The Prepper Broadcasting Network - RambleCast: Evac, EMP, Prepping the Public

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. BBN family, your garden is the resistance. Good day, folks. Travel-ish cast today. Oh, we're on Rumble.
Starting point is 00:00:35 This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding... Take a listen. The Prepper's Medical Handbook. The Prepper's Guide to Pandemics, Bioterrorism, and Infectious Disease. Two amazing books by Doc Forgy. What is up, guys? It's been...
Starting point is 00:00:54 My life is a confluence at the moment, folks. What you're getting from me right now is me walking around. Not behind the mic. Just walking around with the phone i'm basically afloat from one lily pad to the next right now moving from one lily pad to the next i'm not live nose is running because my breakfast was a little spicy i took some scrambled eggs very quick very simple. Everything is time crunch today.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Scrambled eggs, sriracha, warm tortilla. Wrap it up. Choke it down. A little milk. A little macadamia. No, a little Brazil nuts. And that's it. On to the phone with you.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Now, I don't know. That's the deal. We've got another super hot one on the deck today. I hope to get out and do some fitness. I hope to get out and nurture my prepper fit and health. Members, have you been nurturing your prepper fit and health? September will bring back our fitness routines. I know it kind of fell off in the summer.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It was what it was. I was having trouble meeting my own routines over the summer. You know, just busy. But we'll get back to it. Preparedness month is here. I don't know what we're going to do for preparedness months that's special to be honest well i do know one thing i do know one thing for sure right now we're doing a three-day lead-up membership discount
Starting point is 00:02:36 to national preparedness month if you're not a member it's kind of my way to rile you up and get you running or at least jogging so that you can hit national preparedness month hard you know what i mean like the the whole month's devoted to it the the grand finale of national preparedness month is the prepper camp and uh you can do some damage if you really if you really lock in. You know what I mean? I'm listening to the next generation in the background. It's so nice to hear the Bufords at it. Sorry about the sniffles.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It's not allergies. The sniffles are what happens when you eat a scrambled egg burrito covered in sriracha hot sauce and try to cool your mouth down with black coffee? Hot black coffee. And your body's like, yo, dude. Painful. So, you know what? We might as well begin evacuation.
Starting point is 00:03:38 We might as well begin the evacuation proceeds. How about you guys? You guys got an evacuation process? One of the things I talk about a lot and it just doesn't get the kind of love that it deserves because of the bug out in the prepping world is the legitimate evacuation.
Starting point is 00:03:59 What are your evacuation procedures? Do you have an evacuation process? Where are you going? You got to evacuate. Get a phone call right now. The nuclear power plant down the road, the chemical plant that you didn't even know existed, the whatever has exploded. Gas. Gas leak. Pipe exploded. You know, gas, natural gas leaking out into the air, hazardous, close to your home, fire hazard, so on and so forth, whatever the situation is, all this is going down, what, what are you doing right now, if you get word that you have to
Starting point is 00:04:38 evacuate, tactical nuclear weapon, dirty bomb, whatever, you gottairty bomb Whatever You gotta go And you gotta go right now And it's not the type of gotta go That means you gotta go to Your bug out location But it means that you gotta go You've got And chances are
Starting point is 00:04:56 This time of day You've got People to scoop up You've got Probably a spouse You gotta link up with, right? There's other pieces to the puzzle than just hopping a car and you're driving away from the threat. So while it's really cool, I'm hopping in the truck right now so you might hear things that you're not used to hearing. While it's cool to have a bug-out bag and a bug-out truck and a bug-out bike and a bug-out
Starting point is 00:05:35 hat and a bug-out underwear, more likely than not, based on what I've watched happen in America over the years, you're not going to necessarily bug out. You're probably going to be hit with a short-term evacuation situation more likely. Do you have a plan for that? Do you have documentation, cash, a fireproof bag with a variety of important items and documents and identification and insurance documents and deeds and so on in one place ready to grab and go? it's the final piece of my base level preparedness. It's number six of my six items of base level preparedness is evacuation. Once you hammer it down, it gives you a level of confidence that is essential. And that's all we suffer from in America anymore. That's all we suffer from in America anymore. That's all we suffer from in the world, largely, is this...
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's just this idea that, you know, we... We're not what we used to be, folks. We are not what we used to be, and that's a problem. Everyone needs to wrap their head around that, you know? Like, the reason we're so stressed, the reason we're so worried about things is because, how did I make this much of a mess? Um, I've got Sriracha all over my shorts. Anyway, um, we're not what we used to be. Case in point, Sriracha all over the short no we're not what we used to be in terms of uh we can't handle stuff anymore and it's not like oh we're not mentally fit to handle stuff anymore
Starting point is 00:07:34 no it's like we can't handle stuff anymore and the reason we can't handle stuff is because we've given up all our handle stuff skills we've given them away we've given our resources our tools our skills away to other companies and other people and so on and so forth services businesses whatever we've given all that up and now we're just like i'm just an accountant that's what i do that's my major skill set you know and the world has carried on the way that the world carries on. And we're like, well, an accountant is good for putting money in bank accounts so that you can shop. And shop till you drop. That's capitalism. But it doesn't really help you much when other things come.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Where it really doesn't help, because think about it, of all the threats and all the things that we talk about, it's not like everybody gets hit with everything. You know, it's not like something comes across the deck and you wind up getting hit just like everybody else. Most of the time we miss stuff, right? Stuff we get lucky. Stuff misses us. Where the real problem exists today, though, is the fact that we can't handle it. And we can't handle it because we don't have the skills to handle it. So the only thing we can do is worry about it. Right? It's like a compounding interest sort of situation. Where all we can do is worry about, well, what if the elections in America really are corrupt? Well, what if Russia does use nuclear weapons and all that kind of stuff, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:19 And it creates an environment where all you can do is worry. Which is a big problem. It's a very big problem. Back in the truck. So what preppers do. You know, what do preppers really do? I've been asking myself a lot of these questions because I have a talk to do by the end of the month in front of an audience. What do preppers do? What do they do?
Starting point is 00:09:52 They look at the threats. They're honest with themselves about the threats. And then they try to gain the skills and the resources necessary to deal with those threats. And then they try to gain the skills and the resources necessary to deal with those threats. Fundamentally, we're just trying to take back what we lost at the end of the day. Now, we can do an even better job. That's what's often lost in sort of the off-grid, neo-pioneering, homesteading communities. In the sort of back- back to nothing community, right?
Starting point is 00:10:35 I like it. I like the self-reliance. I like all that. But it's important that as we learn those skills and do those things that we remember, like, we can do better than that. Great to be as self-sufficient as a pioneer, as an American pioneer. But don't stop there. We don't have to have zero electricity. We don't have to have candlelight exclusively, right? So, preppers just look at the reality of life and take action. And what the public is doing right now, which what makes me the most sad and really makes my heart kind of swell, is the public is being subject to the newsfeed of a prepper without the action. That's what is diabolical about the media figuring out,
Starting point is 00:11:26 oh, we can get a lot of clicks if we put doomsday up on all the news outlets, right? If we put doomsday up on all the news outlets, we can make money. And God, we need to make some money because nobody trusts us anymore, which is kind of funny when you think about it. It's like the most untrustworthy organizations in the world are putting up tons of information about how you should survive the apocalypse that's coming. But what's really diabolical about watching the whole thing from my standpoint as a prepper is you're watching people subject to, you know, this crushing anxiety, man. It is not easy to digest all the threats, potential threats, you know, of nature, of the galaxy, of the shifting magnetic poles, of the sun, of the People's Republic of China. You know what I mean? Like, there are gangs here in the United States. I watched a Venezuelan gang roll up on an apartment in Colorado Springs.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And, you know, Aurora. The Aurora apartment building. I think it was in Colorado Springs. And, you know, one guy had a freaking carbine. A couple guys were smoking cigarettes, walking up with handguns. All I could think in my head was, hey, honey, did you meet the new neighbors? I was going to put that in the element chat this morning, but I ran out of time. All these threats, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:00 When you're a prepper, you seek this stuff out a lot of times. You get a little addicted to it. You seek it out because it helps you. You watch something like that and you say, okay, what is my plan to deal with a multi-man threat to my home, right? And then you act on it. And then you say, I need X, Y, and Z or we need a, you know, whatever. I don't want to go into that right now. that right now. When you're just the average Joe who hasn't broken the seal yet, hasn't started prepping, you're just, you're just sucking down anxiety. You're sucking down problems. Like you
Starting point is 00:13:34 already got a life's worth of problems. Now you're just sucking down the magnetic poles are going to shift and the world's going to slosh over my whole family and everything I've built and I have nothing. I don't even know how to prepare for it. I don't know where to go. I don't know what to buy. My Patriot Supply, just send me everything you have. Right? Climate change. The whole world's going to catch fire and we're going to have to go underground to live and you know, so on and so forth until you're absolutely just out of your mind. You know, you're completely and totally out of your mind and that's the situation, you know, it's rough. So like I've always said, and that's how I'll end this sort of ramblecast today. Everyone needs to be a prepper.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I don't know that everyone needs to be a prepper forever. But I'm damn sure that right now everyone needs to be a prepper. You know, by sharing the Prepper Broadcasting Network with people, you are doing them such a service, man. I mean, think about the things that we just talked about on this ramble here. You know what I mean? You're doing such a service to people. And I am but one man of 14 other men and women on this network. But you're really helping people out.
Starting point is 00:14:59 They don't know where to go. They don't know where to turn. And if somebody they know says hey listen to all these different people talk about how they prepare it just makes sense and they're much more open to uh receiving that kind of input now than they ever were now's the time now's it now you may have to give them a caveat You may have to say Look, here's a podcast There's 15 different hosts on the network
Starting point is 00:15:30 Chances are they're going to say some things That you might not agree with But you can pull your big boy pants up And listen to a few things that you don't agree with And then take from that podcast those collections of podcasts the information that'll make you much stronger and give you the ability to live this day and age live life in this day and age uh without you know daily prescriptions of anti-anxiety and antidepressants to deal with the onslaught of threats and news and all of the above.
Starting point is 00:16:10 All right, folks. Hey, look, for those of you who are seasoned preppers, I want you to check out They are our newest sponsor. They create pretty much the biggest and the baddest EMP protection on the planet. This is not SLNT EMP protection. This is not Faraday phone cases. Okay. This is the real deal. This is, do you want to park your car in a Faraday protected garage? You know, this is, do you want, do you have dirt bikes and fourwheelers and tractors for managing land and ride-on mowers that you want locked away behind military-grade copper beryllium gaskets?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Or do you have a comms or a solar generator set up that you want to have locked away behind, locked away behind a five foot work box. They do 20 foot shipping containers, all EMP proof, 40 foot shipping containers, EMP proof, and five foot work boxes, completely EMP proof. Beautiful stuff. You know, the work box itself is basically, you know, an EMP survival cache, if you can think of it that way. That's exactly what I plan on doing with mine, is burying an EMP-proof electronic survival cache that doesn't take up space in my house. This Again Father son operation Out of Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:17:48 They know their stuff in terms of EMP And they're looking to create Real solutions for products You know what I mean For EMP proofing at a grand scale Check them out I'll talk to you guys later Hey it's Thursday
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're likely to get a taste of the herbal prepper Is that right? Nope, totally wrong Herbal medicine for preppers And yeah, it's going to be sweet It's going to be a great day And the tool man will be on later tonight So glad to be with you folks
Starting point is 00:18:23 Support our great sponsors We'll talk soon

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