The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Preppers LIVE w/ The Peoples Pharmacist Jen VanDewater

Episode Date: March 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. All right, PBN family. Intro, audio out of the way. We have the people's pharmacist with us tonight, Jen Vanderwater.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Thank you for joining us again. I guess I should tell the audience about the snafu, right? We did this once before, and I lost it. I lost it. It so rarely happens, and I lost the entire interview lost it. It so rarely happens and I lost the entire interview. And thank God we got you back. So welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, welcome. How do we fix the medical system, Jen? An easy one. An easy one right off the top. My goal has always been, and we discussed this on the last time you had me on with you, is to empower and encourage each individual to own their health sovereignty, to make decisions for themselves and not be beholden to the system.
Starting point is 00:01:57 The system is broken. It cannot be fixed. And I'm not even sure that building a new system is the answer. What if it's community? What if it's something more localized and not so big? What if we have independent practices and we have mom and pop pharmacies and they work together, chiropractors, naturopaths? We've been kind of divided in our practices. And I think this is a time for coming together in community and working for the betterment of the people. Wow. Well, excellent. It's a good start.
Starting point is 00:02:34 There is something to be said, I guess, about, because we have an overwhelming dependence on what? On prescription drugs, you think? It's not necessarily on seeing the doctor. I don't think people really so much love seeing the doctor, but they certainly love going and picking that baggie up at the pharmacy and bringing it home. I can't imagine what's so exciting about it. Are people like, well, I know the answer to this because I have an older mother,
Starting point is 00:03:01 and she's been on both sides of the spectrum where she's done, you know, take 40 pills a day and then weaned herself off all of that and, you know, down to like two things a day. But it does seem like like how on earth did they get us so dependent on, oh, something doesn't feel right. I need a pill. Yeah, well, it started back in the early 1900s with the Rockefellers and the Carnegies. And that was my first wake up. You know, I became a pharmacist because I the people's pharmacist. I love the people, you know, and I had no idea that behind what pharmacy had become was established not too far back, at least when I was, you know, looking to go to college, by these power, then the Flexner Report presented to Congress to pretty much rule out holistic and natural remedies and institutions. And then it became the money. The money was then sent to those institutions that promoted the Rockefeller and Carnegie, you know, medicine model. I didn't know that. Yeah, it's really an interesting journey. And that was for me that I came across that in 2020.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That was kind of like my time to dig. I always knew something was off, but I spent time and I kind of was freaked out because I refused. I said, I looked at my husband and I said, I can't go back to the pharmacy. He's like, what? Like, what do you mean? I'm like, I'm being used by big pharma to just dispense and just follow protocols and bad. That's that's not it at all. But over like you say with your your your mom, you know, over prescribing and people on so many meds and thinking the pill is is going to fix it. And then it doesn't. And then you need another pill. And then that doesn't work. And it just, you know, really what it comes down to is, you know, mind, body, spirit, mindbody-spirit alignment is really, really key. And what we're told in this new model of health is that if you do this, it's one thing, this will fix everything, and then it doesn't, or it's a temporary fix. So yeah, I really encourage you and your listeners to dig into that for yourselves. Don't take my word for it. I am just a messenger and I've done my own research, but I really, again, want people to be empowered. And you become empowered when you find that knowledge for yourself, when you do your own
Starting point is 00:05:52 research and you say, oh my goodness, it's right here. Wow, they've hoodwinked us and made us believe that the herbs and holistic medicine and even these, you know, like light therapy, sunshine, you know, walking barefoot, they kind of make fun of that and think that there's nothing to it when really the simplest things and the things that are free actually are the most beneficial for us. Well, I think during COVID, I mean, I didn't, I don't know if this hit people as hard as it hit me, but during COVID, when the studies were coming out on vitamin D and populations low in vitamin D or populations high in melanin and low in vitamin D intake and the levels of sickness really rocked my world. and the levels of sickness really rocked my world.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I mean, I was just sort of like, oh, like, are you telling me that we're sitting indoors so much that our, you know, our immune system is just completely compromised? And if you don't drink milk, you know, and you don't go outside, you have this, they call it a vitamin, but really it's a hormone, right? It's like a serious, serious part of our makeup. That was really one of those things where it was like, all this hippie talk about getting out in the sun, it's legitimate. And if we were born onto this planet and lived under the sun for how long,
Starting point is 00:07:21 it only makes sense, right? You take that away, and of course there's going to be some issues. So I have something I want to throw at you now because you might have just shook my whole paradigm with this Carnegie Rockefeller stuff. Sure. I, for, I don't know, three to five years, I don't remember when I started talking about it,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but I get on this little tangent about the 100 year amnesia and the 100 year amnesia is just, you know, the last hundred years, the things that we've forgotten that our grandparents knew. And now you tell me that about the natural healing and all that kind of stuff being sort of kicked out. And you got me thinking maybe it was more of a head trauma and less of an amnesia. I don't know. Was it done to us or did we forget it? You know what I mean? Did we not hand it down or was it diabolical? Yeah, I just think we're not taught it. I mean, I was actually surprised when I started researching and it's been a few years and I know things are being scrubbed, when I started researching and it's been a few years and I know things are being scrubbed,
Starting point is 00:08:31 but I really think you could still find some information on it. But I just think it was never told because I mean, I went into pharmacy. I worked in pharmacy. I'll give a little background for just to refresh your memory and to share with your audience, I got into pharmacy right out of high school as a pharmacy tech. And I actually was going to go to college to be a lawyer. And I'm so glad I did not go that path. But I was, you know, looking to go in a completely different direction, started working as a pharmacy technician. And I fell in love with the job. But it wasn't the pharmacy part of it, it was the community. I enjoyed people coming in that I knew that were my neighbors, that people that I knew from high school, their parents, you know, that I had seen when I had sleepovers and just connecting with people and having conversations. And I looked at the pharmacist I was always working with. They just
Starting point is 00:09:27 weren't people friendly. They like to sit in the back corner and read the newspaper and drink their coffee and hit the enter button and just say, here are the scripts ready, go hand it out. And I'm like, you don't want to talk to the people like they might have questions that you can you can field them, let me know if you need me. And I just thought, what a disservice to the people to have someone with all this knowledge hide and not be out public facing. So I decided to take that journey and become a pharmacist for that reason. And people used to say, don't you love learning about the drugs? I said, I'm just getting through this so I can be in the community and help people have the knowledge to give people the information to live better. I had no idea that the path I was on, I mean, it was definitely divine to get me to where I am. And I believe I had to be shown things
Starting point is 00:10:17 for sure in order to wake up and know what's going on. But I had no clue. Nothing was even taught in pharmacy college that they're petroleum, synthetic petroleum-based meds. Nothing was taught in pharmacy college to say, hey, this drug is very similar to a natural compound, and we've just changed a few molecules. It was like these drugs were the best thing ever, and nothing could compare. We were not taught on nutrition. We were not taught about the naturals or herbals. We had one class, very little, because as a pharmacist, people come in and say, hey, I want echinacea. And what we're told is, you know, the FDA doesn't approve those. So you really shouldn't recommend naturals. And so, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:06 you really shouldn't recommend naturals. And so, you know, it really had me a little scared and really believing in pharmaceuticals until I actually practiced and started to watch. And again, my journey through college. So I started in 1998. And by the time I graduated in 2006, I had seen people become very dependent on the pill, like every pill, they wanted a pill. And you ask this too, what happened to make people want that? Advertising. They started to advertise. Yes. They started advertising commercials in women's magazines and different journals. And all of a sudden these ads were out there and they, it's propaganda. So they make these people look happy and living every day is a vacation. And they are, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:54 jumping towards the sky and they're with their family and people are like, well, I want that. So they think it's the pill that's going to bring them that when that's, it's a false notion. And then again, they start taking that pill. And then three months later, they're back to the way they were feeling or maybe worse and saying, Oh, I, now what do I do? And the doctors, well, let's, let's add this on there. Let's try that. And they just change things up. So I had no idea. And until I started researching and came across it, and I don't even know how I believe it was divine. Cause I wasn't like typing in it. And I don't even know how, I believe it was divine
Starting point is 00:12:26 because I wasn't like typing in Rockefeller. I wasn't looking anything up. I was just going through this period where I was kind of realizing there was a lot of things that were false in the world and I wanted the truth. So as I was truth seeking, I stumbled upon this Rockefeller.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And I think the title was something with pharmakia. And I went, What is this? And so I watched it. And I just like, seriously was just in shock at how, how my industry that I thought was to help people, you know, was actually not that was not its main goal. I mean, some people do get help. And I'm not like, I'm not against pharmaceuticals in any way, I just feel like over-prescribing and keeping people dependent is terrible because you're not really helping them. You're just giving them a little nudge and they could be living much better. Yeah. It's such a big business. I mean, the one that scares me the most recently is, I don't know what they're called, but it's a blood sugar and weight loss injection.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yes. people that won't take it, but the general public, you know, they're like, wait, can I eat donuts and be skinny and not have diabetes? Like, this is perfect. Just, just give me the needle. Those things make me really nervous because they don't even make sense. You know, my father-in-law, he was like pre-diabetic, changed his diet and was no longer pre-diabetic. You know, he stopped eating cartons of ice cream and drinking Coca-Cola every night, and he was out of the hole on his own. But if you give people that, that seems too easy. We've been conditioned to not want to give up our treats. It's everywhere you go.
Starting point is 00:14:22 People are like, well, I'm not giving that up. It's not so much giving it up. It's not like you're never going to have it again. It's a balance. And it's not even a diet. It's just it's a new lifestyle. And believe it or not, when you start eating better and choosing actually paying attention and awareness that we have lost, Actually paying attention and awareness that we have lost. And that is something like you talk about the 100 year am, you know, a meal and have it homemade. And then, you know, all the ingredients. But we've become disconnected from that awareness of the food and it's and it's everywhere. And then people think if I give up ice cream, I'll never have it again. No, I have ice cream. I even have soft serve, which isn't good for you. But in the summer,
Starting point is 00:15:22 I do like to have a soft serve cone and I'm not going to give up things in my life. I'm just choosing to not make it be the control. And like I say, you start choosing better food. Your taste actually changes. Your body adapts. And I go back. Never a soft serve ice cream cone, though. But I do go back and have other things.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And I'm like you know what i don't really like that anymore and i can start to taste that it's not natural which i believe again is is a divine gift that was given to us that we've lost through you know grocery stores putting things there and all the packaging and then you buy it and then you eat it and you just think it's good and you go back and buy it again and you're not realizing what you're actually putting into your body. But I used to love potato chips. I don't even eat potato chips anymore. I mean, I used to have it with my sandwich and I just cannot go back to it. They taste off to me now. Things just taste different when you start to eat choose to eat healthier
Starting point is 00:16:25 and and read your labels and watch what you're putting into your body it's amazing and then that happened to my wife same thing she she gave up coca-cola for lent one year this was years ago now but she gave up coca-cola for lent and then when lent ended she had one and was like i don't even like this anymore never drank one again it was crazy it was wild to watch yeah you're because really the and i don't even know how it happens it's like the first time you try something that's bad and it's different you just like it and then your body actually craves it like your whatever they have in these products your body's wanting more and more so something like the sodas right it really is the sugar yeah it goes to it's like cocaine to the brain right so you're like i need more i need more and you're once you detox from that and you go
Starting point is 00:17:14 back to it it stands out to you in a way that you're like i'm not doing this and i've noticed it with a lot of foods too too. I've changed completely. And I'm glad. I mean, I was never someone that had a weight issue, but I feel better. And I don't know. I just like eating cleaner. It makes me feel good, too, that I'm not eating the junk that they're propagandizing me to want to eat. You definitely feel better. I mean, there's no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:17:43 You can go one day and really go off the rails or at least i can and i'll be like wow do i feel bad and i'll even know like i'll even know as the lead-ups going on like oh i shouldn't have that shouldn't have that and i'll know by the end of the night i'm gonna be in pain i'm gonna feel i'm gonna be depressed i'm gonna be mad all those things come from that man and uh but the opposite side of the coin that i think is really good and we do this some of us do this here at pbn our listeners and some of our hosts is uh to not eat for a day or two or even three and when you do that yeah when you fast man you you will get that sort of eat something you haven't eaten in a while and go
Starting point is 00:18:23 whoa whoa i don't even want that anymore. That's where you really start to have those experiences because things, you know, that you were eating like constantly just for the sugar, just for the whatever, you eat them after you come off a fast and you're like, I want meat. I want, you know what I mean? I want some real stuff. I want some real, real food. Yeah. No, it's true. It's true. Fasting is a great way to detox the body and allow the body to heal. And who would have thought we are told, you know, that you have to
Starting point is 00:18:56 eat three meals a day, or if you can't do that snack all day. And it's like, we're actually hurting ourselves. Yeah, that's the worst. And it is. And we don't, you know, I used to think that way too, because that's what we were taught. I mean, I was taught that in college and I believed in it until I started to see that that wasn't truth. And, you know, the food pyramid, just get rid of that. It's all wrong. It's absolutely all wrong. I've learned that if they say do this, I just do the opposite.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That's why I'm just like, I'm not even, I'm just, nope, I'm not even questioning it. If I hear it on mainstream and they say, this is, this is it, here it is. I'm like, yeah, I'm doing the opposite. You know, don't eat eggs, don't eat butter, don't eat red meat. I'm like, yep, eggs, butter, red meat, here I come. Oh man, my life is eggs. My life, one third of my life is eggs every morning. Same here. Yep, every day. And if I don't have them, I definitely feel hungrier because the eggs are so full of protein and so nutrient rich.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I can tell if I skip eggs and have something else or if I just choose not to eat and then to say I'll eat later. And yeah, I can definitely tell when I'm not eating my eggs. and then to say I'll eat later. And yeah, I can definitely tell when I'm not eating my eggs. And you also realize when you're eating, when you get into eating eggs all the time for breakfast, you realize, what the hell else should I eat for breakfast? Like everything else has consequences.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Eggs are the only food that I can eat for breakfast unless there's vegetables involved or another meat. That like, you have no even when you eat bacon and eggs you're like oh man i got the nitrates in it i can't eat too much of that you know what i mean yeah everything got cereal too much sugar oatmeal now they said's got all kinds of problems with that pesticides and all that kind of stuff but eggs man for my chickens out back i know i'm good i'm good to go yeah i've got chickens too and i enjoy the fresh eggs so yeah i think everybody needs chickens jen everybody who has anywhere to get them anywhere to stick them you got a crevice to stick a little coop get four
Starting point is 00:20:57 chickens six chick what do you don't even need a lot four chickens is plenty for anybody with a house you know with a household family that kind kind of thing. And then you're in. You're in for breakfast. You are. And this doesn't take much. I mean, I clean their coop out daily. And I bring them. They love cabbage.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So I chop up cabbage for them and bring it up to them. And people don't even realize they're so friendly and social. They really are just a lovable little, you know, addition to the homestead. So I think people should definitely consider it. Get chickens. Oh man, I want everybody to have them. You know, because then also when something crazy like COVID happens and you can't buy food, you're like, oh, we got protein though. You know, you could put all kinds of carbohydrates and stuff like that on your shelf for the long term. The big problem for most people is
Starting point is 00:21:48 I don't have any protein now. You know what I mean? But if you have just a few hands out back, you always have probably higher quality protein than anything you can buy at an average supermarket anyway. Absolutely. In all honesty. Unless you have access to a grass-fed beef section
Starting point is 00:22:04 in your market. But you don't know where that comes from either. You know what the chickens are eating and, you know, all that stuff when they're yours. Yeah, they're key. But nutrition is huge. Nutrition is one of those crazy overlooked things. Exercise, same thing. You know, exercise is tremendously overlooked in terms of like how you feel day to day.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And exercise doesn't have to be vigorous, which, you know, I feel again has been misleading to people. Exercise is just movement. Like moving is just key. I feel like, again, it's the same with like the idea of dieting. Oh, I'm going to never have all this stuff. It's a lifestyle change that you incorporate. It's not short term and you do what you know you can do. If you set yourself at a goal that you're never going to attain, well, what's the point?
Starting point is 00:22:56 But if you know you can walk every day, walk every day and you can increase that walk, you know, go a little longer, you know, move a little faster. But if you know you're going to get out every day, it's so important. It's about movement. And I feel like exercise, people hear that word and they're like, oh, they just kind of like sit back and cringe and say, I'm not one for exercise. Well, it's not an exercise routine. It's a movement routine. So whatever you can do to move and stretch and
Starting point is 00:23:25 however long you can handle, everybody's different. And I feel like, again, another thing we've been put into a box on, this is how much you have to have. And I think people, people know themselves best and know what they can handle and, you know, they should set their limit and then increase it as they need to. But I feel like everything's just been so um over complicated yeah and it's so it's so simple like and really that's what i mean health is really simple and it's actually free it's not supposed to be complicated and costly and that's what bothers me you know being of the allopathic side and watching things unfold. I've just it bothers me.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It's like you're taking advantage of people when they could do all these things for free. Oh, that's what we don't want them to. Because then again, we lose you for them. The top, they lose control of one. They lose control of all. So as they're seeing their pillars of their wicked society, you know, start to crumble, they're getting scared because they don't want to lose one of them because you lose one, the whole thing will come down. Yeah. I really do think, Jen, I mean, if we can avoid
Starting point is 00:24:36 things like nuclear war and the big, you know, problems that could happen, I do think that generationally we're going to see a lot of this and not just in the pharmaceutical and medical world but we're going to see a lot of weird old stuff that doesn't work die off literally with the people who have championed it for a long time because you know how does how does the way we feel about big pharma, we kind of came into that knowledge because of the Internet and stuff like that. But there's a whole new generation of people that are growing up and already have grown up. And their parents were talking about it when they were kids. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:20 And their parents might have raised them on natural stuff or at least just talked about it, you know? And I think it's really I think a lot of these crazy things in our society that were held captive for so long are going to burn out due to the evil people dying off just, you know, by the hands of time. So that's what I'm hopeful for anyway. I don't know who's going to carry the torch. That's what I'm hopeful for anyway. I don't know who's going to carry the torch. What kind of a cretin would carry the torch for nicotine cigarettes? You know what I mean? Who's going to be like, that's my idea.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I'm going to die on that hill in 2050. Doesn't seem like there's a chance, you know? Right. No, that's a good point. And I'm with you. Yeah, and I think there are a lot of parents today, today especially, that have awakened and they are raising their children into the more natural, into chickens, right, into homesteading, into life outside of that system. We call it self-reliance and independence here. self-reliance and independence here. Absolutely. And what's going to happen is as they grow up, you know, they're having that knowledge and they're not going to jump into, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:36 the matrix life. They're going to continue what their parents have started. The way it was, again, like you were saying, the hundred year amnesia, it's like exactly how it was, is the farms and the homesteads are passed on to the next generation. The kids did not grow up and move across country and start a life, you know, as a computer tech programmer, you know, like they stayed home and continued on the family business that was started by their ancestors and kept kept the land and and everything in the family. i see that coming back it will take time but i see that coming back and then as they say no you know nobody and like as awareness is is definitely brought up they're not nobody like you say is going to want to take on the the cigarette campaign they're gonna say well these families today are like a little more, you know, they have intuition.
Starting point is 00:27:26 They are connected. And, yeah, I'm not going to put myself out there. So it's definitely something that's coming for sure. As parents, I think we want to keep those ideas like as foreign to the kids as possible. You know, like the idea of like I'm on up medication every day. And unfortunately, there are a lot of kids who are on them. But you know, I think you do your kid a really great service. And you know what, to the doctor's credit, with my experience with our pediatrician in particular, they don't prescribe jack for my kids when they're sick. So I think
Starting point is 00:28:01 that's really good. That's a good sign. When I was little, we got sick. We went to the doctor. We came home with the pink bottle. You know, every time we came home with the pink bottle. It didn't matter what it was. What do you got? You got a fever? It takes on the pink bubblegum-flavored antibiotic.
Starting point is 00:28:17 My kids, I think they had an antibiotic like two or three times. They don't get sick a lot, but, you know, when they do, most of the time the doctor's like, that's a virus. We don't know what it is. They'll be better in three days if not cause and i think that's really a much better relationship than going to the doctor and thinking like i gotta walk away with something because that's how i grew up i grew up thinking i go to the doctor i walk away with a little white bag i take what they tell me and then i'm better you know yep yep that's if you've got a pediatrician that's not doing that,
Starting point is 00:28:45 that's amazing because that's, yeah, I was the same as you. I used to always get the little pink bubble gum flavored, you know, three times a day, you know, my mom would come in with a spoon and there it went. Yeah. Just destroying the, uh, destroying the, uh, digestive tract down there, killing off all the good bacteria and then they don't understand why you don't get better well you just killed off the whole gut yeah exactly exactly then they put you on a medicine for that oh you got ibs time for one of them pills exactly yeah it's definitely you know that's what happens it's just one to the next to the next and it's just crazy and and it is like
Starting point is 00:29:25 this thought because it was so it's you know um instilled in us is going to get that little white baggie like it's just it's one of those things where it's kind of be like a habit or some weird tradition like you go and you go to the from the doctor to the pharmacy and it was like if you went to the doctor to not get a prescription and they weren't doing their job oh yeah the doctor to the pharmacy and it was like if you went to the doctor to not get a prescription then they weren't doing their job oh yeah i thought the doctor was failing which really that's that's correct because that's what the system wants them to do so that's absolutely how it worked out and then we were thinking they're not doing their job they didn't give me something to get me better exactly how my wife and i were thinking exactly how we were thinking when my first son was young
Starting point is 00:30:03 we were like we don't get nothing. We don't have to go pick nothing up. What's going on? We just sit here and watch him. Yeah, just this body's already healing. You know, it's already working. But it was a paradigm shift for sure. I like your stance on, and it fits right in here because here at PBN, we've set this network up so that we don't take a dime from anybody who likes to censor.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So we don't have any YouTube presence. We don't have any income coming from people who could say, no more. You said a bad word. You can't. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I like the fact that your whole platform is kind of built on the same idea of integrity. You want to tell us a little bit about maybe your guiding principle there?
Starting point is 00:30:50 Because it's an important one in this day and age. It really is. It is. And I tell people all the time, I'm like, you know, I've walked away pretty much from my career. because the first, first of all, with that, I can't go back knowing what I found out about the Rockefellers and the Flexner report. Once I realized what they were up to, I was like their mercenary and I refused to do that. Now I could go back with the knowledge I have and try to help people, but it's not what I feel I'm called to do. I'm not called to go back into, you know, the the belly of the beast. So for me, in my heart, I just I'm
Starting point is 00:31:33 like, I cannot walk back into a pharmacy and dispense medication with what I now know. Also, if I've been somewhere, things, you know, don't seem right, you know, if it doesn't align with what my core values are, and I am faith, you know, I am, I believe in the handshake, which nobody seems to believe in anymore, you know, like, the way I maybe I'm, I always thought I was growing up in the wrong time, but maybe I'm growing up in the right time to bring back those values because, you know, like I believe in it. I, if I give my word, my word is my word. If I have a handshake deal, I'm going to stand by that because biblically it says, make your yay yay and your no, no, you know, it says it tells you just to do that. So I'm like, okay. And I was raised, I was raised, you know, that way.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And so I won't go out there and promote or, you know, stand behind something just to make a dollar, I guess is the best way to put it. My goal is the people. I do need to make money. Yes, because we all have bills. But I will not compromise who I am in doing that. And I will not sell my soul, you know, for the dollar. And it's, it, it makes it really hard living. Um, because I obviously paid a lot of money to become a doctor of pharmacy and I'm not working as a pharmacist. Um, but there's a clean feeling in my heart
Starting point is 00:33:01 and there's a, um, freeness, a peace in my mind that i don't have to you know worry because there's going to come a day where i've got to account for my actions and why i did what i did and i want to make sure that i hear the words well done good and faithful servant and so i i live by that and it's it is will be always be a hard road for people that do, because you're always going to be shown something all the time and have to make a decision. And that decision is going to be, you know. Based off of your character, your morals, your values and your integrity. And this is the core of what's wrong with America at the moment, you know, is so many people. Because first of all, your judgment comes every night. People don't get that.
Starting point is 00:33:58 That's why I think so many people are on depression pills because, you know, the judgment comes at the end. But you judge yourself, I think, on the pillow every night. I know I do, which is why I work so hard not to be in the guilt box at the end of the day. But I think a lot of people were put into your position. You know, I think maybe even the majority, who knows, were put into your position and they went the other way. They said, you know what, I'm just going to sit here and deal with this. I don't really believe this. I don't believe in what I'm doing. But you know what I do believe? Is rent. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:31 And I think they got, I think they got, and you know what else too? I think we put a tremendous amount of pressure on people with college because you're told when you go to college, you're going to make money. And then you get all the accolades for going to college. And the last thing you want to do is be like, well, I went to college and then I got the job and then I quit the job. And now I don't have any money. And I look like a failure in my family's eyes or whatever the situation is.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And I think people are just like, no, I'm going to be a career person. And, you know, even if there's guys in the girls' bathroom, I'm just going to stick it out and do this thing because, you know, I committed to it. And I think it's been detrimental, Jen, to our society because people have become accustomed to lying to others, lying to themselves. And now we're in this weird place where people like you who say,
Starting point is 00:35:24 I can't do this anymore and I'm not going to do it anymore and I'm going to stick by my guiding principles are so rare. I don't know many people like you. I mean, I do know more people probably than the average person because of being in the prepping world, but I don't know a lot of people out in the flesh and blood world that I interact with that were like, I took a major stance. And I feel like in a time like this, this is the time for major stance
Starting point is 00:35:53 on all kinds of different levels. So I got a weird one for you. Sure. Because it fits with this conversation and your story in particular. And I'm not saying it would have changed your decision or not. Since we don't get married as much as we should and we've thrust so many women into college and into the workplace at high levels so they take on high debt and they have high
Starting point is 00:36:25 responsibility. Do you think that affects society on a whole in terms of their, and it could happen to men too, I'm not singling women out. I just mean, when you're married, at least you have another, you could say, look, I'm making this big decision. And that could be, I'm leaving this job or I'm starting this business, but I'm making this big decision. But I have a whole nother half who can help float this boat financially in this sort of time of turmoil. Whereas if you're single, it's like, whatever you say, boss, I have nobody else. You know, I have no help. I have no other half. So I just have to stick it out. And I wonder if some of the problems that we face with people just, you know, giving up on their guiding
Starting point is 00:37:12 principles has to do with that, you know, being single, not being married, not having the support of a spouse and that kind of thing. Yeah, I wouldn't know because I've been with my husband 27 years. Congrats. Thank you. So I would know, though, because I've been with my husband 27 years. Congrats. Thank you. But you would know, though, because you've had tremendous support for 27 years of your life. I have, yeah. So that's a thing, man. That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And it sucks that we've been lied to and been like, you're going to do it on your own. It's fine. you know, being like, you're going to do it on your own. It's fine. And, you know, I want to say, I just want to say that what I find is really, you know, I grew up at a time too. And in high school, you hear that, you know, be a woman and go get a job and go get a career. It was, it was pushed on women to become what the men were. And at the time I didn't think anything of it, you know, and then met my husband started pharmacy college and super excited. I thought it was you know, I had the flat road ahead of me in my head. But God takes you on a whole different journey for sure. Yes. So but I
Starting point is 00:38:19 will say, the pressure is out there, especially when we're sending our kids to the public school because they're pushing their agenda and women are no longer valued in the home. of not being in pharmacy and not really, you know, taking on work per se, my work has become my home. And I have completely like flipped. I'm like, what the heck? Why did I not see this before? Like, why was I convinced that my role had to be out there when the role here in the home it there's there's value to that and you actually connect with yourself more when you're doing what you were created and designed to do now i'm not saying women no women should go out there and work no that's not what i'm saying but we're all being conditioned and pushed you know down this road to say women are equal as men. So they need to get out there and work when the role at home is work. And it is just as important. And if not the most important, because you're, you are taking care of the problems, 31 women, you know, that's,
Starting point is 00:39:38 that's the only way I could describe it. And I like, you know, i've been planning meals and i i assist my husband we i love it the prepping world we are building three greenhouses we already have a small one we are we are growing lots and lots and lots of veggies this year we're gonna can like you can't believe we are gonna have great great stuff and i have enjoyed being beside him as we're out there building these structures, even though I'm not, you know, I'm not hammering or doing the hard labor. I'm just there and, get the pharmacy for 10 to 12 hours. I come home, it was done. I'm like, oh, it looks nice. Yeah, great. How'd it go? I wasn't a part of it. Oh, sure. Yeah. Right. And now I'm a part of it. And I get to, you know, plan meals and just just be involved in the day to day. And I just feel women were a little tricked with the whole feminist movement to think that we our role at home was hogwash nothing no it was
Starting point is 00:40:47 geez how terrible women shouldn't be home and that's where we've lost really the foundation because the foundation is family and that's what they've been targeting and attacking getting rid of the family structure getting the family unit and having both, both, uh, parents not be around where the child has to go to the public school system. When, you know, I have, I have Amish neighbors and there are days I watch them and I'm like, boy, would I love to just become Amish? Cause they are doing it right. I just like power and running water. Yeah, exactly. And I don't really want to be in a horse and buggy all the time Because there's something about
Starting point is 00:41:26 A windshield when it's like 8 below But yeah I just wrote an article about Amish Cooling for the summertime Oh yeah And I did a lot of research about the Amish Don't get me wrong we buy our meat from Amish people I don't have anything wrong with them
Starting point is 00:41:42 But they got some things Just do a little research About Amish wedding. I don't have anything wrong with them. But they got some things. Just do a little research about Amish wedding night, and you'll be like, nope, nuh-uh. I'm only taking parts. I don't want to go all, I'm just taking parts. Yeah, take the good, leave the bad way behind, because it gets weird. They build things together as a community.
Starting point is 00:42:04 They support each other as a community. They build things together as a, you know, community. They support each other as a community. They garden. They have the most amazing things that they have for their garden. They build and then they sell. They do everything cash so that they don't have, you know, any debt that comes along with it. It's just to me, it's a freer way in that way of living. And I watch them because they're actually my neighbors now. They moved in next door. So I get to see them and building and, you know, the whole way of life. And the women take care of the home and the guys out plowing or, you know, building. And it works.
Starting point is 00:42:44 And we've lost our way they just didn't get the amnesia they did not no that's all we were like that 150 years ago everybody was basically amish 150 years ago you know absolutely no dependency on electricity none of that but yeah now we've yeah it's just crazy how quickly we we just gave up with convenience and comfort and dependency just so fast you know in our history i've wondered this like how i we were driving somewhere one day and as we were driving down a road and you can see in everyone's house like it was you know almost nighttime and I could see it was TV, TV, TV, TV. And it hit me like, oh, my gosh, that's how they convinced everybody.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. Whether it was the radio or the TV, that's how they can get into everyone's home and convince you that the way you're living is wrong. and convince you that the way you're living is wrong with TV shows, with commercials, any propaganda they can put out there, they've put out there. And when you're in your home, your guard is down, right? Because you're safe. So that part of your brain that's like checking and paying attention and being vigilant is turned off because you're sitting on your couch, relaxed for the evening and nothing is you're just being dumped information,
Starting point is 00:44:17 not realizing you're being tricked. And that's how they've been able to give us amnesia. Because you even think about it, you know, the radio was probably the first way they tried it. And then they just pushed it with their television television you know telling you what to what to see and think and that's how they've been able to get everybody to just so quickly give up because you know and then you the peer pressure i mean think imagine the women back like in the 30s and 40s and they're like hey this easier way to make this and then oh yeah you're like the oddball out because you're still doing it the old way, right? I could just imagine how quickly it just spread because that's what happens, you know? Whenever I see that kind of like women-targeted marketing, I'm always suspect.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I mean, all the way back to the feminist movement i almost feel like in order to get people to spend more money on goods for the home you know pre-baked breads all that kind of stuff autumn you know dishwashers and washing machines electric all that kind of stuff i feel like it wouldn't even have worked without a feminist movement. I feel like the majority of women would have been like, I'm not buying that. That's stupid. I could do that myself. I always feel like there's this nefarious undertone
Starting point is 00:45:32 with the direct marketing to ladies. I remember there used to be a movement called Free the Nipple. And I remember watching that. What group of dudes convinced the ladies that this is what they need to do? Stop wearing shirts. Like, nobody would come up with that idea but a bunch of guys sitting around like, send the email. This will work. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:54 It never seems like anybody has the best interests of women at hand when there's a big campaign. I'm always like, what's really going on here? You know, because you rarely hear a voice like yours come on and be like, this is how you should do it. Let's get back to what we've been doing forever and see how that works. Yeah. And I bet people would be pretty amazed because they're going to – when it's in the will of how we were created and designed,
Starting point is 00:46:23 there's a connection then you have a connection to above because you're you're living out your true destiny and we are we as women are told to live out a different way and that's why i mean i guarantee you i saw it when i practiced women are on are probably the number one sex on antidepressants and anti-anxiety because they're still supposed to run the household but also go out and have a job oh yeah it's great and you're stressing yourself yeah and you're stressing yourself out and i know it's got to break women's hearts to just leave and not do what they're supposed to do. And so they end up, you know, going to the doctor and the doctor doesn't understand because of their training
Starting point is 00:47:11 that they're not living out their true destiny, throws them on medication. And it's just a cycle, you know? And so I just see it as I'm like, I want to break that. Like, no, and it's okay. It's okay to be non-traditional I guess in this in this world to go back to the old way and like I say there's something about it that just it feels good and I I'm coming from that world I mean I've worked a lot you know I worked a lot anything of it right I never thought anything of the home life. And now that I'm here, I'm like, well, I'm not giving this up. I'm going to have to figure this out because this is this is this is this is life. That out there is an illusion.
Starting point is 00:47:56 It's the matrix to make you think that that's what we want. That's what we want to aspire to. And I'm like, it's been it's been a falsehood you know and it looks with a glamour they make it look glamorous you know you got your high heels and you got your purse and you know you're looking pretty you know and because most days too i'm here walking around my house i got a hoodie i got leggings i got my boots on i've got my fleece flannel to go up and take care of my chickens and sometimes I'm just like you know what I like just being a casual laid back girl I don't have to fit a mold
Starting point is 00:48:28 I can just be me I mean I bet there are I bet there are people just like there are certain women just like there are certain men who want to be CEOs and drive themselves completely insane to do it and that's what they want to do and that's all they want to do
Starting point is 00:48:43 that would take to that lifestyle of you know a more masculine you know take charge sort of businesswoman kind of thing i just think we got in trouble when we were like no every woman's supposed to be like everyone absolutely absolutely and then you guilted the women who chose to stay home yeah what was that about why why did that happen exactly that's a crazy thing right that's what is instead of instead of you know making them feel good so not only do you have the women home or at work that are depressed now the women at home are depressed because they think they're not living their other life it's like what a mess that's been happening yeah the left potential yeah and i think that as we realize and squash out start to pay attention to like you were saying just pay attention to the propaganda noticing these things you know and start to just question
Starting point is 00:49:38 turn on your critical thinking again i'm not sitting here saying all I say is right and accurate. I want people to absolutely pray, do their own research and let God lead them. I'm just a messenger. I'm just like a watchman on the tower, just like sounding the alarm of what I've been shown. And it'll resonate with some and others it won't. And that's fine because everyone's on their own journey and has their own purpose. everyone's on their own journey and has their own purpose. But I just feel I have to share it because when it's revealed and it makes sense and you're kind of confirming it, it's important. Yeah, sure. I think the answer is to start for the younger crowd listening. I don't know how many younger crowd we have listening, but I think the the idea or the the answer is uh everything's smaller everything has to get smaller you know what i mean you you have to baby steps your way not from uh from childhood to adulthood but you have to baby step your way into the home the relationship the the job all that kind of stuff, you know what I mean? So that you can start life debt-free. You can start life in a small house together with a significant
Starting point is 00:50:56 other, because I think that's critical. And then when the time comes and you say, oh, I'm pregnant, you could say, well, we have plenty money to cover the bills so we can decide, do you want to go to work? Do you not want to go to work after? Did you ever want to go to work? Whatever. You can't do it this way. There's no way you can give that option to most women nowadays because cars cost too much, homes cost too much. You know what I mean? Everything is so expensive and you're already starting with debt so you know you got the downsizing of the american home the downsizing of the amount of vehicles i think we have and also probably another big solution and i know a lot of people don't want to hear this is you and i moved away from my family so i'm as guilty as anybody else is you
Starting point is 00:51:42 need to stay by your family because your family is child care bill you know what i mean your parents are your child care bill now you go okay well i'm doing 700 a month a week in child care uh or i'm doing dropping them off at moms you know what i mean right and all that stuff adds up to honey you gotta go to work like we can't i can't support everything i can't do it on my salary so i think i mean i think it's all possible we just have to step back and be like why do i need a house with three rooms that have nothing in them right and that's been ever i think it was way back when with the super sized fries i started when i was in high school i remember super size and everything was super-sized.
Starting point is 00:52:26 It was, everything got bigger. It was like this big, you know, movement towards big. And it was like, like you say, the house, even vehicles. I mean, everything has become just- Crazy. Gotta have, right? Gotta have the biggest. And I think you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:52:42 There is something to be said for simple, simple living. And there's peace that comes with it. And, and I think you're absolutely right. There is something to be said for simple, simple living. And there's peace that comes with it. There's more happiness that comes with it. It's not so much the glitz and glam. I mean, and I'm a girl, so I do like that. I'm not saying I don't, but I'm not going to surrender. And to that just because for that little bit of time, I enjoy it. And when there's something more important later on as you get older, there is something that comes with it. And if there's anything I can say to, like you said, the younger crowd, listen to the wisdom of us. There's something to be said for that because if I would have known what I know now, I would have started this in my 20s, not when I'm in my 40s. Like I said, I really do think it's generational.
Starting point is 00:53:32 For people who are with single parents, for people who are with parents with college debt, they got to be looking. They have to be looking and going like, man, paying off all that debt is crazy. I'm not doing that. And now the colleges are also like falling on their faces, so I think that's helping too. They're all collectively falling on their faces, and everybody's going, I don't even want to visit that place, let alone spend four years there.
Starting point is 00:54:00 They might wind up considering my class or race to be the one that needs to be exterminated this go around. So, you know, you don't get your money back. Yeah, for sure. Right. And we've lost the trades. You know, we've lost the kids coming up, you know, wanting to do, you know, plumbing or electrical or carpentry. wanting to do, you know, plumbing or electrical or carpentry, right? We've lost that because it's been, again, pushed to go have some fancy degree that you, you know, and I know a lot of people who have received degrees, paid huge money,
Starting point is 00:54:40 and they do nothing that that degree, nothing. And fresh out of school, unlike me me who actually practiced pharmacy for a while, realized things and said, I'm not doing that anymore. But there are kids who graduate and they're getting jobs just anywhere because their degree is like they pay huge money and it doesn't matter. Yeah, it's wild. It's a bad way to start things off but it it it all leads back to you because once you find yourself in that snowball of hell what do you have left can you just give
Starting point is 00:55:15 me a pill so i can forget about this life i've created can you give me a pill because my anxiety is so high that my stomach hurts every day of my life and i can't deal with it you know what i mean you've you've buried yourself in so much hell that you're you're at the doctor and you go or at the therapist and you're like give me something i need anything i need relief because this life is so out of control so maybe that's how we wind up in that situation you know where we're begging for chemicals. Please, a chemical. Because a chemical would be easier, and I'm sure it is, well, a temporary fix than to actually backstep and downsize and pivot. I mean, I just think that people are looking for the easy answer.
Starting point is 00:56:02 And unfortunately, the journey we're on here is, you know, to make some of those tough, tough decisions without the chemicals, you know, just to do it. And there's something to be said within our DNA. When we do that, it's something that happens. It imprints on us. It teaches us. We grow into who we were designed and created to become rather than, you know, dull our minds and our experiences with the chemicals. So it doesn't mean it's easy. And we're at where we are. We're at today. Here we are, you know, where we're at a crossroad. And, you know, I think there are going to be some who are going to pay attention to our wise words and say you know what this makes sense i'm going to pray on this and i'm going to do some research and then there's going to be others who are going to you know choose choose a different road and it's it's okay it's a it's okay you, at the right time, they'll, you know, come to realize or maybe not, you know, that they don't need to impress anybody but themselves. It's their own heart in the end. Yeah, that's powerful. I like that. So your website is in the description down below. What do you have going on over there?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Your website is in the description down below. What do you have going on over there? So I have a PMA, a Private Membership Association, which is a health ministry. And I set that up quite a while ago just because I always had the heart to want to help people align in mind, body, and spirit. I feel like exactly what we're talking about today. I've gone through this journey myself, and I've wanted to be available to people who needed help, who had questions about their medications, who had questions about certain complications that have they found themselves in, and they just want to know, do I need a pharmaceutical? Do I have a way out of this? I'm not a medical doctor. I do not prescribe, but it's more like a life coach, a guide. And again,
Starting point is 00:58:15 I'm my goal. I'm here to encourage and empower people. I want people to not look at me as, well, Dr. Jen said, no, no, no, I don't want it. I want it to be what people feel within themselves. I'm just a guide. I'm just here to point people in a direction and say, try this path, figure out if it's for you, you know? And so that's what I do with my health ministry because it is a ministry and it's faith oriented and we seek God and his ultimate guidance for people. I found you over at, uh, we relinked up over at Twitter. Is that the best place people can hang with you on a regular basis? I have a few. Yeah, I have Twitter, Twitter. I can be a little more edgy as you probably know. So it's not like my soft side. I like to find funny things and edgy things is there i can kind of be a little bit more of like a rebel um and i like that because i normally am not um
Starting point is 00:59:10 so once in a while i like to just be a little you know like oh i can twitter brings it out of you i'm telling you yeah it's a crazy place i actually like it so i do have twitter um i also have instagram and instagram is also a little bit where I can be. I have a good mix there, a little bit of both. And then my Instagram over there, it's it's at Dr. Jen, the people's pharmacist. So that's my Instagram. And then I'm also on Telegram and Telegram was the first social media platform I had. And that's where I actually, you know, really focused on being the people's pharmacist and telegram. It's at Dr. Vandewater on telegram. But on telegram, I share my homesteading stories. I share, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:03 health tips, natural things, more of the mind, body, spirit. It's more the softer side of me that I just it's my it's my favorite because it's really, really my heart. And the people that are there are amazing because they send me messages all the time and really enjoy the things I post. And so that's really, you know, I had that one for so long, too. The other ones are kind of newer channels, but I'm getting around to understanding how that's why I've kind of liked Twitter because I could be edgy and it's just fun to be a little edgy. I used to say Twitter is hell. We had so many people over there start following us lately. I just had to go back. I just jump in and jump out you know
Starting point is 01:00:46 my twitter feed is like a horror show i can't be in there too long to ruin my whole day it can be i yeah i learned to scroll past some things and not not spend too much time so i just like to watch the violent videos i can't get oh no no i don't even go there yeah oh they're all over my feet. I go in there. It's always gang violence, people getting beat up by seven different people, and I'm watching it like, what is happening? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah, it's dark over there at Twitter. But we want you to come back. Definitely. Definitely will. We like your perspective. We didn't get too much into the healing aspects of things. I did have somebody in the chat talking about trying to get off of blood pressure medications. I don't know if you have any advice for that or not, but that was our question on sort of that end of things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 She's very fit. I could tell you a little bit about her. She's very fit. Yeah. There's a lot of working out and that kind of stuff. She's very fit. I could tell you a little bit about her. She's very fit. There's a lot of working out and that kind of stuff. Sometimes I'm not even being fit. Maybe monitor before and after certain workouts. But definitely a lot of times blood pressure is also related to anxiety,
Starting point is 01:02:17 worry, and stress. We don't even realize it. So if there's a lot of that happening. It's my fault. It's your fault? Yeah, she listens to us all the time. Oh, no we don't want to lose her there hey if it's for your health garden girl you're gonna have to cut back yeah um but that yeah hibiscus tea is usually very very helpful um and i i mean i i think definitely monitoring and seeing at different times of the day or when an event's happening.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And the thing about blood pressure is it's not always at one number. So if you, you know, if someone doesn't test it often enough, you're not going to get an average. If you test it a certain time every day and you know you're doing it, you can have a spike automatically just by your own body reacting because you know you're testing it and it's going to go hot so blood pressure is not like this constant number that's always the same we want our blood pressure to go up if we are in a moment of fear and being chased by a bear right you want to have everything working yeah you don't want yeah so it's not like it's a number that's solid. So it's important to check it. Usually, about what was happening at that time to maybe cause that spike. And then deep breathing is another great, great thing to do to help blood pressure. I can speak to that for sure.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Because sometimes I have mornings that are high anxiety, high caffeine intake, and that's exactly what happens. Self-induced? Oh, I can self-induce some crazy blood pressure. I don't measure it or anything, but I can tell. I can just feel it. But, yeah, you're right. Good meditative breathing will get it down.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Or usually physical fitness helps me too a little bit from time to time. All right, Jen, I think we did an amazing job tonight. This one is live. There's no way we can make it disappear. So whatever you said stands forever. I hope you're. Well, I've enjoyed, I've enjoyed talking. It's like just like the last time that only you and I know about. Nobody else was able to hear that conversation. But I'm happy to come back. And if we want to push it more towards some healing things, we can plan on that.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And happy to share that with you and your audience. Yeah, you've got a good story. And I definitely want people to know who they're dealing with with this first episode if we get to have you back. wanted people to know who they're dealing with with this first episode if we get to have you back because you know like i said there's a lot of people saying yes you're one of the rare people that said no and took your own path you took the road less travel at the fork in the road who's that robert frost or who is that i can't think but yeah all right cool Did a good job. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, no doubt. We'll see you guys tomorrow, Tuesday. It's been quiet on Tuesday, the Rising Republic.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I don't know what's going on. I've got to reach out to Swenson, see what he's up to. But enjoy it. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow morning with PBN Daily News, all right? See you. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence tune in tomorrow for another great show

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