The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Prepping to Excess

Episode Date: May 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability. The Americans, terrified to make a real sacrifice. The Americans, terrified to go on the real adventures of life. To go on the real adventures of life. Instead bottled up. Bottled up. Chained up. Held up.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Terrified of the. Terrified of life. Fundamentally. I look out on the landscape of America. And I see a lot of this. I see a lot of people. You know. Chained up by their good will. Right. You, chained up by their goodwill.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You're chained up by your goodwill, bullied into some kind of event or situation that you know you shouldn't be in. But most importantly, just completely hollowed out by the fact that you're terrified to make a real sacrifice. And I'm not talking about $5 a week in the bank account to build your savings. I'm talking about going after what you really want in this life. Going after what you really want in this life. Going after what you really want in this life, going after the things that have worked forever, even though you're scared, even though things could go wrong, even though, you know, I get married, have children. Do I have to be more clear? What do I have? Suddenly there aren't enough babies. The whole world is alarmed. You know, for those of you out there who are really rooted,
Starting point is 00:02:15 deeply rooted in this sort of battle to save America, it's come completely clear to me that in a moment like this, there is a weapon in this war that trumps all others. And it's kids. That sounds dark. But that's what it is. Have a lot of kids. Have a big family. It doesn't work all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:48 You know, you can't just say, I'm going to have a big family and have a lot of kids. A lot of people suffer all kinds of struggles having children. But if you're capable, and you can, you know, have a big family. Fertility is falling all over the world. The article here I'm reading says, from women across all levels of income, education, labor force, participation,
Starting point is 00:03:14 the falling birth rates come with huge implications to the way people live, how economies grow, and standings of the world's superpowers. Everything, everything in the future largely can be won by big families that love this country and do the right thing. Right? God-fearing families that love America and do the right thing even when it's hard. You put five of those kids out on the street and give them their shot at the greatest adventure of all. You just have a much greater impact.
Starting point is 00:03:53 My kids are likely to have a greater impact on this world than 5,000 podcasts from the Prepper Broadcasting Network. You know what I mean? Because it's where the rubber meets the road. If you take the whole collective of PBN host families and extended families, just think about the power there. Just think about what kind of an effect that has on the world.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Because eventually, you know, the children... The other thing about right now and why it's so important for kids to be born right now, not just because of the fertility collapse or the population collapse. I don't think that's necessarily the worst thing in the world. But the reason it's so important right now is because we're past the point of mindless indoctrination through college. Do you know what I mean? The colleges are finished. They're finished.
Starting point is 00:05:00 It's over. No parent in their right mind, and there's a lot of parents not in their right mind, so take that with a grain of salt, but no parent in their right mind is saying to themselves, my little eight-year-old, let me save up $300,000, because that's probably what it'll cost, to put him through an indoctrination camp over there at Columbia, over there at NYU, over there at Yale, any of them. Run him through the indoctrination courses so that he can come out either broken or if you don't have the money to do something like that, which most parents don't,
Starting point is 00:05:40 in debt up to the eyeballs, right? in debt up to the eyeballs, right? Most people with a brain are looking at college right now going, I don't know. And look, the way that people look at college now is the way that people are going to start looking at public school. Oh, believe me. You know, when I say people, I mean greater than our community. Whenever I say people, I mean the people outside of us, the people we stand to try to influence, right? Like we're a different kind of influencer. We're not here to sell long eyelashes or bras
Starting point is 00:06:22 or full body deodorant, one my favorite things my wife she told me she's gonna buy me the full body deodorant stick for a gag gift because i get so cringed out when i see the the deodorant commercials for your crotch deodorant. It just meant on regular television. And then they have the nerve to tell you that the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is a rated R movie, right? A bunch of World War II heroes running around shooting Nazis. Don't let any kids see that flick. That's terrible. Put them in front of the TV and let them watch crotch deodorant commercials all night. That's good for them. So we find ourselves in this situation when I talk about what we influence.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And when I say we, I don't just mean the hosts. I mean you guys out there listening. The way that we look at public school is the way that everyone's going to look at public school here eventually. And the only kids that will go to public school, unfortunately, will be the ones that have no other option. I really do believe that my oldest son, one of the jobs that will be a very real thing, when my oldest son is courting wives and things like that around that age, is going to be women who teach school out of their house. You know? Schoolhouse.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I think the schoolhouse will be a thing again. I mean, if there was a woman in my neighborhood who taught school out of my neighborhood and taught our kids, we'd pay her in a heartbeat. Kids walk to school in the neighborhood, you know, side room in the house, five, six desks, whatever it is, you know, we'd go for it in a heartbeat. And what I love about this concept of the schoolhouse in the neighborhood is it's a way to combat two issues, right? It's a way to give a mom the chance to be at home with her kids, right? Because maybe she's teaching her own kids.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And then also to make some money on the side because we know that money and cost of living now is basically the trap. It's the trap now, you know, where women don't even necessarily, a lot of them have the ability to say, I want to stay home and be a mom, you know? And that's a deep, dark thing. That's a deep, dark thing to look at the balance sheet and say, I really do want to stay at home as Obama But that's just not going to happen We can barely afford the house as is We can barely afford whatever we have to pay for So let me put that out of my head And let someone else deal with my kids
Starting point is 00:09:16 It's dark man You know It's a dark thing And if the economy continues this way If Joe Biden ekes it out somehow, if 75 or so million Americans decide, yeah, I'll go for Joe. I'll go for Joe again. It's only going to get harder. I mean, you could argue it's only going to get harder either way. It's not like Donald Trump's going to get in office and say, we're not spending any more money.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Trump's going to get in office and say, we're not spending any more money. I got news for you. No, we're going to keep spending. The dollar is going to keep being devalued. Hopefully, you're going to keep buying silver or gold. Hopefully, you're going to be putting up food. Hopefully, you're going to be investing in things of value. Hopefully, you're going to get outside and start to manipulate your world out there in a way that allows you to produce food. You know, I've got a great problem right now. I want to tell you about my great problem. It's canes of raspberry are growing out of my garden beds. This is a milestone. This is one of those good problems of excess that I look forward to. These are the problems that I like.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I like when I look around and go, I have too many eggs to eat. I have too many. The raspberry bushes are out of control. The pawpaw fruits, I can't pick them fast enough. This is what I like. Why? Because right now we're not at DEFCON 1. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Right now we're still living life. But I want to know that we have too much. I want to know that we have too much. Remember, when you have too much, that's when you have enough for the people next to you. When you're producing too much food, when you, like for the people next to you. When you're producing too much food, when you, like, in a couple months, you guys will be in this boat with the zucchinis and the tomatoes and that kind of stuff. You'll be like, oh, God, I got too much of this stuff. I either got to can it all or give it away. I don't want to do either. But when you find yourself
Starting point is 00:11:20 in that excess, that position of excess, that's where you want to be. You know? That's where you want to be. How do you get there with ammunition? I got taken down off Instagram yesterday for an post. The post got taken down.
Starting point is 00:11:39 They got scared. You're trying to sell ammo online. Holy moly. What kind of a terrorist are you? You're selling ammunition online. It's so wild. Binance. Why does Skype send me ads?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Anybody else get Skype ads? If you buy it at the highest point according to the current market conditions. Get out of here, dude. Very, very little on crypto. I don't have any crypto, guys. You know what I mean? I don't. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Maybe it's a fail. Ben the Breaker of the Banksters would say, buy a little. Stop being silly. I think I got like five bucks in crypto. I've made like, I've gone from like $2 to $5. That's my max investment in crypto i've made like i've gone from like two dollars to five dollars that's my max investment in crypto i'd pull it out i'm not built like that you know what i mean i already know it i'm not built like that there's no way in hell that i would sit here and be like honey uh i invested in early in Bitcoin and now we have, my wife
Starting point is 00:12:48 wouldn't allow me to. She would go ballistic. It's like a, cause it's like a casino. You know what I mean? In there. If I told my wife I invested in Bitcoin when I was younger and we have $70,000 equivalent in Bitcoin, she'd be like, take that shit out right now. Port it towards the house. Let's get out of debt. You know what I mean? We're just not built
Starting point is 00:13:12 like that. We went to Atlantic City for my 21st birthday because we were still living up in PA. Well, we were in Delaware at that time. And I think I won like $100 on roulette. And my wife, she wasn't even my wife at the time. She was my girlfriend. She's like, let's go, let's leave. We cashed out and went and ate. You know, I don't know. It's just not our thing.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Probably because we were poor growing up, both of us, you know. You're poor growing up, you get a little scratch. It's like, don't blow it, man, you know, or at least don't hand it back. You made a little profit. It's hit the road. Let's go out winning. But another great investment, another great thing to have in excess is ammo. slash PBN, guys.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Listen to me. You get 75 rounds of 9mm ammunition right off the top for free. Goes right into your locker. Boom. It's yours. Right? Right off the top. You set the budget the way you want it.
Starting point is 00:14:18 You set the calibers you want. You can have 510 calibers. You could do $25 a month with five different calibers and they'll spread that money out between those five. Well, you'll spread it out actually by percentage the way you want. It's phenomenal service. It really is. I mean, for a prepper, it's perfect. Because I feel like if you're a super gun guy, like if you're into guns and into ammo and making your own ammo and this is all you think about all day. Ammo squared, I don't know, maybe it's not the thing, right? Maybe you're that into ammo.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But if you're a prepper, you know you need it. If you're a prepper, you understand that you need ammunition, right? You understand that you need to practice with your firearms. You will need, you understand. I was watching a video before I started this podcast on Twitter and it was three dudes, three black dudes kicking the front door in of somebody's porch, and it was caught on their ring camera, right? They all have handguns. Every one of them, all three dudes have handguns. They're kicking, trying to kick a door, and none of them can kick it in, right?
Starting point is 00:15:16 And then they're also saying, it's the police, it's the police. And what happens? What happens is they finally kick the door in, and as the door opens up, a hail of gunfire comes flying out of the house, and they all go running off the porch. It looks like one of the guys gets shot in the face, but he keeps going. He takes either glass or bullets to the face. I don't know what it is, but he falls down and gets up and takes off running for his life. I don't want you in that position. You know what I mean? I don't want anybody in that position. That's a collapse of America. That's a failure of the Joe Biden system, right? That is, like I was talking about earlier, how you chain a public in its goodwill.
Starting point is 00:16:04 That is, like I was talking about earlier, how you chain a public in its goodwill. You understand? Picture your goodwill as a chain, right? You put your arms at your side, and they wrap the chain around you slowly. Oh, you're such a nice person. You're such a DEI, and this and that, and equality, and inequality, and na-na-na-na, and America's evil. And you trying to be a good person and live by your goodwill, you find yourself suddenly chained up by your goodwill, and your enemies are just walking around you.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And then you have a bunch of people in Congress saying, you don't need guns. What do you need guns for? They should just play that video. That video would be perfect. What do you need guns for? You have police and you have the military. You wake up in the middle of the night, there's three big dudes kicking your door in. All three of them have nine millimeter handguns. Now, I don't know if those guns were real or not. I have no clue. I think one guy did fire the gun into the door, actually, because they couldn't kick it open. What do you need a gun for? You don't need guns. You don't need ammo. No. We'll protect you. You depend on our protection.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Who knows the song? So, yeah. Good to have some ammo. slash PBN. Support our wonderful sponsors. I'm telling you, we only have really the best. I mean, that's really all there is to it. Prepper's Medical Handbook,
Starting point is 00:17:26, incredibly affordable land out west if you're ready to jump ship. The Collapse Survivor app, really good time. And slash PBN. You know what I mean? Get the things that we use. Get the things that we use What else PBN family We're doing a We're doing a non-traditional PBN daily news today We're just
Starting point is 00:17:50 Touching base Big day I got books to mail out today The World of Ready Heading out to more people And Did you get your copy yet?
Starting point is 00:18:01 The World of Ready Go buy it Who knows It could be history in the making. But if you don't get it, I'll see you at Prepper Camp. I'll have a stack at Prepper Camp. All right. I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:18:15 No point in beating a dead horse. I got my point across, right? Prep to excess. Make that your goal. Prep to excess. Yeah, you want extra You want extra, you want to be able to help people You want people to be able to show up, put them to work
Starting point is 00:18:30 Feed them You know what I mean? We need you on security detail, we need you on guard detail We need this, we need that And if you do it, we'll feed you And also We need you to take care of X, Y, and Z Forging parties, hunting parties, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Whatever it takes to sustain, but prep to excess in all ways that you can, in all ways that you can afford it, in all ways that you can, because that's where you want to be hitting the wall of some sort of serious collapse. That's where you want to be hitting the wall of some sort of serious collapse. If you can prep to excess and hit it, hit the ground running as opposed to hitting the ground shuffling a la Joe Biden, then you can, you know. You might be able to keep pace. You might be able to outrun it. I'll talk to you soon, PBN family. Thank you so much for all the support.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You incredible members out there who support this network and get those bills paid and make us what we are. We are ever grateful. Seriously. I mean, it's amazing. Okay? We'll talk to you soon. It's Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:19:44 We've got an amazing episode of Through the Veil coming up today with Lisa T. and Jordan J. Fergie, the Phoenix herself. Don't miss it. Talk to you soon. Who wants free ammo? Our new sponsor,, is a truly automated, set-it-and-forget-it ammo purchasing program. Pick your calibers, set your budget, select a shipping trigger,
Starting point is 00:20:07 and ammo's coming to you. There's no minimum to buy, no memberships, no extra fees. AmmoSquared was started in Idaho in 2015, and today has over 30,000 customers across the country. Start stockpiling ammo at slash PBN and get 75 rounds of 9mm for free. That's slash PBN.

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