The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic: Burning Ballots at the Boxes
Episode Date: October 29, 2024@PBNLinks | Linktree...
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I don't want to set the world.
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.
Maybe there will be.
To chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage.
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.
Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.
I thought he should have punched him in the face.
I feel like punching him.
I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school.
If you're in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out now.
When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?
They're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite
and peaceful.
And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Please, get up in the face of some Congress people.
People will do what they do.
I want to tell you, Lord Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh,
you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.
We're going to go in here winning.
This is just a warning to you Trumpers.
Be careful.
Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
We are your lizard overlords.
Stop listening to these preppers.
Eat your crickets.
Fight in the streets.
Own nothing. and love it.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
Welcome everybody to the Rising Republic.
I'm L. Douglas Hogan.
And I'm Ryan Buford. Welcome to the show, everyone.
Do you ever get tired of hearing the intrepid commander in the host eat your crickets voice?
Eat your crickets.
Stop listening to the preppers.
I mean, God, I can't believe it's still coming around to that.
But geez, it's just like, but no, I do enjoy it.
I like how he pokes fun at that kind of stuff too.
And what about the progressive movement at the beginning of the show?
I mean, at some point I'm going to take that off
and we're going to change it up a little bit,
but I think right now I cringe every time I hear their voices
because Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, those guys, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
But at the same time, we've got to help bring awareness.
Well, I think that, you know, I think it's really important to keep that stuff at the forefront of people's minds, too, just to see some of the hypocrisy of what each side is doing, but particularly the left.
side is doing, but particularly the left. I mean, I have no problem, especially pointing out folks on the right who are just like, you know, saying things that are absolutely against what the
majority of the people with conservative values and beliefs hold, you know, so it's kind of it,
but it, during that timeframe, the summer of love, when they were saying this kind of stuff,
and then just point blank calling for violence
against people with certain mindsets or beliefs,
you know, that's kind of messed up,
especially where we are today.
Who was the senator?
They call him, was it John Kerry?
John Kerry was the flip-flopper.
Do you remember back whenever he was running?
I can't remember what year it was when he was running.
But the crowds were flip-flop, flip, because he flip-flopped them so many times.
He was the guy that was in those.
He was one of those flower children that you talked about, like peace and love and all that back in the Vietnam era, right?
And then he was also the same guy that would have been spitting in the faces of the soldiers when they were coming back from overseas.
Oh, yeah.
From what I saw, he was actually, I want to say he was betraying.
I got to go back a long ways.
I don't know why I'm even thinking of this right now.
But there's videotapes of him sitting before Congress throwing his brothers in arms under the bus.
Oh, yeah.
Doesn't surprise me.
I wouldn't be one bit surprised, especially that guy.
So what have you been doing all week?
What's been going on with you?
Well, actually, you know,
I've been traveling this last week.
I spent some time in Salt Lake City,
which was interesting.
We had our last podcast on Monday night
before I got a chance,
or Sunday night, I think.
When was it, Monday night?
I can't remember.
Monday night.
Before I really got a chance
to explore, you know,
what was going on at Salt Lake City right now. but you definitely got some show ideas as a result of
that um that i'm gonna have to throw your way because i i think there's something to be said
about how seriously people take their own preparedness and maybe some of the the mindsets
that people have or think other people have when they really don't so it was it was
eye-opening we'll put it that way but i've been traveling a lot doing some training and stuff
work and then now i'm back home so i celebrated my 52nd birthday um and i released uh my third book
which i sent you a brief message i remember you you found it so sorry i can't go ahead blah blah
whatever it was and and i made like a really quick wedding like a couple two or three minute little
blurb about the new release of the program and i was so happy it was just complete coincidence
like my editor got it back to me and i started pumping out you know the going through the
approval process because an editor gives you something back gives your manuscript back it's
got all these edits in it and recommendations and side notes and things
yeah go through line by line and approve everything uh that it is the way that you
want it and if you if you misspoke or something there's usually no doubt to the sides my editor
is really good about that so i went through that and i did all that i approved it i've
saved it again in a new file,
uploaded it to the program I use to shape,
we'll say shape eBooks, Mobi and EPUB and all those for Kindle and Apple eBooks and all those.
And then I added some images and stuff that I had saved
over the past few months just doing this podcast and things like that.
And then it just happened to, on, all my birthday says October 23rd,
but I uploaded it on October 22nd on my birthday.
And I'm really excited to say,
Thanks to the listeners.
I got,
thank the listeners.
If you guys were part of that,
you purchased the program.
I also made available that book for a special,
like a launch price of 99 cents ebook.
Same thing for old takers book one.
And I do the same thing for scribe martial law. I lowered all the prices on those to 99 cents ebook same thing for old takers book one and i did the same thing for
survival martial law i lowered all the prices on those to 99 cents and uh lo and behold it didn't
take long i was watching it closely to see what was going to go on uh old takers like it normally
does bounce back up to number one slot and then uh survival martial law which had been in number
one before bounced back up into number one slot. And it took two whole days.
And I don't know if Amazon's lists are lagging or something,
but on that third day, boom, number one, bestseller, number one new release.
Yeah, I was so excited.
So it makes all three now in that series number one bestsellers
in their respective categories.
It is very exciting.
So what's the new one?
The program.
And what's that one about
because i mean i've got the sneak peek but you know for the listeners who don't already know
so glad you asked we didn't plan that out here and we're still going out there the program so
it's spelled p-r-o-g-r-a-m-m-e it's like that's the way it's spelled in the united nations agenda 30
all the way throughout the program i mean well it well, it is the program. So I call it the program, kind of a, it's a play.
There's a special word.
I can't remember what it is now.
I'm having a brain fart.
Usually you can say like a word or a phrase
that means two different things.
And that's what this is.
The program, it actually means,
it can refer to the United Nations Agenda 30,
but it could also refer to, in my mind,
as what's going on in the in our current political system
and this and behind those spiritual curtains um there's there's dark forces that are pulling the
strings and we're just the meat puppets that are are doing the bidding and making you know
producing the fruits of these things that are happening uh pushing this agenda forward
as we've talked about before in passing,
I know I've talked about it a lot on the show,
the mark of the beast is coming,
and I believe it's going to be in the way of a centralized digital currency system
and a universal ID card.
The universal ID card is pushed in the United Nations agenda.
It's 16.9.
I believe it is 16.9.
It basically says that because they're pushing, it's a 16.9. I believe it is 16.9. The, the, uh, the, it basically says that, uh, cause they're pushing, it's a big equity movement. Everything is equity, equity,
equity. Now it's what Kamala Harris is all about. This is a global movement. It's a, it's a, it's a
push towards the end game and the end game being that every single person in this world, no matter
of your financial status wall in the end, there will be equity. And so we've
talked about equity before, and I was on Sarah Hathaway's show, The Changing Earth podcast,
like two or three weeks ago. And we're talking about equity and equality. There's a big difference.
Here's equality, Ryan. All right. I'm a little bit taller than you. Okay. We're looking over a fence.
All right. Somebody gives me a box or gives you a box so you can see up over the fence
and then they give me a box. Okay. That's fair, right? You got a box. I got a box,
but that's not equitable because when I stand on my box, I'm still taller than you.
You stand in your box. I stand on my box. I'm still taller. So in order for equity to be,
to work, you get a box, you become as tall as me and you're not that short. I'm just
using that as an example. You get a box. So you're as tall as me and I don't get a box, you become as tall as me, and you're not that short. I'm just using that as an example.
You get a box, so you're as tall as me, and I don't get a box.
So in the end, all things are fair, at least in the eyes of the persons who are pushing
Now you're as tall as me.
You have, and I don't.
But the end game is the same.
And I get more of a handout as a result.
Yeah. And, you know, back to your digital currency thing, digital ID, we are fast on the fast track to moving toward that.
Even in my travels over the last couple of years, I've noticed some significant changes when it comes to travel because I don't travel that much.
But over the last couple of years, I've been on planes a lot lately.
couple of years, I've been on planes a lot lately. And one of the things that I have done or, you know, the changes that have been made are the enhanced ID. And rather than getting that, what
I've gotten is my passport ID, which is a passport card. And even if you have your passport traveling
within the United States, in order for you to get on a plane, you have to insert your card into the
machine and they get your picture taken. And they confirm that with your ID, obviously facial ID
recognition. And if there was a potential that you had, for example, like a political view that
didn't align, or maybe you showed up to the wrong place at the wrong time with your cell phone in your back pocket and they tracked your cell phone to that location at that time.
Then they can either arrest you on the spot or deny you flight or deny you.
I mean, we're getting to the point where you can't even buy beer without submitting your driver's license to be scanned, barcoded, scanned.
to be scanned barcoded scanned and uh you know it's kind of it's interesting to see where we are right now with the barcode on the back of your driver's license and the barcode on the back of
your social not social security card but your um uh what do you call it um like a driver's license
passport card and i mean we're not far from it so no they're putting those little qr codes and everything
now too which is just another way of reading it there's information stored in these device in
these in these whether it's a line or these like when you look at a qr code you don't really know
what it is it's just a bunch of blurby like ink blots to us to our eyeballs but to a computer
system it's picking out something um so when you were talking, I was pulling up the agenda 30.
And again, there's 17 sustainable development goals.
And have we talked about sustainable development before?
I think I might have passed.
Not together, but I'm familiar with it vaguely.
I think I talked about it also maybe in passing with the surviving martial law class that I taught that you attended back at Prepper Camp.
in passing with the surviving martial law class that I taught that you attended back at Prepper Camp. But yeah, so just so the listeners know, sustainable development is a buzzword that,
it sounds cool. I mean, who doesn't want to sustain and develop? But here's the play on it,
because it is a buzzword. But sustainable development means, everything about the
United Nations sustainable development is geared towards
equity and population. Those are the two,
those are the two things that we play with here. Okay.
But bouncing back a little bit to the Malthusian theory,
are you familiar with Malthusian theory?
No. Well, I might've heard it in the past, but it reminded me.
Okay. So Thomas Mathis,
he was born back in like February 13, 14 or so, 1766.
He was, what was he, some kind of a scholar of some sort, a demographer,
so whatever he was, he did this thing where he tried to calculate
and tried to find out where exactly,
because we only have a limited amount of food supply on the earth
and we have a booming population.
And he tried to use a scientific equation to find out where is that line, where is the tipping point,
so that we've reached X amount of people upon the earth, the earth no longer has enough resources to feed humans.
All right.
At that point there, now we're introducing famine and pestilence and starvation and wars and all this other stuff.
So that's Malthusian theory.
And then you're familiar with the Georgia Guidestones that was blown up a couple years ago.
You remember the 500 million number on there?
I want to say number two of the, the Georgia guide stones,
but there was maintain a max population.
I'm paraphrasing here.
Cause I can't remember the exact words,
but there's like 10,
we'll say called 10 guides or 10 guidelines,
which is funny because the Bible has 10 commandments and that they was written
on stone.
And here we go.
We got 10 guidelines that are written on stone.
and I'm paraphrasing,
but it said maintain a max population and perpetual balance with the earth of 500 million people so you're like wow that's uh that's uh that's where'd they get that number so you know that it's actually
number one in on those stones and it was written in all the Chinese, English, Hebrew, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili.
So these are the eight major languages of the world.
And it was written in all those languages.
And number one was maintain humanity under 500 million and perpetual balance with nature.
That's what it says.
Fast forwarding to the sustainable development goal.
Sustainable development is a buzzword, which if you think
about it actually means that we have to find a place in our system that we live in right now,
where we have equal portions of the earth's population consuming equal portions of the earth.
So there's a balance, a delicate balance there okay um because if we
keep on populating you know everybody's talking about overpopulation but if we keep on populating
we're going to keep on burning resources and the resources that the earth is producing is
is eventually not going to be enough now we've already surpassed what thomas mathis said
by a long shot by yeah by a lot i bet yeah uh i mean there's still there's still so much so much land
mass on the earth that's not populated i mean there's plenty of room to grow there's lots of
room to grow actually um but you know how they are the globalists are they they don't want to
look at that they want to look at oh god we got a crisis here we got a climate everything is a
crisis which i'd say probably 30 40 times now we've had 30, a global crisis with the climate where we were supposed to be dead by now.
And it never happened.
Well, and it's kind of weird to, I mean, you're, you got the climate thing and then people who were waking up to that, the, you know, the potential that, oh, that might not necessarily be true.
We got climate experts that are coming out saying this is, this is a total farce total farce you know and then but nobody's listening to them because so many people have
bought into the the potential that it could it could exist because of some thing that
al gore decided to put out and then someone piggybacked off that i saw an awesome video
the other day about a guy who was saying, look, if
this was actually going to happen, nobody would invest in anything. Nobody would invest in land
because the sea levels would rise so high. Nobody would loan on land or property or anything
on half of the United States or all of the United Kingdom. I mean, the potential for something like
that to happen if financial,
because financial people pay attention to this kind of stuff
to the level that none of us do,
because there's skin in the game, right?
Nobody's going to invest in properties that are garbage
or going to be garbage,
or they're not going to be able to reclaim their money on.
So that was kind of an interesting point
that was made in that particular conversation but
it's like yeah you know and and the population side of it too i mean we've got a massive
population declines that are matching that of the 30s and nobody seems to be talking about that
not partially because of the mentality of the people who are currently
having children but also because of the fallout from the vaccines or we got people that are just
happen to happen to be having miscarriages or you know birth problems or you know issues of
pregnancy or even getting pregnant that you know that the the globalists have already gone above and beyond to make sure the population won't reach those levels.
And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that kind of stuff out.
On the rising sea levels you mentioned, I thought about that whenever I saw Barack Obama's beach home.
This has been a quote-unquote crisis for how many years and
and obama who's who's neck deep in the in the in globalism has a beach house and then you've seen
the pictures of what from 1930 to 2024 of i don't know any any any land mass around the united
states nothing has changed it's like they want you to think all this. And then there's also two schools of thought on the whole population thing.
And this is in my book, The Program.
But one of the schools is basically that war and famine,
people believe that that actually increases the population
because people tend to thrive.
Look, there was a huge boom in the uh the great
depression remember we had there's a huge uh a huge boom in the population and so that's why
people think that well we we just come out of we're getting preparing to go into a war right
and then we have this uh this people are jobless there's a a lot of immigration. Jobs are few, and America is under development.
And then all of a sudden, boom, there's a huge population.
Because husbands and wives are without work, and they're at home.
And what do you get when they're at home and they're bored, right?
And that was way before the birth control thing that we got now.
We got a lot more options now for birth control control well i mean the same thing happened in 2020
2021 covid babies but the thing is is there's not as many of them and i honestly think that the
the vaccine stopped a lot of that that people aren't really talking about that as much but
um i think that prevented the potential of a lot of births that
would have normally happened as a result of that so i'm kind of wondering if there's a two-part
um component to the covid thing not only to see if we were going to follow the direction like we
were supposed to and then the other part where you know the the medical and biomedical side of
things of that where you know if you're if you're affecting the way people's genetics are,
how is that going to affect sperm and egg production
and how effectively it's going to work.
So we've been playing God a little bit too long.
I think so.
And that's the kind of stuff I talk about in this
because everything that is happening right now in our world,
there's some kind of spiritual influence behind it.
It's really deep.
If I start talking about it now, we're going to be here for hours and hours and hours.
It's really deep.
We're going off the rails already. Yeah.
Bring it back on track.
I do want to mention a couple more things because a while ago we talked about the CBDCs, the centralized digital currency.
We also talked about the universal digital ID.
And some believe that these two things cannot work together.
And I talked with Sarah about this before.
There's just so many moving parts.
The only reason why it hasn't come together yet.
You know, Corporation A, you know, makes computer chips.
But Corporation B, they create artificial intelligence, right?
So once these things, and then we got the banking system and the cryptocurrency and all this stuff that with crypto is the same, but not the same as a digitalized currency that Biden's trying to take us into.
But these things got to come together to mesh and to form.
Right now, we got so many moving cogs that it's just not working right. But if somebody could come
together and just kind of build a mobile, like a bicycle kind of a thing out of all this, so
it could all move in unison together and make a working product out of it, it'll happen.
But so in what the sustainable development goals, and again, there's 17 of these,
So in what the sustainable development goals, and again, there's 17 of these, they're called SDG, sustainable development goals.
Number 10.5 is improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institution and strengthen the implementation of such regulations.
So, and they want to do the whole point of the agenda 30 is to make this happen by 2030.
That's why it's called that.
So again, they want to push this monitoring of global financial markets yep uh so that's there you go there's there's the global monitoring part of it
financial monitoring that they want uh to do and i'm going to scroll down and there's a lot again
there's there's 17 of these but they're all broken down into into points for example once i get down
here into 16 for example, promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective,
accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. That sounds good. But then you listen to
the breakdown. 16.1, significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
Okay, there's nothing wrong with that uh end abuse
exploitation trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children nobody likes that
of course that's something we want to stop right um promote the rule of law and the national
and the national and international levels or at the international and international levels and
ensure equal access to justice for all. By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows,
strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets,
and combat all forms of organized crime.
16.5, substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.
16.6, develop effective accountability and transparent institutions on all levels.
Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels.
Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries and the institutions of global governance.
And then there's this right here, 16.9, that stands out to me
because it goes hand in hand with the financial monitoring,
global financial and universal monitoring of the banking system, 16.9.
By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.
So this is for everybody.
So this is going to be a global plan where the old big kids with big swollen tummies
are going to have birth registration and IDs and a digital ID,
just the same as a very wealthy person in the United States
or any other rich person in any civilized country.
And then the end game of this, of course, is that what's the Bible say about, uh, about
the mark of the beast is that he causes all both small and great to receive a mark in
his right hand or his forehead, which he cannot buy or sell unless you have it.
You see how it's all tied together.
I mean, I can see that too, especially if you're like, oh, well, you know, you don't
like, have you ever seen the movie Gattaca?
No, no. Oh, it was a movie in the nineties, basically where it was a genetic type of code kind of
And if you, if you had to do it in order to even get to work, you had to do a finger prick
to do a blood test, to make sure that you had the right genetic code to be able to be
accepted through the gates at work.
And I mean, we are very far from that i don't think and if we don't like and and it's kind of a futuristic
dystopian kind of story and for those of you who've seen it you kind of know what i'm talking
about but it's it in the 90s it it was like, oh, that's crazy.
That would never happen, but we're not very far from that, which is kind of creepy.
A lot of these things that I just mentioned, especially the global, I mean, think about
just in our lifetime, remember when we were kids, we were watching Star Trek, like the
older version, even the newer version, they had these monitors in their hands that they
would carry around, I can't remember what they were called now, even the newer version, they had these monitors in their hands that they would carry around.
I can't remember what they were called now,
but they would look, there'd be a screen on it,
and they would talk to somebody that was in space,
and they could see their face.
And it's basically a cell phone that we have now.
So the technology that we thought was scientific back in the day,
these little portable handheld things where they look at each other in their face,
has become a reality.
And it's the same thing with all this.
Eventually, this is going to happen. And it seems like it does seem like conspiracy, but
I've read this when I was a kid. I'm like, oh my, that, uh, that sounds bad. And now here in our
time, we're looking at the capabilities. Finally, it's finally reached us that this can happen.
Yeah. But we're not doing anything positive with it. It's just, you know, it's, it's turning into
tracking and, you know, just tick talk and garbage and stuff. I mean, it's turning into tracking and, you know, just TikTok and garbage and stuff.
I mean, it is the epitome of what happens when you give someone a calculator instead of teaching them how to do it by hand.
You know, it's scary.
Take a quick break here and then we'll come back and we can talk about some of the legends.
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Okay, Ryan, let me see here. Okay, so last week we talked, I played like two minutes of
Jamie Raskin talking about disenfranchised voters, right?
I want to play that again because we had a good conversation about that and now there's some
funny business going on in the
election so i just kind of want to revisit this a little bit and and maybe touch on some of the
points that he brought up and then kind of slide into this um this stuff that you uh shared with
me with the voter stuff here here comes well what i would say is um you know we got to play defense
and offense in 2024 um the the right to vote is under attack in very specific ways in lots of states, especially in some of the deep south states, especially in Florida, which I just returned from.
There's just unbelievable stuff going on there. ballot or absentee ballot, you have to have a, you can only have it taken to the mailbox or
the polls by a member of your nuclear family who lives with you. Okay. So there's just a million
traps for the unwary that are being set across the country. But at the same time, we do have to
get on offense for the articulation of a constitutional right to vote that's meaningful for everybody in the country, the millions of people who are left out and disenfranchised and for everybody whose right to vote is rendered vulnerable by this Supreme Court. And it's, you know, I like very much the point that both Sherilyn and Rick have been making
about the Supreme Court. I mean, we've got to remember that for the vast majority of American
history, the Supreme Court has not been a friend to the people. It has been overwhelmingly in a
reactionary or conservative mode. I mean, all the way up until the Civil War, what did the Supreme Court ever do
for enslaved people in our country? Absolutely nothing other than cement their status in the
Dred Scott decision, saying that African Americans had no rights, that the white man was bound to
respect. And then even after the Civil War, even after the Reconstruction Amendments in 1896 and Plessy versus Ferguson
constitutionalizing Jim Crow. And then it's not until the Warren Court for a couple of decades
with the white primary cases and Brown versus Board where you get a different kind of Supreme
Court on the side of the freedoms and equality of the American people. But the court is not going to save us. And so that means the only
thing that really works is people in motion amending the Constitution. But again, it's
necessary, but it's not sufficient because what can be put into the Constitution can slip away
from you very quickly. And the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is Section
3 of the 14th Amendment, which they're just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn't exist, even though it could not be clearer what it's stating.
And so, you know, they want to kick it to Congress.
So it's going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified.
mobs that he's disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions,
all because the nine justices, not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do, a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want
to do their job and interpret what the great 14th amendment means. And I'm glad that Sherilyn's creating her new.
There's a lot to unpack there.
Like he,
Oh yeah.
I think once Jamie Raskin gets going,
he can't shut his fricking blubbering mouth.
And I think that he might be at this point,
regretting that he went on record as saying this stuff.
I think it's a great,
I mean,
I love it when some of these left wing crackheads decide to to go off on something
because they just basically open their playbook wide open and at least it gives us an insight to
what they're thinking how about how he's throwing in the supreme court under the bus and he's using
examples from from like the civil war era and then he and then he moves forward a little bit
and talks about jim crow laws now wasn't it the Democrats that were pushing the Jim Crow laws in the southern states?
I think people are finally starting to wake up to that, especially black people are starting to realize that, hey, wait a second.
You know, over time, we've been given the shaft and dealt a bad hand by Democrats.
and dealt a bad hand by Democrats.
And, you know, in the 80s and 90s, we were supposedly getting better off.
And, you know, here 40 years, 20, 30, 40 years later,
they're not seeing any benefit from it.
And their true colors are starting to come through, I think.
It's also crazy to me that like,
because he says this, the Jim Crow laws,
but the left, there's been a movement in the left to,
they're not calling them
jim crow laws but essentially bringing back segregation no yeah 100 like because i know
like the the black lives matter movement like do you remember whenever they were burning the cities
they built the walls um what was it portland they built the walls up around they created their own
little oh yeah that was in seattle se It was their, what was they call it?
The, oh, it was a something zone.
I forget.
It was dumb, but.
Yeah, it was some kind of a zone.
And it's funny because here we are, you know, we're a progressive movement.
You know, we're against guns or against walls.
And what do we do?
We build a wall.
And who do we put on top of the wall to protect it?
People with guns.
And it was dumb because actually, I don't know if you remember, right,
but they had a little garden that they were building
and a bunch of homeless people got in
and stole all the food that they had.
A progressive movement for you.
I mean, that's the epitome.
But I mean, you're right.
I mean, the citations that he's giving are all Civil War era Supreme Court decisions that were made at the time.
And then he's basically villainizing the current Supreme Court and saying that they're not for the people.
Well, wait a second.
I mean, the Supreme Court, their only job is to uphold the Constitution.
That's it. To interpret the law. It's not to job is to uphold the Constitution. That's it.
To interpret the law.
It's not to be a friend of the people.
It has nothing to do with being a friend of anybody, but it's to uphold the Constitution.
And in some cases, yeah, somebody's going to get slighted.
But the thing is, that one document is what sets this nation apart from all other nations.
And without the Supreme Court upholding those things, I mean, it's it's how do you say it's not it's pointless.
I mean, it's just a piece of paper.
So Obama's on record.
Our forefathers had a lot of forethought in putting that together and making
sure the supreme court was set up the way it was there was so much work that went into our
constitution in general it wasn't just a they sat down and just and the thing about it was it wasn't
a bunch of geniuses either it's like foreign farm people it was just a mod podge of different like
there's a might have been a farm hand it might been, you know, a general, it might've been a politician.
You know, I said, all these people were at one time,
either subjects of the colonies or people of England that put this thing
together and they knew all too well what a tyrannical government was and what
it could do. And they built this right.
And there's not a single justice on the Supreme court that was alive during
these, uh, these times that this idiot's talking about.
Talking about they're not a friend of the people.
Well, you know what?
First of all, none of those justices are still alive that were surrounded in a civil war.
These are a whole new group.
And yes, they talk and they make decisions.
And I like how he makes it sound like they don't have a lot of work.
How does he know?
Has he ever been a justice?
What a clown.
And what traps is he talking about he's i agree i agree uh when he says there's a lot of shady things going on in
florida and they're setting up traps and blah blah i think it's a good idea that somebody in from
your nuclear family should take them and drop them off and that way there's no shady business so that
we don't have some stranger coming and dumping off 30,000 freaking pieces of ballot, you know, that can't be verified or validated.
Well, that's you.
You've said this before on prior previous episodes that, you know, there's oh, there's no evidence.
There's no evidence is like the new trust the science.
I mean, it's a catchphrase.
And when people say there's no evidence of election, you know, issues or conflicts or anything like that, I mean, yes, there is.
There absolutely is.
There's evidence.
The thing is, is if it's not in court or whatever, sure.
But the fact, I mean, that doesn't discount the fact that there is evidence that it exists.
exist yeah you know and i i talk when i talk about that call i use two different phrases proof because you and i've seen uh seen we've seen proof of of some of some kind of election
interference or or voter fraud uh but we have to go to a discovery phase right in the court system
in order for it to actually be called evidence since the courts were not hearing donald trump's
allegations of voter fraud therefore there was no evidence of it it. Yeah, it's a play on words.
The first 15 seconds of that soundbite that you played
really kind of hit home for me,
especially with what happened over the weekend
here in Washington State and parts of Oregon.
Because he said something to the effect that,
you know, our elections are under attack or something like that.
Yeah, I'll play it again.
Well, what I would say is, you know, we got to play defense and offense in 2020.
Okay, right there.
The right to vote is under attack in various ways.
Under attack, yeah.
Lots of states, especially in some of the deep south states.
Yeah, hold right there.
So, you know, that part that he says, we have to play defense and offense.
Okay, I get that from a political standpoint.
But after seeing what happened here in Vancouver, Washington,
that kind of opened my eyes quite a bit with the whole idea of the call to act.
And what I mean by this, so back when you were talking about all the soundbite that you play at the very beginning of the show,
there's one thing that I think Maxine Waters said about to the soldiers out there, you know, make sure that they regret it or whatever.
work um you know you if you're from a position to where you have a microphone and you have followers and you are calling on people as soldiers that who who are not actual military soldiers that
means that there's a level of some some sort of sub sub group of people who feel like they are empowered to be able to take upon themselves
certain violent acts in the same form as a soldier might do even though they're civilians
well last weekend this this just this past weekend uh there were a couple of incendiary devices that
were used on ballot boxes in vancouver washington and i believe
in portland or maybe somewhere in the north northwestern portion of oregon the one in
vancouver is going all over uh social media right now because and and it shows basically where people
were videotaping this happening there are people taking pictures the ballot box was obviously wide
open and there were ballots that were visibly destroyed as a result of this incendiary device and to me that
is a physical attack that is going on the offensive and i think where we are right now is
we are at a point where you have a side or a party
that is backed up against a wall and in a corner
and their only
their only
option is to fight
back physically and
the fight itself
is at the ballot box and I
think they've taken that to the next extreme
especially when it comes to
physically destroying ballots that have already been submitted or doing things like ballot
harvesting or you know the two two thousand two thousand mules component i don't think they're
going to be able to get away with that in 2025 i think people are going to be watching a little
bit more closely.
But the fact that this even happened and it happened 10 days prior to the election,
that is eye-opening to me. And for people who pay attention to Antifa's antics and what happens here in the western part of Washington and Oregon, it's usually a precursor to what's going to happen
in the rest of the country
when it comes to politics and hopefully people are paying attention to that and being mindful of
their own ballot boxes and you know keeping keeping that kind of stuff intact in washington
we don't have a choice it's all mail-in so you drop it off at the box or you mail it in. So if you live in Washington state and you cast a vote in,
in Vancouver,
guess what?
you better make sure that your vote has been counted and,
or that,
that you get a new ballot because there's a chance that,
you know,
you basically,
your rights have been attacked by these morons.
to your comment that you could use,
don't you mentioned,
it was actually, Rep. Cynthia Johnson.
If I have any Michigan listeners out there,
you guys know who she is, Cynthia Johnson.
She's the one that said,
this is just a warning to all you Trumpers.
Be careful, walk lightly,
and to those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
She's talking about the people who are violent against
against conservatives the people who attack conservatives or mega hat wearers that's the
kind of person she's addressing so she's saying basically to make them pay i think that's that's
where we're at that's where we're at as a nation i mean we are if you want to talk civil war, we haven't crossed the line yet, but I can see an attack, even a coordinated attack of sorts, that would be enough to throw the election results off enough to discount folks who have already voted or whatever.
already voted or whatever. I it's, it's, it's absolutely unheard of that. We should even have to be dealing with this right now in the United States, but we are here and this is the reality
that people need to be aware of. And that's a good spot to leave off on. Cause you gotta go
jump out on and in on another live. Don't you? I do. We're going to be doing, um, preppers live
and actually about, so by the time this podcast hit the preppers live will already have been done and over with but uh hopefully folks are kind of glomming on to both and of
can they go and listen to a rerun yeah of course it's on uh it's gonna be
as of now it's gonna be me and james walton the intrepid commander um jordan's gonna be there
over at phoenix survival and there might be one or two other folks popping in.
So if you do get a chance, if you haven't heard it already live, do check it out.
I'll be over there.
We're going to be talking about our own personal predictions of the upcoming election and outcome over the next six months to four years, probably.
Is this the PBN News call?
Because he sent me a request to jump on the PBN News call.
Is that right?
That's what that is.
I don't know if I'd be able to do that or not because it's getting late here in Illinois.
All right.
Well, it's probably, heck, what state's he in?
He's on the East Coast, ain't he?
He's on the East Coast.
He's in Virginia.
So they're an hour, three hours from you you ahead of you, one hour ahead of me.
All right.
It should be a good one, though.
Yep, so you got to tune into that.
I'm L. Douglas Hogan.
And I'm Ryan Buford.
Thank you all for listening to Rising Republic.