The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America - Episode - 009 What if They Steal it Again?

Episode Date: October 23, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome into Surviving America, folks. The show where we stare America in the face and ask them, are you really prepared for the nation you're inheriting? Things have changed. Things are changing rapidly. And I guess that the old way of, you know, the stasis of old is not really cutting it anymore. You know, it's not really cutting it anymore. In many facets of life, in all facets of life, things have changed in a tremendous way. Big changes are still afoot. Now, I'm going to ask a question that's been on my mind for months now. A question
Starting point is 00:01:09 that, you know, it's one of those sort of like, I don't want to call it a third rail. It's more of like a dark alley. There are questions in your life pertaining to your loved ones, pertaining to your nation, pertaining to yourself. That are these dark alleys that you know there's nothing but trouble should you go down there. Or nothing but hard work that could be embarrassing or dangerous or whatever the situation is. But we all have these sort of dark alleyway questions that we like to avoid. This one will not sit well with the mainstream, but it is a question worth asking. And it's a question that you need to consider, that all Americans need to consider, really. And it is, what happens if they steal it again? What happens if, and yeah, what happens if they steal the election again? Now, we are supposed to believe that, you know, 2020, everything was
Starting point is 00:02:27 on the up and up. I've seen the documentaries. I've seen the footage. I've seen the questionable things that happened. But I'm supposed to trust the judges? Okay. I'm supposed to trust the audits and the 60 lawsuits, no evidence of widespread fraud. All that's good and well. Not necessarily. But now's the time for the— So, in other words, now's the time for you and I and everyone in the United States
Starting point is 00:03:03 to wrap their head around what happens if come December 1st, when they finally have counted up all the ballots, even though people, oh, 19 million people have already voted. They're going to need a week and a half to count the votes, right? Because there's some, like, there's an old lady literally hand-counting all the ballots, right? Oh, well, when Gladys finishes up with the ballots in a month, we'll tell you who won for president. There is something to be said about perception, folks. You know? There is something to be said about perception.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Now, I don't know if people care about the American people's perception anymore. I don't know if they care about how the election is perceived. I think what they care about is getting up on the television and saying, everything is on the up and up, everything's fine, Donald Trump's still Hitler, and he lost. Yay, let's celebrate. Yay, let's celebrate. It's late January 2025. Kamala Harris is president. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:04:14 What are you doing? What are you changing? What have you changed? What will you change? Are you in the country? Have you moved from where you lived before to a new place, to survive America? These are all questions that I'm not just asking you, but I'm asking me. I do think that the nation will be changed radically and fundamentally, The nation will be changed radically and fundamentally, maybe even down to its founding documents, if Kamala Harris gets in office. Not because Kamala Harris is going to change much of anything on her own.
Starting point is 00:04:57 But I'm telling you, this is a dark alley question. And I have to talk about it because no one else is going to talk about it because it is scary. It is a scary topic to discuss. The mainstream media, they would never admit, because they're a propaganda arm, they never would admit if an election was stolen to begin with. if an election was stolen to begin with. But if we wake up in late 2025 and Kamala Harris is president and we have to sit there and drink our coffee and say to ourselves, Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump, she beat Elon Musk, and she beat RFK Jr. with her and Tim Walz.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I have to sit here in this country today and I have to say to myself that Kamala Harris, who got no votes in the previous election, none beat Donald Trump, who has risen to a status that very few American politicians ever reach. few American politicians ever reach. The things that he's been through, the things that he's done, I mean, but she beat Donald Trump, she beat RFK Jr., which she couldn't beat Donald Trump or RFK Jr. by herself or by themselves. And she beat Elon Musk. And, you know, so if you have to sit there and, which you will if she wins, you will have to sit there and wrap your head around that. You'll have to say to yourself, how did it happen?
Starting point is 00:06:34 What do the American people do? What do they do? Now the lizards, the people at the highest positions in government and so forth, the Gateses, the great resetters, the lizards fundamentally, they want a national emergency. They want a civil war, whatever it is. That's what they want. urgency. They want a civil war, whatever it is, right? That's what they want. They want you to go, Kamala Harris is president in 2025. I guess it's time to riot. That's what they want, right? We lost another election. It's clearly botched. So we either have one stolen election or two stolen elections.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It's time for chaos. What you have to understand is going that route, because there will be a lot of people tempted to go that route. You have to understand that. You can't have an election and say, little girls are going to get raped and killed underneath bridges if we don't stop the border and know that one candidate will close the border and one candidate won't close the border and that there'll be gangs running roughshod over your neighborhoods and expect the American people to
Starting point is 00:07:53 do nothing except go, oh, Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump and RFK Jr. They were on the same ticket. I mean, they're on the same team. He's going to run Health and Human Services or whatever. But she beat them out because her and Tim Walz are such a dynamic duo. It's just unbelievable. Her, Tim Walz, and her cross-dressing cohort of cabinet members, undeniably, or perhaps, I don't know. perhaps, I don't know. They won. They won the American. And then, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:30 what is also scary, this is the other scary part about it, what if she wins? And there is no steal. It'll be almost impossible to prove that to people because that's where we are now as a country, which is the most dangerous part of it all. What if she wins and everything's on the up and up? This is another dark alley to go down,
Starting point is 00:08:57 but it's one we have to think about. So in other words, what if the election was all straight up and down and they find a way to prove that to the American people in a way that everyone is, you know, at least good enough? At least, you know what? Donald Trump, RFK Jr., Elon Musk, those three powerhouse human beings were literally outvoted by the mainstream media's influence on the people of this country. And Kamala Harris is president. More Americans voted for Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's only been, it's only been what? Four months from the time that she went from a political laughingstock to where, you know, on both sides of the political spectrum where they were like, Joe, whatever you do, hang in there, my man. We cannot have Kamala as president. That was both sides. I don't care what you say. There wasn't anybody in the Democrat Party who was like, well, we might as well just
Starting point is 00:09:59 get Kamala in there. We might take, you know, she's a highly reputable and effective politician and leader. in there. She's a highly reputable and effective politician and leader. Not necessarily the fact. Not necessarily the situation. We look out into a landscape where we have to cross paths with our
Starting point is 00:10:21 fellow Americans and say to ourselves there's a 50-50 chance or greater that this idiot in front of me voted for Kamala Harris and the damnation of the country. And when her policies create the kind of chaos and calamity that they will create, we'll have to deal with that. And the worst part and the most dangerous part is that we'll have to look at our fellow Americans and go, I remember you. I remember you had the sign in your front yard. Remember? Remember a
Starting point is 00:10:59 couple years ago you had the Harris-Waltz sign in your front yard. So you went to the ballot box and you voted for her. And you and 80 million other lunatics voted for her. And now the apartment complex down the street is a drug den run by a gang from South America. Central America. America, Central America. And now my daughter, who was going to get a scholarship to go to college, has lost her scholarship to a boy that plays on the same team as her. And you voted Kamala Harris because you thought that this was the right thing to do for freedom and women and women's choice in the American way and the American people. But in your heart of hearts, you always knew it was just about, I can't have Donald Trump be president because Jessica Alba told me not to,
Starting point is 00:11:55 because Kim Kardashian told me not to, because Jennifer Lawrence told me not to, because Eminem came out and told me Obama's cool and so is Kamala Harris. So I had to pull the blue lever. And it will dramatically affect the way you look at your fellow man. I promise you. It already has happened with Biden. It has already happened with Biden. The average American who looks at Joe Biden and goes,
Starting point is 00:12:26 God, he was compromised for years now and nobody said anything. You can't help but get behind the wheel of the vehicle and you get behind a person who has the old Biden-Harris sticker on the car and go, what? What on earth were they thinking? But we have to be smarter, PBN family. We have to be tactical. That's a scary word to use. See, this is a scary topic to discuss because it can be bent and twisted. But I tell you right now, what I'm saying right now, while it may seem, ooh, things could happen, he could be banned, he could be censored for bringing this kind of thing up. Should Kamala Harris win, and there's even a whiff of anything unfair, you'll look back on a podcast like this and say, it's pretty measured. I'm telling you, because I keep asking myself,
Starting point is 00:13:43 how many elections can be questionable? Right? How many elections can be questionable? How many times? And it's not just the elections. You know, it's not like Bush-Gore. It's not like, oh, this was no good, and the implications for the American people are going to be devastating now. and the implications for the American people are going to be devastating now.
Starting point is 00:14:13 We're at one of the most important times in history. We're giving birth to artificial intelligence. We have given birth to artificial intelligence. We are in a world war. We have given birth to the most powerful electronic data-driven climate change. What is it? What is it? Devastating to the climate technology that probably next to oil, it depends on how big it gets, right, that you could give birth to. It's out there. It's alive. It's you could give birth to. It's out there.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It's alive. It's integrated into people's life. It's going nowhere, okay? It's going nowhere. When I say it's going nowhere, I mean it's here to stay, right? We're in a world war we've given another billion dollars in to a world war cause i told you we are in a world war i told you that for years now at least years our defense secretary i don't know a, two weeks, at least two weeks, has just realized we think there's evidence that the North Korean troops are in Russia.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Now, that's stupid enough. Okay? That's stupid enough. That you're that much of a doofus, that's bad enough. We think that we have confirmed evidence. Everybody knew this two weeks ago who listened to PBN. At least two weeks. Maybe a month. This is what really blows my mind, though.
Starting point is 00:15:56 That first statement's nothing compared to what's next. Lloyd Austin, okay? This is the defense secretary. This is a man who – I don't understand how – it's not necessarily incompetent. I think Michael Savage used – found the best word to describe the people running the nation. to describe the people running the nation. Mediocre. Mediocre.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He did a podcast the other day, and it was something like, it had the word mediocre in it, you know? And that's what I think we're dealing with. They're just of moderate quality. Not very good. That's the definition of mediocre. Someone of moderate,
Starting point is 00:16:57 Lloyd Austin is just a man of moderate quality for what he's doing. He's a defense secretary of the United States of America, and he comes out and says, what exactly they're doing remains to be seen do you think they're doing, doofus? What do you mean? What are they, setting up a hot pot for the Russians? They're there to kill Ukrainians. They're taking part in the, they're doing their part in the world war, Lloyd. Lloyd, come on, man. I mean, mediocre. It's mediocrity is what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It's mediocrity at the highest levels. When we look at – we all had this conversation about incompetence when Trump was – the first assassination attempt of Donald Trump. We all looked at this and we said, well, is it incompetence or is it – did they do it on purpose? No, you know what it is? This is what it is. It's mediocre people in positions they never deserve to be in. That's what it is. Look, I'll be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I took on some positions in my career that I was mediocre at, right? I walked into some kitchens and into some organizations and took on some jobs with responsibilities that were vast, and I was too young, and I was mediocre in those jobs. And it shows. It shows, just like it shows now. When you have a defense secretary like Lloyd Austin, remember he disappeared or whatever, had a heart attack, nobody told anybody. Austin. Remember he disappeared or whatever, had a heart attack. Nobody told anybody. A mediocre guy. He didn't call in. He didn't get no heads up. They're mediocre. Maybe the media is not even, maybe the journalists of today and the mainstream media, no, that's not true. I was going to say maybe the writers are just mediocre, but that's not true. They are a propaganda storm. There's no doubt about it. And I know that because if you look at ChatGPT, if you look at Google and you ask it the questions that I've been asking it today about elections and about stolen elections and about all that kind of stuff, it's so biased. The search engine is biased and the media is so biased. It's unbelievable,
Starting point is 00:19:28 really. But as far as the leadership of the United States, it's got to be some mixture of mediocrity, and hatred, right? Mediocrity and hatred. How boring, huh? How boring for the greatest nation of the world. What a boring, miserable situation to be in, right? We're at this time where we need so much. I mean, at the very least, we need someone who can stop the war, right?
Starting point is 00:20:16 And the guy, the defense secretary, who's supposed to be paying the closest attention to this kind of stuff, goes, Well, it appears we have North Korean troops in Russia. We got no idea what they're doing over there, but they're over there. What do you think they're doing? What? What do you think they're doing over there, Lloyd? Give me three answers, okay? Give me three of your best hypotheses on what you think the North Korean troops are doing in Russia. It's a hot pot date.
Starting point is 00:20:44 That's all. They're scarfing kimchi with beets And potatoes PBN family Let's take a quick break So I can catch my breath I've got a pretty interesting story for you For preppers in the news And
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah I want you to think about this question Truly Because it is something we're going to have to deal with fundamentally You know and, yeah, I want you to think about this question, truly, because it is something we're going to have to deal with fundamentally, you know? Maybe you know what a zombie is. When a person dies and is buried, it seems there are certain voodoo priests who have the power to bring him back to life. How horrible.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring. You mean like Democrats? PBN Family. I want to tell you about Pack fresh you're packing food storage up right right please tell me i just released something for the members this morning you're gonna get it everybody gets it everybody gets gets preparedness, preparedness checklist. Everybody's going to get it, but it's going to come out in a few days. In 2022, the tool man wrote up a preparedness checklist for everyone and it got lost, you know, in all the content. And I found it today and I brought it back and I spiffed it up a
Starting point is 00:22:25 little bit and it's coming your way, okay? The reason I bring it up is because now's the time for home maintenance. Now's the time for health maintenance. Now's the time for food storage. Now's the time for preservation. We have a window. I don't know how long that window's going to be open. Kamala Harris wants to come in and she wants to say, I'm going to fix the food prices. I'm going to fix the food prices, which is, you know, we love that. Capitalists and Americans love it when governments put their hands into the pricing situation of things. You know, the last real big one that I can remember was when Barack Obama said, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. And the funny thing that happened is that I immediately lost my doctor.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, that was the really interesting part about it. I had a great doctor with a great staff. And as soon as Doofus got off the stage, I wound up losing my doctor. Well, I didn't lose him. I just couldn't afford him anymore because, you know, communism is communism. Socialism is socialism. So what I'm getting at is you can't control price. You're going to affect the cost of food, the industry in and of itself. And don't forget, well, whatever. provides you with American-made Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, vacuum sealers, heat sealers, canning supplies, the whole nine yards.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You know what I mean? You know what food preservation is if you're listening to me. You know that you should be bagging up rice, flour, sugar, pasta, lentils, oats, staples, bagged up in Mylar bags, sealed up, put them in with oxygen absorbers, sealed up, put them in five-gallon buckets, stack them somewhere, and know that you have calories. No matter what. Know that you have calories. No matter what inflation does, no matter what war does, no matter what Kamala does, you have food.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You have sustenance for your family. You know what I'm saying? Now, just sent me and a bunch of the hosts this incredible bundle of Mylar bags. It's a $54 package. Jay Ferg is looking at hers. You might have heard it on L. Douglas Hogan's show on The Rising Republic with Ryan and Doug yesterday. Carl B. got his. Everyone's going to be talking about these packs. Like I said, they're $50. You get 100 bags.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You get Oxygen Sorbers for every bag. You get labels for every bag. You get a heat sealer included. You get a food storage guide. All in this pack. I think it's $54 and some change. And then you can pack up food storage, man. All you want. You can pack up food storage. You can pack up freeze dried foods. You can pack
Starting point is 00:25:30 up dehydrated apples, whatever it is you got. You know what I mean? Pack it up for a rainy day. Stick it on a shelf. Understand that. Understand that you have the power to eat You have the power to sustain your family Even in the face of a war Even in the face of a president That wants to sink the ship Even in the face of all this chaos Go to
Starting point is 00:25:58 Check them out today American made preservation Bags The whole thing The the whole spectrum, okay? If you're thinking about preservation, if you're thinking about DIY food storage, is the place to be, okay? I kind of favor the long-winded ad. I don't know. I don't know. This is what it is. When you hit a button on an ad, I think people tune it out. I really do. I think the age of the button ad has to go away.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I don't think we're doing justice to all of our great sponsors all the time. Let's talk about the family of Prepper grapples with dilemma. This is kind of an interesting story, something you don't think about because you're in the midst of it. It's a story by Leo Collis from The Cooldown. Never heard of it, but it says family of, quote, prep, quote, unquote, Prepper grapples with dilemma. I didn't inherit my dad's apocalyptic preoccupation. So in 2021, Carly Frisbee Brogan wrote a column for The Washington Post about her father, who was 69 years old at the time, living in Oregon. I think I read this article, actually, that they're referring to.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And had a house equipped with plastic tubs filled with military MREs, gallons of water, reflective blanket, and a firearm. I didn't inherit my dad's apocalyptic preoccupation, Frisbee Brogan said. But they observed that the recent extreme weather events, including, wait, but they? Come on, Carly. Jesus God in heaven.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But they observed that the recent extreme weather events, including California tubs, fire—oh, that was bad. Remember that?—that burned her mother's house down had gotten her thinking about her preparation levels. Why is it her and they now? She's her and they? Indeed, while the typical assumption about preppers might be negative—this is a very interesting sentence I read. I want to ask you this question as well. Is the typical assumption about preppers negative? The writer of the article says, Indeed, while the typical assumption about preppers might be negative, being ready for the worst elements can throw at you,
Starting point is 00:28:19 is getting more important. So my question is, when society hears the word prepper, is it typically a negative assumption? I don't know if that's the case anymore. In fact, Frisbee Brogan escaped to her father's house amid the wildfires in California. He offered the use of his food supplies and survival gear. Prepping under the impression that civilization is going to collapse in the morning perhaps isn't the way to go,
Starting point is 00:28:49 but having some essentials ready can make a huge difference as you ride out the storm. I wholeheartedly disagree with this. I wholeheartedly disagree with this. It's just the wording. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency and prepping is about having the impression that civilization is going to collapse. Even if that collapses for a week. even if that collapses for a week.
Starting point is 00:29:28 The trouble is, if you really want to prepare, you have to change your lifestyle, and you can't be a week prepper, in both words, in both meanings. In other words, you can't prepare for a week and have it be effective, really. I mean, I guess you could stow away a week's worth of meals, a week's worth of gas, a week's worth of water, a week's worth. And, you know, I guess you just hold on to that until you open the week capsule. But the truth of the matter is, you might not have daydreams about civilization collapsing.
Starting point is 00:30:14 You may not have concerns about civilization collapsing. But what you do need to do is build a life and a world that can handle it. Right? And remember, this has kind of been the status quo anyway for a long time. A good supply of fresh water, for example, can be quite literally life-saving. Now, how do you store and procure a good supply of fresh water without really getting into deep prepping. I mean, a couple weeks of fresh water, a good supply, at minimum, right? We're talking about a couple weeks of water. That's an investment in storage space, probably in rain barrels and water catchment,
Starting point is 00:31:06 the ability to filter that water, the ability to know how to treat that, all that kind of stuff. If you think a case of water, see, I think people don't understand. I think they think two cases of water is enough water to supply you for the duration of a storm. We have to stop talking ourselves out of prepping as a lifestyle choice. Do you know what I mean? We have to get away from this idea where we can talk ourselves out of preparedness. We have to establish what real preparedness looks like. We have to understand what real preparedness looks like. We have to understand what real preparedness looks like. We have to be able to say to ourselves, real preparedness is an investment in time.
Starting point is 00:31:52 It's an investment in things, right? And it is a way of living. It's a way of life. And I shouldn't say, oh, I have a lot of water. I have two cases of bottled water in my pantry. So that's a good, what did he say? I clicked out of the article. A good supply of water. It's a headache. Prepping is a headache when you're going for two weeks, when you're going for having weeks, when you're going for having just
Starting point is 00:32:27 enough to guess the duration of the next, first of all, you're guessing the next disaster or emergency. Then you're guessing the duration that you're going to be out of service for the next disaster or emergency, right? Now you just, all the guesswork. You're playing a preparedness lottery, right? So I have my week. I think we're going to have a power outage and a water outage for one week exactly. And then when it comes back on, I'm going to be fine. So I got a week of meals, a week of... When you get to making food in your yard, when you get to catching water in your yard, when you get to pulling power from the sun, right, and having the ability to recharge things and refuel things and refuel people and recharge people and hydrate and all the above,
Starting point is 00:33:20 then you're prepared for a broad spectrum of problems. And that's what the American people need. The American people need to be prepared right now in particular for a broad spectrum of issues. concept. Because at any moment, a petroleum supplier can be hacked by an Iranian hacker and shut the gas pumps down for two weeks. We saw it happen with National, what was it, National, no, what was it, Liberty Petroleum or something like that years ago. Remember the brilliant Kamala Harris voters and Joe Biden voters came out and were putting gasoline in plastic bags to take home. At any moment, we could be thrust into a world war. We could have a Pearl Harbor moment in this nation. Please understand, that's where we're at right now.
Starting point is 00:34:26 That's where we're at with Russia. That's where we're at with the terrorist monsters in the Middle East. And that's where we're at with China. Any one of these nations can wake up and decide it's time to make a big move. And it's time to take, and this is Dave Jones' theory, not mine, it's time to take and this is dave jones theory not mine it's time to take america off the playing board and this it's that doesn't mean nuke us into oblivion you know they don't need to do that there's very limited amounts of things well one thing they could do is make the american people assume that the election was unfair and have them be at each other's throats and have enough civil unrest in a country to negate the nation's ability to intervene in other ways.
Starting point is 00:35:19 We have to be prepared for these things, natural disasters and so forth. So take the long-winded journey of preparedness. Don't write out a checklist of things and buy those things and then go, done, and move on. So I return to my former question, PBN family. You wake up. It's late January. It's bitter cold. It's the dead of winter.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Kamala Harris is president. What's your game plan? What changes are you likely to make? Right? What do the American people do? And how, you know, even if we keep the peace, which I think is in our best interest, at least from like a, I'm pissed off, go out and riot. They stole another election.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You know, we're pissed and we need to make a difference and we need to raise holy hell. I don't think that's the way to go. There are actions that will need to be taken. I think probably one of the most important and one of the simplest would be to enact legislation that levels the playing field. At the very least. At the very least.
Starting point is 00:36:49 If there's even a whiff of, well, the early voting was a little weird, you know, like 90% of the early votes were for Kamala. Or the counting took longer than normal as we tallied up the votes and burnt all the Trump votes. You know what I mean? Whatever. If there's a whiff. If there's a whiff. At the very least.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Legislation and both sides, because the Democrats love democracy so much, both sides should enact the legislation. This should be a bipartisan issue that levels the playing field in terms of politics in news, politics in entertainment, politics in sports, right? We have not had a level playing field for the Republicans. I mean, it's amazing they ever win. When you look at the daily show, you look at Saturday Night Live, you look at all the nightly shows, you look at all the TV shows, you look at all the news stations, you look at everything that spews out of the television. You look at all the sports, you look at the things inscribed on the NFL football fields, right? NFL football fields, right? You look at the most influential people who get the covers of every magazine in the United States and the things they have to say about Donald Trump and the things they have to say about Republicans
Starting point is 00:38:14 and the things they have to say about mean old white men. And you say to yourself, when have the elections been fair? You know what I mean? That's what I say. I said this post-January 6th. I said, you know, January 6th was not as much about Donald Trump as people think. January 6th was about a group of people who have been kicked while they're down and forced to live in this society where everything that they hold dear is demonized by the most powerful and influential people in the media.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And they hear it on TV, they hear it on the radio, they hear it on the phone, they open a computer and they see it. You're wrong. The people you idolize or support are demons and monsters and the worst of the worst, and that's it. So if anyone wants to really heal the nation, then we have to start by leveling the playing field. We have to take politics out of things. There's no politics talk in colleges. There's no politics talk in news. There's no politics talk in news and sports. And I hear you. I hear you. All of a sudden, you're, oh, First Amendment. First Amendment,
Starting point is 00:39:34 right? Well, no. I think there needs to be regulations on representation in terms of the news. If not, then call them something other than the news. They have to go into a different category. You know what I mean? If they're taking government money, if they're taking pharmaceutical company money, they're not news anymore. And we have to take them out of the category of news. We need a new news program. And we have to take them out of the category of news. We need a new news program. It's that simple. It can't be biased.
Starting point is 00:40:19 It can't be 100% biased, 365 days out of the year, and then once every four years we go to the polls and pretend like this is fair. We go to the polls and pretend like everybody's had a fair shake. The unions, the media, everybody's had a fair shake. The unions, the media, you know, everybody's had a fair shake. And we go to the polls and the Americans know in their heart of hearts, those Americans who vote Republican know in their heart of hearts that they've had, I mean, this has been one of the best years for it because of the alternative media, but prior to alternative media, like, yeah, you've got by on the skin of your teeth. And this is what radical movements that no one really wants require. They require this kind of stuff. You know what I mean? They're like, yeah, we need this. Let's make sure. Let's make sure that 95% of the Trump news that goes out is negative.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Let's pull all the quotes that we can that may be true or may not be true. It doesn't matter. Just put them out there. What will you do, PBN family? What will you do if you wake up to find that in late January 2025, Kamala Harris is president? It's something we have to prepare for. We have to look at what kind of destruction she'll lay upon us all and how we prepare for it. And then we have to think smart, nonviolent strategies to assure that America
Starting point is 00:41:50 remains America. America can't be America with compromised elections. America can't be America with a compromised media, with influencers and influential people and celebrities all on one side, all on one side of the beam, and the other side is just, you know, afloat there. It's just a wing and a prayer. Thank you for joining me, folks, for Surviving America. I do appreciate you. Enjoy your day, okay? It's going to be a wonderful day. It's a wonderful is your answer to bug outland, hunting,
Starting point is 00:42:46 recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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