The Prepper Broadcasting Network - TGA-2023 METT-TC for preppers
Episode Date: November 30, 2023...
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Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. Here's your host, Dane D.
What's up everybody? It's Dane from the Gun Metal Armory.
I'm not sure how this is going to go down or how it's going to sound, because it is coming through my radio.
So, let's see how this works when i disconnect it
okay hopefully you guys can still hear me if not this is going to be a very weird broadcast
all right so let's talk about the recent things happening in the world but right now i'm actually
leaving a gas station and i wanted to get in a little bit of a podcast for you guys on my way home.
So I don't know if you guys have noticed or not, but a lot of crazy stuff is happening
all around the world right now.
And I, you know, obviously a lot of us feel the same way and that we need to be prepared for this stuff as it goes wrong and as things escalate. Okay. So, um, I don't know if you
guys have seen these, uh, reports from various different agencies. Uh, Magic Prepper had talked about it a while back um but what it basically came down to is
the u.s military is running out of ammunition they're running out of ammunition for their
small arms because we've sent too much of it to other wars they're running out of ammunition for
their uh heavier guns again sent too much to too many wars, and they're about to send more
ammo over to Ukraine.
Now, I think they're only sending something like 3 billion rounds or something like that
or 30 million, I think.
I think it was 30 million.
I forget what it was.
Maybe it's 30 million. I forget what it was. Maybe it's 3 million.
But what it came out to was like 3 bullets per soldier or something like that.
Because they have like 1 million active duty soldiers in the Ukraine.
So it came out to something like 3 bullets per soldier.
So not a whole lot, right?
per soldier so not a whole lot right but one of the main points that he was making in that is that if even they have messed up their logistical issues if they've messed up their
logistical supply chain then what is going to happen when a prepper needs to have a logistical supply chain?
Or let's say for the sake of argument, like we just saw happen in that township in Michigan.
There's a township in Michigan.
I think it's called Hardin, Michigan or Harmon, Michigan.
I forget exactly where it is.
Like I said, i'm driving otherwise i
would look it up for you but um these uh i think it was a city commissioner or a city council member
or something like that he decided to start a um county approved militia basically uh because he didn't want him and his guy his people's weapons taken away
for red flag laws you know he didn't want this state using red flag laws to take away their guns
um one argument i guess in that case is that they are a county
uh approved militia therefore they need their guns in case anything pops off.
And that's their defense in court.
So they'll actually get their due process.
It won't be as simple as just taking away their guns like they would for a red flag law.
Because a lot of those red flag laws, they just take away your guns.
There's no freaking trial, no nothing.
They just take it away.
And then you have to fight to get them back.
Which is kind of lame, if you ask me.
Not kind of.
It's very, very lame.
No due process.
What's the point?
You know what I mean?
Like, what's the point of any of our laws
if you're not going to follow them?
You know what I mean? Like, what's the point of any of our laws if you're not going to follow them? You know?
So anyways, they've created a county-wide militia, and they're going to basically allow
anybody to join it, so they'll have the right for due process.
So, circling back to what we were talking about, logistic, you know, logistics
and supply chains, if even our own government is so bad at knowing like how much we're going
to need for, you know, for, uh, ammunition for a war or for, you know, anything like
that, if they're that bad, I mean, imagine what it's
going to be like for the average civilian when they're trying to, I don't know, protect themselves.
And then that's just the ammunition. Imagine things like MREs or food, anything like that.
Imagine, um, anything of that nature, you know, just trying to make sure
that your guys are supplied, make sure that everybody has the food that they actually need
to survive and the ammunition they need to survive, right? All of this stuff comes into play.
And one of the things that people don't often think about when they think about, you know,
SHTF, you know, I don't know, freaking, what do they call it?
Boogaloo and all that crap.
They don't think about the unsexy stuff like supply chains and logistics, right?
Something I found my wife doing the other day was organizing things, number one, And number two, doesn't matter what she was
organizing, don't ask. And number two, I found her gathering intel on all kinds of stuff. And again,
doesn't matter what it was on. It was just the fact that she was gathering intel. Okay. For those
of you out there that think that you're
not, you know, a good prepper, or you think that you're not going to be worthwhile if the crap hits
the fan to any group that might need people because you don't have any skill sets, we'll
start learning to gather and disseminate intelligence now through open source, through open source, I don't know, sources. Through open
source intelligence sources, basically. Learn to get that kind of intelligence that you need
from places you can get it from, okay? Be careful with where you get it because some a lot of that stuff is propaganda
right but there is some stuff that's not and you know like stuff that comes out and it talks about
basic supply chain stuff and things of that nature you all have to pay attention to that it's very
very useful when you're trying to combine compile a picture or a snapshot of your area.
You know, the whole area study thing, right?
You're trying to compile a snapshot of your area and figure out how you can protect it,
how you might have to run any kind of operation inside your area.
How you can leave your area and do it safely.
And so on, right?
Which brings me to the title of this podcast.
Which, again, it's not going to be a very long podcast because I'm driving home.
For those of you military guys out there you know what met
tc is um a lot of you guys i'm sure do right it's uh and and people sometimes get the stuff in
different order but um you know the reader's digest thing is is miss uh mission uh enemies
time terrain time troops uh and civilian considerations, basically.
So, let's think about mission, right?
Let's just think about this for a second.
If the mission is to control your local space, control your neighborhood, okay?
That's the mission.
How are we going to do that?
What are our areas, right?
What are our streets?
How do they intersect?
What are the entrances and exits to our area?
You know, are there any major thoroughfares?
Are there any freeways that intersect or bisect with where we live?
Or are they close?
How close are they?
Are there any major water sources?
Are there any major food sources?
Are there any food hubs that actually distribute food?
What about medical services?
All these things come into play, okay?
But if you're living out in the middle of nowhere, that is a completely different story,
right, so let's just stick with the word M, right, or the word mission for M, okay, the mission is to
protect our neighborhood, okay, just for the sake of argument, all right, now keep in mind I'm driving
home, I don't have any notes, I don't have anything. We're just talking off the top of our heads here, okay?
The next part of it, enemy, E, right?
So, who's our enemy?
I don't know.
In the SHTF, it could be anybody.
It could be biker gangs.
It could be freaking, you know, I don't know, MS-13.
It could be cartels. It could be freaking Chinese spies.
It could be Russians.
It could be, I don't know,
you haven't seen, everybody's seen Red Dawn, right, the original, by the way, I don't know,
it could be anything, it could be, you know, something tyrannical, it could be some sort of,
whatever, you don't know, we don't know, okay, it could be people trying to riot through the area,
enemy, okay, so whatever that enemy is,
whatever enemy you think it's most likely to be, start gathering intel on that stuff now, okay,
start gathering intel on whatever that enemy, the most likely enemy you think it could be,
and add that to your, to your METTC, okay, then if you can, like, let's say it was people who like to riot, okay?
Try to see how much you can find out
about those kind of people.
How many are there?
Where are their chapters?
How big is that chapter?
How many of those chapters are around you?
You know, what's the last protest they were seen at?
What was the last riot they were seen at? What was the last riot they were seen at?
Are their numbers growing?
Can you join one of their chat boards and learn more, right?
What kind of, I don't know, party favors are they bringing to the party, right?
All of this stuff comes into play.
All of this stuff is important, okay?
So that's an example of enemy.
Now, we've got troops, time, or terrain. Whatever you want to go important, okay? So that's an example of enemy. Now we've got troops, time,
or terrain, whatever you want to go with, okay? So let's say terrain, okay? Terrain also expands to terrain and weather too, okay? Terrain, weather, what are you dealing with as far as the landscape
goes, the topology of the area that you're in, and what kind of weather can you expect during that specific mission or operation, okay?
What are we looking at, all right?
So let's say terrain.
Let's say you live in a hill, a very hilly area, right?
You got a lot of hills and valleys and mountains and so on, okay?
Everyone knows high ground is the advantage, okay? So keep that in
mind when you're looking at, okay, where are we going to defend from? Where are we going to fall
back to if we have to? Where would we put extra supplies if we needed to bug out, if we needed to
fall back or bound back? What would we do? How would we do it? Where could we draw the enemy into a trap?
You know, where could we set up an L-shaped ambush? Where could we set up, you know, anything
like that, right guys? How could we patrol that area? Let's say the mission is to protect
your neighborhood again, like we were talking about, okay? What kind of terrain is that?
Well, sometimes it's going to be a lot of houses in a rural area. Sometimes it'll be way more urban, you know? Sometimes it'll be a lot of houses in an
urban area. Sometimes it'll be a mix of both. Sometimes it'll be like one house and, you know,
nothing else for miles, you know? Who knows? But you need to have all this stuff kind of
war-gamed out in your head. Okay, that's a big truck. You need to have all this stuff kind of war-gamed out in your head okay that's a big
truck um you have all this stuff kind of war-gamed out in your head to give you like a very crisp
like clear picture of what you're looking at so don't be afraid to like put this stuff together
okay and give it some thought. What is your
terrain? What does it look like? How can you use it to your advantage? All right, next thing,
terrain and weather. That was terrain and weather, okay. Oh, and also the weather, right? What is the
most likely weather event to happen in your area? Snow, rain, wind, hurricane, tornado, so on and so
forth, tsunami. You never know, guys, okay, so keep that in mind, all right. Next thing, right, hurricane, tornado, so on and so forth, tsunami, you never know, guys, okay, so
keep that in mind, all right, next thing, right, we got the terrain and weather, troops, or time,
whichever one, let's say time, okay, how much time will it take you to pull your militia together,
to pull your team together, to pull your mag together, to pull, you know, your family even
together, get them armed up, get all
their stuff on them and get them ready to defend your neighborhood. How long will it take to get
them to the spots where they're going to hold those spots down? You know, all this stuff comes
into play. Time, time, time, right? How long can you stay on target, on task? How long will each
person need to sleep? When will they need to be relieved?
How many guards are you going to need? All of this comes into play and all of it has to do with time.
Okay. The next thing, troops, right? Your own troops, your own guards, your own mag,
your own militia, whatever you want to go with. Okay. How many of your own guys do you have?
with okay how many of your own guys do you have how strong are they what kind of weapon systems are they using how can you create or how can you um parlay that to your own favor how can you twist
that into your own favor okay so if you've got you know five guys with regular ak-47s you got
one guy with an rpk well it's pretty obvious where that guy's going right so those kind of things what if you've got a guy with a you know remington 700 with a nice big
you know 4x16 scope on top right all that stuff comes into play man all that stuff comes into play
it's very very important so keep it in mind um you need to make sure that you understand that stuff because if you don't, that can be a problem.
Your own troops again.
Think about the time thing again.
How long will it take before those guys are worn out?
How long will it take before those guys are tired?
How many people do you have, all of this comes
into play, y'all, every single last thing, okay, so the TTT and METTC, that was with the TTT, okay,
terrain, time, and troops, the last thing is the C in METTC, and that's civil considerations.
Civilian or civil considerations. Now, civil considerations can be things like the electrical grid, water, groceries, all of that stuff.
All of that stuff comes into play.
What is out there?
What's available?
What kind of stuff are you dealing with in the area that you're in?
And how can that stuff be used to your advantage?
Or do you need to protect any of that stuff in your area?
Like let's say you live next to a water tank or something by your house.
I don't know.
Some people live next to water tanks.
So let's say you live next to a water supply. You're going to have to protect that. You're
going to need that. Okay. So figure out how many of your guys is going to need to protect that.
But the real, the real deal there with the civil considerations is going to be,
or civilian considerations is going to be all the resources that the, uh, the area around you has
and how you can protect them, but also hearts and minds, right guys, if you've got a bunch of
civilians around you that hate you, they're not going to help you, right? It's obvious. They're
not going to help you. They're not going to protect you. You know, they're not going to like,
remember during Vietnam? Yeah. I'm sure you guys remember. But I don't know if you guys heard stories during Vietnam,
but there were a lot of stories of civilians that were protecting Viet Cong soldiers.
Now, some of them would do it out of fear,
but some of them legitimately believed in what those guys were doing.
Okay, they legitimately believed in what the Viet Cong was doing.
So they wanted to help out
okay uh they also did small things like feed them and you know things of that nature okay guys
you know I think it kind of makes sense to you guys I hope it does um but all of this stuff is
going to come into play when it comes down to protecting yourself and actually trying to um
play when it comes down to protecting yourself and actually trying to get that stuff squared away for yourself. Okay. So take a look at METTC, try to apply it to your own situation, your own
home, your own bug out location, whatever it is, put all that stuff together, mix that with an area
study. And I think you might have something
going there guys okay knowing your resources knowing your protection knowing exactly what
you can and can't do and again mission enemy uh terrain and weather uh troops time and civilian
or civil considerations okay guys remember met tc look it up there's also okoa or coke or coke okoka
there's other things to get kind of your head wrapped around for other stuff like that so
there's multiple military acronyms and exactly how each one work and we will talk about them
i promise you that okay all right guys um i'm gonna end it there i've got a lot to do i just
got home i got a bunch of packages to bring in i've got a bunch of stuff I got to do around the house. So I appreciate each and
every one of you. I am sorry. Um, hopefully me and my wife will be on this weekend to talk on
her podcast. And, uh, that is the Draven Rock podcast. Okay. So y'all take care. We'll see
you next time as we go deeper inside the gun metal armory. Good night, everybody.
take care we'll see you next time as we go deeper inside the gunmetal armory good night everybody thank you for joining us we'll see you next time on the gunmetal armory
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence.
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