The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Great PBN Flood

Episode Date: September 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to P.B.N. You're playing back the stability here. The great PBN flood is upon us, folks. I have a feeling that it's almost, barring a major collapse that affects the entire planet or the entirety of the United States, there may never be an imminent threat to so many of the PBN hosts as there is at this moment. So first and foremost, all kidding aside, in your quiet time or your free time today, I ask that you say a prayer for the folks there in Saluda because, you know, we want them to be safe. We want them to get out in a timely manner, safely. The storm has not yet had its way with them completely.
Starting point is 00:01:21 It looks to me like, well, let me give it to you straight. I've been watching this thing, I told you yesterday, by Thursday midday. No, I'm sorry, Wednesday midday. I knew I wasn't going. And I was very clear about that. But since then, and even before then, I've become something like a neurotic parent. watching Asheville news, watching radar, watching newscasts to see what the hell was going to happen and when the hell it was going to happen. And now it's happening and I'm still watching it. The scariest stuff is on Twitter. I seen a poor guy's house roof blow off in Asheville. Terrible. And, you know, now we're also getting information and updates from the ground there at Prepper Camp. You know, my number one concern right now is just that it stops at two o'clock Friday. That's when it's supposed to really roll out of town, 2 p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Friday, right? So in whatever that is, five, six hours, it's gone. The sun comes out. And those next two and a half days are, I just don't know the terrain and I don't know how it works. But I just hope that in the next two and a half days. The rising of the rivers happens and then the receding of the rivers happens, you know, because I know there's going to be, once this thing rolls through, there's going to be a time for cresting of rivers
Starting point is 00:03:12 and all that. That's how any kind of flood situation works. And maybe that, you know, hopefully that's Saturday. Saturday we get the high crests. Then things go down Sunday by Sunday evening when people are pulling out. That's what I'm hoping for. So hope for that with me. Like I said, in your quiet time, pray for the PBN hosts up there on the mountain.
Starting point is 00:03:39 That this thing, that we've seen essentially the worst of it. And that they'll make it home when they're supposed to make it home. Should I tell you my gut feeling? My gut feeling is that they're in for an extended stay in Saluda. That's my gut feeling. Hopefully that's wrong. Okay. I don't know the area as well. Um, I don't know the like,
Starting point is 00:04:08 like alternate routes out of town. I've taken like two routes out of town. There's not a lot of routes into town. That's what makes me most nervous. You know, I don't know the direction everybody's going and what they're going to run into, but, you know, God willing, they get out of there Sunday, maybe midday or something like that, because I don't know. I mean, tomorrow we'll see what the whole thing looks like. As sort of as I think my responsibility in all honesty at this point as who I am, right, as the intrepid, hold on on let me play the soundbite i mean i can finally play the soundbite at the right the intrepid commander
Starting point is 00:04:51 all jokes aside though at my responsibility at this point would be like to seriously warn you not to go unless i don't know unless something changes dramatically on the landscape at prepper camp um because right now the the videos footage that i'm getting there is it's not a place to go have an event right now who knows you know the drainage and all that hopefully it's it's quick and i'll pop on and let you know. I'll be getting videos and stuff. Once the sun comes out, once the rain stops, we'll see, you know what I mean, if things start to recede. And I'll definitely keep you up to date on what's going on at Orchard Lake Campground.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But if it stays like it is now, and like I said, we got hours more of rain, or if it gets worse, me personally, I can't get up on the microphone and tell the listening audience, you should drive down there. You know what I mean? Because it just, it looks really bad right now. So yeah, thoughts and prayers. You know what I mean? Let's get these people home safe. They'll have stories to tell. The good thing is they've got each other The good thing is they've got the brotherhood
Starting point is 00:06:10 They're eating breakfast right now The camaraderie, they're going through it together And that's a plus That's a plus It's always good to see each other Yeah Another great reminder Helene Helene, for those of us lucky enough to have escaped it, another great reminder, you know, of why we do what we do.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And you should, if you're not getting blasted, you should do it too, right? You should take this as an opportunity to say, you know. I take this as an opportunity to say, you know, one thing that I always talk about that I think gets very little play in the prepper world, and I say it because I see it. You know, I say it because I see it. One of the things that gets very little play is evacuation. You know, I always feel like as Americans and maybe at large in the world, humans do a pretty bad job at evacuation. And, you know, life and limb is a thing, you know. So maybe shore that up this weekend, you know, in honor of, if this hurricane turned this way or went that way and wound up coming to me, what would I do? What would my plan be? If I had to leave in the next 48 hours, what would I take? What could I do? You know, if I knew for a fact that my house would be
Starting point is 00:07:39 underwater, what would you do? What would you take? I heard a real, my wife told me this morning about a family that did something I thought was pretty interesting. You know, they were Floridians. So they were well-practiced. They were one of these Floridians that were clearly well-practiced in the art of evacuation. And they basically got movers and like storage uh for their appliances you know so they they loaded up
Starting point is 00:08:08 all their valuable things uh and and took them you know to the highland to storage and i'm talking you know all your expensive appliances your three thousand dollar smart refrigerator your range you know load that stuff up in your trucks, drive it the hell out of there and drive it back. Again, that might seem extreme to you, but I think it's important to contemplate these kinds of things and what you would do if you're in that situation, right? Harris is headed to the border amid the chaos of what's happening on the East Coast. You know she ain't going to be over here, right?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Harris saw the hurricane. She said, oh, crap, now where can I go? California is a wreck. Now the East Coast is a wreck. I guess I'll head down to the border. I got to do it. So she heads Friday to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona looking to recharge her candidacy in a key battleground state where she's losing ground to former President Donald Trump. Look, this is all I'm going to say about you border states, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:13 If any of you border states vote Democrat, I might secede from you. You know what I'm saying? It might be better if you just join Mexico because I have no—I just have no—and, of course, we have to assume that the numbers that come in are actually the numbers. But who in their right mind could be living in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and saying to themselves, yeah, let's vote Democrat. They'll take care of this border situation. Yeah, let's vote Democrat. They'll take care of this border situation. It's been great the last four years. We've got a lot of new friends. They sleep on our front yard. They sleep in our pools.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Every so often, they just come in the front door. So, yeah, I'll have no sympathy for you guys if you decide to pull the trigger for Harris down there. In her remarks, she's expected to slam Trump for encouraging Republican senators. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's her only—that's the only weapon she has. She has one weapon at the border, in the border conversation, and it's this idea that Donald Trump, like, forced all the Republicans to not vote for the border bill. And then she can somehow string this, like, paper mache connection between that and the border crisis. Now, granted, that bill didn't even come to fruition until Joe Biden was just about to be, you know, essentially campaigning again. Remember? It was like the spring of 24. The spring of 24, Joe Biden woke up from a deep sleep and was like,
Starting point is 00:10:54 oh, we better get something done on this border three years into it. Three and a half. It was laughable. The timing was, the timing was to make you more of an idiot. That's what the timing was. The timing was, let's give these idiots something to get excited about at the border because, you know, I've let them run roughshod for the last three and a half years. I've destroyed everything that was done beforehand, and I've let these guys run roughshod. So let's give the idiots a little cookie cookie and then they'll vote for me again. That's exactly what that whole bipartisan
Starting point is 00:11:31 border bill was about. It wasn't about protecting you. They're already here. Tren de Agua was already here when he signed that bill. Or when he proposed that bill, whatever. So she's going to go down there and she's going to try to say that the whole border thing, if only Donald Trump had not pressured the Republican senators three and a half years into our administration to do something about the border, then it would have been a much better situation down there. And really it's just a mean white man doing his thing. And, you know, vote for me. I'll give you free homes and free money and free drugs and
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'll give you free this and free that. And we'll figure out how to convince you, because we know you're dumb, we'll figure out how to convince you that we're going to tax you at a higher rate and give you more quote unquote free stuff. Yeah, that sounds good. It's a wild world out there, PBN. I hope you're enjoying your time on it, though, because we have but a short dance in the sun. I'm not going to go on and on tonight. I'm sorry, today, tonight.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I do want to introduce you to something, though. I wasn't actually planning on doing this, but I'm very excited. I'm going to throw their freaking link in my show description. What a dummy. I never heard of these guys until about a month ago, in all clarity. These are, you know, you stumble into companies that are unbelievable. I found a company called Pack Fresh USA, the most trusted preservation and packaging manufacturer in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:13:20 They are direct from manufacturer. Is that the word I'm looking for? Anyhow, these guys, their business is Mylar bags, Mylar gusset bags, vacuum sealer bags, food-safe desiccants, oxygen absorbers, all that kind of stuff. This is what they do. Heat sealers, heavy-duty stand-up pouches. This is what they do, heat sealers, heavy-duty stand-up pouches. is a new sponsor here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Literally just yesterday we signed the agreements and everything. They're direct-from-manufacturer shipping. They do incredible prices. What I think is probably the coolest—oh, and for the hosts who are listening, if you're out there listening, don't worry, I'll contact you all. Anyway, but if you're out there and you're listening, we're going to send you some stuff. We're going to send you some really cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:17 The 100-pack. Okay, I want you guys to listen to this. This is going to go to the PBNbn hosts but i also want you guys to listen because it's a very cool pack i like the hosts to get some of our sponsors goods because then they can speak to it you know what i mean this guy is a 100 pack and it comes with 31 gallon bags, 41 quart Mylar, but these are Mylar bags, heat sealable Mylar bags, um, 31 gallons, 41 quart, 31 pint. It comes with a gang of oxygen absorbers, 30, 50, 3,500 CC, 4,300 CC, 3,100 CC. How many labels does it come with? It comes with a collection of labels.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Let me give you a number on labels. 100 adhesive labels. Well, that makes sense. 100 bags, 100 labels. Oh, you get a free mini bag sealer with purchase. Get a free little heat sealer with the purchase. Holy moly, check that out. Anyhow, and you get like a preservation guide to the Pack Fresh USA long-term food storage guide. See, they have an entire prepper university
Starting point is 00:15:32 on their Pack Fresh USA website. Like, they know what time it is, all right? Check them out, You'll be hearing much more about them. I'm going to get on with my friday folks it's 9 30 here on the east coast and i got a big day uh got some non-negotiables i gotta get out of the way and then i want to enjoy friday evening get into a great weekend yeah that's my game plan i hope you guys have a good weekend as well. You may hear from me a little more, like I said, as conditions change in Saluda. I'll give you a heads up. I'll let you know who's dead and who's alive. Just kidding. I'll let you know who. these waters recede and they can somehow figure out a way to cobble together a safe and effective prep or camp, maybe even just on a Sunday, but let's see.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I'll keep you up to date. Until then, lifetime membership available until the 30th. You're running out of time. There's only a few left. And take advantage of that deal, man. Take advantage of that deal. I've got a great piece of membership content for you. Top notch.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Dave Jones, the NBC guy, on his ride to Prepper Camp. God, I wish I could go back and tell him I saw the future. But anyway, a great piece of content, and it's basically like 20 minutes of Q&A on Quail. 20 minutes Q&A all about Quail. Really good stuff. Really good. Even if you think that Quail aren't for you, please listen to it because it is right from the horse's mouth. It'll make its way to the broadcast airwaves
Starting point is 00:17:26 as a podcast um but the members are going to get first shot at it that's part of the benefit you know what i mean um that's it i appreciate you guys support our great sponsors you know the deal um the the guy from, Troy, is a really great guy. And that man had almost everything that could happen to a guy preparing for an event happen to him. It was rough. I was getting emails about sort of his struggles as far back as like Monday, I think. And he's probably kind of happy that he didn't drive from Wisconsin now with a trailer full of heavy things to Prepper Camp. But at the same time, man, it was one hell of a week.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So if you haven't checked out, go check them out. They do the massive 20-foot EMP-proof containers, but they also do these 5-foot workboxes that are probably a little more in your budget and worth taking a look at. EMP-proof, 5-foot workbox, steel, you know what I mean? Serious EMP protection. All right, I'm not running any ads. I just did enough ads for the day. I will talk to you guys soon. See ya.

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