The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic: Mammoth Meatballs and Snowflakes
Episode Date: November 28, 2023<a href="">Support PBN</a>...
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I don't want to set the world
because I learned about kids jumping on my lap and I've loved kids jumping on my lap
to chase at least for a moment Trump and the maggots off the stage.
The fact is, we had four dead Americans.
Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans?
What difference at this point does it make?
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
And now I'm standing next to the president again, next to a collapsed bridge here. And he is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast as well, too.
This is a president that is going to make sure that there's going to be bridges all across like this, all across America getting rebuilt.
Welcome to Java.
I have no idea what this guy just said, but I have no doubt.
I have no doubt that he's on something.
He's on crack.
He's on meth.
He's on something because he's and he's talking next to a collapsed bridge.
He's absolutely 100% right.
And no matter what he said right there, even though the rest of America cannot understand
what this blathering blathering guy is talking about. Joe Biden understood it
as clear as day. I guarantee you. Welcome to the Rising Republic. I am Mel Douglas Hogan,
your host here for the next few minutes. Oh my gosh. You know, it's just amazing to me
how much craziness is going on in the world right now today. i just was scrolling through some social feeds and i saw a bunch of uh lgbtq
plus lmnop people standing out behind a pride flag and written on the pride flag was queers
for palestine i kid you not and right underneath that i saw another meme that said cows for
mcdonald's it's like oh this is, this is a ludicracy
of what we're dealing with right now.
These are the next generation of people
who are going to be running
the United States of America.
Thank goodness we got people like,
like Vivek Ramamoui
or whatever his last name is
coming up in the ranks.
You know, he's, he's a millennial young man,
but he's got a head definitely divided
far, far away from,
from this group of people, this group of idiots that we have coming up that's going to be in charge of our um our
well-beings are going to be ones well no they won't be wiping our rears they won't be taking
care of us in the nursing homes folks if you're my age if you're in your 40s to 60s, you're on your own.
These guys, folks, this generation is not going to be able to take care of us.
They're not going to be able to wipe our rears.
They're not going to be able to come and visit because they're going to have more important things to do at home.
They're not going to be able to take care of your finances and any kind of responsibilities you have at home or on your homestead.
We are hopelessly on our own. That's just how it is. And it's a sad state of affairs,
but thank goodness for Vivek Ramsaway. I'm glad we got people like him that's coming up in the
ranks. And I pulled a little piece off of social media. There's some music in the background
playing, but here's a few sound bites. I just want you to listen to some
of the stuff that he talked about. And he's just bringing
the truth. That's all he does.
Vivek brings the truth, and I'm definitely voting
for this guy in the primaries, at
least, because whatever, you
know, I like him,
and that's who I'm going to throw my vote behind in the
primaries. Whether he makes it to general
elections is yet to be seen. Probably
won't, but he's gaining speed.
He's gaining a lot of momentum.
And he's a brilliant brain.
And he's got some great ideas.
But he's probably part of the machine like all the rest of them.
Anyway, listen to this guy.
He's pretty cool.
I like him.
Joe Biden sold off our foreign policy.
Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, got a $5 million bribe from Ukraine.
That's why we're sending $200 billion back to that same country. The fact of the matter is the Republican Party is not that much better.
You have the likes of Nikki Haley, who stepped down from her time at the UN.
Bankrupt or in debt was her family. Then she becomes a military contractor. She joins the
board of Boeing and otherwise, and is now a multimillionaire. So I think that that's wrong
when Republicans do it or Democrats do it. You want a leader from a different generation is going to put this country first. Or do you want
Dick Cheney in three inch heels? They know the Bidenomics is a lie. Prices are going up.
Interest rates and mortgages to buy your home are going up. But wages have remained flat.
That's the hard diagnosis for our economy. End this farce that Joe Biden is going to be your nominee.
We know he's not even the president of the United States.
He's a puppet for the managerial class.
Chris, I'm going to use this time because this is actually about you in the media,
in the corrupt media establishment.
Ask you the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years.
Was that real or was that Hillary Clinton made up disinformation?
Answer the question. Go. Mr.
We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election.
They rigged the 2020 election with a Hunter Biden laptop story.
And they're going to rig this election.
Your time is up.
Let me turn to governor christine i love it love it all he's doing is calling him out that's all he's doing
but speaking of the media the bogus lying left-wing right-wing media. Check this out. The Fifth Circuit finds Biden administration guilty
of what, you might ask?
Let's listen real quick here to what Waters has to say
on this breaking news.
A bombshell ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court
finding the Biden White House and the FBI and the CDC
violated the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans
by bullying tech companies into censoring free speech during the pandemic.
According to that ruling, the White House, quote,
coerced the platforms by way of intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences.
So in other words, the Biden administration forced social media companies to remove our posts
that were critical of the biden administration or
made the biden white house look bad this ruling could have a major impact on the 2024 election
if democrats lose control of the narrative the white house says it's evaluating its options
so you're like first of all let me let me just throw this in there. I don't think they had to coerce or persuade to get the job done.
I think they just had a request.
Because we all know who's behind Facebook and Instagram, right?
These big tech companies, these social media kings,
they throw their weight into the Democrat and the liberal agenda.
All right.
So if the federal government, a.k.a. Biden administration in this case,
reaches out to Facebook and says, hey, we need you to censor some of these conservatives.
Not a problem.
They will censor some of these conservatives because they have no problem at all with doing that.
They would be more than happy
to censor. And you've all heard me talk about this in the past. We know we're talking about
First Amendment rights and stuff. The First Amendment does not apply to Facebook and Instagram.
OK, in the regard I'm about ready to talk about. If we go into the house of Facebook and in
Facebook's house, because we know that Facebook
is a liberal platform, it's a liberal social platform. If we go into Facebook's house
or Instagram's house and we post something conservative and they say, nope, I don't like
it. I'm taking it down. That's not a violation of my first amendment freedom of expression
because the constitution of the united
states does not protect us from corporations it protects us from the government if we're in
someone else's house if you come into my house you're abiding by my rules if you don't like it
i'm gonna kick you out it's the same thing here if you come in my house i might not let you let
you talk about some things if i come into your house you might let you talk about some things. If I come into your house, you might not let me talk about some things. You're going to allow certain things to happen in your own home.
Because it's your house, it's your rules.
It's the same thing with Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all these other places.
That's why when Elon Musk bought Twitter,
he's going to let anybody post about anything because he values freedom of expression.
But here's the problem.
Here's where it becomes a violation.
When the federal government taps into Facebook and Instagram and some of these other left-wing outlets
and tells them, suppress conservatives,
then at that point it becomes a violation of your First Amendment freedom of expression
because now the government is telling you that you cannot express this opinion.
That is where the violation occurs.
And so four months ago, there was a hearing,
and Mike Johnson from Louisiana, House Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana,
I got a little clip here.
I just want to, and this is taken,
this little clip's taken from an eight-hour hearing.
I'm not going to play the whole thing.
I wouldn't even bother to touch an eight-hour hearing and put it up.
It just ain't going to happen.
But you can find it.
It's just one long video.
You can go to YouTube and look all this stuff up
and find out, listen for yourself.
But I'm going to just play this little piece right here and come back, get some more thoughts.
Possible to cover up the inescapable conclusions of the last few weeks. Let me give you two of
them. First one, the hard evidence, Mr. Goldman and everybody else now proves that the Biden
family is hopelessly corrupt and has apparently engaged in a long pattern of extortion, bribery,
influence peddling and tax fraud and staggering pattern of extortion, bribery, influence peddling,
and tax fraud and staggering abuses of power.
And number two, we're highlighting here today that we now know that a growing list of the most important executive branch agencies of the Biden administration are in on it.
They've also been corrupted.
They've been weaponized to help cover all this up, the first family's crimes.
When we summarize all this stuff, it sounds like a premise of a dystopian novel or something,
but it's actually happening right now on our watch.
This is not conspiracy theories.
This is evidence.
Our hearing today is to put a spotlight on one more of these incredible avenues
as unprecedented corruption and government cover-up.
And here again, a federal court has just affirmed all that hard evidence.
It proves that the White House, the Department of of justice and the fbi among other agencies threatened and coerced the social media
platforms to censor and suppress disfavored viewpoints and conservatives social media
posts online i'm grateful we have with us today two individuals mr kennedy and miss harris who
were directly impacted by that censorship and the third third, Mr. Sauer, who we're about to speak with,
serving as lead counsel in the landmark lawsuit against... So why are you not hearing about this in mainstream media?
Because it condemns the Biden administration.
It shows that the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't a conspiracy,
that it wasn't a right-wing hoax,
that it wasn't Republican propaganda.
This was something that was actually real,
and social media groups were suppressing it,
and they were told to do so by the federal government.
So apparently the Fifth Circuit Court found the Biden administration guilty
of violating your First Amendment freedom of expression.
What's going to be done about it?
Probably nothing.
In other news, I guess Bill Gates has been hard at work purchasing agriculture.
I guess he just bought some kind of apple cider company, which made big news i i really don't think that somebody's gone from being a tech giant
to investing in viral engineering and humanitarianism and all this other stuff
would be interested in food products in agriculture unless he's up to something the leap from
software development to the humanitarian stage, which he calls it
humanitarianism or philanthropy or whatever it is, whatever avenue he's going down, he's deeply
involved in virology. So now I find out that he's into the fake meat, the development of fake meat or synthetic meats and foods.
And Italy, surprisingly, and I'm happy for them, good for them,
I wish the United States would do it as well,
has become the first nation to ban Bill Gates' fake meat.
So let's listen to this real quick, this little news bite.
This week, an Australian start-up made headlines
by unveiling a meatball made from flesh grown in a lab
using the genetic sequencing of the long-extinct mammoth.
We wanted to get people excited about the future of food
being different to potentially what we had before,
that there are things that are unique and better
than the meats that we're necessarily eating now.
In recent years, start-ups have been tinkering with everything from lab-grown steaks to salmon
Food safety authorities in the US and Singapore have already approved similar products, and
the EU is expected to follow suit.
But one of its members, Italy, is refusing to chow down.
Italy is the first country that says no
to so-called synthetic food and synthetic meat,
and it does so formally.
Italy's new nationalist government says
it wants to do away with innovations it sees
as an affront to the Mediterranean diet
and traditional links between agriculture and food.
We think products from labs don't guarantee quality or well-being.
And we say with pride that it doesn't guarantee the safeguarding of our culture and tradition.
But Italian food analysts argue otherwise.
If successful, the products would mean relying less on livestock and huge remote farms, centralising
production and transport, which would reduce emissions. From a nutritional point of view, I can't say there are any substantial differences.
Obviously it's meat free of any antibiotics.
That's a major problem in the livestock sector which shouldn't be underestimated.
Others say the demand for synthetic meat is steadily growing, along with most people's
expectations of how it should taste.
As to when all of the meat systems are going to be transformed,
well, that's a huge question because there's just a huge amount of change
that would need to happen for that.
And while Italy's laws would forbid its own industry from producing such foods,
it wouldn't be able to oppose selling them if they gain EU approval.
So for retailers, the meatball is firmly in their court.
Manny Tsigas, ABC News.
That was just disgusting.
First of all, I want to say, just because the United States, the FDA, or the USDA,
has said that, hey, we're approving this, this is okay for human consumption,
doesn't mean that it has my backing. Not by far, because I don't trust anything any arm of the government says or does.
And I will do my own research, and I will wait.
Because we saw this with the whole COVID vaccine thing. It was these Pfizer and Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were approved by the CDC
before there was even any long-term studies done on them.
They practiced it on us.
They even had to, the CDC even went and changed the definition of vaccine
because it didn't fit, by definition, into a vaccine.
Because it's mRNA.
It's a DNA-altering drug.
It takes your proteins that your body naturally produces and creates a spike on them.
You might have heard about them on the news called spike proteins.
spike on them.
You might know them,
I've heard about them on the news called spike proteins.
And in the long term of this,
people are turning up dead.
And what you're not seeing on the news
is these mortuaries,
these morticians are pulling
these several foot long blood clots
out of these people.
Hundreds and hundreds of people that have suddenly died
young people sports people people you know athletes suddenly died and the common cause
every single one of them that had one of these long several feet long blood clot looking
things in them that felt like a almost like a like a rubber these are the studies that
are coming out now and you're not hearing about any of it instead the schools are pushing this
onto the children you see pictures on tv of parents taking their babies their small children
into doctor's offices to get this poison injected into their body. And we have no idea what it does to us over the long term.
I'm thankful I'm still a pure blood.
I brag about it.
And I'm seeing now that I guess sperm from non-vaccinated persons
are in high demand now.
And people are paying big money for it.
Go figure, right? Go figure. high demand now and and people are paying big money for it go figure right go figure
so this mammoth meatball if you could go go to youtube and pull that up and look at it it's
disgusting it looks like it's about the size of a basketball and it looks like a fossil like a round
i don't know an egg looking falsely gross disgusting looking mammoth meatball
and they're trying to feed this stuff to to human beings and it's just sad and disgusting and i hate
i hate that uh it's going sorry about that i hate that it's going in that direction but that's just
how it is these days the world is pushing this and cramming this stuff down inside of us.
And we're just supposed to step aside and say, okay.
And just believe every little thing that is fed to us.
It doesn't matter if it's true or not.
We said it's safe.
You can trust us.
We're the government.
Never trust a government that says, trust us.
Also, I was scrolling through some social media stuff. Oh, Megyn Kelly. I always liked Megyn Kelly because she kind of speaks about the united states coming over here and complaining about us and this is what she's got to say about it i don't like america get out get out we don't
want you here either you don't want to be here we don't want you it's perfect go home
honestly like these half these people are chanting
in arabic about this country that they've clearly chosen but it's not good enough for them get out
we don't need you here it's the perfect symbiotic relationship if you don't want to be here get out
go home it's that easy same thing applies to all these weirdos that are trying to change, quote unquote, our democracy.
First of all, the United States is not a democracy.
It's never been a democracy.
It might be acting like a democracy, but according to the Constitution, we're a republic where individual rights are a thing here.
Not the rights of the 51% controlling the rights of the 49%.
If you come over here and complain about our system, you don't like it, go away.
Go back.
If you're already here, you're born here, and you don't like our system, guess what?
There's other countries that are exactly the way you would like the United States to be.
Go there instead.
If you're LGBTQ, LMNOP, go to Palestine.
Go support them over there.
And do that gay stuff over there.
Because I'm telling you right now, in that country, in the Gaza Strip,
or any other Muslim-ran country where you see these extremist groups like ISIS
and the Taliban and Hamas, when you see these groups and you're in those areas
and you're doing that stuff
and you're parading your gay flags around,
you'll be the first person,
you'll be the very first person they launch into eternity.
They'll come for you.
Because I've seen videos of them throwing people
who come out of the closet off of buildings.
I've seen them cut their heads off, decapitate them, dismember them,
because they believe that Allah told them to do that,
and they have a right to do that.
And because it's a religious ideology, you can't change that.
So go over there and parade that stuff around.
Go over there and show them your flags and your support.
Don't think you'll find them more accepting than we are here in the United States.
You're here in this country, hating on this country,
and our views and our ideologies and our freedoms.
Go over there and try it.
See how far that gets you.
Speaking of idiots, Jeff Daniels cannot stand the man cannot stand him and he thinks what
he does is he he downloads statistics into his head about this is how much he hates america he
has the time to look up our poverty rating and commit it to memory um how many uh people are
incarcerated in you know in our country it, commit it into his memory.
And all these other things.
He takes all the worst facets of the United States, and he commits it to his memory.
And he builds this hate in his heart, and he holds on to it. And he waits for some college kid to come along and ask a question like this.
And listen to this idiot's response.
And I'm going to throw my two cents in on it when he's done.
Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world?
Diversity and opportunity.
Freedom and freedom.
It's not the greatest country in the world, Professor.
That's my answer.
And with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom?
Canada has freedom.
Japan has freedom.
The UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom.
So 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom.
All right.
And yeah, you, sorority girl.
Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there's some things you should know.
And one of them is there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world.
We're 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality,
3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force, and number 4 in exports.
We lead the world in only three categories.
Number of incarcerated citizens for capita,
number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more
than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies. Now, none of this is the
fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you nonetheless are, without a doubt, a member
of the worst period generation period ever, period. So when you ask what makes us the
greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
So the expression on this girl's face, she's heartbroken, the way he just talked to her.
And he's disgusting.
He's just an American hating a-hole.
And he's atheistic on top of that.
Talking about people who believe angels are real. So, no, he's atheistic on top of that talk about people who believe angels are real
so no he's wrong those countries that he mentioned don't have the same freedoms they have privileges
that could be snuffed with a pin the fruit of hollywood that's
the kind of stuff that comes out of that bleeds out of hollywood that bleeds out of the entertainment
industry and i feel awful for this girl the look on her face just go and look up jeff daniels uh
hates america or whatever you know however you want to Google that or YouTube it or whatever.
He's an awful human.
He's an awful, awful human.
And he's a terrible American.
Terrible. hatred that people like Jeff Daniels is pushing from his platform. You have idiots that get behind
him, that back him and spew his same kind of ignorance. People like Ilhan Omar of Minnesota,
people like her and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley. And here's a good one,
Rashida Taib or whatever her name is, that married her brother,
which is illegal in almost every state in the United States.
So she could become a United States citizen.
You have these people running for offices to push stuff like this.
And we have historically significant people from history who are being deleted.
People like Aunt Jemima and what we call eskimo pies that's now racial we can't we can't
say we can't say eskimo pies we can't have aunt jemima's face on food products she's historically
famous but somehow that's racist people are afraid of their branding because of movements like
Black Lives Matter is going to put a spotlight on their company, on their business, and they're
going to tank. Even though it's a very, very small fragmented segment of our population that feels
that way. But it's like I've talked about before, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, right?
Conservatives are passive aggressive by and large.
So they're quiet, but not liberals.
Liberals are riotous.
They're clamorous.
They're loud, squeaky.
And that's why they get the grease.
That's why their voices are heard.
That's why you have people like Maxine Waters
standing up and saying crud like,
get out of your houses and go and interfere with conservatives' lives.
Stop them in the restaurants and harass them and all these other things that she was saying.
Just hatred.
I guess Procter & Gamble is going to get rid of their,
I guess they got a mascot called the Senior Sleepy.
Get rid of him.
Because it's this woke
movement they're afraid of it there's a lot of a logo branding that's being changed for example
mrs butterworth is revamping its branding because apparently the curry bottle shape
is a racial caricature stereotype of a black woman are you serious Are you really that sensitive?
Are you really that weak?
Is your heart melting?
Johnson & Johnson, L'Oreal, they're revisiting some of the wording and production of their whitening, quote-unquote whitening.
Words like fair and light and whitening,
because that could be misconstrued as racial bias.
I guess the Atlanta Braves are talking about
trying to get their ethnic stereotyping changed
because the tomahawk chop is a gesture.
It's considered offensive to Native Americans.
That's just an assumption.
One thing you're never going to hear
is Native Americans complaining about a tomahawk chop
or the Redskins, you know, football team
and all this kind of stuff.
It's the woke left that's complaining
because they're sensitive.
Their hearts are soft and mushy and they're fragile.
They've never been punched in the face in their life.
They're the people that grew up behind a keyboard,
talking smack behind a keyboard to people
because they know there's no retaliation.
Nobody knows their name.
Nobody knows their face.
They're just typing behind a username
that nobody can identify.
Nobody can track them
down and smack them in the mouth for their idiocracy. Those are the people who are melting
because they're weak. They're mentally weak. And then you see videos of people trying that stuff
that they do behind a keyboard because they're too stupid to understand when you go and do this
in real life and you get knocked on your butt you're too stupid
to realize that you can actually get punched in the face and you see these idiots going out
standing in the street and blocking off roads and people getting out and hitting the cars and
causing violence and damage to the cars so the driver's getting out and co-cocking the idiots
and what do they fall on the ground they cry because they're weak they're weak-minded they're
weak americans because they grew up behind a keyboard and they've never been punched in the mouth
that's what's wrong with our country their feelings are hurt and they don't know how to
deal with hurt feelings because they grew up in schools where everybody gets a trophy second place
third place fourth place last place no problem you're still a winner. Here's a trophy. And that's why
they're weak because they don't know how to take a punch. They don't know how to be mentally strong,
how to be mentally tough, how to let things roll off their back. It's a pathetic course
that we've taken. And as Americans right now, what we're depending on is the very small number of strong
Americans who are stepping up to the plate and defending this country. Most of America, believe
it or not, is red. They have good, strong moral values. Ethical or not, they're strong. They come
up. But it's in these city populations.
And it's the reason why you get these Democrat-controlled areas.
It's because of the cities, the densely populated sinful areas
that are dictating who's going to work in Washington, D.C.
It's a sad state of affairs, super sad state of affairs.
It's a sad state of affairs.
Super sad state of affairs.
Anyway, yeah, so here's what, I like, John Kennedy's one of my favorite.
I love listening to John Kennedy talk because he just tells you how it is.
All right? So I wanted to find something on John Kennedy kind of expressing how he thinks, how he talks.
And this is a clip I chose for you to listen to.
Americans do not deserve to be governed by deeply weird, nauseously woke people who hate
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dr.
Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Zeus, and Mr. Potato Head, who hyperventilate on their yoga mats if you use the wrong pronoun, who think kids should be able to change their
gender at recess, who carry around Ziploc bags of kale to give them energy.
And who think they are better than us.
By the way, to me, kale tastes like I'd rather be fat.
That's John Kennedy for you.
That's him expressing himself, and I agree with what he's saying.
We shouldn't be governed by these kind of people but again these densely populated cities are controlling
the votes and they're putting these people into office and it's because of these left-leaning
and super left-leaning liberal Democrats who are the majority of the problems
that we're facing in the United States today.
For four years under Trump,
take him, love him, hate him, I don't care.
For four years, there was no war.
We didn't have any wars.
We had a president who didn't start wars,
but we had a president who mended fences.
Again, maybe you don't like the people that we mended fences with.
That's okay, as long as you know we're not fighting.
Because I don't like sending our boys overseas.
Don't like it.
I want them here.
We got our own problems at home.
We got a border that's wide open with people flooding into it, destroying our country.
Bringing fentanyl into our country., killing our young people with these drugs, this trafficking, this human trafficking that's going on.
Oh, oh, speak of human trafficking.
I'm glad I brought that up.
The Pentagon, and I'm going to read an article to you from BNN, not CNN, not BBN.
This is BNN, not CNN, not BBN. This is BNN. I wanted to grab an article that was down the middle
and read this to you because apparently the Pentagon has an,
one of their top-ranking officials were arrested in a human trafficking sting.
And this guy just happens to be one of the administrators
over our school systems in in
dhs which i didn't even know we had which is kind of scary i have yet to look into this and see what
is going on with this but this guy's name steven francis hovanek 64 years old a top official of
the pentagon school system in the america's region was arrested in Coweta County, Georgia on November
15th as part of a human trafficking sting. The charges levied against him include suspicion of
pandering, which involves inducing or compelling individuals to engage in prostitution. The arrest
was made during a large-scale operation that resulted in the apprehension of 26 individuals
on diverse charges like pandering, drug possession,
prostitution, and pimping.
Six women identified as victims of human trafficking were rescued during this operation.
Hovannock's arrest, confirmed by the Coweta County Sheriff's Office, sent shockwaves
to the Department of Defense and raised serious questions about the prevalence of this crime.
I'm going to continue reading in a second. But a point I want to make,
why did the Sheriff's Department have to conduct a sting to find this?
You can't tell me that DHS,
Department of Defense Education Activity,
whatever this means,
it's DOD, not DHS, I'm sorry,
Department of Defense, that the DOD did not know that this Havana character
was involved in human trafficking.
You can't tell me they had no knowledge of it.
When you have these high-ranking individuals in these deep state branches,
or we will say departments of the United States,
we'll say departments of the United States.
You're telling me that they don't have any knowledge that this individual was involved in human trafficking?
I call baloney on that.
So going back to the article.
Following his arrest, Hovannik disclosed his employment
with the Department of Defense Education Activity,
and they call it D-O-D-E-A,
Defense Education Activity, and they call it D-O-D-E-A,
Do-D-E-A, which oversees schooling for military children.
That's scary.
Now we have a sex offender, pedophile or not,
in charge of the Department of Defense Education Activity for military children.
With an extensive background in education and service record as the chief of staff for America since October 2010, Hovannock's involvement in such illicit activities has underscored
the complexities and challenges associated with combating human trafficking.
The Department of Defense has initiated an investigation into the matter, and Hovannock
has been placed on leave.
Fair enough.
But when they find this out after court,
that it was in fact true, he needs to be terminated.
And this is stuff you're not going to see on the mainstream media.
I'm actually surprised.
I saw this on a few news articles.
We'll see how it turns out.
We'll see how it shakes out.
But the Biden administration probably would never have done anything about this and probably not act on it. we'll see how it shakes out but the biden administration probably would never have
done anything about this and probably not act on it we'll see it took the sheriff's department
of this county here in georgia to uh to do anything with this guy and it was an accident
you know they arrested him and identified him and that's how it got released to the news medias
the charges against ovanik and the subsequent investigations
have prompted the Department of Defense to adopt a careful and deliberate approach
in addressing the situation.
The gravity of the charges and the implications for the organization
have led to a focus on ensuring accountability
and upholding the integrity of the department.
The case also underscores the importance of addressing human trafficking
within the military community,
given Hovannik's role in overseeing the education of children from military families.
The implications of his arrest extend beyond individual accountability
to include broader implications for the Department of Defense
and its commitment to safeguarding and the well-being of military personnel and their families.
And what's going to be done about it?
personnel and their families and what's going to be done about it. Have you seen some of the people that the Biden administration has put in charge of different high ranking positions and departments
of the military? For example, have you read up anything on Dr. Rachel Levine or Levine,
I'm not sure how you pronounce his name. He's a trans woman.
All right.
Go take a gander at this individual.
It's a fat dude dressed like a woman.
And it was nominated for the U.S. Assistant and became the U.S. Assistant Health Secretary.
Thanks to Joe Biden.
So we're going to listen to a fat guy that is transforming
into a woman go listen this individual tell us about what is healthy for us do you see the
hypocrisy in this or what about biden's senior department of energy uh official sam brinton
you guys seen this guy he's a bald-headed man with a goatee that wears dresses and high heels and lipstick and what's
the point of all this biden wants to say you know that he's he's the most woke and he of course
didn't use that language but he wants credit to be the most woke president that's ever ever existed
so biden has uh said in uh this is from tocom to transgender Americans, your president has your back.
And so he can't support them through silence, I guess.
He has to support them through action.
He just can't, you know, leave good enough alone.
He has to take these outlandishly extreme individuals
and put them in positions of power
and parade them for the
whole world to see. So the United States becomes a mockery, a laughing pot instead of a melting pot
of peoples. There's currently over 200 anti-LGBTQ bills under consideration across at least 30
states, this article saying in NBC. And so you got advocacy groups, LGBTQ advocacy groups who
are fighting hard to stop them.
And again, this is why we have the states
because there's nothing in the Bill of Rights
about homosexuality.
And so anything that is not enumerated
in the Bill of Rights goes to the states.
That authority goes to the states.
That's why we had that abortion bill was Roe versus Wade was overturned.
It wasn't about right versus wrong so much as it was that it shouldn't have been a federal law.
It should never have been a federal law because it's not in the Constitution.
If abortions are not in the Constitution, the rights go to the states.
So you can't make a federal law because that's against the constitution where the
constitution says if it's not here enumerating this bill of rights it goes back to the states
so each individual state will say if abortions are illegal or not in that state and that's how
that works so people got all crazy and they melted because it was overturned, saying abortion is illegal now. Abortion's not illegal.
It's not legal or illegal.
You just got to find a state that allows it.
It's that simple.
It should never have been federal law.
Just like we shouldn't have all these trans people being paraded around
and put up in, you know, front in our departments and our agencies.
I don't understand it.
Anyway, that's enough blabbering for me for today.
I want to thank everybody for listening.
I am L. Douglas Hogan,
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