The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Stop Worrying About Ammo w/ Dan from Ammo Squared on I AM Liberty

Episode Date: July 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God. I know not what course others may take. As for me, give me liberty or give me death. Like I often talk about, there are preps in my life that I've done.
Starting point is 00:00:49 There are things in prepping that I've done that have been like the biggest sigh and the biggest relief. I don't know if that resonates with you or not, but like the first time I put bulk food storage up, it was like, ah, you know. The first time I put bulk food storage up, it was like, ah, you know. And once my first order from you guys went into my inventory and I realized, like, this is going to work. This is how ammo is going to work now. I don't have to think about ammo anymore if I don't want to particularly. And this is off my plate now. And it was one of those moments dan where i was just like oh you know and that's the problem that you guys saw so folks were here with dan from ammo
Starting point is 00:01:33 squared you guys have heard about ammo squared you know uh all about their incredible service we'll talk about it in detail too um because we have the man behind the crazy model, dude. How did you come up with this thing? I mean, this is, you know, it's not just like, it's not just the sort of the auto ammo buy, but it's like an auto ammo buy created by somebody in our family. You know what I mean? Like all the things that a normal person would hang up on or get
Starting point is 00:02:07 people hung up on, you just thought it all through. And it's a great, it's a great service, man. It really is. What was the, what was the sort of driving force? Yeah, I mean, it's definitely been an evolution, you know. um we uh you know i started it with my wife out of our garage and the idea was you know the and still is the high level idea is just that people should have ammo when they need it and when we went through these shortages and you couldn't find ammo on the shelf yeah and people were crazy for it yeah our pain like crazy people were scrambling and and and at the time i had a 401k still do and it's just like man i could have just like call ammo from my 401k today you know because i want
Starting point is 00:02:59 to shoot it then that would be awesome so it's basically what we created yeah i love that story when when we first met you told me about you and the wife in the in the uh shed ziploc and or before you were using that yeah we were vacuum sealing yeah vacuum sealing that's it few rounds here a few rounds there i love that man i just that's the birth of business you know such a cool memory to have but um yeah yeah but it's it's a great service in and of itself man but the details are what really well that's what really makes like i'm a lifer dan like i'm not going nowhere you know what i mean because i'm not the type of guy that's like i want to go look at ammo on saturday afternoon like it's not really a thing i i reload it i don't know if you do any reloading and stuff like that i learned to do all that it's cool but
Starting point is 00:03:51 if i cannot think about it dude it's too good you know but um how long did it take for you guys to flesh out like let them pick multiple calibers let them choose a budget let them choose a frequency was that all out of the gate or so out of the gate i mean really we started with wordpress site that had four calibers on it nine millimeter 45 acp 223 and then 308 and what we were doing back then was we were letting people buy in increments of $5 because that's what the WordPress thing I was using allowed us to do. And then we would actually ship $5 worth of ammo or $5 increments. And so if that bought you 10 rounds of something, we would literally ship 10 rounds, and that was the vacuum sealing. But we realized that wasn't scalable you know because we're
Starting point is 00:04:46 literally breaking open boxes sure you need seven rounds of this and 12 rounds of that so then we changed it in the site where you can that is what's in your inventory it accumulates over time and then you just get shipped full boxes i mean it's it's actually pretty simple when you think about it and then you know like i we added the features that we would want like hey i've got 45 but i want nine can't i just swap it out you know and so we have that kind of a feature um and uh it's so this will be our ninth year. Actually, we were kind of joking around that because we're doing a lot of like publicity and advertising and stuff. People are just now hearing about us. So they think we're brand new. And I was joking. It's like we're the overnight success that took, you know, nine years.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That's always how it goes, man. That's what it is. It's so rare that people are like, oh, I started a business in like six months and I'm a huge success. Yeah. Those are just like crazy. Yeah. I mean, those are rare stories. But yeah, it's like nine, 10 years. More of our community knew about you guys than I did. I found you guys through Podcorn. And then once I hammered down the sponsorship with you, I had people email me like, dude, so good that you got Ammo Square. And I was like, okay. Yeah, we had listeners and we had hosts even that were excited about it. I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Once I got on board, I was excited about it too. I was like, oh, this is perfect for Prepper. I mean, it's perfect. But I didn't know you guys swapped ammo. So what you're saying with the swap is, like, I carry a 9mm. If I say tomorrow I would like to buy a revolver and carry that instead, how does that work? So anything that's in your inventory before you ship it is exchangeable. So what we do is, you know, you of your uh it's it's at whatever the
Starting point is 00:06:47 price is yeah so it's um cool so it's like let's say you've got a thousand rounds of nine millimeter you know and it's you know 250 let's say or whatever and then you would buy that much of 357 magnum you know or or however many you want you don't even have to do the whole amount you can say oh i just want to take a little bit of this and put it into some 357 magnum or 44 magnum whatever you want to do um and so it's it's so much more flexible than having that ammo sitting in your garage and collecting dust i mean i'm a big i say it all the time i'm a big proponent of you need to have ammo at home first right but you don't have to have tens of thousands of rounds accumulating dust you know have a few thousand rounds and then have the rest you know with us or somebody else
Starting point is 00:07:38 that that then makes it more flexible because you can exchange it you can sell back if you need to you know if you desperately need the, all you got to do is, one, you can just contact customer service. They can do whatever we need. But you can also just close your ML account and it automatically exchanges it or puts it into cash, basically. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I didn't know that either. Man, I should have done better at getting to know all the features. Well, with what you've done. Well, we're bad at educating. That's our problem. Yeah, I'll take that hit because a lot of people sign up and they actually don't really know what they're signing up for well i think you hit the nail on the head so good like with with the initial
Starting point is 00:08:16 offer you know with the being able to to shoot so much choice you you guys hit people with an overwhelming amount of choice that just is so weird in the firearms and ammo industry in my opinion. You know what I mean? It's like, I can do what I want and it's not going to cost me a thousand bucks to start. Like, this is crazy. You know what I mean? So I think you probably
Starting point is 00:08:38 saturate people with choice and they love it and then they're like, this is good enough. And then, you know, the other come as they go. Yeah, and it overwhelming um and because it is so different it's it there's a learning curve um but you know honestly we our customers that that get it they stick around for years and years like i've got customers that have been with us from the beginning you know that have been around for eight you know know, seven, eight years now. And it's just, we make it so easy.
Starting point is 00:09:09 That's what it is, man. It really is. It's just, you don't have to think about it. And we always say too, we're not a replacement for buying ammo in bulk, you know, shopping deals and all that. It's like we're in addition to that. And so you have an ammo squared account that just is going in the background and then it's ready whenever you need that ammo. Yeah. I'll tell you what, man, if you can figure out how to swap that
Starting point is 00:09:35 ammo into gold and silver on your site, you'd really be a perfect kingdom then. Yeah. I mean, eventually who knows if the dollar collapses and we're all trading gold. I mean, I'm a gold bug myself. So it'd be easy to say, OK, what's the value of gold in terms of ammunition? I guess it wouldn't be easy, but that's what we should do. I think those investment opportunities are important nowadays, man, and open people's eyes up to buying things like land and silver and ammo. You know, these are things preppers have talked about for a long time, but I think not a lot of people, even in the prepping community, have acted on it. Maybe more talked about it,
Starting point is 00:10:14 less acted on it. This gives you the ability, like you said, to put a bunch of ammo in a place that you're, number one, not going gonna have to worry about storage and number two not gonna wind up shooting you know right if you're if you're a big shooter and you're shooting all the time you can put this stuff away and it is now that i know about the swap and the cashing out it is a lot like a savings account but with another resource and that's pretty cool yeah and it's and it's out of sight out of mind you know so if that's pretty cool. And it's out of sight, out of mind. That's what I like about it. Yeah. And if you have a small amount, like our average customer spends $55 a month right now.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And so that's not very much. It's like a small utility bill. You think about most utility bills are in hundreds of dollars. But you could set it up and forget about it, and then it's there. And then, you know, that solves that original problem that I saw when I started, which was, hey, the store shelves are empty. I don't have any ammo. I've already shot it all. Where am I getting more ammo?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah. It was one of those things for me where I looked at it as I'm going to be real excited in about two years. You know what I mean? It became one of those things like when I signed up and understood and set everything up the way I wanted it, I was like, this is cool right now. But this is really going to be cool in like two years when I look, you know, look back and be like, oh, look at where we're at now. Things are looking good. And that's the benefit for me, man. It's the set it and forget it.
Starting point is 00:11:51 The set it, forget it. And then also, I was just thinking about this, but if ammo prices go up, if there's not even any shortages in the future, which I'm sure there will be if history is our guide guide but even just inflation and the price of everything going up so the ammo you buy today is going to be worth more in the future almost guaranteed you know it's it's like gold in my mind oh for sure and it's you know we're we talk about the theaters of war and the need for powder. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:28 It kind of feels inevitable, right? Real quick, though, PBN family, the link is slash PBN. So if you want to sign up today, sign up now listening to this podcast, slash PBN, and, yeah, get your ammo storage in order but yeah it feels like it feels like the price of ammo going up is almost an inevitability or or scarcity you know one or the other yeah either or or both i mean that's it and it does feel like we've been through these cycles so many times that you look ahead and and i i just joke i don't i don't see more peace and prosperity in our future you know i just see more chaos and so if guns and ammo are people's security
Starting point is 00:13:13 like well americans specifically security blanket and so people want to buy more i mean with the covid um crap that hit you know, what, seven or eight million new gun owners. Well, you know, in the 2025 chaos or whatever is going to happen, we might have 10 million more gun owners. Who knows? Yeah. And how many more, you know, how many more ammo suppliers are there to combat that nowadays? And how many are civilian? You know, I was amazed to find out how much ammunition is made in this country and never sees a store shelf at all. Oh, yeah. Like Lake City stuff?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah. Or just military? Just going out the door to the military, which makes perfect sense. But it's just, you know, you don't think about it when you're a civilian and you're like, what's going on with the ammo? And now we have this – and it seems to be affecting shells and things like that now more, but it's a nitrocellulose sort of shortage that's going on. And the key holders for this essential ingredient making smokeless gunpowder is China and Russia. Yeah, it's – I was researching it.'s a a certain type of cotton that they use yeah it all comes from cotton strangely enough that's great i guess maybe that's where gun cotton came from back then i don't know maybe uh yeah gun cotton but um but yeah that's the key component. And I saw that Alliant, which is Vista, they shut off retail sales. But they're still producing their ammo.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And that's kind of the first thing they usually do, right? So remember the primers? They didn't sell primers. Vista, which is federal, and CCI, those guys, they didn't sell primers to the public because they needed them for their in-house production. Yeah, I remember the primer shelves empty back in 2020 at the local gun shop by me. It was like, whoa, because I was actually commissioned to do a project on reloading.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And I went out to the store. I said, let me get 1,000 primers so we can take pictures and do all that kind of stuff and there was nothing around oh yeah and that's how it happens with ammo man it's almost like no warning you know it'll just be like oh it's gone and there's no other commodity that i can think of that does that you know like you don't ever go to the store you're out of batteries right Right. Right. Yeah. You know, I mean, maybe water in like a hurricane zone or whatever. But for the most part, you never go to the store across the country and all of a sudden we're out of something, thank God there's no ammo in the stores. Great. Who wants people having guns and ammo anyway? Yeah, exactly. And the media, they're not going to tell a story like that because they're happy with the result too. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:15 You know? Yeah. But, I mean, the good thing is with good old capitalism, if there is a shortage, those companies, they, they crank hard to get that ammo out there. And then I do know of at least a handful of new ammo manufacturers that have kind of popped up since, you know, the last shortage. And I've heard whispers about them even making primers. So it's sort of like each time there's a shortage, you know, the market says, okay, what were we out of? Oh, primers.ers well let's build a primer factory it's not going to be overnight but maybe by the next time there's a shortage four years now primers won't be a problem but now maybe it'll be powder
Starting point is 00:16:56 right so it's like okay we need to get more of whatever that essential ingredient is nitrocellulose we need to figure out how we can make that here or something different, right? Something, what do you call it, like a substitute. So then we won't be out of that. Yeah, that's good to see, man. It's good to see. It's almost like the microchip manufacturers coming up in the U.S. now. This is what we all want we all want to be
Starting point is 00:17:26 independent we all know we have the capability of being independent and i guess you know with the american people though dan this is what it takes you know it takes them to be kind of cornered and put in a bad situation and feel it and then they go okay we'll do the right thing you know yeah it's like you put the screws to to people and're like, oh, okay, I'll put a semiconductor factory here. Right. Yeah. Yeah. If you can Amazon same day shipping the item to your house, then they're not fixing it.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You know what I mean? We don't need to fix this problem. It's fine. Even if it comes from China. I guess what we need to figure out next is uh kind of off the subject of ammo and guns but you know worth talking about is uh medicine you know that's the next week that's made in china we gotta rip that away from them i heard we're going to do business with india though there's a there's a big pharmaceutical group that is um doing business with the u.s now hey. Okay. India, our relationship with India is weird.
Starting point is 00:18:27 We're like all over the place with them guys. They're like, yeah, we don't like China on our border, but we also kind of like Russia. And, you know, they're weird. They're weird like that. But they're not Chinese, so, you know. Well, that's it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:40 It's a step up at least. So you guys got some big, you said you had some big changes coming or be you know upgrades i guess going on back there in the warehouse i mean yeah we've just been growing um so we just did a reorg of our entire warehouse uh to get us about i guess 120 percent more space wow um yeah uh and and we so honestly so when we started you know we we were using like when we shipped we were using smaller bins of ammo so you can imagine like like the gorilla shelves like you buy at costco And then you've got like a, we had yellow bins and then you had the different ammo types in there. Well, we've since moved to case shelving where we have just cases of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And then now we've reorganized to pallets. So we, we still have the bins because we have small amounts of some things, right. And then we still have the case shelves because we have a little bit more of those. But then the majority of the warehouse right now is in pallets. And the idea is we get a pallet in, we'll put it in backstock if we don't need it right now,
Starting point is 00:19:59 or we'll pick from it. And then as it draws down, we would get maybe five cases, goes to the case shelf that draws down let's say you got 10 boxes that goes on to the you know the box shelf and then you know it's make it's like a cycle right so it's bringing stuff in and putting it out so you're you're you're managing by the pallet now you're breaking pallets and oh yeah okay you got real legit shelving out there in the warehouse forklifts
Starting point is 00:20:25 that kind of stuff are you like multi-layered on the wow okay what's it feel like to be that guy man what's it feel like to be the dude who is like it's cool that i have this business and everything but i also have like just six million i think last count i have six million rounds of ammunition behind me so yeah there's people out there who are like yeah that's what i want i want all of it oh i know um is this uh i should ask you before is this a video feed this is not no oh okay um because otherwise i was gonna open the door behind me and oh i mean and people could see it but we have uh i mean we have the capability of getting video so i can record the screen and go and fix the video oh okay i mean if it's if you want to before i do it real quick then yeah it'd be fun why not it does look like like kind of like a side room that you're in
Starting point is 00:21:26 the first time we talked and you were in here you open up the door and i was like oh i thought you were like in your finished basement or something yeah let me open the door i'm gonna take off my headphones sure oh pbm family ammo square. PBN. Oh, and there she is. There you go. No, it's good. Yeah, definitely. Pallets of ammo. Let me get the drool off of my face real quick.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Is that shirt for sale? Yeah, actually, on our our website and we just got these in so they're not on the website yet oh they will be in the next i would say next two weeks yeah so dan has a uh well you'll be able to see it in the video but i'm going to cut the video now dan has a uh ammo squared gi joe logo t-shirt that is just unstoppable. Everybody loves this. It is so funny. I love it because I'm an 80s kid, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:34 So GI Joe, I played with GI Joes when I was a kid. Well, I think most people doing what we're doing with Ammo squared are in that each bracket. You know what I mean? So you hit two interest lines at the same time you got a confluence there and it's it's winning but yeah man that's cool to see it we love to hear these stories about people here in america running businesses in america and and who who get it you know what i mean and are beings and are having success like there's really there's really nothing better than that, man.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's a blessing, you know. It's not easy out there to make a living. Especially on your own. Especially selling ammo and gun components. Well, yeah. And, you know, you look online and there's a zillion small ammo companies. Or not manufacturers, but like the retailers, right? It's hard to know who to go to. And my thing is I've never wanted to be like a me too company. And so, you know, building this business and this model, it's so different. It has its own challenges.
Starting point is 00:23:39 We have to educate people into why they should even look at us and consider what we're doing. We have to build trust. So there's a lot of more hurdles than your typical e-commerce. But I'm very thankful. I'm glad that we're in the position we're in. Yeah. Well, you got a good model, man. There's no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Like I said, it's sort of the flooding of choice in a market. You're not used to that. It's sort of the flooding of choice in a market. You're not used to that. And you know, the other thing about it too is it allows you to take a small amount of money and apply it to something that usually takes a lot. You know, like if you're going to go out and shop ammunition and really come back home and feel like you've done something. Nowadays, you've got to spend a lot of money. So this allows you to leverage that budgeted that budgeted amount well that's yep the the drip right the slow drip of of ammo is kind of what
Starting point is 00:24:33 people have said to pass and we've used kind of that term but it's it's you just set a small amount whatever your budget can can you know you can afford and then it's there when you need it and you can forget about it you can get a regular shipment whatever you want to do afford and then it's there when you need it and you can forget about it you can get a regular shipment whatever you want to do but it's it's uh in alignment with your own budget because everybody knows when we have so much budget pressure these days and everything is going up in price it's crazy so with the changes are you guys still doing the uh um free shipping over 250 that's still an offering oh wow and it's actually kind of funny because we've never raised Are you guys still doing the free shipping over $250? That's still an offering?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Oh, wow. And it's actually kind of funny because we've never raised that amount. So it's been $250 from the beginning. And it's like with inflation, that becomes a lower and lower and lower bar. So it's sort of like, you know, what was it? Ten cent hamburgers, you know, in the 50s. You know, pretty soon it's going to be, oh, $150 shipping. That's like, that's like a box of ammo.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Oh, good point. $250 of shipment. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, the, and the $250, I should have clarified, but the $250 is value in dollars, not rounds. Just so everybody listening understands. Yeah, $250 value. not rounds just so everybody listening understand yeah 250 value which is also great because now you can get to now you can get it shipped to you and you're still not adding to the budget of ammo you know you don't have to set aside i gotta spend money to get this stuff shipped to me so let me put that in there you save up till you're at 250 in value and uh then you can get it shipped to you
Starting point is 00:26:01 yeah and it's our most popular um people will set up you know budget for shipping just over it to through 275 300 whatever and then um or they'll do the math and they'll figure out okay if i ship x number of rounds then that'll hit the 250 um and we also even encourage people it's like if they're shipping, you know, $100 worth of stuff, we usually say, you know, it's free shipping at $250. You don't have to pay the extra. Yeah, it's a good deal. Again, it adds to that choice.
Starting point is 00:26:35 You know, the ability to do it the way you want to do it, get it the way you want it, the calibers you want, the whole thing. You guys going to expand into anything else, or are you just hyper-focused on ammo? Yeah, right now we are just hyper-focused on ammo. We have had a lot of requests for powder and primers, or at least reloading components, but there's a whole thing involved in that. And as a reloader, I know people are very specific with things, right? So, you know, you want a certain bullet that you've got your recipes for.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You want a certain powder. You know, some people care about primer. Some people don't. Some people care about cases. Some people don't. But we haven't quite cracked it so that we could do our model with components. Yeah. I guess you might need another section of warehouse to pull that off huh because you know the amount of brands and just in powder i can think of yeah exactly and then the other thing with that is there's a
Starting point is 00:27:39 lot more regulation with shipping in storage yeah yeah like like i can i mean i can have a whole warehouse full of ammunition and it's all factory boxes it's there's no issues with it but if i move to storing powder then you know i need like some real uh robust uh fire protection measures and like i visited a local ammo manufacturer and they had a magazine they called it a magazine but it was a a big container that was outside the building where they had where they were storing their primers and powder um and uh there's just more regulation and such yeah yeah that makes sense there's something about a product and a service, one product or one service, honing it down, getting it perfect, and then just, you know, you guys are riding it to success, so why mess with it, right? I think right about now we're at like 45,000, 50,000 customers.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And then you think about the number of gun owners in America. I mean, you got 100 million plus gun owners. So, yeah, we're just a drop in the bucket. Yeah, you guys got plenty of ground to cover for sure. I'm sure you'll be moving into a larger warehouse before you know it. God only knows what will happen at the end of this year that will inspire people to take up self-defense in their own right. Oh, yeah. And I love seeing that.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So I was talking to a guy yesterday that his business is where you take – it's sort of like crossfit with guns outside and so it's like you go to the range and then he has it set up once a week where they have um sandbags and kettlebells and you show up with your full kit and you do the workout and then you shoot and it's not the focus isn't on the shooting but it's on the fatigue and shooting. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And so there's just it's like that kind of business would have never been around 10 years ago. That's a good point. Yeah, that's so many people are getting into it. It's I have a blog post on my site and it's Marshall America.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And I went through and I talked about all of the how americans we're such a warrior culture we're almost like like the spartans of the modern day um you know you think about like the the rise of the ufc you know and the the popularity of um of uh that type of sport you know just mixed martial arts the rise of all all of the firearms-related sports. I mean, we're just a warrior culture. Well, we were the lunatics that got on the boats from the other countries. Yeah, we have a pirate team. Yeah, we were the ones that were like, how long?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Might die? Throw the whole family on, let's do it. And then I neared out west on top of that. Like, you make it across the Atlantic, then you're like, you know what? Let's do it. That's right. And then pioneer it out west on top of that. Like you make it across the Atlantic, then you're like, you know what? Let's do some more crazy shit. Let's go all the way out to the west and fight the Indians and, you know, try to survive on a homestead with nothing around. Yeah. It's definitely a Texas.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Well, that quote from, oh, man, who is it? You know, we're not descended from fearful men that's it oh yeah i mean that's that's that sums it up right there you know yeah there is a truth to that but that shooting under fatigue is a real thing man my son got into paintball like a couple years i think two maybe two or three years ago now and uh it's so much fun to do but you you that's what you face when you play that game you play that game and you realize the first thing that fails is heart and lungs and leg and leg muscles from ducking behind cover for so long and you know i'm in shape so i can't even imagine what what people who aren't in shape would have to deal with you know oh yeah yeah yeah it's all just kind of part of of us as a society a gun culture getting
Starting point is 00:31:51 ready you know we're getting ready we don't know what for but we're getting ready well you know when it's when when it's number two in your whole belief system it's got to hold a a special place in your heart you know number Number one is you'd be able to say what you want to say. Number two is you'd be able to shoot a gun and own a gun and be ready to use it, you know? So it's pretty high on the index. People have to give that. And so many people don't, I don't know how they don't touch the wires with that, Dan, the sort of the anti-gun crowd. You know, if it wasn't important, it'd be the, you know, Fifth Amendment or the Eighth Amendment or, you know, something down the line.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Like there's a reason the founders put it at number two. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, you know, it should have been number one because it protects all the rest of the amendments. Yeah, that is true. That is true. But I don't know. I do think that the tide is turning on firearms i do think that the reality of sort of crushing the police and letting crime go uh you know basically unattested has even in in some of the most liberal people has opened their eyes to the fact that like oh i might be on my own and you know either I have a gun to protect myself or these guys get to do whatever they want to me.
Starting point is 00:33:09 One or the other. Which one do I want to settle with? Yeah. You know? Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's why we saw so many new gun owners during the COVID timeframe with the riots and the lockdowns. People were like, oh, crap, there's no police.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I'm on my own. I need a gun. Yeah, it was record setting for women and african-american men record setting and that's you know that's what you want you want an armed population i mean you want an armed trained safe population you can't like unfortunately we can't know whether that's the fact or not, but still a lot better than a population that's leaning towards. We're going to get rid of all the guns and magically they're all going to go away, especially from the bad guys. Yeah. You know, you can't un-invent guns.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah. They're here to stay. And the bad guys are going to have them no matter what. And you just need to defend yourself against them. Yeah. There's only one thing that stops bad guys with guns, right? Yeah. are going to happen no matter what and you just need to defend yourself against them yeah there's only one thing that stops bad guys with guns right yeah good guys with guns they come to the rescue like now said true power comes from the barrel of a gun and i don't think there's anything you know even even with the all-powerful ai that could come run the whole world i don't think there'll
Starting point is 00:34:23 ever be anything quite as powerful as, you know, me have firearm and you know have firearm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean, history is the guide when you look at, you know, what is it, Cambodia and Stalin. Oh, gun confiscation, yeah. I mean, gun confiscation, and then they start killing their population. Well, even Australia.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Australia was one of the only places that really, you know, one of the only Western modern places that allowed people to be locked up in those little huts during COVID. And it had to do with the fact that they, you know, they basically had a nationwide buyback in the 90s, and a lot of people gave them up. A lot of people, for the greater good, we're going to give up our guns to the government.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Mm-hmm. Wow. Yep. That's crazy. Yeah, so that's the take, man. Anything else on the Ammo Squared side? We're going to be at the Gun Owners of America show in Knoxville. That's a cool man.
Starting point is 00:35:33 We got a lot of people around that area. Yeah. Tool man, Tim, you should go see the see the man, Dan. At the what is it called again? It's the Gun Owners of America. It's goals. I don't remember what it stands for, but it's Gun Owners of America. It's GOALS. I don't remember what it stands for, but it's Gun Owners of America Conference. It's Knoxville.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I can't remember the exact date, so I think it's like the third weekend of the month, that time frame. But it's Knoxville Convention Center. Man, Tennessee is something. Yeah, it's kind of like – it's basically like their version of the NRA show. Oh, I gotcha. Okay. Yep. So it's open to the public and concealed carry is allowed, you know, so we're all pro-gun. So it's like, it's a big, it should be a big thing. It's the first year that they're doing it. So we just wanted to support them.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Oh, that's great, man. You guys are going to be set up in a booth a booth getting customers getting leads that kind of thing introducing yourself yeah that and just you know it's interesting like we we did the nra show in may and uh first time ever and we had so many customers that came up to us and you know they were like wow i've been a subscriber for for years or i just subscribed you know two months ago i'm so glad you guys are here to see you in person and so it was neat for us to see our customers in person because so much we do is online and uh and so it's it's just kind of cool yeah that's that's our experience with prepper camp and i've got to figure out how we can get um how we can explain what it is you guys do at
Starting point is 00:37:02 prepper camp this year so i may just put i may just put my own account on blast on our laptop there so people can take a peek you know what i mean and say like oh i see what you got going on here you know because the back end of it would do a good job at explaining it to them you know that's so that's what i did at the nra show we have a big it's like a digital display and i put my account up there and I said, hey, this is my personal account and here's the calibers I'm buying and here's what it looks like
Starting point is 00:37:30 and here's how I ship it. Yeah, okay. Well then if the owner verified that that's a good way to do it, I think that's the way we better do it. Yeah, that's sort of our meeting of the minds. It's like all of our hosts come and there's about 3,000 people every single year.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Classes all day. There's like 60 classes every day. And they do the same class schedule every day. So you can, you know, there's no chance of overlap screwing you on a class. And it's just a phenomenal time with great people, and I'm sure they'd love to hear about you guys. Yeah, when is that? That's the last phenomenal time with great people. And I'm sure they'd love to hear about you guys. Yeah. When is that? That's the last weekend in September every year.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Oh, okay. I think it's 24th, 25th, 26th this year. I'm not 100% sure. But I'll be speaking there. You know, it's a good time. And it's all camp. It's literal camp. Like, there's, you know, you stay there on the campsite.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Oh, okay. Wake up the next day. Everybody heads off to the show. It's fun, man., you stay there on the campsite. Oh, okay. Everybody heads off to the show. It's fun, man. It's a lot of camaraderie, a lot of networking. It's a good time,
Starting point is 00:38:31 but, uh, that'll be our goals for this year. You know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, that's nice. Well, Dan,
Starting point is 00:38:39 I appreciate you, man, for more, more reasons than one. You know, the business that you're doing is awesome. The fact that you've, uh, decided to've decided to support PBN as a sponsor, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:38:50 That allows us to, you know, say and do the things that we want to do in this censorship-heavy time. And, you know, and also appreciate you coming on today. I know you're a busy man. Yeah, no, I love it. Thanks for having me on. Not a problem. All right, folks, slash PBN. Go check it out. Go sign up. Set your ammo budget up. Set your calibers up. And, you know, just imagine. Imagine what it'll look like six months from now, one year from now, five years from now. I'm telling you, it's magic. All right, folks, I'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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