The Prepper Broadcasting Network - President Trump Has Been Shot
Episode Date: July 13, 2024...
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P.B.N. Family, the unthinkable has occurred.
I'm coming to you live. The unthinkable has occurred here in this country. We have reached a brand new low tonight here in the United States of America.
since escorted to the hospital and by all accounts that I've read and listened to thus far is doing well. There were other people shot in the crowd and it doesn't sound like they're doing well at all.
Two things come to mind right off the bat if you want the words from the commander.
Number one being the fact that I expect to hear from the President of the United States
I expect that he be woken up
I expect that he be given his bottle and brought to the microphone and the podium
To talk about what a terrible and unbelievable situation this is
Now we all know that's not going to happen
For a situation like this to unfold
Is to become
I'm going to be honest with you
When I saw him put his hands up in the air
And yell
It looked like he mouthed the words fight
It brought tears to my eyes.
It really did. It was as it was the witnessing of history and the changing of status from what
Donald Trump was to what Donald Trump now is last eight years, this has been set into motion.
For the last eight years, we've seen a myriad of comments coming from the highest levels of influence
and the media that have all led to this moment. The highest level of the political spectrum and
the most extreme fringes of the political spectrum on the Democrat side and some even on the
Republican side. We have watched this man drug through the fire and the flame and the broken glass by the
media for eight years. For the last at least two years in particular, they have been on a particular
tirade that I've talked about almost my entire career behind the microphone, which is by any
means necessary. I told you before Donald Trump was even a political
candidate that the most dangerous thing you can say is by any means necessary.
When they turned that into we must save democracy by any means necessary.
And when you have the media, when you have celebrity, when you have politicians, when you have presidents,
talking to the people, brainwashing the people day in and day out
that by any means necessary we must protect democracy from this monster.
But this is what happens.
but this is what happens now i know i don't have the voice enough to carry this message out but maybe you can share this message and listen you're going to hear the phone go crazy right now because
the former president has been shot donald trump has been shot the bullet grazed his right ear
it sounded to me like a low caliber rifle uh but yeah in all honesty it could
have been a low caliber handgun the the fire the the rate of fire at the end of the shots being
fired i think it was about six the rate of fire at the end really did sound almost like a handgun
it was rapid succession.
So now we find ourselves in this situation where I really do think that the former president is as horrible as it is, you know, is leveled up.
But I want to see an apology. if the mainstream media, coming off of all that they've come through,
all that they've been through,
all that they've done,
wrong through COVID and everything,
if they ever want to have a chance at survival,
these mainstream networks,
they need to come out
and they need to say that they have played a fundamental role,
that they've played a fundamental role in what happened today.
Because there's no denying that.
They have to come out and they have to admit that they've played a fundamental role in this assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
There's no way you can get around it.
No matter what kind of jokey.
No matter Comedy Central Daily Show.
No matter 8 or 6 o'clock news.
The View.
Whatever it is.
All of those people.
Should be out tonight saying.
Yeah we screwed up.
We screwed up.
We took it too far and we created
a demon. And that demon, from what I've heard, now this might not be true, I don't have all
the details, but that demon decided to scale the bleachers and shoot and attempt to kill Donald Trump. And I do think that that is probably
that this is probably the worst possible thing
that could happen to the Democrats, in all honesty.
You know, this is likely the worst thing
that could have happened to Joe Biden
who was already doomed to begin with.
Now we have a situation where we're dealing with, well, you know, who are the killers?
We're already nervous about what's happening.
The people are already concerned about Democrat leadership in general.
And now you see that they've spawned off someone so insane that they would.
But this person doesn't just come from Joe Biden.
This person doesn't just come from the Democrat Party.
This is a creature who is derived of, like I said, the by any means necessary mentality
to protect democracy.
We must protect democracy by any means necessary.
I don't know what will happen tonight.
I don't know what will happen tonight.
In all honesty.
You know, there will come a tipping point.
There will come a tipping point.
Now, I did say in the past that you could assassinate Donald Trump at 6 p.m. on
primetime television and the American people wouldn't do anything. I said that multiple
times. The first time I said it, I thought to myself, that's a little crazy. The second
time I said it on the radio show, I said to myself, you're probably right. And every time henceforth, yeah, now that's not me saying I
want to see the American people do something. Although watching all this unfold, I did ask
myself several times, what, what is the response of a people? What is the response of a people who have a man who has given so much just to stand at that
podium, just to be in this race, a person who many of us believe in, to have him already, you know,
already, you know, character assassinated, and now an attempt at a true assassination,
I sit here and ask myself, what is it that the people should do?
What can a people do?
What should a people do in a situation like this?
Because if that bullet were two inches further to the left,
Donald Trump would be dead.
The former president would be dead.
Your candidate, my candidate,
the only hope for this United States of America in this election,
would be dead.
And then what?
And then what? And then what?
This is a dark day in American history, folks You know, you could say that
A lot of things in the 20s
The 20s is the wildest decade of all time, by the way
I was saying this last week to my kids
I said, you guys gotta be living through the weirdest decade in history.
This has got to be one of the weirdest decades in history.
And, you know, this just piles on top of that.
This just piles on top of it all.
Everything else.
So, former President Donald Trump shot. Former President Donald Trump shot. so former president donald trump shot
former president donald trump shot his right ear grazed by what sounded to me like a little
and uh pbn family the game has changed now to me you know i see i see john pa Paul Jones. I see I have not yet begun to fight in the man being taken off the stage. I think of George Washington who had been shot at many times riding into battle on his horse, but never killed, never hit.
These parallels are made. These parallels need to be made.
These parallels are made, you know?
These parallels need to be made.
I think Donald Trump has reached legend status, in my opinion.
Not because I'm so overwhelmed by him, though it was overwhelming to see, particularly to see a man shot,
to see an attempted assassination, and to see a man raise his hands like that.
And to let them know, to let that little
loser know that you, I mean, I have not yet begun to fight.
Says it about as good as it can say it.
BBN family, other people were shot today.
Someone's going to lose their life, I think, tonight from this shooter.
This is crazy.
I don't think we've heard from Joe Biden yet.
I don't think we will hear from Joe Biden.
I want you to understand that the media, the Democrats, the celebrities, they're all responsible for this.
They're all responsible for this.
You take a public, you take a group of people,
and you beat into their head for eight years that this man is no good and should be killed.
You pose with his decapitated body.
You tell people that his son should be locked in a cage with pedophiles.
You do the most terrible things and then put signs in your front yard that say,
oh, we love peace and we all want to get along. Well, you know what happens? Eventually you spawn
a monster who attempts an assassination. And I expect an apology from these mainstream loser
networks who are failing long before this happened. And I think that this could be the final nail in the coffin of them all. If they don't have the testicles to get in front of a
camera and say we have failed, we have brought this upon Donald Trump and we apologize to Donald Trump
because clearly our reporting, our over-the-top reporting, our over-the-top everything
has now led us down
this path.
I may be on later tonight to discuss this in more detail, but I wanted to hop on live
because this is history, this is legend, and yeah, only time will tell. But I find it very hard to imagine a world where a candidate at a time like
this of censorship, at a time like this of dark planning in the background, where a candidate who
gets shot at a rally speech doesn't become president. I mean, there's really almost no better way to describe who the right guy probably is
for the job, right?
Than the man that the powers that be
are trying to kill.
Talk to you soon, Phoebe and family.
Pray for Donald Trump.
Pray for this nation.
All right?
This is why we prepare.