The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving America: Episode 2

Episode Date: September 4, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 society in every state is a blessing the government even in its best state is but a necessary evil the future has already arrived Extra, extra, America's puppet president poofs. Gone without a trace. Who is at the helm of this great nation? Welcome into surviving America, folks. Extra, extra. You know, back in the day, an extra was an extra in the news business. In other words, they'd publish and print, write, print, publish the whole nine yards, their whole newspaper for the day.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And then if something crazy would happen, like an assassination on a president, an attempted assassination on a president in Butler, Pennsylvania. They would send another printing in. They would run an entirely new print, and it would be called an extra. And that was what it took. That was what it took back in the day to get a headline to you that wasn't already built into the daily news. get a headline to you that wasn't already built into the daily news. I bring that up to you because something's happening to the average person that I kind of saw coming,
Starting point is 00:01:34 but now it's hitting at full force and you know, in some ways it's the average American or the average person's responsibility to change and adapt with the times. But on the other side of things, you know, something unfair is happening to people. Something unfair and dastardly is happening to people and they don't even hardly know it. Now, we're doing a very interesting model of the show today because I have a child at home who is sick. And the model of this show is going to be one of podcasting, not
Starting point is 00:02:14 from my cushy shore microphone, comfy computer chair, so on and so forth, but from nature, forth, but from nature, live from the backyard. My substack that I posted today was titled The Methadone of Doom. Not the method of doom, but the methadone of doom. And I pointed at several things in that post. For those of you who are into the written word. For those of you who like reading. There's a link in the description below. You can join my sub stack. It's free. It probably won't always be free.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But it's free right now. And I don't know. I don't know if it's the time of the year. If it's the crinkling of leaves underfoot, whatever it is, the coffee and cooler mornings. Something has called me to writing more lately. I think it might also be the inevitable. I think the inevitable that's coming is people are going to seek more quiet. Right? Like the noise is reaching a peak, a fever pitch.
Starting point is 00:03:31 If you want to, you can listen to music and talking and news and podcasts and this and that and the other thing. You can listen to some level of distraction to take you away from what you're actually doing. From the time you wake up to the time you pass out. We don't know the toll. We have no idea what the toll of that is. But I'm sure there is a toll. in the amazing Perfect Circle song written by Maynard James Keenan called Disillusioned, he recommends that you put the silicone obsession down,
Starting point is 00:04:19 take a look around, and find your way in the silence. Now, what really stood out to me when I first heard those lyrics was, find your way in the silence Because it has become a bit of a struggle for the average person to find their way in the silence We are so habitually entertained We are just constantly entertained, constantly distracted And being in the silence becomes really tough. You know? And so for all those reasons, I just feel compelled to write more.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You know what I mean? This is what it is. Follow your instincts, PBN family. They're valuable. You know what I mean? Don't shun everything mean Don't shun everything Don't shun everything And assume it's just
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know something Something you You need to block out So you can make more money Not that money's not important But you know We can drown Who we really are
Starting point is 00:05:18 In this struggle To make money all the time All that said We got a show for you today Okay We got a show for you today. Okay, we got a show for you today. I'll probably read from the sub stack a bit. I want to diagnose this sort of thing that's happening to people. What's being pushed upon people without them even knowing it. I got news stories for you. There's a story from the census. Well, there's a story from the hill with information from the census about people moving. That's very interesting. And a surgeon general claim that
Starting point is 00:05:53 is kind of hilarious. Okay. Now, if you're concerned about your health, first aid, those types of things, and you don't own the Prepper's Medical Handbook, get that thing. Okay? Pick it up. The Prepper's Medical Handbook by Dr. William Forgy. Long-term sponsor, long-time sponsor here at PBM. This is a Prepper library essential. You know, you are building a Prepper library, right? I did a lot of the work for you. Actually, myself and the host and some friends did a lot of the work for you actually myself and and the host and some friends did a lot of the work for you all you have to do is sign up for the newsletter at and you'll get 50 must read books to survive doomsday it's it's a de facto prepper library homesteading off-grid living uh tactics and techniques for self-defense resistance
Starting point is 00:06:49 cooking off-grid projects all kinds of great reads man some fiction in there too um go get it it's free it's free you know what i'm i hear many people lament i don't have the time or the money to prep. Well, this one at least I can, it'll take you about five minutes to put your email in. And we don't email a ton. A week, a couple times a week, something along those lines. It's all good stuff. All right? Go get it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't know when it happened, but I don't know, probably a couple years ago, at max, a couple years ago, it became very clear to me that the media realized that, I'll call it prepper content, doomsday content, gets you all the clicks. I think they, well, you know what, they may have figured it out by accident through the pandemic. That's probably when it started to click in the editor's heads. The editors probably were looking at the analytics and saying, oh, look at this, this story, this terrible and terrifying story about the end of the world through pandemic has really got people going. Back in those days, I used to say they're going to swap the fear of the pandemic out with the fear
Starting point is 00:08:04 of climate change. And they've done just that. That was kind of, you know, easy to see. Pretty easy to see. Someone's been paying attention. Some of these journalists have been paying attention to us preppers. And, you know, now they have turned it into an entire... It's an entire arm of the business now, is publishing Doom.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Now in my sub stack, I spoke in sort of the thoughts of the reader, and I'm going to read that to you because I think it's important. What I said in italics is, is the prepper podcast guy complaining about headlines of doom? Because that is kind of funny when you think about it, right? Here's a guy, 6,000 episodes deep on doomsday talk, and now I'm out here saying, the media publishes too much about doom. Do you know what a plaster saint is? I never knew what a plaster saint is. I found out this morning. It's basically someone who is like, purports to be morally
Starting point is 00:09:14 sound, but is really corrupt. So where do I get off? In short, where do I get off bringing this to the forefront? See, there's a portion of this kind of content that's missing tremendously. I wrote today, the news has left the hard questions up to podcasters and stand-up comedians. They keep you coming back for the methadone of doom. In other words, you don't want to read the news, right? You don't really want to look at the news, but you do out of habit. You do because it's on the airport. You do because it's on the break room or it's directly shot right to your desktop or your phone. And what really holds you are the stories of doom. Oh, climate change. Oh, political division. Oh, Israel. Oh, Ukraine, right? I wrote, the average Joe's just going
Starting point is 00:10:14 numb from it all. So he studies, quote unquote, another episode of Alone or The Walking Dead, right? At the end of like a tired day. There is a difference. And this is what's lost. The difference is. You listen to Prepper Broadcasting Network. And we might tell you five things to terrify you. But we're also going to tell you five things you can do about it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Or the next show will tell you that. Or the show before it. Or I'll direct you to a free resource. Or I'll direct you to a paid resource even. What's missing, and what is actually kind of dastardly about it all, is that the mainstream media is farming clicks. The big pharma fed media is farming clicks from the average person by hitting them with the most incredible headlines and terrifying headlines of all. World War III, Donald Trump's going to be a fascist and lock everybody up who ever said the word gay.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Do you know what I mean? The world is coming to an end by a climate change there is no future there's microplastics in your in between your teeth and in your balls and you just you're never gonna you're never gonna amount to nothing because the world's coming to an end and doom doom doom doom have a nice day take your Ciproflaxin and your Welbutrin and your, I don't know. I don't know a lot of medicines. Take your antidepressants and move along with your day. Go buy something. Keep the economy rocking for Kamala. You see, they got to sell these extras. This is what they do to stay alive. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:13 They don't have any actual... They have no desire to help. Who cares about helping? They have no desire to report. They have no desire to do real journalism. So they've come to this sort of. sort of reporting. Where it's all gloom and doom all the time. This is coming to an end.
Starting point is 00:12:33 That's coming to an end. This is bad. That is bad. He's bad. She's bad. People are dying. People are crying. And what's most terrifying and terrible about it is. they don't tell you what to do about it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 It just ends. I wrote day in and day out. The end is near. Numbers, graphs, accusations, death, destruction, and the average Joe's parents in his ear telling him to find a nice girl and give her some grandbabies. He asks, in this toxic wasteland, right? His only certainties being death and taxes. Like so many, Joe is mulling over dispensing with the latter by engaging in the former. I know that's kind of a dark way to look at it But you have to understand what the average person is going through You know, I always talk about
Starting point is 00:13:28 Waking up unprepared and how terrifying it would be It would be absolutely unbelievable and relentless But a lot of people are living that nightmare right now They're living this nightmare where Rather than saying I think I want to explore this prepper thing and explore this situation that's happening with the economy and explore this, what's happening deeper with the people who run the world, they're just getting it forced upon
Starting point is 00:13:58 them. They're getting the doom forced upon them. It's getting them excited and scared and nervous and they feel compelled to keep up to date with it but what's missing in comparison to prepper content is again we offer them nothing there is no solution offered so you have to sit with and and the sheer volume of this when i first started writing this morning i was gonna write but it never made it into the final cut i was gonna write imagine being in the 19th century imagine waking up and it's 1905 and every day that you wake up. You read. The pandemic is coming. The flu.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Spanish flu is coming. The depression is coming. World War I is coming. World War II is coming. The nuclear bombs are coming. The great slaughters of the 19th century are coming. And every day you wake up. This is your diet in the mental state.
Starting point is 00:15:05 In the mental state, you wake up. The world's coming to an end. The economy's coming to an end. The massive pandemic's going to kill many people you know. And constantly, constantly. And even then, what a nightmare that would be, number one. That's the nightmare that people are living right now. What a nightmare that would be back then. To know Hitler's coming. Stalin's coming. Mao's coming. Hundreds of millions will die.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's like. Sort of like. Prophecy you don't even want. Right. But at least back then. People were capable. Right. At least back then.
Starting point is 00:15:44 People were self sufficient. To some degree. They could stay alive on their own, and many had no choice but to stay alive on their own. To do that to this milk-fed, veal-like society of ours, it's rough, man. They're not prepared for it. And the media is not preparing them for it. The government sure as hell isn't going to prepare them for it. And look, nobody prepared me for it. I had to take ownership of this thing and build myself into something new.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And it's been anything but easy. It's been anything but easy But I think it is important to note That I walked into this life willingly I walked into all this truth willingly I walked into all this And not only that I was greeted by a group of people Who said read this scary story
Starting point is 00:16:39 And then consider the following To prepare yourself Rather than just a blunt object And then consider the following to prepare yourself. Rather than just a blunt object used to give you a little hit of adrenaline and make you come back later to find out what the next chapter of the climate apocalypse looks like. Now we all know that as preppers, of course we all know, there are massive amounts of threats. There are tons of threats, tons of things to worry about. The sun can spit out a solar flare today, it'll hit us in a day or two, and it could shut off all the lights forever. Probably a perfect time to tell you to visit Our great sponsor, Our great sponsor,
Starting point is 00:17:29 If you really are concerned about EMP, solar flare, that kind of stuff. They're five-foot workboxes, steel workboxes, copper beryllium gaskets you know the the whole insulation and emp proofing process that goes into creating those faraday containers gives you a a foolproof emp cache a real solution not a bag not a backpack not a sleeve but a real metal something that can be buried something that can be cached something that can be hidden something that can be you, something that can be cached, something that can be hidden, something that can be, you know, doesn't even necessarily need to be hidden, but it could be, can be stored in the corner of your room with every bit of your comms, every bit of your backup power solutions stored in it for that eventuality.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Check them out. Check them out today. And look at those five-foot workboxes. They've got other things, but they're an investment. They're big boys. They're for big boy problems. I don't know if you've got that kind of scratch or that kind of motivation, but if you do, they got bigger answers than the five-foot workbox as well. So yeah, the guy who makes a living on doomsday content is calling foul on the media for publishing too much doomsday content. And it's because there's a caveat that has to go with that stuff, right? You can't tell a generation of people or multiple generations of people for five years straight that the world's coming to an end and vote Kamala Harris or vote Joe Biden. And that's your answer.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Defund the police. That's your answer, right? No, you see, if you're going to publish information on the end times, if you're going to publish information about collapse and about economic despair, I do think you have a responsibility to say, buy food storage. I do think you have a responsibility to say, the answer to the problems of man-made institutions are the nature-made institutions the gardens the animals the wild foods and medicines not that you need to become some expert who lives 100 off the land in the same way that you don't need to become an expert in the stock market. But to be void of those skills, to be void of an understanding of the economy is as perilous as it is to be void of the concept of the natural world and what it can do for you. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like you have to be, you have to become your own counterbalance in this world. It's all up to you. And I mean, it's a hard thing to deal with, but that's the reality of it. That's the reality of it. I want to tell you this interesting story about Americans moving. story about Americans moving, okay? So should we do a little, should we do a little, what do we got here? I've been playing around with stuff. Did you get the Dave Jones prepper tip of the day? Awesome, by the way. How about this? Americans moving at lowest rate, lowest rate in decades.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Census Bureau analysis. Let's get into it. It's a very interesting story. After 2020, it was assumed that Americans were leaving cities in droves. And I guess as four years carries on, things change. We know the housing market went absolutely crazy. Who could afford it? And according to the Census Bureau, fewer than 9% of Americans moved in 2022. In the 2022 survey period, the moving rate was nearly 20% in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Analysts blame the collision of several factors, including COVID. Now, this is wild, man. I don't know how you felt about this, but when I read this, it sounded made up. In my head, it has been people are moving constantly. People are ushering out of big cities into rural areas. People are moving from the northeast to the southeast.
Starting point is 00:22:27 People are moving. I think this is another sign that things are stagnating, man. You know what I mean? I don't know. Let's look at what William Frey has to say. Because I think it's important. A senior demographer at the Brookings Institution tells Axios, several factors have collided to bring down the moving rate.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Younger people are living with their parents longer and delaying marriage. Older people, especially those in homes that are paid off, are less likely to move. Remote work means fewer people have to move to a new job. Two-income households make it tougher for both parties to find new jobs in new cities. Sky-high housing prices inhibit the ability to upgrade housing. Residual effects of COVID pandemic. I don't know what that means. The things above sound like residual effects of COVID pandemics The phrase analysis revealed one big anomaly
Starting point is 00:23:32 Local moves defined as moving within the same county Fell below 5% in 2021-2022 That's down from nearly 9% in 2010 But long distance movers are up slightly to about 1.5% following four years of steady decline. So for all that movement, there seems to still be a decline in these long, or very slow growth in those long distance moves. This is totally counter to what I thought was happening in the country. I assume moves were happening all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:11 What is very interesting is that people are... I don't know if you did this growing up, but I know my wife's family did and so did mine. You move down the street. Right? You'd like move up the street or down the street or over a town. That doesn't seem to be happening. And that's a scary thing, man.
Starting point is 00:24:28 That means people are probably settling. That means people are probably like, well, this is what it is. Can't afford to move. Or maybe they don't want to move. You know, who knows? What I can tell you is... This took me by surprise big time. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:53 It took me by surprise big time. What's even more interesting, if the numbers look like this, the movement numbers, why in every place that I go are they building condos on condos on condos on apartments on apartments on apartments on apartments? Now, when I ask questions like that, there's a conspiracy theorist or a instinctual thinker within me that immediately says that's because you're not going to be able to afford your house soon. That's because you're not going to be able to afford anything soon. That's because the people coming out, that's because they know that the same companies building the apartments are the ones buying up the houses with cash. I don't have any evidence to substantiate this. But this is what the instinctual thinker in me says These are the things that are happening in the world I don't know
Starting point is 00:25:57 Only time will tell I guess Or the other part of the puzzle Is are we building all these Condos and apartments For the Venezuelan gangs To run up in them and take them over Little Venezuelan And El Salvadoran
Starting point is 00:26:17 Gang lands that we're putting All over the country for our underpaid And underappreciated police to deal with Conflagration, PBN family. Look it up. Look it up. If we don't get things handled in this country very soon,
Starting point is 00:26:38 I do fear it. I do fear a conflagration. It just seems... How much can people take at the end of the day? At the end of the day, how much can people take? The Surgeon General comes out with a very interesting bit of reading for you. I would have never brought this up. But this headline speaks to the problems with America.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So effectively. I like to talk about the health of Americans. I like to talk about things that I do to stay healthy. But health like everything else, becomes this thing where people covet it more than life itself. Right? Risk.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Safety. Like, our nation is in such turmoil right now because we'll take safety over everything. We'll take safety over everything. You know? And that's how you wind up with Terminators in the streets with police badges on. Oh, but I just want everything to be safe and risk-free and I never want to be...
Starting point is 00:27:50 You know, I don't want anything to go bad or anything bad to ever happen. I don't want to be a part of anything like that. Parenting is hazardous to your health. The Surgeon General warns. Warns. Not even like says, but warns. Caregiving and developing a good relationship with their children are some core goals of parents. However, Dr. Vivek Murthy over at the U.S. Surgeon General says,
Starting point is 00:28:26 parenting can be hazardous to one's health. Murthy, a father of two, expresses that there is a strong connection between caregivers and parents' health and their children's well-being. However, parents are more likely to develop high stress levels than those without children. This is due to the long hours they spend on child care and their extensive working schedule. What are you supposed to do with this information? This is in the same exact vein, and it's just as devious, by the way. It's just as devious as...
Starting point is 00:28:58 It's too many people on Earth. We're too crowded as a planet. Being a parent is hazardous to your health, And there are too many people on the planet It only takes a few chess moves down the line To figure out how that all plays out And none of it's pretty There's nothing pretty about it There's nothing glorious in any of it
Starting point is 00:29:22 Parents are stressed, are so stressed that it is a health issue and they can't function. That's not true or else there wouldn't be any kids. There wouldn't be any kids and everyone would be homeless. For the surgeon general to come out here, the people who told you don't smoke, you know what I mean? They're the people that, that's something to warn people about. To come out and warn, the same people who warn you about cigarettes now are warning you about raising children. You have to understand, there's nothing good to come of this. We have declining birth rate crisis all across the Western world.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And the Surgeon General is coming out telling people, don't have kids, it's too stressful, you won't be able to function. You're creating losers. It's not to say that if you don't have kids, you're a loser. It's to say that if you want to have kids but you're too scared. Because the Surgeon General is warning you And Madonna's telling you You shouldn't have them Then you're a loser Parenting is hazardous to your health
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yes, everything is Life is hazardous to your health Health is hazardous to your health By the way These are the things that these lunatics Would have you believe And would have you believe And would have you How they would have you live your life
Starting point is 00:30:48 The people at the reins are suicidal Maybe it's the worst thing of all Maybe it's not the fact that they're inept Maybe it's not the fact that they are corrupt But maybe it is the fact that the people at the helm Are fundamentally suicidal in nature When it comes to their own species. Climate change must be stopped by any means necessary. There's too many people on the planet Earth. And that's final. We have to do something about it. We
Starting point is 00:31:19 have to kill in the name of peace. We have to stop child birthing. We have to give the earth back over to the earth. And these people who say these things and believe these things, they look at us as though we're aliens. They look at us because they're so used to the invader mindset. You know what I mean? Like this idea of invasion. Like the white people invaded everything and took over everything meanwhile the white people at least the the people that i come from right the native peoples of europe uh are having their own nations
Starting point is 00:31:58 recolonized and taken over by uh colonizers as we speak right as we speak the mus by colonizers as we speak. Right? As we speak the Muslim colonizers are running roughshod over Europe. And nobody seems to care. Nobody seems to give a cuss about those native peoples in Europe. Which is really funny. Because we're supposed to bend over backwards and front flip. And do a cheer and give a month. And all this kind of stuff for native peoples here in the United States. We're supposed to just bleed for the native.
Starting point is 00:32:34 For some reason, the native European is out of line when he gets upset about his own lands being taken. And believe you me, his neighborhoods have been taken. His lands have been taken and been taken by people who have no desire to become European. So what? What? What do I tell you? What do I tell you in all this, PBN family? A lot of news, right? The media is driving people insane with their garbage, telling you the world's coming to an end and there's nothing for you to do about it, right? Obviously, action is everything. I think in the days and months to come and years to come, preppers will again hold the line for the future. Why are we here now? Why are there so many preppers now? Why are so many people prepared that weren't?
Starting point is 00:33:39 How did so many people get prepared from 2020 to 2024? How did the numbers go up so rapidly? Because we built the infrastructure we built the businesses we made the accessibility possible so that people could say man this is all cussed up right here and we need to do something about it honey and i know that there's this company called my patriot supply and i know that there's this great solar generator company called point zero energy and i know that they're you know this that and the other thing there's of course the epic broadcasting magnate the prepper broadcasting network we can listen to in our free time all this was pre-built this is all waiting for him you know what i mean it's like a guy taking
Starting point is 00:34:24 up boxing or something so all this infrastructure around boxingbuilt. This is all waiting for him. You know what I mean? It's like a guy taking up boxing or something. So all this infrastructure around boxing, YouTube videos, books, all this stuff. I want to take up boxing. I want to take up prepping. It was all here because of us. Never forget that. Nobody had to sit here and go, what should I do? Whatever should I do to prepare for something like the pandemic happening again?
Starting point is 00:34:42 for something like the pandemic happening again. And now it is our time to show the world how to live. Now is the time to show the world how to live, right? We've showed them how to prepare. And I think what the preppers will next show them is how to live in the chaos. You know, calm within chaos. Let the chickens pluck out the back door. Let the world seize itself in fear and understand that we are prepared and we will
Starting point is 00:35:12 continue to integrate self-reliance into our life through raising food, growing food, buying food, long-term storing food, right? Making plans, training the children and the family, and probably more important than all of that, making connections with the humans around us. The biggest step that society can make today, especially in America, is to say, I don't agree with you, I don't agree with you, but we can still talk. Hell, we can even have an argument and still talk. There's plenty to talk about. There's plenty to discuss in this life outside of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. There's plenty to discuss in this life outside of abortion.
Starting point is 00:36:01 We can disagree and still be neighbors and still work towards a common cause which is what is the common cause do you know does anybody know what the common cause is anymore it's to live together happily it's to see people it's to have your children play together it's to see people. It's to have your children play together. It's to have your children contract the same viruses and be on the same antibiotics so that you can call each other up and laugh about it and talk about the rashes and the oozes that are coming out of the child's nose or eyeball. And be human again. Be a person. With person problems. Right? Not just a political hack who works a 9 to 5 that they hate and all they have to discuss when they get home is what Donald Trump said or what Kamala Harris said. There's a life out there for you, PBN family. There's a life out there for you.
Starting point is 00:37:06 All of you within the sound of my voice. Get back to it. You know what I mean? Get back to the life. Stop playing the game that they want you to play. They've rolled their board game out and they want you to keep rolling the dice. to the next space oh lose two spaces you're back to joe biden all right folks i'm gonna read you something on the way out i didn't do my research on a moment's monument and that's quite fine so we'll be back next week with a moments monument. I tried to put it on you, the listening audience, with like 40 minutes left before showtime. It's a new show. I forgot. I'll read you something, okay? A reminder of what it is to do this time of year. A reminder of what life is
Starting point is 00:38:00 this time of year. This is from my sub stack also. Fresh picked apples should be enjoyed straight up on the ride home from the orchard. The largest in the batch given to the smallest person in the car. They should be peeled, cored, and sliced into rings for the dehydrator. Place them into a crock pot with cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg, and allspice to turn them into apple butter. When soft spots appear, a few should be flung out back to the chickens.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Enjoy the apples, PBN family. Okay? Enjoy the apples. Enjoy the leaves. Enjoy the pumpkins. You got one life to live hello welcome to the podcast present your vaccine passport enter your social credit score and be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. BBN family, your garden is the resistance.

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