The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic - In The Shadow of Helene

Episode Date: October 8, 2024

The Rising Republic returns with its new Co Host our very own Ryan Buford!!!! A new era begins!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't want to set the world. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be. To chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage. There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I thought he should have punched him in the face. I feel like punching him.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school. If you were in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out now. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Can you push back on them? Can you tell them they're not welcome anymore anywhere? I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please get up in the face of some Congress people.
Starting point is 00:01:14 People will do what they do. I want to tell you, George Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. We're going to go in there winning. This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
Starting point is 00:01:44 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. and love it. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Hello everybody and welcome again to another amazing episode of The Rising Republic with your boy L. Douglas Hogan, your friendly neighborhood podcaster. So glad to be back again. What a wild week it's been.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I talked a little bit last week about Saluda and about Prepper Camp and how it was there and all the crazy things that went on during that visit right there. And I also mentioned to you guys in that last podcast how there was a guy probably 15, 20 yards down from me, Ryan Buford. He was also camping in a hammock next to me. Something I wanted to let everybody know was that I haven't previously talked about on this show that previously, I'd say the last year or so, I've been thinking heavily about bringing on a co-host onto the Rising Republic. And I threw some names out to some, or actually, I talked to some friends and some friends threw the same name back to me, actually. And it was Ryan Buford, the guy that was camping just down the hill from me probably like 15 15 i don't even say 15 yards it might have been 15 yards probably close it seemed like 15 feet when i was walking downhill but uh but ryan's a great guy and i'm super excited to introduce him now because he is here i'm introducing him for the first time on the
Starting point is 00:03:40 rising republic and he is going to be my co-host here on out. So, Ryan, go ahead and intro yourself for a brief moment. Hey, how's it going, everybody? Hopefully you can hear me okay. Sound great, I'm glad you're here. My name is Ryan. I used to host the Next Generation show with my son, Colin, here on Prepper Broadcasting. And, you know, I've, for those of you who never heard that show, it's a great one. We did about five years together, just kind of the importance of parenting and preparedness. And, you know, I've been looking for a new direction here the last year we took, took about a year off and, you know, I wanted to try and get back into it. And it's funny, you were interested in having a co-host cause I was
Starting point is 00:04:18 trying to figure out what would be a good way to break into the, uh, the scene of course. So this actually works out great um you know my involvement in preparedness has been mostly personal uh camping expedition type stuff but also you know surviving on the road as a road warrior of sorts uh but also raising a family and you know here i live in the northwest so we have our own issues with regard to earthquakes, wildfires and things like that that don't seem to fit the same mold as what the folks on the East Coast tend to experience. And I've I've also been a speaker, a guest speaker at Prepper Camp for the last four years now, five years, something like that. So, you know, I talk mostly about freeze drying and you know certain aspects of that but i've got i've got extensive background in you know industry and all that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:05:12 that kind of lends itself to preparedness on the safety side so happy to be a part of the show something you do on the side like you do a lot of freeze drying and dehydrating and stuff like that that you that you teach at prepper camp yeah so my my shtick is has to do a lot with uh freeze drying and you know food preservation on that side of things not so much the canning but definitely um the the power behind freeze drying for long-term food preps and stuff like that i've had a machine for about eight years now and i use it for all kinds of stuff and kind of branching out into other fields all the time. So everybody hears me complain a lot about like the politics in Illinois and I'm really down on states and local
Starting point is 00:05:56 governments that are highly liberal and densely populated because they seem to control the politics of an entire region like a greater just because of the densely populated areas like Chicago, for example, dominates the politics in all of Illinois. What's it like living there? Washington, right, where you live? Yeah. Washington State's the same way. Five counties control the entire state. If you look at it on a county by county map, I mean, it's it's a sea of red with a blue dot on the west side, which is discouraging, you know, because all of the legislation that comes out is against the majority of the of the republic that lives there. You know, including myself, farmers and, you know, blue class, middle class working folks.
Starting point is 00:06:43 But also, you know, it's kind of, how do you say, discouraging, you know, for someone to believe in the power of their vote when inevitably you feel like it's going to be overruled by the populace who has no idea what it's like to live in the real world, essentially. Yeah, every time I go out to vote as a conservative, I always feel like it's for no cause. Like I'm just going in to just toss it in, knowing that it's not going to matter for a hill of beans.
Starting point is 00:07:15 That's very discouraging. But at the same time, I won't be able to reserve the right to complain about the outcome. Exactly. If I didn't at least to reserve the right to complain about the outcome. Exactly. If I didn't at least cast my ballot. Yep. And I'd rather be a part of a solution or at least, you know, that side.
Starting point is 00:07:35 If my number counts, then I want it to count for something. And, you know, at least I can say that I at least put my name in the hat and voice my concerns as quietly as possible until we are no longer to the point where voice my concerns as quietly as possible until until we are no longer uh to the point where voicing our concerns quietly is is uh a state of being right um so you actually how how what you you bought it what you did you drive or did you fly when you came out to so for prepper camp the last every year that we've gone and and the prior three i think it must be four years now i think because the previous three years uh my son and i would fly down together and we kind of did the events together he was a speaker
Starting point is 00:08:18 for a couple of years and um this last year i also flew down and one of the things that was a challenge for us was making, cause I don't believe in checking bags because I'm just, I've been stranded in airports enough to know that's a foolish thing to do. Especially if I'm going across the country to a campsite, I better make sure that I have all my gear on my back. So, um, so there's a little bit of a lightweight space challenge that we had, I, especially this year had to meet just to stay dry, you know, um, it's, it's definitely a challenge. And we talked about that on our podcast too, like how we were changing our bags and what we were trying to keep in and things that we had to eliminate and dry running our equipment to make sure we were good to go before we left but i mean this year was totally different to be able to to camp in essentially a hurricane and i have never done that before so this is a first for me yeah uh the podcast you're talking about a while ago we were
Starting point is 00:09:16 talking about checking our gear and stuff was on the chain of earth podcast with sarah f hathaway just yesterday was talking about some of the things we did before and during and after uh the hurricane and the prep and just kind of coexisting in that um it's it was it's crazy because like you said i've never slept in a hurricane either but i've slept in days of rain because i was in the marines oh sure and probably this was probably the third three times my life have i ever been saturated that much um this probably be probably the third the first was some stuff i slept you know it was in the when i was in the marines i mean uh when i was in the northern training area in okinawa japan it's just straight up jungle and it was miserable wet miserable wet and uh they teach you how to take care of your feet and all
Starting point is 00:10:01 this other stuff which is why i try to bring so many socks with me and i was so discouraged when my shoes got so wet. And I stepped that muddy creek I told you about yesterday. It's frustrating because I hate the feel of mud and water squishing between my toes. It's just disheartening. And the second probably would be on the Appalachian Trail. You know, I've talked to you before about how I love to hike, and I'm an avid hiker, and I like to section hike on the Appalachian Trail and you know i've talked to you before about how i love to hike and i'm an avid hiker and i like to section hike on the appalachian trail and and camp out it's very
Starting point is 00:10:29 remote and you go i'm used to not having a signal i'm used to going out just kind of unplugging from the world and just kind of living that way and and i know one time in particular it rained on me for two days straight and it was it was rough It was miserable. But you do your best to stay wet. I mean, excuse me, stay dry. Keep out of the wet. And this was the third. And it's after two days of rain. Because that first day when we got there on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Was you there on Thursday as well? Yeah, yeah. I was there. I rolled in about midday on Thursday. Okay, yeah. Right before the storm. See, what time did I get there? About 3.30, I think I was there. I rolled in about midday on Thursday. Okay, yeah. Right before the storm. See, what time did I get there? About 3.30, I think I got there.
Starting point is 00:11:08 3.30, 3.45-ish in the afternoon I got there, and it was raining. So it had been raining, and it was raining for some time. And then we were supposed to set up that day originally, but it got pushed back because of the rain to 1 o'clock the next day. The winds held us back and actually that kind of extended out to five o'clock p.m the next day so yeah we wait a little bit but that night let's talk about the hurricane that was kind of uh i don't know if exciting is a good word for it um definitely that i mean so i've've camped, tent camped in the rain before and had to contend with that before. And I personally prefer tent camping over using a camper or cabins or anything like that. To me, it's just, if I'm going to be out there, I want to be in it. had stints in Yellowstone and the Uintas and the Wasatch Front there in Utah um portions of Montana and northern Idaho where you know yeah it rains and then you deal with it or you wake up in
Starting point is 00:12:11 a puddle or something but um this was altogether different I mean just a constant barrage 24 hours of non-stop rain slapping down on my rain fly for my hammock and i was just thankful that it actually held up because i wasn't sure if it was going to be adequate and i wasn't i wouldn't be rained on in the middle of the night so i mean and to me i didn't get much sleep and it wasn't so much because of you know my comfort level inside the hammock because I was actually dry. For me, it was just that constant noise of rain hitting the tarp and that little bit of fear in the back of my head that I was going to catch a branch or something from way up above that had enough speed to, you know, gore me on the ground, basically. So I was just kind of crossing my fingers that I was a small
Starting point is 00:13:02 enough target to where it wouldn't be an issue. kind of remember when i came up right because you were you you were pitched before i got there and i went up um just uh because i actually had another site where i was camping at and you had sent a message up to the to the uh the office and to let let me know let doug know that uh you had secured a different location if i was interested there's room for me and that's how i ended up going over it to be uh up just up up the road from you in a manner of speaking but i was the same way i got there and i looked if you remember i looked straight up looking for widow makers i'm like you know and there was a lot of them that one tree that looked is like tall and looked strong at the base but looked up and there's just a bunch of old brands i'm like no no no and i moved up and
Starting point is 00:13:43 i found a couple other ones but i was like you uh i was comfortable i was very comfortable i wasn't cold i wasn't hot i was very comfortable um to me though like white noise which is kind of how i equate the sound of rain hitting a tarp just bigger you know bigger sounds it to me i sleep better like that the reason why i didn't sleep well wasn't because of the sound or even my comfort level it was because i knew that there was an impending threat that was kind of looming in the background it was heading towards us and it was natural disaster mother nature is the most fiercest thing in all of the earth and there's nothing more powerful than mother nature and so you know i knew hurricane lee was coming in at us
Starting point is 00:14:24 and i wasn't sure how because we're on the side of that mountain how the wind was going to affect us is it going to ride up and kind of slide down is it going to kind of blow over and i think um because we did have a breeze but i don't think we had gale storm winds like you know we could have had if we were maybe on top of that mountain for example yeah and i think that blocked a lot of it i was actually kind of banking on that really because and i i knew that my my setup would be toast as soon as my rainfly caught wind underneath of it so it was just it's just basically a giant umbrella i mean when the wind comes in for a tarp
Starting point is 00:15:01 you remember when you when you came up was looking at my gear and you saw the giant window weights that I had? I brought those in preparation for the strong winds. So I had the titanium alloy spikes with the grabbing. It's kind of like a soil grabber. I don't know. They grab a little bit better, I think, and they're like in the shape of a cross, and you stick them down into the ground,
Starting point is 00:15:24 or a plus sign that goes down into the ground. So I feel it grabs better than just around spikes. And then I laid those heavy weights. They're about, I don't know, 5, 5 1⁄2, 10 pounds each, I feel, on top of that so that it wouldn't pull up. And that held real strong against the wind. Again, it wasn't hurricane wind that we were catching but it was just enough to blow the wind like the the walls of my my tarp back and forth like it'd go in one direction and it did suck back in and go in the other direction that was
Starting point is 00:15:54 kind of weird and things were falling on my tarp all night long i kept hearing that um yeah and i so i couldn't even bring tent stakes on the plane. Oh, that's messed up. I probably tried. I could probably try, but I've had them confiscated in the past. So I didn't want to wind up losing on those. So I just wound up using little sticks and hoping for the best, which wasn't the best. But I mean, it got me through. I wish I'd known that because I brought extras with me. I try to bring extra, a little bit of extra everything, you know, just in case. Because i i had a tent set up i had an air mattress i had a hammock set up just in case i didn't know you know if i was building i didn't know if i was going to have trees to hang my
Starting point is 00:16:34 hammock in when i got there um and if i did that was going to be prepared for for the for the for a tent camp you're right so i had the tent stakes and and I had my gear that I carry in my Appalachian Trail backpack, which is Z-Packs. It's made of Dyneema fire. It's all waterproof, similar to what your stuff is. And so that's what I use for my tarp system. But I had the tent spikes also, just in case. Oh, plus I had some extra ones for the canopy.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It came with some extra spikes. So I was loaded for bear. And my poncho actually is designed to be able to convert to a tent also so i was kind of using that as a backup and it comes with spikes but again i couldn't i couldn't bring those or if i did i wouldn't i didn't want to risk losing them because if i'm packing around here i'd much rather have them on me you know yeah and then and then so that we had we had the instruction day which ended up being only one day. So it was a Saturday, right? We, I think nobody could have left anyway because so many trees had fallen down all the roadways. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 We had to cut our way out. Right. And fortunately, you know, this was prepper camp. You know, did everybody come prepared, you know, for this kind of thing? Not everybody did, but there was people that actually had chainsaws and hacksaws and handsaws and everything else and went out and made a way at least opened up one lane so people could get in and get out yeah and i think i i the first thing i did when i got there was um i looked for a commando saw and i couldn't find one um because i don't i don't know that i could get that on a plane but it's probably it's one tool
Starting point is 00:18:22 that i'm definitely going to try next time to keep on hand in my pack because i if i can't have a knife or a hatchet or anything that i would normally have for camping at least if i could get by with something like that then i could secure some firewood or what if there's a way to mail stuff out you think you think probably like the campground has like a p.o box or some kind of something so we can mail something there like that yeah i've considered that in the past and and i could do that and send a small care package so that it's there for me when i arrive and then i gotta mail it back home right i want to keep it yeah because that's kind of like what we did um well what not i but like people that would do like the full hike the full appalachian trail do it like a full hike, a through hike they call it.
Starting point is 00:19:06 They would mail things from home or they would have family members mail things to them to the closest post office where they were at, and they would kind of restock their goods. They'd go off the Appalachian Trail onto a local, like a little town, a trail town, North Carolina, Tennessee, or Georgia, know you are uh shower up go to the post office get your your goodies and then restock and get back on the trail and keep going yeah i mean it makes sense to do that kind of stuff especially well in advance in this event i'm i'm it's been the fifth year and i think about it it every year, and I never do it. So it's just kind of like on me. One of the things I continually fail to do is send stuff to myself.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Maybe one of these days, well, I don't know. Now that we're talking about this in advance, we could kind of work our way up to it. Yeah. Next year, for example, next Prepper Camp, next September 2025, we'll this all these details sorted out by now yeah what do you think about um the the lack of help that because fema has been out there but they're they're actively they're actively pushing uh and inhibiting people from going out there people have been threatened to be arrested for that are going out there to to help yeah so um i actually have my ic so if you go to fema you can get nim's certifications for ics 100 200 300 and 700 whatever um so incident command structure that's basically the the emergency management structure for things like this. It's the type of thing that you can get for free online through FEMA
Starting point is 00:20:50 to be able to be a resource in your local area. And I can tell you that the training is extremely dry and boring. Very much so. But it does provide insight into how that monster works and the whole plan p and and some of the components related to incident command and and being able to manage these kind of things but one of the things that i'm seeing happen with fema is in this particular instance is they're not they they didn't take any proactive measures to get out in front and establish MOUs or like a memorandum
Starting point is 00:21:26 of understanding between agencies so that they could get out in front of this thing and, you know, be, have assistance available and ready on standby to be able to transport in. Instead, they were extremely reactive. They don't appear to know what's what and people on the ground like the cajun armies quote unquote is able to get in and get supplies to these people and do their thing so on one hand you know these platoons essentially are able to get in and act like special forces to get in and get supplies in and on one hand it, it can be interfering. But on the other hand, it's lifesaving. So what you have is this giant monster that's there to reestablish government that is not there to assist people. And people need to realize that FEMA is not there to clean
Starting point is 00:22:20 up. They're not there to do any sort of, um, aid other than minimal to be able to reestablish government. And when people wrap their heads around that, they realize, Oh, well, what's left in that area, your churches, that's going to be your Cajun army, that kind of stuff to be able to use that term loosely, but you kind of know, I think our audience knows who that is. Um, but the people like at our campsite who showed up ready to go with chainsaws and knew where to scout out fuel and what the you know get intel from the local regions on where fuel was where it wasn't where power was where cash only was accepted that kind of stuff i mean those are the guys who are doing the boots on the ground work to re-establish community whereas fema on the other hand is a different monster that's designed
Starting point is 00:23:11 to re-establish government um so yes they have failed on the community side massively on a huge scale and the whole spending thing that we're finding out now that's all going out to DEI and housing migrants and stuff, the billions in dollars that's going to that instead. That's just, you know, that's a sign of continued government with this particular administration and misspending of taxpayer money. So what's that press secretary's name? Is it Jean-Pierre? Is that her name? Oh, yeah. Catherine Jean-Pierre.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yes. is jean jean pierre is that her name oh yeah uh katherine jean pierre yes so she's saying it's categorically false that the biden administration is using fema funds right to to uh to for for the for the illegal immigrants or the undocumented however they want to say it undocumented persons immigrants whatever i have an audio clip here from september 22nd all right i'm sorry. September 2022. Now, this is her. Listen to her on this clip right here.
Starting point is 00:24:09 This is interesting. Then I'm going to play you a clip where she say it's categorically false. Here's the first clip from from 2022. FEMA regional administrators have been meeting with city officials on site to coordinate to coordinate available federal support from FEMA and other federal agencies. Funding is also available through FEMA's emergency food and shelter program to eligible local governments and not-for-profit organizations upon request to support humanitarian relief for migrants. All right, don't get any more clear than that. She literally said in that press conference that they're taking funding, FEMA is taking funding and spending it on migrants. Like it's here.
Starting point is 00:24:50 All you got to do is request it on the state, local level. Just request it. It's coming from FEMA. That's what she said September 2022. Here's what she's saying now when she's questioned about it. This is October 2024, this month. No, Biden did not take female relief money to use uh to use on migrants it's just categorically full yeah so and that's something that peter ducci is good
Starting point is 00:25:15 at like he catches her all the time oh yeah because she's she's a straight-up liar and all she's doing i mean they really think that they, that they're pulling the wool over our eyes. Well, and it's a tax grab because you notice right after this, they're like, oh, we don't have any money. Well, when the government runs out of money, guess what? They go asking for it. They increase taxes. They, you know, ask the legislation. And the next thing you know, we're seeing money come out of nowhere and getting printed for things that shouldn't even be required in the first place.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It's misallocation of funds to non-United States citizens when we actually need them. And here we're on the brink of a whole new hurricane that's going to basically put Tampa underwater in the next 24 hours. Milton. Hurricane Milton. So, I mean, there's 400,000 people in Tampa. It's not good and that's just no that's just one that's just one city on the on the path of this so that's a whole another topic but i'm kind of curious how these these hurricanes are linking together in such a way that we've got potentially critical infrastructure and you know cape canaveral is right on the path of this thing i think i saw somewhere today that
Starting point is 00:26:25 that this hasn't happened to two hurricanes come in this close together since the 1940s yeah and the devastation is even more extreme because of our population density and we got all these people that are living in the mountains and it seems you know you know you got a situation when mountain towns are flooding mountain towns right and i thought we were safe on the high ground you know absolutely and and you i don't know you where'd you fly out from um spokane washington it's kind of northeast i mean i'm sorry on your way back where'd you land then oh so i landed in uh charlotte charl then on the way, actually, so on the way to Saluda, I went from Minneapolis to Minneapolis-St. Paul. And then I flew through the thunderstorm the day before to Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:27:12 On the way out, I left Charlotte to Georgia and then back. Okay. Yeah, I went up to Charlotte trying to catch better roads on the way out because I was told that 26 was closed and 40 was closed. And so I tried to find a different route i knew i'd have to get on those on 40 and or 26 but i so you know i needed to get on the sides on the other side that was open um so i thought charlotte could offer me that so i drove an hour up i want to say it was 73 and uh just to find out who wanted me to go back down it's like so i i drove an hour an hour to charlotte and then i to turn around and drive an hour back,
Starting point is 00:27:46 and that was two hours wasted. And then it wanted me to drive to Atlanta, Georgia. And so I'm following Google Maps, and Google Maps said I'd go this route. And I tried following it, and there was a tree over the road. Like, there was no way. I wasn't one of those kind of guys that had a chainsaw with me or anything that could cut this tree up so I could get through.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And so I had to backtrack in. In all, it took me five and a half hours to get out of North Carolina. Yikes. Yeah, that's a taxing drive. Very much so. And now let's take a moment for a word from our sponsor. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments. is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper
Starting point is 00:28:33 mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase. But I ran into, I got a friend, I can't reveal his name. He's asked me to keep him a secret because he was deeply embedded with FEMA. And I don't know if some of this stuff is, it's very interesting. I didn't really know any of this stuff, but just assuming that everybody here understands the different kinds of levels, the security levels in in the military and that's how he was deeply embedded
Starting point is 00:29:07 with themis through the military but uh you know there's confidential there's there's secret there's top secret there's top secret itself has nine what they call talent keyhole levels after top secret there's tk9 you go to uh to special compartment information which is uh sci they call it uh kind of lateral cells of information to the left, so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing kind of a thing. Well, he says at a high level, my SCI cell was related to the successor program, practicing prepping for the president. A group of people, military, three-letter agencies, SS and FEMA, dream up situations, and we build preps and practice. You can guess how elaborate it gets. He goes on to say many of those special compartmented TS programs were funded by FEMA.
Starting point is 00:29:52 What I was told from a guy who'd been in the program that had been working under the White House was that the reason they wanted FEMA to pay for their most secret programs was that FEMA was set up with a much lower bar for funding audits. Congressmen and auditors can get full access to Army and or Navy budgets or even FBR or Secret Service. But at the FEMA level, all they can get is high-level broad strokes. As he said, FEMA has a huge budget, and if ever they want more than simply wait for the next disaster and ask for more most of that money goes to all their secret pet projects so it depends on the sitting president and fema director
Starting point is 00:30:30 how much effort they want to put into helping people but he goes on to say it's basically just a giant slush fund yeah that's all it is and then they they burn it all up before the storm season hits everybody knows it happens every year and then they have it all up before the storm season hits. Everybody knows it happens every year. And then they have to go back and ask for more or do this or that and, you know, just basically fall on their face. And they're not actually serving the public. They're not doing what they were designed to do. That's the thing. None of our government is doing what they're designed to do. I mean, everything, every agency that we have right now seems to be doing the inverse of what they're designed to do yes and none of our government is doing what they're designed to do i mean everything every every agency that we have right now seems is
Starting point is 00:31:07 doing the inverse of what they're supposed to be doing you know fema has been inflaming and almost agitating these disasters the department of defense is is issuing stand-down orders um for for americans you know to endlessly die in the mountains for example they're just just we're just going to leave them up there the The FDA is authorizing poisons and everything else, and they're banning medicine, taking medicine off the shelf. Like when COVID came out, ivermectin and other things that could help fight COVID, it disappeared off of the shelf.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And they go ahead and they authorize these poisons, all this other garbage. The CDC is causing diseases to spread, distributes misinformation. And when you try to put out the correct information, they call it misinformation. You get fact-checked and cens censored homeland security is facilitating an invasion the fbi instigates insurrection they're hiding evidence they're they're going on these uh what they call
Starting point is 00:31:53 them lawfare against against the trump administration i mean it goes on and on yeah it's i mean even the social security there's a social, what is it? The Secret Service has been compromised. I mean, you talked about that on your show a couple weeks ago on, you know, the whole Mayorkas and his debacle and I guess he's in charge of FEMA. Oh, same guy. Yeah. Yeah. They're all tied together.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And lo and behold, if we haven't found out, and we talked about this earlier, you know, in kind of prepping up for the show, lo and behold, yes, they're trying to, they're scaring people. I actually saw a helicopter, military choppers coming down to staging areas where people, civilians, not military, not female, not anybody. They're washing them. Yes. They're just blowing their their canopies their their
Starting point is 00:32:45 their tables over they're coming down with their helicopters just blowing the hell out of them and then taking off just antagonizing the help making things worse yeah and i think that's i think it's a real eye-opener for folks and i i hate to say it but these events are really they're they're actually a positive thing for the preparedness community because it wakes a lot of people up all at once to the realities of the federal government, what they're capable of doing and where their incompetencies are. I'm in region 10 and I know that nobody's coming to help me out ever because of where I live I mean the only places that are going to be impacted are maybe Anchorage and Seattle that's it anything else like if there was a tsunami or something that hits Seattle FEMA would probably step in but other than that good luck you're on your own how much of of this weather? I've kind of just developed my life around that fact and written off the entirety of FEMA, any sort of federal aid, government assistance of any kind. They have no legitimacy to me at all.
Starting point is 00:33:56 None. So, and unfortunately, it's rural America that's impacted by that. Yep. 95% of the time i would say how much of this do you think is not much perhaps because we i believe in weather weather modification they've been doing that also since since the 1940s yeah operation popeye look it up pause this podcast and go look up operation popeye we did it in vietnam to control monsoons so that we could try and get the Viet Cong basically out of their hidey holes and and slow their uh their transport for their you know
Starting point is 00:34:33 supplies and stuff along their pathways I mean it's it's ridiculous what we've done and what how much we've come to like on the weather modification side and how we're using it for warfare instead of oh i don't know providing water to arid arid regions where we can grow farms right now it's it's something that we could use in a positive way that has been weaponized and i think that's coming back to harm us in a big way yeah i fear that it's being used actually against its own its own people uh that the u.s government's doing this to against its own people and again there's there's just a lot of shady things there's a lot of breadcrumbs that point my mind at least into this direction uh because when you look at the
Starting point is 00:35:22 quartz mines for example that are in north carolina we look at the the lithium mines that are in north carolina these are things there's big names uh piedmont uh is a blackstone or a black rock uh you know the uh smart street i think i might have that name wrong but there's there's big companies that have been trying to get permits and some of them that do have permits and and others are trying to grow um and and they're they're receiving a lot of uh backlash from the from the population the voters that live there and and then all of a sudden this happens and then and then on top of that there's well we're not going to we're not going to help you and then when help tries to come in and help and then they get they they bully them off and try to stop people from coming in it's like and then i hear
Starting point is 00:36:04 that that that doubt the waters are receding, they're finding bodies in the trees, you know, and they're not letting people go and get the bodies out of the trees and out of the mountains. Instead, they're talking about bulldozing everything down. Because now it's my understanding that now that all this has happened, that the government can just come in at a much cheaper price and just kind of take this over because they've helped to, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:36:30 I don't want to say clean it up but yeah it just they wipe wipe the slate clean i want to play a little bit of an audio by here this is from this is nine years ago on cbs and there's a doctor i can't remember his name it's mitio it says it on on here uh what his name is kaku is his last name but he's talking nine years ago about weather manipulation. So listen to this real quick. Climate change yesterday. And now we're learning that scientists and researchers are looking at how to change the weather on purpose. That's right. Lasers now could one day manipulate rain and lightning.
Starting point is 00:37:03 CBS This Morning contributor Michio Kaku is a physics professor at City College of New York. Professor, nice to see you. Extraordinary seeing Al Gore and Bill Clinton there together with Charlie, wasn't it? That's right, yeah. They did not get into this discussion, though. But it is fascinating. I mean, lasers, really, to change the weather? That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Well, as Mark Twain once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it. Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion-watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. This is potentially a game-changer. But this is experimental. It's experimental. However, in the laboratory, so far it works. When you have water vapor and you have dust particles or ice crystals, you can precipitate rain. It condenses around the seeds. These seeds can also be created by laser beams. By firing trillion watt lasers, you rip apart the electrons, creating what are called ions. And these ions act like seeds, like dust particles, bringing down rain and even lightning. Go ahead. Well, this fascinates me in part because, too,
Starting point is 00:38:10 I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics, that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds. I mean, did those... I'm just going to stop it there. But what's your thoughts on that? I mean, it's there. We have the technology. Other countries have the technology, and I don't think we can rule out the potential that we're actually under attack, in my opinion, because these things stacking up with the intensity that, oh, it's a 50- or 100-year storm or whatever, 200-year storm, but I think these things are lining up in a sequence of events that is far beyond what you can say is a typical coincidence. And, I mean, if you look at it, the way this storm hit, as far inland as it hit, in areas that had never been impacted by storms like these in the past hundred years uh and for them to have the impact that they did now with the lithium because it's just like this is the probably the united states purest lithium mine resource out there
Starting point is 00:39:19 and we don't produce a whole lot of lithium i, we have reserves of like 1.1 million and production of about 900 or sorry, 2023 production, 9,600 tons. So, I mean, other countries are doing far better than we are. Australia to name one is to about six times what we produce. Um, and to me, what we produce. And to me, for us to be targeted is if you think along those lines that, oh, China or Russia has the ability to do the same weather modification that we do and have done to other countries in the past with the tensions that exist right now, I wouldn't be a bit surprised because if you can cripple our lithium production on top of you know the other stuff that's happened with our fuel reserves that were people kind of forget about but you know our fuel reserves were tapped two three years ago something like that and you
Starting point is 00:40:18 know you you look at this next storm the implications that it's going to have the potential for nuclear failures in that region. I mean, you can pinpoint a missile source location, but you can't pinpoint where a weather event was created or who created it. And we're at a point now where other countries can affect the ionosphere to create weather in our area from a distance as far as it being you know made public good luck you think the united states government's going to tell us that we're under attack no it's hysteria yeah we're just going to get shut down as you know conspiracy theorists but
Starting point is 00:41:00 you look at it this isn't this can't be anything less than targeted in my opinion. What'd you find about like the, the, some flight trackers, what do you got going on there? So, yeah, I just happened to, cause I, there's a website called flight radar 24. You can get live radar air traffic. And I, I noticed cause I was just clicking on some of the flights that were happening around Asheville. Most of them are helicopters. And I wasn't as concerned about those. But I clicked on an airplane that was kind of curious to me. And I realized that they were doing basically a grid flight pattern.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And normally I wouldn't be as concerned about this or it wouldn't really pique my interest if there was like a search and rescue effort for as many people that are lost and as many as much of an impact as this had this seemed out of place you know because here we are doing a back and forth pattern and the aircraft that i was looking at was n 54796 and you can up their, their history to see what they've done in the last week or two weeks or whatever. So you can go back and look at their flight pattern. You see exactly what I'm looking at here, but they made a couple of passes right around black mountain where this mine is and along other regions. So one of the things that I, I kind of questioned that and I put it out to social media and one guy actually came out with a great response um it could very well be uh gpr which
Starting point is 00:42:32 is ground penetrating radar basically what they do is they use it to it's a geophysical method that uses radar to pulse radar pulses to image the subsurface so essentially you can find out what's going on with the minerals below ground by doing a scan like this just like you would if you were doing a you know if you were a plumber water witching a line or something like that so not only do they and they they kind, they're operating in a vacuum right now because everything's shut down. There's no power on some of these areas. There's nothing that could interfere with this signal. So this level of mapping right now is a little sus to me.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Perfect timing. Yeah, exactly. I mean, and they, the week prior, a couple other times they were doing some other similar back and forth patterns. So it could be just a company that was hired to do this. But what's interesting to me is that it's happening right now when all this other activity is happening. You got a lot of confusion and chaos on the ground. You know, air support is interesting. You're hella Blackhawk helicopters that are doing weird stuff, but also private helicopters that are flying in and out supplies and rescue.
Starting point is 00:43:48 So that's that was kind of interesting to me and you mentioned that there was another one there could be multiple ones happening but this particular one i just happened to catch yeah i was like uh i scrolled through videos and things like that on watching the hurricane helene and this and i came across this video now i don't i don't again i can't i can't verify this. Well, I'm just going to play it and let the listeners kind of decide what they want to do with it or not. But it's interesting to me because you said that and this guy's saying he saw this.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And just listen to this audio, then you tell me because you're hearing this for the first time too. And we'll talk about it and see what you think. I'm not saying that the government created Hurricane Helene. What I am saying is that the government has been manipulating the weather since 1947. What first caught my attention with Helene was the shift in the storm's projected path. One day, it looked like it would hit my town. The next day, it had shifted east.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I then noticed an odd flight path of NOAA-42. The aircraft being flown? A Lockheed Martin Orion P-3. This prompted me to look at previous uses for the P-3, where I discovered that they were used in the 1960s to manipulate Hurricane Camille in a quote weather war on Cuba. Now I know this sounds out there, but as we begin to see more and more of the terrible things our government has done in the past, is it really so far-fetched? Here are the projections from the 23rd of September.
Starting point is 00:45:10 A large spread traveling the Alabama-Georgia line and ending up in Illinois. On the 24th, projections shift slightly east and the storm is projected to finish in Indiana. On the morning of the 25th, the path shifts back west and shows to be finishing in western Kentucky. That evening, a P-3 conducts a six-hour operation inside the developing storm. The next morning, on the 26th, the path shows to have shifted slightly east again, now finishing in northwestern Tennessee. The evening of the 26th, the same P-3 conducts operations throughout Hurricane Helene as it
Starting point is 00:45:52 makes landfall, and the storm's actual path shifts further east, finishing in northeastern Tennessee. What would the government's motivations possibly be to modify a storm that i don't know but i do believe that if we can maintain our republic long enough time will eventually tell what do you think that's interesting yeah and actually so i'm on flight radar 24 right now and you can actually track this aircraft right now where it is and it's actually outside of um the yucatan peninsula just north doing some weird stuff it looks like it's actually outside of um the yucatan peninsula just north doing some weird stuff it looks like it's doing some crisscross patterns but um usually you can go and see a history and i'd be curious to match this guy's history not only with the previous flight plans
Starting point is 00:46:38 for that one but the previous flight plans that are in florida because i would and and maybe this is something that we as preppers should be watching you know this particular flight because hey if if there's a hurricane on the horizon and this thing just happens to be there a couple of days ahead of time that's your early warning sign get out get prepped buy your water buy your supplies get that stuff dialed in before it makes landfall. Because you'll know before it even hits the NOAA website. And that's what it looks like. It's a NOAA aircraft.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. So they're using these same aircrafts that were used, confirmed aircraft for a confirmed weather, we'll call it weather war, you know, against other countries. So now it's being used here. And so he said, he asked a good question why would they do this i don't know but it's awful funny we got all these all these quartz mines and and the piedmont for example just put one in very very recently and uh got some kickback on it and then there's the quartz the lithium you know it's just and it's all very very timely that this this the flight you were looking at the flight that this guy's talking about and they're all kind of corresponding with the shift shifting of the shady shift
Starting point is 00:47:53 shifting of this hurricane as it came in and now we got another hurricane coming in is it going to do some crazy bending maneuvers too and kind of kind of come in and go west and east and west and east again you know well and i used to look at hurricane yeah absolutely i i used to look at hurricanes like oh where's it going to impact what kind of people you know what's the region going to feel as a result of that where are people going to go that kind of thing but now i'm starting to look at these things as strategic uh strike points so you know if there are if there are specific mines or power plants or, you know, like Cape Canaveral is another one,
Starting point is 00:48:31 maybe there's something there that is the target of this event where if it actually is a strike, what are they striking? And what are we going to do about it kind of thing? Because there's not going to be any retaliation. Good luck. How do you prove it? Yeah. They'll just deny deny deny deny and i would mention before the show man how how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to get with this because i started recalling information from about two years ago when we had that really curious weather balloon well guess where that
Starting point is 00:49:01 weather balloon crossed where Where? Asheville. Interesting. It went right through the flight path of Asheville before it wound up going through, what, Myrtle Beach, I think. And when you have a Chinese weather balloon, you know, just traveling a normal, calm path, next thing you know, you've got the United States' largest and most productive lithium mine that goes up, you know you've got a the united states largest and most productive lithium mine that goes up you know tits up literally underwater because of a hurricane and then we now we have
Starting point is 00:49:34 another one right on the horizon it kind of it's kind of hard to turn a blind eye to those coincidences absolutely that's what we're about here at the rising republic wow good chat ryan appreciated your first day man that was i think we killed it yeah hopefully we didn't give people too much fear mongering i mean it's it's definitely something worth watching hopefully folks are out there paying attention because i know i am i'm hoping when i sign my books you know especially my my my uh my oath takers my post-apocalyptic books i i always try to put something on there what i'm put on there the most is uh you know of course i autograph it but then i put uh be prepared not afraid
Starting point is 00:50:14 yep absolutely so i want to ask can i ask you one question we have time for me to ask you a question so you're kind of i just got your book in the mail today, so I'm excited to read it, The Surviving Martial Law. And I want to get your take on what the impact of these storms will be for the folks on the martial law front and what the potential is that we could have widespread martial law in different targeted locations as a result of this kind of stuff. as a result of this kind of stuff. Yeah, it really depends on, like it boils down to martial law, because you said in my class, it boils down to,
Starting point is 00:50:52 remember the doctrine of lesser magistrates I talked about in the class? It boils down to what's the sheriff willing to do and how much constitution is the sheriff, because he's an elected official, how much constitution is he willing to to wink at and say you know forget this forget your for you know your right to privacy forget your first amendment forget your second amendment you know we're locking we're locking things down i i i don't i don't see a lot of it happen to be honest with you there are there are counties like uh you know
Starting point is 00:51:19 where you're up where you're from you know the densely populated blue blue counties and chicago cook county lake county up there the densely populated blue counties in Chicago, Cook County, Lake County up there, the densely populated blue counties, those kind of places with the elected officials that are almost installed by fiat, you know, perhaps, or maybe they are elected because they're in blue zones. They're going to want to please their people, the people that elect them into those positions. So it's possible. Would it affect them? The areas that we're concerned about right now is like,
Starting point is 00:51:50 is it Ashe County where Asheville is? And there's Wood, I can't forget all the counties. I don't want to be- Yeah, there's like 100 different counties that are impacted, I think, if not more. In North Carolina. Yeah, it's a sad state. But unless, I don't see a martial law happening
Starting point is 00:52:06 honestly unless unless people start getting belligerent uh you know i'm saying no i i don't i don't see it because right now they're going to the government's going to have a hard time trying to explain uh the the martial law when people are trying to help yeah so i i also don't see it happening especially with an election like this now maybe after that at the on the other end of the election you know that's because you got to weigh things out how things are going to work in the political arena because people are always thinking about their own their own skin oh yeah um they're not going to do anything because this hurricane makes kamala harris look bad you know i yes it's an act of god but her response to it
Starting point is 00:52:44 was horrendous. It's still horrendous. Has she been out there? I don't know if she has, but I know Trump has been out there. And he's doing things to help. But what has she done? Well, she's given $750 per person. Meanwhile, she's sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and several hundred million dollars to Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:53:05 She's more concerned with the people overseas than she is her own American citizens that she would hope to try to win a vote for. Yeah, I mean, that's the state of affairs that we're in right now, which is scary. I mean, some people might be like, oh, that's great, you know, because all those, you know, hillbillies
Starting point is 00:53:20 in Western North Carolina, screw those guys, right? You know, because it's more important that we have, you know, hillbillies in Western North Carolina, screw those guys, right? You know, because it's more important that we have, you know, health care for illegals or whatever. You know, I don't get that thought process personally. You know, when people are more concerned about other nations or other nationalities within our country compared to people who are productive taxpaying citizens right it just i didn't it just blows me away right and you're giving all this money away we got our own homeless veterans our own homeless people our own sick people we got all these people now that are without homes in the mountains of north carolina yeah you know and i thought about
Starting point is 00:54:02 katrina how this this is katrina people don't understand because this isn't getting the of North Carolina. And I thought about Katrina. This is Katrina. People don't understand because this isn't getting the coverage that Katrina got. This is way worse than Katrina. Way worse than Katrina. But there was also martial law during Katrina, but it was because the people were looting.
Starting point is 00:54:19 There was widespread looting, and I don't know how far this is going to go on. Maybe perhaps if they start actually covering it, there might be some looting there. I don't know, but it seems to me that the people of North Carolina are a lot, a whole lot more family oriented and patriotic than, than the people of, uh, the victims of Katrina with all the looting, all that stuff that happened. I'm, I'm really praying that nothing like that happens. We don't want a martial law scenario. It would be regional. We don't want it at all
Starting point is 00:54:51 but if that happens like i said in my class just buckle down and go with it because anybody if you never lived under the uniform code of military justice it's not fun and if you're a veteran out there you listen to the show and it happens you'll just fall back into your military uh your military attitude just that's how you want to live it just yes sir no sir and and comply until it's over with because it'll be temporary yeah and i think that's good advice for the folks who are staring at the barrel of that potential i mean i don't know if it's going to happen but like you say if if there are certain um keys or or events or trigger points or whatever, there is a potential for that. And I think people need to be aware of that, come down the pipe.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Absolutely. All right, well, we're at 56 minutes. We're going to tie it up. I want to thank everybody for listening to The Rise of the Republic with L. Douglas Hogan and Ryan Buford. And we'll try to be right back here next week. Thanks, everybody, for listening to The Rise of the Republic.
Starting point is 00:55:44 We are excited that you are here. And feel free to send us an email. Actually, I got a new email done up, Ryan. I didn't even tell you about this, but I'm going to share it right now. It is Patriot Rising 1773. We all know what happened in 1773, right? Yep. Yeah, the tea party, baby.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You sure do. All right, yep. Tea went in the old river. right? yeah the tea party baby you sure do alright yep tea tea went in the old river yep so it's patriotrising1773 at if you want to reach out
Starting point is 00:56:12 to me and Ryan do so the Rising Republic will be happy to receive you at patriotrising1773 at thank you again for everybody listening
Starting point is 00:56:20 catch you next time

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