The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Russia Strikes! Drone Footage

Episode Date: December 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. What an interesting night to be above the skies of the planet Earth last night, huh? Welcome in. Prepper Broadcasting Network, this is PBN Daily News. I could hardly sleep last night. I was getting bombarded with footage from New Jersey. Purported. I know I had at least two pieces of footage. I had at least one that I was 100% certain was coming out of New Jersey because it came from one of our amazing and incredible listeners.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And I'm going to show you that stuff today. I'm going to show you the drones apparently firing at a target. I'm going to show you the drones lined up in the night sky six deep. And I just want you to understand. six deep and i just want you to understand the drone footage in particular that i show that is of the six drones in the sky stationary these come from a member of the pbn family okay what you have to understand about the pbn family is these people are more informed than the average person by a long shot they understand the fake media probably better than most people right they are preppers they understand the the the importance of what could be happening in the sky.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I can't stress that enough. You have to understand sort of like the base understanding or the base level mind necessary to be a prepper and to listen to PBN. necessary to be a prepper and to listen to pbn right that base level mind requires that you understand geopolitics you understand economics not like a master or anything i'm not a master at any of this but i talk about all this stuff i my hosts talk about all this stuff, right? You have to have at least a little grip on all the little things that are happening. Why that's so important for you to understand is because when somebody snaps a video and sends it to me, they're sending me something that they think is very important. And this video is very important. very important it's a very it's a but also in the skies uh overnight russia struck with ballistic missiles in ukraine large-scale attack on energy infrastructure uh tell us what they use massive russian missile attack on ukraine this morning primarily targeting the energy system russia aims to deprive us of energy instead we must deprive it of means
Starting point is 00:03:26 of terror i reiterate my call for the urgent delivery of 20 nasum's hulk or iris t air defense systems so this is andre sibea begging on twitter for more weapons It's getting bad over there Russia's getting a little pissed off, I think And it's going to be a dark, dark winter in Ukraine, folks It's going to be a... Unless Donald Trump can end this You know what I mean? If Donald Trump can come to the table and end this
Starting point is 00:04:01 Then he can save a lot of lives And a lot of misery for the ukrainian people because we didn't see a lot of drone strikes we didn't see icbm stuff up until now you know it's only going to get worse it's only going to get worse for the ukrainians but it is what it is what can you you do? You know what I mean? What can you do? Things have taken a turn. My take on this drone situation is pretty straightforward, guys. We're either sniffing out bad guys currently.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I do believe it's us. I do believe that the drones are American. Currently, that's my belief. I don't believe in the Iranian mothership out there that the Navy's left undetected and no one said anything about it. Nothing spilled out about it. Remember, everybody's got phone. Everybody has phone. Somebody would snap a freighter with drones flying out of it in mass right so i do believe it's us what i what i worry about is why the why is what's unnerving right
Starting point is 00:05:19 because it's got to be one of two things one we're up there patrolling like this is security patrol this is community preparedness 101 right we this is a security patrol for drone strikes some other kind of strike uh terrorist attacks on the ground level right because they saw six of these things above LaGuardia yesterday also. So I don't trust anybody in this government. That's the problem. In other words, I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 00:06:01 if we found out like, oh, yeah, there's a ton of people. I mean, there's a ton of people. I mean, there's a ton of adversarial drones up in the air that have come from foreign nations. I wouldn't be that surprised. But in my heart, I don't feel it. I don't feel it. I feel that the United States military or something to that extent is up there doing security patrol, training to do security patrol. And that's what it feels like to me it feels like now that shouldn't you shouldn't feel good about that you shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:06:34 like oh this is yeah it's fine everything's good we're good you know what i mean let's take a look i'm gonna show you the most unnerving video I've seen all night. I was up until a little after midnight watching these videos. How do I share? I need to present to you. I guess I got to bring the video up first. This is not off a website. the video up first huh this is not off a website so this is literally stuff like that i downloaded the people sent me direct you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:07:12 videos that people literally sent me directly so let me fire that up okay this first one i sent out to everybody because it looks like – no, what is that? This is a new one. I don't even know what that one is. The first one you might have seen, but it's an image of – it looks like a drone firing. It looks like a drone firing. And some people see the drone firing and they go, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell's going on here?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Right? This is a whole new thing. And the guy watching the video, you can tell he's from Jersey. And he's real upset about it. He's not happy about this shit at all. Yeah, this is it. I can tell by the loud. Oh, of course. I don't have the right codec.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Go to my Twitter. Oh, you know what? I can go to my Twitter and then we can share it that way. Let's do that. Let's do that. Sorry, guys. You know how it goes, man. You can't do anything you want on a computer anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:28 There's blocks. There's roadblocks. There's this block. Is that Eureka's Castle? All right, let's do this. Let's get to this video. Let me share screen so you can see it. And it's unnerving man if you haven't seen it it is very it's highly unnerving you know what i mean it's it's really kind of scary all right so here we go this is a guy's this drone what looks like fire okay i don't know what else you'd call it you see what's going on there now the way that that guy talks it's it's it might not be as easy for you to understand as it is for me to understand but just that one word and the way and and the uh the way that he says it. Like I heard that my whole life. Because I grew up around these people.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So that's one. And that one I don't know about the validity of. This one right here is 100% valid. Two, three, that's four. Third and fourth above it. Two, three, set four. Third and fourth above it. Another one there.
Starting point is 00:09:52 You see the blinking lights. Six. So this is basically out one of our listeners' window or back deck or whatever and seeing six of these things third and fourth above it see another one there and above and you can see one up in the dark sky there what the hell's going on so the question is what's the count right
Starting point is 00:10:29 what's the over under on drones in the sky of new jersey overnight now nato is waking up full scale they completely uh They're not just funneling. Money now. To Ukraine. Everybody must be rich enough. Because now they realized. Oh we started something. That we may have to finish.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And who is this. NATO. NATO chief comes out and says. We're not ready for what's coming. And issues the grimace warning yet. As he says the world must prepare for war so who is this nato chief mark root mark root must be uh where's he out of mark root nato secretary general hearkened back or harked back to the cold war days when countries cranked up
Starting point is 00:11:20 defense spending over three percent of g. They're ready, man. They are ready. They're fundamentally ready. Well, I'm sorry, they're not ready. They are ready to get ready. And I think it's because they're scared and they understand that the game is a wrap. It's a wrap. There's no more playing around.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Russia's launching ICBMs. You get good at what you do. What do you think they're doing? If you're going to throw a grenade at somebody, or if you're going to do anything, you do it in baby steps. The ICBM goes to Ukraine. Boom. Okay, we can do that.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Let's send a couple more. Okay, we got that down. Who's who wants the next jump? Can we make the jump all the way to the mainland U.S.? This has to end. Of all the things that NATO is doing, I can't remember anyone from NATO going and meeting with Putin. from NATO going and meeting with Putin. This is one of those by any means necessary wins for Ukraine. That the Ukrainian people are going to look back and say, we should have stopped a long time ago. We should have ceded a no combat zone a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And we shouldn't have lost all these people. We shouldn't have lost all these men. These children's lives shouldn't have been turned upside down. And we had NATO at our back and Voldemort at our front telling us to fight on until the last Ukrainian. And that's the reality of it, folks. It's a very dark reality, but it is what it is. And it's You know It gets really unnerving
Starting point is 00:13:09 When you get used to reading News about Ukraine and news about Russia From the comfort of your own home Until you look up and go Honey What the hell is hovering over the house You know what I mean That's when things start to get real.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yesterday, for our members, I did a video, released a video all about the drone situation. And just trying to sort of breach the mind on drone prep. Nothing too groundbreaking or earth-shattering, but we got to start thinking about this stuff. This is war now. You know what I mean? This is war now and it's not an ICBM. These aren't ICBMs.
Starting point is 00:13:56 These aren't missiles that have to shoot out of satellites and you need calculations and missile systems and his system and hers. This is, as Dave Jones put it yesterday, I wish I had my phone on me so I could read it to you. He said if a nation doesn't have an air force, then they can have a swarm of drones on a freighter
Starting point is 00:14:18 off the coast of a nation. Things have changed. Until we understand the technology with the drones. No, until we understand how to effectively jam the technology with the drones. Now I believe, as all things go, I do believe jamming technology already exists in the military. They also have weapons for dealing with drones. I don't think that the drone swarms are going to be this aircraft carrier killer. They could be if there's enough of them, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:59 But I also believe that this drone jamming technology is going to make its way down the line to the average person, to the police, to the – you know what I mean? It just has to happen. It's an evolution. We've got to get there. What about you? All this news is good. All this news is exciting and, oh, my God, I can't believe it. And what the hell is going on, honey?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Can you believe that? I can't wait to get to work and talk, I can't believe it. And what the hell's going on, honey? Can you believe that? I can't wait to get to work and talk to my homie about it. The one thing that I like to do here at PBN and the one thing that the hosts do here at PBN is what about you? What do you do now? You shut the phone off. I go away. Bye. You go back to life.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It's, you know, what, days till christmas here in the united states and around the world what do you do because it lurks if you listen to what i just told you it's going to lurk in here for a while and you got to be real about that it's my opinion um that america as a whole has to tighten up. We have to become a little more warlike. Not violent, not anything like that. field iq has got to go up for the average citizen or our understanding of modern warfare has to go up for the average citizen we have to come to the reality that so many people around the world are coming to right now the israelis the russians the ukrainians many countries in the middle east now their their generations and their children and and and of that, the men in the country, are all coming to this realization that, oh, things can be really great, and then all of a sudden things can be war. And if you have no experience, no preparedness whatsoever in that field, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:01 whatsoever in that field. I can tell you right now, watching some kids, mine, some of his friends, some of the people that he plays with, there's an understanding of CQB built into those kids. There would be no picnic
Starting point is 00:17:19 to deal with them growing up with guns. But it's games. It's all fun and games. It's not the real thing. We have had peace for a very long time. And I just think, what did Vegeta say from Dragon Ball Z when he was talking to Gohan?
Starting point is 00:17:42 Gohan, grown up Gohan, comes to Vegeta's house And he's basically Bitching at Gohan because Vegeta looks so good He's so in shape, they haven't fought an enemy In a long time And he's looking at Gohan and Gohan's got eyeglasses on And you know
Starting point is 00:18:01 Essentially uses the old adage that you have to Prepare for war and peacetime. This book is called Total Resistance. This book is actually about resistance against Russians, funny enough. But this book is called Total Resistance. And you should buy it. You should ask Santa to put it in your stocking. And this book is all about organization and conducting guerrilla warfare, organization and operation of civilian resistance movements.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Because unless you're in the military or assume that you're going to be drafted or something to that extent, that's the information you're going to need should something go down in this country along with all that cool guy sort of militaristic throw on the the uh chest rig and the body armor and grab the ar-15 and you know load the mags and whatever. A lot of people like that little fantasy in their head, and I think about five minutes into it, they wouldn't like it anymore. Myself included.
Starting point is 00:19:18 But I know going into it. You got to set up the infrastructure to survive 10, 5, 10 years at war, whatever the situation is. Preppers have been doing this forever. You know what I mean? They have been doing this forever. This is what prepping is all about. It's about setting up infrastructure for dealing with the unthinkable.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I want you to do me a favor. I want you to check out this company today if you have never heard of them. This is a company called PacFreshUSA. And PacFreshUSA is your key to one of the most important things you can do in the face of whatever the hell is happening. You can go to This is actually a really great little guide that you get when you buy certain things from them. And it fundamentally breaks down the basics of DIY food storage.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Now, we could talk about ammunition and tactics and all that kind of stuff. I'd rather you have the resources and read them in your own time. What I'd like to talk to you about is food because food, you know, when we were fighting the revolution, the civil war, we had to roll up on farms and say, what can you feed the military, please? Can you feed us? to roll up on farms and say, can you feed the military, please? Can you feed us?
Starting point is 00:20:49 Food is a huge difference maker. But it's also a huge difference maker in your own life. And it's a... The moment... I'll just go this way. One of the reasons I'm so happy that Pack Fresh USA is our sponsor and why I'm so adamant about a company that sells high-quality made-in-America Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, vacuum seal bags, all kinds of preservation stuff that you need and you needed is because one of the biggest leaps I ever made in preparedness was, I think I put three or four white, sorry, I'm about to sneeze,
Starting point is 00:21:32 three or four white buckets of rice and beans up years and years ago, like close to a decade ago. And that night, after I'd put the rice and the beans in the bucket and did the oxygen absorber thing in a mylar bag and he sealed the mylar bag with my wife's you know hair straightener and i put that stuff up in in in the closet and i said to myself whoa we have a lot of extra calories now and it was four four buckets not a lot um but we had we had a lot of extra calories all of a sudden all of a sudden it was like if things go terribly wrong we've got a we've got a time extension we've got a food extension here and over the years you get better at it. Not better at the process, but better at understanding how to manage it and what to store and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:30 The base ingredients, sugar, flours. Bisquicks is a good one. Obviously, your rice beans, black beans, pinto beans. That's what we do. Corn meal, popcorn, a lot of different big old buckets of stuff. And what it does for you, man, is it gives you something to rest your hat on at the end of the day when it's dark in the bedroom, the kids are snoring in the rooms around you, and you know how close we are to things getting very, very different, how close we are to having to burn wood to keep warm, to walk your town's perimeter with a rifle to stay safe, and to make fire to have to cook, right?
Starting point is 00:23:30 How quickly we could become a Ukrainian situation. It wouldn't take a lot. It wouldn't take a lot. I'm not talking about the nation on a whole, but who cares about the nation on a whole? You care about your town and city. How quickly a town or city could become a total mess. If you need a North Star, if you need something to focus on that will make a difference, it's probably not going to be another site for your rifle. going to help you sleep at night is going to be putting food storage up if you haven't.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And if you have and you've only purchased it, the value of bucketing up your own DIY food storage is uncanny. Number one, it's way more affordable nowadays. It's way more affordable. And you know what you're getting. You're going to drop $150, $200 for a big bucket of meals, and you'll probably like a quarter of them. Yeah, it's food, but, you know, it's not what you can do. So look, if all of this is driving you crazy, if you don't know what to do about the drones, you don't know what's going on in your country and other countries, is Russia going to strike the U.S.? Is there terrorist activity
Starting point is 00:24:45 in this nation? This weekend, if you get out to do some shopping, buy yourself some bulk food. Shelf-stable bulk foods. Pasta, whatever. Go to Pack Fresh USA. Order yourself... I like the
Starting point is 00:25:01 combination packs myself. I think they serve all kinds of purposes because you get a variety of bags. If you're just interested in doing big, giant, five-gallon buckets worth, then get the five-gallon Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers and do your thing. because that food could be for you. That food could be for neighbors. That food could be for soldiers. God, help us if you're handing out food to soldiers. But you just never know, folks. All right?
Starting point is 00:25:37 And look, the shelling has not begun yet. Try to enjoy your damn holiday, okay? Because it is here you know and and and like i said i think what the world needs to see is strength in the american people and that can be through celebration and and casting our our fears to the wind and having a good time but i also think it has to come through strength and competency understanding you know the the modern warfare, understanding tactics, devoting some time to books like on total resistance. All right, guys. I got to get out of here, get the rest of the day going.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Thanks for joining me early here. Share this thing and get yourself prepared, man. Seriously. There's a link down below, prepared, man. Seriously. There's a link down below, You can visit it. Use the promo code CHRISTMAS. You can become a member. You'll be a part of a great group.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You'll get incredible information. And I guarantee you, once your year is up, you will be way more prepared than you are today. Talk to you soon, folks. This is Phil Rappel. Head maniac from Matter Facts Podcast and wife annoyance specialist from Raising Values. Whatever your preferred caffeination, be it coffee or tea, we have you covered. Whatever your preferred caffeination, be it coffee or tea, we have you covered. Everything from sacks of bunker beans to favorites like Dark Humor to newcomers like Uncle Randy's Front Porch can be found at Disaster Coffee,
Starting point is 00:27:14 alongside all of our tea offerings, E&P and Gray Man. Whether you're looking for that daily brew to get you started or that evening sip on the porch, come check out Disaster Coffee.

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