The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Surviving Martial Law

Episode Date: October 13, 2024

A masterclass on Surviving Martial Law by L. Douglas Hogan.Get the Powerpoint Slides for the class here: here: Changing Earth ...Novels and Gear: for your support. Dream, Survive, Thrive!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Hello, and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 467, season 16, episode 2. So today, I have a special show for you today. I've got L. Douglas Hogan with me here. Hi, Doug. What's up? Hey, Sarah. Not much. How are you? I'm doing well. I've heard some feedback from the listeners how cool it is that I always have TJ on the show. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Oh, good. I'll try to keep up with it then. Yeah, there you go. I was listening to a little bit of yours and Ryan's new show before I had to take care of some drama in my life. And, man, you guys are sounding good. I think that's going to be an awesome team. Yeah, I'm looking forward to a bright future. Yeah, that was some good stuff. I'm glad you got hooked up with him, too.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We really missed having him on the air. He's a good voice to have. I would have to agree with that. He's got a good podcast voice. Yes. Yeah. And I think the two different walks of life are really going to help out. So we were at Prepper Camp.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I was going to come to your class on Sunday. And then everything got just thrown into. Everything got Mother Natured. Yes. yes mother natured I love that but I was like when we get back we are doing the class on survival martial law on the podcast because I do think that the relevance of me hearing this information and also the audience hearing this information the timing right now uh is critical in my opinion so why don't you give us a little bit of your background other than the awesome voice of t.j swenson and uh you know how you're you've come to be so educated on this topic how
Starting point is 00:02:19 the the relevance you have to speak to this topic sure Sure. Well, let me see here. My life story really began on this topic back in 1992 when I joined the Marines and became basically a federal employee that was owned by the federal government. Anybody that's ever served in the United States military understands what life under the UCMJ or Uniformed Code of Military Justice is like. It's a very strict separate set of rules that apply to military personnel that don't apply to civilians. For example, you as a civilian, while serving in the military, were under the civil criminal code, but I was under the uniform code of military justice. Completely different, a lot more harsh. Okay, so I did that for four years as an infantryman.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I could talk more about that as we get into the martial law topics. I went from there right into state employment as a state employee in Illinois. And I've recently retired with 25 years working in Illinois' only maximum security mental health facility. five years working in Illinois' only maximum security mental health facility. So the training I've had through the years has been rather extensive with just about every possible element you can imagine when working with incident management systems, you know, that kind of a thing. FEMA, basically FEMA-controlled systems and trainings and mandates and stuff like that. I did that for a long time, like I said, 25 years, but back up a little bit. In 2006, I also became a police officer.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I went through the part-time academy at Southwestern Illinois Police Academy in Belleville, Illinois. And so that academy took 10 months through the part-time process because you're not there every single day. You go on weekends. You're doing a lot of stuff online. You got to go on the weekends for the practical application stuff the wrestling the ground pounding and all the kind of stuff you enjoyed doing yeah handcuffing etc etc um that was done on the weekends and of course then you know i graduated from there as a class president um having yeah i don't think I ever told you that,
Starting point is 00:04:25 but I was actually nominated to do that. There was a vote, and I was voted. Anyway, so that happened. And so I did that from 2006 on through 2015, I think, when I became a supervisor for the state at the Maximum Security Mental Health health facility, I was running things. And I just felt – because at the time I had like two or three part-time police jobs on top of my full-time work. And so becoming a supervisor of a maximum security hospital in addition to the three part-time police jobs was overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I just – I was – there was too many logs on the fire at that point. So lots of police training that I had. And, you know, I was, there was too many logs on the fire at that point. So lots of police training that I had. And, you know, I did that. I was out. So I left the police world for five years until I retired. And then after retiring, I got back into the police world. Yeah, after you retired. A whole, yeah, less than a month and a half.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It didn't last long. I would like to think I helped with that. I say retired loosely. I'm semi- with that. I say retired loosely. I'm semi-retired. I really enjoy policing. You know, I got the, it's, it's, it's when you actually retired and you were getting a pension and you take on like a supplemental income, like I'm doing in the police world. It's not, it don't feel like prison, like, like full-time job does when you're not retired.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. Cause you're doing it for fun. Yes. I don't need the money money i don't have to work i'm having fun with it now and i really enjoy it i say and do whatever i want to because i don't care if i get fired i don't care what my things don't do anything wrong in that county folks right well not in that regard like i i'm very pro-constitution that's where i was going with this i'm very i'm a constitutionalist um so i don't believe i'm not a big a fan of big government you know i believe that there's a need for a few agencies uh but for the most part i believe that uh that small small small government is beneficial and large government is overreaching and intrusive um so i'm not a fan of big government. So walk us through, I know usually you have visual aids.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Maybe, yeah, maybe one day we'll have to do like an online class so we can show the visual aids, but walk us through some of that class content, you know, best you can without visual aids. We've done a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I was just going over some of my former episodes. We did the compass episode with no visual aids. So we got to be able to pull it off. Oh, I love compasses and land navigation, that kind of thing. Yeah, we can, we can do it. But on top of that, I'd like to say, Sarah, that to your listeners, if they would subscribe, if they got a way to subscribe into you to a newsletter, that they do so.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yep. And I can get you a PDF version of this. Perfect. And you can include it in your newsletter. Okay. And so they can get you a pdf version of this perfect and you can include it in your newsletter okay so they can get the visual aids that way um perfect so everybody head on over changing earth that's changing earth sign up to the um just become a member it's free and i'll go ahead and make sure that you get a copy of that out in the newsletter perfect two other ways they can do it is i'm about to do the same thing i'm on my newsletter so if
Starting point is 00:07:29 they go to and do the same thing uh they can get it that way and also if they want a handbook they can keep on them in their person whatever they can go onto amazon and get the book surviving martial law that way right so this was a PowerPoint first, and going through the slides, you know, I have one of my early slides is the who, what, when, where, how, and why, which is the fundamental questions, right? I mean, any time you go into any kind of situations, you want to know the who, what, when, where, why, and how of anything. Yep. So, you know, in the class, you know, I talk about martial law and the attempt to define it. I talk about who can declare martial law.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I talk about the things that might lead us to suspect that martial law rule is imminent. I talk about what will happen when you hear the inevitable words of martial law, martial rule. It's interchangeable. When you hear martial rule, martial law, it's the same exact thing. Life under the military rule, FEMA, you know the federal emergency management act oh yeah surviving under martial rule uh some shady things the government's been doing under the guise of quote-unquote safety and security and then dealing with martial rule right because because it's coming it's not a matter of of of if it's going to happen but when it's going to happen
Starting point is 00:08:41 that's scary so so where do we get where do we get martial law right the constitution of martial law it literally come and this is the entire section of it right here from the u.s constitution article 1 section 8 clause 15 that's a test question congress shall have power to provide for the calling forth of the militia to execute the laws of the union suppress insurrections and repel invasions that's it that's all there is their total legal excuse to be able to pull this off yes congress congress shall have the power to provide for the calling forth of the militia that's the military right to execute the laws of the union here here's here's when they can do it to suppress insurrections and to repel invasions that's it there's no definition of what an insurrection is
Starting point is 00:09:32 there's no definition of what an invasion is now we can assume we know what an invasion is right but an insurrection we've seen in recent times right that the good guys could be called bad guys the bad guys could be called bad guys the bad guys could be called good guys there's a complete flip of the script here yep who defines what an insurrection is it's whoever's in power so we have right now we have joe biden and what happened on j6 2021 right everybody's calling those people that, yes, it was bad. A lot of the stuff, you know, the Constitution, the First Amendment of the Constitution calls for peaceful protests. It literally says that you to peacefully protest, right?
Starting point is 00:10:14 People peaceably protest. You can you can gather, but you got to do it peacefully. You can't break glass. You can't go into places you're not welcome. You know, you can't. That's that's illegal you can't cause property damage right that's right that's all very bad stuff that's that's uh that goes way people seem to forget that in june of that year though dc was on fire from protests and that's
Starting point is 00:10:36 just the thing whenever manhattan was on fire whenever uh portland was on fire they took over the town yeah well nobody called that nobody called that an insurrection. Nobody said anything. That was peaceful protesting. Do you remember that? Yep. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Well, they're here. Fire's burning in the background. This is just peaceful protesting. No. Yep. So there's no clear definition in the Constitution itself as to what martial law is. But here's something else. Here's a kicker.
Starting point is 00:11:06 In 1946, the United States Supreme Court ruled that martial law carries no precise meaning. All right. And you guys can look it up. Whoever's listening to this, Duncan, and I can't pronounce his last name. It's K-A-H-A-N-A-M-O-K-U. I'm going to try to pronounce it. Kohanimoku. Duncan versus Kohanimoku. 327 US 304. You guys can go look that up.
Starting point is 00:11:32 They're basically saying in that because what was going on in 1946? A martial law has never happened in the United States. I'll get into that in a little bit i was gonna say that name sounds hawaiian so it is hawaiian and that it is hawaiian but but you know we could talk about hawaii in just in just a little bit because hawaii was under martial rule for some time at the pearl harbor attack okay now back up just a little bit because i don't want to get ahead of myself according to
Starting point is 00:12:05 definition people and now we're looking at the encyclopedia britannica they try to define what martial law is here they say it's the temporary rule by military authorities of a designated area in time of emergency when the civil authorities are deemed unable to function okay so what they're saying is there's no civil courts available. No civil courts are open at this point. And this is constitutional, and we'll get into that also in a little bit in a later slide. But according to the Constitution, there can't be any civil courts open or available in order for martial law to happen. That's important for later. The legal effects going on with the definition, the legal effects
Starting point is 00:12:48 of a declaration of martial law differ in various jurisdictions, but they generally involve a suspension of the normal civil rights and the extension to the civilian population of summary military justice or of military law. That's
Starting point is 00:13:02 UCMJ, Uniform Code of Military Justice I spoke of earlier at the beginning of this. justice or of military law that's u.s u.s sorry uniform ucmj uniform code of military justice i spoke of earlier at the beginning of this it goes on although temporary in theory a state of martial law may in fact continue indefinitely now we're going back to what who defines what an instruction is who defines you what you know what a what what a rebellion is what an invasion is these are things that are defined by whoever's in power so in turn in that regard it could be viewed as indefinite because whoever's in power right now may feel that uh let's say for example not accepting um an election outcome could be determined as an insurrection and rebellion and so by that basis it's lawful and constitutional to place the country under nationwide civil
Starting point is 00:13:54 civil or i'm not so uh martial rule any questions at this point no and that's why i wanted to talk about this right now Any questions at this point? No, and that's why I wanted to talk about this right now. Because it's getting crazy, and we saw what happened back in 2020 with the election results in January 6th and all this other stuff. 86 million votes. Come on now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, he scored way more than Barack Obama. Do you really believe that? The most voted for president. I mean, come on. At least Barack Obama was like turning them out at his conventions. And Biden's in his basement and he's the most voted for. I doubt it. Not campaigning.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yes. There's lots of shade, but nobody can say there wasn't voter fraud. I get tired of that argument that there wasn't voter fraud. There absolutely was voter fraud. There's plenty of proof't voter fraud. I get tired of that argument that there wasn't voter fraud. There absolutely was voter fraud. There's plenty of proof of voter fraud. Right. However, there's no way to know because the courts aren't hearing the evidence. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Okay? And that's when you hear these pundits, these political pundits go on the radio shows and they talk about, well, there's no evidence. Well, no, there's no evidence because in order for the proof to be called evidence, it has to be first admitted in the court, right? During the preliminaries, during the findings. And if it's not being admitted because the courts aren't hearing it, therefore there is no evidence, right? So it's a play on semantics really. But because of that, technically, no, there is no evidence of it. Do we have video proof of people blacking out the windows and kicking out Republican senators? And boxes of ballots, yeah. Yes, and boxes of ballots and all these boxes being put.
Starting point is 00:15:43 More people being counted than we being, being, being, being counted than we have registered voters, for example. You know, just more that's proof. Yeah. But since it hasn't been admitted into the court because the courts aren't hearing it, there's no evidence. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So Miriam, that was encyclopedia botanica. Now Miriam Webster says something similar, but much smaller. The law administered by military forces that is invoked by government in an emergency when the civilian court enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety much shorter and sweeter but same same purpose yes so who could declare martial law test question i asked Walt earlier. Remember that? I read it to you earlier.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I even, I even, I even bolded it as I said it. The people in power. The Congress. The Congress. The Congress is the most direct answer, all right? Constitutional answer. However, here's the issue. Who is the commander in chief of the United States Armed Services? The president.
Starting point is 00:16:51 The president is. And who does the military answer to? The president. Yes, the commander in chief. Nobody else. Can Congress agree to do anything these days? No. Congress agree to do anything these days? No. Absolutely not. So Congress occasionally lacks the competence to agree on bills, let alone something as crucial
Starting point is 00:17:10 as what might be considered or discussed on martial law. So the POTUS, or the President of the United States, I'll just go on calling POTUS for short here and out, is the most likely unit of government to invoke martial law. And this is just my opinion, but when have we
Starting point is 00:17:25 ever respected the Constitution in modern times? I mean, yeah, it's an outdated document. And then, just because we've been friends for so long, I know about all the executive orders that you're probably going to talk about, and that scares the heck out of me. That's my books in a nutshell. Yes, yes, yes. Those those are scary and we will get to that for sure but it's been said you know that martial rule cannot be enacted while the civilian
Starting point is 00:17:52 courts are in our operation keep in mind that civilian courts don't govern the military right right and to be the military that would determine when the civilian courts are safe enough to use you see the cats 22 there here? Yeah. All right. All right. So in the event of martial rule or martial law, the military becomes the authority and they're governed by the UCMJ or the military code of military justice. We may believe that we can rely on our elected officials to keep things in check, but it must be noted right here that we've seen an influx of politicians with little to no regard
Starting point is 00:18:26 for the law of the land the supreme law of land right the constitution of the united states and we'll cover some examples towards the end of the presentation so uh i mentioned a while ago uh pearl harbor right so how many times has martial law happened in the united states well martial law has only been enacted once in u.s history keyword u.s history right hawaii was under the state of martial law for three years from the onset of the pearl harbor attack in 1942 however hawaii did not officially become a 50th state until 1959 got you okay so so when was martial law first used the only one only time martial law first used? The only one and only time martial law. I'm talking about like a national. Revolutionary War with Abraham Lincoln taking over the railroads. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Civil War. Oh, yeah. Civil. Sorry. That's all right. Fair. I'm like Abraham Lincoln, though. I don't.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah. Yeah. I know you know. We're talking about George Washington days in the American Revolution. But, no, he wasn't around um for this like this is much later so on september 15th 1863 lincoln imposed congressionally authorized martial law okay so it was constitutional originally gotcha in 1863 lincoln imposed con congressionally authorized martial law the authorizing act allowed the president to suspend habeas corpus right what's
Starting point is 00:19:45 habeas corpus habeas corpus is the right to a fair and speedy trial okay that you're not going to be in prison indefinitely you know that that you'll be charged you will try you as fast as possible get you back out on the street or get you in prison whichever you deserve okay that's habeas corpus and the president so he allowed uh this act allowed the president to suspend habeas corpus and the president so he allowed uh this act allowed the president to suspend habeas corpus throughout the entire united states so every state was under martial law at the time lincoln imposed the suspension of prisoners he imposed the suspension on prisoners of war spies or aiders and abettors of the enemy so now we're going back to to what the constitution says remember what i told you uh the death when i read the definition of martial law it's rebellion right
Starting point is 00:20:31 and invasion yep okay we kind of got both those things going insurrection and invasion right so when when we in in this case right here we have what was viewed as the south or the confederates right and uh as insurrectionists or viewed as insurrectionists. Again, with this semantics here, OK, viewed as insurrectionists against the Union. That's his constitutional authority that was congressionally authorized for martial rule. So he instituted that on all those, pretty much the Confederacy. And other classes of people, such as draft dodgers. So the president's proclamation was challenged in ex parte Milligan.
Starting point is 00:21:15 The Supreme Court ruled that Lincoln's imposition of martial law by way of suspension of habeas corpus, here we go now, they're saying it was unconstitutional as long as civilian courts are operational i got you okay okay so habeas corpus was suspended to gain control over the insurrection and rebellion that endangered the constitution and government of the united states so once martial law was declared he's basically saying you know the force on the ground are saying that it's not safe to open up our civilian courts, right? That's why habeas corpus and all that was suspended. Going on to our next slide, what is the definition of insurrection then, right? I kind of touched on this.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Nobody really knows. It's an act or an instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government, according toiam webster which is kind of funny too because then they know then like the founding fathers like one of the the things that said is like revolution has to happen for our government every once in a while to kind of stay fresh yes right and yeah yeah and it was other other people in in history have uh have spoken to uh you know the blood of patriots right um watering the tree of liberty uh they've they spoken to the blood of patriots watering the tree of liberty. They've spoken to the right of the people to abolish the government and replace it with a new one. And why we have our Second Amendment to ensure we have the ability to do that. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So you see the conundrum in all the verbiage. Yes. And there's just no definitions, you know, any way of kind of dissecting this and making any sense of it. Which is surprising because the people who wrote our Constitution, they were geniuses. Like, they were all brilliance. And they spent so much time fine-combing this to make sure it was just right. But I can tell you as somebody who's been in government for a lot of years, over 30 years of my life counting the military and police work and 25 years working for the state is that when you write policy you want to keep some things vague so when the fecal matter hits the rotator blades
Starting point is 00:23:17 you can define it to whatever you need it to be you got to be able to fit it to the occasion and that's just how it is You've got to be able to fit it to the occasion. And that's just how it is. That's kind of scary in the same way. It is, exactly. So now that we know a little bit about martial law, let's look at what can happen. So the U.S. Constitution permits the government to declare martial law to suppress insurrections or repel invasions. So things that you can kind of start,
Starting point is 00:23:47 things that can start a revolt against authority include, but are not limited to, things like widespread civil unrest. The things we saw, you know, after the George Floyd incident, and who's the other clown that, there's a lot of, I'm brain farting right now. Yeah, there's been a lot of clowns along the way. Yeah, I think it's actually his name somewhere in my slide um but uh anarchy uh which most likely be called a national emergency right um so these things are these are the things that that vaguely are vaguely defined in several executive orders which we're going to see pretty soon well one of them is serving executive orders even with the instruction sorry to interrupt you, but even with the insurrection and invasion, they could just be like, well, now all these illegals are here.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's an invasion. We got to do martial law. They could potentially. Yes. I don't I don't I don't know how to think about that, because right now the left loves them coming in because they're getting votes for them right um but on the other hand they they could essentially call for martial law because of an invasion that they created yes yeah yeah that's the system and not have an election yeah that's where my brain went yep so yes it's potential. The potential is definitely there. All right, so I'm just going to touch glaze over briefly.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Executive Order 13603, written in 2012 by Barack Obama. Just keep that in your mind because we're going to talk about it in a little bit. Because he wrote something, an executive order, that we're going to talk about quite a bit um at least probably five minutes or so executive order 13603 was written to maintain technological superiority let's take around the executive order to maintain technical technological superiority of its national defense equipment during peacetime and at times of national emergency. So again, what is national emergency? These two words, national emergency, is written four times in a 10-page executive order, and it never defines what it actually is. It can literally be anything that the executive or legislative branch deemed to be a crisis.
Starting point is 00:26:01 This single executive order is an executive equivalentence to article 1 section 8 clause 15 of the constitution which is martial law they can say with this you know this is an emergency i've heard them utter those words with the climate crisis that they could be anything yeah i was like it could be an economic collapse it could be be multiple organized riots. Michael Brown was the other one. It could be a Michael Brown kind of situation, right? Widespread natural disasters like what you write about in your books. It could be political dissension like what we saw in January 6, 2021. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:40 That's way too broad. Way too, and there's no definition to it. From what I've just learned, they just put very similar language in. They just passed it in the UN in September for a global force to be able to handle global shocks. And then, like, the Surgeon General or whatever of the UN can declare it over whenever he or they deem fit, which is exactly, the language sounds very similar. Again, yeah, well, as far as United States sovereignty, we're always going to be sovereign. The thing is, who's going to give us to the United Nations, right?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Who's going to give us to the World Health Organization? Who's going to give us to the United Nations, right? Who's going to give us to the World Health Organization? Who's going to give us to the World Government Summit? Our leadership. All these organizations that are trying to control the world don't have a lot of hold over the United States unless the authority is given to them. Right. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:43 So when you've got a globalist president like i'm just gonna throw both republican and democrat in here when you got a globalist president like like george book and barack hussein obama yeah you're going to you're the united nations is going to have some kind of say over the united states but when you have somebody that's not a part of the system and i'll throw some an outsider in there like well i don't know we'll say donald trump yeah united nations ain't going to have a lot of control of the united states yeah yeah okay um some things that could uh that we could there's gonna be precursors to martial martial law so so when you start seeing things like like what i'm about ready these bullet points
Starting point is 00:28:21 kind of start to happen which some of them have started to happen. You can kind of prepare yourself and understand that we're kind of getting close to martial law. Not to say that some of this bullet point might happen and there's nothing for a few years, you kind of, you know, cool your jets a little bit. But when you see these things in rapid succession start to happen over a short period of time, you can probably get ready for it to go down. Things like curfews. Curfews is a big one. When the government's in your town or some authority,
Starting point is 00:28:52 we'll just say some authority's in your town and they're telling you to get in your home, that's a form of martial law. And we kind of saw this in Tim Walz's state, right? Yeah. During COVID, the police were running through the streets screaming at people with their rifles, telling them get in their home, stay in their home. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Even though he might not have said the words martial law, that's martial law, okay? And even though it's not the police, they've been endued with supreme powers that surpass or supersede the Constitution. When that happens, you are now living under a uniform code of... Yeah, I would say COVID is probably the closest we got to actually being in a... I mean, everything. They were like, well, you don't have a right to do
Starting point is 00:29:46 any of that yes with the with all the restaurants shut down and the store shut down and yes it was it was like that very close but but then imagine you're being told to stay in your home or if you can or you have to get a chit, basically a piece of paper or permission to go somewhere. And when you do, you can't go X amount of miles from your home. That's what it was like in the military. If you want to go somewhere, you can't go outside 25 miles of your, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:15 of the base or whatever. Yeah, that's China. You know, China's got the caps. Yes, exactly. Well, that's what Marshall always does. In a communist country, the military is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Fair enough, right? Yep. Travel restrictions. Another one. Rationing. Rationing of anything. Checkpoints. Checkpoints is a big one.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Censorship. We've been seeing a lot of censorship. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. When you see the government, you know, just censorship from social media by itself is no big thing. But when the government's telling social media to censor you, that's a violation of your First Amendment right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Okay. Excessive military operations in civilian areas. Jade Helm 15 was a big conspiracy theory, right? Yeah. Yeah. It was a big, huge military, and there's been several since then. I don't know the names of all of them, but that was the most popular one because it was one of the biggest in the first.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Right, where they were like in all the Walmarts, right? Yeah, well, there was several military branches over a large area, and I forget what state they were in. It was multi-state, I believe. And that's kind of a thing because what would be multi-state like that? It was some kind of national crisis.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Martial law. Rapid inflation. We're seeing that right now. Unusual government purchases. We've seen that in the past. Buying up all the ammunition. Right? So these people that are producing ammunition, they're buying it directly from them, and then your rural kings. Walmart don't sell it no more.
Starting point is 00:31:51 During COVID, or whenever that was, they stopped supplying it on their shelves. Yeah, 22 ammo was gone for a long time. And really, we've been dipping in 5.56 again. I mean, it's back now, but it just happened again recently. Is Walmart even selling ammunition anymore? Not my local one. I don't know. I don't buy it there. I'm in Texas, so we've got options.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I'm a real Kings guy. I like going to a real King and buying their ammunition. Yeah. Yeah, we've got a couple local stores. Unusual government purchases. Increased regulation. We live in a regulation nation. And when you see across the board,
Starting point is 00:32:27 you know, federal regulations increasing, we got some problems because we're still a country of states and each state has its own constitution. And so this was talking about earlier with overreaching government. The government should not be writing laws for everybody. You know, sure, there's some federal laws, but they should be far and few in between. Did you see that the Surgeon General came out and said that parenting is bad for your health and so the state should
Starting point is 00:32:54 just raise your children? Of course they should. They don't sound communist at all. Not at all. That's socialist. You've never heard of it. Yep. Marx just said it's core. Yeah. But those are the kinds of precursors.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They're a very good indicator that you may be under an impending state of martial law. I would expect that such things would be done to avoid it. Some things would be done to avoid it, but the reality is that they violate basic human rights and the american spirit which by default is one of rebellion amen that's just how that's just how americans are like we you're not gonna tell me to wipe my ass that way see i'm an american beats my chest i only wore a mask twice during covid i wore my airsoft mask that had holes all in it i was like they're like well you can put that mask on i'm like sure I put it on my arm, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:45 because you don't dictate what I wear on my body. You know, you know, only fun. You just get out of my store. Right. I'll go stop. I did.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I was going into CarMax for a new car. I put 10 grand in my pocket and they wanted me to wear the mask. I said, no. And so they threw me out and I said, cool, I'll go buy some car someplace else. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I'm sure you found someone i did yeah great vehicle too all right so then then the resistance right is going to be defined as insurrection and insurrection will lead to martial law and so once the state of martial law has been declared resistors will be reclassified as domestic disturbers of the peace that's how i see this happening i wrote about this a long time ago when i wrote my little prequel to the tyrant series called acts of defiance which is now off the market because i rewrote i kind of include i wrote a segue from that book into book one and so they're now one book oh gotcha cool but yeah so uh tyrant the rise this whole process is in there of course with with fiction characters and stuff but
Starting point is 00:34:46 they're good books i highly recommend them guys if you're looking for more books yeah that i don't read very many other fiction novels because i don't want to clutter up my brain but um that one is one i read and it was good you could pretty much um know that that any any patriot or any conservative, anybody that is constitutional or pro-constitution will be labeled a domestic terrorist. It doesn't matter that you don't know how to make pipe bombs. You've never blown anything up. You've never shot anybody. You don't have any plans.
Starting point is 00:35:21 No blueprints. You see what I'm saying? Just that ideology makes you dangerous and uh barack obama started something a long time ago and i i honestly can't remember the name of it i i think i wrote it i can't remember if i wrote it in in surviving martial law or oath takers but basically any everybody every veteran that's ever served is red taped yeah as um as a potential threat as a potential um disturber of the peace or that's not worded that way yeah because they have the oath to the constitution and not to the government and we've also trained and we've done we've we've been places
Starting point is 00:36:00 and seen things and been a part of things that your normal civilian hasn't done or been a part of or witnessed. We have, in the words of Liam Neeson, taken a very specific set of skills. To a Marxist or to somebody that's communist or socialist would be deemed as a threat because they don't want anybody to rebel against the rights. I would argue that Christians would as well because we take our orders from God and Jesus and not from a government.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You will be recategorized. Yeah, you'll be categorized as the domestic disturber. Yeah. Yeah. All right, the executive orders. We are now to that slide. Bring them on. I'm good at these. I don't right. The executive orders. We are now to that slide. Bring them on. I'm good at these.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I don't know the numbers, though. All right. So a lot of these were written by John F. Kennedy because, well, he was a Democrat. The best way to know how likely it is to happen during a martial law is to look into a few executive orders that were written by previous U.S. presidents. A lot of these, like I said, were written by John F. Kennedy. Let's start with the executive order that was written in 1962, Executive Order 10997. Basically, this says that in the event of an emergency or national crisis, all these are in the event of a national crisis which again is not defined that the government can seize all electric power all petroleum and gas all solid fuels and minerals executive order 10998 same thing
Starting point is 00:37:37 national crisis the the federal government can seize all food resources, farms, fertilizers, facilities. Okay? Executive Order 10995. The executive or federal government, but it's pretty much the executive, can seize all telecommunications management, which is all anything, right? Phones. At the time, there was no internet, but any kind of means of communication. Oh, man. At the time, there was no internet, but any kind of means of communication. Executive Order 10999, the federal government in this crisis can take and confiscate all transportation to production and distribution of all materials. Of all materials? That's just kind of blanket out there?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Blanket word. Absolutely. Back to my policy comment earlier i said right you want to leave it as vague as possible yeah because the material could be anything that the government needs yeah wood whatever everything yep um executive order 11 000 11. Manpower management. This is about your story, the things that you write about. What is that? It's a labor force. Manpower management is a sweet word for labor force.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yep. And had that system pretty much collaborated by too many people and too high of government positions for my liking. Yep. Executive Order 1003, the federal government can seize all air travel, airports, and operating facilities. Executive Order 11004, housing and community facilities.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So basically... No more Fourth Amendment, right? No more right to privacy because they can seize your, seize your home. Um, it says housing. So anything that you live in, it could be a trailer. It could be a house. It could be a motor home. Anything that you live in, it could be your camper. It's a, it's, it's housing and community facilities. So an entire town, right? Right. Yeah. The high schools, the rec centers, anything like that. And that's all for John F. Kennedy. So let's look at now 1969 Richard Nixon, Executive Order 11490. He's like, hey, oh, yo, Nixon, I mean, Kennedy, you forgot something very important that the federal government can seize or that the federal departments and agencies will control all U.S. citizens, churches, and businesses.
Starting point is 00:40:27 church, tell the pastor to eat your bench, and then they will decide if you're open or if you're closed or what form of religious word you want to hear. They could put a, I forget what the military term, a chaplain. They put a chaplain in there. Oh, fair. Right? Uh-huh. And do it that way. So there's one brand.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Okay? Right. And do it that way. So there's one brand. OK. Let's move on to my next slide. I want to come back around and talk about the big executive order here in a minute. But, you know, when this executive order of Obama's first came out, 13603, I'm like I went Googling for it because it sounded so conspiracy theory to me that I almost didn't believe it. And at the time, I didn't know how left-wing Snopes was. Oh yeah, fair. So I just want to tell everybody that's listening to this, if you go to Snopes and try to do a fact check, you might as well go to CNN, MSNBC,
Starting point is 00:41:25 ABC. It turned out that that was like this guy's hookers running it. Well, they were in deep with the Clintons originally. Friends of the Clintons, friends of Hillary. They're big donators to the Clinton Foundation. So they're in the machine. And so they're going to spin the wheel, the great agenda wheel whatever whatever it may be so if you're expecting go to snopes and find fact you might as well go to babylon b and find a non-fiction story all right okay so
Starting point is 00:42:00 again back this 2012 i went to look this up and And, of course, I went to Snopes. Did Obama write an executive order giving the president unprecedented power in times of national emergency? Easy question. I did a deeper search, as I always do. I went to and went directly to the executive order itself and started reading from that. But Snopes says President Obama issued an executive order giving the president – sorry, this is a claim. President Obama issued an executive order giving the president unprecedented powers in times of national emergency. Again, Snopes, the left-wing biased political organization with an agenda, said it was false. Okay? But I went, like I said, right to the National Defense Resources and Preparedness Act in and looked at the executive order myself.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like I told you earlier, it's a 10-page executive order. It's real. It exists. Executive order 13603. Why would they even want to be saying it's false? Like if it was such a good thing and needed needed and necessary. Because remember from, from their, their vantage point, the consumer is stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Fair. Fair enough. Okay. You, you will believe what we feed you. Yeah. And I'm telling you, I'm writing a book right now called the program and it's going to get me
Starting point is 00:43:23 killed. I'm fully aware of that. I'm not saying that lightheartedly or as a joke. It's going to be good, though. I'm uncovering things that I think most people don't have the balls to print, and I don't even know if it's going to stay on Amazon, to tell you the truth. Right. Because I dig, and I go to government websites. See, they're by law.
Starting point is 00:43:44 They have to put this stuff up, and you've got Republicans and Democrats, so they're holding each other to their go to government websites. See, they're by law. They have to put this stuff up. And you've got Republicans and Democrats. So they're holding each other to their feet to the fire. This stuff is available to the public. You just got to know where to look for it. Right. Okay. So Executive Order 13603 of the National Defense Resources Preparedness Act.
Starting point is 00:44:07 can seize, listen to this, all water, all human and animal food, all transportation, all energy, all construction materials, all health insurance or health resources, all farm equipment, all fertilizers, all fuels, and it goes on and on and on. Basically, this one executive order consumes every single thing that Nixon and Kennedy wrote into one executive order, one executive fiat. Okay, so who needs to remember all these other executive orders when this one is here? this pretty much encapsulates everything that every socialist i mean that president before them wrote into executive law in the event of a national emergency and again this 10 page executive order nowhere does it define what national emergency is right yeah it's just like a trigger waiting there to be pulled now Now you tell me, does this executive order give unprecedented power to the sitting president of the United States? I would think so.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Most people with common sense would think this would agree, that it does, in fact, give them unprecedented power. Because never in the history of this country has an executive order existed that gave one person so much power over the people of the United States. Yeah, that's the united states and it gets worse it gets worse so that was march 16 2012 the national defense resources preparedness act executive order and i'm not going to keep saying 13603 on march 16 2012 by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950 as amended, and Section 301 of Title III of the United States Code, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. So he's throwing his muscle in there. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:55 As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows. Part 1, Purpose Policy Implementation. Section 101, Purpose. Part 1, Purpose Policy Implementation. Section 101, Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950 as amended, the Act. Section 102, and I got this all highlighted in my PDF file, yellow, for my PowerPoint as yellow. The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic, industrial, and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness. Now, if you, any history buffs out there know what happened in Nazi Germany when Hitler came into power
Starting point is 00:46:48 and he turned his country into a war machine. Yep. That's what this is. And I've heard chatter too about we have to keep up with China's tech base. Like China's going to outstep us if we don't start deploying this across the united states all the surveillance tech all this stuff that's their excuse because even at peace times
Starting point is 00:47:12 we have to stay ahead of it yes because because on a drop of a dime there might be a national crisis and you don't want to be behind the opponent, so to speak. Right. And in this executive order, it's basically saying that everything in this country belongs to the executive in an event of a national crisis. That's why I've been so careful about listening for that word. I'm like, it is one thing that does frighten me a little bit which word? the national crisis word yeah
Starting point is 00:47:50 I've been waiting for it too because they're not going to say national emergency, I mean it's going to be probably some buzz word they might even say national crisis they might soften that up at some point even to make it sound like it's not so bad they might soften that up at some point even to make it sound like it's not so bad. They might use the word safety and security for the reason of safety and security.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Safety and security, of course. Yes. Everybody wants to be safe and secure. And so a lot of people will fall behind a president who's promising them safety and security or a president who's promising to protect them from national crisis. It just sounds better. Liberty dies. Right. It gets worse still yet. I just want to cover a couple more slides before I get there. Going back to Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution, it states the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. This is where the Congress said that Lincoln was imposing unconstitutional martial law because he suspended habeas corpus right article 1 section 9 of the constitution states the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus persons arrested to be brought before a judge shall not be suspended unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. So the ground forces, because Lincoln's not on the ground, okay?
Starting point is 00:49:11 Right. He's in the White House or he's wherever he's at, in the Capitol building, wherever he's at. The ground forces are saying it's not safe for civilian courts to be open. There's open war. Okay. Yep. Yeah, there's chaos on the streets, so we can't have this court.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Got you. And that's where it would be again. That's where it is in any martial law. There's martial law because it's unsafe. There's no civilian courts because it's unsafe. Therefore, there's no habeas corpus because it's unsafe. Okay. Therefore, there's no habeas corpus because it's unsafe. Okay? So this section of the Constitution makes it legal to suspend civilian court proceedings during martial law.
Starting point is 00:49:52 It must be noted that civilians employed by the military are sometimes subject to the UCMJ or the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That being said, the National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order authorizes the government to create labor forces. This goes back to the manpower management thing I spoke about earlier. So the Uniform Code of Military Justice, that's the law. I'm going to try to summarize here. That's the law that governs the military. The UCMJ defines military justice system and lists criminal offenses under military law. The law requires a president of the United States acting as commander-in-chief of the
Starting point is 00:50:31 armed forces to write rules and regulations to implement military law. Oh, so the president's in control of all of the military code of conduct the military laws so he can just it could just be switched up whenever he's the shiznit that's a king yes and yes i'm gonna talk a little bit i'm gonna go into more depth here the uniform code of military justice again this ucmj 64 statute 109.S. Code Chapter 47, is the foundation of military law in the United States. UCMJ applies to all members of the uniformed services of the United States.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Okay? And trust me, it's severe. And I'm going to get back to some of that stuff here. But I want to first talk about what to expect during martial law. I got kind of a balance to my slides as I move through things. What to expect. So the suspension of many rights, such as habeas corpus, right? Your Sixth Amendment right, you know, you can expect that right to be gone bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Unreasonable searches and seizures, right? Your Fourth Amendment right to privacy. Bye-bye. Your freedom of association your first amendment basic human right bye-bye freedom of movement and curfews that's a basic human right bye-bye confiscation of firearms right your second amendment removal from property that's a fourth amendment violation you have a right to be on your property right to privacy right gone confiscation of food and water supplies again a basic a basic human right detainment possibly indefinite again that that's kind of you know the same thing as the
Starting point is 00:52:19 habeas corpus the suspension of habeas corpus but life under ucmj okay theiform Code of Military Justice applies to all persons in the military and some civilian personnel employed by the military. So if there's civilian workforces or a labor force or manpower management, if you're employed by the government, right, you fall under the Uniform Code of military justice in a case of martial rule. You see? Yes. Okay. I just want to make sure that was clear that anybody that, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:53 that we're talking about a nationwide event, a state of crisis, we got martial law, uniform code of military justice, now the law of the land and you're employed. Those laws apply to you. There's no civilian courts. They apply to you. There's no civilian courts.
Starting point is 00:53:05 They apply to you. The military only knows one law and it answers only to one code, and that is the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Ideally, the military authority would enforce civilian laws, but realistically it will enforce military justice because of the suspension of habeas corpus. If civilian courts are suspended you could be indefinitely detained or confined civilian workforces will be governed by the ucmj life on the uniform uniform code of military justice will be difficult for any person who's
Starting point is 00:53:36 never served in the military they have no knowledge of what it's like to be in the military the rules are very strict and the punishments are very, very steep. I wouldn't do well. Well, no, and that's not an insult. It's a good thing because you bleed red, white, and blue. Yeah. You're an American and you're rebellious by nature and you should be. I mean, that's how we are as a people.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Right. But let's look at some things here. Right now we have, for example, open rebellion against authorities. Okay. Capital punishment crimes. These are capital punishment crimes in martial law. Open rebellion, the death penalty. Actions of speech that incite rebellion, the death penalty. Aiding the enemy who's the enemy right yeah the death penalty espionage spying you know yep giving over information yes the death penalty all these things are subjective points of view this sounds like very much like nazi germany yes with all the gestapo and all the and all the people that were whispering on their neighbors and tattling and snitching and all this other stuff they're doing.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah, I'm going to get more into that in a little bit. Rebellion against who? Is rebellion in defense of liberty? Who's the enemy? Is asking questions espionage? You see what I'm saying? Yeah. These are all points of view and they could
Starting point is 00:55:06 all be misconstrued by whoever the authority is yeah just shut your mouth and go about your business like uh you're living in north korea or something yep the right the republic right sure yeah public of north korea yeah all right fema you know i used to think that fema was uh was a fairy tale a long time ago and uh lo and behold it's not a fema because you hear all these scary tales about fema you know uh fema is loosely organized agency it's garbage it's crap as we found out here recently with hurricane helene um they've actually been they have been on the ground as we found out from some of our contacts in North Carolina and they are in fact collecting contributions, but they are in fact not distributing the contributions. They're locking the job.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah. Okay. And I have dug up and found out why in my research in writing the program, why this is so. my research in writing the program why this is so and i found in their their i gotta dig up my phone here their goal if you go to um their website you can actually dig it up and look for yourself but uh they have on there their goal let me find her here ain't too far away anyway i'm gonna summarize if i can't find it here uh they basically say they basically say oh here it is here it is they basically say it says goal number one to instill equity as a foundation of emergency management now dei has embedded itself
Starting point is 00:56:39 oh my gosh in In emergency management situations. I heard that was coming because freaking Kamala always talks equity, not equality. Equity, not equality. Okay, yes, and there's a difference. Here's equality, right? You're what? I'm not making fun of your height. What are you, five foot?
Starting point is 00:57:02 Five foot. You're five foot. Gosh, that's short. I'm six five. Here your height. What are you? Five foot. Five foot. You're five foot. Gosh, that's short. I'm six five. Here's equality. Here's equality. You get a box so you can see higher, and I get a box so I can see higher. We each got a box.
Starting point is 00:57:17 That's fair, right? Right, right. That's equal. You got a box. I got a box. In her world, you get three boxes so that you're as tall as me. Right. That's her world.
Starting point is 00:57:38 So in looking at this, goal number one, instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. What is FEMA doing collecting all these donations but not distributing the donations to the people in the ground in north in north carolina that need them they're distributing them to the illegals thank you yep i believe that do i have evidence of that i do not but all last year they're all in control the same person's in control both of them all last year all last year fema funds dhs gets like 20 plus billion dollars a year um and a lot of that gets allocated to fema for emergencies and fema all last year and i have i have audio proof of this that was i had on my last podcast with me and me and ryan was talking about this um with kareem sean pierre all last year they were giving away money to illegal immigrants. The state agencies and state officials and elected officials,
Starting point is 00:58:31 all they had to do was apply for it and ask for it, and it was being given to them. Also, they were given phones. They were given hotel rooms. They were given free food and all these debit cards, all this other stuff. That's all coming out of FEMA funds. $1,200 a month or something.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Our vets were getting like $50? You see? And now the people in North Carolina are being allotted $750 per household if they apply for it. And maybe they'll get it, maybe they won't, then they have to pay it back. Yeah. And I haven't heard of anybody who's actually
Starting point is 00:58:59 gotten it successfully at this point. No, because what I've heard is that they're actually hanging up on them when people call so fema is garbage don't trust in fema um you saw how they mismanaged katrina yep um and that's because it's built on a house of cards you got they they rely on systems like the national emergency management system the incident command system national qualification system and incident resource systems they're the ones in conjunction with the president who runs it when all this stuff goes down when they call
Starting point is 00:59:35 on these executive orders it's going to get worse hang on a second oh my gosh yes it gets worse so in order for FEMA to operate it depends it depends on state county and municipal cooperation to function effectively that's why when katrina happened and this this this hurricane is far worse katrina yeah all these the communication lines are down how do you communicate cell lines are down how do you communicate the internet's down how do you communicate okay there cannot be there cannot be an effective cooperation when there's no means of communication right and that's what we ran into with katrina not only that but when you got so many hands in the in the cookie jar um nobody knows who's doing what yeah they sit and argue about it while towns burn down i've
Starting point is 01:00:25 watched it happen from an insurance point of view the bureaucracy and the red tape in government yeah and i've served on every level i've stood i didn't tell i didn't tell your listeners but i was i was a sheriff's deputy too for a couple years so i was a municipal police officer a sheriff's deputy on the county level a state employee on the state level and a federal employee as a in the military i've worked every level of government and i can tell you that this is like this across the board these these there's a lot of confusion a lot of hands in the cookie jar and no and there's always uh groups of people say what are we doing right what's the next play and nobody has the answer because nobody wants to be held accountable so there's no decision making no
Starting point is 01:01:05 decision making all right it lacks it also lacks financial backing as we saw here with north carolina where did their fema funding go yeah hold on to ukraine well that was last year well to the to the illegal immigrants i don't know i think it's a separate fund going united king or to uh to ukraine let me tell you something else i recently dug up kamala harris has been touting recently like within the last couple weeks that the republicans are refusing to pass the the fema funding okay the house republic. Uh-huh. The House Republicans passed it. 219 yeas out of 237 or something, 234 seats. It passed overwhelmingly in the House back in June.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Uh-huh. All right? Now, we're talking about fiscal year 2025. So this went to effect or would have gone to effect on October 1st. The reason why it hasn't is because who's in charge of the Senate? The Democrats right now. The Democrats are sitting on $22 billion. Oh my gosh. And who is the chairperson of the Senate? The Vice President of the United States.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Kamala. Kamala Harris. Oh, wow. It gets deeper. Her husband, Doug Emhoff. Yep. Has huge shares in BlackRock. BlackRock.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Mm-hmm. shares in blackrock who has who owns quite a bit of uh piedmont lithium yeah they mine lithium which is disgusting everybody if you don't know what lithium mining looks like you better go check it out it is gross it's it's it's a metallic it looks almost like lead. The leach fields, like miles and miles of leach fields of this disgusting process going on. And that area in North Carolina is one of the richest deposits of lithium in the world. And what do we need that for? Green energy. Right. And I've heard that Black Rock already purchased one of the mountains that is affected. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I think it's Black Mountain. King Mountain. I think it's the mining company anyway. But also there's quartz under there. Yeah. Which is needed for the semiconductors. It's also needed for artificial intelligence AI chips. Yep. Which, again, we're going now. I don't want to get too much off the topic. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:03:50 We're in a typical hat zone. Well, we're in the back of the book of the Revolution. In the Revolution, I'm sorry, the book of Revelation chapter, like the back of the book stuff. Yeah, yeah. All right. All right, back on what we're talking about here, FEMA. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:04 FEMA lacks financial backing. You can see that it's not even responsible, and they're always take it from Peter to pay Paul kind of a thing with FEMA. Because how do you know, how do you predict when a breach is going to happen? You can't. So they don't have any funding. Yeah, yeah. Well, if you don't, here's the thing also with government. If you don't spend your funds in that fiscal year, you don't get the same funds the next fiscal year.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Right, right. So by giving it all away to legal immigrants, they say, look, we spent all $20 billion. Okay, here's the other $20 billion for the next fiscal year. Oh, that is so true. That's how budget works in the government. Okay. That's how budget works in the government. Okay, so in the event of martial law scenario, it's likely that the federal government will move to make leadership and organizational changes necessary to operate on a wide-scale basis.
Starting point is 01:04:59 As it simply is, FEMA lacks any kind of structure and it simply cannot work. So FEMA also needs what needs security forces. Okay? In the event of a martial law on a national level, the federal government would have to rely heavily on foreign assistance. We don't have our – FEMA don't have its own military force. Right, right. There's not enough United States military, police, and sheriff's deputy personnel in all the united states to cover all the major cities let alone the rural areas of america so in the event of let's say an economic collapse police officers and sheriff deputies right who's not getting paid by the government they're going to go home right they're going to go beat their families because nobody wants to work for free. And many of the U.S. personnel would go AWOL.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And if asked to go against your fellow citizens, I know people have bills to pay and stuff like that, but I would pray that most of them would be very opposed to doing such a thing. Here's something that many of your listeners may know or may not know. Whenever there's a new president is elected, that president generally purges the high-ranking military officers in every branch. And they appoint the ones
Starting point is 01:06:20 that they want in that position. Right. Okay. So if you have a conservative president, you're going to have a conservative military general. If you have a liberal president, you're going to have a liberal military general. Now, there are far few in between, but at the minimum, they're going to have someone that's a yes-sir guy.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Right. So the orders will almost certainly come from the top and roll down. However, when you start getting into the high ranking enlisted ranks that's where you're going to start running some problems because you're going to have your gunnery sergeants your master sergeants your first sergeants i mean you're talking about guys with years of military service who are very red-blooded very patriotic and very ura i love i love the military i patriotic, and very, I love the military, I love my country,
Starting point is 01:07:07 and I love the Constitution, I swore an oath to it, and it's an oath that never ends kind of a thing. There will be rifts. There's going to be rifts in the military. This happens in my Tyrant series, not to give away any spoilers, but you have rifts with force on force kind of a thing right and one of my buddies was in uh private well i've known a couple of gentlemen in the um private defense contracting and he was telling me that you know the the u.s military's biggest china's military second and then our private defense contracting force is actually the third biggest military force.
Starting point is 01:07:48 And that's the kind of stuff that we're going to need to maintain martial law. Because as you look at the United States active duty, our military has 2,063,451. That's Army, Navy, and Marines and Air Force. Law enforcement, municipal, and sheriff has 708,081. That's a fluid kind of number.
Starting point is 01:08:14 All these numbers are kind of fluid, but they're going to be close. That brings the total up to 2,771,532. That's if all the police officers, all the municipal, all the sheriff's pitch in, there's no rifts, all the police officers all the municipal all the sheriffs pitch in there's no rifts all the military jumps in on board with this they're all helping out right that's unlikely we're going to talk about the worst case scenario here okay okay everybody's everybody's yes sir everybody's on board yeah yes the united states landmass is 3 million 531
Starting point is 01:08:41 905 square miles what What's that mean? When you do the math, that means that less than one person will be covering one square mile of landmass. Now, when you start looking at the foothills of Georgia, the mountains of North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. One person cannot cover all that. Hell, they couldn't cover it in rural southern Illinois.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yep. Do you think they would use technology as a filler, drones, all that kind of stuff? Yeah, if it's available. Depends on what kind of crisis you have, right? You know, an EMP attack, for example, you're not going to have anything like that. Yeah, yeah, CME, yep. Yeah, mass coronal ejection, coronal mass ejection, yep. So in order for FEMA to fully function on a national level during a time of national crisis,
Starting point is 01:09:42 it needs to have control over all government agencies. Remember that. FEMA, in order to control everything, has to run all of the government. Where do I get that and why do I get that? Because Bill Clinton wrote an executive order 13010, July 15th, 1996. FEMA takes control of all government agencies. This loose net disorganized doesn't know which end is up. Agency just takes the control of everything. Yep. Remember that this executive order was written back when, um, it was relatively newer. And, you know, people have high hopes for something like this. They want to see it. I want to see, you know, I want to see stuff like this succeed.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Always the best intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Yes, but here's the problem. Our government has been doing the, all these agencies have been doing the inverse. Right. Of everything that these agencies are designed to do. They're doing the absolute opposite of what they were designed to do. And that, to me, is scary. Yeah. More so than I could imagine. Because it's allowing, I call it the filth, the grime.
Starting point is 01:11:08 It's allowing that darkness and destruction to drip all over everything. Think about it. FEMA's, they're inflaming disasters by not helping, by not distributing the goods that are being donated. The Department of Defense is issuing stand-in orders to most of the people that are capable and well-equipped that's coming there to help their citizens, but they're being allowed to needlessly die in the mountains. Even going off of equity, it's not like any of these people were like, it's not like it was Mar-a-Lago sitting up there or anything.
Starting point is 01:11:39 These are salt-of-the-earth people who, you know, just had their place and you know by blood sweat and tears of their own and so if you're looking at like redistribution of equity they're definitely on the list to receive rather than be screwed over by their own government well in in kamala harris's eyes of equity uh they're at least American citizens and they have more than the people that are coming in with nothing. Fair. Just trying to see this. I don't believe that way she does. I'm just saying that's how she thinks. That's how she thinks of it, right. The FDA authorizes poisons and they're banning medicines. What happened when COVID came out? They took out, they got rid of ivermectin, everything that helped with COVID, they took it
Starting point is 01:12:24 off the shelf. The CDC causes diseases and they spread and distribute misinformation homeland securities and facilitating invasions the fbi instigates insurrection and hides evidence i mean you see what i'm saying it's the inverse in every single one of these agencies top down yeah it's upside down yep all right uh let me see here so um since martial law is about control we must learn to make that system work for us right so right it's good idea to have an alternate we've talked about this kind of stuff before on on all the podcasts that we've done before um you've talked to me before about like patrols and stuff like that. You know, in a martial law situation, it's a good idea to have an alternate location for food caches, for example.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yep. Something away from the home. Don't blaze a footpath from your home to your supply cache, right? Only acquire food from offsite locations when necessary. Right. Don't go out. off-site locations when necessary. Right. In other words, if you've got a nice supply of food somewhere that's off-site, don't go there every single day.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah. All you're doing is opening up. First of all, you're making a trail, right? You're making a path that's going to be visible and it's going to be seen. Secondly, you're creating, you're expanding the possibility for a liability of
Starting point is 01:13:46 of possibly being caught right uh the the fewer times you go out the least likely you're going to get caught and you better be in those food lines that are going on in town because if they see you're not in that line, then why are you not in line? Why aren't you there? Does he or she have, do they have food? What are they hiding? Right. Yeah. Gardens are beneficial, right?
Starting point is 01:14:13 So however you should expect the authorities to indulge themselves. So if some foot patrol comes walking by, you can expect that they're going to be digging in your gardens. Fair enough. Keeping a small garden on your property would be, it's like low suspicion, okay? If there's absolutely no food to be found in your home or on your property, they're going to know that you're concealing it somewhere.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Fair. Likewise, things like rabbits, chickens, you know, other things that are multipurpose, you know, and other small food sources should be maintained in two separate locations, one on hand and one off property change up the structure design the gardens that you produce remember to keep the on-hand supply small to minimize the loss in case it's confiscated you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket
Starting point is 01:14:58 because they're going to take your entire basket right they're already they're already talking about you know oh we don't want you to have gardens so it's bad for the environment uh so you know you can't grow your own food and we can't have hoarders we're gonna have to they're already regulating stuff off you know you know crazy right yeah uh possession of firearms and ammunitions would be uh would raise a lot of suspicion an off-site location where firearms could be concealed is ideal. If you're like me, you're going to want to be incapable of not having a weapon or ammunition handy. I'm like, uh-huh, that's not happening.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Right. So you've got to have a very good hiding spot. You've got to think outside the box and try not to limit your imagination. Always suspect that your weapon's hiding spot isn't good enough and that it's going to be discovered. This will drive you to be more creative with where you hide it. In one of my stories, I want to say it used to be Acts of Defiance, which is now in book one of the Tyrant series, The Rise. There used to be Acts of Defiance, which is now in book one of the Tyrant series, The Rise. One of my characters had a pistol vacuum sealed in a fish aquarium buried under the rock.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Yeah. That's a good one. No one's going to think that you've got a weapon in water. That's a fool's idea. And here's what he was talking about earlier. He was talking about talking to people. Information will be a form of currency. How? Well, the authority is going to want information.
Starting point is 01:16:31 It's for this reason you must not talk to anyone you do not trust 1,000%. Yeah, yeah. Sharing information with your neighbors about your hiding spots could come back to haunt you. Right? Because they also want to benefit and be left alone. So snitching on you is going to take the attention
Starting point is 01:16:51 off them. And if they run into some kind of process, some kind of problems with the authority to get out of it, they could offer information. Information in the form of currency. Well, Sarah Hathaway's got this. All right, get out of my face. They're going to go get the bigger fish.
Starting point is 01:17:13 So assume that the authority figures are good at detecting dishonesty. Knowledge is power, but only if you know how to use it. Survival groups. We've talked a lot about survival groups in the past on your show. They're going to try to get an early foothold, prepare yourself to defend against looters. Not all survival groups are bad. Some of them will be, but they're all made up of people, and people are, like any other group, there's going to be 10%, right?
Starting point is 01:17:46 They're just cockroaches. Yep, and they're fickle. Yeah, right? So just don't assume this is a good group. Somebody in that group is bad. I guarantee it. They're just doing what they're doing to stay alive. But the moment they can take advantage of something, they will.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Do what you're told when the authority tells you to do it. Some exceptions apply, of course. You'll know when it happens. I can't sit here and play what-if games all night long. Yeah, all night long. Fair enough. But trust nobody and remain cautiously optimistic. That will be so hard for me to do what you're told when you're told. Yes, but you've got to remember that this can't last forever.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Fair. No martial law, neither one of the martial laws. One martial law in the United States on American citizens, and the second one against non-citizens being a non-state Hawaii. So twice this has happened in our country they didn't last forever just endure it for as long as you can and try to get through it um back to my bullet points try to store medical supplies in a cool dry place avoid temperature extremes and hiding your medicines yeah too cold, either way, it'll ruin your medicines. So the question comes up,
Starting point is 01:19:06 well, do I resist or do I submit? Again, we can't play what ifs all day long, but the answer depends on the authority force, right? So if one person, if one authority figure is by himself and he comes to your property, knocks on your door and demands something of you, what are you going to do? Are you going to comply? Well, it depends on what he's asking. Well, if you decide not to comply, and you look out the door, and he's by himself, and you take him out, and you bury his body somewhere, what have you done? Attracted a larger force. Exactly. That's exactly what I told the guys at Prepper Camp. If you take out this one
Starting point is 01:19:42 soldier, somebody sent him to you. Like no military person is rogue. Nobody just goes out on their own. Right. They're sent. They all have marching orders. They know where Sergeant Hogan's going. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Because they sent him there. They sent him to that landowner's property over there, the Hathaway residence. And now he hasnaway residence. And now he hasn't returned. And so more people are going to come. And now you've got a problem. Big problem. Stockpile bartering goods that serve
Starting point is 01:20:16 dual purposes. We're talking about multi-purpose things, things like alcohol. You can drink alcohol. You can barter alcohol. You can use it as disinfectant. It burns. Multi-purpose stuff. Other things that are high value, things that, you know, that maybe you can barter that are not multi-purpose. Toilet paper. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I can't believe that one. Toilet paper burns. Yep. It's used to wipe your butt. And, you know, inmates use toilet paper. They water it up really, really tight. Don't even go in there no I'm saying it lights for a long time
Starting point is 01:20:47 if you can dip it in petroleum that will burn for a very long time bullets you can shoot them and you can open them up and pour the gunpowder out and use it to start a fire multi-purpose stuff
Starting point is 01:21:03 but make sure all this stuff is hidden somewhere off-site. So, some of the things that the government's been doing in the past, things that you might remember, you remember when the Bureau of Land Management came down on Clark County, Nevada in 2014?
Starting point is 01:21:21 Yes, yes, yes. With their machine guns. And dude was shot in cold blood. That was... Oh, that was up north. That was... Yeah, that was Finnegan. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:33 You're right. That was BLM land argument. I'm sorry. I'm getting them confused. Yep. Still, in this particular case, so in the Bureau of Land Management issue, you know, I want to say that it was an argument over some guy's property because it had been in his family, in his generations, this land. And Harry Reid was the senator of Nevada at the time.
Starting point is 01:21:55 And he's selling all of his land to the government, all this federal land to the government. And I have a slide that's ridiculous. The entire, almost the entire West Coast is owned by the federal government. Yes, it is. And we're going to talk about that here in a second. But there was actually, during this time, Barack Obama put up a First Amendment area in Clark County. In other words, if you want to express your freedom of expression,
Starting point is 01:22:28 you've got to go within these confines. Oh, my gosh. I've got a picture of this on my slide, so when you get the PDF down the road and send it out in your newsletter, it'll be there. It's a First Amendment area, and it's barred off with some lines, and you've got to stand on the inside of that because anywhere outside of that, you don't have your First Amendment right. This is a version of martial law. They call them free speech zones. Yeah, no. So what else do we see?
Starting point is 01:23:03 Like, moving on into the future. In 2020, we began to see unprecedented amounts of censorship on social media. Yeah. Moderators called fact checkers were hired to ghost any narratives that were counterproductive to those being served by the CDC and the World Health Organization. Yeah. That's when I got nuclear launched off of those platforms. Well, me too. And I lost several thousand people.
Starting point is 01:23:28 People are reluctant to come back and follow you again. Each time I've been banned off social media, it's more difficult to get my people back. Because they don't know if it's like a fraud thing now. Well, I already followed half the way. So that's obviously that count there. You know what I'm saying? Yep. And come to find out, I was right about every single thing that was anti-COVID that I ever posted.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Every single bit of it. The masks. Praise God, right? The masks. The six-foot social distancing that was made up. The immunity. If you take this shot, you know it'll keep you from spreading it and you won't be able to contain that. Where it came from?
Starting point is 01:24:05 Where it originally came from? All of it. Yes. A bat? Come on. Really? This thing was not created in nature. It was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan, China.
Starting point is 01:24:17 And we now know that. Yeah. 100%. Back then, the agenda that was being pushed by the left was quite different. And you're not allowed to go against the narrative. Remember, you're stupid. You're going to drink the Kool-Aid that I serve you. That's how the government operates.
Starting point is 01:24:35 100%. But if you are smart enough and wise enough, you know where to look and how to search and do your own homework, you can figure this all out yourself, which is why Obama also wanted to control the Internet. You remember when that was going down? Yep. Nobody should have that much access to that much knowledge. No, and now they are data harvesting big time. Yes. So all the land, all of Nevada, probably half of California, there's other states over there that are almost entirely red.
Starting point is 01:25:05 This is also in the slides, and you guys can look at it. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution, it gives the authority of the government, the Constitution gives the government authority over land for erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, other needful buildings. That's basically military stuff. That's the only reason, constitutionallyally the federal government should own land. They should not own parks. They should not own reserves.
Starting point is 01:25:35 This is all constitutional. All this happened on the Bundy Ranch in 2014. Harry Reid's old state, it's almost all gone. He gave it away probably to China because China owns all of this federal land, right? Yeah. Yeah, sadly enough. Right. So what's China done for him then?
Starting point is 01:25:59 Pat in his pockets. Good enough facts. I watched a Chinese professor that was like, oh, it's easy with Americans. If they don't, then you just add another zero to the check until they say yes. Yep. Have you ever heard of the Utah Data Center, a.k.a. the Domestic Surveillance Dictorate? I haven't heard the technical name, but I knew about the data center. Well, I heard this is the baby of the Patriot Act.
Starting point is 01:26:31 George H. Bush. And again, when I did this, when I built this PowerPoint, I thought it was the only one. There are now dozens of them all across the country. And if you go to the Utah Data Center or any domestic surveillance dictatorate and read their about link, their vision, their values, it's very interesting. I'm going to read it for you here, but you guys can read it later also. This is about the domestic surveillance dictatorate. The men and women of the domestic surveillance dictatorate together and individually act for one thing and one thing only. Here we go. Here's the crazy part, our values. Our vision, domestic information dominance through responsive presence and network advantage.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Here's the crazy part, our values. For us, collaboration is built into the very fabric of who we are, a component of both the U.S. Defense Department and the U.S. intelligence community. We also partner with other federal agencies to safeguard our national security. Domestic surveillance is a team sport. No one organization has the resources to do the job alone. Do you believe that? A team sport. A team sport. How warm and fuzzy that we get everybody reporting in.
Starting point is 01:28:04 So, and here's how it works. Here's how the UTC works. So you go onto a website, all right? You browse, you find what you're looking for. You do an internet search. You call Doug Hogan on his phone, all right? You jump on Skype. You call Doug, you call Ryan, you call Brock,
Starting point is 01:28:20 you call whoever you're doing on Skype, okay? Right. Then you go into your emails and you send some emails out. Then you jump on your cell phone and you send some text messages out. Hey, are you're doing on Skype. Okay? Right. Then you go into your emails and you send some emails out. Then you jump on your cell phone and you send some text messages out. Hey, are you still up for the podcast tonight? What are we talking about? Oh, we're talking about survival of martial law.
Starting point is 01:28:33 All right, I'll be there. All right? Then you jump on your credit card. You make an online purchase at Amazon. You buy some Gaz and Culpeper flags because you think it's really cool. You love the Second Amendment, right? You're a fond supporter of the second amendment. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Okay. All your financial information, all your legal documents, all your travel documents, all your health records, every site you've ever visited, all the cookies, all the internet searches, all the people you've ever called, all your contacts on your phone, all your Skype contacts, all your Skype emails, all your Skype conversations, everything, all your text messages, your cell phone contacts, it's all recorded and stored right here in this data center. All right? So they collect it automatically. And we're supposed to have a right to privacy? Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:29:20 They're not reviewing it. It's just there if they need it yes yeah so so right now it's stored they're respecting your privacy okay but down the road okay because they're they there's this there's this spinny wheel thing where they match it they store it they match it and they share it so if you're communicating with he bob jamal jabal abula or whoever you know who you don't know you're unwittingly communicating with a hezbollah terrorist right they are now reviewing everything that I just told you. That I've ever done.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Yeah. Yes. It doesn't matter about your intentions. Right. The Patriot Act says that Sarah Hathaway is now an affiliate of a known terrorist. And we now have a right, because of this act, to go through all of her data. Okay? And then they share it to all these different agencies. The CIA, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security,
Starting point is 01:30:32 they're all looking into you. Local police departments, possibly. So, martial law, you're now the insurgent because you don't fall in line with the power structure. Sure. So, it's all there for them. You see where it's going? Yep. Nobody is safe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Nobody. And because this is just for me, I'm speaking for me, because I've done a tremendous amount of research on patriotism, tyranny, terrorism, U.S. history, religious studies, military operations, survival tactics, on and on and on, right? I've made myself vulnerable to surveillance and monitoring. My guess is that many of the people that are listening to this are in the same category. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:20 And that's why I always say that we are the leaders of tomorrow there's no you're the ones who have been doing it you're the ones who have already done the work you already put in the research you already know you can't live blindly anymore right and that's why it's important like i'm not i'm not trying to make a buck off my book um but people need a copy of this because i've done all the homework for you guys um i do encourage you to go and download it you know print it up do what you got to do to get it into some kind of paper format where you can have it throw it in your go bag or whatever you know just something so what did doug say again about you know gardens you know it's good to have this kind of stuff handy and um so however you want to do it,
Starting point is 01:32:05 I would recommend that. I got like three slides to go. So I'm going to move on here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's get her done. We're already like an hour over today,
Starting point is 01:32:13 but that is okay. Like I told you, I was like, I'm bringing you on. We're going to do the show. Like we're going to go through it because this is just too important to, to worry about the time frame. It's better.
Starting point is 01:32:23 It's better when. Yeah. So we're powerless to prevent martial law, right? So the question that comes in, how do we deal with it? Well, our focus must be to learn to deal with martial law instead of preventing it, okay? The totality of circumstances should be thoroughly weighed out before responding to it. For example, consider the area affected. Is it a small area, a big area? What forces are involved?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Are they domestic or foreign? What situation gave rise to the martial law? You see, there's a lot of components here that got to be weighed in with the decisions that you make. That's why we can't what if this thing forever. Fighting against the authority is a bad idea unless you have an army. Do you have an army, Sarah? Nope. I don't have an army. That's why we have to comply the best that we can. Fair. Okay. Outright hiding's not a good idea either because marshall law lasted for two years during the second half of the civil war and lasted three years in hawaii at the pearl harbor attack you imagine hiding for three years it could be done
Starting point is 01:33:15 yeah but it would be it'd be it'd be rough right you're gonna be like out in the woods because they have surveillance everywhere right um people think about living off the grid in these type of situations, but consider the consequences if you and your family are discovered by foreign forces. Yeah. Right? You violated how many, are you a rebel now? Are you an insurrectionist? Right.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Because you're growing your own food? Yeah, because you don't want to be a part of the new world order. Right. So you're an insurrectionist a domestic terrorist okay so we must be wolves in sheep's clothing if we're to survive martial law living in open undetected is the best means of survival but never under any circumstances surrender yourself to boarding or check-in terminals. And I got asked this question at Prepper Camp. Why? And I talked about it a while ago.
Starting point is 01:34:11 How many of us have read the back of the book? We're not talking about martial law. When you start checking yourself into terminals and places to board, what do you think they're going to stick in you?
Starting point is 01:34:25 Again, I'm worst case scenario. Whatever they want. And if you want food, you're going to comply. Yep. That store that you talked about, you know, going to pick up your food. What if they say, what if they say to you, hey, we've changed our policy. You got to take this now.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Yeah. In order to come in and get your food. You walk away. What if they chase you? What if they detain you? You see how fuzzy this can get? Yeah. It can get extremely hairy.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Really fast. Yes. So the moment you see, like, checkpoints being set up and all these kind of boarding things going on, all the hairs on the back of your neck should be standing up. Right. Or like the refugee like the the refugee literally the refugee camps in my books yes they can do whatever you know we used to think some of this stuff that we lived through in the last uh four years was was science fiction but look at
Starting point is 01:35:18 what happened it really did happen i mean those children's lives are affected forever the children that were have to wear masks in schools and all that yes the ptsd from those kids oh lord yeah um limits your movement to foot unless it becomes absolutely necessary transportation will be controlled and fuel will be accomplished what they see your vehicle driving down the road you see yeah how do you have fuel yes and what are you doing yeah exactly um it'd be prudent to consider siphoning the fuel from your vehicles or vehicle, whatever, you know, to prevent it from being taken or destroyed. Bury canisters off your property somewhere inconspicuous. That'd be my recommendation.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Two more slides. Do not dress in camouflage clothing. Right. It's just a bad idea to give the authority the impression that you're anything more than a cooperative civilian what do you look like when you dress in camouflage clothing you're a militant you yes or you're going hunting or something either one you're not supposed to be doing because who you remember at this point you're relying on the government the government's the daddy your daddy now yep and they get well they're yeah they're the almighty.
Starting point is 01:36:25 You don't want to look like a soldier. Yep. You don't want to look like a militant. You don't want to look like any kind of rebellion or insurrectionist. You want to look like a cooperative civilian. So dress in your dad clothes. Maintain a low profile and do not attract attention. You don't want your name to become known unless you want attention, right?
Starting point is 01:36:46 Yep. Listen, don't talk. Information can save your life. Be smart with the information you collect. Attacking a supply convoy that was discussed in your presence will draw the authorities back to you. Make sense? Yes, it does. If you're talking about something, you know, you were there, like Hathaway was there when we were talking about this. And then all of a sudden he gets attacked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Who attacked? Well, I might have a good idea. Yeah. Yeah, that chick was standing there. I mean, I don't gray man very well. I'm too tiny. You're too tall. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Remember to stay humble and non-confrontational. Cooperation relates to non-threatening for authority figures. Nobody suspects a friendly, quiet, and cooperative civilian. So, Sarah, I know that you are a rebellious spirit, so am I, but I was in the military and I could fall back into that really easy. But one thing you have to do to stay ahead of them is to know that you're fooling them. Fair. That will give you the edge. If you know in your mind that you're outsmarting them, you're winning.
Starting point is 01:37:56 You don't have to get the last word. Right. Fair enough? What would Jesus do? Right. Yeah. And I wrote that Bible term out today, you know, be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Okay. Have a plan to defend yourself. Firearms, maps, escape routes, rally points, means of communication, et cetera. Sometimes situations go bad and you have to defend yourself and your family. But you always want to hope for the best, pray for the best, right? But you also want to be prepared for the worst. And again, for my final slide, the biggest question is not will there be martial law, but when will there be martial law? In arguments before the court, the Council of the United States spoke to the question of what is martial law.
Starting point is 01:38:44 In arguments before the court, the Council of the United States spoke to the question of what is martial law. Martial law, it was argued, is the will of the commanding officer of an armed force or of a geographical military department expressed in time of war within the limits of his military jurisdiction as necessary demands or as necessity demands and prudence dictates, restrained or enlarged by the orders of his military chief or supreme executive ruler. In other words, martial law is imposed by a local commander on the region he controls on an as-needed basis. Further, it was argued that officer executing martial law is at the same time supreme legislator, supreme judge, and supreme executive. Supreme legislator, supreme judge, and supreme executive. As whether or not it is infringed and the extent of the infraction, he alone can judge and his sole order punishes or acquits the alleged offender. And that's from Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Isn't that like Judge Doom? What was that, Arnold? Not Arnold. I am the law. Yeah. Yeah, it's with Rambo. Not Rambo. Sylvester Stall Arnold. I am the law. Yeah. Yes, with Rambo. Not Rambo. Sylvester Stallone. Stallone, yeah. And my last bullet point, in the end, the decision for martial law comes to what the president believes to be an insurrection or national emergency.
Starting point is 01:39:57 And that's a broad scope. Yeah, there's so many things right now. If they took us harder into war, can say it over the um immigrants right now be like oh you guys are concerned about it okay well yeah it's a national emergency here we go down that road there's so many oh the disasters you know the whole a lot of the east coast just got hit really hard um you know there's so many things they could just be like yep that's it it could be anything um you know but here's the key it's got to be it's got to be planned carefully if they're going if they want this to happen like if they want a reason it has to be nationwide otherwise it's
Starting point is 01:40:35 gonna be regional right and the biggest way to keep somebody enslaved is to not let them know they're actually in jail which you know they're kind of working on that right now. But if you wanted the whole country to fall into martial law, what would be a good route? Like an economic collapse. Yeah, fair. It seems like... There's a girl by the last name of Whitney.
Starting point is 01:41:01 She talks a lot about financial things that are coming down the pipeline, and she's putting out huge warnings right now. She's an investigative journalist. If you haven't heard her speak, you definitely should, and she's putting up some pretty mega warnings about a financial freeze, which would be a great catalyst to take us into martial law.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Yeah. That's the most simple of things that we're all familiar with, is a huge economic nationwide impact. We're looking right now at, you know, Biden's been attacking cryptocurrency, and he's put agencies in charge of trying to take it down, at least regulate it after death. In the meantime, he's trying to get together like a centralized banking. The CBDC, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Yes. And if that happens, we're darn near close to the end because with a centralized banking digital currency system, we just need a means to digitize everybody so that everybody can can be controlled the way the government wants to control the beast right now we're talking about implants we're talking about transhumanism we're talking about smart cities the internet of things all these things already exist and once you have an implant now you're a slave i mean yes now you're tokenized because what you've done even though you're doing it unwittingly, what you're doing is you're saying, okay, I no longer depend upon God to be my protector, to be my provider. But I'm giving myself to the government and being remade in the government's image. And the government is going to protect me and the government is going to feed me and provide for me.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Oh, it's so true. And that's how. It doesn't matter if you're ignorant or not if you take the mark of the beast and it's not it's not my words you know it's what the bible said yeah you're getting tossed into the lake of fire yep and i you know well how can a righteous god know he's warned us all he's warned us all it. It's all there. I mean, that book is the most interlaced, interreferenced, accurate, prophetic book of all time. Think about this. This was written over 2,000 years ago. Right. And the things he's talked about was impossible to know.
Starting point is 01:43:20 A mark, really, where you can't buy or sell. Right. That stuff is existing, and it's actually being used right now right now and it is isn't it so great isn't it so great no it's really not they've you know some people love it some people have taken i don't know if it's the mark but they've they've taken chips in their hand they're going to work they're clocking in by swiping their hand they're going up the machine they're swiping their hand they're picking making their choices and and they're not pulling out any cash to pay from the implant it's the same thing now imagine that connected to your
Starting point is 01:43:53 bank where everything is completely digital and we're all using a digital system anyway right how often do you deal with cash well and they were saying okay so americans are so um don't want to give up their cash so they're talking about putting a chip within the dollar bills that could literally shut that dollar bill down. Well, there's a chip in my debit card that I use right now. Right, exactly. It wouldn't be hard to put them inside of our cash money. And then look, we didn't take your cash away. So people are like, well, how's it going to work?
Starting point is 01:44:20 Let me explain real quick because I know that we're short on time. But the system is already in place. When you go to any store and you pick up a product you look on you see a barcode there's numbers on that barcode the scanner scans it all right that number tells the scanner what the product is and shoots the information to the server the server's got all the information about that product in it and it records the time of the purchase what was purchased you know who purchased it at what time everything right that's for first that's for inventory um yes you know so i can keep it but you're going to be an inventory too you're going to be when you get this mark there's gonna be a number assigned to it the bible says the mark of
Starting point is 01:44:59 the beast right that is the number of his name behold is a human number as three it was uh six six six right he said uh six hundred three a six, six, six, right? He said 603 scoring six at six, six, six. Right. That's going to be the number of his name. So we,
Starting point is 01:45:10 everybody's worried about they're getting six, six. You're not going to actually have six, six, six on you. You're going to have a number assigned to you and the number. So that when they scan you with his RFID, to me,
Starting point is 01:45:21 an RFID chip, they're going to use a reader to scan you and your body produces electricity already. So It's going to be an RFID chip. They're going to use a reader to scan you. And your body produces electricity already. So you would have this internal antenna inside this little microchip. It's got a number assigned to it. When they scan it, it's going to energize just a little bit with the body electricity that you already have,
Starting point is 01:45:35 electromagnetism that you already have going on. And it's going to tell that scanner what your number is. It's going to feed back to the server, and all your information is going to be stored there. Your email contacts, your legal records, your medical records. Oh, you're outside of your zone. You're not supposed to be there. You've already had too much meat.
Starting point is 01:46:00 They'll know your address. They'll know how much you've consumed. They'll know how much you've purchased, how many credits you have left, what you've spent, how many hours you've worked, everything. Yeah. Smart cities will only make it worse. You won't be able to go outside without being recorded and everybody knows.
Starting point is 01:46:16 This smart information, this internet of things, they'll be playing it in devices. It could be in pressure points on the road. It could be in cameras that are recording you. It could be on your points on the road. It could be in cameras that are recording you. It could be on your watch that's monitoring your heartbeat. Everything that you use, everywhere you go, this blockchain technology, it'll be immutable. Nobody will be able to edit it or hack you.
Starting point is 01:46:39 All this stuff already exists. We just need to get everybody on the same sheet of music. stuff already exists we just need to get everybody on the same sheet of music and that's where we're at right now is we got so many independent groups that we got a lot of moving parts we need to get everybody in tandem but once everybody gets put in tandem game on yeah yeah and then that's your one world order i mean that's why right now it is so imperative guys get out i know your vote you don't think it matters but it does and you've got to get out and vote in this election really we're voting for the one world order this time or we're voting to keep america free and i hope that's what we're going to get out of trump i've never been like
Starting point is 01:47:20 on board a hundred percent until i found out that that man is never drunk he's never done drugs his family his children still love him um when you're that popular when you're that in the limelight your whole life and you can still know that your children love you and whatnot now that's something special it says a lot it does it does his kids are good kids yeah they're not on crack cocaine not going to jail says a lot so that's why i put my faith there and i hope he does the right thing when the ships come down um we need to take care of a lot of corruption and so and i don't think he took care of it enough but he didn't have a team last time and if he can set himself up with you know great people around him gabby um you know even kennedy i i know democrat but like he's so focused on correcting
Starting point is 01:48:20 the food problem within the united states that I think if he delegates properly and has a really strong team around him that we can get some stuff done and get our country back. He's absolutely against the establishment as well. Right. So, I mean, that's important. It's important, guys, because hopefully we, you know, but like you say, it's a matter of if, or a matter of when, not if, if we're going to go into martial law.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Yep. Everybody get out there. Get on the email list. Doug's kind enough to share the slides. We'll be emailing him out. Get a hold of his book. It's not, what do you sell for, like, $10 or something like that? It's not that bad.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Yeah, both both figures, hand sw Martial Arts are $10 each, and the program is coming up real soon. I'm expecting to be done with my book by the end of this coming weekend. I just got to get it out to the editor, and then it'll be soon after that. Yeah, that takes a little bit of time, but boom. And I've already had a couple of sneak peeks there, and that one's going to be legit as well. Great to get a hold of.
Starting point is 01:49:23 So hopefully you guys stuck around to the end of the show tonight because it was definitely worth it um but uh you know you got to be prepared you got to be ready you got to keep your thinking cap on that's what it's going to take all right doug well thank you for joining us let's go ahead and shut this down and get off air so we can get this show posted and get everybody uh prepared so i let everybody know again where to sign up to your website and check you out as well absolutely you guys could uh i hate to feed the beast but slash honor your oath um www.ldhogan is my website and i you got links there for just about everything my podcast is rising republic with l d Douglas Hogan and Ryan Buford.
Starting point is 01:50:08 I have yet to tinker with my graphics on that, but I have a new co-host. He's really good. Hit me up on Instagram also. Yeah, just do a search for L. Douglas Hogan. I think it's L. Douglas Hogan underscore author. Something along those lines has been banned so many times I've had to reuse. Right. Get creative with my names.
Starting point is 01:50:24 That's why I just want alias. Yeah, just hit me up on LDHogan.comcom or amazon google my name l douglas hogan i'll come up there as well or google me l douglas hogan you'll find me easy and if you send a message over change your nurse series i can definitely get it to doug um i'm honored to call my brother from another mother and uh yeah well let's keep getting the content out and keep listening to the audio drama audio drama is getting ready i'm finishing up uh episode 12 here pretty quick so we're gonna be in our next block we're gonna have a fun day some family feud coming up soon i think i'm gonna do uh uh team tj versus team virgis on the next one so I can moderate a little bit better than our last one.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Cheater. Me? Okay. We're not even going there. All right, guys. Changing our series. Go check out Doug. Go check out our stuff.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Hope you guys enjoyed the show tonight. And until next time, remember, dream, survive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom, of freedom, battle for the South, dark days in Denver, and the endless night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcasts, become a supporter while you're there.

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