The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America: Episode 1

Episode Date: August 28, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome in, Surviving America. We are all in this together, folks. Whether we get along or not, we're all out here doing it. We're all out here surviving in America today, 2024. And much has changed. Much of our motivations have changed. Much of our preparations have changed. Much of our motivations have changed.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Much of our preparations have changed. And truth be told, I thought it my best effort to drill down into exactly what it is, surviving America today. So thus ends the chapter of the I Am Liberty show and begins this new show. One of the standout things about Surviving America is going to be, they will simply be episodes. Today is Surviving America episode one. The last time I did a first episode of a podcast was probably 12 years ago. And to be completely honest with you, one of my regrets was that I never numbered my shows.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And I want you to understand, by me producing Surviving America Episode 1, the power that you have to just do what you want to do when you want to do it. In other words, I've probably spent hours thinking to myself, should I have numbered my I Am Liberty show episodes? Because I have no idea how many I did. No clue. And I always thought, what a bad move. I probably should have done that. I could have had fun with the numbers. You know, I'm a thoughtful guy. I could have come up with some fun things to do with those numbers.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And you know what? See, Surviving America is not just going to be about What bad things exist in America, okay? It's not just going to be about the bad Because it is a beautiful time It is a beautiful time We're on this incredible ship It's sort of like the ship from, what was the movie with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt? It's like that ship. That's what America's like. And we are going through some sort of asteroid storm, right? And what that ship looks like on the other side. Passenger, is it called, I think?
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's a pretty good movie. So if you had to give this podcast a tagline, it's fundamentally this. And it's not for the purposes of unification through a podcast. It's more of a reminder, you know, and it is we are all in this together. You know, you might hate Kamala Harris. You might hate Donald Trump. You might hate guns. You might hate, uh, uh, what is it? Drag queen story hour. I don't know. I don't even know who is in love. Who's sitting around going like, yippee, I can't wait for the next drag queen story hour. But regardless of where you fall on all those things, guess what, baby? We're all in this together.
Starting point is 00:03:28 As Guy Ritchie said, don't hate the game because you're in it, mate. Right? We're all in this thing. So I published a sub stack today. My sub stack is currently free. It may be free forever. I'd prefer it not be free forever, but it may be. And it was all about the true picture of America from, you know, fundamentally, like, what are Americans after? What are you after?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Like, what are you doing? What are you after? What are you doing? A lot of you out? What are you after? What are you doing? A lot of you out there listening to this show right now Are after self-sufficiency You're after self-reliance and independence You are You are into that
Starting point is 00:04:14 But you're after other things too You know And it's a little cynical and so on The link is down below in the description I guess we should do a little bit of... Right now, I feel like PBN at the moment is like a battle carrier group coursing through the content creation ocean. That's what I feel like right now. We got a new show. We got the big Rumblecast going right now, all about security and defense.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I'm going to let that run for a couple days. So if you miss a show, don't worry about it. Great shows up there on Rumble Live. Go find us. The other huge thing we've got going on, now pay attention. If you're not a member, this is something you have got to pay attention to. For the members, there will be another opportunity in National Preparedness Month, but I said to myself we're like three to four days out, right?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Three days out from National Preparedness Month. Why did I say four days? One, two, three. Okay, so we are, if you count today. I've got a four-day flash sale on membership. Ten bucks off. Use the promo code READY. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:29 This is my whole idea. You get the membership. Within the next four days, that's it. Four days and it's over. I've set the expiration code, all that kind of stuff. So you go to, start your membership, gain access to all the videos, all the podcasts. I did a great podcast. I'm going to give you some information from a listener on it.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yesterday about tools and homesteading tools and stuff, just top, top notch. But you get the videos, you get the series, you get the courses, you get the full-scale bug-out overview. No one still to this day that I know of has ever done the full-scale bug-out overview like I did. And, of course, it was with the help of other people. But, you know, just the take on it. You get the discounts. You get the element room. You get all kinds of stuff, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Take that like a football handoff, the PBN membership, right? It's like a football handoff, the PBN membership. It's like a football handoff. You got the ball. You're a running back. Boom. You hit the line with the PBN membership, and that line is national preparedness month. You know what I'm saying? We're down to the wire, folks.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Make this month count. Hit it hard. Many of you out there listening are not members. I appreciate you all. Don't get me wrong. Without the audience, we're nothing. But I'd be remiss to tell you that you're missing out. You're missing out on a lot of thoughts and a lot of products. And we started a new membership show called Family Gear, where I'm actually showing off the gear that I use, which is new for me. And one of the cool things about not being on a YouTube platform all the time or even Rumble and video is we've created this audience now where people don't even know what I look like.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Man, I kind of like that. So,, use the code READY. You got four days. Count them. I know it's midweek. Maybe you got to wait until Friday to get paid. I don't know what the situation is. The annual membership with the discount is $50 for the year.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's an incredible deal. Get on it. All right. So some of the things that I want to cover today and every day on the Surviving America show are fundamentally stats about Americans, health issues, maybe some parenting stuff, obviously prepping. issues, maybe some parenting stuff, obviously prepping. And we created a very special way to end the show with the help of the members, of course. I'll explain that later. Okay. I'll explain that later. What I'd like you to ruminate on is, you know, what really moves the American people today? I ask this because of the Kamala thing, and I know it's a media manipulation in large part, has me really sort of like,
Starting point is 00:08:31 is the media apparatus this big? Or are the American people this devoted to no Trump? Or am I spending too much time in news? Probably that. I don't know. I don't want to go into the election thing in this episode. What I did ponder, like I said, on my sub stack and so forth is what are we and what moves us? Really, truly. Like, do we want peace?
Starting point is 00:09:08 We seem to really... We're really cussing like conflict. I mean that. We like the cuss out of conflict. It's just one of our things. I don't understand it. I'm not really sure about it. Oh my God, I just made a change to the show outline
Starting point is 00:09:27 that'll change everything in my life. I may bring it up, I may not, but it won't happen on today's show. You know what? I'm going to duplicate it. On top of that, though, I do want to talk about economy. I do want to talk about economy. I do want to talk about this story about over a third of—this is pretty impressive.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Over a third of Americans have side hustles. Here's why. Now, I don't know if we need the here's why. But, you know, this is an interesting take on American life, the side hustle. Nothing new. It's not like something new and incredible. In fact, my side hustles have always existed. My side hustles have existed all through my 9 to 5 life.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I spent all my time chopping and slicing and julienning and thinking about that book that I wanted to write or thinking about that catering business I wanted to start or thinking, right? The side hustle is most certainly more than money. Over a third of Americans have side hustles, according to Bankrate. 36% of Americans are now earning money through side gigs. I know several men in particular who are on their side hustle grind, man. While Americans continue to battle high inflation, this is from I don't really know much about the street. To battle high inflammation, many are turning to side hustles to supplement their income.
Starting point is 00:11:01 According to the recent BankRank study, we read that. 36% nowadays have a side hustle. Back in 2017, we started doing this research. It was only 19%. Now, you know, you can look at this and on the face of it, you can say to yourself, the side hustle is growing, and it's growing because economic times, right? That's very possible.
Starting point is 00:11:25 The side hustle and the economic pressures we put on ourselves are also to some degree self-inflicted, right? You can't deny that. You can't walk around America. You can't drive around America and see the types of cars that we drive and see the types of houses that we live in and say, we are being exclusively economically destroyed by the government. Now, they're not helping.
Starting point is 00:11:56 They haven't helped in my entire life in terms of not just running up an insane debt and taxing us at every turn. not just running up an insane debt and taxing us at every turn. But the reality is, too, my father made a really interesting comment the other day. He said, everybody has an SUV now. Everybody got a truck or an SUV. You know what I mean? Like, even if there was an affordable sedan, if people who have credit and money and go to shop for a car that they want and have the ability to buy it, or maybe not even, but have the credit to get it, they're going to get an SUV or a truck. You know, unless it's like somebody who's got a lot of money, they might get a sports car.
Starting point is 00:12:50 But the age of the sedan is either coming to an end, at its end. Think about if we didn't have like the Tesla. There would be even less sedans on the road. So some of the wounds are self-inflicted, folks. You know, and that is just what it is. But again, the side hustle is just that. It is a reminder. 36%, that's more than a third. That's a lot of people. 36% of Americans are working their whole job, coming home, working more for money, for the promise of a future that is better than the life they live now. Now, we have to be careful about that, too.
Starting point is 00:13:26 We have to be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very careful about that. There's a Jordan Peterson clip where he talks about how it's epic, too. How, you know, it hasn't—history was not the story of man dominating woman. History was the story of man and woman striving together through very, very, very, very, very, very difficult times. And he says very like that many times. And it's one of the only times I heard anyone use very like six, seven times in a row. And I thought it was perfect. I thought it was absolutely justified to explain tough times to our generation.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I thought six, seven varies were important. But anyway, so what you have to be very careful about, man, with all the side hustling and the hustling in general, hustling in general, is you wind up trying to create a life that could exist. You know, I, maybe I'll get into it, I don't know. You wind up trying to create a life that could exist, abandoning the life that does exist. And I'm telling you, if you've got kids, man, and you know what I'm about to say, that life is abandoning you right out from under your feet, right out from under your nose.
Starting point is 00:14:57 That whole experience is disappearing. I mean, it is. It's like dust blowing with the seasons and a little, you know what I mean? This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, and it is the disappearance of the child. And I don't mean like parents not having kids. I mean the disappearance of your child, the death, the many deaths of your children. This is a real thing. This is a real thing. Most people just don't look at it that way. Like you had a one-year-old one time.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Remember? Remember you had a one-year-old? Maybe you had a one-year-old and time Remember? Remember when you had a one-year-old? Maybe you had a one-year-old and a four-year-old They're dead That's over Not in the literal sense They're just 10 now 13, 15, 18, 35, whatever
Starting point is 00:15:37 But that little face That little talk That little run up to you That little game you guys used to play That's over. And no matter how much money you side hustle or hustle or accrue, all the gold in the world, you stacked up gold to the moon, you couldn't push it across the table and get one second of that little face back. That's that.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That is the most important lesson parents can learn, in my opinion. I mean, that's it. That's all of parents, especially with young kids. But it's not just young kids. It's every second. And it's also not just kids. It's people you love and people you care about. It's life. It's life. And we have to be careful about hustling for what could be and abandoning what is. Because it will all abandon you eventually. You know what I mean? But that's a wild one.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And again, this is probably a product of social media. The great striving. The great Americans striving for more. And again, like I used it, I used side hustles as a tool of distraction to, you know, get myself through the day fundamentally, right? And there's nothing wrong with stacking cash right now. there's nothing wrong with stacking cash right now. There's nothing wrong with stacking cash right now. You just have to derive a balance. You know, I think I'm going back to cash exclusively. In all honesty, I think I am. I mean, I'll have obviously my debit card, but I think I'm going to go back to cash. This digital, digitized life,
Starting point is 00:17:26 this digitized pay system has gotten out of control. And I think we all should make it a point to go back to cash. Not to mention, if you go back to cash, you can build an emergency fund in cash, which is something you want to have anyway. But maybe you build an emergency fund and an operating fund as well. And these don't have to be, you know, tens of thousands of dollars, but maybe you just put some cash
Starting point is 00:17:52 in a safe place at home. And then when you go out, you take cash. Take cash, pay with cash. You know what I mean? I admit it. I said, I'll'll admit it i've been strung along um in the digital world for too long and it just feels like the expectation is digital the expectation is tip me for no reason the expectation is it's all out of control. And when you go in with cash, everything changes. Not to mention, not to mention, you love this business. You go to this business all the time, right? They charge you three bucks for a coffee, whatever it is, five bucks for a buff. I don't know. They charge you a certain amount for that product, right? And if you hand them, let's say they charge you $3 for a coffee,
Starting point is 00:18:49 you hand them $3 in cash for the coffee, they get to keep $3. If you hand them $3, or if you hand them a card and swipe for $3, well, now they have to pay a transaction fee. They're losing, right? They're losing on that. You know, just is what it is. It was a, yeah, it was a big scam. It was a big scam. That's what it was. You know, we got in a situation where we, uh, we just got a little scammed. That's all. So, garden girl, I'm going to start substituting in my kid's dritzy money i make will go
Starting point is 00:19:27 to an emergency cash fund oh the side hustle of garden girl all right well thanks for joining us today garden girl in the live chat room for the new show i hope you're enjoying it hope you're enjoying yourself um yeah like i said amer said Americans have varied motivations God bless you substituting A person like Garden Girl showing up in your kid's school That's something you want to have happen That's something you want to have happen There's no doubt about it
Starting point is 00:20:12 oh no this is from fox news this is probably a terrible story but we're gonna read it anyway another big part of surviving america has to be health we have to talk health we have to talk about the health narrative um because you know, it's been a big part of my life, healthy eating and so on. Physical fitness, you know, when I first started podcasting in the prepping world, I was dashed consistently over my emphasis on fitness and strength. And I'm happy that that has changed. You changed. I'm happy that it's fundamentally changed. I've been courting this company, Wolf Tactical, trying to get them to be a sponsor here because they sell these really cool tactical weighted vests
Starting point is 00:20:53 along with other great tactical gear. I haven't heard from them. We're not blowing them away, I guess. But all that said, I got this article, six healthy eating concepts are evaluated as true or false by nutrition experts. Now, that's always scary, right? Whenever you see experts. I don't know. Anymore, I don't know. I don't know who the experts are. You know what I'd rather they say is give me like one name rather than just the blanket experts. So let's have a look. I haven't looked this over because I didn't want to get a head start.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I wanted to make sure that I could read these and say, okay, I agree with this. I don't agree with this. And maybe get your guys' input in chat as well, right? So six healthy food concepts, true or false. Multiple experts and researchers from Mass General Brigham in Boston investigated some popular diet concepts. You know, these things can also be applied to your food storage. Yesterday I bought just, you know, run-of-the-mill shopping,
Starting point is 00:22:12 tripped three cans of sardines and olive oil. I know a lot of you are like, what? Sardines and olive oil. Yeah, I mean, to me, when I look at certain foods and when I look at a can of sardines and olive oil, I see a multivitamin. I do. That's what I see. I mean, I like them also, and I love olive oil. But I see something that's just so packed with good stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I don't know. That's just the way it looks to me. I see a big bowl of medicine when I look at pho. True. In recent studies, the Mediterranean diet has been shown to be beneficial for overall health. Okay. Mass General supports this theory. Referencing its own study, it found women who followed a nutrition plan for more than 25 years had up to 23% lower risk of mortality. Mediterranean diet, you guys know, right? It's kind of like olive oil heavy, by the way. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish,
Starting point is 00:23:18 and fundamentally, you know, less sugar, less carbs, less red meat, more of an emphasis on fish, right? What we eat today has major implications for living a long, healthy life. Now, what is this? Down here it says false. While some people do suffer from food allergies or autoimmune conditions, the experts at Mass General found the diet concept, this diet concept to be false overall, as many digestive symptoms are known to have more complex causes. See, what they've done here on this article is the headings are missing.
Starting point is 00:24:05 The headings are missing, so I don't know which true or false we're talking about. True, the researchers found this claim. Blueberries indeed are beneficial to your eyes. See, there's no heading about what they are. But we could still talk about them. Blueberries beneficial to your eyes. You know, the blueberry is probably the most nutrient-dense. If you can get good blueberries, it's another one.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's another, like, medicine food that I eat. I don't buy them because I'm like, man, I could really go for blueberries. I buy blueberries because they are a healthy fast snack that is super packed with nutrition. You know, and I always think like you go salt vinegar chips or you can go blueberries. What do you want to do? You know what I mean? False with caveats. Mass general experts say a plant-based diet is not always the best way to go, though it may seem super healthy.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Do we even need to discuss that? You know, you're not a goat, right? You're not a goat. Look at this. This is a link to another article that probably has no headings, thanks to Fox. And it says, oh my, eight gross foods that nutritionists say you should eat. Liver, sardines, two of my favorites, and insects. You can't, and the insects is actually sandwiched between, it's liver, insects, sardines.
Starting point is 00:25:43 They sandwiched it in there to sort of prime you, prime in you. Get ready. Choice. As the choice architecture of the grocery store strongly influences what we purchase. False. Mass General deemed the concept as flat out false. I don't even understand that one. Healthy items are stocked in visible or convenient locations.
Starting point is 00:26:08 When healthy items are stocked in visible or convenient locations, that increase the likelihood of making a healthier choice, according to the researchers. I think that the grocery stores, personally, are set up perfectly. I do. I think that the grocery stores are set up absolutely perfectly. I think that the grocery store is set up absolutely perfectly. Like this idea that it's this pit of despair where you can't avoid making bad decisions I think is crap.
Starting point is 00:26:37 It's very simple. It's like the outer rim of the grocery store is where the real food is. How could it be simpler? You know what I'm saying? In other words, you go into a grocery store and you're thinking like, I want to eat healthier. Okay. Well, walk the outer rim. You know what I'm saying? Go through the produce, go through the dairy, go through the meat, and maybe the bakery a little, then leave. Pop into the other ones.
Starting point is 00:27:13 There's like three or four aisles I'd never even go down in a supermarket. It might be more than that. But anyway, I think it's set up great. And if you're the type of person that's like, I want processed foods. That's what I want to eat. I want to drink Coke and eat processed food. And look, some weeks I'm that guy. Some weeks I am that guy. Some weeks I say, you know what? I'm going to go grab some Coke. I want to grab some silly cake batter and stuff and make something crazy at home. You can be both. You know what I mean? It's like, but if you're really hell-bent on eating healthy,
Starting point is 00:27:45 just walk the perimeter of the supermarket, then leave. You know? Nobody's going to push you into the aisle six with the pretzels and the pork rinds. Nobody's going to be like, ah, shove her into the Oreo line. What else? What else you got, Fox? I don't know. You know, it's one of those things it seems like. Okay, here you go. This is an interesting one. Introducing, this is a true statement, introducing a small child to foods known to cause allergic reactions can be scary for parents, but Mass General confirmed it can be beneficial in the long run. Introducing a small child to foods known to cause allergic reactions can be scary for parents, but Mass General confirmed it can be beneficial in the long run.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Introducing developmentally appropriate forms of peanuts to children between 4 and 6 months old can cause an 80% reduction in peanut allergies. Exposure, exposure, exposure, exposure. Wow. exposure, exposure. Wow. Would there have been a time where things in peanuts would have, we would have been exposed to them more often, more regularly? I don't know. I don't have any food allergies. Growing up, I read a book called, I read a book. I think it was called Becoming a Chef. I'm pretty sure it was Becoming a Chef. And I probably actually still have it on the shelf there. It was a book that I read so much that the cover came off.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So I may not have it. But anyway, there was a guy in there. And there's no way I'm going to remember his name on the spot, on the fly. He's a bald-headed chef, got famous, had big bushy eyebrows. He was kind of fun. Polish dude from the Midwest did a lobster and potato pierogi, became kind of like his thing, one of his signatures, which power to you, my man.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Can't come up with his name but anyway in culinary school he found out that he had a little bit of a an allergy to rabbit and he really liked it so what he did is he started eating little bits of rabbit all the time and his head would blow up and he'd get a little hive thing and nothing you know he wasn't putting his life at risk but there was a lot of discomfort lips would get itchy you know all that kind of stuff. And he continued to do that through his whole career in culinary school. And by the end, he said, I wasn't allergic to rabbit anymore. I don't know. That's my singular chef case study on exposure therapy. Garden Girl in chat says my husband used to drink at least six cans of Dr. Pepper a day. He hasn't had soda since February. Yeah. I mean, soda can be expensive.
Starting point is 00:30:33 She says she can't believe how much money we've saved on. That's a lot. Six cans is a lot. Dr. Pepper's good, though. Cherry flavored soda is my favorite, actually. It's actually my favorite. I try to avoid it when I go to a movie. Like if it's a good movie, like I'm ready to watch this movie. Like the next one will probably be Count Orlok. What's the movie called? Nosferatu.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yeah, I'll definitely have me a big old cherry Coke when I go watch Nosferatu. It's good, you know. You drink it every day, though. I mean, if I drank soda every day for a week, it would have literal physical implications. One of the grossest things I ever heard, and this is another reason why I don't drink soda a lot. My nutritionist, Dr. Rhonda Patrick from, she is not my nutritionist. She doesn't know I exist, but I call her that because that's where I go for that kind of information. She said when you drink lots of sugar like a soda, what happens is once all that gets into your bloodstream, it makes your red blood cells stick together. And that's just enough blood talk and health talk for me to say, I got to watch out for that because that doesn't sound like anything good.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You follow me? So, you know, much of what we do, though, much of what we've learned, at least me, I don't know if this resonates with you. I listen to a lot of health stuff. I listen to a lot of longevity stuff and all that because I live a life void of injury and pain. I truly do. And I don't know if that's because I didn't play sports growing up, so I didn't break myself early. I don't know if it's because of the way I eat, because of the physical fitness, because, you know, because genetics could be genetics. My dad never really was injured until like 60s, late 60s, really like late 60s, still painting houses. He got like a shoulder, you know, sort of started to get this shoulder and a little bit of back before he retired.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So I don't you know, it's probably a combination of things like I shouldn't sit up on a high horse and be like, oh, my diet is so, because I go off the rails, man. I'm like everybody else. You know, it happens. I'll be down here and finish rapping a podcast at 1030 at night and be like, I think it's about time for a bowl of Lucky Charms. What do you think? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:21 An up end a week's worth of willpower. Just part of life, man. It's just part of surviving America. So we're going to go out. This show is not, I'm not here to do an hour. I'm not here to assure any certain amount of time. You know, when it feels right, we're going to end it. When we cover the things that we want to cover, we're going to end it.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And I have. I have fundamentally, you know. What I would say, though, is try to blend, before we move on to our final segment, try to blend sort of your healthy eating concepts with your food storage, your long-term and your short-term and your whole food storage program. That might not mean that you get to have everything on your shelf lasting for 25-plus years. But remember that food storage is about much, much more than
Starting point is 00:34:28 being around for 25 years, right? I mean, truth be told, most preppers are going to eat through everything they have before that 20, 25 year long-term food storage run out date. So I wouldn't get too hung up on that. You know I mean and again food storage is a stop gap between food production right so in other words good to have food storage but really it's just a it's a buffer between you trying to figure out what can I produce here in the long term for food get the chickens get the quails get the goats get cows, get whatever it is I wind up on. I got to be able to produce meat or eggs or something like that to have protein. Food storage is the in-between, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Even if you have a year's worth of food storage, for every member in your family, like, what are you doing 10 months into that? Chances are you're probably out already. And you better have a plan because now you can't, you know, if it's a true collapse situation or if society has fallen on its face for longer than a year, then guess what? You're out of food now. So fold in that, you know, fold in the types of foods that you want, the types of foods that fit your diet,
Starting point is 00:35:54 that your body's used to rebuilding with, that kind of stuff. All right? So for our final segment, it's called A Moment's Monument. A Moment's Monument, for those who don't know, probably most don't know, is how Dante Gabriel Rossetti defined a sonnet. Now, one of the things about Surviving America, and I'm not going to go too deep into it today. I've talked about romance in this country on this show before.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I've talked about love on this show before. And I'm telling you, it is a desolate waste okay love is dead in the movies it's it hardly exists it's dead in music i mean it's really dead in modern music like it's there it's i i don't hear love in anything anymore in music. It's most certainly dead in popular culture. Popular culture is on a struggle to basically make men and women as incompatible as possible right now. It's crazy to see. So I thought we'd create a home for it here with a moment's monument. Now, in my first iteration, I was
Starting point is 00:37:07 thinking, you know, there's a lot to read, there's a lot to review, there's a lot to recommend, and we might do that from time to time also. But one of my favorite things, man, is listening to Delilah on the radio in the evenings. I don't even know if she's on that much anymore, but I love that whole concept of Delilah allowing people to take the microphone and give shout outs to the people they love, you know? And we need that. We need that so much. Like, we need a reminder of what love does what love is marriage familial love you know the whole thing because uh it's nowhere it's nowhere you know it seems like everyone who writes a movie or writes a television show has like vindictive nature towards the opposite sex, their parents, their grandparents,
Starting point is 00:38:05 the world itself, the way it is and was. Like, everyone's out for vengeance. And I guess that's why, you know, vengeance is for the Lord. Because maybe it is sort of like a wildfire we cannot handle. But without further ado, we're going to end the show with a moment's monument. I hope you enjoyed surviving america this uh oh and so i planned on reading things but i like the delilah idea better and i reached out to our members and i'll reach out to all of you eventually um and i said you know send me something send me something. Send me something lovely. Send me something wonderful
Starting point is 00:38:46 that is simply a message to the people you love, you know, and let's put that out into the podcast universe for this particular segment. And I got something incredible from the one and only Garden Girl that we're going to kick this whole thing off with, okay? So this is a moment's monument. I grew up the youngest of three girls, and I was the son my dad didn't have.
Starting point is 00:39:32 My love of the outdoors, fishing, and gardening came from him. I looked up to him so much for all that he did for our family and others. He was by no means perfect, but he always made me feel like there wasn't anything I couldn't do if I put my mind to it. He unexpectedly died a month before I got married 15 years, and I always think of all the things my kids missed out with him. I love and miss you, Daddy. Today, tomorrow, and forever, your girl, Nina Bean. And that is a moment's monument, folks, and that wraps up our first episode of Surviving America
Starting point is 00:40:09 on a somber but incredible note when you think about it, right? What explains American life better than that? All right, folks, I do appreciate you all. Garden Girl, thank you so much for that incredible peek into your soul. That takes bravery to put your thoughts and your feelings out there on the air like that. It's no joke. I want to hear from you guys also. More for a moment's monument for next week's show.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I think the prepping Patriots got something waiting in the wings for me. But let's hear from y'all. We can do more than one of these. You can call in as well. We can do call-ins. You can shout out that wife of yours, those kids of yours, that husband of yours. Let's add something to PBN that we don't have. And then we need more of Fundamentally in America and the world, right? Check out the link to the sub-stack below, the PBN link trees down there, everything you need to dig deep into what we do here at PBN. And thank you guys so much, man, for sticking around and allowing some silly dude to chase his dreams. I appreciate it. Talk to you soon. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network,
Starting point is 00:41:28 where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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