The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Clean Slate Protocol: Happy Bday Washington
Episode Date: February 22, 2024
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While I give you these assurances and I pledge myself in the most unequivocal manner
to exert whatever ability I am possessed of in your favor,
let me entreat you, gentlemen, on your part,
not to take any measures which, viewed in the calm light of reason,
will lessen the dignity and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained.
Let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your country
and place a full confidence in the purity of the intentions of Congress.
And let me conjure you in the name of our common country
as you value your own sacred honor,
as you respect the rights of humanity, and as you value your own sacred honor, as you respect the rights of
humanity, and as you regard the military and national character of America, to express your
utmost horror and detestation of the man who wishes under any specious pretenses to overturn
the liberties of our country, and who wickedly attempts to open the floodgates of civil discord
and deluge our rising empire in blood.
Today's February 22nd, 2024.
The birth of George Washington.
The birthday of George Washington,
whom we've coupled and compiled and mashed and smashed with other great men of history into a day that is somewhat a brief stop to commerce was far too much for our
nation to bear. So we clumped all of our great people into one day called President's Day.
It helped us to forget about them. It helped us to forget about the greatness of a man like George Washington, who was basically begged to be president.
A man who, at the end of his nightmarish term as general,
decided that he would do something that was basically unheard of,
and that was hand in his resignation.
George Washington decided at the end of the Revolutionary War, despite being loved by
all and being at the helm of all the power, that he would hand in his resignation and
head back to Mount Vernon.
And maybe that seems like not such a big deal to you because you know the story,
but I'd like for you for a moment to imagine having fought the type of war that Washington
had just fought, having seen the things that you have seen, having overcome the odds that you have
overcome, having delivered to the people what it is you have delivered, and knowing that you are now standing in position to rule over this great land.
No one positioned higher or better than you to rule over this great land.
You have the precedent of revolutions before you and conquerors before you to understand that
the man at the military helm is the man who holds the power.
It's the man who becomes king.
It's the man who takes over and so on and so forth.
And rather than take advantage of said power, the first president of the United States
resigned that power
and returned to his home.
He resigned that power, returned to his home,
and would not become king
and would not even want to become president,
but for the constant, you know,
bother of the people,
saying that the very nation itself depends on it.
You hear a story like that, it's hard to imagine, you know, it's hard to imagine a person in this
day and age. We see a lot of people in the private sector who are somewhat like Washington.
are somewhat like Washington, they're remiss to give up their life for the country. But I don't think that was Washington's take. I think his take was we don't want a king.
And I am not a king type, and I don't really fully understand, you know, what my role as president would, how that would be beneficial.
Now we have great people who would rather enjoy their life
than sacrifice it for the nation,
even in a four-year stint and all that goes along with it.
Don't for a second think that Donald Trump and Joe Biden
are the people who, you know, they're the top of the heap.
It's laughable.
It's laughable when you consider it.
And I really do believe that the best thing for the country right here and now,
and I know there's a lot of people listening who are putting all their eggs in the Trump basket,
and, you know, I'd definitely recommend you put your,
never put all your eggs in the basket of another man.
I think they both have to go.
I think that's the best move.
You know, if you look at the country and you say to yourself,
what's the best move for America?
This is something that the founders did.
This is something that George Washington, this is the way people used to think, you know?
This is the way that people used to think.
They didn't think like, F the other side,
my side's winning at all costs.
They used to have, you know, conversations
and deep thoughts about the nature of the country
and the future of the country.
What's the best thing for the country right now?
I don't think the best thing for America right now is to have Joe Biden as president. I don't think the best thing for America right now is to have Donald Trump as
president. I think all of the great aims of Donald Trump can be met by other men, truly.
I have been called lately, man, I'm telling you, to push this issue.
It's not a favorable issue, even in my world.
But to me, as the days go on, the days go on and on and on,
it seems ever more evident to me that the best thing to do right now
would be an unprecedented request, an unprecedented
move and an unprecedented request from the American people to say, you know, we want
them both out.
We don't want these guys as options.
There's 300 million American people who could do this job.
And we don't want Donald Trump. We don't want Joe Biden.
You have to see the bigger picture here, you know what I mean, to understand what I'm getting at.
It's not just the fact that we don't want Donald Trump. It's not just the fact that we don't want Donald Trump. It's not just the fact that we
don't want Joe Biden. But we are also at a point where everything that the American people say and
do is disregarded, right? Everything that either side says and does now, this is where we're at,
is disregarded, particularly by the government.
The government base, the Congress, the executive branch, they basically say, whatever, you
know, we'll move forward as planned. We'll move forward as planned. So I think it's a
good time in the history of the country for the Americans' people will to be done. The
question is, how do you pull something
like that off? How do you create a clean slate movement? How do you create a clean slate movement
that looks to remove the two most popular candidates and start from scratch?
How do you do that? You do it probably with massive protests all around the country, right?
You know, the beautiful thing about a clean slate protest, think about this.
The beautiful thing about a clean slate protest,
in other words, the protest that speaks to the fact and the idea
that we want Biden out and we want Trump out,
and we want two new people.
Come on.
Out of 300 million, we want two other and we want two new people. Come on. Out of 300 million,
we want two other people who can do this job. The beautiful thing about a clean slate protest is it invites every American citizen. That's what it invites. It invites every American citizen.
It invites the Democrats who say, you know what, I don't like Trump and I damn sure don't like
Biden. It invites the Republicans who say, I don't like Biden and I think we can do better than Donald Trump.
It invites everybody out together.
There's no need for Antifa to show up.
We're not supporting anyone.
There's no need for the sons or...
What's the khaki wearing guys with the masks?
First of all, can I say something real quick off topic?
If you're wearing a mask and you're part of a movement,
you're not part of a movement.
Let's just go with that.
You're a coward.
Can we say that?
It's not 2020 anymore.
Take your stupid mask off.
If you believe in something enough to die for it, why are you covering your identity up?
How do you expect people to take you seriously?
From Antifa marching, from the climate activists marching, from the pro-Palestinians marching,
to the Nazis marching in whatever state they were marching in.
Mask, mask, mask, mask, mask.
This isn't the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
If you believe in it, take your mask off.
This is a protest. It doesn't require masks.
No one has to hide their identity.
Nobody has to hide their identity to say they went to the clean slate protest.
Nobody has to. It doesn't have to exist.
We could fill the National Mall easily because nobody likes the candidates to begin with.
Yeah, we know that more will get done for the American people should Donald Trump get into office.
But that's a long road to hoe.
The battles that will happen in this nation between neighbors, are they worth it?
Are they worth it?
The damage that will be done to this nation, is it worth it for Joe Biden?
Is it worth it for Donald Trump? Or is the right thing to do, is the right answer for the people
to stand up and say, hey, this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and the people are saying it's time to hit reset.
We've got a man who has been raked over the coals for every mistake he's ever made,
and then we've got another man who makes mistakes every single day of his life
and is largely a forgotten entity in the presidential history,
in the executive branch, in the planning of the world,
in the process of the world, in the collapse of the world.
And both of them are 80 years old.
And how about we get a mind in here that's 40, half the age,
we get a mind in here that's 40, half the age, 10 times the energy, because the country is crumbling. Again, it's an unfavorable take, I know it is, but I'm calling it the clean
slate. And what scares me most about it is I can't get it off my mind. And when usually when something sticks in my mind,
it winds up taking front center attention. It's not too late. It's never too late.
You know what I mean? I keep hearing that it's too late to do anything about Trump and Biden.
late to do anything about Trump and Biden. What are you talking about? Says who? Says who?
I wonder, this is what I wonder about the it's too late crowd. In December, when you're rubbing your hands together in front of the fire that was once your city's capital building. I wonder if you will say to yourself, well, it's a damn sure good thing that we didn't make a switch earlier on because it would have been too late anyway.
What do you think, PBM family?
You ready to do something bold?
You know, a lot of people are ready to do something bold.
They're ready to throw a they're ready to fight for the freedoms of the nation right what does that even mean
you know people want to do something people want something big to happen for the people for the
for the nation for the rights and the liberties of the people. They want something big. The government needs to see something big.
These pricks in Congress need to see something big from the people.
The way that we feel about them is the same way that they feel about us.
They're not going to do anything, right?
To get out there and to lock arms as a nation, as a people,
in a protest of that magnitude and of that power,
with the subject line being, give me two new candidates.
We haven't seen anything like it in the country,
in my estimation, in my opinion.
Give me your thoughts.
I want to know what you think.
Now, I do appreciate you all, and I do value your opinions,
but there are some ideas that I get that supersede your opinions.
Now, what was crazy to me is I was thinking about this concept. I was thinking
about the concept of a person who would come out of the shadows to run the country,
people who might be inspired to and effective at running the nation,
given the fact that all of a sudden the playing field has been
And I was thinking about those people like George Washington.
See, I woke up this morning and didn't know that it was George Washington's birthday.
I had no clue.
I don't know that kind of stuff.
I'm not that smart. But I was looking over
sort of the writings and the historians' words about Washington's unwillingness to be king
of the United States and his desire to resign his power at the end of the war, because that's
who we're looking for. And I was all fired up on this idea about the possibility of cleaning the slate.
And then I typed in George Washington's famous speeches,
and it gave me an overview of George Washington that popped up on the right side of my screen,
and it showed me that his birthday was today.
It showed me that February 22nd was George Washington's birthday,
which is not something I had committed to memory.
And when I saw that,
it was a weird feeling, man.
It was a feeling like someone was calling out to me,
like something was calling out to me, like something was calling out to me.
This morning, this was not on my list of to-dos,
this was just a drinking coffee, feeling inspired, running with an idea,
first thing in the morning, getting the engine revved up for the day.
And it all culminated around this idea that the man who could have been king
resigned his power and decided not to be king,
and that potentially that's exactly the type of person we're looking for today.
Not a guy who is intent on being king, but a man who doesn't want it, but will do it out of sheer duty.
And maybe even give the reins up in four years and say, that's all for me.
No desire to run again.
And in a little bit of research, I found myself staring at the fact that I had been inspired by all this. Now, maybe it was subconscious. I don't know. But I had been inspired by all this
on the morning of the birth of our first president.
on the morning of the birth of our first president.
I'm no detective, but I don't believe in coincidences, PBN family.
Let me know what you think about the Clean Slate Protocol.
I know there are many forever Trumpers out there, and I can appreciate it.
But this is bigger than Donald Trump.
You have to wrap your head around that.
I will talk to you guys soon.
It is Thursday.
Enjoy the shows.
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Get prepared.
I know this had nothing to do with preparedness whatsoever.
You just got a hard line from the intrepid commander of what's on my mind and whatever. We'll see where it goes from there.
Make life an adventure, okay?
There's a lot of fun stuff to do out there.
Stop pretending like you're stuck, you know?
You can change your whole life.
One big idea.
I'll talk to you soon, folks.
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