The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America: Americas Moment
Episode Date: October 2, 2024
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society in every state is a blessing for government even in its best state is but a necessary evil
the future has already arrived Top of the morning, PBN family.
Let's get right into it, down to business.
My offer to everyone out there, we are hyper-focused currently in the back channel,
in the front channel, in the side channel, on North Carolina and the recovery.
There's a lot of stuff going on in the world.
We have to focus on this.
We have to keep this as the focal point
because first the smaller aid will disappear and dry up,
then the government aid will dry up,
and then these people will be on their own.
I don't think we really understand the severity of it all
up there yet. Particularly the longterm, the longterm in particular. Uh, I don't want to
spend too much time on the details. I do have some really interesting information from the ground.
Uh, I don't really want to give you the source. I don't know.
I'm not exactly sure who wants people to know about what right now.
OPSEC-y stuff, all that kind of stuff.
So just bear with me.
Understand that we know a lot of people out there.
Understand that, yeah. All that that said one link in the show description
at all that's all you're going to get down there we're not selling anything we're not pushing
anything for this show one particular uh link and that is to the many ways that you can help okay now i've even upped the ante further
you donate 50 bucks um give me a screenshot give me an email screenshot of an email screenshot of
a donation thank you message something along those lines prove to me that you donated $50 to the cause.
I've got a bag of lizards here, and I've got a box of books here.
If you donate $50 to the cause, not my cause, whatever, you choose.
Just show me somehow that you donated that money to the people of North Carolina
and getting them water, getting them food, getting them some kind of relief.
I'm going to take one of these books out of here.
I'm going to write you a message, sign it.
I'm going to throw one of these lizards that Jay Ferg made in there as a bookmark
and we'll ship that book off to you.
That'll be my token of appreciation for you doing your part, okay?
So $50 donations to whatever organization you choose,
as long as they're helping the people of North Carolina.
I probably wouldn't want to see you give money to American Red Cross
and some of those larger things that, you know, bureaucratic nightmares.
You put $100 in and $1.50 makes it down to the people, right?
So be smart.
You guys are all very smart.
And I'm sure you'll do your due diligence.
And I'm sure you'll want the same outcomes anyway.
So, again, the only link in the show description is an article out of North Carolina,
how to help those people in need.
I didn't title the show this, even though I meant to.
But what's been on my mind, you know, this Surviving America show that I'm doing now is, it's right.
It's just right.
You know, you look at what's going on up and down all around this country, and it's probably pretty easy for you guys to understand why my mindset went from I am liberty to surviving America.
And that's why we're doing this show now, the way that we're doing it.
Kind of popped into my, what I've been waiting for, but what's been in my head lately, particularly since this whole thing started, this hurricane, and once we realized, oh, this hurricane is going to be monumental, and then we sort of came to the conclusion that this is, you know, a once-in-a-lifetime storm, hopefully.
I'd been thinking about America's moment.
I thought that the 7th of October 2023 was going to be America's moment.
I thought that we here in this country could rally around the Israelis,
rally around the fact that that was such a nightmarish situation, I thought it would be nearly impossible to find people that would be anything but overwhelmingly affected by what happened.
And as horrible as that day was, I started thinking to myself, you know, this could be America's moment. This could be the moment in this, you know, divisive country that we live in now with this max divisive presidency
where, you know, we have a moment to come together and say, you know,
we disagree on a lot of things, but we can at least sit down and say, this is a horrible time
and we should do everything we can to get
these hostages back and to make sure that nothing like this ever happens anywhere again.
And what was really most terrifying in that moment was that I think it was the night of
or the night after there were people in New York City ripping down the pictures of the
So I said, you know what, this ain't going to be America's moment
and then of course that bloomed into this whole
newborn terrorist movement
free Palestine
whether you know it or not
these Palestinian organizations are
picket signs today
and AK-47s tomorrow
I know that you listening to me understand that.
If left to do what they want to do,
if things are left to go the way that they want them to go,
that's what these organizations will become.
I don't think that will happen,
but I think that they could easily go that way.
You know what I mean?
No issues.
Just not even a thought.
So that was an America's moment, you know?
And now I'm looking at this mountain town that's devastated.
Not even mountain town. I mean, this is a devastated region of the nation.
And, you know, I don't want to take away from Georgia.
I don't want to take away from Florida and their challenges and all of this.
But this Appalachian region, this is devastation that's in a new area
for things like this.
You know what I mean?
And I don't know.
There's also something about it.
You go out there, you go up into the mountains,
and you see a version of America that you don't see all the time.
You know what I mean?
And I'm wondering, I'm sitting here wondering,
as the pictures come rolling in of the infrastructure,
of the people, the stories of the deaths,
the story of the missing, the stories of the missing,
and all of that, can it shake people loose of the political ties,
And all of that, can it shake people loose of the political ties?
Or is it just all going to be about J.D. Vance and the eyeliner and Tim Waltz and Minnesota, Tiananmen Square, all that kind of stuff? Is that going to dominate? What's going to dominate?
What's going to dominate? Is it World War III on the horizon? Will these communities in Appalachia just be pushed out of the news cycle and forgotten? Or can this be a moment where we all remember what it is to have a nation?
You know what I mean?
Like, you remember what it means to have a nation and to have citizens and to say that we are American and we stand to help our Americans in need?
We have no problem bringing people in from other nations and giving them money
and helping them when they're in need.
We have no problem sending hundreds more billions of dollars,
hundreds of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars rather,
overseas when every time Zelensky shows up, right? Every time Voldemort shows up
and shakes hands with Joe Biden, we send him back with, you know, a few hundred million dollars.
I wonder how many hundreds of millions of dollars will be dumped into this region that is underwater, festooned with, you know, forests.
It's like streams of forests flowing through these areas.
If you haven't seen the pictures of, like, rivers filled with trees, it's like nothing I've ever seen.
It reminds me of something out of like
The Lord of the Rings.
You know what I mean?
It sort of reminds me of.
the big question is, you know,
can we turn this into
a moment for America?
A moment where we can remember
that we're all in this thing together.
Right? And it doesn't matter what the late night TV show hosts, what kind of joke they make. America, a moment where we can remember that we're all in this thing together, right?
And it doesn't matter what the late night TV show hosts, what kind of joke they make.
It doesn't matter what people say.
It doesn't matter what pops up on Twitter.
It's, you know, at the end of the day, it's the elbow thrashing level of humanity that has to deal with it all, right?
Now, I mentioned Vance, and I think I want to say a couple things about that
It's not a focal point of today's show
But it's hard not to talk at least a little bit about the debate
The timing of everything yesterday was so crazy
You know what I mean?
It was so crazy
So many things on the same day
Or within a matter of days.
You know, the debates and the ports and there was really no talk about the ports, was there?
That was really interesting. No talk about the ports that I remember hearing.
And I, you know, I watched it. My wife and I, we just watched it, watched almost the whole thing.
I watched it.
My wife and I, we just watched it, watched almost the whole thing.
But, yeah, it was really weird to see that.
Either there wasn't talk about it or there wasn't enough talk about it because I barely remember it.
My takeaway overall watching those guys, number one,
I have to eat crow and say that J.D. Vance was stellar.
As presidential as you could ever hope for.
You know?
I mean, you could see a guy, and at 40 years old, pretty impressive.
Pretty impressive.
I think one of the things that most impressed me about him was his understanding of the problems.
You know what I mean?
Like you could tell he knew the plan.
He knew the problems in the country and didn't just like not on surface level.
That was really nice to see, man.
It was really good to see.
My wife kept saying like it's like nice to see people up there.
You know what I mean?
Like just regular.
It's not a show, you know?
It's not showman Trump versus lifetime politician Biden
or showman Trump versus
the Democratic Party's Frankenstein monster
and Kamala Harris.
The, you know, the creature, the created, the apparition, whatever you want to call it, right?
She is like, I don't know, she's designed.
So the only thing I really got hung up on was, and no one seems to say this,
and I don't know why no one seems to say this, but it really
bugs me. The Democrats have a candidate that was never elected running for president. There was no
election for Kamala Harris. You can't forget this. Joe Biden basically gave up,
Joe Biden basically gave up And they installed Kamala Harris
On everyone who is out there
And is a registered Democrat voter
That's what happened
You got a switcheroo
It is the most anti-democratic thing
For the highest office in the land
That I think I've ever seen in my life.
And as far as I'm concerned, it forfeits any conversation they have about something that
happened four years ago, right? It was January 16th, or I'm sorry, January 6th. And by the way,
January 6th, whatever you think about it, it had zero effect on the outcome of the changing of hands of the presidency.
It had zero impact.
Like when the inauguration time came, Joe Biden became president, that was the end.
However, none of that matters.
None of that matters.
However, none of that matters. None of that matters. And Waltz last night brought up the issue of democracy and talked about Donald Trump and Donald Trump doesn't blend. And they cornered Vance and they feel like they really got Vance real good because he refused to say whether or not Donald Trump won the election in 2020. and I think that he should have just said, you know, who voted for Kamala Harris to be the presidential candidate of the Democrat Party?
That would have been my response. Who is this candidate?
Why is she the candidate, right?
There was no election.
She ran against no one.
The Democrats had no chance to vote for her or someone else.
I don't care about timing. I don't care about how much time.
It doesn't matter. That woman should have stood the test of an election.
I mean, it's how we do it.
Democracy on the Democrat side was absolutely assassinated.
democracy on the Democrat side was absolutely assassinated.
And the idea that you can look to Donald Trump and something that he said or did four years ago and say,
oh, he's a threat to democracy, I swear.
Vance should have picked up on that.
Vance should have said this.
Your party is running a candidate who no one voted for.
There was no Democratic election to put this lady in
the position she's in. It was a lateral move. It was a jump from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris and
a smoke screen, and then they just told the base to eat it and live with it.
Bananas to me, you know? Absolutely crazy.
Let's do a little advertising
for our great sponsors that make all this possible.
We'll come back,
and we've got some other things to discuss as well.
Won't be a tremendously long show,
but we've got some stuff to discuss, all right?
Be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
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Maybe you know what a zombie is.
When a person dies and is buried,
it seems a certain voodoo priest will have the power to bring him back to life.
How horrible.
It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own.
You see them sometimes
walking around blindly with dead eyes,
following orders,
not knowing what they do, not caring.
You mean like Democrats?
It's Surviving America, folks.
Welcome back.
I want to tell you about
It couldn't come at a better time, to be quite honest with you.
Our newest sponsor.
I've been looking for an organization just like this.
When I go out to market, if you will, for sponsors.
You know, there are things that I want, and I've always wanted a Mylar bag company, an oxidative absorber company, a food preservation company, packaging fundamentally.
They do sous vide bags.
They do heat sealers, vacuum seal bags, Mylar bags, you know, O2 absorbers, the whole
nine yards. They do it all. They even have their own prepper university up at,
you know, so it's not only a company that has the things that you need as a prepper,
but it's a company that understands what you're up to. Now, later on today, really once I finish up here,
I'm going to pick up some goods from Sam's Club.
I discussed in detail with our members this morning
how I would survive or how I will survive this situation at the ports, right?
This strike at the ports, what these people want is unimaginable.
But a good part of our plan here at my house is always to stockpile plenty of food, shelf-stable food at that.
And I need mylar bags and I need oxygen absorbers to do these things.
You got a variety of bags, man.
They, uh, well, I'll tell you right now, we're going to send some of these items out
to our hosts so that they can get a feel for Pack Fresh USA. They have a 7-mil, 100-pack box set, okay? 31-gallon bags, 41-quart bags, 31-pint bags, labels, oxygen absorbers, a food storage kit.
I mean, it's a food storage book, rather.
It's everything, you know?
It's everything.
I'm a big fan of the one-gallon bags.
I really am.
I'm not a huge five-gallon bag guy when it comes to my law and food storage.
I'm not a, I don't, I don't, I like the idea of being able to pack my flours and my sugar in one bucket.
You know, so now, boom, I'm opening flour and I'm opening sugar in one bucket.
I can pull one bucket out.
It has rice in it.
It has beans in it. I do two one-g. It has rice in it. It has beans in it.
I do two one gallons of rice, one bean, right?
I like that.
I like being able to pack the variety.
So the one-gallon bags are big for me.
If you're a five-gallon person, don't worry about it.
They got five-gallon Mylar bags available too.
I am 99% sure.
Quart, five quart.
You know, I should have checked. Yeah. Oh, maybe not. They may not have the five gallon. I see a one gallon in shopping. Oh, no, there it is. Five gallon,
two gallon, one gallon, quart, two quart pint. Yeah, they got it all, man.
Check them out. Okay. Great new sponsor. Really happy that we have a company that we trust that we can push you to.
And again, it's an American-run company, the whole thing, right?
Check them out.
Get to know them.
And check out their Prepper University.
There's good information in there.
So how I will survive porch strike. That's one piece of it. Okay. For you members, you lifetime,
you $5 a monthers, you annual members, all of you great people out there who support this network, that's available at Go check it out. Okay.
work, that's available at Go check it out, okay? Now, it's tempting to go line by line and talk about all the stuff that's happening in the world, but I fear that, you know, going
line by line like that doesn't help anybody. Right now, we really need a media force to present solutions along with all the concerns.
Do you know what I mean?
So I do want to remind you, I told you at the head of the week,
and I wasn't sure, I didn't know it would be this heavy of a week.
I didn't know Israel and Iran were going to butt heads like this.
And whatever that means, you know, right now I have to imagine that there are things taking shape over in that
region that are crazy. Israel will respond, I'm sure, and they will probably blow up a bunch of
military targets and oil fields and all that kind of stuff, you know, and I don't, you know, Vance
should have again hammered home. Oh, he did. He did actually hammer home the fact that they gave them money.
They gave them the money to do all this. Never forget it. You know, this was born out of
two things, really. There's this whole mess in the Middle East. It's not because the Israelis
woke up and said, you know what?
We're going to have ourselves a Palestinian genocide.
That's what we're going to do.
No, it's because when Biden got into office, he gave $100 billion to Iran,
and Iran said, oh, let's play, because that's what they do.
because that's what they do, right?
And it's also this acceptance of the radical elements of the Muslim religion that seek to kill people.
You know what I mean?
Like, you can't discount this.
You can't discount that there are more than one.
There's more than one segment of this religion where people are just like, part of what
we do is kill the non-believer and also kill the Muslims that don't believe the way we believe.
This is Sunni, this is Shiite, right? This is just part of it. Just imagine if in America there was
like a group of Christians and what they like to do was kill this
other group of Christians. You know, here's a great example, right? I always get on people because
one of the things that really drives me crazy at Christmas time, because you know I'm insane
about Christmas, is when people tell me or remind me or seek to sound very clever and tell you that, well, you know, Christmas is not even Jesus' real birthday.
You know what I mean?
They become master historian archaeologists overnight just to tell you that you're doing something wrong or that they feel that you're doing something wrong.
And just imagine we lived in a country where, you know, if you were part of the Christmas crowd, another group of Christians would blow you up or stone you to death or behead you or something like that because you weren't celebrating Jesus properly.
We sit here and pretend like, you know, it's just a religion.
There's no big, you know.
It's different.
It's a different thing.
You know, the stakes are higher.
The violence is greater.
You can't get around it.
Look at Sharia law.
Look at the law that is tethered to it.
There's not enclaves or whole parts of nations around the world where there are Christian people that are like, well, you know, who we stone into death today?
And the acceptance of that all over the world, the acceptance of it in Europe,
and all that kind of stuff has led to this situation, allowing groups like Hamas,
allowing normal people who have common sense to be manipulated by this thought process
and look at a group like Hamas and go like, well, maybe we need a two-state solution.
Maybe Hamas isn't the problem.
It's bananas, right?
Absolutely crazy.
What I would like to see, I'm not asking you to do.
I've asked you to do enough.
I've asked you to seek intel on the 7th.
We're now five days out from the 7th, 8th.
I think the 7th, 8th in this country could be just another layer.
And you have to imagine that as we piss our enemies off consistently
without taking concisive action,
see, we're reaching a point now where it's almost like decisive action has to happen here soon.
This little poking and stabbing and bleeding our enemies out is a good long-term strategy, don't get me wrong. I'm not upset when I see Russia's military,
you know, going through all its artillery. Doesn't hurt my feelings.
All that said, like, it does feel like there will come a time where decisive action is necessary,
or they're going to start playing the same game. You know, why not play the same game as America?
Why not send people over there to cause chaos, to kill people?
And it just seems like after the last showing in Washington, D.C.,
where they raised the Palestinian flag, took down the American flag, burned it,
yeah, we're ready for October 7th to be something crazy here in the United States.
I don't know that it'll be everywhere, but as I mentioned on Monday, see what you can find out.
See what you can find out.
Do a little intel of your own in your own local area, right?
We're not going to interact with people in terms of face-to-face.
We're not going to take any action other than just figuring out what we can figure out through human intelligence.
Those kinds of things.
But I think there's something to it.
And I think that we're playing a game where our enemies are going to continue to layer these problems.
Like, what do you think happened in Georgia?
Do you think Georgia was an accident?
I mean, there's a growing contingency of people who think that HAARP had everything to do with this hurricane.
I haven't done the research.
I need to look into it because I've had people talk to me about this thing that I never would have expected.
Multiple people. So we can get divisive on these things.
Or like I've been doing, we can hone in, we can focus in on what's happening in North Carolina and say, you know, let's keep this front and center as long as we can. Let's get everybody
from all sides of the political spectrum talking about helping these people in North Carolina out.
Because you're not going to stop bombs from flying between Iran and Israel. You're not going to stop
the war in Russia. If there's something planned for the 7th, there's a good chance you're not
going to stop that either. The best you can do is be prepared and keep your family safe.
But a lot of these things we can't do anything about.
One of the things that I think we all can do is help out these people, right?
Find their loved ones.
Make sure that they have water.
Make sure that they have clean water.
Make sure that they have access to medical care that they're going to need or probably need already, make sure we're getting food into the area, make sure
that there's some sort of plan in the long term to get I-40 back, get the roads back,
Could be America's moment.
Do I have a lot of faith in it, that it will be America's moment?
No, I don't.
I don't. I don't.
I think even if it were America's moment, we'd have to find that out for ourselves. It wouldn't be reported, you know, unless it was so big that it took over the trending news on Twitter and so on.
and so on.
PBN Family, this has been Surviving America.
I do appreciate you guys.
I guess I should do a quick rundown of all this kind of stuff, right?
Let's talk about some free stuff and some things along those lines.
Number one, please do me a favor.
Share the podcasts. If you're inspired by the podcast. Share the podcasts.
If you're inspired by the podcast, share the podcasts. If you're not going to share them, then you're never going to share them.
In other words, I don't want to share the Prepper Broadcasting Network
because I don't want people to know I'm listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network
because they're fringe or whatever.
There are people, probably a lot of them, in your networks of people right now that they want to know what the hell to do. Everything's different now. You have to understand
that. You know what I mean? People are worried. People are scared. people are broke. They want the answers, right? Share the podcast,
share PBN Family with them. They go to, like, we have to build your medical
cash link and build your whole first aid kit out, you know, and I didn't put it together.
It's not like I sat there and, listen, look at your medical cash from the chef guy. No,
it's Dr.
William Forgy built this whole thing out with his book, Build Your Medical Cache at
Send people there. Send people to sign up for the newsletter, and then they'll get the whole
prepper library, right? They'll get the PDF of our 50 must-read books to survive doomsday,
which the title is what it is, right?
But the books are astounding.
They can go get the free
Nuclear War Prepared, Not Scared book
written by Dave Jones and myself, right?
So you got medical,
you got your prepper library,
your information, even with the grid down,
you got your information,
you got your first aid kit,
you got your book,
you got your information. You got your first aid kit. You got your book. You got your nuclear war preparedness.
All three of these things, right, you can go do at the
You can share the links to them with your family and friends.
We got so many resources, and resources that people don't even have to spend
$60 to sign up as a member to
get access to right and then of course we have 5 000 podcasts share the podcast tell people about
what we do here at pbn because every single day is a new issue And people are overwhelmed And we have the answers
That's all there is to it
It just is what it is
You look around at the network
You see the way people are living
What they're doing
It's not by accident
You know what I mean?
It was good to hear J.D. Vance
Talk about self-reliance last night
It was good to hear him
Hear that come
out of his mouth in the context of our own nation.
And you should be
thinking about it as well.
Talk to you soon, PBN
family. Enjoy the
programming for the weekend.
Help the people in North Carolina.
Thank you for listening to
the Prepper Broadcasting Network,
where we promote self-reliance and independence.
Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at you