The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Real Advice on Health with Dr Ben Tapper with The Wellness Company

Episode Date: November 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. I'm starting to coin the TWC physicians as the rock star doctors, I think. Yeah, I'll take that. That's what you guys kind of, when I saw your picture, having done two, what did I do, three already interviews with you guys, that's the vibe I'm starting to get. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I was like, these guys are kind of rock stars, really. Well, I appreciate that. They definitely have some good people on their on their team you know and i and i'm i'm thankfully part of it just because you know it's it's been we are in a weird time man as you know and we can save this talk for the for the podcast but uh so i'm recording already so go right ahead oh fantastic well yeah man so it's been uh you know it's been one of those things where it's such an interesting time and the soil right now for for truth is rich for just a lot of just truth and you know just being uh how do you say it in the battle that we're in
Starting point is 00:01:41 it's just a weird weird scenario but i i feel like it's hard not to say this is, um, it's like not spiritual, just how do you say it? Like reforming of just everything. I mean, our healthcare system is falling apart and they are trying their, how do you say it? Their hardest to really try to make this hold on to a broken system. And people are waking up to it. You know, they're really waking up to just the corruption of it all. I mean, they overplayed their hand during the pandemic. And they try to slander the truth
Starting point is 00:02:16 tellers. They try to persecute the truth tellers. They try to make us look like loons. And, you know, we had nothing to gain by speaking out. And that's really, I think, our best defense was like, what are we what are we what are we gaining by speaking out here? You know, I sacrifice my office. I sacrifice my reputation. I sacrifice my livelihood to bring the truth to the people. And, you know, we earn the people's trust by doing that. So when the media would say oh this guy's a loon he's a crazy quack you know he's an anti-vaxxer it's like no this guy's telling the truth you know he put a lot on the line here you know i they seize my accounts they seize my paypal accounts they seize my venmo accounts they completely de-platform me on instagram six
Starting point is 00:03:03 different times. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think the American people are developing a catalog of characteristics that we're all getting really used to seeing when someone is telling the truth. You know, like we went through that phase where we were like, wait, nobody's telling the truth. And I think now people are starting to be like, this person has gone through X, Y, and Z. This person has these markers or whatever. And you can depend on them then.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It's one of those things. It's like a new muscle that we're flexing as a civilization, or at least as a country. And that's what it is. Like you said, it's very spiritual it's a walk back to the truth which is you know in my opinion god is the truth you know brother and you know and what was it in galatians 6 it says you know they hated me because i'm telling you the truth it's like in in really it's just like the Orwellians quote George Orwell quoted like in times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act yeah and when people are
Starting point is 00:04:14 believing a lie telling the truth or having the truth on your side and knowing the truth is is a dangerous thing but if you know the truth in times of universal deceit and you're unwilling to tell the truth, then that's complicity. And that's what my fear is. It's like I'm not going to be silent. And being silent in the face of tyranny, knowing the truth is really speaking. You know, staying and choosing to be silent is really speaking it's a choice to be quiet and that's and really that's uh it's not in my blood blood work uh to be quiet when i have when i know this much about this area it just so happened to be like god put me in this scenario
Starting point is 00:04:59 to like really how do you say it's like you know est 414, we were made for such a time as this. I grew up, you know, in a household where my dad really just kind of gave me a lot of information on vaccinations and basically told me the corruption early on. Wow. And so it's bizarre looking back on my life on all these things that happened. It just really set the stage for Corona um, Corona baloney and just the fight ahead. It was like, I feel like God was preparing me for this fight. And, you know, I have literature that was, um, that came my way and it wasn't by accident that was written a hundred years ago about the Spanish flu. And the article was titled a Few Fearful Physicians Force Funny Flu Frivolets for a Few Frenzied Folks.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And it's kind of a tongue twister, but they talked about how they weaponize the common cold. They push this fear mongering on the people to push an experimental influenza vaccine. You know, they had mask, you know, virtue signaling like wear a mask or go to jail. They had, you know, businesses that were closed and they said, hey, you know, some are essential and some are not essential. They tried to, you know, keep the big box stores open and the other ones closed. The weird thing about this whole scenario and the Spanish flu is that the people that were unafraid and said, no, I'm not going to give in to this and follow that medical intervention, they're the ones that really. And that's when the experimental influenza vaccine hit the market. And we are forgetting history. And the AMA actually made a statement during, that's when I think the, I like to think that the AMA had a little bit of integrity. They said during 100 years, 100 years ago, they said that there's been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza after prophylactic vaccination.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Wow. Right. So why would you want to be experimented on, right? Yeah. I think I got the flu vax one time at work, like my whole life. like when my whole life and i was like this was before i knew you know that it's nearly impossible for them to hammer down which strain of the flu was coming this year and all that kind of stuff it's all out there in the front you know it's just it's just getting people to what people have to find who they're going to trust again. That's really where we're at.
Starting point is 00:07:45 You guys, the folks from the wellness company that I have interviewed thus far have been some of the easiest people to cleave onto because every one of you has gone through something. Every one of you has gone through some level of persecution
Starting point is 00:08:01 merely for just saying, hey, I think this isn't right, you know? Right. You know, that's the truth, man. And it's not an easy battle. It's not. It's it would be so much easier just to keep my mouth shut and not say anything. But again, I tell people my convictions are greater than my complacency. My convictions are greater than my fear of persecution. I knew what I was getting myself into by speaking out. But I knew God was on my side. I knew the truth, first and foremost, was on my side.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And I knew that people were being deceived. And so whatever that may look like, I didn't really want the publicity. I didn't really want the persecution. But again, I spoke out because my convictions were were greater than my fear of that persecution. And and, you know, I just appreciate people like yourself that recognize that. And I wish more people were like that. But again, I truly feel like, you know, we have an opportunity here to take the reins of this mess. That's why, like, I love the One Most Company. We need to grow and take the reins
Starting point is 00:09:13 and be the forefront of this mess and really pave the way for other alternatives and other docs to be the forefront. Because right right now a big farm has a major monopoly on our health care and they're monopolizing sickness and that's and that's the really a crime it's terrifying and we need to get back to having integrity and health care and treat it for what it is it's really a place that we can serve and i view health care as a ministry it really is. And we need to really get people well and get them away from this broken system. I mean, right now, every 30 seconds, someone goes bankrupt due to medical bills that they can't afford.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And it's because the healthcare system and the government took over our healthcare system and the insurance companies, and they're jacking up all these prices, and it's really causing major problems, and it's heartbreaking. And so it's a much-needed time for real healthcare to take the forefront, and that's why I'm with the wellness company. Yeah, I think you guys offer a—one of the ways that I've been talking to my audience about the wellness company is if they're nervous about taking the dive, getting the full year membership and being fully dependent incredibly affordable, particularly if you do the $10 a month membership. And you can get a second opinion from the wellness company, and you know who these people are. In other words, you may know your doctor to some degree, but I doubt you know what your doctor's taking money for. I doubt you know what vaccines he's making the most money off of and so on and so forth. What you know is the character of the doctors
Starting point is 00:11:09 at the wellness company. So, you know, if you go to the doctor and they say, you need to be on X, Y, and Z medicines to deal with your health, it only makes sense to be able to call you guys up and get on a telehealth conversation with one of the wellness company doctors and say, hey, this is what my doctor said. These are my symptoms. This is my diagnosis. What's your thoughts on all of that? And I think that's a great way to get people to sort of start looking at what you guys do as the way. Right. And that's the thing, too. It's a different avenue. We're not in contract with the insurance companies and we're not dictated by what they say. That's the thing with once you're like in network and once you're in in the hospital game or whatever it may be in a clinic, you're under scrutiny to the insurance companies and what they dictate, what they recommend. And not only that, but you have a massive incentive too with a lot of these
Starting point is 00:12:11 pharmaceutical sales reps. They'll go into a clinic and they'll say, hey, you know, if you prescribe this drug so many times this month, you're going to get a $5,000 bonus check and we'll fly you to Hawaii. So guess what? They just turn that doctor into a hammer. And every time a person comes in, they look like a nail for that prescription. You know what I mean? Everything's a nail. It's absolutely terrible. Because what kind of person, I mean, you've got to be a certain kind of person to say, what I really don't want is $5,000 and a trip to Hawaii. I really don't want is $5,000 and a trip to Hawaii. You know what I mean? Right. And so things need to change and people are waking up to it. I mean, and so we need to focus on good supplementation. We need to focus on lifestyle choices. I mean, 60% of, um, what is it?
Starting point is 00:13:02 The, you know, or I'm sorry, 80% of Americans are suffering with a chronic disease associated with poor lifestyle choices. And so we, we focus on moving away from that into, um, into healthier lifestyle choices and it can make a world of difference. So just by focusing on toxicities and deficiencies and moving away from that into purity and sufficiency through diet, lifestyle changes and supplementation, you can really correct and help get people out of chronic disease. And, you know, we're told that we're sick because of bad genes or, or, you know, bad germs or, you know, just bad luck. And that's not the way it is. And that's just bad science. You know, if we focus on good lifestyle choices, eating well, moving well, thinking well, praying well, relating well, we can be well. And your body will really adapt its physiology to
Starting point is 00:13:54 meet the load it's under. In other words, our level of health is really the genetic expression of how we eat, move, think, pray, and relate. And so just understanding that concept and offering that to patients right now or just people in the world and giving them hope, that's the most powerful drug there is, and telling these patients that they can be well. If they give the body what it needs, you can be well. And that's the key. And how many doctors are telling patients that, that you can be well?
Starting point is 00:14:24 Giving patients hope, and hope is the most powerful drug there is. So what are your thoughts on movement? I heard movement in there. Movement's a big deal for me. So movement, so we are undernourished, malenourished when it comes to movement. I mean, we are so, we don't move. I mean, movement, when I say patient, you know, you can tell a lot from a neurological, from a physiological, and just a, there's, from a biomechanical standpoint, from a patient's ability of how well they squat, if can do a squat we're talking yeah like you look at an indigenous person squat or if you get a toddler to squat look how well they squat they
Starting point is 00:15:11 move i mean how many people can get into that pocket of the squat hardly any i mean i got patients come in here they can hardly move they can hardly bend they can hardly twist they can we're not moving and movement in the spine alone generates 90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the nervous system. And the nervous system controls everything, every cell, every tissue, every organ in the body. And we need to move. We need to move well. Just a 30-minute walk a day can do wonders for people. I mean, it's insane. The older we get, it seems like we have this preconceived notion that the older we get, we're going to be sick and we're not going to be able to move. No, that's just the way it is because people are choosing to be sedentary. I mean, I was, I rode
Starting point is 00:15:56 RAGBRAI. Have you ever heard of RAGBRAI? So RAGBRAI is like, they call it Registrar's Annual Great Bicycle Ride across the Iowa. And, you know, the first year I rode it, I had no business being on a bike. I was, dude, I rode a, I got this bicycle at a garage sale for 15 bucks. It had a bent rim. And I'm out there and I was overweight. And I was out there thinking, I'm going to ride this bike all the way across the state of Iowa. I walked every single hill.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I was the only person braking on the hill, on the downsl the state of Iowa. I walked every single hill. I was the only person breaking on the downslope of the hills because I had a bent rim. It was terrifying. I don't know if you've ever been on a bicycle with a bent rim, especially the front rim, but it's terrifying. My point is, I met a lady on RAGBRAI that inspired me. And her name was Alice Hoffmeyer. And she, I remember her name to this day, and this was over 12 years ago. And she was 87 years old riding RAGBRAI. Wow. And she was on this little mountain bike, right?
Starting point is 00:17:01 And she had a sign on the back that said, you know, I'm Alice Hoffmeyer. I'm 87 years old uh but i i might be slow but i thank the good lord that i can still go and truth be told she wasn't much slower than uh me i mean i was out there so i'm like alice care if i ride with you and she's like no so i'm sitting right next to her, and I'm just talking to her. And she's like, you know, all my friends think I'm crazy, but they're the ones in the nursing home. Yeah, there you go. You know what I mean? So we need to get out and move. So movement is huge.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I mean, get our feet, bare feet on the ground. Get out there and feel the dirt on your toes. And just get out there. And there's benefits to the grounding. There's benefits to moving. There's benefits to getting out there. There's and there's benefits to the grounding. There's benefits to moving. There's benefits to getting out there. And, you know, sitting to we sit so much more than we should. We were ever designed to sit. I mean, sitting to your spine is in the pocket of the squat and, you know, just get out there and just really combat the effects of sitting. And I'm telling you, you will function better. You will feel better.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Your brain is like a battery. And so when we move, we're like recharging that battery. So I can't stress enough. You don't need a gym membership to move. You can just do a 30-minute walk and do some squats, air squats in your house. I mean, just getting out there. Trust me, you'll feel better. So if you're listening to that, I can't recommend it enough.
Starting point is 00:18:37 How do you feel about, like, decompression, spinal, you know, like hanging upside down, that kind of stuff? I was doing sit-ups at the gym the other day on something I used to do all the time. I haven't done it in years, but it was just the decline sit-up, you know, bench there. And I, after a set, I laid back and I felt like that crazy relief come over my body. And I know it was that sort of, you know, decompression of the spine because I wasn't completely upside down, but I was, you know, pretty inclined. And I know it was that sort of, you know, decompression of the spine. Cause I wasn't completely upside down, but I was, you know, pretty inclined and I was just like, Whoa, man, I don't know if I've ever felt this before. Right, man. I think that's decompression is good. There's a time and place for it. I think that, uh, you know, again, we sit so much that I think that
Starting point is 00:19:19 decompression can be good. Um, you know, so I, I love that love that you know people ask me about inversion tables all the time i think that's the number one question i get for being in the field i'm in hey how about those inversion tables you know and i think that it's good i love those inversion tables just don't turn into batman you know when you get them uh you know what i mean like people get them they literally go upside down and hang and i always say you can get the same benefit for going like at 30 degree, a 30 degree angle. Don't go more than 30 degrees and then just hang upside down. But it's great for the spine. I mean, there's times where I'll just literally go on a pull-up bar and just hang, do a dead hang.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Decompress the spine that way. So, I mean, yeah, man, I think it's much needed. Um, so I mean, yeah, man, I think it's, I think it's much needed. Um, again, the more movement and the more you can challenge that end range of motion, um, the better. I mean, um, it's, that's the key is trying to stretch and move beyond your end range of motion, not to the point of where you're going to hurt yourself, but the point of just really stressing, stretching the limit there and allowing for more range of motion to occur and that's the key yeah we are like uh we're almost like
Starting point is 00:20:34 the tin man nowadays we go from sitting to laying from laying to sitting and everything else in between just starts seizing you know yeah it really. It really does. Right, and I mean, I used to give talks all the time, and I had this spine that I would take with me that's pretty flexible, and I would kind of demonstrate that exact same thing, that scenario that you just said. We go from laying to sitting to sitting to laying all day. I mean, we wake up, our mattresses are really soft,
Starting point is 00:21:01 and so when you sleep in a super soft mattress, guess what that does? You know, your spine rejuvenates at night. And so it's like, you know, we need to stay hydrated, but your spine, the disc and the spine rejuvenate at night. And so we need a mattress that's a little bit more on the firmer side. I don't want a super firm mattress, but something that's going to support the spine. But when we sleep in a super soft mattress, your spine like this cave in. So we wake up feeling extra stiff. And then you go from that to sitting in a car, you know, on your way to work. And then you sit behind a desk all day and then repeat. Not everybody sits behind a desk all day. So I shouldn't generalize,
Starting point is 00:21:38 but majority of the people do. They sit way more than we should. And so again, like you said, it's going to cause the Tin Man Syndrome, you know? Yeah. I remember when I worked more with my body than not. And what happens is even young, if you have any forethought whatsoever, Ben, you wind up thinking to yourself, like, I better get the desk job once it comes because, you know, one day you're going to be too old to do this kind of body driven work. So and you're still going to need income, you know, so that there's also this weird push in the workforce, even if you do a job where it's physical, that you're kind, at least I was anyway, I was always looking for like, what's the long-term solution here? Cause I can't be slinging stuff around like this or doing this job or standing 12 hours a day, you know, for the rest of my life. So you're almost like,
Starting point is 00:22:35 you know, you're hustling into that sort of sedentary position for safety. Yeah. Right. I mean, a lot of people, I mean i mean it's it's wise to think long term but i can't help you know i live in the woods and i got a buddy of mine i got two good well i got a few buddies that are we all split wood okay we all split wood and a couple of the guys have uh you know wood burning stoves that are hooked up to their hvac system which is really a cool system and it heats the house and i got one guy and he like, you know, kind of like the man's man. He's a big, strong guy. He was in the service, and he was on the bomb squad.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And he goes up to the area of Michigan, and he splits 10 cords a year by hand. Nice. Good work. And so then when I moved out there, I was trying to get a log splitter, and I had a buddy out with a log splitter, and and, uh, he's like, man, you got to split by hand. And I was like, I don't know, dude, I just don't know if I'm gonna get into that. And, and I just want to get a log splitter. And he's like, okay. So he, he came over and we cut up all these logs and we raced. I had a log splitter and he split by hand and his pile by the end of the day was twice as big as mine wow and i was completely blown away i was like dude how how did you split more wood and the machine he's a he's a machine and he said listen he's like you know you split wood by hand
Starting point is 00:23:59 it might be hard at first but i'm telling you it's therapeutic it's going to help you stay it's so good for your back and i'm like dude i don't know so i bought them all and i've been split by hand and i'm telling you i've worked muscles that i i never really worked before and when i get done doing that i feel so like just my my posture is better i feel so much stronger. And and I'm like, man, I'm never going to use a lock split splitter. I'm just going to keep moving and do do hard things. Yeah, I feel like that's the key is, you know, in life we want the easy fix. We want the quick fix. We want like, just give me this pill and I'm going to I want to be better. Right. Or I'm going to you know, that's the solution.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I want to be better, right? Or I'm going to, you know, that's the solution. But the solution is so much more, the solution is sometimes the harder road to take. And I teach my kids, like, listen, taking the path to least resistance is what makes men and rivers crooked. You know what I mean? I like that. And we can't fear adversity. It's through it we grow stronger. And that's like the lesson of splitting wood. It's like, man, if we could just – it's not the easy route, but it's going to make us stronger. You know what I mean? It makes you stronger in every way too. So many people are purposeless and have no confidence whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:25:23 You split a pile of wood and you feel like, oh, I am useful. Right. Yeah. Dude, it's a spiritual, therapeutic component to it. Yeah. I feel like connection with the, I don't know how many generations. I always think about that when I'm splitting wood. I'm always like, how long have the Waltaltons been splitting wood you know what i mean like how many generations before you axes are so old i mean
Starting point is 00:25:51 axes are like one of the oldest tools period so you think to yourself like man how long i remember when i first got an axe not like a when i first put my hands on a wooden axe, my brother-in-law bought me like one of those. I don't know what they are. It's like a. A wood axe. No, it's a plasticky kind of material. And the, you know, the plastic whatever runs up through the axe head and everything. And I didn't get the same feeling until I went out and bought like a trooper with the metal the metal head and i remember holding that thing and being like oh my god this is electric this is like a connection with people long dead and gone right you miss out on all that stuff
Starting point is 00:26:36 with the log splitter you know or a gas fireplace right dude that's exactly right you know i got rid of my tv man i sit in front of my fireplace and there's something very, very therapeutic about it. It's a spiritual component, man. So yeah, you're exactly right. But it's funny how we got on that topic. But it's one of those things where it's, again, I feel like every man should be out there splitting wood because you do feel a sense of purpose. And just, I don't know, you feel good about yourself when you do it. And it's just very therapeutic. Yeah, I mean, from what I don't know, you've probably heard of Dr. Rhonda Patrick, right? I've heard that name. She does She's really a super, what she is is like a super nerd in terms of longevity and big time into physical fitness and how it affects the body. time into physical fitness and how it affects the body and and you know the things that she's finding out lately are just like working out hard fixes everything i mean that's really the dialed down reduced down all the different experiments and things that she's doing the
Starting point is 00:27:37 people that she's talking to it's it's all boiling down to like the other day she was talking about how if you're tired the best thing for you is a hard workout and just the things that it does to your body you know what i mean i don't remember it all i just do what she says because i know she's she's like you guys you know what i mean she's so dedicated and so into this that it's just she wouldn't put it out there if it wasn't legit but the fountain of youth is physical fitness from what i can see anyway. It's physical adversity like you said. It's certainly not statins. Right. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Two, it's what we put into the body. Again, there's pillars of health that we need to focus on. I like to say there's faith, there's fitness, there's function, and there's food. Those are really the pillars of health. I like that. You know what I mean? Faith, fitness, function, and there's food. You know, those are really the pillars of health. I like that. You know what I mean? Faith, fitness, function, food. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And I call it four Fs. You know what I mean? And so they're the main pillars of health. And, you know, we're not just human beings having a spiritual experience, but we're very much spiritual vessels. Does fornication fit under function? Because that's got to be a pillar, man. Right. I don't know about that one, but that should, yeah, I don't, I don't disagree. Right. Right. But that's where, you know, oh man, it's, it's one of those things though. It's, we, we have to look at those pillars and,
Starting point is 00:28:58 and it's kind of like Zig Ziglar said, you know, we need to spend time in each one of those, what does he say? the spoke of the wheel. Every area of life is the spoke of the wheel, and we need to spend time in that spoke or we're not going to have balance. And that's what I think of that when I think of the pillars of health. We need to spend time in each pillar or we're not going to have balance and we're not going to have health. And so, you know, movement is a main pillar. It's huge. It affects all other pillars.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And so, yeah, I mean, our bodies are a temple. We need to take care of what, you know, the body, but what we need to consider what we put into that body, not treat it like, you know, a garbage can. And, you know, a lot of people just eat because they're bored and we're not looking at food as fuel or we're not looking at good supplementation those things play a role and you know a lot of our food is designed to look better smell better taste better but it's nutritionally bankrupt and you know we eat on the go all the time or we eat because we're bored and and if we just look at that component too, like what are we putting into our body? Is this bringing me closer to health and wellness or sickness and disease?
Starting point is 00:30:11 And, you know, that can be a game changer. What do you think are some things that people are constantly like, what do you think people could use almost across the board in terms of supplementation? What are the most common in your mind? Like if, if you run into somebody and their, their diet's kind of off, you know, you can get the diet taken care of, but you know, that supplementation is important. What are the big things that you, you maybe like top three, top five, something like that? Yeah. So first off, there's a lot that I recommend here, right? But there's a lot that I recommend. We need a few key components.
Starting point is 00:30:54 A, unless we're getting 30 minutes of summer sunlight, we're going to be deficient in vitamin D. We're entering in the winter months here or the flu season. I was taught that there's only four seasons that's a different topic but right but the biggest thing is i like you know vitamin d supplementation that's huge okay um i also like probiotics getting a good probiotic is huge um you know and also you know fish oil is a big one um Getting on omega-3 fish oil, that's huge. Those are kind of my three go-tos. Okay. I like that.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Most people are, how do you say, the omega-6 and 9 ratio is out of balance to the omega-3 ratio. We need a 3 to 1 omega-3 to omega-6 and 9 ratio. We do that through we supplement i mean people like well can i can i just eat fish and and i said yeah you can get that good fish in your diet i don't like farm-raised fish get wild-caught fish absolutely but in order to really to be sufficient that's where we supplement and so getting on a good omega-3 and the wellness company has omega-3 supplements they have vitamin d supplements probiotics, and they're all high quality, and I recommend getting on those. So getting on that is essential.
Starting point is 00:32:11 You know, another thing, too, is, you know, within today's world, there's a real thing, a real concern with this mRNA technology and the spike cause and toxicity issues. And you'll hear Dr. Peter McCullough talk all about that. And I've talked to a lot of people, and I have a talk here November 18th, and I've got a funeral embalmer coming up here talking about what he's pulling out of these bodies. He's never seen anything like this before. What? Yes, and it's a real concern. What do you mean, what he's pulling out of the bodies?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yes, and it's a real concern. What do you mean, what he's pulling out of the bodies? Like he's – basically he said that – excuse me, and you're going to read a lot of crazy stuff online. Oh, that's anti-vaccine conspiracy. Well, I've done some – I've done a lot of research. I've called all these different embalmers, and a few said, oh, that's crazy anti-vaccine conspiracy. But I've talked to regular embalmers, and they said, yes, I've never seen anything like this before. I've been pulling out some of these crazy, crazy tissue-like things out of these bodies. And it's a real thing. And I have Richard Hirschman, who's a funeral embalmer, and they did
Starting point is 00:33:18 tissue analysis and they found that it's like foreign proteins, which is going to be produced by the spike protein. And so I think that these vaccines are causing absolute harm and problems. And so one of the ways we can combat this is really getting on a good spike supplement. And so I think that'll help prevent and, you know, basically help detoxify the body and prevent some of the spike toxicity occurring. So what you're saying, just so you know, on PBN, there's no holds barred. So you don't have to be around the bush on anything. What you're saying is that these guys are pulling out collections of tissue
Starting point is 00:34:01 that aren't necessarily supposed to be there? Okay, I'm glad you said that there's no holds barred because sometimes I just... No, I know. I know the atmosphere. I just got kicked off of Instagram immediately before I got onto this phone call over. I don't even know what. I live in that world too, but it doesn't stop us. We're funded by our great sponsors like the Wellness Company, and we're funded by our members. So we're not dependent on any income from anybody social media-wise. So this is where it gets interesting. So I wanted to debunk Richard Hirschman. He was in the documentary Diet Suddenly, and I was – they're talking about all this stuff they're pulling on bodies.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm like, man, this seems really far-fetched. This can't be happening. So I called, I don't know how many different embalmers here, just locally. I called all these different embalmers. I think 10 embalmers or so I called locally. I only two talked to me and I said, listen, I'm doing some independent research and I'm trying to find if there's anything abnormal with, you know, the rollout of the COVID vaccine, have you found anything abnormal or pull anything abnormal out of the body since the rollout of the COVID vaccine? And the embalmer said, I'm not allowed to talk to you, and yes,
Starting point is 00:35:16 and then hung up the phone. Whoa. Okay. That's crazy. Right. So then the other embalmer said, hey hey um you know that's the anti-vaccine stuff don't listen to it and then she sounded very convincing so i'm like okay well that's good no thank you so then i i was talking to one of my good buddies he's like dude you know my uncle's
Starting point is 00:35:36 an embalmer and i said no i said uh can you get me in contact with him and he lives in a different state and so 20 minutes later i get a phone call and it's my buddy's uncle and i'm like hey let's just say jim let's just give his name keep him anonymous and i said hey jim and and he's like uh he's like hey you know i i ryan kind of told me what you're you know blah blah getting into and and so then i told him um you know have you seen anything abnormal since the relic code vaccine he said you know yes he's like anything abnormal since the rollout of the COVID vaccine? He said, you know, yes. He's like, I just pulled one out about 10 minutes ago, and I'll take a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:36:10 So he sent it to me. Literally, he had one on the table. He just pulled out 10 minutes ago, and he sent it to me. And, you know, he's like, I've never, ever seen anything like this since the rollout of the COVID vaccine. I've never seen anything like this prior to 2021. And he said these things look like earthworms, but they have the consistency of a rubber band, and they're in the arteries and the veins of the bodies. So when they put embalming fluid in, they can cause the blockage.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And so it – which makes perfect sense when it comes to the correlation of why we're having this explosion of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular death, because it's, what's happening is that these are causing obstructions in the cardiovascular system. So when they're trying to get an embalming fluid into the body, it's almost near impossible. And so go in there and cut these things out because they're blocking the arteries and the veins. Absolutely. These obstructions should not be in there. I mean, your arteries and veins should be clear. It should be a pathway for blood to flow. So that's the myocarditis type situation.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, that's my, yeah, right. So it's kind of like people think that this is causing right i mean just like if we put obstructions in um how do you describe this i'm just thinking of like the illustration of a garden hose right if i were to stuff a bunch of rocks in the hose it's going to be harder it's going to increase water pressure when it comes up right it's going to and it's going to be harder for that water to flow freely through they're increasing the pressure and so it's going and it's going to put pressure essentially on the the water um spout and and so i'm thinking of well let's think now how does that correlate to the body? Well, if I put a bunch of obstructions in the veins and arteries, that's going to put pressure on the heart, which would eventually cause maybe myocarditis, maybe inflammation around the heart or something.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And that's what my prediction is what's causing a lot of these problems and why we're seeing this massive who else is putting out you know supplements out there that help detoxify the body and focus on the spike protein because yeah it's a it's a real concern and these people like let's say jim the embalmer jim he sat in with uh like a few embalmers of his close embalmer friends of his they had a luncheon and they the first thing out of the his friend's mouth said so are you guys pulling these things out of the bodies too like it was a common thing so ben if for because our network is varied listeners are very wide in variety and you know decision making we don't have sort of a cultish thing going on here at PBN. If the spike protein supplement, if you were vaccinated, like if you decided to take the vaccine way back, maybe job or I don't know, would it help someone who's been vaccinated also?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yes, I would recommend it. I mean, there's still a lot of unknowns and I don't know all the answers, but that is my, you know, I've seen a lot of, a lot of things out there, right? There's a lot of things you can detoxify, but the spike protein is, is scary. I know nicotine helps prevent the, the spike and it blocks the spike from binding. the spike and it blocks the spike from binding. You know, that's why they're giving nicotine patches to a lot of the healthcare workers in Europe. But the spike protein is going to be my best bet. I don't recommend going on nicotine. So what's the next best thing? I think, well, or what's the best thing? And I think it would be the spike supplement. And I'm not saying that to sell the spike supplement. I'm saying that because what else is there out there I mean what else is out there that's going to be targeting the spike
Starting point is 00:40:28 toxin and so that spike supplements is huge and that's the Wells company's I think number one seller because people are in need of it and you know there's other things you can do too fasting is a big one living a healthy lifestyle those things can help as well but the spike supplement is going to be huge. And they have a spike supplement for kids because shedding is a real thing too. This mRNA is a real threat. You know, normal vaccines will shed up to six weeks. Well, this, you know, who knows how long this mRNA will shed. And it's affecting a lot of different areas of the body i mean i had a patient more than one tell me they were in a car with recently vaccinated covid vaccine related or i'm sorry patients that were rode in a car there were female patients that rode in a car with family
Starting point is 00:41:18 members that just recently got the covid vaccine and they would she talked about how they spent like four to six hours in the car and at the end of that car ride she was passing clots in her cycle what yes and this that was that that happened more than one time and there was a study that came out of japan it was a far far more connectico uh study that came out of a study in Japan. It talked about how there was like 64 toxins attacking the ovaries after receiving a COVID vaccine. So that's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:41:58 We had Dr. Jim Thorpe on last, and that was his wheelhouse. last and you know he that was his wheelhouse i mean he he it was a slam dunk talking about infertility and pregnancy with him and and how it correlates with the vaccine and birth rate decline and all that kind of it was it was a wild show man just absolutely insane so right well if you look at dr sabine's work too this is another thing. I mean, Dr. Sabine, she did forensic stool samples. She found that, you know, basically she was testing the stools of the moms that were pregnant that received a COVID vaccine in utero. OK, so basically they vaccinated the moms while pregnant. They tested, she tested the stool samples pre and post vaccination. The moms had a 50% decrease in what they call the bifidobacterium in the stool.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Okay. Which means that there was a 50% decrease, decline in your main bacteria in your large intestine, which is your colon. Then she tested the infants and she found the links. The babies had zero dude zero bifidobacteria so that means so you know a lot of your absorption occurs in the small intestine large intestine and you need that bacteria it's like a symbiotic relationship right so basically they um they had zero bifidobacterium so So what does that mean from a clinical, clinical developmental
Starting point is 00:43:25 standpoint? It means that these babies are going to be deficient. They're going to have autoimmune. They're going to have neurological developmental delays, disorders more than ever before. We're going to see an explosion of, of issues and, and nobody's going to address the elephant in the room. That's why this mRNA stuff needs to be off the market. It is the most dangerous technology that's ever, ever seen. I mean, it's more dangerous than frontal lobotomies, in my opinion. I mean, you know, they pushed the frontal lobotomies until the 50s. They thought it was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And I think these mRNA vaccines are more dangerous than ever before. It's terrifying stuff, man. are more dangerous than ever before. It's terrifying stuff, man. And, you know, the reason I like to get down into the nitty gritty particularly with the doctors from the wellness companies because this is, once you're willing to go down this road, you know, people can trust you, I feel like. You know, I feel like you understand.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You guys offer so much. You know what I mean? You offer so much. I told, when I started like you understand you guys offer so much you know what i mean you offer so much i told when i started the sponsorship with you guys i was like we're gonna have to run probably four separate commercials over this three-month sponsorship because i'm gonna talk about it i can only expect that's numerous other hosts to talk about it so much but we're gonna have to describe all these different things medical kits spike you know, the membership itself and what that includes. And all that stuff is great, but I think where the strength is, particularly with our listening audience, is that you guys get it. You know, the people, the doctors at the wellness company get it and you guys have suffered because you got it and you brought it to the attention of the people.
Starting point is 00:45:08 You're unwavering and still talking about these things. And I'm telling you, I hope it's this way with everyone, but I know for a fact it's this way with our audience. It resonates, you know, and it puts them in a place where they go, I can trust this person with my health because they're not holding back. Right. And you know what? Number one thing is that we care. And, I mean, that's the – when it's all said and done, like I can care less about the publicity. I can care about – I couldn't care less about – excuse me, making a name for myself.
Starting point is 00:45:42 This isn't ego-driven. This is conviction-driven. This is conviction driven. This is because I care about people. I care about the truth. I want people well, and I don't want people being deceived, you know, and I, and I want people to understand that there's a better way than giving into this fear mongering vaccine campaign that they push. I mean, look at Paul Offit. He's like, you know, he's a he's one of the biggest vaccine pushers on the planet. He's on video, on record stating that we should use fear to get these, to coerce the parents to vaccinate.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And it's criminal. And, you know, it's one of those things. Fear in cheeseburgers. That's what they used. Right, dude. Exactly right. And so, you know, it's just fear has always been used in the marketing industry and they continue to use it. I love the quote by Suzanne Humphries. She's a she's a pioneer in the field as well.
Starting point is 00:46:41 But she said that the rewriting history to change your perception, to alter your emotions that could lead you to vaccinate out of fear. Popular press is altering peer pressure so that vaccinating parents will verbally abuse and ostracize non-vaccinators. It's medieval behavior, and it's ramped up through the internet, and you're seeing that in today's world where they're persecuting you by the questions vaccination and look at world health organization in 2019 they said that the greatest threat to our health are those who question vaccinations are you kidding me they just want us deaf dumb and silent and just line up and roll up our sleeve and take the vaccine no question anything it's like no god gave us a brain we need to use it it. Yeah. Well, Ben, you've been awesome, man. And you guys keep adding to the roster over there.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I don't know what the process is. I've interviewed four people from the wellness company so far, and it's like I told you when we first got on the line. You guys are like rock star doctors over there. You know, you and it's and it comes from that, you know, that drive to tell the truth and that drive to to, you know, help people. Amen, brother. Well, James, I appreciate you saying that, man, because, you know, I wish more people were like you in that regard that they just understood that, you know, it's not, there comes a cost for speaking the truth in these times. And so I'm thankful for the wellness company. And, you know, if you're listening, it's, you know, the wellness company has some phenomenal supplements. They have emergency
Starting point is 00:48:16 kits too, that are going to be huge. You know, and there's a time and place for medication and they'd understand that and they push their supplements first and foremost. But they also have that emergency kit, which, you know, if we ever have another pandemic, which I think we will, they're going to push, you know, this nonsense again. You want to stay out of the hospitals, and that's where these emergency kits come in. That can really keep you out of the hospitals. Again, you know, I like to say that COVID wasn't killing people. It was these dang protocols. And so if you ever get sick, they do have emergency kits through the wellness company that can help you stay out of the hospital.
Starting point is 00:48:49 You guys have a COVID kit now, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and then they also have the emergency kit with the five antibiotics, ivermectin. I can't remember the other two off the top of my head but you know obviously they're going to affect your overall preparedness if you have those sitting on the shelf right and it should be in the emergency use you know i don't go out and say hey take an antibiotic just because you're sick but one of those things would not be a time and place where it could be life-saving at times and that's just good to have that because you know my mom's not a controlled diabetic we were during the pandemic they she had a uh she went into a diabetic coma and my dad said hey i'm rushing mom to the hospital i call her i said you dad tell them no remdesivir no remdesivir my dad's like why why i said just
Starting point is 00:49:34 do it he's like you call him i said no dad you call him right now and you know my mom gets her she had no fever nothing like that nothing that would warrant any justification or anything at all that would say she's sick from covet and they wanted to put remdesivir on get her on remdesivir and you know talk about ventilation everything else i'm like there was nothing to warrant that and so my dad called up there and said no remdesivir when my mom woke up out of the coma the doctor legit had the nerve to throw his hands up on my mom's face and say, why the hell can't you be on remdesivir? Wow. My mom said, well, it's because, you know, my whatever, like my family said, no remdesivir. She knew that it was me pushing that.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And so, you know, again, then they sent my mom home and she was fine. But again, how many people were on ivermectin or other pharmaceuticals like that that recovered just fine by staying in the hospital? And it would have been a different outcome if they went to the hospital. That's why I say if you get sick, stay out of the hospitals. And these emergency kits, I don't recommend taking these for daily maintenance. This is something that could keep you out of the hospital if you were ever there, and that's what it's there for.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It should be an emergency kit to keep you out of the hospital if you were ever there and that's what it's there for should be emergency kit to keep you out and i think it's you know your your best bet is to stay away from those those faulty protocols and there are some great people in hospitals i don't want to say that they're all evil they're not but again we're listening during the pandemic we were listening to administrative doctors like fauci you know that was pushing top-down protocols that you know and they were reprimanding and persecuting the doctors that had a heart and said, listen, there's a better way here. We're not going to do this. And how many doctors lost their licenses because they were prescribing drugs like ivermectin and other protocols? Yeah, and now look.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Everybody said, well, it's fine. Yeah, now it's fine. Right. said, well, it's fine. Yeah, it's fine. Right. And so this goes to show you, that's where I say they overplayed their hand because, you know, in order for the vaccine to get on the childhood schedule, they had to have emergency use and they couldn't show any other therapeutics that were working or other medicines that were working because that's what it all came down to. They had to demonize the cheap drugs.
Starting point is 00:51:41 That's exactly right, brother. They had to get the vaccine on the childhood schedule because once they got that vaccine on the childhood schedule, now it's almost impossible to get it off the schedule. And it's going to be a multi, multi, multi-billion dollar industry now. And they can create as many variant vaccines on the schedule as they want. And so we need to eradicate the Vaccine Compensation Act of 1986 and make vaccine manufacturers liable again because they don't have any liability. Yeah. That's the income. And by supporting people like the wellness company, I feel like that's how you start to take the wind out of the sails of these guys because they're so big. And everybody goes to them because you have to what's
Starting point is 00:52:45 your you know most people don't know that there are other options exactly right man i mean that's we need to have more companies like that that pioneer their way and have alternative measures that's the beauty we i mean we have like what what that, you know, so many people are walking away. We had the pharmaceutical farm again. Oh, the strikes, yeah. The strikes. I mean, people were leaving, you know, was it the Walgreens walkout? CVS, yeah. Yeah, all these things.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And that's going to, you know, A, do two things. It's going to create this scarcity mindset with pharmaceuticals, but it's also going to allow for this monopoly to be broken up that big pharma has and create different avenues and in different alternative ways that people get healthy. That's why we need to support companies like the Wellness Company and have different other areas to provide solutions and allow that free market to occur in health care and break up a lot of these regulations, too, that we have. And, you know, when the government took over foods they eat, what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry state as those souls who live in tyranny. And, you know, this is the time that we're in. We've got to have alternative health care to reach the platform and to reach the forefront of this. And the soil for it is rich. Well, Ben, I do appreciate you, my man, and all the information you brought us.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Easy guy to talk to, I can tell you that much. PBN family, you guys have to check out the wellness company. Go to Peruse the site. That link is going to take you to their membership page and show you all about the discounts you can get and those kinds of things or even the free supplements if you sign up uh for their for their super duper membership um but check out everything they got going on man like i said i one of the things that i think about you you mentioned it um was should that pandemic
Starting point is 00:55:02 should that next pandemic come along i feel like a lot of people are going to be back in that same boat that who do you trust boat and that's a scary thing you know that's a scary thing so i'm very happy to have several of you guys on speed dial now so i could call some people up and say so what is really going on here? Amen, bro. That's really one of the biggest benefits of what you guys offer. But I thank you for taking an hour with us today, and I think the audience is going to love this thing, man. Awesome, James.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Thanks so much, brother. I appreciate you, my friend. Appreciate you too, man. Keep fighting the good fight. Amen, buddy. Talk to you soon. Yep, talk soon. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network,
Starting point is 00:55:49 where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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