The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America 024
Episode Date: March 6,
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Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil.
The future has already arrived.
I want to talk about the greater PBN network this morning.
I'm not sure what's going on my headphones.
Can't really hear myself.
Chat room, let me know that you can hear me.
I want to talk about the greater PBN network this morning.
I think it's a vital thing for us to discuss and switch microphone
right now. Test we're in. You know I'm gonna pull up something up here on the
background. It's going to explain what it is we're talking about today. A bunch of
things, a bunch of different things
But the greater PBN Network is an important one to discuss
because of a new relationship that we have
thanks to
You know so many people in this network do things for us that thank you Jay Ferg good morning that
network do things for us that, thank you Jay Ferg, good morning, that it, the value, you know, you always hear people talk about network and networking and all that kind of,
particularly if you're in business and all that kind of stuff, but you know, the, the
greater PBI network is available to everyone. It really is. It's available to everyone.
And let's take a look at Com's Depotot okay in all transparency coms depot is a
sponsor here at prepper broadcasting network at least for a
period of time I
Was introduced to Austin who runs coms depot by
Chin Gibson our comms man
I mean if we were to break out the prepper broadcasting network into some hierarchy he would use you know with
Speciality he would be our comms guy. He is the guy who kind of is eight up with it, you know
And he introduced me to Austin and Austin is living
He's active duty
with family, you know doing the thing and
He runs this amazing website, which has become it's brand new. It's brand spanking new. You probably never heard of it before
It is an intersection of
Top tier comms gear look you can look at the subcategories here
Top tier comms gear and top tier comms gear companies now you've heard
Of some of these companies on pbn before uh mad gear company. I oftentimes wear their t-shirt
Uh been sort of buddied up with them guys over on instagram for a while. We even talked about a
Project that we were were gonna work on some... I don't know. I think it was around Christmas time. And you know,
maybe that happens. Maybe... I don't know. Life is busy. But you know, it's a
headquarters. Radio Made Easy. You see this Radio Made Easy guy? Radio Made Easy made easy guy radio made easy is a prepper camp prepper camp guy.
I remember talking to him this year.
So what I'm getting at is, you know, emergency comms is a thing.
First of all, I want to thank chin.
I want to thank Austin.
What the commanders on the hook for in 2025 is talking to you guys about comms and, and,
and having a focus on comp emergency comms in particular, cell phones go down,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You know, an option outside of a high bill satellite phone, which if you
got the money, you could do that.
But there are other technologies out there.
And I really think like we are.
As preppers always are. We are at the point and we've done this with other products and other services and other things.
Preppers roam into an area of emergency preparedness and we hone that thing down, baby, and we create something awesome.
That's just what preppers do.
They've done it.
I mean, you look at all the things that are out there and that are available to the general
public now for when they're scared or nervous or worried about a thing.
Most all of them come from Prepper Talk, Prepper Ideas, Prepper Businesses, you know, all that
kind of stuff.
It's just like I always say, we really build the infrastructure for emergency preparedness for the average
That's what the Prepper community has proven to do over the years.
And this is just another example of that.
You know what I mean?
We've got a bunch of these different companies all listing products here at
And you know, this is a two-fold mention number one. It was to discuss this
amazing company
by the way all
American-made radios products those kinds of things that's gonna be the focus or if not American-made radios American suppliers and such
Right, so you're not going to Amazon and you're not you know
Doing the whole Amazon loop of Chinese water torture. Oh
Man that coffee
I'm a little wired wired up because I got I got thrown a curveball. So visit coms depot comm
We are likely to have Austin on the network for a comms depot
Emergency communication segment in the future. Okay, that's what's working likely to have Austin on the network for a Com's Depot emergency
communication segment in the future.
That's what's working in, that's what's in the works on top of all of this.
So check out.
Great company.
It's a great company filled with other great companies.
That's what's really cool about it.
You know what I mean?
So I wake up this morning. This was not on my list of things I wanted really cool about it. You know what I mean? So I wake up this morning,
this was not on my list of things
I wanted to talk about today.
Today is gonna be largely a,
we've got a 29,000 year old skeleton in Thailand
that was discovered, place to see Nera, kind of a big deal.
Brooke Rollins, raise your own chickens to save on eggs.
That is Department of Ag, Trump's Department of Ag very interesting there. I
May talk about the circus yesterday in Congress. That was kind of fun to watch
Two voices two voices have spoken up now that have me I
Can't say that I'm personally concerned but two voices have spoken up now that have me. I can't say that I'm personally concerned, but two
voices have spoken up that are, they're important voices in economics to me and
one such voice is Michael Snyder in turn and they're speaking up on the subject
of tariffs.
Not in a good way.
Not in Trump is brazen and bold and making incredible change type of deal.
Real concerns.
So it's something that I think we need to pay attention to.
I can't.
I got to turn this tracking off.
But I don't actually know how.
Anyway, so it's one of these things guys where every leader, nobody's perfect, right?
Nobody's perfect.
So we may get into that.
I don't know if that's the first thing I want to touch on.
The first thing I want to touch on is the surprise I got clicking and starting the show
For those of you listening on YouTube, there's no one listening on YouTube
No one is listening on YouTube. You know, I know who's listening on YouTube. This is bananas to me, but this is the reality of the situation
nobody's listening on YouTube because
We had the audacity to publish a podcast yesterday by Judson Carroll Actually, I don't even know if it was a podcast from yesterday.
Let me check.
Because it looked like an older one to me.
Yeah, it's from last week, I think.
We had the audacity to publish.
God, it's even older than last week.
See, if you didn't see my doomsday switch podcast from last week, you have to
watch that to understand what we're dealing with, right?
You have to understand what it is we are dealing with over at YouTube and why
PBN membership is the...
If you want to see us us that's what it takes okay that's what it takes Rumble you don't make any money on Rumble you know what I mean this doesn't
work uh maybe one day you get a bunch of bunch of bunches of people watching you all the time
PBN membership floated us through the censorship of 2020 and here to four will float us.
You know what I mean?
That's what gets the job done.
Sponsors are great.
They help.
Um, but the truth of the matter is it's the PBN membership that gets it done.
I go to click the live show and get everything started and you know, it's
live stream to our three platforms.
We live to a live stream too.
And YouTube is not only taken down our podcast
the episode of the podcast I'll tell you about the
Extremely divisive and dangerous podcast that was taken down
But now they've eliminated our ability to
They've eliminated our ability to
Livestream I
Don't know what you're focusing on Johnny five, but you're pissing me off.
So we get into this situation that we've been in, you know, a million times in the past.
It's just I don't know what triggers it, but I know we're not welcome.
You know, this like we're never going to be one of these people with a great big following
over on YouTube because of this
Because we have the audacity to post podcasts
like the herbal medicine for preppers
The show that was taken down was herbal medicine for preppers the main that the incredibly controversial
was pine
Medical misinformation is dangerous, right? You could get somebody killed if they drink a cup of pine needle tea. Look, I'm telling you right now,
Judson Carroll has put together a master class about herbal medicine over the last two years
on PBN, for PBN.
Herbal Medicine for Preppers is a weekly show here on PBN.
He talks about herbal remedies and herbal medicinal plants probably better than anyone.
I mean, truly.
I don't know anyone who does as good as him as naturally as him
with the type of experience that he has.
He's a gem.
He should be like on the phone with RFK.
You know what I mean?
He should be on the horn with RFK Jr.
They should be saying Judson, put something together for us for the American people.
They can heal themselves.
They can strengthen their immune systems with tree bark.
instead, right, we put a show up called, I'll show you the email, called Herbal Medicine for Preppers and
the deadly and devious misinformation that was listed in that show was pine.
So now we can't go live on YouTube anymore.
You know, basically the YouTube career over at, for PBN once again is probably over because immediately I you know I jumped
over to go on Facebook live we'll see what that's all about I don't know I
warned you when I hit the doomsday switch that things could happen right
but it does make you wonder why it certainly makes you wonder why. Why? Let's take a look.
Let's take a look at this amazing number from YouTube.
You see right here?
It looks like the herbal medicine for Prepper's Pine didn't follow community guidelines.
And you can scroll down there and you'll see.
We think your content didn't follow the medical misinformation policy
it says something about bodily harm and or death come on you too such a joke
man so this is the deal you know last night I was watching Donald Trump talk
about the federal government and executive actions and free speech and no censorship and so on and so forth. Look, no matter what
anyone says, doesn't matter how much you love the guy, I love watching Donald
Trump, okay? I think it's about as much fun as an American loving person can
have. You know, when he stood up there yesterday and said, no matter what I say,
no matter what I do, no matter what I achieve, that half of the room is not going to clap, they're not going to smile
and they're not going to stand up.
I thought it was just great.
It was great.
It was hilarious.
It was 100% right and it showed that ilk for all that they are.
And I don't even want to talk about them. You know, they're so irrelevant.
They they're so lost that they almost need to like.
Politically suicide all of themselves politically, politically, not actually.
But they almost need to like, seriously all resign for the sake of the Democrat
party, like everyone resign and just backfill
with humans, normal human beings. They had their little micro protests last night and
you know it is what it is. So whatever you know this is one of these things it's not going to
get me down or anything like that because I expected, you know, I just want you to understand what it is that we do
here, you know, I want to understand the value of what it is, the prepper
broadcasting network brings.
And I want you to understand that the way that we keep this machine rolling is
through memberships at
So you go to down below and there's a link there.
You go and sign up for a membership and help support our ability to tell you about
unbelievably dangerous secrets like pine trees. Okay. Now it's true that a lot of healing properties in the pine tree.
We're never going to stop.
It seems silly to say it, but we're never going to stop being ahead of what's coming.
We're never going to stop telling the truth.
We're never going to stop bringing to light the old ways that people used.
We fundamentally were flagged and got a community strike and not allowed to go live because we're talking about the ways that people have healed themselves
and so forth on that show for millennia, right?
How long do you think people have figured out that the pine tree and the pine sap and
the pine needles all had medicinal properties, right?
Like come on man
garden girl in the house what is up thanks for joining us sorry I'm bitching over here
about YouTube they took took Judson Carroll's podcast down which is hilarious to me the
things that I listen to and watch on YouTube and they slapped us on the wrist and we're
not allowed to go live over there ho hum ho hum check this out though
this is pretty cool i'm not going to bring it up um i'm not going to bring the article up there's
too many ads on it 70 ads on this website but trump agriculture boss says cash
strapped americans can raise their own chickens to save on eggs
says cash strapped Americans can raise their own chickens to save on eggs. You know, there's a this if you took Trump out and you added Biden or if you took Trump
out you added Obama, like this would be a be one of those, you know, but the T words
at the beginning of the article. So people are going to, gonna you know USDA predicts egg
prices will spike 41% in 2025 president Donald Trump's secretary of agriculture
Brooke Rollins has a message for egg consumers left hungry by out-of-control
egg prices see I may have to reach out to Brooke just with an email
because I think the broader message and the message that these guys are missing is
What is this pen? Where's my real pen?
Look when you're a commander you need to have an appropriate pen, okay?
Now I do actually have a professional pen, but it's in a case behind me and chin actually gave him really nice pen
but it
My wife got me this pen this shit is so cool
Our dog's name is Bowser and also when we play Mario Party as a family. I'm always Bowser and I always win. I
Do I win too much? Actually, it's kind of I gotta pair that back a little. I like to see the kids win then the kids win a
bunch and I want to see my wife win you know what I mean but if I get in there
and really go because I'm a dork don't you understand games video games that
kind of stuff I'm winning but anyway uh Brooke The battle that needs to be fought is not for people to keep chickens.
I think most people get it. They like the idea. The battle is the restrictions, right?
Oh my god, Jay Ferry, let me put that down. That has to happen today. I'm so sorry. I'm
gonna open that phone call with a Apology, don't worry
We got to get him on
Did you watch Monday show Monday show was great succession planting greenhouse growing not
hearsay, but the real thing from a guy who's running a business in Wyoming
You got to watch
Monday show Monday show is
So valuable you got a guy who's growing food.
He sold $85,000 worth of produce last year, right?
And he did it out of three greenhouses
on a third of an acre with succession planning.
What else do you want to hear about? Right?
If you've got like problems growing food, you know, what else do you want to hear about?
I am considering just doing away with raised beds altogether.
Or maybe not doing away with the raised beds, but covering two, making two large greenhouse
Do you know why? Because one of the things that about greenhouses that I never thought about
till watching him and that podcast, even though we didn't talk about it, but one
of the things about greenhouses was the food is protected from the
wildlife and the, and the home life.
They look cool.
You know what I mean?
That kind of thing.
But, but the protection is what kind of perked me up.
You know, there's no, kind of thing. But the protection is what kind of perked me up.
You shut it.
It's closed.
The rabbits can't get in.
And if you got deer problems, all that kind of stuff.
The other cool thing I was thinking about
is that I could also throw a greenhouse
beyond the fence line.
Like everything I grow, I tend to grow within the fence line.
Because I have a ranch, a a white tail ranch behind my house like
it's insane we have herds of deer and they destroy everything you know that you know
what I mean they destroy everything the solution is a greenhouse out back out out back right I don't know it was a great show check
it out but I really like this Brooke Rollins has a message for egg consumers
Rollins offered the bizarre advice this is bizarre advice Saturday after anchor
Rachel Campos Duffy raised the possibility of investment in small farms
to boost egg production I think the silver lining in all this I like this
Brooke Rollins this I think the silver lining in all this, I like this Brooke Rollins.
I think the silver lining in all this is how do we in our backyards,
we've got chickens too in our backyard, how do we solve for something like this?
And people are sort of looking around and thinking, wow, well,
maybe I can get a chicken in my backyard.
And it's awesome.
That's what she says, and it's awesome.
You got a homesteader
You got a homesteader at least
probably a prepper too, but you got at least a homesteader in this Brooke Rollins and I
Don't know I'm gonna reach out to her. We'll see what happens. You know, we'll see what happens
I'm not looking for anything. I'm not looking to gain anything. You know, maybe it'd be cool to have her on.
That'd be cool.
But it's a big deal.
You know what I mean?
It's a solvable problem.
I've been talking about that for weeks.
It's a solvable problem.
Just what it is.
What do you guys think about the new look?
This is how we're going to do it from here on out I
moved the desk around a little bit I don't I don't know why I did it this way
but just is what it is I like it I have one fatal flaw look just above my head
we'll probably get a little better lighting back there too but just above
my head here is the EDC kit from Lima Tango
Survival and it looks really great. But the problem is well, it's not lit enough needs better lighting
But the problem is boom when I'm sitting here talking the positioning is off, right?
Is what it is
What else are we doing today folks?
What do you want to get into?
What do you guys want to talk about?
Global trade war.
I got global trade war.
I got 29,000 year old skeleton.
I'm not looking to go too long because we're going to run up and do an early
save on the children today.
We've got some weather rolling in today.
Some serious weather.
Possible tornadoes, that kind of stuff. Jay Ferg says, let's talk about Canada and the trade
war. All right, let's get into it. This is one of those things. This is one of those things where
we've got to keep an open mind and we've got to watch it. I'd love to put this article up for you
guys to see, but let's try. I'll try, okay, but if it starts an epileptic seizure, then I have to take it down
You see these things man, they have so many ads on them. It's unbelievable. You're just like how
Let's see look the the whole thing is an ad
I hope michael snider's making good money on all these ads.
That's all I can say.
Okay, let's go.
The global trade war is officially on.
Trudeau calls Trump dumb and China promises to fight to the bitter end.
Let's look at the good stuff.
Canada and China swiftly announced retaliatory
tariffs against the US on Tuesday, shortly after long threatened levies by
the Trump administration on those countries in Mexico took effect. Donald
Trump's new 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada were imposed at 12 a.m.
Eastern Time, along with a doubling of duties on some Chinese goods to 20%
the Canadian economy is going to be thrown into a major downturn by these
terrorists but the Canadian Prime Minister has foolishly decided that this
is a battle that his nation needs to fight I thought he resigned didn't Trudeau resign
He has resigned as well as he's done everything else in the country
It's a great line. Come on. Give me some credit
Justin Trudeau is resigned about as effectively as he's done everything else in his country besides ruin it
Jay Ferg is under tornado watch in South Carolina as well. It's a big storm system, man It's a big long storm system coming up the East Coast if you're not paying attention
From the south
So true though wants to die on this hill the Prime Minister announced Tuesday
retaliatory tariffs on US imports to Canada after the US imposed levies of its own he said 25% of duty on
See Canada 30 billion dollars worth of US goods would take effect
immediately adding that another $125 billion in products would be hit with the same tariff
in three weeks. So, you know, he's standing up to Donald. That's what's going on here.
Now Michael Snyder is not 100% on board with all this tariffing and
another... what's her name? The economic advisor on the Glenn Beck show. I can't
think of her name right now but I love her segments. I think she does a great
job and she is also concerned about this. They're way smarter than I am. At least
she is, you know what I mean for sure when it comes to economics. But I guess it's, you know, there's got it's a little risk
reward type of thing going on. Just is what it is, right? During her remarks to
the press Trudeau publicly stated that Trump has chosen to what chose what
he's chosen to do is dumb. He says quote we should be working together to ensure
even greater prosperity for the
North Americans in a very uncertain and challenging world.
Now, it's not in my habit to agree with Wall Street Journal, but Donald, they point out
that even though you're a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do.
He goes on to talk about appeasing Putin and so on. You know the the one that's gonna sting is
is Mexico right off the bat I think. Restaurants, if I were in the restaurant
industry I'd be very concerned. A lot of produce comes from South America right
and Mexico in particular. You already have eggs kicking your ass if you're worried about overhead in the restaurant industry.
I think this is from Shinebomb down there.
Today's reckless decision by the US administration is forcing Canada and the US...
No, I'm sorry. Wrong.
Mexico, our second largest trade partner, Claudia Scheinbaum, has announced that Mexico
will impose retaliatory tariffs by the start of next week.
She said she will announce retaliatory tariffs this weekend.
We have decided to respond with the tariff and non-tariff measures that I will announce
on Sunday.
What Michael Snyder says, and the reason I'm reading this article is he says, I can't even
begin to describe how much pain this trade war is going to cause for the Mexican economy.
The trade with the United States is one of the central pillars of the entire economic system. China is our third largest trading partner and they are imposing retaliatory tariffs on us too.
So, you know, it's a thing. It is a thing right? Jay Ferg says I'm tickled that the items being taken away
From the Canadian people supposedly gonna hurt us. I believe the removal of American products is gonna hurt the people more
Yeah, I agree with you
Especially removing all the alcohol from the US all the Canadian whiskeys and stuff
I don't know.
Again, there are things we needed the nations to, you know, to sort of steelman the tariff thing.
There are things we needed those nations to do. You know, Mexico in particular with the southern border. Like we, they have to do those things. We have to have them help with the southern border.
They have to do those things.
We have to have them help with the flow of illegals.
And they have.
Will they continue?
I don't know.
I think Donald Trump will press Mexico further and further because his next move besides
just dealing with the border is the cartel. You know? And they did extradite some
heads of the cartel, I guess, you know, to the U.S. It's what the big thing guys is it's a thing.
It's a thing. You know what I mean? It's not a net win for all. It's not a thing that's going to
be great for everybody. And I just want you to understand that. We're
living in a world where, yeah, I really want to get to, I know I got to reach out to Tim,
that would be fun. We're living in a world right now where everyone is popping champagne,
corks, and smoking cigars. And that's good. And it's fun, man. And listen, the alternative
would be, I don't know what it would be.
I really don't know what my plans would be.
If we were doing shows like How to Survive Kamala for the next four years,
I don't know what my personal plans would be.
I'd have trouble living the life that I live currently and thinking it was good enough
to survive what we were going to deal with four years of Kamala.
So yeah, it is a enough to survive what we were going to deal with four years of Kamala.
So yeah, it is a time to celebrate undoubtedly.
But we got to be careful about everything's going to be great.
God is behind the podium mentality with Donald Trump.
He's human.
Things can go wrong.
Things will go wrong.
Just is what it is.
If you prepare, if you are self-sufficient to some degree,
if you produce your own food, store your own food, if you have knowledge and skills tied
to the natural world, all this stuff gets easier. Right? You have much less to worry
about. What if the price of X goes up? Well, if it's a staple food, then we most likely have it stored already
probably from a year ago, so
Those immediate price fluctuations don't hit you in the guts. You know what I mean?
It's not like oh my god, maybe on like avocados right because you you don't have them lying around
right? Because you don't have them lying around.
Micro protests, do I want to go on and on? I kind of want to talk about this eight-year-old skeleton that was found in Thailand.
Let's talk about it. Let's do it. We'll do it.
For those of you who don't know, we keep getting older.
We keep getting older. We keep getting older.
There's a weird thing that's happening and it seems cyclical to me, like this little
thing that I'm inside of, the bubble that I'm inside of on the live stream video for
those of you podcasting.
There's this thing happening and I want you to picture a circle if you're not watching,
but on one side of the circle we are consistently getting older.
We used to look at ancient Egypt and be like, damn, that's super old.
That's really when we started doing cool stuff. Oh, go get, go back to Lee Tepe pops up, blows that right out of the water,
10,000 years old.
Then the Thai people never thought that there were people in that area
roaming around 29,000 years ago.
Now this skeleton, there's a lot in between those two things, but this
is just one of the latest and we find ourselves in a situation again, where we keep getting older,
you know, and the, the crazy thing about this particular skeleton found is it was
a young kid, I think it was eight year old girl, something like that.
And she was in what's the position called?
She was laying flat on her back.
Uh, her feet were together.
She was straight up supine.
Right, is that right?
And her head was facing almost perfect southwest
so they're wondering if that was intentional or not.
It definitely looked like she was wrapped, right,
because of the supine position,
because her feet were so close together,
she was laid to rest.
Like she didn't fall over like, you know what I mean?
She was laid to rest 29,000 years ago in a cave in Thailand.
It's a long ass time ago.
You know what I mean?
It's a long time ago,
especially in a place where they were like,
we weren't around here then.
Maybe you were, somebody was, right?
This is of the utmost interest to me. You know, this is one of those background interests I don't
talk about a lot on air, but it's prehistoric us is just so amazing to me and interesting to me.
And it's, you know, it acts as a counterbalance to the craziness.
It always acts as, because we think that what we're doing right here and now is what humans do.
Right? We think that webcams and AI generated art and podcasts and cups of coffee, like are what
humans have done. Like if this is what it means to be human.
Not really, not really.
This is what it means to be human for the last 50 years-ish.
You know, some of that stuff.
What it really means to be human is what happened
over the last 50, 200,000 years, right?
And it's so important that you have that in your head when you're
figuring out what you are, you know, and why people are doing certain things and why things
culturally happen the way they happen or why you feel such a weird feeling in certain situations.
Right? It's because you got pre-programming that is so old it's unbelievable you know
my bag door just opened so either come on in
you guys might be in for a treat so either that was the wind or behind me there's a big ass knife,
giant knife. One or the other, you know what I mean? One or the other. But anyway, we keep
getting older, you know what I mean? That's one side of this sort of cyclical thing.
The other side of the cyclical thing is the technology, right?
We keep advancing, advancing, advancing technology.
In my head, I just always feel like eventually these two things are going to touch and something
is going to be exposed that is unbelievable.
I don't know if it's aliens, God, I don't know what it is, but it just feels like even
though we're going backwards and we're going forwards, right? Backwards we keep
getting older, forwards we keep getting more technologically advanced, it feels
like it's all going to hit at the same point with the same revelation, could be revelation, and you know, bingo.
So that's why these stories are always interesting to me, and just following this this bouncing ball
of us being ancient and more old than we think, and having archaeologists and scientists do their
weird thing where they're like, no, no, that's not true. We are definitely not that old and then they find bones and you know
Living sites and all that kind of stuff. I'm like, well, what about that?
It's fun
Yeah, get into it it's pretty cool I think I'm gonna leave on that note folks. I do appreciate you guys
It's been it's been quite the morning been quite the morning evening in tonight
It's been a great week a little bit a little bit full of distractions and such but it's been a great week
We've got the new studio over here. I got the
Lima tango survival bag here at the window
It's it's good man and behind that is actually the point zero energy
You guys know what this little instrument is i've been banging away on this handpan for a while
I think uh
I was looking at live streams private live streams yesterday for
The members and I was thinking
Maybe you listen to a little relaxing handpan for a members live stream while you
work. It's an awesome, it's so much fun. The little handpan is a good time. There's a whole
musical side of the Commander that you guys don't get a taste of very often either. Been
at it a while. Alright folks, it's been Surv surviving America. I do appreciate it.
Check out
You're going to hear a lot about here and Meet Austin.
It's going to be good.
It really is a blessing from our network and it's going to give us the ability to meet
that goal.
One of my biggest goals this year prepare for the homeland attack and number two, of course
Get everybody squared away with some sort of emergency comm solution. All right, so
I got a rising republic to put up today. It's wednesday. The patriot power hour could be live tonight. I'm not sure
Anyway, it's the prepper Broadcasting Network, guys.
Listen, it's not about COVID, it's not about political stance.
This way of life that we live and we support and we push onto the public here at the Prepper
Broadcasting Network in all facets, it's not quite there yet. It's
not quite mainlined enough, right? And we still face crazy censorship, just like YouTube.
You know, YouTube severed us, severed our head over a medicinal podcast, an herbal medicinal
podcast about pine trees. We always walk in these areas that are extremely beneficial
to the average person, but they require you to think a little bit. They require you to
think and figure things out and use common sense and all that. YouTube wants to be your
common sense. So look, go to, do me a favor, sign up. If you're at Rumble, you can start a subscription over at Rumble.
I'll find you and I'll give you a subscription to PBN. They're both kind of the same price monthly anyway.
If that's easier for you, I'll give you access to all the podcasts, videos, everything we have over there.
But your support goes a long way, man, Because these traditional flows of income, they're never gonna work for us.
And they're never gonna work for us because when a new host comes on, I tell them,
just say whatever the hell you want to say.
There's a lot before that.
But once I know that they're what I need on the network, once
I know that they're a prepper, homesteader, survivalist, whatever the situation is, and
they're passionate and they're honest, say what you want to say.
That's what I want you to be able to do here at PBN.
And not everybody out there in this world wants people saying what they want to say.
All right?
I'll talk to you soon, PBN Family. this has been Surviving America with James Walton.