The Prepper Broadcasting Network - TGA-2024 Security Measures, Shomer Tec, and The World of Ready

Episode Date: April 25, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. everyone's day is going good so far. Just wanted to kind of, you know, stop in, touch base with everybody, see how everybody's doing, you know. I wanted to get on this week so I could touch base with everybody and go over a few things and then talk a little bit about security measures. We're going to talk about active and passive security measures. Now, before I get to that, a few announcements. I wanted to let you guys know that coming out on, let's see, April 28th. I'm trying to think of what month it is. Let's see, April 28th. I'm like, I'm trying to think of what month it is.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Coming out on April 28th, a new book from James Walton is going to be available on Amazon. I think it actually might be available on Amazon right now. But the official launch is April 28th. And the book is called The World of Ready. If you're a parent out there and you've got kids or even grandkids, aunts,
Starting point is 00:01:26 uncles, whatever it is, you've got a kid that's related to you somehow and they see you prepping and they're like, why are you putting that backpack up there with those other four backpacks, grandma or grandpa? Why are you canning all that food? Why are you putting back all this extra food? What's going on? Why are you stockinging all this water why do you have such a big garden why do you have all these animals so on and so forth right well if you want to kind of give them a better idea and do it from a children's perspective you know like a kid's book's perspective this new book series from james walton called the world of ready will help you explain to your kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces, whatever it is, about readiness. It will help you explain to them about preparedness and about preparedness in general and also the wide breadth of the world of preparedness or readiness, right?
Starting point is 00:02:27 So it's going to kind of give you a place to start. It's going to give you bullet points to work with. And this first book, if I'm not mistaken, is actually about bug out bags. So you can kind of give them an understanding of if you did have to bug out and you handed them their own bag, because of course, if you're a prepper, you've made a bag for them as well, right? You hand them their bag and say, hey, get in the vehicle. We got to go right now. What's this backpack? I don't understand. So that can actually help you. This book can actually help you explain to them what it is.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Now, if they don't have a bug out bag yet, this book might be able to help you kind of get started there too. You never know, right? So just something to keep in mind. You can go on Amazon and search The World of Ready, and you should be able to find it. But I think you guys are really, really going to enjoy it. Take a look at it. It's only like $7.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's not even double digits, guys. $7, good to go. From what I saw, it looked like it was seven bucks, okay? All right, I hope everybody is having a wonderful day. So let's move on a little bit here. Something that's kind of been on my mind lately as far as security measures go is, I don't know why, but for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:03:39 home invasion keeps coming into my head. You know, people protecting themselves from home invasions, people being safe in their own home right we've seen that there's been a lot of uh illegal migration or immigration whatever you want to go with there um rolling through our country for the last four years or well through the last three years or so right so um it's hard to tell or hard to be exactly sure where we're going to go from here. Um, especially on the borders, you know, and, and of course, as many of you, I'm sure know, um, I live in Arizona and I'm in a border state, right? My wife's family lives in
Starting point is 00:04:22 Texas, another border state, right? So these are all things that kind of come into play that we need to kind of keep in mind, right? So I think it behooves us to constantly be thinking about, okay, if someone were to enter my home, am I ready for that, and I don't mean ready just in the fact that, okay, I have guns, you know, I've guns placed here and there. I've gone by my bedside, you know, so on and so forth. I mean, that's fine. That's great. That's amazing. You should have that. Okay. I'm not saying that's bad. What I'm saying is that's only the beginning, right? So we need to be aware of what kind of preparedness aspects we have when it comes to, let's say, firearms. Okay, we're just talking about firearms. Let's say firearms. Okay, let's consider for a second what we have around our home with regards to firearms. Okay, so what do you have around your home?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Okay, so what do you have around your home? Okay, do you have guns that are strategically placed? Do you have ammunition? Do you have first aid? You know, what kind of stuff do you have around your home that is strategically placed and ready to use if needed? Right? This is something to think about do you have um sorry just trying to do something here do you have uh other means of protection around your home not just firearms but other means of
Starting point is 00:06:17 protection do you have those as well because all of this stuff comes into play, right? So you need to be thinking about that. The next thing that you might consider when it comes to this stuff is what is your access level to these types of things, you know? Firearms, ammunition, first aid, even communications, guys. Even communications, right? What if you don't have your cell phone, someone breaks into your home, and you can't get to it?
Starting point is 00:06:49 It's too far away for you to get to. Do you have another way to communicate with someone if you need to, right? So this is all stuff that needs to be considered, and it's all stuff that matters, guys. So, I say this to make the point that you guys all know that Shomer Tech is one of my favorite companies. And for those of you guys that don't know, Shomer Tech is spelled S-H-O-M-E-R-T-E-C. Do a web search for that S-H-O-M-E-R-T-E-C. Okay. Do a web search for that.
Starting point is 00:07:25 S-H-O-M-E-R-T-E-C. You're basically going to find the Q branch. Okay. From James Bond. They're like the real life Q. Okay. It's crazy the things that these guys make. I'll give you one example.
Starting point is 00:07:38 They have a nickel that has a handcuff key and a razor blade inside of it that fold out. Okay. Just one example you can go to the website and look at the stuff for yourself all custom made by them and their their their engineers their makers okay so back to what i was saying about home invasions okay or that kind of thing home safety in your own home. Okay. We need to be extremely cognizant of the level of safety in our own homes. It is very, very important. It's almost imperative. I would say it is imperative that we are always considering threats in our home and outside of our home.
Starting point is 00:08:31 We don't know who's out there that wants in. We don't know who wants what we have. We don't know who wants to harm us. We don't know what their intentions are if they don't want to harm us. Okay? So all of this stuff makes a difference when we're thinking about something like a, let's say a security plan. Okay? When we're thinking about something like a security plan, all of this stuff matters.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Right? So let's think about that for a second. Let's think about a security plan for a second. Okay? If you're putting together a security plan for you and your family, what do you think is going to be one of the most important things to begin with when it comes to security? Well, for me, I'm acting like you're right here in front of me. What do you think is the most important thing? For me, it is redundancy, right? Of course, you know, the security runs deeper than
Starting point is 00:09:34 just redundancy, but it does run deep, right? we need to is pretty important right so another thing is having redundancy plans right so having a backup firearm versus having a plan to handle that firearm or hand that firearm off to someone in the house that's just as capable as you, of course, all these things matter, right? But what I was getting at when it came to Shomer Tech is it's probably just as important to have, how do I want to word this? It's probably just as important to have, let's just call them escape and evasion tools. Okay. E&E tools. It's just as important to have E&E tools in your house as it is to have firearms.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Right? just as important to have E&E tools in your house as it is to have firearms, right? So for an example, give you a simple example, okay? For example, let's say you have a, you know, one of those like picture frame thingies that you can store a gun in. Most people will have a gun in there, maybe pepper spray, maybe an extra mag or two and a flashlight. Okay. Let's, let's just say that. Okay. A gun, an extra mag or two and a flashlight, you know, something like that. Right. I would say 98% of us do not have a means of escape in there. Well, what do I mean by means of escape? Well, first of all, you can go to and find that out for yourself. But in case you don't have time, you could, and it's one of those websites where you could go there and get a lot of this gear.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Okay. But one example is, let's say you have your little picture frame with your gun in there and your extra mag and your flashlight you could also have a handcuff key in there right you could also have a small razor blade in there so you can cut through zip ties something like that maybe right the other option because because keep in mind why why okay let's let's back up for a second you're probably wondering why on earth is he telling us to put escape and evasion gear in with our gun i mean we're gonna have a gun we're gonna have a we're not gonna need that stuff maybe not maybe so right so let's say you go outside of your house because you heard a bump in the night and you've got your gun, you've got your flashlight
Starting point is 00:12:29 and someone gets a drop on you. Drop the gun, put your hands behind your back. Darn it, crap, right? So that's one reason right there. Just the fact that someone can get the drop on you, right? Now, I don't know about you guys, but I always, I'd say, pretty good portion of the time, I have escape and evasion gear on me. I have a way to protect myself on me almost 24 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It's weird to sleep with an AR-15, but I do. No, I'm just kidding. I'm completely kidding. But yeah, so along with any of your concealed carry stuff around your house, any kind of weapons you've stored around the house, I would suggest storing some kind of escape and evasion implements. Okay? Now, the other reason why you might want those things stored with them is if you have to take that stuff and leave in a hurry right you want a way to escape restraints along with your gun hopefully it's built on you anyway like let's say your shoelaces or your necklace or your watch band or whatever let's hope it's already built into what you wear anyway
Starting point is 00:13:47 but if it's not certainly couldn't hurt you to have an extra like key chain or something in your little concealment storage safe or cabinet or whatever it is with a extra handcuff key and like a ceramic razor blade in there. Okay. That's something to consider. The other thing you consider would be to hide that type of stuff all around your house. And if you're going to hide it all around your house, give some forethought to where a captor, if they were going to come into your house and,
Starting point is 00:14:23 you know, do a home invasion and hold you in your house give some thought to where that home invader or it's going to be a group it always is where that group of home invaders is going to want to hold you right look at it from the perspective of a bad guy right so think about it you're in your um yard or your yard duh you're inside your house and you're looking around and you've just you know done a home invasion you're looking around you're like okay where am i going to put this you know this family so no one can see them right so it's probably going to be with no windows or at least blinds or something that they can obscure the windows with, right? And where is an area that
Starting point is 00:15:11 would be quiet if the neighbors heard anything, right? So think about those things for your own home. Always think through those contingencies. What door do you think they're going to come in through? What window, if you have a window that they might try to come in through, which one is it? Are they going to come in through your garage? Where is your garage as opposed to your house? How many yards is it from your hallway to your front door? Is your laser, if you have one, set up for that? Is your flashlight, if you have one, set up for that? What is your sighting system as far as your red dot goes on your home defense rifle, shotgun, or pistol, right? All these things come into play. But if you can kind of centralize what room you think that they might try to hold you in or what area, hide escape and evasion gear
Starting point is 00:16:02 all around that room. It's very easy to take a piece of duct tape and tape a handcuff key right underneath your couch and no one's ever going to know it's there except you right think about it or freaking tape a small razor blade under there doesn't even have to be a ceramic one it could be a normal razor blade pop it under there okay very very simple guys now also keep in mind if the home invasion does happen there's no reason that you can't try to you know finagle the situation to be put in that room oh i can't breathe unless i'm close to my you know c-pad machine you know or i my oxygen, and it's inside this room. Well, it just so happens you've got a razor blade and a freaking handcuff key taped to the side of an oxygen tank, right?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Not that difficult, guys. It's just stuff that you've got to think about ahead of time before it happens, okay? You would be floored if you knew what was around my home. Okay? Nothing illegal, nothing bad. It's just, I think about this stuff. I think. You know, what if this happens?
Starting point is 00:17:14 What if that happens? What if this happens when I'm in the shower? Well, I'm playing for that too. You know, it's just one of those things, guys. You really have to think about this stuff in depth, okay? And I'll just tell you right now the easy solution for a shower. Get an OtterBox or a Pelican case, pop a small pistol in there, and set it up on any one of the shelves that are in your bathroom or hang it from the shower head.
Starting point is 00:17:37 You're good to go. Be careful when you're hanging it from the shower head because if it's too heavy, it may pull down on the plumbing and cause a leak inside your walls. So be careful with that. Otherwise, that's something to consider. Okay. If you don't have any shelves or you don't have any kind of a, you know, a little standup thing in the shower, you've seen those things with the three shelves that you can, you know, brace between the roof and the, and the floor and the shower. You know, if you don't have anything like that, there's nothing wrong with taking an old, I don't know, shampoo bottle or something like that and pop something in there.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Just make sure that it's easy enough to get out of there. You don't much care if it gets rusty, right? If it's a gun. And then seal it up with some saran wrap. Okay. Ideally though, you would want to use an otter box or something like that okay there are many many other ways to conceal gear all around okay you can also put you know a razor right you're gonna have a razor in the shower anyway um but you can put a different type of razor in there like a ceramic razor used for you know cutting ties and zip ties things like that right um you put a handcuff key in there you can put all kinds of stuff in there um some places even sell titanium
Starting point is 00:18:52 knives you know a lot of a lot of seal teams like to use titanium knives you know when they're scuba diving you know scuba divers period like to use you know titanium knives um just make sure you get the right type okay you don't want to get the wrong type of titanium you know some of it really really sucks uh but do your research on that and uh you know find what works best for you but those are just a couple of tips for things that you can do in your own home to kind of protect yourself and kind of be ready for uh things that might go wrong in your own home as far as home invasion goes right be ready the world of ready okay did you see how i did that do you like that one okay the next thing security measures right so we've got active and passive security measures
Starting point is 00:19:41 both of them are going to come into play, especially when you're protecting your home. But remember what we talked about last time when it comes to retreating, regrouping, reassessing, and retaking, and so on, right? Remember how that goes down. But make sure that you can set up your home or your bug allocation or whatever it is to be in Alamo to the best possibility that you can. And to the best of your ability, using these types of things will be important.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Active measures, which will be mostly stationary active measures. There are going to be a lot of active measures when it comes to moving around. measures. There aren't going to be a lot of like active measures when it comes to moving around, but when it comes to stationary active measures, they'll also be measures. Okay. So active stationary measures might be things that are outside the perimeter, outside the perimeter of your home. Like you've got the internal perimeter of your home and the external perimeter of your home. Okay. Active measures for the outside perimeter of your home are going to be observation posts and security patrols, especially in an SHTF situation. Of course, you're going to have patrols. Of course, you're going to have OPs. It's obvious, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:54 it doesn't make any sense any other way, right? So you're going to have OPs, you're going to have security patrols. You're also going to have things like battle positions, combat patrols, and reconnaissance patrols. Now, these would be places that your guys would deploy to if they needed to protect your home or your family might deploy to to protect your home as well. You might have early warning devices. early warning devices and heck depending on where your uh home is located you might even establish roadblocks or at the very least establish some checkpoints right um some of you guys know this some of you guys don't but i live on a hill okay i live on a hill so it's not very hard for me to establish a roadblock or a checkpoint coming up to my house because I hate to break it to anybody who would want to come up here. There's only one way up and there's only one way down, you know, in a vehicle. I'll just leave that to your imagination. Yeah, there's only one way down,
Starting point is 00:21:57 only one way up. So setting up a roadblock, setting up a way to stop people from getting up here is not hard, right? Now, could someone get up here on foot? Absolutely, they could. Absolutely. That would not be a difficult thing to do for someone who, you know, is in moderately decent shape, okay? I'm not saying I live in the freaking Masada or something, okay? It's not like that. And if you don't know what Masada is, look it up.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And it's not the freaking gun that my poll made back in the day. It's an Israeli. Anyways, just look it up. So the other option, as far as active measures goes, is inside the perimeter, okay? Inside your Alamo, inside your alamo inside your home inside your bug out location whatever it is right you have to establish sorry you have to establish access points right front door back door windows entrance exit what do you want to do right
Starting point is 00:23:01 so if the crap hit the fan, I would establish certain points of entry and exit to my home. But I would be using materials, you know, building materials, you know, and wood, screws, metal, so on and so forth to build it the way that I would want it. And I have some ideas on exactly how I would do that. Like, again, like I said before, plan, guys, plan, okay, plan. Okay. Establish the number and types of positions to be manned. Establish readiness control. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Redcon levels, right? Readiness control levels. That's called a redcon. Okay. Designate a reserve or response force. Okay. Now, is it going to depend on how big your crew is? How big your tribe is? This is all going to depend on how big your crew is how big your tribe is this is all going to depend on how big your family is right all of this stuff comes into play it's not just
Starting point is 00:23:52 as simple as oh i'm going to have a readiness crew i'm going to have a freaking you know a response force it's perfectly fine but if it's just you and your wife and your son probably not going to go down that way right so something to think about you know what i mean something to think about okay all right when it comes to this type of stuff redcon for instance readiness control levels if you're telling your family you know redcon one means you know grab your gun it's going down red con two means you know get here get home as soon as you can you know so on and so forth right all of these things are important rally points if you're not at home that's important
Starting point is 00:24:37 um understanding the types of positions you're going to have around your home or even in your home. All of that is important, right? I remember when me and my wife were looking at homes before we bought this one, we were looking at houses out in somewhere in northern Arizonazona and one of the houses that we looked at it had what looked kind of like a like a deer stand but it wasn't a hunting like reserve it wasn't like blm land it wasn't you know there shouldn't be a deer stand there is all i'm getting at okay um it didn't look like a tree house it looked 100 like a guard tower and i i showed it to my wife i'm like what do you think that's for and she was like probably the same thing that that's for and she pointed to another one and i was like oh my gosh and then
Starting point is 00:25:40 we looked and there was two more there was was four freaking OPs in this place. There was four guard towers on this property. They were, I would say, roughly about 16 feet tall. Roughly, give or take, 16 feet, 12 feet, something like that. They're pretty tall. They're pretty tall. I was kind of floored but kind of interested in that house i was like man i want this place so bad just because of that right but the problem was the house itself was it's pretty bad it was pretty gross like you know me and me and the wife
Starting point is 00:26:20 were fixing this place up but that place was like no we're gonna have to bulldoze this and start all over again this is not not doable so it wouldn't be able to get a loan for it it was just one of those things was like no we can't do this okay um that being said it sure would have been fun to explore that property and find out if there was a bunker or there's anything else there because oh my goodness gracious it sure was interesting anyways passive measures okay and this can tie in to your active measures right this can tie into your active measures some of your passive measures might be noise and light discipline that makes a big difference especially if the crap has hit the fan and you've got a house and,
Starting point is 00:27:06 you know, you know that there's roving gangs of idiots around that might try to harm you or your family, right? So maybe it'd be a good idea at night if you turned off all the lights and looked like there was no one there. Maybe not. You know, again, it's kind of for everyone to kind of decide for themselves, right? It may not be the best idea for, you know, someone to think that there is no one home. You know, because then they might try to go inside. You never know, right? That's more like light discipline, right? Then you've got noise discipline.
Starting point is 00:27:40 That's something that will matter as well. Is there, you know, if the crap hits the fan are you outside with a bunch of your friends you know barbecuing all the meat that is now available because the um the power's gone out and you don't have a backup generator so you got to cook all the meat that's in your freezer right so are you having a barbecue or what are you doing there right something to think about and that extends even further than that, guys. Noise and light discipline extend much, much, much, much further than just the obvious, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Noise and light discipline extends to your team that might be guarding the place. It extends to your family to understand more if you're moving through an environment. You know, if you had to bug out, that extends to that. Noise and light discipline extends to how you treat the area around you. Do you want anyone to know you're there? No, never. You never want anyone to know where you're at if you can avoid it, right? Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to noise and light discipline, I would also say thermal and night vision discipline as well, okay? If you have night vision and thermal,
Starting point is 00:28:59 you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you don't have the information on what mitigation measures you need, I would suggest you look into it. Okay. All right. Next thing, signal security. That's passive measures, signal security. What do you mean by that? What I mean by that is making sure that if you do have any comms going back and forth, that is a secure channel it is a secured way of communication if possible right um you guys have probably listened to some of the other stuff on on pbn about you know mesh tastic stuff um about encryption about all kinds of different stuff um if you don't know a lot about it, one suggestion would be a really good channel suggestion,
Starting point is 00:29:48 like on YouTube or even podcasts, would be someone called S2Underground, okay? Sierra2Underground. I love his channel, man. It's freaking amazing. Check it out on YouTube. Check it out on podcasts. You guys will love it too.
Starting point is 00:30:04 If you want to know more about Camo, Escape evasion all kinds of stuff like that the guy really truly does know his crap okay and if you don't know when s2 is look it up all right the last thing that i'm going to talk about before i end this thing is uh camouflage uh deceptive measures, and covering concealment. Okay, those are passive measures, again, right? So camouflage. If you do have OPs around your house that you would fall to, right, or that you would man immediately if the crap hits the fan, and you know you're going to need to be in there occasionally, right? You don't just want an OP that's spray-painted Hunter Orange, right?
Starting point is 00:30:43 You want an OP that's camouflaged it looks like it's just part of the environment right so consider that consider that type of stuff you'll want anything around you to be able to be uh concealed covered right um if you're growing food you might consider growing your food in and among some stuff that just looks like weeds okay you might consider growing your food um in an area that maybe nobody really knows is there right um you take a lesson from the vietcong on that one you know good old charlie right learned a little something from charlie don't you know? Anyways. Oh, Steve. So, covering camouflage, deceptive measures, right?
Starting point is 00:31:31 So, deceptive measures, I'm sure you guys probably know what that is. But if you do have a very overt OP or a guard check or anything like that that you might be setting up for your little Alamo, your bug allocation, whatever it is. Maybe set up two or three of them, you know, to where it's like, oh, okay, well, it's not just as simple as, you know, that place being there. Maybe you set one up that looks like that
Starting point is 00:31:57 and that's not what it is, okay? You know, maybe you set up a few OPs that are overtly obvious. You know, just give it some thought, guys. It's really not that difficult. Just give it some thought and start putting your plan together. Okay. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I'm going to stop there. I hope you guys found this stuff informative. Don't forget to go over and check out the World of Ready. It'll be out April 28th. Go to Amazon, check it out. I'm sure you will love it. And also, don't forget to go to Show More Tech and get yourself some Escape and Evasion gear.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I'm sure you'll love it too. All right, guys, you take care of yourself. We'll see you next time as we go deeper inside the Gun Metal Armory. Good night, everybody. Thank you for joining us we'll see you next time on the gunmetal
Starting point is 00:32:48 armory thank you for listening to the prepper broadcasting network where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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