The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Misinformation Nazis Hit PBN

Episode Date: January 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets own nothing and love it PBN family
Starting point is 00:00:39 it would seem that the reports out of Davos of misinformation and disinformation being the greatest threat, even greater so than climate change. It would seem that now this could be coink-a-dink. I don't really believe it. You tell me what you think. But it would seem to me that this is going to be a very fast moving take This is going to be a very fast moving situation that we're seeing
Starting point is 00:01:09 Why do I say that? I received a message from Spreaker Now Spreaker has been my long standing ally All through COVID, all through January 6th, all through election 2020. Spreaker has stood with us when we were eliminated off of YouTube and, you know, all those coming. YouTube was kind of bullying us on a weekly basis before they got rid of us all together.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Spreaker is the host, the host of the podcast network. You know, they hold the archive. Well, they don't hold the archive, but they rent us the space, basically, for the archive that we pay a sizable monthly fee for. And give us the ability to podcast live and to podcast direct through our phones like this, which is really cool. You know, the Spreaker podcast app really defines what we're capable of doing and all the features from the 24-7 live to the live shows to even the pre-recorded podcasts. You know, it all plays a role in what we do here at PBN and Spreaker has always given us great support, you know, in all of that. Spreaker has always given us great support, you know, in all of that.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Today I receive a message from them. And that message is that December 2024, the live feature of the Spreaker app will be gone. Will no longer be available. So we will no longer be able to use the Spreaker app to go live by December 2024. Now, what's even more interesting than that? You know, there's nuance, right? Everything is nuance. What's even more interesting than that is what they said beyond that, which kind of creeped me out, which kind of set up this whole situation and what they said after that
Starting point is 00:03:06 in the message was so you might as well stop recording live now to give your listeners time for the transition now any any normal person probably would just say okay that might be reasonable right We can wean the audience off the live content even though they love it. Who that listens to a live show is going to be happy that it's not live anymore first and foremost. What it says to me, PBN, what it screams to me is that somebody in the leadership team with Spreaker had a conversation with others. Probably people who know people from the whole Davos misinformation, disinformation nightmare, or maybe even government. And I'm telling you what is coming and what is coming full steam ahead. And Jay Ferg even messaged me this right after I started thinking about what we were going
Starting point is 00:04:06 to do about Spreakers. She said, you know, what's come, what it feels like next is they're going to want to review all of our podcasts before they go out. And that'd be really easy to do. You know why? You know how easy it is to review a podcast now? Because there are transcripts, right? So your whole transcript, you can record a podcast and hit publish. Your transcript can be reviewed. Your transcript can be generated by AI. There are already companies that do that, right? They'll write a transcript for you. I mean, I was using something akin to that and paying for it like three years ago doing transcripts. So they can look at the transcript. They can highlight any words that they want, right? And if it has enough of those words or if it has any of those words,
Starting point is 00:04:54 then, you know, oops, we can't publish that. Sorry, Misinformation and Disinformation Act. Our misinformation and disinformation policy was kicked in. We can't publish that. and disinformation policy was kicked in, we can't publish that. The way you get around that is by going live, right? The power of live is such that, you know, that's it. Once it's said, it goes into your ear holes and there's no taking it back. That is the high wire that we do at PBN. When you really stop and think about how amazing that is It's unbelievable, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:28 We've been doing live shows for how many years now? And the hosts are so competent That they can not only float a show But we've never had anybody say anything absolutely outrageous Not once It's pretty amazing when you think about it Say anything absolutely outrageous. Not once. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. So I think, unfortunately, I think our ally Spreaker has thrown their hat into the ring with the lizards.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And that's going to, that means we have to seek a new host for our podcast network. or we have to seek new opportunities all together. So I'll be courting people here over the next few months. Now we have till December, but you know, we're preppers. So we're going to get shored up way before then. Listen, this is, this is not for me to sit here and complain to you and to tell you, oh no, I've got a problem and I've got to fix it. What a great guy I am that I'm going to fix it or feel sorry for me because I have a problem. This is the first instance of a company like Spreaker saying we have to take action in order to get this misinformation, disinformation stuff under control. I just believe that's my opinion.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I believe that's what it is. Maybe that's not what it is. Their excuse to me was we're creating new services for our podcast hosts and our listeners that will be more beneficial than the live. So the live has to go away. Because then naturally I said, okay, well, you know, we pay you guys a lot of money every month to, uh, to go, you know, going like when you, when you open up the Spreaker app, the Spreaker app fundamentally has three features,
Starting point is 00:07:17 right? The Spreaker app has three features. One feature is prerecord. One feature is 24 seven live and the other feature is live. So if you feature is 24-7 live, and the other feature is live. So if you're removing 24-7 live and you're removing live, that's two out of the three features of the app gone. So naturally, me being a businessman, I'd say, well, how much are we cutting? How much is my bill going down? How much money am I going to save since you're cutting off a substantial amount of the features that I use with your service? Really, to be honest with you, it'd be like your phone company calling you and saying, we're not going to use text message anymore, but we're going to charge you the same.
Starting point is 00:08:04 That's really what it's like. Like for those of you who talk more than you text like me, it'd be like them saying no more. No, we're taking away text messaging, but we're going to charge you the exact same bill. You'd be like, what the, huh? That, that don't work that way, man. So I, you know, I expected, or at least half expected them to say, yeah, well, since we're not going to have the live feature, we can reduce the amount of money you pay per month. Literal features that you pay for are going away. But they're excuses. We have new things in the works, new services that are coming to help you and to help your listeners have a better experience. So I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But I'll be very surprised if any of it has anything to do with live. I think the death of live is something that's happening. I think the death of live is something that's going to happen. In other words, YouTube live, Facebook. And this really sucks because these live options are such a great way to monitor civil unrest. They really are. I mean, it's one of my top intel practices when dealing with civil unrest is look. Find out what's happening.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Find out what the protest is, what its name is, what it's happening. Find out what the protest is. What it's name is. What it's about. And you can search it on social media. Preferably like Facebooks and Twitters. And you can see in real time what the hell is going on. You can watch it. You can watch the riot. You can see exactly where it is.
Starting point is 00:09:39 What streets and so on and so forth. It's a very effective tool. But. and so on and so forth. It's a very effective tool. But I don't want to get into the bigger picture about the rich and powerful and the kings and the control over this society that they have and the influence and the power and the money right now.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But it's clear the lizards run things. And it's clear that when they dictate something, companies shudder. And it's become crystal clear that we have to exist outside of that bubble, like we always have. We've existed outside of the money and the influence that you could generate with YouTube. And I'm sure some of it's to our detriment. that you could generate with YouTube. And I'm sure some of it's to our detriment.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I'm sure we could have been much bigger and done much more had we played ball with YouTube. But whatever, you know. It's not all about money. It's not all about listeners. You know, it's about integrity and freedom. So now what's happening in my head is a brainstorming of, you know, what next? What's next?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Do I find a new host? A new hosting service that props up my podcast network and aligns with me to some degree? And then maybe how many months down the line before I'm moving again? If this is the thing. See, we've been steady on Spreaker since 2019. Like they've been with us through it all. But this is a big problem. And again, leadership changes over time.
Starting point is 00:11:22 You wind up one of these woke idiots in your leadership team over there at Spreaker and that's how these things happen, right? Do we become a host? Do we become the de facto podcast host for every podcast out there that exists that is sitting with crosshairs on it whether they know it or not. You know, that's the other thing. Do we want a podcast hosting opportunity for other podcasts that barter in disinformation? You know what I mean? I don't know. I want to bring this to your attention. I want you to understand that some of the things they say up there on high,
Starting point is 00:12:09 in the Davos and the WEF and the Bilderberg, they like to say that all that stuff is way overblown and it's fodder for conspiracy theorists. And while I can't be 100% sure what Spreaker's real aim is behind getting rid of their live, I have to believe that censorship is involved. Just a quick check-in to let you know. Keep your feelers out. Because I think we could be entering an age of rapid mis- and disinformation censorship that might make your head spin. Talk to you soon.

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