The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Shop with the Commander and then FAST!

Episode Date: August 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. Happy Saturday to you Man What a nice day it is I've done something I've done something I must confess to I don't know
Starting point is 00:00:55 Probably nearing 10 years I've had people tell me And tell me And tell me And tell me And tell me James You should have an Amazon store dude and tell me and tell me and tell me and tell me. James, you should have an Amazon store, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And I always put it off because constantly putting it off, I got other stuff to worry about, you know, so on and so forth. And in all honesty, you know, what the access of products in Amazon has changed a lot in the last 10 years. You know, there's really good stuff there now and there didn't used to be. So I did it. The other day I did it. And I'm going to keep doing it. I'm going to keep adding to it consistently.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Because I've come to realize like a ton of my stuff is for sale on Amazon now. Like a ton of the preps that I use. And why not? You know, it has always been my most strange and secretive part. Which is totally the opposite to almost every other sort of prep or content creator, right? Prep or content creators, probably the best example of all is Toolman, you know? They build income and audience on the gear, like on gear-related stuff. The problem for me has always been my heart is not in gear. And it's not really been a problem.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's just been a problem from that standpoint. Like I'm not the kind of guy that gets all geared up over gear. It just doesn't move me like that really. So I've never been one to like bring it up a ton. My shows and my content and stuff is almost never based around gear. And then I started thinking about my incredible membership, you folks, you amazing folks out there who make this world go round. And I said to myself, you know, I need to do a gear show.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I need to do a gear show for these folks. I need to do a gear show because it just makes good damn sense. And all I got to do is show the people the things that I have and the things that I use. That's it. Talk about it, you know, so on. Because I'm not pandering to YouTube. I'm not, you know, I'm not going to do that kind of stuff. It's fundamentally, I don't believe they deserve my time or your time or anything like that. So we do our gear show on the membership side. It's called Family Gear. You'd have to search Family Gear right now because I don't have a specific show link on the website. But what I just did is I sent out an email to our mailing list.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Maybe you're on it. Maybe you're not. It's good news either way. If you're on it, you got it. If you're not on it, you get to sign up and get our e-book, which is an awesome book. It is sort of the penultimate prepper library. It's called The 50 Must-Read Books to Survive Doomsday. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:00 The books are exquisite. So I just sent over the link to my profile, my Amazon sort of store. And I think the most important thing for you to know about that is everything in that store I own or have owned. And that's sort of the whole concept, right? Everything in that store I own or have owned. And that's how it's going to continue to go. I'm going to build on it. I'm going to put a bushcraft section in there.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm going to put a food storage section in there. I'm going to put a whatever. Whatever the hell else comes up. Probably blacksmithing. I've bought almost all of my blacksmithing stuff from Amazon. What I haven't made or found. Yeah, almost exclusively from Amazon. So there's a lot of potential there, man. There's a lot of potential for you to scroll through and see something and say, oh,
Starting point is 00:04:58 this is exactly what I've been looking for. Or I didn't know this thing existed and it's exactly what I want. So, you know, if you're into it, check it out. It'll be coming to you through email. If you're not a member of the newsletter, just go to, click newsletter. And then you get a free book out of the deal on top of it. And it's a cool book, man. So what else? The big fast is upon us.
Starting point is 00:05:23 The fast is upon us. else? The big fast is upon us. The fast is upon us. Dave Jones, the NBC guy, Ben the Breaker of Banksters are currently in a fasted state. Power to them. By this evening, I will also be in a fasted state. And then we are going to carry that on until Monday. For those of you out there listening who are curious, but have never really gotten into fasting, look. Just do 24 hours. You don't have to go crazy. Just do 24 hours. Sunday night, tomorrow night, 9 p.m., don't eat.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Probably won't be eating anyway. And don't eat again until after Preppers Live or during Preppers Live. And you'll get a 24-hour fast in. A 24-hour fast, depending on when you start, can happen without you even knowing it sometimes if you're busy enough. I'll probably be doing something like 60 hours, probably. Something along those lines. The guys will be, I think Dave Jones will be 72 hours probably. Something along those lines. The guys will be. I think Dave Jones will be 72 hours in.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I think. I don't know. Ben might be even further along than that. So it's not all about the 72 hour only. Right. You can get out of it whatever you want. All I'd recommend is if you're listening. And your interest is peaked to any degree whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Consider 24 hours. Consider giving your body a rest for 24 hours. And here's the trick. You might make 24 hours. If you make 24 hours, right, and go to sleep for eight hours, well, now you're beyond a 30-hour fast. By the time you wake up and eat breakfast, you'll sleep fasted. And then, you know, you wake up and you eat. And you say, oh, well, not only did I get a 24-hour fast out of the deal, but once Preppers Live was over, I went to bed, woke up the next day, and boom, even more time. So, you know, it is what it is. so you know it is what it is it's tremendous for your body
Starting point is 00:07:25 I was talking on Instagram live about fasting and the only what came out of my mouth was it's like one of the only parts of the body that when it's messed up we don't let it rest we got bloating we got gastrointestinal
Starting point is 00:07:43 we got hemorrhoids we got all kinds of things that people deal with fundamentally from gut issues and gut health. Gut health is a huge topic, right? You need 5 billion basilicus, astrilicus, fascilicus bacteria to go down there and fix things, right? If you rolled your ankle, if you rolled your ankle in the garden today and it was bad, the first thing you would be thinking is, let me ice that thing, let me rest that thing. Wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Let me ice it, let me rest it, let's just, you know, let's just give it some rest and give it some time to heal. When it comes to your guts, we're Americans. There is no rest, right? It's always food in the mouth. We wake up, got to eat breakfast. If I don't eat breakfast, I can't think.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Lunch, I'm on the cakes and the candy. Right? Three squares a day means you're almost always digesting food. Have that late night snack. Now you've got rotten food sitting in your... You know, we have all these digestive issues and we never say to ourselves, maybe I ought to give the small intestine, the large intestine, the stomach with the ulcers, the gallbladder, maybe I should give it a day off.
Starting point is 00:09:07 See how that works. Never happens. We never do it. We have these injured systems in our body. We never give them a day off. Same thing, the only other thing like that in the body is the brain, right? The brain breaks, you have a mental breakdown, you're depressed, something's off with your brain your emotions whatever we never give it any rest give it a pill give the old brain a pill don't give it a rest
Starting point is 00:09:34 so pbn family join us join us for our fast okay um and if you're terrified of fasting just try 24 hours why is it so important how's it going to make you more prepared do you think that And if you're terrified of fasting, just try 24 hours. Why is it so important? How is it going to make you more prepared? Do you think that in a survivor's world you're going to eat all the time all the types of food that you want? From the prep or fit and health side of things, fasting is a great way to lose weight and to get yourself back in the mindset of how you can beneficially affect your body you can do it you can fast with nothing
Starting point is 00:10:13 you don't have to spend any money you don't need any equipment you literally spend less money fasting than you will doing anything else because you don't even spend money on food alright folks I'm not going to ramble. I do appreciate you. I hope to see you in the fasted state Monday for Preppers Live. Reliance tomorrow. Don't miss it. All right. Talk soon.
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