The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Changing Earth Audio Drama Blooper Show Part 3

Episode Date: February 25, 2024

Season 3 Part 3 performer blooper reels and special guests, L. Douglas Hogan, aka TJ Swenson, and Jasmine Beondi....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your host, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chen Gibson. Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. I have no idea what episode today is because we're just here to have fun today. Had the binge and just get to listen to the cool show. And we have L. Douglas Hogan in the house, Mr. TJ Swenson. What's up, buddy? Hey, how's it going, Sarah?
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's going well. You can bring the voice. I can immediately tell when you're bringing the voice. Bringing the voice. Yeah, yeah. I got JB, my audio rock star, with us today as well. So what's going on, it's going you know day off which is amazing and joining in today yes so happy to have you here JB does nothing but work
Starting point is 00:01:16 all the time whether that's on a really cool project or on life work work work so i'm happy to get a minute of your time that's that's awesome epic good stuff yeah so i was uh i was cleaning today that's what i got a break from my podcast life to just like clean up and get some stuff done one thing when you have a german shepherd you can never miss a vacuum ever and this morning i can yeah when my fur when my feet became little fur balls i was like uh yeah it's time for a vacuum so you got some big harry's too right you're uh yeah some huskies yeah they're they're hybrids so they they have three shed cycles once in the winter once in the spring and once in the summer and it is oh my ass so oh it is so bad it's Like, my car is a blanket. I was trying to get Ragnar used to just being shot back today. He was putting up with it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You got a dog, Doug? Do you? Well, we got two long-haired cats, though, so that's worse than your dog. I was going to say, I've never heard you, like, talk about a cat or a dog. I've never heard, like, a dog in the dog. I've never heard a dog in the background. Yeah, no, we used to have one, but we got rid of her. She was getting old, and we weren't giving her the proper care that she needed for an elderly dog. So we found somebody who, another old person to take care of.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah, I had one of my older clients was like, we just lost our dog and we've always had dogs, but I don't want a puppy. And I was like, well, you can go adopt an older one. It's good. You know, that's how you do it. All right. So I'm going to go ahead and light up the chat and see if any, anybody's got any questions for us.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Did you get to listen to any of the show today? No, I've been on the run. Yeah, I figured. I figured. I tried to get this man to retire and then he just got to go throw. I gave him a whip to keep him busy, you know. But no.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Even when I'm not working, I'm working. It's ridiculous. Right? Yeah, luckily I get to walk away kind of from my my passions take up more time so well don't feel too bad you're not the only person that i know that has failed retirement so good i don't feel so alone then i think it's kind of in like uh our blood once you get moving like the more you do the more you do the more you, the more you do, the more you do, the more you do.
Starting point is 00:04:07 So like I couldn't imagine ever just stopping. Like what would I do? You know? I've become wired that way, I think. Right? So right on. Right on. Yeah, so the blooper reels today.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Doug, I got some good ones of you. And it's like the Dane show as well. Because Dane, oh my gosh, he is just a myriad of bloopers. I literally have to like pick and choose from his, his bloopers. You couldn't make it today? from his bloopers. You couldn't make it today? No. I like to keep the show small sometimes, especially I would just... We're going to have the last four. They're ready to go.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So I'm just waiting on my audio person to not work all the time. And we'll pick a date for when those are going to be released. So that's up to you, JB. All right. Well, I have all right well i have them done you have them done so i just need to up yes i just need to upload them oh wow okay well then uh the end of the season's gonna be coming real quick and then when we do that final episode i'll get you know i'll get dave on get dane on here get everybody
Starting point is 00:05:26 back but remember when we did the big show that was a lot of people to manage i had like five people in my office along with like is difficult right i was like i don't want to be the mediator i just want to have some fun and hang out with my buddies so yeah so that's why last time we did the smaller show i'd fill here i should have reached out to dane dane if you're out there i am sorry that i didn't reach out i probably should have reached out to Dane. Dane, if you're out there, I am sorry that I didn't reach out. I probably should have, especially after I've seen how many blooper lines. We're just going to sit here and make fun of Dane all day. So, yeah, if he's listening, he's going to. Well, he kind of deserves it.
Starting point is 00:06:19 The first one that I have, he records with his wife, Carol, does a bunch of work for me. And she plays a couple characters. And he records with her. And it is just hilarious because Dane is so funny. I don't know how she keeps a straight face the whole time. It's just something else when we're recording. So let's go ahead and do that one, JV, and listen to that one first. All right, queuing it up now.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I thought you were going to have dinner with your mama. I have, sir. My mother was wondering if you would like to join us. Is she a good cook? Because I'm really hungry. Where are you headed, sir? Lieutenant Colonel Payne invited me to the officer's mess for dinner, but
Starting point is 00:07:11 they don't cook very well. Oh. That sounds informal. Yeah. That's why I'm not wearing any pants when I go. It says chuckle. That's why I'm not wearing any pants when I go. And he doubles down.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Make sure you do, sir. I've heard the officer's food is the best. Where are you headed, sir? Lieutenant Colonel Payne invited me to the officer's mess for dinner. Oh, that sounds informal. Yeah, that's why I'm not going to wear my pants.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Make sure you do, sir. I've heard the officer's food is the best. Yeah, but not when you're not wearing pants. I'm surrounded by monkeys and idiots. Always is. She has information on monkeys and idiots. Always is. She has information on those black-shirted fighters.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I guess it's worth it, dear, in that high collar. I sure hope so. Let me know when I can come meet that family of yours. You're always welcome, sir. Have a nice night. Yeah, whatever. Good thing we found you when we did. Good thing we found you when we did good thing we found you when we did we got the word your family was hunting for antibiotics
Starting point is 00:08:32 he never keeps women around ah sir i'm sorry it's okay no nope i'm. I'll get hauled, but I can't do this or it will make me months to get. Oh, shit. I missed that one out. Yes, Mr. Lee. I could put the word. Yes, Mr. Lee. I could put out the word.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Damn. You can get anyone to do that. If you love her, you have to let her go. And I don't mean throw her off a bridge, freaking idiot. I shouldn't have said that. Oh, no. He's a complete asshole. But no other men...
Starting point is 00:09:21 The freaking line is telling me to laugh, so I want to laugh, right? others men. The freaking line is telling me to laugh, so I want to laugh, right? Alright, here we go. You saved him in his own... Okay. You saved him, and I owe him. Stop fussing, baby. I'm going to fuss.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I love you. Dang chihuahuas. Oh, man. Good stuff. Good stuff. It is. oh man good stuff good stuff i love collecting them it takes me more time but it's so worth it the log ride i'm like makes for an extra what's that doug makes for for a show or two. Right. I know. Because I was getting so many good ones. I was like, okay, I've got to be able to have a show where we actually air these and have fun with it. And I just love it when people talk to me while they're recording. They're like, Sarah. I'm like, oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So it's good stuff. It really is. I haven've tried that one yet i need to get to that point where i'm talking to you in the middle of the recording session i've got one of you when you finish this one up i've got it it's blooper reel three today because you're like oh she's right there okay that's it i'm done like all right sounds good no that's one of the best things like you guys only get to talk to me once in a while but i get to like i'm putting together the audio all the time so i get to hear's the weather looking like for y'all up washington and up north you're still cold today yeah we're we're pretty cold up here in washington uh the it's really windy we've had a few downed trees and shedded limbs so that's been fun uh we
Starting point is 00:11:48 had a really random snowstorm that came through that lasted a day which was pretty cool nice not cool because i hate snow yeah not cool because that's why i live in washington so we don't have snow what about you are you icy this year i've heard it's been actually pretty good up there this year. It's been pretty good. We've had a couple really deep freezes. But, you know, in Illinois, Mother Nature is very much bipolar. She got severe bipolar. So, yeah, like today, it was 67 degrees.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But, you know, in a day or two, it might be, you know, 30 or 40. It's hard to tell in southern Illinois because you don't know what you're going to get. It's like a box of chocolates. Yeah, day to day. We just shot up to like 81. Wow. Yeah. So, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's definitely not supposed to be that way even here. It's all that extra body heat that's coming in from the south. That's well, very well south of where I am. But that's no lie. Actually, we've got it pretty much wrapped up now. You know, lots of razor wire. That helps things out. Yeah, trains.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Cars and shipping containers. Yep, yep. out yeah trains cars and shipping containers and yep yep so now they're all like going up to uh in through uh cali and um new mexico and arizona so it looks like a like apocalyptic city border walls uh it does it does yeah i know you don't play Fallout, but yeah, it totally looks like Fallout material. Yeah. Some of the stuff you see on the Walking Dead series, you know, later on in the series after people start reinforcing their towns and stuff, they're using whatever they can. Yeah. Yeah. But you're going to say something, JB.
Starting point is 00:13:47 but you're gonna say something jb oh yeah it kind of reminds me of that that movie contagion where they like block off the city with containers uh-huh yep i think that they should do the same to new york and just like wall that thing up okay we're good be over except new york except the government in new york's allowing all that to happen. Yep. Well, I mean, it could be like escape from New York then. Yeah, that'd be cool. Right? Have fun. But this heat is just making me think. Plants.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Are you already starting your plants out, JB? Probably, huh? Always. jb probably huh always um i start pretty much in december and just keep them indoors until i also overwinter my peppers because peppers are perennials so i just constantly have garden and food going yeah the greenhouse has got to go in for us this year so the like i said the patriot conference up in illinois got canceled oh but doug you didn't probably didn't know that the patriot the homesteading conference up there got canceled so i actually didn't follow i didn't know that it was a thing yeah yeah um i was coming up
Starting point is 00:14:57 there in april and now i won't be because they were getting like very big threats and whatnot. They didn't feel comfortable hosting the event anymore. Was it up north in Illinois? No, it was southern Illinois. That don't make sense at all. What kind of threats from the government? I guess from people online and stuff like that, so I don't know. I haven't gotten the official confirmation from that, but it was in the, um, like in
Starting point is 00:15:25 the host group, uh, deal that they weren't going to have it. So, so all those kinds of people that, that make threats to those kinds of groups and things like that for, you know, they're, they're very much like beta males and, uh, like cis, cis, cisgender people. They don't, they don't ever fall through on any of their threats. They just, they're all keyboard warriors right yeah that was kind of my thought and i was like there's got to be something more to it but i haven't got the official so i'll i'll i'll update you with the uh what i hear from the host when i when i get that information but yeah it sucks but in the meantime
Starting point is 00:16:02 i was like well at least that would maybe clear up some money i'll be able to get my greenhouse in so yeah i'd rather be teaching but you know i do want the greenhouse as well yeah all right i got the ambition to put together greenhouse probably i don't know in the next year or two we'll see how what happens i got a big open field that's not doing anything put it to work put it to work for me out here it's all about the soil like it's sand it's a sandbox out here like you learn like oh wow that's how the dust bowl happened because yeah illinois is pretty rich i think because the the wild swings in the weather yeah and i know washington's off the chain you guys got wild forage bowls and all kinds of Illinois is pretty rich, I think, because of the wild swings in the weather. Yeah, and I know Washington's off the chain.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You guys got wild forage bulls and all kinds of awesome stuff up there. Yeah, we have fun up here, and more and more people are becoming interested in self-sufficiency. So our little group and classes have been growing like crazy. We did a how to make sourdough and take care of your starters and i was like it's like a pet um and we've been doing like pantry exchanges every weekend for things that we don't like or we have abundance of and we just exchange stuff we've been teaching people how to go clamming fishing squid jigging we've been having a lot of fun doing that that just sounds fun squid jigging it's fun i mean it's kind of messed up how the fish how the lure works but it's
Starting point is 00:17:43 there's an abundance of squid i'm gonna have to check that out one day because i have definitely never gone squid digging i grew up on the great lakes so it was like walleye and perch not squid yeah it's it's fun because like you just dip it up and down and it looks like a shrimp or something. Huh. And the squid come and grab it. And, like, you got to be very careful while you're rigging your jigs, too, because they're very sharp and they will go through your fingers if you're not paying attention. Mm-hmm. And they get caught on everything, especially when the tides are going in or coming out.
Starting point is 00:18:22 You get a lot of seaweed and other vegetation that gets stuck on it uh-huh crazy you have to constantly look at it and the glow in the dark too which is kind of fun we we do crawfish of course down here you know oh yum you know i wasn't as impressed with crawfish as i thought i was gonna be be. You cook them with shrimp. You clean them and then you cook them. Then with crawfish, you cook them and then you have to clean them right before
Starting point is 00:18:53 you eat them. It's gross. I don't know. It's a lot of work for not a lot of benefit. I don't know why we call them crawdaddies. I used to catch them in the ditches when I was a kid with worms and hooks and stuff we call them crawdads crawdads yep it's just a north south thing us yankees but i used to because as a kid you want you want to taste test everything oh no raw I was probably, you know, parasites, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:27 That is disgusting. Yeah. Yeah, it was disgusting. It was, like, really salty. Yeah. I don't know. I've never, like, done them myself, and then that experience wasn't all I hoped and dreamed for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:41 My favorite thing is the oysters up here. yeah my my favorite thing is the oysters up here so like just being able to like just go five minutes down the road and find a nice little oyster bed and take your oysters shuck them on the beach i only like the smoked oysters like the oh they're so good yeah no no like raw raw was one of the worst experiences ever yes we make because our oysters are so big when we usually find them we usually make like korean pancakes with them which is just like a seafood pancake with vegetables and it's so good interesting yeah i'd have to try though i don't know one of my buddies was like oh well one of my friend's dad was like oh you never you never had an oyster before and i'm like no no like only smoked ones you know and he's like oh okay here you know have this and then he's like you got to chew on it and i was like oh i didn't know so i took a bite of that thing it was just like an explosion of disgustingness all over the place.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Oh, I wanted to do some Ralph. That's where you messed up when you chewed. Yeah. I was like, I'll never do that. I'll never do that. He wrecked it for me forever. I was like, oh, disgusting.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Disgusting. Very disgusting. So, Prepper Camp disgusting very disgusting so a prepper camp in September is going to be epic everybody right yeah Doug you're going to be teaching are you going to is that official now
Starting point is 00:21:19 am I allowed to say it out loud yeah you can say it yeah because actually it's a huge people that have heard it love it and they want to come back for more so go ahead and announcement announce it maybe we'll get some some revisits yeah yeah for sure um yeah so doug's what is the official name of what you call your class survival surviving martial law surviving martial law there you go folks and definitely worth it.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Definitely worth the time. And it's going to be just great to have you out there actually teaching and having a booth. You can't just like break out early on Sunday this time. You know, you have to be in it for the long haul this time. Yeah, well, I have to because I'm all paid for it. I got my booth paid for and I got my I'm teaching. Right. So I got to stay for all three classes.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yep. Yep. There's an hour, same, same time every day for three days. And I'm sorry. I know I'm on video and the listeners can't hear with my phone. I got one of these things that track your face.
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's going to possess right now. It's just kind of going over the place. Yeah. It's moving. That's crazy. Yeah. But the same time every day, it's an hour. Stop moving, you damn thing.
Starting point is 00:22:34 We can turn that into a blooper. I don't record video, though. I've actually got enough charge on my laptop now. I'm going to disconnect from here and reconnect on my laptop because I got the audio that way. Yeah, you do. You do. Your audio is a little weak. So, yeah. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And JB is going to be out there at Prepper Camp. You're going to be working again, but that's okay. We like that. As long as you're going to be there. My plan is to put walkie-talkies that can be turned off and then if somebody needs me, they can call me because I'm actually planning on attending some of the classes because they were awesome last year
Starting point is 00:23:10 yeah chin always gets me in trouble puts me on one of those mics and then uh yeah i get in on one of the radios for prepper camp and then i get in trouble yeah without fail yeah these are going to be specifically for the av setups so that way um if there's any need oh yeah i can just jump over yeah yeah yeah that happens that happens now and again so yep so but you got a camp spot no um i didn't grab a camp spot because they were all sold out already. Well, you know you can crash over by our trailer. That would be just fine. We're going to have Ellen back with us as well. So we might have a full load, but that is okay.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, well, my tent's tiny, so I don't take up a lot of space. And the PBN crew will all be there, so we'll get it worked out. Cool, cool. Yeah, that's something I'm missing, too, is a camp spot. So we'll have to get that ironed out for sure. Oh, man. This is going to be party at the trailer. Yeah, everybody's going to be at the Hathaways.
Starting point is 00:24:21 That's all right. It works. Our trailer's so tiny that we never you know that space is actually really big so i'm gonna have to check and see if they because last time i remember somebody sold me their spot um all i need is i have placed two trees to hang my hammock and i don't you know even if it's on your pad if you got two trees right in the hammock i'll be golden i think so like every year i forget remember the the front tree though, like where you were whipping the plate off the tree. And I think there's one further to the back.
Starting point is 00:24:51 So I think that would work just fine. Oh, you got the same spot? Yeah, we get the same spot every year. You go girl. You're eating high on the hog. Yeah. Well, as soon as we leave, I just reserve it again. And then they know I'm a speaker and everything.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So I don't have to wait for my ticket. Right. That's kind of a habit I need to get into then. Yeah. Teach the same thing every year. Is that something that they're, or they want a different class every year? Do I? No.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So everybody, the self-defense class, man, it hits. Everybody loves that self-defense class. class man it hits everybody loves that self-defense class and then um i just started the anti-kidnapping and sexual assault class last year so i'm i'm the same for this year he'll probably want me to do something something special next year but uh those are really my bread and butter so i'd be happy to tie you up again in my class no problem i. I mean, that's, that's fine. I might actually know what I'm doing next time. Those people that are listening and don't know, I got, uh, I got, uh, latched up with some, uh, some zip cords and I was supposed to bicycle like saw with a bicycle motion
Starting point is 00:26:00 and I was a little clumsy at it cause I'm freaking six foot five. Yeah. I never thought about that actually. Your legs are like going out here. It's something for somebody that's like 5'2 or 1 or something like that. Yeah, like 5'0". I think females actually. I think any man would struggle more because it's just the proportionates of the human body.
Starting point is 00:26:26 It's significantly different for male versus female. And I think statistically, you'd know this better than I would, a female would more likely be zip-tied in a child than a man anyway. Yep. And kids can even escape that way, which is really important, right? And they're also not proportionate because they're still growing and their legs are a little bit shorter. It allows them to maximize
Starting point is 00:26:49 their size, what strength they have to be able to create that friction and just really make it work. Absolutely. It was great fun though. I really enjoyed being able to tie Swenson up and watch that happen. That was great. Is that I, I really enjoyed being able to tie Swenson up and, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:05 yeah, watch that happen. That was great. So is that the motivation behind the whole thing is tying up Swenson? Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:27:14 All right. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to do something to your drink next. No water, no water. No spoilers either. Okay. Okay. No water. No spoilers either. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Nope. No, I was telling JB. I was trying to think of like a cool skit that we can pull off there, but I'm like, I don't know if it would be too cheesy or whatever. Well, I mean, if everybody that's going would know what's going on with the Changing Earth podcast and the storyline and all that, it would be something fun. But you never know who's coming to the class. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. You might have 25% of the class actually know what's going on. Yeah, and they're like, what? What's happening now? Yeah, who's this? Who's this? All right, let's do another blooper reel. Let's play number two.
Starting point is 00:28:05 All right, let me know if you hear it. Okay, I will. I will, for sure. Austin was killed by an IED in Afghanistan. I almost said I-U-D-U-D. Austin was killed by an I-U-D-U-D. Austin was killed by an IED in Afghanistan four years later. Get your team together.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Going north. Serge, get your team together. You're going north. Yeah, that's the compass that points up. That's the part that points up. It's got a little letter that says N. Stands for north. You want to...
Starting point is 00:28:42 Just give me the compass. Give me the... Oh my gosh. I work with morons. The sheets stink like him. He's not supposed to be...
Starting point is 00:28:55 What? Oh, damn it. He's not supposed to be concerned with what does... That is a huge word. Okay, hold on. Trivialities. That is a huge word.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Trivialities. How am I going to do that? Okay. Here we go. Alright. He's not supposed to be concerned with those kind of trivialities. Hmm. He's not supposed to be concerned with those trivialities.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Or he's not supposed to be concerned with that kind of crap. Jamie didn't work for her. Oh, sorry. Didn't Jamie work for her? We're going into Billings. We're going into Billings, right? Scratch that. Sorry, I don't know how to go back So, you're gonna
Starting point is 00:29:49 Go One step at a time It'll only take one day to set things straight with Hernandez And they didn't go north Frickin' northerners Did I ever tell you my daddy raised me in the south? Did I ever tell you why my name is Mr. Lee? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Do you know how hard I'm laughing while I'm sorting through his audio? It is just something else. Like, what kind of little tidbits are you throwing in this time i love it sometimes when you're recording that stuff you just sound like you get tongue twisted you're like you've got monologues what where did that come from yeah you got it back up okay let's start again it's true it's true it's true um especially like with the family when we're all recording at once it's just like then you have all the little chatters right you're like okay okay oh i screwed it up again yeah yeah anybody i'm looking actually i need a couple more males we have carl b from prepper
Starting point is 00:31:09 broadcasting network and joining us um but i could use a couple more male voices so it's all we all just volunteer but uh yeah if you if anybody knows anybody go ahead and reach out to me um you know tj can't do anything but tj because yeah i mean my voice that voice is distinctive even if i change the tone even if i change the tone of tj he still sounds like tj tj it's like is that tj's brother right and i'm the same way pretty much like if you hear my voice i do some other characters sometimes a little like side tidbits i know somebody knows that that's also you know your character voice being curious voice so right exactly so it would be nice to have a couple more uh male performers though
Starting point is 00:31:57 the women have really stepped up i got a lot of uh girls like all the girls I work with for the most part are like, yeah, I'll do voices. And then we got so many hosts and whatnot. But what a blast it is to put together. I almost have season four written. I'm like, two scripts
Starting point is 00:32:20 for me. It seems like that would be the headache from hell, trying to just put all this stuff together. Because you're getting all these lines that are like sometimes multiple lines. You might get 10 recordings of one line where people are messing it all up. You got to kind of go through and get the best recording. Usually, I'm assuming it's the last one. But you're getting from all these numbers at different times of the freaking month, right?
Starting point is 00:32:44 And you're like trying to put piece it all together and it just seems like it would be very very hectic you got to go back to your back to your script right and look okay let's see what did i give uh hogan you know and look at you cj some characters have more than one voice and you got to peel all this apart yeah that's true and then sometimes they just record it into one sound line, all the different characters. So I'm like, oh no, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So who am I looking for? And then, yeah, I appreciate having the multiple when people do it like three different ways so that if they didn't know what tone of voice, you know, I could pick one. And then sometimes it's like, oh, okay, well, the beginning of this one was better than the end of that one so we're gonna sandwich them together and yeah oh yeah you do that you buy something like you like half of this one and half of this one
Starting point is 00:33:33 so you kind of put them together yep yeah really cool that's good yeah i didn't even think of that because sometime i'm like okay i'm not sure how to deliver the tone for this this line so i'm gonna do it this way and this way and I tell you up front, I'm like, yeah, I just don't remember now that I'm thinking about this. I sometimes do talk to you. I'm going to deliver these in three different tones. You pick what you want. Then I'll lay them out.
Starting point is 00:33:55 You sound like you're sandwiching them together. If I'm like, oh, I really liked how we nailed the beginning of that, but the end fell off or whatever. I'll sandwich them together. Nothing's worse than like you pick one you think it's good and then you like keep listening you're like oh that one was so much better now i want that one put that one in right so it does take some editing hours i think it's easier, though, to get them this way than try to
Starting point is 00:34:28 organize everybody recording together because that would be a nightmare and a half. It would. First of all, we'd be laughing each other. It'd take months. A year, probably, to get one season done. It's true.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It's really true. Are you still muted, JB? You got to pop up over there. Where did she go? Hopefully she wasn't talking because we missed everything. JB, where did
Starting point is 00:35:01 you go? Can you hear me? There you are. Yeah. In your soft-spoken voice. You're echoey, so it's echoing over there for some reason. Where did you go? There you are And your soft spoken voice You're echoey So it's echoing over there for some reason That's what I was curious about So echoey? Nope
Starting point is 00:35:17 I don't hear an echo I just have to turn my interface down Beautiful Yeah technology That's why I was so stoked to meet I just have to turn my interface down. Okay. Beautiful. All right. Yeah. Technology. Woot.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's why I was so stoked to meet JB. I was like, I don't have this knowledge of like how to really polish this audio. Right. Oh, we got the shiznit and jasmine. Uh-huh. Exactly. Thank you. I'm bowing remember the scene with the tornado when like
Starting point is 00:35:49 there was like a huge tornado tj like saves nate with sheila he lashes sheila and saves nate that was like the hardest audio to do because you have this wind like whipping and you're trying to still hear the voices over it yeah because you gotta you gotta i don't know how you would do it but you gotta like add noise and then take like somehow find a way to to bring down bring down the sound to make it so that you can you want to hear them but not hear them they can't be as clear and crisp as we are right now it has to be interrupted a little bit right yeah and it's it's all about how you mix it into and then also like compression and then you can also add like some effects to the vocals to like kind of give it
Starting point is 00:36:33 that modulated like as if the wind is masking but you can it's still legible so there's a lot of fun little tricks see that's where your magic comes in right boom that's what i'm talking about so you are so appreciated i'd have jb in the corner that was the magic connection it was just like oh here is jb wouldn't you like to meet her i'm'm like, yes, I would. This has been really fun to work on. Because, like, I came from, like, the corporate side of, like, movies and TV shows and worked on a lot of MTV stuff. And, like, it was always funny. Because, like, I started, like, off with, like, making sure everything was, like, super pristine and crisp. And then we would have, like have these executives that would come in,
Starting point is 00:37:28 our executive producers of their specific title, and they'll be like, it sounds too real. Make it sound faker. And you're like, okay. Yeah. Being a cover designer myself, like doing graphics and stuff and making covers for authors and stuff, you see a lot of things are cheaply put together. And you can see that some, like, images that are pasted in are, like, crystal clear.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And then you see some other ones that are kind of grainy. And you can tell that it's all fake looking and gross. The key to being, and it's the same thing that applies to audio, you got to have, like, a layer to kind of neutralize everything and make everything look like it belongs together like it's naturally like that picture was taken naturally together though that couple wasn't copy to paste it in there but they were they were there during the storm kind of a thing and that's where you actually add noise like you do in audio you also when you're designing book covers like that you got to add noise over the top of these pictures and it brings them all together exactly yeah well the music really helped that too um because at
Starting point is 00:38:34 first i like was doing it all just no music and then that was the hugest mistake i had to go back and just make that um the music just brought the tone. It brought that noise, right? That overlying theme. So that was really... Yeah, I like that analogy. Good job, Sarah. Yeah. New music coming up, too.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So the end of the show, the music just went skyrocket. So hopefully everybody notices the change there. I can't wait to show you guys those episodes. coming up too so the end of the show like the music just went like skyrocket so hopefully everybody notices the change there i can't wait to show you guys those episodes um oh gosh okay we will have that show and we'll have that conversation you better listen to that one because oh man promises oh that's good that's good stuff Forget it You just say when Yeah, when you're out in the patrol car That's a good time
Starting point is 00:39:30 I'm telling you it's a good time Because I usually have Either some classic rock Or some gospel I have a wide array of music that I listen to Or country music I listen to all this stuff Just about everything but rap Yeah, I can listen i'll have time to listen to that sweet no you got to get caught
Starting point is 00:39:52 up because it's it's really rocking at the end i was very happy with how that turned out um there's always like a worry as an artist that like oh am i gonna be able to you know do this project justice right and now i feel like we're finally um doing it really really justice so it's a little bit of a little bit of pride going on there yeah because you know on the way there you're like okay i think we're in the neighborhood and then you're just like all right we're there we found it you break out the gps we're there we're there yeah yeah and then with jb being able to just take it afterwards and make it so beautiful yeah lovely i can't wait to hear them all finished can't wait yeah i'll get them uploaded you got to hear you got to uh hear them so you're like no spoiler time no spoiler time that's the worst about doing these shows Get them uploaded. You got to hear them.
Starting point is 00:40:47 You're like, no spoiler time. No spoiler time. That's the worst about doing these shows. By the time we do the next one, I'm going to already be halfway through season four. I'll be like, dang it. Yeah. Alrighty, let's go ahead and play our final blooper so we get him out of the way. Hang on tight for this one, Doug.
Starting point is 00:41:11 This is a wink, wink, a nod and a wink to Doug here. This one's just for you. There's nothing to be done now. Don't tell the team anything about this or it'll distract them. There's nothing that can be done about this. Don't tell the team. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Don't get ahead of yourself. Testing, testing. One, two. All right. There's nothing that can be done about this now. Don't tell them anything. There's nothing that can be done about this now. Nope. We think Alina Porter.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Sorry. No bloopers. That cannot go on bloopers That cannot go on bloopers No you know it will Sorry you literally just texted me That's kind of funny I don't know if you can hear the vibration You might hear the squish vibration too
Starting point is 00:42:16 It was coming from my phone It was coming from my phone Oh no Okay Henderson to Hernandez from my phone. Oh, no. Okay. Henderson to Hernandez because Sarah is a dumbass. The scout
Starting point is 00:42:33 came back. Hendricks is missing. It's not Hendricks. I bet you mess it up. I remember that one. Angelo didn't. Whoa. TJ.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I sure do say his name a lot, don't I? TJ. TJ. TJ. I wonder if TJ stands for total jerk. He's kind of a jerk. Wow. TJ is just so mean.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Like, can we have justice for Nate, whoever he is, and Margaret? Like, justice for them? I want a revenge story. Like, let the girl, I don't know how old is she is but she seems young like and she's she was pregnant like give her a break she got shot in the leg and all you have to do is yell like calm down dj just you act like a asshole oh my god I want justice for our game I want it like write that story down
Starting point is 00:43:52 I want justice boom baby they're right there together alright that does it for me let me know if I'm missing anything yeah that was perfect I had like the All right. That does it for me. Let me know if I'm missing anything. Yeah, that was perfect. I had like the TJA whole lines of like, oh, I'm lining them up all together. Oh, you think Sarah?
Starting point is 00:44:13 You think Sarah? Okay. Well, I remember the whole Sarah's an asshole thing. It's because you're a dumbass. Duh, duh. Yeah, you had missed. I remember that because you had missed some lines that you had sent me. And you texted me saying, hey, I'm a dumbass. I forgot to send you these lines.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Not only did I not send them to you the one time. I put the wrong name in. Yes. And then you sent them to me, corrected, and I lost them. So I really was the dumbass for sure, for sure. Because there was a dumbass. the dumbass for sure for sure because there was a dumbass and i think that one time with the belt i was i think i was actually drinking a coors light and i had the bubbly in my throat i'm like this is a good opportunity right here for her to freaking take a belch and she could use some of
Starting point is 00:44:56 these some of these uh these these things were twins in the bar drinking like that'd be a great sound effect right there no doubt and you've And you've given me some good ones lately. Like now it really is TJ eating like. I threw some food in my mouth. I was like smacking as I ate. I'm like, this is what TJ would do. Nobody's going to tell him to chew with his mouth shut. It's true.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Nobody ever did teach him table manners. He's just like the smacker. He was raised by Mr. Lee, so he's going to chew with his mouth open. He don't care. Right? He don't care. No. Now, that wasn't on the agenda for TJ's training there.
Starting point is 00:45:38 No. And he actually has some stumbling when it comes to actually treating ladies differently than just women in general. He has that issue coming up. If you're really a lady, I might stop calling you girly and call you by your actual name. Yes. That's about the max of it. Max height right there. You just got promoted from girly to theresa now that that story crafts in really nice too i'm excited to uh show you guys
Starting point is 00:46:15 the beginning of that um i actually have dane um possibly helping me out with one of the scripts because of the battle scene, like endless battle scenes. Yeah, so we're working on some of that or else I'd be sending out audios to get them done. But you got a bunch of stuff to work on already. Yeah, I'm actually behind because I think the last set of lines I sent to you was, I did like a half of it. Yep. And then the other half I still owe you. And then you sent me a whole other sheet or PDF file full of lines. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yep. Yep. That's okay. I'm building again. So I was like, take a minute, celebrate season three. Done. Now we go again. I'm not ready to start recording again, though, and send you some more.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Because I got the time now because I like working and being retired. I'm semi-retired because I work a lot of hours as a part-time police officer. But on the days, like I just got off for a whole week. I don't go back until Wednesday. For me, that's a long stretch of time off because I usually work in two three days a week um so I I'm doing something tomorrow and I'm also building like not a deck I'm gonna be doing that real soon but I'm like refurbishing or remodeling my uh my basement entranceway but um tomorrow I think I'm going to spend some time doing some recording I'll knock it all out and it'll take me a couple
Starting point is 00:47:42 hours probably and then I don't have to worry about it for a while yeah yeah that's what that was my thought with being able to get a bunch of audio out early is that way people only had to record like twice you know um so i could go i i have another set ready i just have to actually get those out and and move into people. But, yeah, fun stuff for sure. Good times, great oldies. Right? I know. So, Debbie, what's on the agenda for your upcoming week? I have three events that I'm going to be executing,
Starting point is 00:48:20 which are going to be pretty chaotic. So that's fun. And explain to people when you say events like um give them an idea kind of what what you actually do during the day so i help with conferences i'm a project manager who handles the audio visual um so that would be your speakers projectors any like scenic pieces for events so corporate events so people going to conferences or galas that type of stuff so i'm usually handling projects that are 200 000 plus and there's a lot of moving parts usually our customers don't necessarily know what they want and they bring with pop-ups and we have to make magic happen with limited resources so it's it's a lot of work it's it's pretty stressful i was gonna say you're like so humble about it and like you do amazing things these the conference centers are like full-on like a visual
Starting point is 00:49:28 everything always looks so beautiful and you're like yeah i manage some working parts you do incredible things well i'm only as good as the team that i have behind me so if i have subpar team members with helping with the sets it's going to look subpar so I usually try to bring in people that I already know I can trust and I could just set free and be like okay guys do your jobs I know you do I don't need to micromanage you so have fun so and I usually bring like I have access to our specialists who each have their own designated area. And then if they have questions, they come to me and ask me what they need. So that's cool. Yeah, the delegate. It is really nice having people that I can delegate because I can't do
Starting point is 00:50:18 everything. It's incredible, though. I've seen some of your pictures. And that is like, it's incredible though. I've seen some of your pictures and that is like, it's phenomenal. Uh, good stuff. So, and then what about, um, in the preparedness world, you're, I know you're working on something. So what are you doing there? So I have multiple projects that I've been working on in the preparedness world. Um, we have, uh, we, my friend Hungy, we started a group called a Kitsap Garden and Homestead. It's, it's a local, um, group that we set up for people who want to get into homesteading or learning self-sufficiency. So we have classes that we do when I'm off.
Starting point is 00:50:59 We usually host them at one of our members' houses. We've had, uh, recently we did a sourdough class. How and how to take care of your starter. Oh, I was going to tell you when you were talking about that before. I actually so I tried to make wine last year from my peaches. I ended up with vinegar because I was actually too patient, which. Wow. OK. Yeah. I'm never patient. So I was actually too patient which wow okay yeah i'm never patient so i was actually too big
Starting point is 00:51:28 but now we have like the mother growing in that so it's kind of from what i've been researching it because i've been researching for a while to know how to do my own vinegar so i can can when you know when you have to right when you can't just go to the store and buy vinegar when you know when you have to right when you can't just go to the store and buy vinegar and the mother is just like with sourdough how you have like that starter right and so the mother can make the other stuff turn to vinegar faster so it's been a really cool experiment as well um to do that we had a ton of extra fruit so it was like, you know, let's try and make some. It is so much fun when you start getting into fermenting. When I was living in California, I've made a lot of kombucha. I love kombucha.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It's so good. Well, when you make it homemade, it is so delicious because you choose the fruits that you go in. You can choose how much of the fruit you want it. You get to choose how strong that stuff from the store is nasty dude oh no no homemade kombucha is a total different level from the store-bought stuff store-bought stuff tends to be over um fermented have you ever tried it doug no oh all right i know what i'm bringing to Prepper Camp for you to try. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:46 So, I mean, and there's different types of kombucha. There's like a green tea kombucha, which is called June. And then there's like regular kombucha, which is a black tea that's been fermented. And it can turn to vinegar and it can also turn into alcohol. Okay. vinegar and it can also turn into alcohol so but um in the process like you get a lot of yeast because that's part of the scoby that's in there so i made sourdough starter with the oh from that so you could do the same thing with your vinegar and make your own sourdough starter and start it off that way or you can even take a leaf from outside. Like a kale leaf.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Or if you have something growing in your garden. And just stick it in some water. And let it sit. And then you can take that water. It will have the yeast in it. And introduce it into your flour mixture. And make your own sourdough from your natural yeast that's in your area. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:53:41 So there's a lot of really fun things. We did it off of juniper berries one time yeah i didn't think about from the vinegar though that's that's another reason why it's a good thing then yeah yeah i mean there's there's a lot of things you can do because you know it's using what you have versus constantly going like you don't need to go to the store to buy yeast because it's natural everywhere yeah you just need to know how to collect it and store it um and then you have like we so once we we did the sourdough we did a clamming class where we brought a bunch of our members out showed them how to clam taught them how to go squid jigging we've also had ryan came last year and taught a freeze drying
Starting point is 00:54:34 class because we had a huge group by and that had a whole amount of traction we had more people than we normally have come to our classes that's amazing that's cool that you're doing the community stuff because that's uh you know so necessary um that's interesting we're gonna do a show on just that coming up yeah it's it's really great too because it's opening people's mind to what preparedness actually is and that preppers aren't crazy. So, like, there's this huge, like, gap because the way the media paints people versus what reality is. In California, it was definitely that way. Texas is not, like, so bad.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Everybody's still very independently minded in Texas. I mean, not everybody, but in this area, you see a lot more of it. It's normal beat. But I do see an uptake in people that are interested that weren't before. Are you seeing that kind of trend, Doug? Or are you just about beating the show? Not really. Because Southern Illinois because people are like
Starting point is 00:55:45 they're like completely detached i think they've become comfortable um we got there's two two class of people in in southern illinois there's like like like like the lower class and then the upper class and there's like nothing in the middle you know people are lower class they don't really care a lot of them are on government. They don't really care. A lot of them are on government dependence. They don't really care about anything anyway. And the upper class don't worry about too much because they're financially taken care of. And so you don't get anybody that's really preparing or, you know, any kind of survival mindset. And that's why I was unaware of any kind of a prep or group or expo or any kind of show or anything like that normally.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Because I've never been aware of any that exists here except the Belleville Gun gun and knife show that, you know, is pretty much the annual event. But that's the only kind that I know of, anyway, in Illinois. It just, it's not a thing. And you don't see groups here. I had a militia group several years ago, but, like, the attendance is, like, people just don't care. That got fired up because Barack Obama had just become president. Everybody was worried that there was going to be, they were looking at his voting record and was afraid that there was going to be a bunch of anti-gun movement and stuff like that. And they were absolutely terrified.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Oh yeah, I remember them gun sales went crazy. They did, great gun salesmen. And so that brought a lot of like militia groups and stuff out. And I was an officer in one of those militia groups. I started something and then eventually moved that group over to a bigger group. And it kind of arrived to i guess people when they see that things aren't as bad as they suppose that they're going to be they just kind of break up crazy that's a good point though about how people you know are either too poor to prepare like the economy's crushing us all right now yeah everybody's in one way or the other yeah and then if you're wealthy you're part of that that percentage that's like yeah everything's great you're gonna just carry on isn't it wonderful which which is like one of the things that we're
Starting point is 00:57:38 we're teaching people it's like you can prepare with very limited means and you just need to know your region what you have available to you and you also have to have those skill sets in order to do so so that's the the big picture that we're teaching everybody it's like you can grow your food you could preserve that food and just because um somebody says you can't do it doesn't mean you can't you can't right because they they don't have like we did a canning class at one point where we were teaching canning and there's a lot of misconceptions on what you can and cannot can and the methods that you use to do it and i'm i'm a huge like like okay so this is these are the facts this is you know botulism needs these conditions this is the temperature you kill the spore this is how you destroy the toxic
Starting point is 00:58:36 if you're in doubt and you're hungry boil it for 15 minutes it will kill the toxin and that's what makes you sick because everything there's spotulism spores everywhere it's in our air it floats around it's on your countertops you just have to know how to safely process it and get it done and that's how yeah i did corn in the hot water bath one time not such a good idea no no i love my pressure canner yeah i i do a lot of pressure canning like i'll like if we make soups or chilies or stews it goes in the pressure canner if there's leftovers right and that's the way that i did by it because i was like i'm gonna blow something up because i'm really good at breaking things. And so I was like, Brock, you're in charge of the pressure canner because I can just imagine the lid of this thing sticking out of our ceiling.
Starting point is 00:59:35 It's not going to be good. It's going to be good. Yeah. Yeah. I know I break things, so I'm good. As long as you're checking your seals and making sure that you're not drying out the bottom of your pressure canner. I have an electric one that I love. I prefer to use that because it has a timer.
Starting point is 00:59:58 It tells me when it's ready. It's stupid proof, but it's not stupid proof, if that makes sense. But better! We have, like, the giant one that, like, you can do, like, two rows of quarts in it, and I'm just like, oh, this is a huge, I'm going to blow something up, I know it. I'm just really mad. And it's great, because, like, I can a lot of meats via pressure canning. And it's so nice because it just gives me the shelf and it clears out the refrigerator. Like we have a freezer right now that's just full of fruit that we haven't even gotten to making our jams with. Because we get a lot of free fruit up here.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yeah, no, it's the area too, though. It's the area for sure. Yeah, it's definitely the area and then yeah or like worth their weight in gold it it really is and we also have a uh like several csa's that we've set up so that our members can get just like the get in on the prices we got an llc and an ein number so that way we can get and a wholesale um so we we can get wholesale pricing which is what we did with harvest right we got everybody below it was even lower than their black uh black friday deal and so we had a lot of people interested saved almost a thousand dollars per freeze dryer which is if i was gonna be like in a permanent location because i know this isn't the forever
Starting point is 01:01:30 place um yeah i would definitely be looking at the freeze dryer as well i'm just a little concerned there's concerns i have about them i'll have to do another show on that as well we'll we'll do the freeze dryer show and get ryan on here so but we're we're we're at the time and uh i really appreciate you guys coming to the show tonight that was great i love to do the blooper shows and just laugh so now you know where to find the bloopers and we can always laugh at tj we want to. That'll be fun. What? You laugh away.
Starting point is 01:02:08 He'll get you, girlie. We'll see. She's slippery. Yeah, she's slippery. Alrighty, guys. Thank you for listening to the show today. Thanks for coming, JB. Thanks for all, everything.
Starting point is 01:02:25 There's a huge thank you for both of you guys. I appreciate all that you do for the show and bringing my dream to reality so appreciate you very much you're welcome very much all right thank you all righty guys until next time remember dream survive thrive thank you for joining sar joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land, The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcast, become a supporter while you're there.

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