The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Grow Network
Episode Date: November 24, 2024Join Marjory Wildcraft joins us to discuss her preparedness journey and The Grow Network! Changing Earth Series Novels, available at Get your signed copies a...t your Changing Earth Gear at ChangingEarthSeries.comBecome a subscriber and help the Changing Earth world go around!Don’t forget to leave a review or like and Subscribe to the YouTube channel.
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Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host
Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that
will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your host, Sarah F. Hathaway
and Chen Gibson.
Hello and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 472.
Now I know that I promised you guys we're going to start into season three breakdown of the audio
drama for some survival tips, But I think you're going to
like what we got going on with the show much better today. A little bit of news update,
Changing Earth audio drama episode 10 is live. 11 is up for members right now. So if you are
a subscribing member, you can go over and check out episode 11 in a commercial free setting also changing earth
novels are on sale for an unheard of price head on over there pick up your series i only have like
14 of them left so get them now before christmas time they're gonna make a great gift already
that's all over at changing earth you can check it all out so hey jim
what's up hey jim's up y'all man you still have a day just rocking it out there in the recovery zone
uh one day you guys will get back to um some kind of normal yeah so our second guest on the show today we're honored
to have marjorie wildcraft on the show today marjorie reached out and i gotta tell you i'm
nothing but impressed so welcome marjorie why don't you uh say hi to the audience hey everybody
how are you doing yeah it's a good night we We got our live chat going. We'll see if anybody's got any questions for you as we go along. But let's get into it because you have some amazing materials. I think that the my audience would definitely be into. So why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself, explain a little bit of who you are, and then we'll get into the nitty gritty.
who you are and then we'll get into the nitty-gritty. Sure. Well, I'm the founder of the Grow Network and it's an online community of people who grow their own food and make their
own medicine. Most of us have a survival and preparedness bent, but that's just because we're
kind of, you know, people who grow food are a little bit practical and maybe a little bit more
aware, maybe a little bit more connected to what's going on in the world.
Yeah, I've been doing it for about 20 years.
And my first degree is in electrical engineering, and I'd always wanted to live overseas and manage to score a job with Motorola in Hong Kong.
And when I was there, and I grew up a little bit poor, and when I was there, I was always interested in money.
And some of my friends were like, hey, there's this guy who has this course all about wealth you want to go and I'm like what
do we know about it they said well his name's Robert and I'm like okay so I go and I take this
course and this this guy just blows my mind with like these concepts and he ultimately inspires me
to leave engineering and to create a real estate investment business, which I did in Austin, Texas. And it was so successful that Robert said, hey, would you be on my infomercials?
And that's how I was on national television for four years, selling Rich Dad, Poor Dad
for Robert Kiyosaki.
Oh, that's cool.
My wife loves that book.
Yeah, so he's awesome.
In person, he's really kind of a jerk, but what he teaches is great.
Yeah, and I was volunteering on a project. I had no idea that this was going to completely change my life.
I mean, really, by the time I was 40, I'd made my first million. I was like super stoked, ready to make my next 10 million you know and i was volunteering on this project to get locally grown food into an elementary school and we're outside of austin texas which pretty
progressive area um and that that that project was a complete failure and my life completely
changed because we found out there were not enough farmers to provide even part of the vegetables for
one small rural elementary school
and i had organized the meeting room at the at the community center and i could not stop shaking
uh because i knew there's only four days worth of food supply in the grocery stores i knew that food
got trucked in 1500 miles and i was surrounded by by 20 million Texans who were armed to the teeth.
And, you know, they talk about the nine days in anarchy, and I'm like, oh, my God.
Like, this really could happen.
And all of a sudden, the drive from Austin out to this little town called Red Rock made a bunch of sense.
It was a 45-minute drive.
And it's funny, when you live in the city or in the suburbs in the back of your mind whether
you're going to be honest about it or not you have the plan that if anything really bad happens you
can go out in the countryside and get stuff from the farmers right like that's your plan right
that's your thought uh-huh and there was no farmers and then all of a sudden that drive just
made sense because it was nothing out there you know maybe a few cows but you know a new dollar general going in or a new
subdivision there was no and i began to look around and there's like no food growing anywhere
like willie neslin with all his concerts did not save the family farm and uh amen i just so true
i just like i could i really literally like i, I couldn't get the chairs under the tables or turning off the lights or my husband drove me home, thank God, you know, like getting the key in the door to lock the building.
And I had nightmares and panic attacks and all I could think was farmers come from gardeners and we have to completely rebuild the food supply and we have to build resilience.
And I've got to learn how to grow food and I need to teach people how to grow food.
And, yeah, I mean, you know, I mean, there's lots of people who know how to make money.
I clearly was winning at that game.
But making money is not really like that important in the great scheme of things.
And I just said, well, I've got to, you know know this is this is what there's nobody's doing this
somebody needs to do this you know when you know somebody needs to do this you know who that is
right yeah yeah no and i loved your i loved your um website uh you guys got to go over and check this out. It is the grow Fantastic resources.
You're all the blogs are just really well done. You've got all kinds of educational items over
there. Really, really nice setup. So congrats to that. And then the community focus is just
never ending. That was, you you know like when we were talking
in the green room i always just grew up country so like i always had a garden and we were always
doing those things so for me it was like wait doesn't isn't this what everybody does you know
and then lucky you right yeah and then to get into a city environment going to college and stuff like that
um you know i'd meet people they've never seen a deer before and i'm like i mean those are like
rodents that's we eat them and you know yeah they're like in a petting zoo like what do you do
what so um when i started realizing the same thing that now our food industry has just
been so nationalized and literally sometimes are on a one-day food supply and to watch how fast
the um society just kind of unravels when they just have four days without power
and for me it really grew as far as like these are the things that i was taught that nobody
else knows so i need to share them so that everybody knows these things again because
it's important like you're saying that people become gardeners again it it really is i i went
to cuba in 2012 and it was a legitimate trip it wasn't one of those go through Canada, sneak around
things. I went with the Organic Consumers Association, Ronnie Cummins, who was the
founder of the Millions Against Monsanto movement, and they organized this. Awesome.
And I went and I specifically interviewed a lot. They had, like in early 1990s when the Soviet
Union came apart, Cuba had been utterly dependent on the Soviet Union.
And when the last ship pulled out of Havana, the economy dropped 60%.
The lights stopped working.
The water shut off.
The average Cuban lost 20 pounds.
I mean, it was, you know, it was like, bam, it's over with real fast.
It was like, bam, it's over with real fast.
And you know what really pulled them through was that there were just enough of those lunatics that, you know, the gardeners or the people that save seeds. There were just enough of them in different neighborhoods around, like, really.
And the whole society completely turned upside down.
upside you know so the the doctors and the lawyers and all that were now all of a sudden on the bottom of the social heap and the lowly gardeners were stepping up and taking leadership roles and
organizing people and and sharing seeds and teaching how to do stuff and um yeah backyard
food production is what humanity turns to in a cry same thing happened in russia when that when
when the soviet union fell apart same thing yeah all over the place yeah that's what humanity turns to in a crisis. Same thing happened in Russia when the Soviet Union fell apart.
Same thing all over the place.
That's what people go to.
Yeah, that's why I always preach, like, you're the leaders of tomorrow.
You know, you're listening, you're doing these things now.
In an event like that where we did lose the national supply chain,
you are the leader of tomorrow because you've been learning and educating.
You absolutely are. Yeah. You absolutely are. Yeah. So thank you to everybody who's
listening tonight. And, you know, please take it seriously as you are, you are being called
and, and, and you're stepping up and you're heeding that. And if there's any way I can help
you, I definitely want to do that. Yeah, I can tell the focus of your website is
so community oriented. And see, I started out thinking like, oh, wow, my family and I would
just go into the woods. You know, I'm from the country. So I'm not headed to the country. I'm
headed to the woods. And it was like, oh, yeah, you're just going to survive out there for six
months while the rest of the world falls apart. You know, first of all, like, are you going to
be able to put up with your family that long all the other people right with no electronics um yeah
i would but you know the joke's still there right yeah near the kids and that's the biggest the
biggest myth of the survival preparedness movement is that of the lone survivor i'm gonna take my
shotgun with my shells and my family and we're going to go out.
You're going to be dead so fast.
Yeah, you and like, yeah, how many other thousands of country people.
So it really came around to community. It took a couple of years, you know, to realize like you're not doing this without a village.
There's a reason that we have village as human beings.
And so that that sense of community is so important.
Let's get into your book. did you publish your your your book oh god that was 2021 okay published it yeah i wrote
it during the um the the lockdowns of course and i and i had negotiated actually i get penguin
random mouse i know this book it's incredible incredible, right? That is incredible. Yeah. Yeah. And we
had just negotiated the pandemic or plandemic or whatever you want to call it had just started. And
I really had to play a little bit hardball with them because they were all going a little slow.
And I said, look, this has got to happen now. And then the whole thing started to unfold. And
they're like, yeah, you're right. You know? And yeah, so it was the timing I had. I had all that
time with, you know, focus. And I was joking around i had i had all that time with you know focus and i
i was joking around with the universe i said look universe you did not need to shut the entire
planet down to make me focus on this book
fair i would have written it i promise well guys i would recommend this book a hundred percent i um am going to actually fine-tooth comb
some areas with my highlighter um i loved it that much um stories stories combined with teaching
is what i'm all about and that's what you're bringing to the table here um really really Really, really readable, easy to digest material.
Very beginner level with like thousands of pro tips just scattered in there.
So, I mean, great beginner source.
If you know somebody for Christmas that's interested in gardening, just starting the journey, that kind of thing into self-sufficiency, this is a great pickup for it.
With awesome references and links in there as well. uh kudos to you very well done um i know i know what it's like
putting these this material together you know so it's really i tried to i tried to make it
multi-dimensional to to really appeal at a lot of different levels and and i would like to say i
know i know everybody always thinks about me about gardening, but I talk in that book about how to grow half of your own food in a backyard size space in less than an hour a day. And it's not clickbait. I mean, I've taught really literally hundreds of thousands of people how to do that. And honestly, animal products are, you know, the flock of chickens for eggs and some rabbits for meat, far more efficient and productive than gardens.
But you want to have diversity.
So, yeah.
Actually, Texas taught me that.
I homesteaded in Texas for 15 years.
And I'm going to tell you, vegetable gardening in Texas is you got to be a real badass to make that happen.
And animal products are so much easier
I mean that's why Texas is famous for cows right like it's just animals are easier yeah that's why
my greenhouse is going to grow like lentils for the chickens you know because I know I can make
that that happen and yeah so the chickens are always good and the rabbits of course great
you know they're great animals to have around um one of the things that i really picked up on was
the water you know because we came off a well we always we had wells for years and now i'm finally
in like this urban-esque setting people say i'm in the country but for me this is really urban
it's only an acre right and uh we
have municipal water I kept telling my husband that you know I don't like using this stuff so
the the soil ideas that you had about doing basically the throwaway layer of the compost
with like a mulch on top if you have to use that water makes complete sense and filter it out a
little bit yeah put up a rainwater collection system and just grab some water off the roof and use that for irrigation.
Yeah, that's what we're going to build onto the greenhouse.
So water here where I'm at is horrible.
I mean, the drinking water.
And so what I do is I just collect a little rainwater and I filter it with a Berkey and that's what I drink.
Got you.
Even filtering with a Berkey, the city water, it's awful.
So anyway, yeah, big fan of rainwater.
Yeah, I like the Alexa Pure systems, the stainless steel systems.
Those are really nice.
We had a lot of sulfur and yuckiness in our old well.
Iron and whatnot.
And it works really, really slick for it, the Alexa Pure system.
I know that you're working on a project, and Chin wanted to pick your brain on it,
so why don't you guys go off on more soil?
Well, it's important.
It's important because I want to know that your garden is going to be able to produce well in the future.
Well, yeah.
produce well in the future well yeah i mean in my mind after the storm came rolling through everything's about the change of of of our whole community and when i saw your your um
your youtube channel you had a project about um testing and um the soil so i thought i'd love to
pick your brain hear a little bit about how that's going and
what you're seeing for helping to improve the soil detox yeah yeah yeah yeah so i got involved
with this group it was originally called the earth council but it turns out the clintons own that
domain name so we've changed it to shared earth foundation um and, you know, Joel Salatin and a bunch of people that I,
a bunch of them I don't know, but really,
and just all of them amazing individuals.
And there was these two gentlemen there that claimed to have these minerals
and microbes that would detoxify soil.
And they said it would, you know, destroy forever chemicals
and it would turn heavy metals into omega-3 fatty acids, and it would glyphosate.
For people who don't know, talk about what the forever chemicals are.
Yeah, PFAS.
So PFAS are the forever chemicals.
And these are, oh, God, some kind of chemical.
They're just that.
They're forever.
You can't get rid of them, and they're like polyfluoride, chloride, or whatever.
Get sprayed into our environment from various sources.
You know, interesting where most of them come from is,
so the sewage systems in pretty much every municipality in the United States,
what they do is the solid waste from
it is they compost it and then they bag it up and sell it to you or they give it to farmers
and truckloads and it's called it's bio sludge but but when they get done with it it's organic
fertilizer and um it is it on the bag you'll see see it. And it has these innocent names.
In Austin, it's called Dillo Dirt.
And it's called Organite.
And, you know, it sounds all this nice stuff.
And what it is is the biosolids from the Minnesota.
And so everything that goes down the toilet and all the pharmaceuticals and everything, your Aunt Teresa, you know, she was done with that furniture polish.
And then, of course, the hospitals and what they'rea you know the she was done with that furniture polish and then of
course the the hospitals and what they're you know everything and they their composting is you know a
minimal amount i mean when you get a bag of this stuff and you open it up it it has this really
rank chemical smell it doesn't smell like human feces but it is just the nastiest smelling
stuff but it says organic all over the bag and it'll
even tell you you can put it on your vegetables and i have tested it and it's got these forever
chemicals it's got all kinds of stuff in it right um and so anyway these guys said they had a way to
remediate that and and normally i'd be like and i-hmm, and I got some acreage, you know.
Yeah, yeah.
We're at a bridge in Arizona, all the different jokes we have.
But, you know, honestly, I realize almost everything I have been lied to.
Our human history is a complete fabrication, and I'm realizing that most of the science that I've learned is junk.
fabrication and i'm realizing that most of the science that i've learned is junk um and really at this point in time we we are in the apocalypse which is the lifting of the veil and there's so
much changing and realizing and opening and i said well maybe you know it's easy enough to just
grow a couple of garden beds and test it out and see you know just see right right yeah what
happens and uh yeah and i was blown away because we did
destroy for it forever chemicals and i knew actually before i even tested it that it was
that it was working because you know when i'm taking the soil samples i'm i'm smelling it
and the quality of the soil yeah it changed it smelled like really really good earth the side
that i put the minerals and microbes in
the side that was still the the i call it shit soil the bio sludge was this this nasty you know
chemical kind of nasty smell um the thing is is there like people don't know i mean they're selling
this as organic and and i thought at first of all maybe there's some kind of litigation for fraud that's not exactly the way i like to roll right but this is completely
sanctioned by the fda and the usd and all the does and all that and i was just like well that's not
my i'm you know i'm not into the whole legal litigation fight stuff that's just not my scene um so yeah so and i've i've done some tests now on the heavy
metals and they're inconclusive i'm going to do more and glyphosate is pretty well known that
there are microbes that can destroy glyphosate the um the question is is some of these thousands
the thousand microbes that are in this kit do they they do it? And I'm pretty confident they do, but, you know, we've got to test.
So I started a fundraiser.
It's the forward slash fundraiser.
Yeah, right?
I know, right?
Oh, my God.
I used to try to be so good with headlines and all that, and I forget it.
I hear you.
Let's get the job done after a while.
That's right.
I feel good enough about the testing that I've done so far that we're pre-selling the
kits, which we'll be able to deliver it in January.
And I'm asking people, one PFAS test is $450.
I'm using certified labs and everything, completely legit.
Heavy metals test is $350.
The glyphosates are $300, $350.
So I've just been asking people for support for this because I'm going to tell you teaching people how to grow food is not a lucrative business.
If you want to make money, do something else.
Anything else. Yeah.
Anything else.
For me, it's always been a passion.
But your chapter number one is true wealth comes from the ground, which, you know.
It's true.
I am so grateful for that day in Red Rock when that happened to me.
I mean, it took me years to get over the panic attacks and all that,
but I am so glad that my life changed that way.
I'm so much healthier and stronger and capable and fit,
and, you know, I'm 61 and I'm training in jiu-jitsu.
Which is amazing, everyone, by the way.
I don't even like training in jiu-jitsu all that
much um i do mma you know so i have to but uh yeah at 61 that is really impressive yeah i compete and
you know some of these kids are 18 or 20 or 30 and sometimes i win you know it's not always but
right yeah all right now i you know I don't have any excuse now
to go tell my instructor like why I'm like I'm six months older than you are and my instructor
he's like yeah you gotta get in here and do jujitsu I'm like oh you know what I love it it's
just it's so I know it's disgusting I don't recommend it to anybody it really is like you
like when I was first in it I was like you want me to put my head in his groin and put my arms around his butt?
And do what?
You understand where my butt's going to end up then, correct?
And it looks disgusting.
I'm watching people rolling in it.
The huggers.
I call them the huggers.
Oh, my God.
Whose arm and whose
leg is that you know but i gotta tell you when you're doing it it's i it's i mean i've been
training now for a little over two years they're just about to give me my my blue belt but nice it
is the most interesting and complicated and difficult sport i've ever done and i i just
like things like that so it's a chess game a very much a chess game
it is yeah no but so anyway the minerals the minerals and microbes um um we're really really
really super uh stoked about that and it's it has way I would also like to point this out to people
who are like oh you know I'm living in a suburb and i can't do anything i don't have my like you know what i'm i was living in a small quarter acre lot and i move i haven't
found the place where i'm going to be permanently and i like i move every six to eight months
because everybody's wanting to sell their house here um and you know i just built the garden bed
and did it right you know it doesn't need to be big right now the impact for this is huge because
uh maine has started shutting down farms they they gave them this this this shit so the bio
sludge soil which is loaded with these chemicals said it was organic these farmers used it on their
fields then they go back a few years later which is now they test their soil and they so your soil
has forever chemicals in it and they condemn their farms and they're shutting down farms right now small organic
farms why are they against it so hard it's just they're they're just trying to rake everybody
into this national global national food supply they are structuring a famine. I mean, that's let you know what they're doing yeah
and and they really there's an attack on farmers everywhere not europe yeah everywhere there's an
attack and that's just like soviet russia before everything you know came down they did the same
thing to their farmers there yeah so this is a like it's just like, oh my God, this is, so first of all, when their farms get condemned, like that's it, you can't sell that land.
They're done.
They're going bankrupt.
So this is a way to completely turn all of that on its head and turn it around.
So, yeah, I hope I don't get into too much of a...
Is it easily sourced like well i'm i'm working with
these guys and they are the source of it and i and i have to say their their website was god
awful it looked like craigslist i'm like you guys this is the most ugly website i've ever seen
and they're like yeah we're trying to get it fixed and then it's down a lot of the time and
and this is where you should not have an attitude i was like you know i was thinking they were fundamentally incompetent it turns out
that they're under attack they're like yeah we've been having attacks and i'm like of course
i'm sorry yeah because i was like i was all over them like yeah like what are you doing your
website's down uh-huh you were gonna do this so you know i've been asking you for this for a couple of weeks you haven't delivered you know like and then they're like so um yeah i don't i don't know
how uh how insane this is gonna be but my philosophy is is i'm like look you guys i
i have a pretty good reach and when i start turning on publicity and getting on shows and
we can get enough of this out there i think if we can get enough and there's enough people now that realize that you know the mainstream media is complete bs
and and and you know i think there's yeah we have enough of them that we could make this happen
right i'm not right and it's that worried it's completely understandable to like the the alternate
media sources starting to take over now because everybody
figured out that hey what we've been watching for years is completely screwed up and funked up and
so we have to develop our own sources to be able to share information that we can actually believe
so i think it's perfect timing for it yeah so i am super stoked because also you know i teach people to grow food
and i i i think i've got a video about this about this this woman i met she's a friend of mine her
name is angela and um oh angelique i'm sorry not angela it's angelique um that's okay it's late
and she was like i did everything you said i built a raised bed i filled it with good soil i even
filled it with composted horse manure and everything just died.
I'm a horrible gardener.
And I'm like, it's not your fault, Angelique.
First of all, most horse manure, even if it's composted, it comes, they've fed those horses, you know, horse quality hay, which means it's got herbicides all over it because they wanted to kill the weeds.
And they don't get broken down in the horse's gut or nor in the composting and then the other thing
is this you know this this bio sludge soil which is being sold everywhere as organic soil so you
don't really have a chance i said but you know you can detox this soil so we've got this kit and it's um up to five acres for one
application but what i'm most of my people are are quarter acre you know i'm really really into
just backyard food production i mean you can do a lot in a small space so this would be 20
applications for for quarter acre uh yard and um know, that would be more than enough to, like, totally clean everything up in a year.
And it has, you know, I don't know, 60, 70, 80 minerals in it.
So, you wouldn't need to buy any other fertilizer between these minerals and microbes.
You're cleaning and giving it good, healthy stuff along the way.
Exactly, yeah. Well, you're going to have to check that out, Chan stuff along the way. Exactly. Yeah.
Well, you're going to have to check that out, Chan, because that sounds pretty good.
Yeah, for sure.
Yeah, I already saved the YouTube channel and the playlist, so I can be following it pretty hard.
And you said, was it Substack, or you had better reach on a different platform than YouTube?
Yeah, Substack is better.
YouTube has been...
Imagine that.
They've been...
I hadn't realized it, but a couple of different IT people said, yeah, you know, they have...
What do they call it?
Shadow banning?
Yeah, I get beat down all day long.
For me, I didn't even realize it.
Psychologically, it was pretty hard because I put videos up and hardly getting any views.
And I'm thinking, wow, maybe people just don't like me.
But yeah, I got on Substack and it's really rocking it.
Yeah, I really like Substack.
And there's intelligent people there.
So I do a lot of uploads to Substack now.
I really moved over to that platform.
Yeah, we've been pretty hard on,
we've been getting Rumble upticked for, you know,
because Rumble's pretty good as well.
But I don't know.
For some reason, I just, I like it.
Don't get me wrong.
But I'm always open.
The interface as a user for Rumble doesn't feel...
We're so used to using the YouTube interface that Rumble's just a little different.
It's not as user-friendly.
They're just a little different when you...
Yeah, I upload to Rumble too.
I have somebody to upload it, actually, because I can't do that stuff.
Oh, I hear you.
And we're not making as much traction on Rumble either, so.
You just never know, really.
Yeah, I get that.
I just tried it all as an experiment.
I said, which one's going to work?
And I was shocked to see it was Substack.
Yeah, Pinterest is actually one of my biggest social media platforms
because it seems like everybody on Pinterest is very interested in, you know, do-it-yourself stuff
and it's like a picture encyclopedia. So they're on there looking for ideas and things like that.
So I actually get the most traction from Pinterest than I do from any other social media platform, which is pretty odd.
Yeah, I get it.
I think we don't do as much on that
because it needs a vertical orientation or something.
They were like, hey, your format's not right.
So I'm like, okay, we'll forget that.
Only so many hours in a day, right?
Oh, seriously.
There are only so many hours in a day, right? Oh, seriously. There are only so many hours in a day.
The other thing, so after my own heart,
so many of the things about your past really strike a chord in me,
that you put the herbal medicine information in your book,
which is one of the main reasons why I was telling you in the green room
about, you know, Gina Maywell's books, The Clan of the main reasons why i was telling you in the green room about um you know gina maywell's
books the clan of the cave bear series um the children of the earth it's called and uh so that's
what really got me interested at first in herbal healing because of that her stories and she writes
survival fact in with her fiction so i started researching what she was
doing herbally to see like is this for real like can you do all this stuff with these herbs that
she's talking about and lo and behold yeah she was absolutely on point with everything she was
talking about um yeah way to go on making it so like it can be very intimidating for some people to like think like, oh my gosh, I'm going to make my own medicine.
Like only a doctor can do that.
You've got the 12, I think it was the 12 most common ailments with their treatments.
How to do the pills, how to make your own pills.
Yeah, how to make your own pills.
Isn't that great?
It is.
I've never seen it so simply and using the mallow to make them.
That makes complete sense.
Yeah, I'm not sure how many trees you could grow for all the different trees, but, you know.
You know, Chapter 9, I think, it's the one with the snake bite story.
So, yeah, get bit by a copperhead, which is pretty common from where we were in Central Texas there.
And potentially fatal bite.
And we treated it at home.
The thing about that story is it used to be a little book on its own.
And some friends of mine were schoolteachers, and I gave them copies.
And it turns out to be, like, the most favorite book among the fourth graders.
Like, they came back and they said, could you give us more copies?
Because every, you know, the things thumbed up and worn out and everything.
Like, the kids every year, hands down, that book gets read over and over again.
Like the kids every year, hands down, that book gets read over and over again. And I think it's because my daughter, Kimber, played a pretty important role in helping me when I was snake bit.
And she grew up as a little herbalist, so she knew a lot of what to do.
But that's a great story if you've got kids.
That's a great story if you've got kids. They really like that story because it resonates with, you know,
young people used to be, you were kind of becoming an adult at 12, 13, 14.
That's true.
It's not now where it's like you're not even an adult at 25.
It is sad.
Yeah, we should be expecting a little bit more from them. I don't disagree there. But yeah, great. of like i mean i know i didn't know this stuff i mean i just learned it all and figured it all out and practiced and did stuff and too i mean i wasn't born with some great herbalist mama or
anything like that right so you can definitely learn this stuff and um i think it's an intimidating
area for people for sure because i'm always like like, you know, are you on medication? Well, you need to think about, I know an herbal remedy is not going to be as potent as whatever Western medicine
you're on because they actually chemically extract the things that are, you know, what they want them
to do minus the buffers and all that. But the ability to have some type of an herbal answer
to your chronic ailment or what you have to take a pill for
could be very useful one day. So, you know. Yeah. Or getting, getting most of that chronic stuff,
if you do some lifestyle changes, I mean, diabetes, for example, I have seen everything
from like raw meat people to raw vegans. I mean, I think it's just get off the commercial food supply and you can get over diabetes.
You know, it's, but there's almost everything there is alternatives to.
It's not necessarily like, oh, I'm going to take this herb and it's going to replace this pharmaceutical.
But you can change your life and you should do that right now.
And I love the tip as far as like, yeah, once you're in good health, like you can make your life and you should do that right now. Right. And I love the, um, the, the tip as far as like,
once you're in good health,
like you can make it even better.
You can use herbs to like make it even better if you wanted to have more
energy or,
you know,
that's awesome.
I don't think people think about that way.
and these,
this day and age,
you know,
I've been doing that personally with the,
with the jujitsu. So I was able to train, you know, four days a week. And these are hour and a half trainings and I have
to ride my bike there an hour, a half an hour there and a half an hour back. So, I'm like,
and I was like, I wanted to train harder. And I'm like, what can I do? And I plateaued at this
thing and I'm like trying different supplements and different stuff and and you can you can totally build up your strength and stamina to new levels so you know just working
with your diet and working with different herbs and there's so many herbs that our our elders
knew you know the astragalus and the ashwagandha and the schizandra berries and all these different longevity-type herbs
that are available to help you keep your strength and stamina well
and your sharp mind well into your elder years.
And the Western pharmaceutical companies definitely don't want everyone
to know this information.
You guys got to find it on your own.
It's not going to be on your commercial TV.
And the reason I start out with the beginning stuff, like when I first got into this, I was just loving it so much.
In the very beginning days when I created the Grow Network, I was doing like all this esoteric permaculture stuff.
And it was so fun for me.
And nobody knew what the heck i was
talking about and everybody kept saying could you simplify it could you simplify it could you they
all really wanted beginner stuff so right that's really what i've been you know spending like the
last 15 years of how do you take somebody who knows absolutely nothing and they're probably older and out of shape and then
how do you get them producing a lot of food in a backyard like all they've got is a quarter acre
and you can do a tremendous amount and so figuring out like what's the easiest and the fastest and
what's the most likely thing that somebody's going to have success with um it's because we have so many
beginners we've lost so much yes it's but it was the need yeah at prepper camp we're seeing more
and more youthful faces it is good so good to see yeah that you know we have teenagers that
are coming and they sit there the whole time with their notebooks and whatnot um so very very excited and encouraged by uh like you say it is the apocalypse because it is
the unveiling and people are starting to wake up and go hey wait a minute like this doesn't work
and it actually hasn't even been here this long we haven't been like living off a Nabisco and
everything for
hundreds of millions of years this is actually all pretty new stuff that uh is only a couple
generations old and um obviously it's not working because they don't at all I'm actually helping
some young people now this young man who's in jiu-jitsu and his health is terrible and he's
only 23 or something like that and i was teaching him
how to make bone broth and how to make an herbal infusion because he's got problems with his hip
and and i'm like my goodness you know you're only 20 i think that a lot of these young people are
like wait a minute we're we're getting colon cancer and we're having heart disease like and
we're in our 20s? This ain't right.
I'm like, you're absolutely right.
It's not right.
You're supposed to be eating real food.
You've got to grow food.
We used to say you could be a perimeter shopper in the grocery store,
and even that's no longer.
Go to the grocery store to get toilet paper.
That's about it. Yeah. That toilet paper. That's about it.
Yeah, that's sad.
That's so sad.
Like, hopefully they're going to make some changes there.
I am hopeful on that note that they're about to do some major unraveling of the FDA and stuff in our country.
So hopefully we are going to make progress on that note.
But in the meantime, you know, the same way as we can't rely on FEMA to take care of us in a disaster,
we can't rely on like the government to do the right thing.
And that's really up to us.
So that's so great.
Good stuff.
Very nice layout.
And I hope everybody goes over to the Grow Network and checks it out.
You guys will not be disappointed.
Marjorie, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Really appreciate your time on a Sunday night.
I know it was a stretch for you.
So I really appreciate you coming on the show
and introducing yourself.
And hopefully this is the beginning of a great relationship
because I was very inspired by you and very impressed.
Well, it'd be so fun to come back on in a in a month or two after well maybe about two months after i've done the uh
some of the more heavy metals uh uh tests and the glyphosate tests on these soils so i'm i'm going
to be doing all kinds of tests on this for forever basically uh and if i can pitch that website again that's the grow forward
slash fundraiser you got it if uh if people would like to to pick up one of the kits now or or
support that so um yeah thank you too i really appreciate being on the show it's been so fun
it's been so fun we're like we could be sisters you know yeah i know when i started looking at
and then you're like and i'm training jujitsu so that'd be i'm like oh my gosh we could just go forever this is yeah this
could be a nightmare for everybody it's so no you are more than welcome for sure to come back on
you just hit me up whenever you need to and let's stay in touch like i said really uh i'd really like to
stay in touch absolutely all righty thank you so much chin we'll talk to you too yeah it was fun
absolutely all right all right we'll talk to you guys later okay bye
all right so we're gonna jump into some changing earth news. So great to have Marjorie
on just such a special person to me. Um, I really enjoyed her and I hope you guys go over and check
out the grow backslash fundraiser, um, help support this because it's really important
as far as our soil quality goes. And, um, I know it's a problem in the homesteading community
that I've been chatting with,
and so I'm going to spread the word there as well.
Yeah, I've been putting the links in there.
Yeah, beautiful.
Thank you.
Over in the live chat, guys.
And I'll also have them in my blog for this episode.
You'll be able to go
find it um we'll throw it in the uh i'll throw it in the food food food category of the survival
guide all righty well let's go ahead and jump this is changing earth news changing earth news so News! So, yesterday we had a pretty mega X-class flare.
Luckily for us, it was on the other side of the sun.
So, it still threw some of the energy at us, but, you know, not nearly as bad as it could have been.
There are some large sunspots turning our way, but they're not really set up magnetatively.
Does that make sense?
Easy for you to say.
For Flurry, no.
Not easy for me to say.
The bomb cyclone has hit the West Coast.
And then they got hit by the atmospheric river right after that, a little bit farther south. So I was feeling for JB because she went through all that stuff with one girl.
I know, from one coast to the other.
She goes back home and boom, they get hit.
It was something like hurricane force winds.
I think it was like Santa Ana.
She didn't have the community to hang out with through it, so it was even worse.
I know.
I know.
We weren't there to help.
We're so bad.
She was so home over here.
Oh, she made such a huge difference.
And then just from end to end, she did great things as far as, you know, being able to hook them up with the Skynet or Starlink and all that stuff.
I can't quit saying it wrong.
Let's see, this morning
Iceland is erupting again near
Grindavik. It's not looking good. It was a big eruption headed right
towards the town. So that's not good. It was a big eruption headed right towards the town. So that's not good.
Oh, and Marjorie in the green room was talking about planets lining up to give us even more volcanic activity.
December 10th.
I've been hearing about that because there was, in October, there was like a weird alignment of four of the giants on the other side.
And we were like the only one on the other side of the sun.
So that was pretty, I was like, I don't know what's gonna happen there but everything you know well besides like
the uptake and uptake and uptake of volcanic energy that's just not stopping
um last sunday so there was a 6.1 earthquake in kima Japan usually I don't report back that far but that
was a pretty significant earthquake that happened um on the 18th of November we had 343 earthquakes
that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.2 north of Basco in the Philippines
there was a 2.4 earthquake that hit alabama weird little weird little spot for an earthquake
also um small quakes were rattling parts of massachusetts so just yeah some i hear about
that often right i know that's why i was like hmm we're gonna have to report on those ones
there is a super volcano that lies under there that is very not known about over that direction.
More than 53 earthquakes in one day shook the area of Solfatara in Italy.
So it's eyes on that area over there because of Campy Flagry.
So I just keep looking over there,
making sure that that volcano is staying cool.
It's only been Etna that's erupting.
So Campy Flagry is still on the warning list,
but hasn't been erupting.
There was a giant dust storm, a haboob,
in Fresno, California that knocked out power.
So it was just wind coming off from that system,
just kicked everything up.
And then in the Northeast,
there was still the wildfires going on
over on the Northeast coast.
Luckily, most of that is over with at this point today.
The wildfire numbers look really good.
November 19th, 2024 2024 there was 305
earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.6 south pacific ocean near tonga
oklahoma has experienced a record number of november tornadoes so just another sign of our
planet doing really interesting things and oklah Oklahoma getting lit up with a record number of tornadoes in November is one of those items.
We had snowstorms impacting Canada, Saskatchewan up there.
November 20th of 2024, 346 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger,
biggest of which was a 5.7 that hit the Greenland Sea.
There was also a 5.5 in Mutsu Japan and a 4.5 in the Philippines out by the Carda Carda Dunes Islands and that's right after
they got hit by one of these cyclones they've been just getting hammered by the cyclones over there in the Philippines.
The island of Granada was experiencing severe flooding.
That's just north of South America.
Pacific Northwest was pummeled by the atmospheric river after they already had the bomb cyclone come through.
Strong winds in Buffalo, New York causes flooding there. And China had a gigantic sandstorm, biggest one of those they've had in two decades.
So that was impacting weather there.
And, you know, residents were urged not to go out and whatnot.
November 21st, 2024, there was 360 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.2 in the
north pacific ocean near guam the east coast of the united states got significant rain which they
really needed because it was wildfire conditions all over the place there on the east coast
so that definitely helped put a lot of those fires out um in the icelandic volcano they caught a lava tornado which was
throwing lava into the air so you thought like sharknado was bad this isn't yeah i wasn't gonna
say this isn't one of those cable tv movies is it right this is a lava tornado. Oh, come on now. Yeah.
You're done with lava tornado.
Snow in Chicago already.
November 26th. With all that hot air in that city?
I know.
I know.
I mean, Doug lives there.
That's enough right there.
Oh, he's going to love me for that one.
Okay. He's going to be pissed off at me. Oh, I will. That's cool. You know me. oh he's gonna love me for that one okay
oh i will that's cool you know me i'll just drag everybody in with me
uh november 22nd 2024 318 earthquakes that are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.4
in the maluka scene or indonesia storm katana um that's how i'm gonna say it it's french
so it's not katana like japanese but uh sounds that way causes disaster in france they had mad
snow ice and wind alerts just a nasty winter scene there new jersey they had hundreds without power
after a snowstorm hits
them. They kind of needed it though, because all the wildfire activity. November 23, 2024,
there was 356 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was in the South Pacific
Ocean near Fiji. It was a 5.9. And then the atmospheric river just caused them flooding in NorCal,
in San Francisco,
you know,
just the city you want to be in when there's a flood.
Cause it's so clean.
So I would not be walking through those storm waters to save my soul.
I don't understand that.
I know.
Everything that comes into that water
is it's not you know virgin rainwater and they're all like in their shorts walking through it i'm
like okay they have needles there you know that float around things so um pennsylvania snowstorm
and then on november 24th of 2024 323 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger biggest
of which was a 5.1 in the north pacific ocean near japan britain got hit today with storm burt
and they actually got snow in november which is really, really unusual. Power outages, just damage to houses and businesses.
Britain and Ireland got hit pretty much the whole shebanger up there. So prayers to everybody.
That was a pretty mega storm that came in and hit them. As far as volcano numbers 37 erupting volcanoes on our planet right now which is huge a huge number i've
never seen that many ever um and so you would think well uh minor activity went down one so
we just kind of shuttled one from minor activity to erupting but no we have one more in unrest so we actually added one more
volcano to our list of volcanoes showing activity on our planet we're up to 96 now if we break that
100 threshold i'm just gonna i don't know i'll i'll do a dance or something because that's just
crazy we're gonna go video on that show right i'll be doing something um as far as wildfires we're at a preparedness level of one
there's a total of five large fires they're they're all new ones 141 000 acres on fire
although i didn't see it um because four of those fires are contained new york is the number one on
the list which i have never seen before ever um it's at one fire one
new i believe it was like 5 000 acres that are on fire there and then i didn't write the number down
because i suck and um massachusetts is number two on the list uh they have four fires going two of those are new 2 479 acres none contained so another state
that's not really on fire normally right so there's a chance that there is a super volcano
under that area you have wildfire activity and now you have strange earthquake activity
now you have strange earthquake activity.
So I'm just saying.
Could be interesting for Massachusetts.
But I hope not.
I'm not a trained geologist,
so we'll just keep eyes on and report as we do on the changing earth news.
Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed the interview with Marjorie.
If you didn't listen to it live go check
it out I'll have it up uh Monday or you know it's on PBN right now you'll be able to listen to it
um great lady very inspirational um I was really really the Lord works in mysterious ways and
connects you with uh cool people as this whole experience has shown me.
My co-host, for example.
The treadmill.
The treadmill.
It all started with a treadmill and some earphones.
It did.
Like, I loved it, though.
You used to reach out to me all the time
when you were reading my books.
And, like, some people do,
and I'm, like, trying to tell them, like, I love it so much. Just keep reaching out to me. It's cool.'re reading my books and like some people do and i'm like trying to tell them like i love it so much just keep reaching out to me it's cool like i want to know
those emotions just slam the door in her face yeah you didn't just do that sarah did you just do that
did that just happen tell me he's not dead oh man wait till you hear the audio drama this season.
Also, I think I'm going to pretty much be able to,
because I'm right on top of building,
so I don't think we're going to have to do the last half of the season in two blocks.
I think I'll just be able to continuously play it,
which everybody will appreciate
because the block ends in a kind of a rough spot
where you're like what
that's it so um yeah and it's it's turning out very epic so i'm very excited to share it with
everybody so i think we'll be in luck and we'll be able i've just finished 15 yesterday so i i
only have one more episode to build and that we going to stick a fork in it and call it done.
Yeah, and I'm also working back through season one,
so we'll do a re-release of everything.
It'll be fun, and we'll do some Family Feud,
and we'll just...
I can't wait to hear what everybody has to say.
That's what started this all.
Like, please give me that feedback.
I love you guys.
I want to know how you're feeling about it.
All right.
So once again, get your Changing Earth novels over at
Get everything over there.
And I'm going to check out that new video place that Marjorie was talking about. See if we can't get over there and i'm gonna check out that new uh video place that marjorie was
talking about see if we can't get over there start getting some stuff going
and tentatively we are going to begin the analyzation of season three of the audio drama
next week but it just seems like the lord has different plans in store for us every
week ever since we got back from um the hurricane in september so right so that is the game plan
and that's what we're shooting for and hopefully we get there so until next time remember dream survive thrive thank you for joining sarah and chen for this episode of the
changing earth podcast don't forget to pick up your copy of day after disaster without land
the walls of freedom battle for the south dark days in denver The Endless Night at
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