The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Review: The Collapse Survivor App

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. PBN Family. Your garden is the resistance. P.B.N. Family, your garden is the resistance. P.B.N. Family, our friend Drew Miller has done it again. Drew Miller, who is not on the show enough. Drew Miller, who is not mentioned on P.B.N. enough. The man behind Fortitude Ranch created one of the largest, if not the largest, survival communities in the nation. Definitely the largest survival community in the nation that people like you and me can afford.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I don't know if you've ever priced these things out, but it's no joke. Well, he's created something else. I talked about it earlier this week sparingly because I hadn't really gotten into it. And I was having some issues. It was my phone and it was an update. I want to introduce you to the Collapse Survivor app. Okay, this, you know, first off, I want to say that Drew Miller is the kind—I'm going to give Drew Miller the compliment that I was given by the tool man years ago. Because in this day and age, it's a good—it feels good to a creator to hear something like this. Drew Miller is the type of guy who—he says things and then he does them, you know? And when you say that about a person, you have to understand that doesn't mean everything the person says they do.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But, you know, when they get behind an idea, they're behind it. And sometimes what you don't understand behind the scenes is you push an idea forward as hard as you can and it'll disintegrate anyway. But he got behind this app idea and I didn't know all the full details about the thing, but he talked a lot about the simulation aspect of it, and that got me very excited. When it comes to prepping, when it comes to specifically something like this that is created by a guy like Drew Miller, who is so closely affiliated with Dave Jones, the NBC guy, the prepper broadcasting network at large, like the value of something like this, I expect a lot out of it. Do you know what I mean? Like when I downloaded this app, it was a no brainer. I signed up for it. It's like a dollar a month, 10 bucks for the year, whatever, to be involved in the
Starting point is 00:02:45 simulations and to take advantage of all the cool stuff in the app. It's a negligible cost, to say the least. But I didn't know what I was getting into, but whatever. Drew's a buddy. I said to myself, it's at least my duty to check it out and to give my input and, you know, to be a member of this prepping community and this sort of prepping network that we have built. Not the Prepper Broadcasting Network, but, you know, this fundamental—we have a fundamental network of Virginia Preppers down here that is—it's nice. It's a nice group, you know? That's an understatement, by the way. But anyway, I felt it my duty just to get in there
Starting point is 00:03:30 and play around and see what was what. And what I found is that the Collapse Survivor app is... It does something that nothing else can do for you. And it's... It's worth every bit of $10 a month. I mean, a year. $10 a year. $1 per month. You get a 30-day free trial, too, right off the top. So when you get into this thing, you've got six different sections inside the app, okay? The first being simulation, and we're going to touch on simulation,
Starting point is 00:04:07 but I just want to give you a rundown of what else the app does. There's a stockpile section, and the stockpile section has everything you need should you desire it. I know there are some out there that will desire it and some out there that will never do it, and that's fine, but it's here. It gives you the ability to basically run your inventory through the app. We've got food, medical supply, tools, weapons, ammunition, fuel, child, pets, personal care, miscellaneous. All these categories can be
Starting point is 00:04:40 populated very easily by pressing a plus button, adding all kinds of details. And listen, what stands out about the way that they've done the stockpile section is the level of detail. So if I had a food item, right, I've got a item category, I've got a subcategory, I've got a manufacturer item name and type, quantity, DOP, DOE, date of purchase, date of expiration, a purchase from situation, a cost, if you want to measure that, a storage location section, and a note section. I mean, that's about as comprehensive as it gets. about as comprehensive as it gets. While I'm going to gush and gush and gush about the simulation, because it's unique, number one, it's personalized, number two, and again, it's born out of this sort of mentality that we have here at PBN. While I'm going to gush about all of that, I think it's just as important for you to understand that this is a threat alert app
Starting point is 00:05:47 as well. And the threat alerts come direct from Fortitude Ranch's community, okay? So the alerts that go out to the Fortitude Ranch community come direct to the Collapse Survivor app. If you're not a member of that community, if you're not on that mailing list, then you don't know exactly what I'm talking about. But these are very thorough alerts that come out well in advance of a lot of things going down. And you can't underestimate the value of that. Do you know what I mean? They put it this way. The number one reason to have this app on your phone is to be sure your friends and loved ones have it on their phones, is that it provides real warnings from Fortitude Ranch's threat watch and disaster warning system. The extra hours or days warning you get from the system before a government-issued alert comes out can make a difference between life and death. Remember, the goal of Fortitude Ranch
Starting point is 00:06:51 is they want you to have enough time to get from where you're at to the Fortitude Ranch location. They need people there in order for this community to work. You know what I mean? This is not a, this is a very real relationship that you have with your location right so along with the simulation along with the stockpile you also get this alerts um this alerts functionality and the beautiful thing about the alerts functionality is that uh they're only going to hit you when the alerts are legit and when you need to know them so it's not going to be one of these daily alert bing bing bing i bing. I've had it for a while now, and I haven't been hit with an alert yet.
Starting point is 00:07:29 When you get hit with an alert from the Collab Survivor app, you know it's important. It's time to pay attention. It may be time to take action. So you can carry that around in your pocket. You can have your family carry it around in their pocket. They also have a deal section, a little deal section, small for now. There is going to be a perennial PBN membership deal over there.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Pretty excited about that. They also have a media section. Now, between you and me, I'd like to get as much PBN stuff up on this media section as possible. So as we start to integrate this app into the host's life, we're probably going to do some scenario wrap-up talks and get that media over here on the app as well. So opening up this app should, in theory, give you the ability to play the simulation, check the alerts, maybe do your inventory stuff, and then also maybe listen to some PBN as well. That's my personal goal on the back end, right? Now let's get into the simulations. simulations the simulations are valid the simulations are effective the simulations are challenging okay i have been killed in two simulations of two
Starting point is 00:08:57 simulations that i've tried now when you start a simulation you you give data. You give some information about your party, who's in your party, and also how much supplies you have. And I did that kind of hurry, hurry. I did it rush, rush to kind of get things going. And what I found, and I didn't know this. I mean, I even reached out to Drew. I said, man, I keep dying. I keep running out of stuff. Does the app, is the app so detailed that it actually takes count?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Because it goes day to day. So I said, does it take count of these resources? Because I only put like 20 days worth of food, 20 days worth of water. And, you know, let's have at it. And describe my family you describe people in your party by their skill levels in a variety of ways you know so like you know where they add on a scale with medical where they add on a scale with weapons where they add on a scale with you know it's really cool he replied to me when i said's up with my, how much do my resources affect these
Starting point is 00:10:08 scenarios? Because I keep dying, you know? I keep getting put in a position that nobody would want to be put in, and then dying. Because you can die in the simulation, and then, you know, the simulation will continue, but, you know, you're dead. You made a critical error somewhere along the line. You get asked questions. You get posed scenarios along the time of this scenario. Like little scenarios within the greater scenario, you know. And they're a lot of fun, man. And some of them, one of the great features is some of them are even timed. It's sweet.
Starting point is 00:10:44 It's such a great detail. Some of them are even timed. It's sweet. It's such a great detail. Some of them are literally timed. Like you'll open your phone, hit a scenario, and you'll have 46 seconds to read the question and answer. I don't know. Just adds a level of intensity to it. I really dig it. So his reply to me over resources says, it is counting you down. It is counting down your food and, if no water supply at your bug out location
Starting point is 00:11:06 your water you can also die of natural causes if a health issue need drugs you can die fast from that too for marauders some stuff there is random element of death but not totally far worse odds in city because you can shoot you know you you tell them where you're at, too, and that shades your situation. Look, man, this app is available everywhere. The app stores, everywhere it's available. And you can go get it. You can 30-day trial it for free. You don't have to commit. I would highly recommend you drop a $10 bill on this for the year
Starting point is 00:11:43 because the things you will learn, the scenarios you will be put in, the things you'll learn about your people and your stockpile and your capabilities based on where you live and a variety of threats. We've had three different scenarios already. The things that you're going to learn, man, are worth way more than $10. And it's fun. It's also a lot of fun. You know, it's a hell of a lot of fun. I'm going to read one to you real quick where we're at on scenario three. Federal and state government official messaging now admits that the loss of electricity and shortcomings in law enforcement will unfortunately continue for several months
Starting point is 00:12:21 due to the unprecedented ruthless enemy attack federal military and fema assistance will continue to be limited i'm going to read you one more thing ham radio networks and some remaining media broadcasts report that food shipments are coming most by ship from canada many other nato countries mexico and several latin american countries mexico has closed its border with the U.S. after millions fled to Mexico, but will allow food shipments to go north. And that's all I'm going to read you off the app. Not that there's like, you know, it's not that, and Drew wouldn't want me to read you the scenario. I mean, that's kind of the vein, you know, so you get little blips of stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:13:04 that detail the scenario. And then I bet in the next slide or two, I'm going to get a situation. You know what I mean? I won't get as many scenarios anymore, any more multiple choice or scenarios, timed scenarios, because I'm dead. So two scenarios in, dead two times already. Doesn't look good for the Intrepid Commander. Can you do better? That's the question. Can you do better than me on the Collapse Survivor app? I don't know. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:13:37 There's a lot of growth potential in that thing. I've talked to Drew about some things I'd like to see on it, and he is fully on board with taking criticisms and good constructive details on how with taking criticisms and and uh you know good constructive details on how to make the app better it's gonna grow it's gonna get better you know you're seeing it in its infancy and it's still a hell of a lot of fun all right the collapse survivor app go get it man get it right now right now go get it free trial 30 days and uh i don't think i don't think many of you will make it out of the 30-day free trial without signing up. Because again, it's no money, right? It's $10. You'll blow that on a coffee. And yeah, great information. Great knowledge. great knowledge nothing puts your whole preparedness scheme in perspective like dying in two scenarios right off the bat
Starting point is 00:14:27 all right pbn family check out the collapse survivor app and uh you know review it too get in there do your 30-day trial give it a good review let people know because at the very least i've downloaded a bunch of apps off of the app Store for prepping, inventories, and so on and so forth. This one is made by our people. This is from our people. Drew Miller is our people, man. More than you even know. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:54 All right. I'll talk to you guys soon, man. Get the app. See ya.

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