The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America 13: Surviving 6 Weeks and the Trump Slump
Episode Date: December 4, 2024Christmas Catalog & Christ Kettlebells & Christ - Welcome PBN Family...
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society in every state is a blessing the government even in its best state is but a necessary evil
the future has already arrived Good God! What an intro. What a background there.
Just that PBN, your path back to stability, flag waving in the background.
What's up?
I think it's episode 13 of Surviving America. I'm not quite sure. But what we're going to talk about today is fundamentally surviving the next six weeks.
Surviving the next six weeks. My microphone is way too loud in my ears.
Surviving the next six weeks is most certainly the game plan for the world.
is most certainly the game plan for the world.
And look, I mean, two schools of thought today.
You know what I mean?
One is this idea of sort of just opening my eyes to the fact that,
wow, we are like six weeks out on the end.
And this is as much a gift as anything else.
Make no mistake about it. You guys heard about about the part and i talked about it already you know my audience knows you know what i mean you guys know
this is this is protection for joe biden from treason basically you know if you want to simmer
the whole thing down get out of all the media headlines right wing left wing it's not that
big a deal
it is a big deal you know what i mean 10 year whatever this is what it is right it's to protect
joe biden from treason because he committed treason high treason punishable by death
i didn't make the rules up that's the rules rules. That's the law. But anyway, so it's this this sort of left brain, right brain or, you know, angel devil sort of situation in my mind where it's like we have.
Six weeks until Donald Trump takes office officially.
And we'd like to think in many ways, we'd like to think that that means everything
clears up and everything gets better. And in many ways, we go from having no president to having a
president. Months ago, I said, when they overlooked Joe Biden as the candidate, they said, no, Joe
Biden, we're going to have a quick coup real coup real quick we're gonna throw in somebody who has no possibility of losing we're gonna no possibility of winning we're gonna turn
our influence machine up the highest it's ever gone and risk blowing the speakers and that's
that's the game plan morning jay ferg thanks for joining us in chat i I do appreciate you. Hey, look, we'll I'll do it on a commercial break.
After the commercial break, we'll take
calls if you guys want to call in, okay?
I'll give you the call-in
number on return and all that. So ready your
cell phones. You know, it's funny.
I was thinking about this.
I always try to get the call-in thing
going. You know what I mean?
Because it's fun.
It's fun to hear from people.
Oh, you know what?
Forget about calling in.
I just realized, does this pick up desktop audio or not?
I'm not 100% sure.
The call-in functionality may not even work.
Okay, whatever.
Forget about that for today.
Join the texts.
I mean, join the chat.
Give us your two cents on the chat.
We're live on YouTube, live on Rumble, live on X.
We'll see you, okay?
So on one hand, you have the fact that we've had no president,
and then suddenly we'll have a president.
On the other hand, you have Donald Trump gets into office,
but we have to be careful not to fall too deep in sort of the fantasy
that everything's good, Donald Trump's in,
let's go back to baking cakes and cookies and forget about everything.
Jay Fergus says, I think the Hunter Biden thing was his mother behind it
Oh I'm sure
President Jill had something to do with it
I have no doubts President Jill was in on it as well
She'd probably go to jail too
You know
You gotta understand the level of
Like the
The punishment for treason is serious
As it should be
But in 2016 we experienced something we in the prepping world
called the trump slump and uh it was real it was a very real thing i bet firearms producers
probably felt it too um but it was this feeling in this mentality that we don't need to prepare
anymore you know in other words like the
military will be strong again the police will be strong again and the the major mistake that people
make when they do that kind of stuff is then they put it all you know they they take themselves out
of the picture and what we've i mean what we know to be 100% true now is America is only as strong as the people.
Only as strong as the people.
The more lazy and compliant the people get, 2020, the worse things are.
It's like this all around the world.
You see the same thing all around the world.
It is amazing to think about and will likely or should go down in history, right? The moment that X was bought by Elon Musk may have...
I don't think we understand just how important that moment was and how much it saved everything and everyone.
The First Amendment extends out to the world thanks to social media.
And when America loses grip on it, then everyone loses grip on it.
It's diabolical but anyway should trump come out and say hey russia cut the bullshit hamas cut it uh hezbollah iran china you know so on
it's going to be real tempting for you to say, what am I doing all this for?
Like, what is all this?
Should I really work on this off-grid communications plan?
Should I really spend all this time?
Should I screw up my vacationing by having chickens and quails and rabbits and goats
that need cared for when I could just get rid of all these animals, fill the freezer
up with meat and leave for a week and go to Bermuda.
People go to Bermuda anymore? I don't even know.
I don't know.
What we do as preppers and sort of the path back to stability
is not always easy, you know what I mean?
And it's nice to lighten the easy. It's nice to lighten
the load.
It's nice to say,
you know what I mean? Just take a backseat
and take a trip and forget
about it and let's not think about it
or worry about it.
The Trump slump. You got to be
careful. You see up here? I don't
remember where I got these.
These things are so cool.
Let me find a good one for you.
I can't even remember where I bought them.
I want to say I bought them at a, you know where I think I bought them?
I could just say a thrift because it's just is what it is.
So what these are, are the the so for those of you listening
only my light's too bright i have a collection of these ceramic santa clauses i don't know if
you can read it or not might be too bright you know i know how to make this work i've come to
understand this thing the next big sponsorship deal we get i'm getting a real camera i don't care what it costs
so this is santa of the united states 1925 so i get a collection of these santa clauses that
are ceramic and they must have been part of some kind of set and the set sort of recounts santa Santa Claus. Oh, look which one I grabbed. How funny. This Santa Claus is a representation of the 1903 Arusha Santa.
I need like a ceramic Krampus now.
But there's a bunch of them up there.
It's sweet.
I don't know.
Just, you know, as things go, you pick these weird things up at Christmas time.
And if you go to thrift stores, you really pick up cool stuff.
Morning Garden Girl in chat.
What is up?
Drinking the white cup coffee.
The white cup black top coffee from my favorite cafe in all the lands.
My favorite cafe in all the lands, PBN Family.
So, as preppers, we're sort of wrapped up in this idea where we want the prosperity.
We want the success of a Trump presidency.
But we also have to keep the pedal to the metal.
And look, it's not because... What I've been trying to tell you since 2018 is that
this whole thing is just about how we should live our lives, regardless of all the other stuff.
Regardless of all the other stuff, if you want to live a good life, this is the way.
It's not about the looming threats all the time.
It's not about who's in office.
It's not about the wars.
Like I said at the beginning of the show, powerful people, individuals.
So powerful people, individuals, an individual, a nation of strong, capable individuals is what makes America great.
And our ability to get along with each other. homesteading, and a relationship with the most high fundamentally
is really how you top out.
It's really how you get to your best self.
It's really how you become your strongest.
Jay Ferg says 26 degrees when she woke up this morning,
slowly wrapping presents.
26 degrees when she woke up this morning, slowly wrapping presents.
Yeah, giving out prepper gifts to the kids is a good move.
But like I said, the whole lifestyle that a lot of our audience lives is maximizing your potential as a human being.
It really is.
I was thinking about this today on the ride back from dropping the kids off at school.
I was thinking if I were. I think all day. It's really like a burden.
You know what I mean? All day I'm just like a hamster.
But if I were. Anti-Trump. Like, let me put my head in that in that sort of thought process like if i were
devastated and i were recording myself on tiktok and screaming at the steering wheel
um if i were devastated and truly concerned about a trump presidency truly concerned
i was thinking to myself the best advice I could give people like that would be like the best protest against Donald Trump is self-reliance.
That's because it's the best protest against everything.
The best protest against all of these things is how strong and self-sufficient can we become?
There's there's,
it is the top.
It is that there's nothing else.
Do you know what I mean?
If you wrap faith into it,
there's nothing that can make you more powerful.
This is why the Trump slump is not just a problem.
it takes away from your potential.
You know what I mean? It it when you start to rest in in
this idea that donald trump that daddy's home everything's gonna be fine it's a big problem
what do you guys think of the background in case you haven't noticed for those of you who have been
watching i'm trying to find what the background to this surviving America show should
you know,
without like changing everything,
buying stuff like my,
where I do this show,
there's cool stuff everywhere.
I'm trying to figure out what the best background would be.
You know,
and maybe,
maybe that's,
maybe that's the answer.
Maybe the answer is there is not a steady background. Maybe there's different backgrounds.
I'm at the Drudge Report over here, and I think it's funny because now that Trump won and the lunacy about this sort of maniac mentality aboutald trump's here and the whole world's going to
end and he's picking cabinet members and they're all nazis just like him and everything's gonna
come to an end they've you know they flipped a little bit they're back to talking uh reporting
on people like britney spears what happened in south korea man what happened in south korea was a very interesting situation
right like what went down there seriously
we i i i'm not always excited or interested in being the first to report things or anything like
that we do it a lot by accident by accident we're first on things this comes from
our listeners i'm not just making it up you know what i mean but i have people who email us and
message us in in our chat rooms and stuff and say i heard this a day two days earlier on pbn
it's not that we're so amazing it's just the channels that we have that we listen to that
we the things that we read are typically ahead of the game like we've we've culminated news
sources over the years that put us ahead of a lot of things i was going to talk about it
um in detail yesterday i think i mentioned it in the daily news but not you know only in passing um desperate times and desperate measures in
foreign nations have arrived this is a thing that has arrived and uh what's most unnerving about
that is desperate times and desperate measures in nations.
Often, you know, that that's sort of a preface to warfare.
Now, I'm not entirely sure because I know very little about South Korean politics.
I basically know they have a parliament and I know the leader.
That's really I mean if i'm gonna be honest
i won't sit here and pretend like i'm some kind of specialist you know a lot of people play that
sort of like specialist role like oh whoa after yesterday you could find countless articles and
and fake experts on south korea and south korean politics you know what i mentioned on twitter that
i thought is it's important for the preppers
here in the United States.
For those of you don't know, the president comes out and says, hey, there are North Korean.
There are North Korean influences in this government, in this country.
It's gotten to the extent where we have to do something drastic.
country it's gotten to the extent where we have to do something drastic and then he declared martial law on his own accord and the parliament comes out behind him and basically votes 190 to
zero we're not having martial law and then the military moves into the parliament and it gets wild. You know what I mean? But what's going well for him, and then he decides to do this.
Although, you think about this the way we look at America and American politics and what approval ratings mean and how they can be manipulated by media. with a nation like North Korea just on top of you, how hard would it be to get operatives in places,
influence in places to do this to the South Koreans?
You know, what we have to be aware of, and Joe Rogan did a great show.
I'll give you the guy's name. Hang on a minute.
I'm not done it yet.
But Joe Rogan did a really timely show with a guy named Mike Benz, B-E-N-Z, Mike Benz.
It was really, really weird, the timing.
Oh, boy, look at this coming across the news.
What is this?
One hour ago.
Oh, good God.
Let me get this out real quick, then I'll talk to you about that. So Mike Benz does this great Joe Rogan podcast about sort of color revolutions, intellectual, no, not intellectual warfare, information warfare, you know, social media warfare.
It's yada, yada, yada, right? basically how to infiltrate a nation influence its people with
misinformation get them to do what you want politically and so on we build an apparatus
to do this this is what the guy says i don't you know we built we built the hardware to pull this
off in the early 2000s we pulled it off in various places ukraine being one of them probably the most
standout at the moment uh and then we brought it home and that's the story of 2020 no matter how
you think about 2020 no matter they didn't steal it they didn't steal it. They didn't steal it. They didn't. And then we brought the apparatus to, you know, completely and totally interfere with elections through social media and various other channels.
And we brought that home and we executed here at home to keep Donald Trump out of office. That's before anything else. And that's, you know, on top of all major media, all major everything being, you know, anti-Trump in 2020 and in 2024.
He does this show about all this influence and how, OK, now other countries seen what the Americans done, they figured out what the Americans done.
And that's how you get Russia, China influencing elections in the country as well.
influencing elections in the country as well and then this happens in south korea and the leader is who is looks very unfavorable and does a very extreme thing but is talking about
the influence in the nation talking about communism leeched into the nation's north
korean influence right there's a lot there there's a lot there to pull apart, man. No doubt about it.
We got breaking. Do I have? I don't know if I have any breaking news sound,
but we have some breaking news here. I don't know. I could have been completely
finagled by. Oh, we got some. We got some. I don't even remember this.
Breaking news from the folks over at, I don't know.
That was the old preppers in the news. This from the Daily Mail. OK.
Happening out of the Baltic Sea story by Olivia Christie.
Russian warship fires at German helicopter.
This is what I mean when I say six weeks.
OK, because this shit is going to happen for six more weeks, at the very least six more weeks.
Nobody's cooling this down.
Trump didn't do it trump said he was
gonna just you gotta hold people accountable trump said he was gonna come in and have these wars done
by now it didn't happen okay which means it's probably a deeper situation although zelensky
did say he's willing to give up land so we're we're at least moving in the right direction on
that side of things the problem is lenski doesn't want the money to stop you understand that right like
who the hell is gonna say you know i really don't need this 220 billion or million dollars every
other week let's finish this thing up if you think all that's going to the war effort man you're
absolutely insane a russian warship is fired at a german helicopter over the baltic sea
sparking new world war iii escalation fears it's been reported the crew of the russian ship fired
signal ammunition the german press agency in brussels had learned according to the german
newspaper build b-i-l-d the warning shirts shots were fired at the nato reconnaissance
aircraft signal ammunition is used for warning shots rather than attack but this sort of incident
is a sign of how close nato and russia are getting to facing each other directly
german foreign minister and now i can't read that what's that mean
analina that's a really nice name actually analina i like that analina German Foreign Minister I can't read that What's that mean?
Annalena? That's a really nice name actually Annalena, I like that, Annalena
Ladies, gentlemen
If you're having baby
All the crazy names people love to come up with nowadays
Anna L-E-N-A
Annalena Baerbock
Mentioned the incident at a NATO meeting
We did not give further details.
German defense ministry spokesperson has so far been unable to confirm the reports.
Very, very interesting.
The Baltic Sea, man.
The Baltic Sea.
God, we could be learning a lot about the Baltic Sea very soon.
I hope not.
I hope we all maintain our United States ignorance on geography, right? Because the funny thing about the U.S., the people of the U.S. in geography, it's only war, fundamentally. It's only really war that gets us back into geography.
That gets us back into geography.
You know, like when you started learning about the geography of Ukraine, you never would have gone down that route if it weren't for Russia invading.
The same thing with with your familiarity with the Baltic Sea, with the fact that the Baltic Sea touches Germany, Poland, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
Right. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. These. This is a serious place. You know what I mean? Like it's there's a lot you want you want all of that to just disappear in the
mind of the average american and denmark by the way you definitely don't want the baltic sea to
be the be hosting some sort of naval battle between nato and uh russia now they i have to
imagine if you lose the Baltic Sea to Russia,
then you're really screwing up
because there's a lot of firepower there.
I mean, you're basically fighting,
you could potentially be fighting the mainlands
and the naval might of many European nations.
So, you know, escalation, baby.
That's the name of the game.
Let's do a quick commercial break.
I got some great sponsors to talk about,
and I got a dog that wants to go out back, it sounds like.
Okay, so let's do a quick commercial break.
We'll run a couple ads, and I'll be right back
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Do you know what a zombie is?
When a person dies and is buried,
it seems a certain voodoo priest who had the power to bring him back to life. Horrible. It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own.
You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders,
not knowing what they do, not caring. You mean like Democrats? like democrats looking like it's gonna be a dark christmas in the communist uh
haven that is cuba their power grid has collapsed yet again yeah you know one of these days some
brilliant communist is going to come along and get it
get it all right they're going to get it all figured out for you look our christmas catalog
is still going i've transformed the black friday catalog into the christmas catalog we're going to
promote it for the rest of the season it'll be available for the rest of the season there will
be black friday deals in there that uh you missed out on and then there'll be deals that you didn't miss out on you know i may
add to it too i totally forgot to put the world of ready in there we're gonna put our friends from
faraday containers in there uh yeah we got a lot of stuff you know what i mean so it's a great outlet
we've got a new sponsor that I'm courting right now
that I really hope I can bring you through the hot
well you know what actually we may be
bringing you see we've got a bunch of people
who are coming to the end of their sponsorship
and I don't know
we'll see how it goes
but what I do know
is that we've got two
two great opportunities
two great companies to bring to you
so we're talking up to today about six weeks till we have a president which is going to be fun it's
going to be nice to have a president again in the united states i'm looking forward to it
so we've got six weeks until that happens and uh we're back
to that hopefully that means it uh well at the very least it means diplomacy right american get
back get back to diplomacy donald trump is going to go talk to xi jinping donald trump is going to
go talk to vladimir putin it's happen. You got to remember, like a guy like
Donald Trump, it's not just that a guy like Donald Trump is more capable than Joe Biden.
A guy like Donald Trump is what he's used to is no. You know what I mean?
I don't know what it's like for women. It's probably the same to some degree. It can't be exactly the same because men get to hear no from everyone.
You know what I mean?
We get no from everybody, including mostly the opposite sex.
Like your experience with mostly no.
I was talking about rejection not long ago.
But when you're in a business like Donald Trump has been in his whole life, you used to know. I'd like to buy this property. No, I'd like to build here. No, I need these permits to get this done. No. Right.
Donald Trump wants to talk to Vladimir Putin. Well, he's not very happy with the United States. And so, no, he doesn't want to talk to you. That's where that's where the conversation begins. That's life, too, by the way, like you have to fundamentally understand. There's so much in life that you have to. Revis revisit if you ended at no.
No, Jay Ferg in chat.
Jay Ferg says, we both know annoyance and persistence are on the same line.
Look, somewhere along the line, men started calling women's persistence nagging.
And if it look, they wouldn't do it if it didn't work.
You know what I mean?
If it didn't work, they wouldn't do it.
Maybe they do it sometimes.
Just, you know, you know how it is.
You got to enjoy the background a minute.
I planned to let my dog in and then out and then let her in within all that commercial,
and it didn't work.
So hang one second.
What can I play you?
Anything I can play you?
Anything interesting?
You know what?
I'm going to let you take a few breaths with the great autumn music,
even though it's winter.
Oh, no, listen to Garden is the Resistance.
That's always fun.
Listen to the Garden is the Resistance, and I'll be right back.
Welcome to the podcast.
Present your vaccine passport.
Enter your social credit score.
And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show.
Be me and family.
Your garden is the resistance.
It's time for some more of that, by the way.
We've got a whole new political spectrum
and a whole new collection of characters that we need to talk about.
It's going to be fun.
It's going to be fun.
I've got to spend some time.
I'm wrapping up the Christmas book.
The catalog's done.
I've got a couple big deals to get done before the year's
out and then all of this extra that's on my shoulder right now i can take off and get back
uh to doing other things and you know i'll as you know
as you know i will quickly fill my plate up with other things. We have something brewing in the background that's been brewing a long time
that I think will come to life in 2025.
A take on the news, a unique take on the news.
Not just the news, but also the information on the internet.
Like a news network network a news website
is not enough anymore right you also need you need something that can sort of rotate the important
difference making not news stories but also information on the website
because there's tons of information that hits the web.
You use it.
You take advantage of it.
And until some writer sees it and goes,
well, that's an interesting story,
it never shows up.
But there's tons of it out there.
YouTube made that very clear.
I think my old dog is dying on air.
She's walking in circles.
I'm not sure.
I've said that Lola is dying for four years now.
And I think she gets a kick out of proving me wrong.
So we were talking about persistence, you know, and the importance of persistence.
So we were talking about persistence and the importance of persistence.
Everything in life that you're going to achieve is going to require some level of persistence. And from my experience, it's the moment you feel like it's over, the moment you feel like it's lost, the moment that someone gives you a definitive no is the beginning of the battle.
I mean, fundamentally, that's what it is.
It all depends on, like, your drive to get something done.
But it just, you know, that's what it takes anymore.
And that's what it takes this day and age.
It probably has always taken that.
And what I'm getting at is even if people don't want to meet with our president, I think he's going to show up anyway.
Never forget, you live in a country, if you're American, where you are part of the biggest gang on the planet.
The biggest, most well-armed, most influential, most powerful, most rich gang on the planet.
If you need to break it down
and understand that
when America's told no, it's
because they want to be told no
or it's for a short period of time until
they decide no doesn't work anymore.
I'm not saying that
be America
in terms of unlawful
and evil things that we've done.
But there are bullies out there in the world. China just the other day came out and said,
you know what? We're so angry at the United States that we're going to ban rare minerals
going to the United States. I think it was gallium and germanium.
Yeah, that's it.
Sales of gallium and germanium and timoni and so-called super hard materials to the
United States.
They banned these.
They're signaling their willingness to engage in supply chain warfare.
They're signaling their willingness to engage in supply chain warfare.
This has to be because they know the tariffs are coming from Donald Trump.
They know it's the deal.
It's coming.
They know that we're on the side of Taiwan. They know that Taiwan holds the key to AI and has banned China from getting access to the most you know powerful chips on the market that do
that that are necessary to ai right so in all of this the craziest thing that beijing could have
done is exactly what they've done they said okay you're going to keep stuff from us well we'll keep
stuff from you assuming like assuming the world's not four years into an exit plan on China. The world is four years deep now on an exit plan from
China, America in particular. I do not fear China, folks. I know a lot of people fear China.
I think China is buried up to their neck in the sand of their own policies of their own communism. Right. They've killed their population. They completely and totally polluted their country and its viable living space.
from a guy talking about China.
Did you know that half of their rivers are gone?
Look it up.
Half of China's rivers are gone.
And a large portion of their water sources are so polluted.
I don't know if there's a place like this in America.
But they're so polluted that you can't even touch them i mean you can't get the water onto your skin that's crazy i did i don't know what you have to do to water to get it like
that is what it is it is what it is uh here on the american front here on the pbn front
to combat you you know,
whichever direction China goes,
whichever direction Russia goes.
One of my plans is to lean heavily on to chin.
Our man with the changing earth podcast and really focused.
I'm going to,
I'm going to lean on two people,
my buddy over at mad gear.
You can check him out.
He's always doing cool stuff.
Um, and, and chin and really sort of, My buddy over at Mad Gear, you can check him out. He's always doing cool stuff. And Chin.
And really sort of build out the comprehensive off-grid communications plan.
The ham radio stuff.
What I really think is, what are we trying to achieve with emergency comms
and in order for me to figure that out i gotta figure out what i'm trying to achieve with
emergency comms and you know what i'm not trying to achieve with emergency comms
lots of talkie you know what i mean in words, I'm not really all that interested in being able to pick up and go,
Hey, how are the kids?
How's the wife?
How's everything going?
How are you?
How are you doing?
Tell me all about it.
What are you doing in your free time?
If I'm tapping emergency communications, first of all, I want it to be something affordable and effective.
First of all, I want it to be something affordable and effective. And I think that the mesh network craze that is taking over is the way to do it. low. The entry-level learning ain't bad. No licenses required, no money up front in terms
of before you're allowed to use it. And you know what I like most about it, man?
It's not talking, it's texting. And if you're worried about not being able to talk to someone,
create a family password, which you should have anyway. Create a family password which you should have anyway create a family password and have
that be somewhere in every text so in other words like if you're worried about comms not only look
the craziest situation where emergency comms are necessary the The grid has fallen. The cell service is done.
And you've got to get in communication
with the people you love.
And with all of that happening,
you're also worried about someone compromising
that communication set.
And you going to meet me here,
and you meet, and there's violence,
or something like that.
All you've got to do is create a family password and have that password shared in both communications.
What the lily go, what the mesh tastic, what the sort of node mesh network allows is for
off grid texting back and forth, right?
Your phone text to a node, the node text to a node or to a
repeater and the node goes back to do an you know the other person's phone so in other words i have
a phone i send a text through the mesh tastic app on my phone that text goes to my Lily go box, right? Box radio.
Then that message goes somewhere.
Depends on where you want it to go, right?
You can send it off to a repeater that will send it off further distance.
But in, you know, in the essence of explaining the technology that that radio sends the tech mess text message to another radio signal through the air, not through a cell signal, not through Wi-Fi.
And that radio gets the text message and it shows up on the other person's phone.
So I send the message to the node, the node to the other node, radio to the radio, and then the radio spits it out to my wife's phone.
And no matter what's going on in terms of cell service, you can communicate through text at a certain distance, right?
This has to be – in 2025, this has to be foundational.
And I think it's – I don't know if it's through documentation.
I don't know if it's through testing.
I don't know if it's through building.
It may be through all of those things. But that's really what I want, or at least one of the things that I want to focus on in 2025. Really, truly. It's just a big one. It's a big one.
Speaking of 2025, I just realized I got to start gathering shows for our big end of the year 2024 review.
It's been a huge year.
It's been an awesome year for PBN in terms of content.
It's been a crazy year, man.
It's been a roller coaster year.
You know, 2023 was this. You know what I mean? 2024 was this.
You know what I mean?
2024 was this for sure.
It was a rough one sometimes.
Things went crazy.
My alarm system is going off again.
It's okay, Link.
Hey, come say hi to the audience knocks promptly knocks an ornament off the tree come here with the godzilla tail what's up get up
you want to get up here and say hi come on no i'm gonna get done i'm gonna get up
close enough you can private channels not on an open channel j ferg says she's loving her mesh tastic she enjoys gmrs you can set private channels not
on an open channel i'll tell you what i've enjoyed gmrs for what i've enjoyed gmrs for is bombing around town and eavesdropping
truly like bombing around town and and and tapping into uh other signals that aren't secure
whether you know it or not you can probably if you you are in a car line at your kid's school, you can probably access their radio signals pretty easily and hear what's going on in the school.
Depending on the school and their level of security, of course.
But I do think it's just something we need to get into.
It's something that I'd like to make easily accessible.
It's affordable, too.
It's not very expensive.
easily accessible it's affordable too it's not very expensive you know and when you compare it to like a serious ham radio setup investment and licensing and all that kind of stuff like
the mesh tasks just more affordable not to mention with the mesh tastic the other thing is
you if you could radios are not my thing comms is not my thing which is which puts me at a detriment
but it also puts me in a great place because i'm trying to find a solution that really works for me
for a guy who's not into radios i don't get jazzed about red like chin sends me radios and he's like
drag this thing out it does this this and this and this. And you know what I mean? And he is the man like he is the comms man.
He's the guy who gets jazzed up about this stuff.
What I've been looking for with emergency communications since the beginning is the thing that I can do myself.
I don't need to like will myself through the entire process i can do it easily
it's effective and it's affordable like that's always what i've been looking for because i i
don't get there's no extra benefits for me by having like like i'm not the kind of guy who's
like dude i got this really great radio setup and i'm really excited about it. And I want to tell you about it and I want to make
videos on it. Like I'm not that guy. I don't, it just doesn't, it's not my thing. I'm not even
really like that with firearms, to be honest with you. Don't get me wrong. I like firearms, but
I'm not the guy that's all super hype about this rifle and that optic and this weapons light. And
you know what I mean? It's just just i don't know not not my thing
so i'm always looking for easy and affordable and effective you know what i'm saying and the
same thing is with comms and i think it now is the time um 2025 in particular for us to
really sharpen it up sharpen it up so that we can show it off easily to the network so that you guys out there listening
can go oh that's going to be my setup too now with starlink i think we're headed in a direction
where also emergency comms may not be may not be as crazy a thing as rare a thing as hard a thing, as rare a thing, as hard a thing as it was before, because I think
internet and probably mobile signals are going to be propped up by that satellite technology.
Of course, until the sun knocks it all out.
Then it's back to the mesh-tastic that you have hidden away in your Faraday bag or Faraday
cage or in your giant 20-foot Faraday container with your tractor and your motorcycle and your e-bike.
Those Faraday containers, if you have things like that, like if you have – if I lived on a property and I needed like vehicles to get around the property and tractors and that kind of stuff like a faraday container
be worth the investment definitely worth the investment check them out
uh what else what is it where we at 48 minutes in let's call it pbn family there's plenty more
to talk about there's plenty more to talk about but there's plenty more days to do the talking. Shock.
New breaking news.
Health boss gunned down in Manhattan.
Targeted attack.
Masked man fired and fled.
We got to read this.
This just came up.
The CEO of United Healthcare, Brian Thompson, fatally shot outside the Hilton Hotel in Midtown.
Impossible targeted attack.
Why would the CEO of UnitedHealth be gunned down?
The insurance division.
Oh, well, that makes sense.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
The CEO of UnitedHealth's insurance division was gunned down Wednesday morning outside the Hilton Hotel in Midtown.
The police think it was a targeted attack.
Brian Thompson, 50, was at the hotel at around 6.46 a.m.,
arriving early for conference when a masked man allegedly waiting for him
fired at him repeatedly and fled eastbound off 6th Avenue.
Police sources told the Post Thompson was hit in the chest.
He was rushed to Mount Sinai, where he was later
pronounced dead. Put a couple holes in the man's chest and took off. The firm had been
holding its Investor Day conference. Thompson was attending 50. Looked good looking guy.
Hard to believe.
Oh, he took a lot of shots. Oh, that's a bottle of pills.
Bottle of pills
at the scene of the shooting.
It's the Riddler.
When the suspect spotted...
It's not funny. Spotted
5 from a distance,
striking him multiple times.
The masked man fled.
Thompson's worked at United Health
for the last 20 years,
took the role of CEO in 2021,
was based at its offices
in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
He lived in a five-bedroom home.
Who cares?
Previously served as the company's head of government programs
another layer
you know there's a there's a lot of direction you could go with that
a lot of direction you could go with that you know the big the big guy behind insurance is a scary thing to be because people don't get coverage and their family members suffer or die.
Or their whole lives wind up changed over bills.
It's a thing.
But then you're talking about a major ceo at a major company him going away
does a lot of things then you're talking about a guy who may know some things because he worked
with the government right uh of all those scenarios the one that scares me the most
not scares me because it doesn't scare me but the one that worries me the most is the vigilante aspect, the vigilantism of it all.
America is at this weird point where – well, just the other day, the president basically pardoned his son and himself to avoid treason.
And we're at this point in the United States where people need something to happen.
They need to know.
They need to be assured that those who do evil will be punished.
They need to know it.
Like, we're far past all of this, like P. Diddy's languishing in jail.
We need to know that the monsters will suffer.
And if it goes on long enough that the monsters do not
suffer you can kill you can rape look at the guy penny from the subway in new york the guy who
choked out the other guy and wound up killing charges do you know anybody who has 10 charges
i don't know anybody in my whole life i don't think i've known anybody in my whole life
who has had 10 criminal charges.
But we got Penny, the Marine veteran,
subdued nearly a homeless man with 40 prior charges
who was threatening to kill others on the bus.
On a subway car in 2023,
protesters showed up, of course,
and they said it was
none other than white supremacy
you've got a guy wandering around here's the here's the truth especially to the men out there
listening here's the truth and the reality of it these things have consequences moments like these
in life have consequences here's why if neely who is a convicted problem right 40 charges
against him this is no joke i mean you got to work hard for 40 charges homeless dude nothing to lose
he's wandering around yelling at people on the train you're trying to go home god just let me
get home then he starts talking about i'm gonna kill people you're a marine you've been trained
to defend.
Here's how things can go.
This guy pulls a knife out, stabs a girl in the neck two times,
she falls over, bleeds out in the train, and dies.
Now, if you're Penny, the Marine,
everything gets, you know, the ambulance, pronounced dead,
guy gets locked up, put in jail, whatever the situation is.
That night you go home, you lay in your bed, and you look up at the ceiling and say,
I should have done something.
I should have done something.
I should have stopped him.
I could have stopped him.
He was little.
You know what I mean?
I could have stopped him easily.
I just said, you know, he's probably a crazy guy.
Let me just leave him alone.
Let me just let this happen. Let me just let this happen.
Let me just get home.
Let me pretend like it's not a problem and just get home.
And then you got to live with that for the rest of your life.
You know what I mean?
You got,
because you were bullied by a insane society and a homeless criminal who should have been in jail already or a psych ward.
And somebody lost their life because you didn't act.
And now you have to deal with that.
So you enter the train.
You enter the subway, a free man doing the right thing,
doing the things that you're supposed to do. You served and protected your country in the military in the marines you did nothing wrong
you decide not to act someone loses their life and now you have to pay the price for
the rest of your life because you knew you should have acted and you didn't this guy acted who knows
what would have happened what could have gone down? Nobody knows. He stopped the threat, a threat that should have been stopped by the Justice Department in New York had they not been chasing Donald Trump down instead of focusing on their own people, had they not been letting a wave of Tren de Aragua into the country.
but instead they want to prosecute Marines who are protecting people when a nut is running around the subway saying,
I'm going to kill someone.
So what most alarms me, folks,
is when people get to the point where they say,
I guess I have to take matters into my own hands.
I guess I have to take matters and firearms and weapons
and all that into my own hands because justice is broken in America.
You do not want to live in a country like that.
Even if the people who are evil are getting punished,
even if it's like the Punisher comic,
you don't want to live in a world like that.
Innocent until proven guilty, as hard as it is,
is a miracle in and of itself and uh it's an
important part of who we are as hard as it is to deal with sometimes all right folks my time is up
my time is up i do appreciate you guys thanks so much for joining me on surviving america
don't fall into the trump swamp slump You've been warned, okay? We've
got six weeks till we get a president again. He is not a god. He is not our god. There will be
plenty to do between 2024 and 2028. The more self-sufficient, self-reliant you become, the
better, okay? I'll talk to you folks soon.
Thanks so much.
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