The Prepper Broadcasting Network - TGA-2023 Military Convoy and Vehicular defense, etc.

Episode Date: November 16, 2023

Title says it all....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. Here's your host, Dane D. Good to be here. I hope each and every one of you is having a good week so far, and I hope each and every one of you is going to have a wonderful week. Next week, Thanksgiving week. We are truly lucky to live in the freest country in the world. I want to kind of give you guys some thought as to why you should be preparing. If for no other reason than because if America falls, where are you going to go? Where is the next freest place? Because there really isn't one. There really is nowhere like America. There are places with some some similarities but there are no places that are exactly like america so if america falls it's going to be bad okay um could america survive not
Starting point is 00:01:17 being you know the world reserve currency sure it could um our economy is too big to not survive it. Could America survive, you know, being attacked from the outside? Sure it could. You know, we're pretty good like that. You know, we're resilient, right? Of course, we've never faced anything quite like that before, you know, like Pearl Harbor on a massive scale. But I believe that America could and would survive something like that just generally because there is, of course, the famous Japanese general saying don't attack America from the inside. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass, something to that effect. And we know that to be true. know that to be true you know even in in times of um of war right of times of attack people get on the same side real quick now what we're seeing right now as far as like protests that are going on that are pro this side or pro that side or whatever right um you're always going to see that stuff y'all you're always going to see that stuff and
Starting point is 00:02:27 especially right now the uh the the people who intend to divide america are doing a freaking bang up job right now they are doing an amazing amazing job right now dividing amer, making us fight each other rather than fight outside problems, right? So what we need to do is get back to where, you know, most, I'd say 80% of Americans are on the same page, right? How do we do that? Well, that may be a topic for a different show because this show, sorry, that's Velcro. This show is going to be based upon how we move with a vehicle convoy, how we can protect ourselves, what kind of roles are going to be in that vehicle convoy, right? vehicle convoy, right? We have our commander, we have our gun truck, we have our medical, we have our maintenance, we have our assault teams, you know, so on and so forth, right? We have different pieces to that convoy, just the same as we would have on any patrol, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:44 So there are different pieces on a patrol. There are different jobs that each member of a patrol is supposed to execute different tasks that each one is supposed to execute and it's going to be the same thing for your convoy just on a larger scale okay they're not going to be the exact same jobs don't get me wrong that's not what i'm saying what i'm saying is that there are going to be the exact same jobs. Don't get me wrong. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that there are going to be jobs. Okay. So that's the key thing to keep in mind is that that's not going to change the fact that you have different things that each person needs to accomplish and each truck or vehicle needs to accomplish. Right. So that's something to keep in mind. I'm not sure if everyone fully understands that kind of stuff when they start talking about convoys and they start talking about, you know, moving as a group, moving as a unit, whatever. That stuff is not easy. And if you've never done it before, you know, I don't have a ton of experience in it. But I got a little, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:49 And I have a little, I have enough to understand that it is difficult, okay? It is difficult to do. Now, imagine if you've got zero experience doing it. Imagine if you've got zero experience doing it. Imagine trying to coordinate your command and control structure with your medical team, right? Imagine trying to keep all that stuff straight at the same time and not have any friendly fire incidents, you know, fratricide, whatever you want to go with. You know, imagine trying to keep all that stuff straight. Well, it ain't easy, cheesy, right? So let's talk about how things might go down if your convoy might come into some sort
Starting point is 00:05:39 of contact, right? An ambush, you know, some kind of crazy person trying to attack you guys, whatever, right? And there's going to be different levels, escalating levels of force, okay? So as the convoy moves to its new location, wherever you happen to be going, whether it's, you know, you and your dad and your brother and your sister, all in separate vehicles, moving to go get your mom from the hospital or something like that, and your brother, and your sister, all in separate vehicles, moving to go get your mom from the hospital or something like that, and bring her back home where you guys can protect her. As your convoy is moving to its new location, the enemy may attempt to, you know, harass or destroy your convoy, okay? And that enemy could be anybody. It could be social unrest. It could be some sort of protest, you know? It could be anything. We've seen what happens
Starting point is 00:06:25 when protesters start to surround a vehicle. And these people did nothing to these protesters. They did nothing. They just get surrounded and there's people just beating on the car. I mean, that would scare anybody. You better just hope you live in a place where you can stand your ground you know and even even that guy in in austin texas i thought he'd be okay well he's in prison right now because what he did you know which i vehemently disagree with the uh the ruling there in austin right but you know i don't know what to tell you guys. Anyways, just make sure if you can, that the DA of your county or the DA of your state is hopefully not a flaming leftist, okay? So, if you've got an enemy, they are going to try to destroy or attack your convoy, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:25 Maybe even harass it, right? So this contact will usually occur in some form of an ambush, okay? It's usually going to occur in some form of an ambush. Why will it occur in an ambush? in an ambush? Well, the reason for that is because ambushes are generally easier for a smaller force to execute. If you guys can hear meowing in the background, that's my cat. He wants to be fed. You want to be fed? Huh? Oh, now you don't say anything. Make me look crazy. Anyways, so I'm going to try and feed him while we're talking about this. So why is it generally an ambush? The reason why it's an ambush is because it's easier for a smaller enemy to attack a larger enemy with an ambush. Because, you know, obviously
Starting point is 00:08:21 you're at the power disadvantage, right? But not always. Okay? Not always. Sometimes the ambush comes from a superior force. Okay? But it's only because that's the best course of action. Okay? That's the best course of action.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Keep that stuff in mind. That's another skill set that you guys should be practicing on your own is um ambushes how can you perform an ambush and to what level can you perform an ambush right so let's talk about that for a second right um often these ambushes are going to use some sort of a hastily prepared obstacle. What have we seen in these various different protests? We've seen various things like, let's say, a car. We see a car rolled out in front of other cars to block, sorry, brain fart. We've seen cars rolled out to block intersections, roadways, things of
Starting point is 00:09:37 that nature, right? They roll them out and they use them as a blocker. So people either either a can't get by or b don't really know what to do in that situation and they catch people off guard okay now don't think for a moment that you know uh other groups won't try to use that in a military style thing as well right this is you know protests i was gonna say this is just protests that are doing this but i don't think just the word just applies anymore because these people are getting progressively more and more and more dangerous okay it's getting more and more dangerous as we speak it's only a matter of time till these people start showing up to these protests with weapons okay i mean they've already got weapons but i'm talking firearms i'm talking
Starting point is 00:10:25 all kinds of stuff like that and for those of you out there that are you know right leaning or whatever don't think that these people don't have guns because they do okay you are sorely mistaken if you think these people are you know i'm anti-gun that doesn't mean they all are okay they're just as into this as anybody else and they do the training and there are rogue operatives and all kinds of people that are teaching these groups to be very very effective okay i'll leave it at that but let's just say they're being trained to be very very effective okay in more ways than one with more platforms, quote unquote, than one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I hope you guys can understand what I'm getting at. And just remember the constitution, all enemies, foreign and domestic. Okay. So next thing, they're going to be hasty obstacles, right? The car thing we were just talking about. It could be a car. Okay. Um, it could be, uh, construction barricades if they're there.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Right. Remember during 2020, there was bricks dropped off at these fricking, uh, protests. Pallets of bricks. Okay. And it was known that those pallets could be used as a you know like a roadblock it could be used as a kind of uh you know obviously as projectiles right um you could use those bricks for all kinds of stuff those pallets of bricks you could use those for all kinds of different stuff right so that is something that you guys need to kind of keep in mind is that those
Starting point is 00:12:06 obstacles can be used against you at any point. And it doesn't have to be a car or, you know, a pallet of bricks or anything like that, dude. It could be a bunch of, you know, logs that somebody drops in the middle of a road that you didn't even see coming on a rural road, right? It could be caltrops. You could just buy caltrops offline it's not hard okay you can make your own freaking caltrops dude do you have run flat tires on your vehicle i don't know we'll see right so also if you don't have run flat tires on your vehicle do you have four or at least two cans of fix-a-flat that you can use to actually seal up those tires. And I'm not saying fix-a-flat in specific. I'm saying some kind of flat tire fixer item, right?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Do you know how far you can drive on your tires when they're flat before they just tear apart and you can't use it anymore. Okay. Do you have a, uh, an inflation tool that will work to reinflate your tire? If, uh, if you need to from flat, right?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Do you have something you can plug into the cigarette lighter? They can do that for you. All of these things come into play. Y'all all of it, every single one of them. Okay. Now, um,
Starting point is 00:13:24 the next thing to keep in mind is the safety of the convoy is going to rest with the speed and the effectiveness that the escort elements can execute appropriate actions on contact, okay? How fast and how effective are your escort elements? How fast, how effective, right? So let's say that your lead truck or your lead vehicle is one of the escort elements. That's a gun truck. Okay. Second vehicle, CC, right? Command and control. Okay. CNC. Okay. CNC music factory. Okay. For those of you that grew up in the nineties, that's funny. All right. So, um, uh, escort vehicle in the front, command and control vehicle second, maybe third, but let's say second, okay? And then behind command and control is another escort vehicle gun truck, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Then behind that, you've got medical. Then behind that, you've got maintenance. And behind that, you've got a third gun truck, okay? A third assault team, all right? So let's say you come under attack. You've heard the old line, circle the wagons, right? Well, who are we circling? Who are we circling? Well, if you ask me, we're circling command and control, right? Or we're circling the VIPs, right? The VIPs might be your kids
Starting point is 00:14:40 in the command and control. They might be your wife and your parents. They might be, I don't know, whoever it is that you're trying to protect, right? If you're in a mag or you're in a group, maybe you have all of the young family members and wives inside of that VIP vehicle, okay? That could be the case, okay? Now, if that is what happens, if you come under contact and you're taking some heavy shots there, the first thing that you're going to do is, you know, you've got your lead vehicle, the gun truck, right? You're going to start sending rounds in the direction
Starting point is 00:15:19 where you think those shots are coming from, right? You may have to shoot out the window. You may have to not shoot out the window, but shoot out of the from, right? You may have to shoot out the window. You may have to not shoot out the window, but shoot out of the window, right? Not shoot out the window, shoot out of the window, okay? So you may have to shoot your rifle or whatever you have outside of the window, all right? But keep in mind, and if you're the third vehicle or fourth, whatever one you decide to go with, that is the middle of the convoy, which is your second assault element. That assault element needs to go around the command and control vehicle and any other vehicles that are up front there or in front of it and it needs to come up and take a defensive position along with your forward gun
Starting point is 00:16:07 truck your uh the the first gun truck there okay um and then the uh basically everyone's gonna stop at this point okay um you're gonna get your two gun trucks up front you're gonna have your um your command and control your vip vehicle behind those two gun trucks and then on either side of your command and control you're going to pull up your maintenance and your medical okay and then behind them you're going to come your uh your final gun truck or your rear gun truck or if you have two rear uh defensive elements or two rear gun trucks you're going to have them pull up behind all three of those other vehicles, your medical, your command and control, or your VIP, whatever you want to call it, and your maintenance, okay? Those single or the double assault elements are going to pull up behind them to cover your back. So basically, you've got all your vehicles surrounding
Starting point is 00:17:00 that command and control element. That is one tactic. There are multiple tactics, okay? But the thing you need to keep in mind is rapid egress, okay? You need to be able to get the heck out of there fast. And the reason I say that is because imagine your bad guys are really, really bad guys, and they have an RPG, or they have something like that, and they take out one of your vehicles, one of your gun trucks in the front. Well, if your VIP vehicle is literally right up to the bumper of it and it can't like back up and move away,
Starting point is 00:17:33 it needs to be able to pull away or turn or whatever it needs to do to get out of that situation. So make sure you practice with those vehicles and you have enough spacing in between them to be able to move and to be able to get out of there if you have to okay that's something i always keep in mind whenever i'm driving in my vehicle a lot of people stop maybe a vehicle's length away from another vehicle or you know some people get right up on the bumper start reading the freaking license plate
Starting point is 00:18:02 looking at how many hairs are on the driver's head. Not me, dude. I'm at least two car lengths behind that vehicle in front of me. And I try to stay away from vehicles on the sides of me because if somebody comes up on the side of me and wants to, I don't know, wash my windows or something much, much worse, I may decide it's time to leave. Right. And I don't want to be right up on that car in front of me's bumper so I can actually make a turn and get out of there, dude, because you may need to, all right? So next thing, okay? The speed and the effectiveness of any escort elements,
Starting point is 00:18:39 any escort elements, okay, any security elements, they have to be able to execute proper actions on contact in other words you gotta practice okay based on the factors you met tc right uh mission environment training tactics you know troops weather all these different things come into um into play here guys and i know those aren't the exact you know, abbreviations for each of those, but portions of the convoy security force, such as any unit, may be designated as a reaction force, right? So the reaction force, that's, you know, it could be your lead gun truck, it could be your middle gun truck, it could be any of the two in the rear or the one in the rear. It's up to you
Starting point is 00:19:23 how this is going to go down but you need to practice it okay the reaction force is going to perform its escort duties it's going to conduct tactical movement or it's going to occupy some sort of an anti-aircraft weapon all kinds of different stuff until the enemy contact either comes to an end or starts okay um the convoy uh the convoy commander is going to give it a reaction mission okay so now if you're talking about a vip thing a vip setup where you're protecting family and friends inside of that middle vehicle okay that or the second last or the very right behind the first gun trigger what you always want to trade that up okay guys you always want to switch it up but there should also be assault
Starting point is 00:20:12 elements inside the vip vehicle too okay so don't think for a second that they're completely unarmed in there all right um anyways whoever is in charge of that convoy, when you have first contact, that person is going to initiate. Like, let's say, for example, it was my wife and she is the freaking commander of that convoy. She is going to tell me, hey, Dane, you need to start shooting north, you know, or, you know, contact left or contact right or contact east, north, west, whatever. Okay. Return fire. Okay. Whatever commands you come up with is what you need to be able to react to. You know, I mean, I don't know if you guys have seen people at the range where, you know, they'll be staying on the square range
Starting point is 00:20:58 and they'll be moving and they'll be like threat left, you know, threat nine o'clock or threat three o'clock, you know, and they'll turn and pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, you know threat nine o'clock or threat three o'clock you know and they'll turn and pop pop pop pop you know that's something that can help you kind of get your mindset into the oh threat over here threat over there right because if you're driving and you start hearing things going ping ping ping on your right side chances are contacts coming from the right, okay? Now, there is a lot more to this. This is a very nuanced subject. I can't go too deep into this. Obviously, you probably won't have bulletproof vehicles. You won't have things like that. Maybe you will. I don't know. Maybe you're one of those people that does have this stuff, okay? But it is something to keep in mind. Okay, guys, your convoy and the way you roll it and the practice you get being able to peel off, being able to return fire, being able to protect, you know, of that kill zone is extremely important. Escort vehicles take action toward an ambush and to suppress the enemy.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's another good point, right? Convoy continues to move at an increased speed. That's something else to do. Remember I said that that circle the wagons type thing that's one tactic the other tactic one that's used by the secret service quite a bit is that you know a couple gun trucks will stop and start returning fire to wherever that uh ambush is coming from and then the rest of the convoy, which again, I'm sure has multiple more other assault elements in it, keeps going, okay? And it keeps going faster, okay? These are
Starting point is 00:22:54 tried and true tactics, y'all, okay? An ambush is going to be one of the more effective ways to interdict a convoy. It's going to be one of the better ways to stop one, okay? Reaction to an ambush has to be immediate. It has to be decisive, and it has to be absolutely overwhelming, okay? Speed, surprise, violence of action. That's where ambushes and things like that come in, But speed and violence of action, overwhelming force, makes a huge difference, okay? Actions on contact have to be planned for and rehearsed so they can be executed quickly, okay? So do yourself a favor. Go out to the desert and practice, you know, shooting from your vehicle, okay? Shoot from the driver's side, get in the passenger's side, practice shooting from the passenger's side. If you have somebody
Starting point is 00:23:50 with you that can drive, okay, while you shoot, make sure you're doing this freaking safely, guys, okay? Get an airsoft gun and do it with an airsoft first. I know some of you may laugh, or dry fire, do it dry fire first, okay? Some of you may laugh, but I'm not freaking kidding. It's dangerous, guys. Very, very freaking dangerous, okay? So you need to practice this stuff though, okay? There are reasonable ways to practice this stuff and there are very, very dangerous ways to practice this stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:22 So make sure that you're practicing it in a way that is not dangerous, okay? Or minimize that danger, okay? So if you want to minimize the danger as well, you can go out by yourself, go park somewhere in the desert where you know you can shoot and it's safe to shoot or out in the woods or wherever you want to go, okay, that's safe to be out there shooting, okay, no one around you for miles, and get out of the driver's seat, get into the passenger's seat, you know, put a few targets out there, you know, at like, I don't know, 10 yards, 25 yards, 50 yards, whatever, a couple of them, do a bunch of them, okay, and know threat three o'clock you're turning and then pow pow pow pow you know how easy is it for you to shoot from the passenger seat well me i'm right-handed so i'm
Starting point is 00:25:15 going to have to transition to my left shoulder to be able to shoot out that seat very very easily or i'm going to have to turn around in the seat and be able to send rounds that way. Okay. If I want to use my right shoulder. Okay. This is one reason why you need to get good with both sides, with both sides. Okay. This is where a red dot can come in as well. If you have to shoot with both eyes open, that can be extremely helpful in a case like that, okay? But even if you're not getting perfect shots right in, you know, head or chest, Mozambique, you know, even if you're not getting perfect shots, you're still sending suppressing fire, okay? Suppressing fire! Serial figures. So keep that in mind, guys. Sending suppressing fire is going to be very, very important in a case like that.
Starting point is 00:26:08 But again, it's a very important point. The fact that if you're riding shotgun, pun intended, can you shoot from that side? Can you turn and send rounds? Also, something to think about is what weapon are you going to be carrying in that vehicle are you going to be carrying a like a shorter ar-15 are you going to be carrying a shotgun a double barrel shotgun right are you going to be carrying a handgun i wouldn't suggest just a handgun but you know whatever um what are you going to be carrying in that vehicle you know and then after you've got down the ability to uh make good hits on target
Starting point is 00:26:55 while you're in that vehicle you need next thing you need to practice is getting out of that vehicle with your weapon okay but you need to practice that with out of that vehicle with your weapon, okay? But you need to practice that with your airsoft, with your model, with whatever you have that's not real, okay? Because things are going to get hung up, you're going to bang your leg, your knee, your head, your arm, whatever it is, okay? So you need to be able to get out of that vehicle with whatever firearm you have, and you may potentially need to be returning fire as you're trying to exit. Okay? These are very, very complicated things.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Complicated movements that need to be drilled again and again and again. Y'all. Okay? This is not something you can just go do. Okay? Drill it. Get good at it. Get good at it. Get used to it, okay?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Start slow, okay? Figure out what you need to know how to do. Let's say you need to know how to get out of your vehicle and start sending rounds in a certain direction. We'll start with the very, very basics, okay? I'm in the vehicle with my gun. What's the first thing I need to do? Okay, I need to open the door All right, and make sure my muzzle is in a safe direction and my safety's on
Starting point is 00:28:09 Okay, cool. I need to open the door. Okay, i've opened the door next thing. I need to set my foot out Okay, cool. Okay. I know how to do that with keeping my muzzle in a safe direction And I know how to do that without flagging anyone. Okay, cool Now i'm going to get my other foot out of the vehicle. Okay, I'm probably using one of my hands to steady myself on the door. Okay, I'm getting out little by little and kind of getting those movements down and understanding exactly how I'm going to fight my way out of the vehicle. Okay, all of this stuff matters, y'all. It all
Starting point is 00:28:47 matters. Okay. Once you're out of the vehicle, are you going to leave the door open and, you know, use it for some quasi concealment? Because it's really not cover. Trust me on that. Look what happens when somebody shoots through a car door. It ain't freaking cover. Trust me. Anyways, are you going to try to sit there behind the door? Are you going to shut the door and try to get down behind the engine block? What are you going to do? So you need to think about that. You need to drill both of those possibilities. Am I going to run behind it? Am I going to get under it? What exactly are my options here and what am I going to do? If it's a truck, am I going to get in the back of the truck? You know, so maybe you're one of those people that stacked a bunch of sandbags on either side
Starting point is 00:29:30 of the inside of your truck bed and you go diving into the back of it and you got your own little pillbox right there, dude. Who knows? I don't know. Maybe you're one of those people that did that. You know, I can't, I can't judge. I'm not judging. No judgment here. Okay, so give all that stuff a little bit of thought. Okay, give all that stuff a little bit of thought ahead of time. So as far as it goes with me, this is pretty much where I have to stop. But next week, we will talk about more about actions upon your ambush, upon what happens when that takes place. We'll talk about the convoy continuing to move.
Starting point is 00:30:09 We'll talk about what happens as soon as you encounter some sort of an enemy force. We'll talk about rules of contact. We'll talk about the escort leader, who that might be, how that might go down, and so on. Okay, guys? I'm sorry this was only 30 minutes, but like I said,
Starting point is 00:30:25 you know, I'm pretty busy these days. So I hope this was informative for each and every one of you. I hope if you were listening that you did learn something useful. Okay. The biggest thing I can tell you guys is get your butt to the range and start sending rounds. Okay. Start shooting more because I got a really freaking bad feeling that all of us are going to need these skills soon. Okay, now is the time, guys. Get good at this stuff now, okay? Also, if you haven't seen it yet, go to NERC, like National Emergency Response Center or something like that. I can't think of exactly what it stands for.
Starting point is 00:31:02 But it's the group that, uh, figures out like if we have enough power to go through the winter, um, if, if we're going to be able to power the whole country when things are cold, so on and so forth. Right now they're saying that when the power draw gets really big on, um, the various power plants all around the U S that it's highly likely that half the country may be out of power, may not have power, okay? Something having to do with the natural gas. You're going to have to look it up, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Look it up. Trust me on this. N-E-R-C, November Echo Romeo Charlie, okay? Look it up, all right, guys? All right. And by the way, if you live in the Central or east of america that's who you want to look up texas and over those are the ones you want to look up all right all right guys y'all take care of yourselves thanks for joining me we'll see you next time as we go deeper inside the vehicular
Starting point is 00:31:55 combat convoy of the gunmetal armory good night everybody thank you for joining us. We'll see you next time on the gun metal armory. Thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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