The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic - A Cocktail of Aggression

Episode Date: July 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't want to set the world Hello, welcome to the Rising Republic. I'm going to interrupt the regularly scheduled intro. In light of the events that have happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, I thought I'd share some thoughts on what's going on over there, what I've seen, what's been reported, what I've kind of took in, and kind of give you my opinion on things. And to be quite frank, I'm not surprised. I'm a little shocked. It was shocking to see, to get the notifications. Me and my wife were on our way to a restaurant
Starting point is 00:00:46 to celebrate our anniversary, and I started getting these notifications popping up from some of the places I have subscribed to, like Epic Times and Daily Wire and thus and such. And the president was shot at, and other titles uh assassination attempt so on so forth unless of course you want to head over to abc and and usa today and look at their headlines of the events as they occurred today that day president trump fell uh president trump President Trump fell. President Trump whisked away by Secret Service after loud noises, you know, because they refuse to report on the obvious.
Starting point is 00:01:31 They don't want to lend any credence to the fact that our president-to-be and our former president, Donald J. Trump, that somebody tried to assassinate him. Trump, that somebody tried to assassinate him. They don't want him to have the martyrdom, to have the extra fuel, to receive any more logs, if you will, in the fire to strengthen his campaign. Because he knows that kind of stuff, or they know that kind of stuff, will only encourage us to get out the vote all that much more and trump has this enigma about him that people who are kind of on the fence about trump when they see this kind of stuff it pushes them over into the the trump lane so they don't want to report on that okay instead they want to report the fake news that trump fell or that there was loud noises knowing full well that there was gunshots and a bloody ear after taking a bullet to his head and his ears on his head right so we'll say we'll call for what it
Starting point is 00:02:31 is here took a bullet to the head that missed him by mere millimeters had he not turned his head when he turned his head it would have taken out some some brain matter and in fact there was one other person that died of a gunshot wound to the head that day a man by the name of cory and cory i understand there's gofundme accounts open up for cory and cory you see he's a i don't know if he's he's a former maybe i don't know if he's retired fire chief of butler pennsylvania there but uh but but he he passed away after receiving a gunshot wound to the head and his last name again his first name is cory c-o-r-e-y his last name i'm sorry if i pronounce this wrong uh comparator comparator c-o-m-p-e-r-a-t-o-R-E. It looks like he had a wife and some kids. A sad day for him.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And the left-wing media and the left-wing people, the base that follow Biden, everybody that hates Trump, they're going nuts that the job wasn't finished. That somebody didn't take shooting lessons right. Or somebody, how could they miss at that range? Or some other person called this guy, this Corey, a Republican retard. Literally, I saw this post on X. And he's laughing.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Ha ha, LMAOOO. Look at this Trump retard that got shot. This is the sickness that we're dealing with. that got shot. This is a sickness that we're dealing with. Meanwhile, the people on the left, the mainstream media on the left, they want to tell us to calm down the rhetoric. Are you serious? Calm down the rhetoric? When all you've done since then is to say things like Trump and his rhetoric brought this on? Are you serious right now after this past few years of hyping this moment up? Because in my mind, this is a leftist wet dream come true. This is what you've been preaching and asking for for the past few years. Every single day
Starting point is 00:04:41 for the past several dozen episodes at the front end of this show, I have included in my intro the left pushing violence, requesting violence, inciting violence, and murder and assassination attempts. Talking about this kind of stuff openly, openly, without any kind of prosecution headed their way but god forbid that president trump might say something or tweet something might hurt your feelings when president trump says go and peacefully and patriotically protest march and do it peacefully those words to the left are hateful and they're criminal and they incite violence but saying that you want to go to the white house and blow it up that you want to go to the White House and blow it up, that you want to take out the president, or when was the last time an actor attempted to assassinate a president,
Starting point is 00:05:29 that kind of stuff goes unchecked. And it's sickening to me that these mongrels get away with that and they incite this and they cause this kind of stuff to push. They push this narrative on for so long to the point that some idiot literally reaches the point a boiling
Starting point is 00:05:45 point and says you know what i gotta step up be the hero here let's face it the left are loons they're complete loons your males dress like females your females dress like males nobody knows what their gender is females march on the street dressed like vaginas males walk down the street stark naked in gay pride parades. This is your base. And when you tell them that Donald Trump is a Hitler and that he's going to be the death of democracy in the United States and somebody needs to take him out,
Starting point is 00:06:15 what do you really think is going to happen? At what point do you think that that's going to happen? And you would sit back and say, oh, I'm surprised. Chuck Schumer sitting out of response you know uh sympathy i hope he's okay i hate to hear that he got shot and we're certainly praying for him whatever you and your kind have pushed us on this narrative for far too long and it's gone unchecked you and nancy pelosi and maxine waters and and johnny depp and madonna and all the rest of these loony tube libtards, you're the problem.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You're the reason. You're the rhetoric. You're the reason why all this has happened. This is on you and why you haven't been investigated in the past and been arrested in questions beyond me. But because of this situation right here, you need to be slapped in handcuffs and you need to be marched into the jail and you need to be searched for that January 6th treatment.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Joseph Biden just said hours before, probably a day before this happened, this assassination attempt happened. Something along the lines of it's time to stop talking about the debate and to put Donald Trump in the bullseye. How can you use that kind of language? When your followers dress like vaginas and walk around the streets naked. You know they're stupid. You know they're stupid. You know they're airheaded. You know that they're black and white and they're very abstract.
Starting point is 00:07:30 They're not very abstract thinkers. You have to watch your words with them. And all this for what? Why do you think Donald Trump's a Hitler? Why do you think you're going to lose democracy? How do you think, why do you think he's going to be a dictator? Idiots, he was the president for four years
Starting point is 00:07:44 and you never lost your democracy. He never a dictator you know what he was one of the most moderate presidents we've had running on the republican ticket and i don't know how long and you're mostly mad because of some decisions that scotus made because he was the president that put conservative leaning democrat consider conservative leaning uh judges into the Supreme Court. Well, guess what? Every president does that. He didn't make that decision. They did.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And guess what? It didn't make abortion illegal. It just put it back to the states where it's supposed to be. The fact that abortions were made into a federal law was unconstitutional because it's not enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Anything that's not enumerated in the bill of rights anything that's not enumerated in the bill of rights goes back to the states the constitution literally says that it's not supposed to be a federal law forcing doctors to do things against their conscience forcing
Starting point is 00:08:36 conservatives and republican doctors who don't agree with this procedure to do it anyway that's not right just like it's not right to force a person to believe in your delusion. If you're a man and you dress like a woman, guess what? You can't make that person believe that you're a woman. You can't force them to believe your delusions, your fantasy made-up world. If a man is dressing like a woman,
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't have to acknowledge that he's a woman. This is still a country of freedom. And I can acknowledge the fact that his DNA is still male. There's XY and XX. And no constitutional anything, no law that is written in the federal laws that are passed is going to change that fact. So on this show today, the reason why I didn't play my intro is because I want to break it down. I want to play some of this stuff again, just to you guys how the left caused this to happen and not just this but the rhetoric that's going on still and this is my intro is just a piece of the pie there's just the tip of the iceberg there's so
Starting point is 00:09:38 much more out there and there's so much more that's been going on calling him hitler and painting his pictures you know making making pictures on magazine covers of him look like Hitler with a Hitler mustache. How long do you think it's going to take before some idiot says, I need to step up to the plate. I could be the Democrats hero. Like this Antifa moron. And everybody says, oh, but he's registered Republican idiots. He's 20 years old. He hasn't even voted yet.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And everybody says, oh, but he's registered Republican. Idiots, he's 20 years old, he hasn't even voted yet. He did that because it's a common Democratic tactic to go to primaries and register as a Republican because then you can throw the candidate that you want in there. If enough Democrats get in and try to sway it away from President Trump or candidate Trump, guess what? They can do that. Every Democrat can vote in the
Starting point is 00:10:28 Republican primaries and get to choose who's going to be the Republican primary, the candidate. It's a trick. It's a scheme. Oh, he's a registered Republican. You're an idiot. He's 20 years old. He hasn't even voted yet. Wow. And here's one such clip of Joe Biden and his inflammatory anti-Trump rhetoric. Him talking about how Trump is a threat to democracy. Tell me, if you are a stupid liberal and you're listening to this and they're painting a picture that Trump is Hitler, don't you think you'd want to be the hero? Don't you think you would step up to the plate? Don't you think you'd want to be the hero? Don't you think you would step up to the plate?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Don't you think you'd sit around and think, you know what, the world does need a hero? Listen to this nonsense. Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat for everything america stands for they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights most importantly and i mean
Starting point is 00:11:34 this from the bottom art trump is a threat to this nation and here's joe biden completely disregarding the facts that he's let go and let loose a lot of this rhetoric and tries to spin the table and says, hey, it's Donald Trump. It's Donald Trump has been the threat. He's the one, not me, that's been, not my party, but Donald Trump, that's been the one pushing the rhetoric and raising the heat. Here's Joe Biden on, of course, you'd guess it, NBC. Here's Joe Biden on, of course, you'd guess it, NBC. talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Do you just not say anything because it may incite somebody? Look, I have not engaged in that rhetoric. Now, my opponent is engaged in that rhetoric. He talks about to be a bloodbath if he loses, talking about how he's going to forgive all the, actually, I guess, suspend the sentences of all those who were arrested and sentenced to go to jail because of what happened in the Capitol. Okay, Joe, first of all, when he said there'd be a bloodbath, there was an economic discussion. He meant an economical bloodbath. You babble. Bananas. economical bloodbath. You badly bananas. He wasn't talking about a literal bloodbath.
Starting point is 00:13:15 This is the idiocracy of the left I'm talking to you about. They don't understand cynicism. They don't understand analogies. They don't understand metaphors. They don't understand similes. These guys literally believe the exact words as they come out of people's mouths. They believe them. They take them literally. Okay? And yes, Trump should, as he, what did he say, forgive or suspend the sentences of the J6 people? Absolutely. Because guess what?
Starting point is 00:13:47 of the j6 people absolutely because guess what the law that they uh filed and the charges they filed for against trump and against those people they've kept in jail for the last umpteen years the supreme court threw it out it wasn't trump it was the supreme court because they looked at that law and it should have been much earlier in my opinion they should have waited with all due process being thrown out the window habeas corpuspus gone. These people did not get a trial. They've just been sitting in jail since January 26, 2021 without a trial. Yes, absolutely. They should be pardoned. He couldn't think of the word pardon.
Starting point is 00:14:16 He couldn't, you know, it's like, I think he tried to say forgive. He just said basically suspend the sentences. He's not a judge, Biden. He can't suspend sentences, but he can pardon people, right? They've been charged. The Supreme Court says, no, this is some baloney here that you've charged them with some cockamamie law from decades of years ago that don't even apply in this situation. The elements of the offense aren't even there, Joe. Okay, folks, let's play a little game here. Actually, let's not, let's not even call it a game. Let's just call this
Starting point is 00:14:52 the loony left. And I'm going to play you three, maybe four audio clips of the loony left. And here's my theme song that I'm dedicating to you. And today on Looney Lips, here's example number one coming to us from not only knows where. I'm not saying that I would ever try to assassinate a presidential candidate. All I'm saying is that if I went through all of that fucking trouble, I wouldn't miss. I wouldn't graze that nigga. He wouldn't be able to raise a fist. I would finish the fucking job.
Starting point is 00:15:36 We cooked. They killed that nigga on the spot. The nigga who shot at Trump, they killed that nigga on the spot. He ain't get to breathe for 10 more minutes after that. No trial. None of that shit. You died today. And our second unknown contender comes in from we don't know where.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Crazy liberal number two. Somebody finally had the balls to bring a pew pew. And he missed. We were a second away! We were a centimeter away from half of the problem being gone, and you missed! Oh, my. Half the problem being gone.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Where's the other half? Who's the other half? Is it, like, all Republicans? What's after that? A red holocaust? Just curious. Asking for a friend. And the third contestant on today's episode of The Loony Left goes to this moron.
Starting point is 00:16:32 How do you miss that? We don't miss those! Come on, man! Fuck! We don't miss those! One shot at greatness! To be mentioned in the history books. And you miss the shot!
Starting point is 00:16:49 Fuck! We have one fucking chance. And he cries those crocodile tears with his back to the camera, folks. This is where we're at. The loony left have lost their marbles a long time ago. Yeah, the pendulum has swung so far to the left, and the whole world has gone crazy because of it. We're in a worse place because of it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Nothing good can come out of the left being in charge. Nothing. This is Republican Congressman Corey Mills, and he's got something insightful to say here in an interview that he's on with Jesse Waters. But this is what I've been talking about. This is what I've been saying, and the reason why I've had this intro on the front end of my podcast for months on end is because I knew that this was coming, and I wanted to have this documented,
Starting point is 00:17:53 that these people are the ones that contributed to this. Listen to his, in a nutshell, what I'm trying to say. The devil was in Butler, Pennsylvania, but so was God. Well, and I can say one more thing, if I may, which is that let us also remember that King Henry II went in and said, can no one rid me of this turbulent priest? And his king, his knights went out and killed the archbishop of Canterbury because they thought that was a direct order. What do you say when President Biden says it's time to put a target on Trump?
Starting point is 00:18:22 That, in my opinion opinion is the insightful rhetoric that's the stuff that they would have went after for the j6 stuff so why don't we have our own j13 investigation there needs to be a full investigation on this absolutely and it needs to not be crooked like some of these other former investigations were that's right yeah it'll be crooked it's always crooked this as far as i'm concerned and what i believe it's going to be a case closed there's going to be a uh look look there was no there wasn't even any legit like there was temporary secret service persons involved here which was mainly a bunch of police officers and you could tell that in the operations
Starting point is 00:18:53 look at the female who didn't know how to holster her gun it was kind of walking around really confused there there was there was temporary police officers acting in lieu of the secret service okay so when you get that happening and then their requests even after trump was the assassination of trump was attempted uh the trump campaign requested more secret service more security it got shot down right by the director i'm gonna talk more about that later right but when you when this kind of stuff happens these are like marching orders to the idiots that follow you because they don't know the difference they don't understand satirical cartoons and comments they don't understand uh literal versus uh cynical they literally don't understand if you have to
Starting point is 00:19:43 talk to them as if you're talking to a small child as a police officer there's there's like there's there's two versions right of of the miranda okay there's there's the normal version which you've all heard on tv you have the right to remain silent anything you say can will be used against the court of law you have right to attorney if you can't afford one will be appointed for you to understand these rights and then there's the watered-down. I shouldn't even say watered-down. I'm going to be careful saying dumbed-down version because this is one that's used for kids and people that are slow.
Starting point is 00:20:14 But you literally string it out a little bit, and you slow it down so you talk to them in slow words that they can understand and that they can comprehend because you want to make sure that they grasp it. That's how you have to talk to a liberal. That's how you have to talk to a Democrat. That's why AOC, she comes up with these really good ideas, right? She takes it to the hill and she's like, she comes out with these strong, I mean, she's throwing punches, but then she gets knocked down. Like her house of cards gets knocked down with one comment from the person she's trying to interrogate and she has this dumb look in her face because she didn't contemplate or
Starting point is 00:20:48 even consider the the fact that there's going to be a comeback she only saw i got this really great idea and then she's knocked over and then she just she's stunned they're not even glancing blows to these people they're idiots i'm telling you. Okay, listen to this one. This was an interview on MSNBC, on the inside interview, of Representative Dan Goldman, and he's a Democrat, and I want you to pay attention to what he says here. This is prior to the assassination attempt.
Starting point is 00:21:17 This is the kind of garbage that led up to and gave encouragement to this crooks fellow that decided he wanted to try to take the president's life. Because remember, somebody's going to have to step in and try to be the hero for the left. Listen to this garbage. Just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He has to be eliminated, he says. Folks, you cannot keep saying this kind of rhetoric. You cannot call the Republicans rhetorical, and you can't say that we need to calm down or pipe down or tune down the rhetoric. You can't say that we need to stop posting stuff because we're increasing the quote-unquote temperature, as Biden said. When this stuff is constantly being said for the past several years, constantly being spewed out onto social media, onto mainstream media, into the ears of people. And these posts make it to social media for people who don't even watch the news. These kind of things make it to X. These kind of things make it to TikTok, to Facebook. And these libtards that don't even watch television,
Starting point is 00:22:36 don't even watch the news or inform themselves, see these little 20, 30 second blurbs, right? And this is what feeds them. This is what gives them their perspective, that teaches them their ideals, their values. The left is doing it. It's called gaslighting. But really, who? Who is the party of rhetoric?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Who's the party of violence? Who? You tell me. Abraham Lincoln, he was Republican. Guess who he was assassinated by a democrat james garfield assassinated by a democrat william mckinley assassinated by a democrat kennedy you know he was a democrat right but he's still assassinated by by democrats this was an inside job and everybody knows it theodore roosevelt Ronald Reagan, Donald J. Trump, Republicans all except for one, JFK. And that was an inside job. And you want to head into your social media and talk about, oh, look, this is because of Donald Trump's position on guns.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I've seen so many posts now. How do you feel about AR-15s now? Now do you want to ban them? Hell no, I don't want to ban them just because some evil Democrat got a hold of a gun. How long was that gun sitting around before an evil Democrat got it and it operated? I've seen no gun go off on its own.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It never happens. They're always behind an evil person. An evil person pulling that trigger on somebody and in this case it was an evil democrat pulling a trigger on a republican and there's a lot of things that were wrong with the secret service that day i might talk about that too just because i got i was never secret service agents but i got 30 plus years of of uh of security experience 25 of those working in maximum security environment. And a lot of years being a police officer as well.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I got some opinions on that. Before I even start getting into this stuff, let's take a break and hear from our sponsor. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments. is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay, this one's pulled from James Klug off of X. Listen to his interview with an anti-Trump, somebody obviously suffering from TDS. Listen to what he's got to say. This is the deranged left, the loony left. This is the mindset of their base. Listen listen what was your thoughts about the assassination attempt they missed they missed they missed do you do you should have died he's not good for this country and he never will be wow he's the worst person that could be ever in politics he's not even a politician you're disappointed that the shooter missed Donald Trump? Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:25:45 100%. No, no, well, nothing. He should have died. She doesn't like him as much as I do, but she's a little more sympathetic to people dying. Do you think that the shooter
Starting point is 00:25:55 was justified? He did what he wanted to do. Do you think it was justified? Like, do you think he should have... In his eyes, I'm sure it was. But you know what? Since he missed,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I can guarantee you there's going to be 100 people that are going to try to not miss. Would you support that? Wow. 100%. He doesn't need to live. He doesn't need to be a president. So, hold on. 100%.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Why so much hatred for Donald Trump? Because, for one, he's a sucker. He grabs people by the pussy. He grabs women by the pussy, right? All right. We're done. Have a good day. Really quick.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Really quick. I want to know. Wow. I don't know what else to say but wow this guy said to talk about don trump quote unquote he grabs women by the pussy and for that he needs to die and that's all he really had to say the only reason he had right so he says that he he said he says things, locker room talk, right? Not literal terms. Okay? It's like when you have somebody by the short and curlies, you know, that's not a literal term. It means you've got them where you want them.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That was what Trump was meaning. Like Trump says stupid stuff all the time. He always says stupid things and the left takes him literally because they don't understand this him literally because they don't understand this kind of they don't understand abstract thinking they're left uh or uh they're black and white that's just how they think they don't have a lot of cognitive processes going on
Starting point is 00:27:18 up there they don't understand the depth of the things that they say. And that's why the leaders, and I'm using that term loosely, they're not leaders at all. Well, they might be because they got idiots following them. The managers on the left that this crowd follows, they get behind these people. And so what these politicians are saying, they don't understand the depth and the magnitude of their words. They don't understand that some idiot out there is taking them literally, and maybe they're meaning it literally. You can't tell me the AOC has a lick of brains between her two ears.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Joe Biden right now, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, all these people, they're really not that intelligent. You don't have to be intelligent to get into politics. You just have to say the right things to appease to the idiots that will vote for you. And that's what we have a lot of in these bigger cities, these densely populated cities, is the liberals move there. They condense into those areas. And they don't know any better
Starting point is 00:28:25 right they don't care to know any better and so they're like they just hear what the media feeds them and they believe it here's my take on what happened that day or what didn't happen it's just my visuals given the only the information that i have. That where Trump was shot was about 130 meters away or yards away from what I've been told. That is a simple shot for any person that's trained with a rifle. The fact that it was so close and that it was unsecured is a matter that should be scrupulized heavily. There's no reason why there should not have been Secret Service planted up on top of that building. At a minimum, an order should have been called out when somebody was on a building that shouldn't have been on a building.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Every Secret Service person, everybody working on a detail to secure the President of the United States should know what buildings are occupied, what buildings have been secured, what buildings have oversight or bird watch on. bird watch on and when something isn't is amiss something isn't right somebody's not supposed to be at a place where there's somebody showing up it needs to be called out none of that happened in fact it was just the opposite several people including at least one reporter was telling the police aka in this situation.a. in this situation, the Secret Service detail, that there's a man on the building. They recognized this. These people that were not trained spotters recognized a man with a rifle low-crawling into his position and setting up his rifle.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And they were pointing at him and telling the authorities, he's right over there, he's right over there, at least for two to three minutes. Okay, this is going on. And no action was taken. Furthermore, to my knowledge and what I have read and what I've been being informed on is that there wasn't even any drones in the sky.
Starting point is 00:30:42 There's no eye in the sky, so to speak. There was no trained spotters. My understanding is there wasn't any real secret service here. There was like Homeland Security temp agents, temporary agents in law enforcement. Now, I want to read some stuff to you. This is coming straight from Forbes. Just some key points on some of the issues here that's that's involved with this maybe some stuff that's coming up point one and these are bullet points point one the
Starting point is 00:31:11 senate committee on homeland security and government affairs on monday said it will open a bipartisan investigation into the attempted assassination of trump and chair gary peters democrat michigan said it hopes to expedite the process to be finished by August. I told you guys, this is going to be like a cut. There was a shooter. We killed him. End of story. Case closed.
Starting point is 00:31:38 You can't expect the Justice Department to investigate itself and come out with a finding. Bullet point two. The House Oversight Committee is expected to be briefed by the Secret Service about the response to the Trump rally shooting on Tuesday, CNN reported. And Cheadle, who is the director of Secret Service, said this on Sunday, called to testify before the committee on July 22nd. Bullet point number three, Mayorkas on Monday told CNN the government will deliver answers to the people to the fullest extent possible. Okay, if you guys believe anything Mayorkas says at this point, then you're kind of, you're on equal ground with the libs as far as I'm concerned. The next bullet point for, I believe, the comments from the Homeland Security Secretary
Starting point is 00:32:24 came shortly after CNN reported the Secret Service did not sweep the building on which a suspected shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was perched on the roof with an AR-15, despite it being less than 200 yards away from where the campaign rally was taking place, and instead relied on local law enforcement agencies to handle security at that location. Guys, that right there is egregious neglect. Egregious. Gross neglect on the part of Secret Service. And the buck stops with Cheadle, the Director, the Secret Service Director. That right there should get canned for that one. Right there by itself. The next bullet point five, Pennsylvania State Police has said it was not responsible for
Starting point is 00:33:05 the area. So now there's conflicting information. They're saying that's not true. We were not responsible for that area. And the secret service saying, yeah, you were like, we, we put them in charge of that area. Uh, number six on Monday, Kimberly Cheadle, director of the secret service spoke out about the incident of the first for the first time and praised parts of the agency. Uh, the agency's response, including the shooting of crooks for the first time and praised parts of the agency uh the agency's response including the shooting of crooks by a counter sniper team while also promising to fully cooperate with an independent investigation ordered by president joe biden or if this is the same guy who said he got fired they're praising him on cameras but they're firing him because he was
Starting point is 00:33:40 kind of a lone wolf that didn't follow orders and wouldn't take the shot anyway it's just too bad they waited for him to open fire before they the rules of engagement on this i just don't understand i understand you know wartime rules of engagement although i disagree with them because if you're not you can't lay these rules out to people who are taking fire and you're not out there right you don't understand the stress involved in that it's ridiculousness and for these guys right here if for the secret service so you gotta wait for until they shoot the president before you shoot them that is absurd and entirely defeats voids out the entire reason for security to begin with she added that the agency is confident in the
Starting point is 00:34:21 secret the secret i'm sorry the security measures that have been put in place for this week's Republican National Convention and that the Secret Service has made changes to Trump's security detail since Saturday. But on a side note, they refused to give him additional security. Trump campaign asked for additional security in light of what has happened, and they have turned him down. I'm telling you, these guys, their fingers are crossed. him down. I'm telling you, these guys, their fingers are crossed. They might be openly saying that this is a bad deal and sending out their apathetical responses. Don't believe it. It's just not true. They really don't care, and they're probably having parties in private. The rooftop of which crooks managed to shoot Trump had been identified by Secret Service as a potential security vulnerability.
Starting point is 00:35:09 NBC News reported Sunday night citing the unnamed sources. So there you have it. I'm going to read to you, and this has not been verified if you even believe or can trust the mainstream media to verify anything anymore, a post that was made by a man claiming to be the sniper that took out the assassin, or the would-be assassin. He posted, for what it's worth, is a place where you allegedly can go and anonymously pose. It's not a place like Facebook or Twitter or Instagram where the social media powers that be will take your post down. It's not a censored site. So this guy gets on here and posts. My name is Jonathan Willis. I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least three minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take the perp out. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump. I didn't follow the orders though. As soon as the shooter opened on Trump, I returned fire despite strict orders to not engage. I had eyes on the shooter for three minutes
Starting point is 00:36:41 watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust the scope. It was obvious he was a shooter, yet I wasn't allowed to engage. After I killed the shooter, I was arrested, questioned by the FBI, and just released an hour ago. Already lost my job for not following orders, but I'm glad I took the shots anyway. Take that for what it's worth. I'm just telling you what this post says. I don't know if that's the guy, the real guy. I don't know. I'm not a news reporter. I can't report that as fact. And I don't care what the fact checkers say about it. I'm telling you right now, he's claiming that this is the person that did it. And I'm also telling you that something doesn't smell right.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Doesn't smell right for sure. Those of you that listen to Dan Bongino, he was a Secret Service agent. And a lot of his people that he reached out to or contacted him, told him that the rules of engagement have been so dramatically changed that they're not even allowed. I want to say it was Dan Bongino.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I might've heard this on Ben Shapiro, but I want to say it was Dan Bongino. I might've heard this on Ben Shapiro, but I want to say it was Dan Bongino said that the rules of engagement, they didn't use the word rules of engagement, but that's what it is, ROEs. The ROEs had been so dramatically changed in the past few years that they're not allowed to open fire unless being fired upon, that they're not allowed to open fire unless being fired upon, which is ridiculous. I'm telling you from a person who's done nothing but security my whole life, the entire purpose of security, the entire context of it all, the heart of security is preemptive in nature to stop things from happening before it happens. Security is retroactive, not reactive. We have things in place to prevent issues from happening.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And the Secret Service here, there was gross negligence on every front. From their entire DEI protocol, which by the way, I hear that the DEI director is probably a DEI placement herself, is on a mission to hire 30% or to increase by 30% the female trainees, cadets, Secret Service agents, whatever you want to call them, very soon. So what we're doing then is we're sacrificing the president's life in favor of ROEs and DEIs. Folks, that's what it boils down to. Now, there's a lot of people out there that are saying, I've heard it all already. I've heard people say that Trump set this up, which is he's not going to set himself up to be shot especially his own followers
Starting point is 00:39:31 that's actually ludicrous that's the most far and insane thing you can even think of and there's others that are saying that it was an inside job which I'm more inclined to believe because it doesn't smell right. I'm not pointing fingers and saying this is in fact the case.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I'm saying something doesn't smell right. There's no way possible that this man climbed a ladder that should have been secured. He was inside the perimeter, for crying out loud. Climbed up a ladder, got onto a building, and low-crawled into a position, and not a single trained spotter saw him. And of the ones that did, they did nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And then there's people telling them, the authorities, that there he is, or the man on the building over there with the rifle, acting all confused. Now, it could be that maybe they were confused, maybe because they weren't really trained Secret Service persons. These were just temporary positions that were filled because evidently they were being utilized somewhere else. They didn't want to give Trump real security. Everybody knows, maybe you don't, but Benny Sanders, or I'm sorry, Benny Sanders, I'm thinking Bernie Sanders, Benny Thompson out of Mississippi, the congressman, has been writing legislation for some time now trying to get Trump's Secret Service pulled.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Because remember, he thinks he's a convict, right? Remember 34 felonies and all that nonsensical BS? Yeah. So he's writing legislation to get presidents that have been convicted, and they call it shameful. I think the verb he uses is shameful, or adjective rather. Shameful presidents, shameful convicted presidents, something along that line,
Starting point is 00:41:16 get their secret security, or yeah, secret service agents pulled so they have no security if they go to prison. These are people that want trump dead to begin with so i don't believe i don't believe their news releases their press releases their tweets and their letters that are that they're sending out giving their sympathies and they're praying for him to get well they're having parties probably in secret they're probably toasting each other hey and and we're and we're seeing the people who are not in elected positions, who are not getting paid,
Starting point is 00:41:48 putting their thoughts out on social media, right? Remember all the ones I played for you? And there's a lot more. I'm trying to save some space here. Trying to spare you the agony. I'm going through this so you don't have to. You're welcome. Here's Come Back Around, Jim Pisack pisaki for anyone out there who has a platform
Starting point is 00:42:08 who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party you are feeding into the danger you are making it more likely there's retaliation i'm incredibly scared i'm scared for journalists i'm scared for people who have public platforms of all parties. And that's how people should feel. Here's Dana Perino on Fox News saying that they can't get in to the shooter's cell phone is at Quantico and they can't get in. Do you believe this? Do you actually believe this is true? Listen to this nonsense. It's telling Fox they believe the shooter acted alone. We're also learning that they can't get into his cell phone. They have it at Quantico, but haven't been able to get any data out of it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Okay, listen to this one. This was an interview on MSNBC, on the inside interview, of Representative Dan Goldman, and he's a Democrat. I want you to pay attention to what he says here. This is prior to the assassination attempt. This is the kind of garbage that led up to and gave encouragement to this crooks fellow that decided he wanted to try to take the president's life.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Because remember, somebody's going to have to step in and try to be the hero for the left. Listen to this garbage. Just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again he is not only unfit he is destructive to our democracy uh and he has to be uh he has to be eliminated just he has to be eliminated, he says. Folks, you cannot keep saying this kind of rhetoric. You cannot call the Republicans rhetorical, and you can't say that we need to calm down or pipe down or tune down the rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:43:56 You can't say that we need to stop posting stuff because we're increasing the quote-unquote temperature, as Biden said. When this stuff is constantly being said for the past several years, constantly being spewed out onto social media, onto mainstream media, into the ears of people. And these posts make it to social media for people who don't even watch the news. These kind of things make it to X. These kind of things make it to X. These kind of things make it to TikTok, to Facebook. And these libtards that don't even watch television, don't even watch the news or inform themselves, see these little 20, 30-second blurbs, right? And this is what feeds them.
Starting point is 00:44:37 This is what gives them the perspective that teaches them their ideals, their values. And the left is doing it. It's called gaslighting. So here's what I want to do. Normally, I play my intro at the very front end of my podcast. You guys know that. I postpone that because I wanted to break down the rhetoric that the left has been using. And we're just going to talk about that along the way.
Starting point is 00:45:02 But here we go. I'm going to play my intro right now. And then at the end, we'll talk about, I'm just going to talk about that along the way. But here we go. I'm going to play my intro right now. And then at the end, we'll talk about, I'm just going to kind of cut in the middle and talk about some of these idiots. I don't want to set the world. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be. That was Nancy Pelosi. To chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage.
Starting point is 00:45:35 This is liberal dirtbag Keith Olbermann. There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest. Representative Ayanna Pressley. Donald Trump. I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I thought he should have punched him in the face. I feel like punching him. Just moshpogs of idiots.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And, of course, President Biden. If you're in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take him out tonight. Take him out now. When was the last time an actor assassinated the president they're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in donald trump show me where it says that protests are supposed to be rick wilson on msnbc maxine waters again i have thought and not madonna about blowing up the white house please get up in the face Donna. Don Lemon.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I believe. Chuck Schumer. Maybe it was Booker that, not Don Lemon. Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson. Not Don Lemon. This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson. And for those of you who are soldiers,
Starting point is 00:46:53 Listen to this. Make them pay. Make them pay, she says. We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Own nothing. And love it. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. And like I already said, welcome to the Rising Republic. I am Al Douglas Hogan. I'm sorry that I, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:40 run the intro at the beginning, but I thought it'd be better given the situation. I thought I needed to approach a little bit differently, at least on this podcast, because of the sensitivity of it all. But while we have a president recovering after being shot, and I'm sure he's doing just fine. His ear was pierced. I'm sure he's just fine. We have others who are in office who are pushing all kinds of hate speech and rhetoric, and they're placating us with disingenuous press releases and meaningless empathy. I don't know what's completely apathetic, but this is where they're at.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And we have a president in office who couldn't even, and still hasn't, a president in office who couldn't even, and still hasn't, admitted, along with his mainstream media cohorts, that there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. They can't even say it. USA Today, I think they're the ones that said that he fell or was rushed off the stage after some loud sounds, and CNN said that he fell, I believe it was. But hey, everything's going to be all right. You know why? Because God is in control. And we got to find optimism in that fact that even though it looks like the world is upside down, Jesus told us this would happen.
Starting point is 00:48:58 He said that in the last days, that good would be called evil and evil would be called good and that we'd be hated for his namesake is very true but don't let your faith be shaken because besides all that greatness we have a president who is greek and jewish and raised by puerto ricans in a black church and he's a practicing catholic and born in a cold town in Scranton, Pennsylvania. A professor, a full-blown professor, he says, for four years from the University of Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Grew up in Italian communities. He's a student of Persian culture. And he graduated, my favorite part. He won't talk about this part. Number 76 of 85 students if you believe all of his lies you go right on ahead I ain't gonna have it
Starting point is 00:49:51 I ain't gonna believe it I'm not falling for it kind of weird letting you listen to the intro and then my outro within the same five minutes but I am L. Douglas Hogan I want to thank all of you for dropping by God bless

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