The Prepper Broadcasting Network - TGA-2024 When to Retreat and Regroup
Episode Date: April 18, 2024...
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Welcome to the Gun Metal Armory. Here's your host, Dane D.
Hey, what's up everybody? This is Dane from Gun Metal Armory.
I am actually on the road right now, so I am going to kind of, you know, try to tread carefully here, you know, while I'm driving around.
So, what I wanted to talk to you guys about real quick, um, is basically when to, um, retreat, right. When to retreat,
when to pull back, when to, um, kind of, what's the right word I'm looking for?
You know, retreat and regroup, right?
So I had a friend of mine send me an email.
And he wanted to know what I would do as far as holding back a mob,
a mob of crazy people, right? Let's say they're, you know, zombies or some silly crap
like that. Okay. He wanted to know what I would do in a case like that. So we discussed less than
lethal ammo, right? LTL, right? Less than lethal. Okay. We discussed less than lethal ammo. We
discussed a couple of other different types of options,
bolo rounds, things like that.
There's a couple of really interesting products on the market right now.
There's net rounds and things like that.
But those rounds, less than lethal, bolos, things like that,
those aren't really going to help a crowd.
If you pay attention to crowd control generally it involves like tear gas and
fire hoses and all kinds of stuff like that right so what would work for a civilian
what would actually get the job done and keep your family safe you know if you if you had a whole bunch of
really really angry people that i don't know some of you guys out there listening i'm sure are
preppers and you probably have a little bit of food what if everybody close by you finds out
that you have food and nobody else does right so i gave that some thought and I came to a decision.
My thinking is less than lethal rounds aren't really going to help you.
Let's say you have a shotgun and you want to start sending some rubber buckshot out or whatever.
You may hit a few people and you may hurt them or whatever,
out or whatever, right? You may hit a few people and you may hurt them or whatever, but that's not going to be enough to actually stop a whole bunch of people coming at your property at the same time,
okay? You know, the old golden horde kind of scenario. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
That's not going to be enough. Less than lethal rounds, rubber buckshot, beanbag rounds,
uh, pepper ball rounds, things like that. Honestly, it's really not going to be enough.
Um, the things that you would truly need if the, if all these people were intent on slaughtering you, you would need something
different that the average civilian, you know, doesn't really have the access to at the moment.
And I'm sure there's some of them that do, but anyways. They're made by General Electric and
Dylan Arrow, but you know, we'll save that for another day. Anyways, so,
again, less than lethal,
not going to do it, okay?
I told my friend in an email,
I said,
if your buddy is talking about holding back a mob
from overtaking his place,
that requires a specific plan.
you need a lot of stuff to stop a mob okay but you can begin to stop it
with a multi-tier defensive plan for your property right uh concentric rings of defense
okay keep in mind the word defense okay there's gonna come a time where you will probably need to use offense
but at the moment defense okay what the heck that's not a mustang that can't be a mustang
oh my gosh mustangs look stupid now sorry i just saw like a 2024 Mustang. That is the lamest
looking crap. Okay, anyway, sorry guys, squirrel. Anyway, so specific plan, concentric rings of
defense, okay? We're talking, you know, keep in mind this is SHTF world, okay? This is not
a, you know, current world. This is not a current world.
We're talking without rule of law.
We're talking end of days.
We're talking that kind of stuff.
Not where there's police and sheriffs and all that stuff.
This is end of the world type stuff.
To defend your property, you're going to need, you know, traps, you're going to need trenches,
you're going to need spikes, you're going to need caltrops, you're going to need
all kinds of different stuff, okay? It's not going to be as simple as just,
oh, I'll just hold back a mob of people, okay? But if those things don't work,
you need to have a plan in place for how you're going to respond
after those defensive measures have been overrun
because people knowing people,
eventually your defensive measures will be overrun, okay?
So what do we do in the case that our defensive measures are overrun?
When do we retreat and regroup?
I'm glad you asked.
One of the ways that I put this together is respond, reassess, and repeat.
Okay? Respond to threats. 30-round mags. Big calibers. Set? Respond. Okay?
Respond to threats.
30 round mags,
big calibers,
set up perimeter defense,
so on and so forth.
And I don't mean perimeter defense
as in the one that I was talking about
with concentric greens.
I'm talking about perimeter defense,
people on guard duty,
ready to respond,
and repeat.
Okay? That's what I mean by perimeter defense in that case. That is active perimeter defense, not passive perimeter defense, okay?
Big difference between active and passive, right? Passive perimeter defense is like caltrops,
just sitting there doing nothing, okay? They're not hurting nothing. They're just sitting there,
you know, ready to, someone's tired to roll over them, pop their tire. Okay. Active is put, you know, guard, guard patrols and people in towers
and people in windows and so on and so forth. Okay. All right. Respond, reassess, repeat. Okay.
Respond to the threats, mags, calibers, perimeter defense, et cetera. Reassess. Look at the leftover threats
after the initial attack or defense.
Assess your defenses,
where they're left after the initial wave.
Check your supplies.
Check for wounded.
Your own people.
Check for wounded.
And then you're going to want to do SILs.
If you don't know what SILs is, it's Stop, Look, Listen, Smell.
Stop, Look, Listen, Smell.
You're going to want to check it out.
Be quiet.
Look around.
Pay attention.
After that initial wave.
After the, quote unquote, after the smoke clears.
You're going to want to take a second and think.
All right?
All right.
After you reassess, after you've done all those things, you're going to want to repeat that.
Again, if another wave comes, you're going to respond and then reassess.
if another wave comes, you're going to respond and then reassess, okay? Remember, respond means responding to the threats, using the weapons on hand, setting up your perimeter defense even
better if you can, and then reassess. You're going to want to rebuild your defenses, get different
guys in different places if you can, move people around, long range, short range, so on and so forth, okay,
all right, then if needed, because it could potentially happen that you just don't have
enough people, there are just too many of these bad guys, or zombies, or whatever they are, okay,
Whatever they are.
You don't know.
If needed.
You're going to retreat.
I know.
Last stand.
Doesn't have to be that way.
Here's how this goes down. Hear me out. Retreat, regroup, resupply.
Okay. Retreat, regroup, resupply. Then you're going to reassess, retake, and rebuild. Did
you hear me? Reassess, retake, and rebuild. There's a lot of re's going on here.
All right, so let's break this down.
You're going to fall back to a fortified or unfortified location or locations.
Preferably close to where you just were.
Preferably a place that you've fortified ahead of time.
If you don't know what fortified means, look it up.
It means ready to use to fight back.
Not technically, but just look it up.
You'll see what I mean.
Retreat, regroup, resupply.
Next one is regroup.
You're going to regroup with your team.
You're going to do a head count.
You're going to do a supply check and supply count.
Check your mags.
Top them off.
Make sure everybody's good.
Check for wounded.
Assess the wounded.
See who can continue.
Now, the next one, resupply.
The place you have fallen back to okay when i said supply check
and count i didn't mean to get stuff out of your fallback point i meant to check the stuff you have
on you do you have more mags in your backpack your bug out bag right do you have more mags? Do you have more ammo? Can you top those off? Then do so.
Then you get to the resupply.
That is probably going to be your fortified location, or maybe a little bit further from there.
Or maybe you've got multiple caches around that other fortified location that is close to your Alamo that you can fall back to.
You're going to resupply. You're going to open up your Alamo. That you can fall back to. You're going to resupply.
You're going to open up your caches.
You're going to re-up your kit.
And your team's kit.
You're going to rest.
And you're going to eat.
I don't know how much time you're going to have.
Maybe you won't have any.
Maybe you'll have a little bit.
But if you do.
This would be good to do.
Next thing. Reass Alright. Next thing.
Reassess, retake, and rebuild.
That's the next three steps.
You're going to retake your Alamo.
You're going to retake your land,
your property, your castle.
It is time to retake it.
So what are you going to do to retake it?
You're going to observe.
You're going to find.
Oh wait.
My bad.
I skipped one.
You're going to reassess first.
You're going to gather intel.
You're going to observe.
You're going to plan with who and what you have left.
This has to be. It has to be a short turnover time. Okay. This cannot take long. When you stop to rest and eat in the resupply
phase, you don't have long. You don't want those a-holes getting too comfortable in your property
or the zombies, whatever. Okay. So next, after you've resupplied,
after you've reassessed,
after you've gathered the intel on the bad guys that are there,
you've observed them, you've planned what you're going to do,
how you're going to do it,
then, got a little ahead of myself,
then you're going to retake your castle.
Then you're going to retake that Alamo.
All right?
That is when you're going to find, fix, and finish the bad guys.
Find, fix, and finish.
What does that mean?
You're going to find where they are.
You're going to fix them in place, trap them,
and you're going to finish the job.
You're going to find where each enemy is at your home.
You're going to fix them in place with your team
suppressing fire, whatever
and you're going to finish the job.
Then you're going to reacquire your compound
or your home carefully.
You're going to assume that there are still enemy combatants in the area.
Whether they are around your place or they're still in your place.
Assume that you're not alone until you know you are.
Also, assume that things are booby-trapped.
People are sneaky.
Don't forget that.
And then finally, ladies and gentlemen, the last thing you're going to do is one of my personal favorite phases, rebuild.
You're going to rebuild.
I have a feeling we're going to be needing to do that in this country pretty soon.
You're going to fix the crap that these a-holes broke.
You're going to basically re-up your caches.
They're everywhere.
If you're smart.
You're going to build new positions,
ideally new places that you can protect,
guard towers, whatever.
You're going to rebuild.
You're going to rebuild fallback points,
all that stuff, okay?
You're going to prepare to fight back again.
Because it probably will have to happen again.
But also honestly.
Because life would suck in that world.
So you need to be prepared for this stuff guys.
This is basically the plan that I gave to my friend when he
asked, what do you do?
So remember, guys, our plan is as follows.
Respond, reassess, repeat.
Then, if necessary,
retreat, regroup, resupply
then reassess, retake
and rebuild
it's really not that hard
it's a nine step
process and I'm sure some guys
out there could probably narrow it down to
even less than that
you know, never retreat just die on your feet And I'm sure some guys out there could probably narrow it down to even less than that.
You know, never retreat.
Just die on your feet.
You know, no thanks.
I'm good, dude.
I'll fall back and come back and get you while you're sleeping.
Not a problem with me, dude.
I got you covered, right?
You know, I don't know why people have such a problem retreating.
Especially if they're prepared to retreat.
I'm just saying.
So I hope this was helpful for you guys.
I know.
I know I've been on less and less.
And I know I haven't been around as much lately.
We're really really concentrating hard.
On our.
And our projects. things like that,
where we're trying to get going and be as self-sufficient as we can be as far as food and water and everything like that goes.
We've been working on a lot of projects lately,
especially with it being gardening time.
And it looks like I'm going to be recording a whole bunch of lines this weekend
for Miss Sarahah right so if you listen
to the changing earth uh audio drama you'll know why if you haven't check it out it's actually
really really cool guys uh i normally don't go for stuff like that but i started listening to it
and i gotta admit i got into it you know so it's pretty cool guys check it out anyways all right um oh one more one more reason
why i think it's pretty cool and just just kind of popped into my head i noticed myself when i
was listening to the audio drama i was imagining the characters they would look like i was imagining
what they would do you know and that's one of the cool things about books is you can kind of
imagine the character how you want it and audio dramas you can kind of imagine the characters how you would see them you know so i don't know i just
think there's something really neat about that and especially if you're getting older it actually
helps you kind of jog your brain and keep your keep your mind sharp so anyways just my personal
opinion all right guys i hope each and every one of you are doing well out there um i will potentially
be recording some more this weekend but i will be doing a lot of lines too if you enjoyed uh this
uh short podcast which i hope you did um if you enjoyed the short podcast and you have some
opinions on this stuff hit me up let me know what you think. Did I get something wrong?
Did I get it right?
Do you think there's something I missed?
Hit me up.
Let me know.
Gunmetalarmory at
Let me know.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe I'm completely out of my depth
and I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Let me know.
All right?
All right, guys.
Y'all take care out there.
We'll see you next time
as we go deeper inside the Gun Metal Armory.
Good night, everybody.
Thank you for joining us.
We'll see you next time on the Gun Metal Armory.
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where we promote self-reliance and independence.
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