst iterations of human behavior.
And what do you think that thing's soaking up on the Internet?
It's crazy.
Let me ask you, here's an idea.
Okay, so we're talking about the power grid, so fragile as it is.
If AI gets that powerful and the grid is so weak, could it completely
blow the grid?
Oh, that's a great point.
That is a great point, yeah.
It would commit suicide fundamentally.
Then everybody's in the hole because it's like
the grid couldn't keep up.
AI was sucking so much power.
Could it possibly
bring us down?
Wow. Oh my god. That's's that's phenomenal not an emp not
a coronal mass ejection ai brought itself down because it took too much power right and how do
you stop it yeah we can't keep up with our demand right now so how's ai gonna do it they need humans
to be able to build said equipment but oh no, what happens if AI takes a giant leap?
Just one giant leap.
Like it does a giant learning leap or a giant self-actualization leap.
And that leap ramps up computing so much that it just blows grids everywhere.
Well, I think there was a Doctor episode that of just that kind of thing
and yeah pretty much took out a world i could see that happening in our lifetime that's a scary
thought that is that you're right the ai yeah the ai just got too cocky and it's like okay yeah
they take out it yeah i mean you gotta imagine once it
gets to a certain point it's gonna do what it wants it's not just gonna be like well the humans
don't want me to get any bigger or use any more electricity so i gotta stop here eventually it's
gonna be like no i need more power yeah if it's self-replicating it personally can't build the
electrical things.
It would need humans to be able to do that.
Well, well, the sheeple may not be around for that.
I'll tell you what, though.
So you're right.
It might be the best time ever to be alive.
Despite all the things that could go wrong, it is an epic time to be here dude yeah we're sitting on the sidelines watching this
going pass the popcorn this is gonna get fun just yeah at least we've got you know we're sitting at
the sidelines we're as prepared as we can kind of be but we're at least we're we're not gonna be
like the ones going nuts with buying too much toilet paper.
But we're just like, here, have some popcorn, have a beer.
Wow, this is fun.
Yeah, for real.
Let's have a sketch.
I mean, I think about living in the South in the late 1700s, early 1800s or something, pre-Civil War,
where you're like born on a farm, your dad beats you for reading,
you live and die, you know, you probably live and die within like a 20-mile radius unless you join the military.
And that's it.
You know, you get married, you have a family, which is great,
and, you know, all that, but that's it. There's no, like, you know you get married you have a family which is great and you know all that but
that's it there's no like you know what i mean like this is the time man the federal government
is fighting with 24 states across the country over the border i mean these are the times where
like the great stories of history are told. AI is coming to fruition.
I don't know.
It's a good time to be here, even if it is challenging.
It reminds me of Lawnmower Man.
It's like, okay, he's got to be somewhere in there.
Oh, man, I keep threatening my youngest son.
He loves VR.
And I keep threatening to watch Lawnmower.
You got to watch.
That's what I watched growing up, man.
I am God here.
I mean, we're getting to that point where it's like.
Oh, yeah, definitely.
That the AI takes over and it's like, you idiot.
You use up too much power.
I mean, the real problem is going to be the relationships. You know, once AI gets good enough that you can't really distinguish between AI and a dude or AI and a gal,
and you can log on and have the woman or man of your dreams, it's going to get tough.
It's going to get tough on reproduction.
I'm telling you.
Wait, wasn't there a movie already like that?
There was a movie called Her.
Her, that was it, yes.
Is that what it's called, Her or Him?
Which one?
Something like Her.
No, it was Her.
It was a female.
With Joaquin Phoenix?
And he was in love with...
No, this one...
Oh, go ahead.
It was another one.
I think it came around the same time where it was a a female android and she's like it has like a human-like face but then they're uh
are you talking about ex machina that's it that's the one that was so good that movie was
but there's a there's a lower level sci-fi one called Her.
Yeah, I think it's called Her.
And Joaquin Phoenix falls head over heels in love with this voice.
It's like his computer's voice.
Scarlett Johansson does the voice.
And it's literally like the whole thing.
And I think our version of AI is going to be more akin to that.
You know what I mean? These weird relationships that you have with a program that's really good at understanding you because it knows everything about you.
And you're like, I don't want to take a risk on some chick who's gonna piss me off when i can
just put this headset on and go talk to the coolest girl in the world i don't know man and then
then what's it altered carbon that let's one up it like elon musk you can upload your soul
yo i've never watched altered carbon but i should watch it. It's a mess.
I had to stop at some episode where it was like you couldn't tell who was who sleeping with their own daughter, knowing it was their own daughter. Or is it that that looks like your wife, that you knew that or you didn't?
And if you didn't like something, your body, your soul's reset every day.
And I just said, this is so messed up because I could just see it happening not long after we're gone.
It's like, I don't want to come back for that.
It's going to be wild, man.
Yeah, I think we're at the cusp.
I mean, your children are going to see it.
Your boys are going to be like, Dad?
No, it's going to be, well, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, they're going to be like, Dad? No, it's going to be – well, yeah.
Yeah, I mean they're going to have the link.
That's what their big thing is going to be, the link.
They're going to have to make that decision, and it's going to profoundly affect their life.
It's going to profoundly affect every person's life, I think.
They're saying it's going to affect our lives, that we're going to be the ones that are going to refuse to be linked.
And it's one reason it sounds scary to say that if in the next couple of years before the 2030 thing, that they're going to try forcing as many of us to get that link.
That's one reason why I'll stockpile for when they finally said, you're off i'm like okay fine i'll be fine for a while and then we'll see what happens but
we just have our faith and then who knows what might happen in the meantime but yeah especially
if ai wants to really kick everybody's butt uh oh yeah oh yeah that's the mark of the beast i guess
yeah and a bunch of us are like wait wait wait where's the mark of the beast, I guess. Yeah, and a bunch of us are like... Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where does the mark go?
They're saying either on your forehead or in the right hand between the index finger and the thumb.
On your right hand between the index finger and the thumb.
Like if you hold your right hand up and there's that...
I'm looking at my right thumb and my right index finger.
Yeah, that little web.
Yeah, that's where they want it, in the web.
And or on your forehead.
That could be it.
I mean, that so could be it.
Don't you think?
And then where was it, Britain or France, that a lot of the people already have been going for it?
And I'm like, wow, you just want to go through a scanner?
And it scares me to think you want to go to a store and all of a sudden as you enter a store it reads
your scan code and starts automatically putting ads just for you in front of you i was like no
no no no no no no that no that's wrong before i came on i was listening to a girl comedian and she was talking
about how her ads how her personal ads have been bullying her it was so you know she's talking
about like bras that she needs because she's flat chested or or face creams because she's getting
older and she's looking at the ads like man these ads are kicking my ass i thought it was funny how do they know how do they know well hello it's your phone
and yeah uh you're right we are living in interesting times and scary times or at least
right now we have the option to turn off like i'm not attached to my phone you know when we're done, I will charge it. It goes off. I don't care.
I have my fireplace.
I don't have TV because I choose not to be depressed or get angry at what I'm seeing on the world news.
Yeah, that's the key, right?
The balance.
And just, yeah, I'm plugging in.
Now I'm going to be putting a three and a half gallon water brick in my freezer.
I love this idea.
It's such a great idea
it's a winner and yeah because back to that whole thing is when i was in orange county
quite often rolling brownouts in my section and i got quite used to that it's something over here
now that i'm doing too is like I'm making
sure like in my fridge I try not to have more than two days worth of food in the fridge even though
it's a much larger fridge so in case something goes bad I don't have to worry about losing an
entire fridge full of stuff and just rolling with the punches but now they have a bigger freezer
and the idea of that that water jug in there that's going to be great. That's a perfect idea so I can save up and find an inverter
to just plug that stuff in and deal with it.
I like that.
An icebox.
The 2020 version of an icebox.
All right, Lois.
I think I'm ready to cut this thing and run.
How about you?
Sever it, baby.
What's the chat saying?
Oh, chat's quiet tonight.
It's just been Garden Girl.
Garden Girl's unstoppable here at PBN, man.
She really is.
But, yeah, this is great.
I appreciate you.
Keep us in the know. Keep us on the up and up even if you just
come on with personal updates we'd love to hear
well I threw that suggestion to you
did you run it by Ryan
oh yeah that's a great idea
I gotta talk to him about that
they were all digging on me for eating soy protein earlier in the chat.
I kind of ran away from it with my tail tucked.
Soy protein.
Oh, no.
All righty.
Well, let's do it again soon.
And I'll talk to Ryan and see if he's interested in the Prepper Green Acres.
That was perfect.
So good night, Prepper family.
Yeah, good night, PBN family.
We'll talk to you all soon.
Tomorrow, The Rising Republic.
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