The Prepper Broadcasting Network - TGA-2024 Border Security and Battle Packs

Episode Date: January 18, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. Here's your host, Dane D. What's up, everybody? It's Dane from the Gun Metal Armory, right? How you doing, Team Gun Metal? Okay, so last week we talked for a few minutes about the border. We talked a little bit about um some numbers i gave you guys national guard numbers i gave you active duty military numbers i gave you how many estimated illegal immigrants have come into the country since uh 2021 um and how many full-time law enforcement officers are in the USA according to the public employment survey.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So I need to update some of those numbers. Now, these are, let's say, estimates, right? Because we don't know for sure. And that is what i told you about before which were definitely estimates but the illegal immigration numbers were higher than the estimates that i read okay the ones that i read said six million have come in since 2021 a updated one that i was made aware of is more like 12 million okay double what i had originally um compiled as far as information went what does this mean well depending on how many of those are military age males and depending on how many of those people are someone dangerous like cartel or something like that or possibly for an agent or anything else, right?
Starting point is 00:02:14 That, you know, what if 600,000, just a small percentage of the 6 million that we had originally thought went rogue and decided to destroy anything and everything, right? And that ended up being about 12,000 bad guys per state. Okay. Assuming they got to Alaska and assuming they got over to Hawaii somehow. Okay. But let's assume that we're at 12 million instead of 6 million. Okay. Let's assume that instead of our 600,000 bad guys, we've got more like 1.2 million because we're doubling our numbers, right?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Which leaves us with 24 000 bad guys per state that's a lot of bad dudes okay 24 000 military age males per state you think with a mob like that they're gonna have any problem getting their hands on guns or ammo? Think about that for a second. Okay? 924,326 full-time law enforcement officers in the USA. How many of those are actual street officers or SWAT or, you know, gang task force units or whatever, guys that can actually fight, not ones that are, you know, back at headquarters,
Starting point is 00:03:34 running the radios, you know, fixing things, working on vehicles, stuff like that, right? How many of those do you think would be capable of helping in a bad situation like that? of helping in a bad situation like that? Well, I'll tell you. Of the 924,326 law enforcement officers in America, I can't tell you exactly how many of each are actual active, you know, ready to rock and roll street, you know, officers, right? But I can tell you that breaking that down to 50 states makes 18 486 officers per state. Okay. How does 18,000 officers stand up to 24,000 bad guys per state?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Even 18,000 officers standing up to our previous number, which was 12,000 bad guys per state, but we doubled it because now the new numbers are saying 12 million estimated illegal immigrants. Now, the new numbers are saying 12 million estimated illegal immigrants. So, just judging on a low curve, on a low curve, there could potentially be 24,000 bad guys in each state if that was the case. The problem we're running into is most of these bad actors are going to be concentrated into specific states such as Texas, right? Texas, Arizona, my home state, right? New Mexico, California. And what do you think happens when they get to these certain areas?
Starting point is 00:05:25 You know, they get a phone and they get released. Even if they're know, they get a phone and they get released. Even if they're caught, they get a phone, they get released. Right? Very, very, very few and far between get sent back, get deported, get grabbed, and then put back. I don't know if this is getting through to you guys. I really hope it is. But America's in trouble. Okay. Look at, if you can, look at what's going on in Ecuador right now. Okay. Remember last time we were talking about those, I believe it was 12 different criminal organizations that had rose up in the various prisons there in ecuador and they basically had to put the entire country into um into martial law they don't call it that but that's basically what it is the military and um basically put in a curfew okay um and people have to people can't go anywhere that they don't need to go i I mean, they go to grocery stores, stuff like that. And the military has any right they want to go into any house at any structure, any time they want to get these people or for any reason. That's kind of what our Fourth Amendment's for.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Like, you can't do that, right? But on the other side, you know, I don't know exactly how many of these bad guys are just running around in ecuador but it kind of looks like that might be america's future if this keeps going okay if you bring in enough military age males into any area and you arm them or if you just have enough bodies to bum rush and take over an area i mean look at what happened in the chas chop zone in seattle which is a few idiots it wasn't hard for them to do that look what happens when these you know these goofballs decide to protest and throw firecrackers at people. It wasn't exactly rocket science, guys. Okay?
Starting point is 00:07:28 So think about this stuff. Think about this. You have to have this stuff on point, okay? Here's my next thing to pitch to you guys. This weekend, one of the days, rather the nights of this three-day weekend, the one before, I don't know, maybe a few days ago, a house that was close by us didn't fully burn down,
Starting point is 00:08:04 but a lot of it burnt up. Okay, a good portion of the house burnt up. Okay. Um, as I was watching that and I have some pictures, I'll have to post them on to the, um, prepper broadcasting, uh, thread. Um, a good bit of the house burnt up, but you know, I was a good distance away from it. So I didn't get very good pictures or kind of blurry, blurry you know cell phones ain't perfect when it comes to pictures um so while i was watching that place burn up i was thinking of a few different things okay one thing i was thinking about is i hope we have insurance on our house another thing i was was thinking of, you know how it is, you get multiple thoughts at the same time, right? One, another thing I was thinking of is, you know, God bless those people. I hope they're okay. You know what I'm saying? Like a good
Starting point is 00:08:58 person is just going to think about that. Like, I hope they're okay. You know, I mean, now, like I've driven driven by, you know, there a few times, looked over there, and I can see they've got fifth wheels and stuff like that over there. So they're doing okay. But the other thought that ran through my head is where I live, it's highly probable that the area that these people are in they have firearms okay and ammunition other potential weaponry i don't know accessories scopes rangefinders spotting scopes long range short range handguns you know on and on and on. Chest rigs, whatever, mags, I don't know anything, right? And I started thinking, okay, what if someone's house did burn down? And all of their stuff, everything they would use to protect themselves was in there. And all of their stuff, everything they would use to protect themselves was in there.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Well, it's going to be a very long time before they're able to reacquire that stuff. They're going to have to fight with the insurance company. It's going to take time to get everything straightened out. I know this because someone in our family just went through it. Not with fire, but with a different type of accident. Okay? So, my thought was, what if you went through that you know what if you could not access all of your weaponry any ammo anything like that that you might have acquired you you know you as a person whatever your family okay what would you do well there really wouldn't be a whole lot you
Starting point is 00:10:44 could do until you got your paycheck or your insurance or whatever, right? And even at that, they may not cover everything that you had. It may just be kind of a lump sum that is meant to restore some of your things and fix your house. And you may not get enough money to do all of it. enough money to do all of it. Again, from experience, I know from our family member that this happened to, they didn't even get enough to fix their house, let alone replace anything that was lost in it from the natural disaster that happened to them. So what does What does this leave us with? Anybody? Raise your hand. No? Okay. This tells me that we need to diversify. Not this, you know, silly DEI stuff. I'm talking about actual diversification.
Starting point is 00:11:39 What do I mean by diversification? What do I mean by diversify? I mean by diversification? What do I mean by diversify? Well, what I mean is, let's say you have three AR-15s and three Glocks.
Starting point is 00:11:56 If I were you, I would take one AR-15, one Glock, some mags, and some ammo, maybe a holster, maybe a chest rig, some other stuff that I will go into deeper eventually. And I would put one, oh, I don't know, maybe at a friend's house. You know, my little battle pack, right? And then I might do the same thing with another AR, another Glock, some mags, so on and so forth, right? And then I might do the same thing with another AR, another Glock, some mags,
Starting point is 00:12:27 so on and so forth, right? And I might put that at a different friend's house or at my parent's house or at my aunt's house or at my whatever, you know, my co-worker's house or whatever. Anyone you can trust, right? There is another reason to diversify your weaponry normally you're going to want to you know work your way home get to your alamo if you will right some of you might be lucky enough to have bug out locations that are fully stocked but the mass majority of us do not okay the major majority of people do not have a bug out locations that are fully stocked but the mass majority of us do not okay the major majority of people do not have a bug out location their home is their alamo and that's it okay so having a get home bag in your vehicle that's good you know but you may not be able to use it
Starting point is 00:13:21 or you may not be able to get to it. But having a weapon in your vehicle, good idea too. But let's say there's something that's preventing you, such as a roadblock or another natural disaster or whatever, some kind of SHTF situation, might prevent you from getting to your Alamo, to your gear stockpile. If that's the case, then it would probably be a good thing for you to have some gear elsewhere that you can get to. Some other stuff that you can use to actually be be able. To stay alive.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And to protect your family. Well Dane. What do I need? If it was me. I mean I can go more detailed into this. And you know maybe we'll. I'll talk to James. And we'll kind of start doing some. Stuff that we can pay for.
Starting point is 00:14:24 For gunmetal Armory. Set up maybe like a chat that you guys can go on with me or something. We'll figure something out. And I'll go super, super detailed with you guys. Maybe I'll have build lists and all kinds of stuff. But for now, what I'll tell you, what I would do is i would set aside some sort of battle rifle okay some sort of um rifle of some kind all right doesn't matter what caliber as long as you got enough ammo i would have at least six mags more like eight okay, okay, well, maybe seven, seven or nine,
Starting point is 00:15:08 I would have some sort of a battle-proven handgun, okay, we're talking Glock, we're talking 1911, we're talking Beretta, you know, whatever, whatever works for you, okay, whatever you have, and if you don't have any of that stuff, then use what you got. Okay. Something's better than nothing. I'd have at least four mags for the handgun. Okay. And I would set aside at least a thousand rounds for the rifle and maybe a couple hundred rounds for the handgun, because you're not going to use the handgun for a whole lot except to fight your way back to that rifle okay so maybe a chest rig so you can carry the ammo the chest rig better already have an ifac on it you know first aid kit and then hopefully you're close to your vehicle you drive your vehicle to your friend's house that's holding this little battle pack for you
Starting point is 00:16:01 and you've got your get home bag that goes on your back your chest where it goes on your chest you've got your rifle slung you've got your handgun on your hip and away you go right or however you want to set it up but these are the kind of things that i'd be thinking about maybe we should be spreading our weaponry out a little bit maybe it doesn't need to be all in one location if you live in a place where you don't have a place to take your stuff you don't have family close by you don't have anywhere that you can store it okay well i don't know maybe there's a Well, I don't know. Maybe there's a locker you can rent, you know, like a storage unit, you know, or I don't know. I'm sure there's more creative options you guys about this before. You can't look at your home as something you're always going to be able to fight off every bad guy from, right? Especially if you got 12,000 or 24,000 of them heading your way. I don't care if you're
Starting point is 00:17:14 John freaking Rambo. You're not going to be able to fight all those mind guys keep that in mind um i think that's going to do it for me because the wife's calling me and i need to give her a call back but give this some thought guys give diversifying your weaponry a little bit of thought you know putting some stuff out there maybe burying some stuff a little bit of ways away from your house putting some stuff out there, maybe burying some stuff a little bit away from your house, putting some at your friend's houses, your parents' house, your family, whoever, wherever, right? But don't have all your eggs in one basket. Build some battle packs. And if you want, even email me and talk to me about your battle packs. See what you guys are doing, all right? I'm going to talk to James and maybe start putting together some other builds and see if any of that stuff speaks to you guys, if any of it's useful.
Starting point is 00:18:11 All right. Maybe we'll put it behind a paywall or something and see if you guys find it interesting. All right, everybody. I hope each and every one of you are doing okay. We're probably going to do a podcast this weekend on Draven Rock Homestead. Stay tuned for that otherwise I'll see you next time as we go deeper inside the armory of the gun metal armory goodnight everybody
Starting point is 00:18:33 thank you for joining us we'll see you next time on the gun metal armory Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show

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