The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic: Non Compus Mentus
Episode Date: February 20, 2024@PBNLinks | Linktree...
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I don't want to set the world
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country
Maybe there will be
To chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage.
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.
Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.
I thought he should have punched him in the face.
I feel like punching him.
I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school.
If you were in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take Trump out tonight.
Take him out now. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are
supposed to be polite and peaceful.
And you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Please, get up in the face of some Congress people.
People will do what they do.
I want to tell you, Lord Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.
We're going to go in there winning.
This is just a warning to you Trumpers.
Be careful.
Walk lightly.
And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay.
We are your lizard overlords.
Stop listening to these preppers.
Eat your crickets.
Fight in the streets.
Own nothing.
And love it.
We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. hot dog another week is down things are crazy out there in the world and i don't even know where to begin i've been kind of taking notes over the past week and it's just insane the
number of things that have happened across the globe in the United States. I mean, oh my goodness.
I was like, where do I even begin with this? How do I start it out? Well, first of all,
let me just thank you all for joining the Rising Republic. And I am L. Douglas Hogan,
your host. I'm thankful that you're here right now. And I have done something a little bit to
advance the cause. I started a Gmail account for the email because I'm receiving emails at my disgruntled dystopian pub at
That's actually a business umbrella, but I went and created another email account where you can reach out to me at risingrepublic1773.
And that's risingrepublic1773 at
And if you're wondering what is the 1773, well, if you give it a good think,
you might remember some of your history.
And that was when some certain persons decided, hey, we've had enough with this taxation.
No taxation without representation.
Taxation is theft ideal.
And the tea started getting tossed into the harbor that's right that
is really what sparked the uh the american revolution and uh so i have clung to that year
it's a good year to me it's uh it's uh it's it's a good cause it's the rebellion mindset that should
be in every single american anyway i've been wanting to address this for some
time in my intro you hear chris cuomo cnn super liberal uh saying please show me where it says
that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful well chris uh cuomo i have uh i've been thinking about this i've been wanting
to actually show you normally i don't address issues and questions and concerns brought up
about um anything that's coming from a liberal because generally it's just one of i'm a victim
and uh i need you to to understand my my reasoning if you don't, then you're the bad guy and you're evil.
And that is if the evil person believes,
if a liberal believes that there is an evil.
A lot of liberals just believe there's no such thing as good and evil.
There's just this gray area where everybody lives in freely,
and we're not really guided by right and and wrong and morality and just anyway chris cuomo if you will open up your constitution look at the very
first amendment it actually says it quite clear but i understand you might not understand cursive
you might not know how to read cursive so let me read this to you in cursive um i'm going to
trans translate this for you
chris okay it says in amendment one congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech
or of the press or of the right to the oh wait what's this say hold on a second what's
it says or the right of the people to peaceably assemble.
Does it really say that?
It does.
It does.
It says that.
It says the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That's weird.
But it's there, Chris Cuomo.
It's weird. But it's there, Chris Cuomo. It's there. If you knew anything about the Constitution of all, if you had opened up your ears in history class, you'd have heard that you have to peaceably assemble.
That's right.
The very First Amendment, the amendment that gives people and churches the right to worship and gather peaceably is the same thing that gives you the right to ask that question and to go to press conferences where you get to listen to people like oh i don't know cream uh whatever her name is a crazy uh lady that's the press secretary right now listen to her name uh she bibble babbles and tries to speak and uh comes off sounding like joe biden a lot so i'm
not sure maybe they know maybe they understand each other maybe they that's why she talks like
she does she doesn't really know have any, and she's always lying to the people,
and she's really confused.
Maybe she spends a lot of time with Joe.
After all, she is maintaining his Twitter account.
Maybe some of you might remember when she forgot to switch accounts, and she posted a message from the president that she wrote herself on her own page
instead of switching to the president's page and posting it.
That's right.
She did that.
Anyway, one of the biggest things going on right now, all of the United States,
and there's a lot of talk on it everywhere, and it's about this.
And I totally missed the pregame stuff.
I got on just as the new Deadpool ad was showing.
But I guess there was a black national anthem being performed by Andre Day.
That's right.
Andre Day decided that she wanted to go on to a talk show, on to the news.
And let me see if I can pull this up here where she...
Tell you what, let's just play play it let's just play the clip and you listen to something's blowing i'm gonna try to break it down for you
i think you know but i'm not unaware of the conversation surrounding the black national
anthem at the super bowl right i think that's just a true conversation um you know and i think
people you know they are i'm gonna say this in really polite terms but i think people are you know change can be a scary thing for people you
know what i mean but i think that it's a good thing it's a healthy thing because if you're
not changing and growing i think you're you're dying right you know so so for me i will tell you
i i am honored to be able to represent our ancestors and our culture in this way
but for me even deeper than that I'm a very spiritual person.
Gayle knows, we've talked about this before.
I'm a praying person.
And so that's really what I'm hoping.
My goal is to diminish myself
and really be in service of the spirit of God,
whoever that is for people.
To be a vessel.
To be a vessel, truly.
And if people are able to sort of put down, you know,
this kind of negative connotation surrounding this or
these prejudices or these ideas then i think we could actually share in a really really beautiful
spiritual moment together and that is together my desire yes and then to do that yeah she said
some really bizarre stuff there first of all she makes out like she's some spiritual person and
she's in connection with god and the holy spirit, right? Because she says, you know, let me say this right here, right? She
said, my goal is to diminish myself. First of all, anybody who has a goal to diminish themselves
wouldn't go into the world spotlight and do what she did. She actually put herself on a platform
or somebody else lifted her up, put her on a platform, and she agreed to it, thus elevating herself.
And that's just the opposite of diminishing herself.
So what she did was exactly the opposite.
She is not diminishing anything.
She became quite famous from this.
I never heard of Andre Day until this.
So she became quite famous in a moment.
She says, my goal is to diminish myself and to be in service of the spirit of God, whatever that person or that God is to whoever, whatever it was you said.
So, first of all, that right there is the Spirit of Antichrist.
When you're saying that God is not like Jesus, he's not the only way, he is not, you know, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No man cometh into the Father except by me.
That's it, point blank. So, there's no other God out there. All right. If you believe Jesus,
what he's saying, and she's talking about the Holy Spirit, maybe she's Muslim. But no,
that can't be true because she was Muslim and she wouldn't be saying that either. She'd believe that
Allah is the only God. So what's going on here, right? Whatever that may be to people, she says.
So this is hypocrisy more
hypocrisy from the left and she's just blowing smoke trying to gain more favor from whoever
these people are that are just now hearing her name and she's fine she's finding this to be a
stepping stone and all i'm noticing here is that it's it's quite opposite that she's a blowhard
and she's she's just uh she's just another one of them she goes goes on to say, if people are able to put down these prejudices, what?
How can you sit there and say if people are able to put down these prejudices when you
are literally dividing the country by singing what is known and has been known as the Black
National Anthem?
This country has one national anthem, right?
It's the Star-Spangled Banner.
And it's the anthem that we all unite under.
There's no race in it at all.
And so people are now rallying to this other anthem
because black people like segregation all of a sudden.
People like Martin Luther King Jr., right,
fought and gave his life for this cause
that nobody be judged by the color of their skin,
by the content of their character. And this fight went on for some time, and we all finally accepted
it. Not we all, but they. It's history. It's gone, right? You'll never eradicate evil. It'll
never be gone. So racism will always exist in some form or another. But the systemic racism,
where black people had to sit in the back of the bus and they had drink from different water fountains and
and receive different educations have different schooling all this that's gone like that's that's
way way in the past and and nobody that's alive was a slave here okay and there's no slave owners
here like we're we actually elected a black president so
this this rally this this battle cry or whatever you want to call it this anthem or
to try to unite blacks and resegregate people again it's it's actually turning into reverse
racism all right so you are now guilty of the things that you fought against and your ancestors
fought against if you're saying that racism is bad, you're actually guilty of it.
You're trying to segregate yourself, and you're sitting here on this platform now
in front of the world saying, if people are able to put down these prejudices,
like you, like you, like you just put down prejudice,
and saying a black national, no, you're a hypocrite.
You're yet another type of hypocrite that the left has birthed.
And she goes on to say, then we can really share a really, really beautiful spiritual moment together. So the only way to share a spiritual moment
together is to accept and embrace that there's a black national anthem that somehow blacks are
superior. And if we embrace it, then we can enjoy spiritual unity. That's the sacrifice. We got to
agree to it. And then we can enjoy a spiritual spiritual unity we can all coalesce under the black national anthem and we can wash black people's feet just
like on the stupid commercial uh you know with the whole jesus uh foot washing thing completely
out of whack completely they take one bible verse they completely blew it out of proportion
you can always tell when somebody isn't uh hasn't studied the bible they read one one verse in the
bible usually something about love from the left and uh the left of the liberals will use some kind always tell when somebody hasn't studied the Bible, they read one verse in the Bible, usually
something about love from the left. And the left of the liberals will use some kind of Bible verse
about Jesus is love and Jesus loved, and that's all that they know. And so then everybody that
says something about sin, everybody that talks about repentance or somebody that talks about
and identifies sin and calls sin out, suddenly they're the bad guy because suddenly you don't love them. You're not full of love.
Suddenly you're evil. You know, Jesus has something to say to the Pharisees and Sadducees
about that. He called them hypocrites when they were doing things like this. He said,
you permit, you yourself can't get into heaven and you also won't allow no one else to go into heaven by
reason of their faults they're faulty and they're blaming others of their faults
essentially they're not going and they're trying to keep others from going and saying the others
can't go that's the gig but that was andre day on cbs news i saw this on CBS Chicago News, but that's that.
Moving on, Tucker Carlson.
I guess he went to Russia, and the media is having a cow.
They're having a hernia.
They can't believe they're losing control of the narrative.
How can a journalist travel to another country and interview a world leader and come back and share the truth with Americans?
Oh, my God, what's going on here?
How can we control this? how can we stop him surely surely he's uh doing some kind of uh some kind of
maggot stuff surely he's peddling a bunch of kool-aid surely he's behind a lot of this stuff
that's going on with with trump and he's backing and supporting trump and there's some kind of
collusion here going on with russia and's supporting that. Come on, guys. This is the ridiculousness of the mainstream media. They don't want you to know,
period. They don't want you to know. And they just keep feeding you this Kool-Aid and you
keep sipping it down and that's something that you want to do. And if you want Kool-Aid, fine,
you drink the Kool-Aid. But don't be hating on us free thinkers because we're not sipping that stuff down and walking around with a wet nap wiping the red stains from off our lips.
You do you and let us do us.
And that's what I got to say about that.
Anyway, it didn't turn out to be that much.
I watched sections, segments of the interview with Putin.
sections segments of of the the interview with putin um no real revelations i didn't think other than the fact that uh he said that he had tried he told um carlson that he had tried to
negotiate an end to the war in ukraine but the united states wasn't having it that was kind of
a revelation to me because the media is not going to report on those kinds of things so that was kind of a revelation to me because the media is not going to report on those kinds of things. So that was very interesting. So anybody, I don't have the years in front of me. This is
just now coming up and I've done my research in the past, but I don't remember the details
and the years and the dates and all this. So basically the whole point in Ukraine,
they're not supposed to be in NATO because back when Russia was a USSR, right? The United Soviet
Socialist States, or that's what we are now. The United Soviet
Socialism Republic, United Soviet Socialist Republic. Sorry about that. There was supposed
to be a buffer between NATO and the USSR. Okay. The buffer was supposed to be Ukraine
and NATO has been growing. And when NATO grows, see Russia tried to be part of the of of nato and they were denied they were told no okay
so keep that in mind put that in back your head meanwhile these other countries are being accepted
into nato and then all of a sudden we're accepting they're talking about accepting ukraine
into nato though the supposed to be the border state, right? The border country between Russia and NATO countries.
Now, NATO told them no.
So if you're Russia, wouldn't you start to worry about your national security?
That's Putin's complaint.
NATO is continuing to grow and their forces are becoming, they're already stronger than Russia and their alliances and their allies.
But it becomes more threatening.
So whenever you've been denied a member of NATO and you're allowing all these countries to grow,
now you're taking away the border between your country and NATO.
All right.
You see the problem here.
That's their concern.
And I can see that. I can understand that. I'm not saying I agree with the invasion, although I have some deep concerns about why are we pumping so much money into NATO?
revealed, finally, through a lot of investigation, that the United States president, all the way back when he was vice president, and probably when he was even before that when he was a senator,
had dealings with Ukraine. His son, Hunter Biden, has dealings with Ukraine. We have biolabs
in Ukraine. We have a lot of things going on in Ukraine that the left is trying to keep covered and buried. And that's concerning.
That's why I think they want Ukraine to be a member of NATO.
So then they can control this.
Forget the fact that Zelensky was installed by President Obama back in the day.
That's also a side note.
There's a lot of suspicious things going on here with this country
and them being allowed to be members of NATO.
What are they covering up?
What are they hiding?
Why are we pumping these billions of dollars into that country,
all the while allowing our borders to be opened up and invaded
by Chinese nationals, by Venezuela, by Mexico, by Guatemala. There's a lot of countries coming in. There's
terrorists coming in. There's cartel people coming in. By the way, that takes me to my next
school of thought here as I'm continuing on this, because I was just thinking that I wasn't going to talk about the way that all these immigrants are coming into our country
because it's very coordinated.
And I've been watching a great deal of journalism, believe it or not,
that is being covered by this.
And one man in particular, his name is Nick Shirleyley he's a young a young kid i don't
know how young he is he looks like he's maybe in his 20s but he's doing some traveling and he's
doing some really good investigation on the new york city uh immigrant crisis not just new york
city but you know he's been around the borders and he's and as i look right now at his youtube channel and it's
nick shirley n-i-c-k shirley s-h-i-r-l-e-y he's got a lot of videos on here about the immigration
crisis or the migrant crisis the border crisis however you want to want to call it and he's been
to texas and he's been in new york city and i think the best interview i've
seen so far was his journalism on the how he interviewed most recently put it up just one
one day ago and today as i'm looking at this is the 16th i believe uh yes february 16th
so yesterday on the 15th he put up this videos. I investigated the New York City migrant
crisis and it's a half hour long and it's very, very informative. He just walked around with the
microphone. He's asking questions to migrants. And the thought was initially, you know, cause I knew
that there was some bad players coming across. There's also a lot of good players coming across.
That being said, there's good and bad people coming across. There's also a lot of good players coming across. That being said, there's good and
bad people coming across. That being said, I'm more convinced now that the situation is much
worse than I ever thought it was. Because in the last three years, 10 million migrants have come over illegally into the United States. To put that into perspective, New York City has 8 million population,
a population of 8 million for New York City.
So you look at that, just that's how huge, you know, New York City is huge.
That's, I mean, that's big.
But the migrants in the last few years that have poured over into our country
is greater than the population of New York City.
That's greater than the population of some states.
And that's kind of a big deal, wouldn't you say?
But there's at least five, we'll call them camps that are in new york city where illegal immigrants
are being housed and they're turning churches and hotels into these these camps or whatever
you want to call them where these immigrants are staying and the mayor is paying for it, giving them handouts in these interviews,
giving them money, giving them baby supplies if they have children,
giving them a place to stay.
At the Row Hotel, for example, in New York City,
it's got like, I think they said eight floors.
They're getting $200.
The hotel is getting $200 per person per night so we're looking at about
200 I'm just guessing here it's in the interview $200,000 a day coming from the government and I
don't again I don't know if that's being supplemented from the federal government
but as far as I know to start with the New York City taxpayers are paying for that. And it could be being supplemented by federal tax dollars and backed up probably by the feds.
But they're paying for their room, their board, their food.
And the stories that these people are telling when they come over, they're being in New York City.
over they're being in new york city people are being in this lot of stuff you just you're just seeing the like the big ones with the cops being attacked and stuff the the people are being
attacked robbed gang raped raped and gang raped by by the citizens are by these illegal immigrants
and you're not seeing that kind of coverage. Again, you're only seeing the more sensational topics as they are occurring in New York City.
And it's not just New York City.
I mean, imagine what Texas is going through, and they're fighting hard,
but they're actually coming into the United States,
and they're being taken and shipped to a port in New York City.
and shipped to a port in New York City.
And all these people, there's 100,000 people or more in line trying to get situated,
trying to get room and board.
In the meanwhile, these people spend months here living in the streets,
living in tent cities, trying to survive day to day,
selling products, selling services, whatever they can do to make ends meet.
A lot of them, like I said, are good people, but the first act of being here is to break the law.
And that's how I see it. So I don't care how good you are. You might be a really good person and maybe someday you could be a good citizen, but right now you're a criminal. You're coming across
in the United States. Your first act to get here is committing a crime. It's called illegal immigration for a reason.
But these people are coming across and generally, you know, again, it's funded by the United Nations.
We have evidence of this now.
And the federal government is paying the United Nations money.
So essentially the United Nations and the United States, well, the United States is the biggest contributor
to the United Nations.
The United States is paying for this invasion, essentially,
because the money that we're giving to the United Nations
is being funneled back to these immigrants.
So you're wondering, how do they do this?
Well, it all starts with flyers.
I guess these flyers are dropped around these countries
because they want them to come to our country.
They think that somehow that it's going to spread around the diversity
and all these countries can.
The real agenda here is to break the economy
so that all countries are equally poor.
That's what I believe.
That's my honest opinion.
And the United States is standing in the way of a lot of globalist agendas but mainly
basically and i want to go talk about this this route that they take because i'm like
why would i want to spread this route but then there's some elements in here there's secret
tunnels and things like that are secret passageways and trails and things plus what illegal immigrant
is listening to this show so i'm gonna to go ahead and share this with you.
Again, this is not in detail.
This is around, I got this from Nick Shirley's interview of an immigrant that went this route.
Okay, and it all starts with flyers with information on it.
But you start in Venezuela, all right, and you go to Colombia.
And from Colombia, you go to, I can't pronounce this word,
Capergana, Capergina.
You know, maybe you know what that is.
I've never even heard of that country, and I'm not much of a geography person when it comes to those countries over there.
And then you walk to the Interstate 1 in Panama.
From Panama, you get on buses.
You take buses to Costa Rica. Then you walk through secret trails to nicaragua
nicaragua from nicaragua you have to walk in the early morning okay because you want to avoid the
authorities you have to avoid police so you walk in the early morning so they can't see you to
nicaragua from nicaragua all the way to honduras from there from from Honduras, you go to Guatemala. Now, the Guatemalan police,
they raz you a little bit. If you want to go through, you got to have money on you. I guess
this is where the United Nations comes in, right? So these guys have money to help get through
because the Nicaraguan police, or I'm sorry, the Guatemalan police will take your money.
They want money to let you pass. So you pass, and on you go into Mexico, where it's the same way, according to this person.
So the Mexican police will take more money from you to let you pass.
And then you've got to go all the way through from there to the United States.
All the way along, you're dealing with cartels.
You're riding on trains.
You're dealing with cartel people.
You're dealing with gangs.
You're dealing with murders. You're dealing with cartel people. You're dealing with gangs. You're dealing with murders.
You're dealing with rapes.
One guy I saw in an interview by Nick Shirley,
a guy was saying that one of the craziest things he saw,
and this is just him,
one of the craziest things he saw
was he saw 20 women were taken by cartels.
Another 20 people were kidnapped, I think he said,
or robbed maybe.
But there was 40 people involved
and a couple of things that he saw
was kind of the craziest things that he saw.
But other people, the other interviews that I've seen,
not by Nick Shirley, but by others,
was how they were raped and gang raped
and some people were murdered.
This is all happening along the way.
And a lot of these women, you're wondering, well, where's all the women?
Where's all the kids?
Well, a lot of them are being taken, you know, and a lot of them realize they can't make
this track because it's so dangerous.
And then there's yet a handful of very irresponsible and nonjudgmental people who have very poor
judgment, who are females, who are trying to take their children on this route, knowing
it's dangerous and their kids could be taken by cartels.
And they're making this route.
But by and large, it's mostly men because a lot of the women and kids are taken along the way
and other women are too smart to know that it's too long and dangerous trek to make the journey.
So that's why these are only military-age men because old men can't make this trek.
It's only young men that can make this trick.
And it's a very dangerous one for females and children,
especially if they,
if they take them along.
So that's all very bad.
And that's,
that's the state of the crisis that we're in right now.
And this is all being condoned and supported by the,
by the Biden the biden administration
he's not done anything he's he's he's literally
winked at the constitution walked on it stomped on it so we're not you know forget the border
issue forget forget what the constitution says about states protecting the borders
we're going to unmonitor the border and allow these people to come in.
And now there's 10 million, 10 million people later, 10 million illegal immigrants that we
know of. The numbers could be much more inflated than that. Those are the ones that we know of.
And so it's a very bad day in the United States to wake up and to hear those kind of numbers.
Let's cut off right there and take a break from one of our sponsors.
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Welcome back to the Rising Republic.
Oh my gosh.
special counsel, and I want to
open up a
daily wire
article here
and read a part of it to you. You, no, I'm just, you know,
I'm just going to summarize here, but a special counsel says there'll be no charges. Many of
you've already heard this, no charges against Biden for the, uh, for him having the, the,
the classified documents, you know, you, you, you know, the ones that he took and that, that were
found after they tried to indict Trump or they indicted trump for the uh the the taking of classified documents you know the ones that he
can take because it was they were his presidency and um they they were all protected under the
presidential uh records act and he had abided by the the federal government's recommendations for securing
them and those documents the ones remember the ones where they they spilled out and they took
pictures of and they they released uh accidentally on purpose pictures to to to the internet to to
the media services do you guys remember remember that well those he did the same thing but he was not protected
biden was not protected by the presidential records act because he was not the president
he had stuff from whenever he was a senator and whenever he was a vice president
and even bigger than that this is some some some record-breaking not record-breaking but some breaking news evidently there are some there is evidently and this is still being covered a lot of information
is still being released but evidently the obama administration has and was uh spying on 26 Trump associates by five countries known as the Five Eyes.
And what they were looking for was a binder that I understand is now missing.
This binder is what I'm understanding is what the federal government was actually looking for.
The Justice Department was looking for when they raided Mar-a-Lago, when they raided Trump's residence.
They were looking for this binder because inside this binder is evidence
against the Obama administration and the whole spying thing that led to
all the fake dossier stuff and the Russian collusion,
all this other stuff that was going on.
That's the backdrop for all of this.
And it is damning for the biden
administration for hillary clinton for the obama this is a nightmare for these group for these
people a nightmare so that is going on in the background that's something that uh that that
the journalists and and hopefully uh congress if they will actually do their job right will uncover for us uh actually you know what
here i got a little bit of a video i want to try to play for you one second here let me see if i
can locate it brand new details about how obama's cia targeted trump and started the entire russia
hooks for years we were told that tips from an from an Australian diplomat tipped off the FBI
after a random conversation with Papadopoulos, a no-name 20-something. But according to new
reporting by Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi, the whole thing was a CIA setup. Former
CIA director John Brennan identified 26 Trump associates to be targeted by the Five Eyes
Intelligence Alliance. And then those interactions were the targets and were targeted by the FBI as
suspicious. And that's how the FBI launched the Russia collusion hoax. The details of this entire
operation have been stored in a top secret binder in a secret room in Washington.
Trump ordered the whole thing declassified.
And now the rumor is that the binder might be missing.
I mean, now one of the reporters who broke the story, Michael Schellenberger.
Michael, explain how this all started with the CIA picking these 26 Trump people.
Yeah, good to be with you, Jesse.
Well, obviously, this is an extremely serious story and serious allegation by multiple credible sources that Public and Racket, that's Matt Tybee's publication, have spoken to.
These are people that are close to the House intelligence investigation of how the Russia collusion hoax began.
intelligence investigation of how the Russia collusion hoax began. The story, as you mentioned,
was that, oh, we were just informed by foreign intelligence about this. Our sources tell us a very different story, which is that this was initiated by the U.S. government. It came from
within the U.S. government's intelligence community, including the CIA, that they asked
the so-called Five Eyes Nations intelligence agencies,
that's the other English-speaking nations including Britain and Australia,
to spy on 26 Trump associates, or at least they had a list of the 26 associates that were identified.
This is new information. Some people have theorized about this and speculated about it.
We feel very confident that our sources were in a position to know and are very credible in this report.
It's obviously a very serious allegation because this is illegal spying and it's illegal election interference.
CIA got these allies to bump these 26 Trump associates, create interactions and then call these interactions suspicious and let the FBI know they were suspicious. And that starts the whole thing. What about this binder that encapsulates this whole thing?
And no one knows where it is right now or trump has it what's that
well jesse we'll have a piece tomorrow that is specifically about the binder but uh as a friend
of of the show and of yours on this i'll say that there has been widespread speculation that this
binder was the was the reason or a reason for the fbi raid of mar-a-lago and we'll be discussing
that tomorrow but obviously if this binder contains what we have been told that it contains
which may include raw intelligence information showing that the u.s government the cia and the
intelligence community of the u.s government initiated the russia collusion hoax that it
did not occur in the
way that the official story, including the Durham investigation, had portrayed it,
then that's extremely serious information. And it may be, if the FBI then went to go get it in
order to continue the cover-up of this information, that obviously adds an even more dramatic wrinkle
to this. Again, we'll have more to say about it tomorrow, but this is a huge, huge story.
I mean, I can't, I've been thinking about it in the history of the United States of America.
Have we ever had something like this where the intelligence community was weaponized against a
political candidate and weaponized and using our foreign allies to do it? I can't think of a more
important or dramatic story. Yeah. And then going to great lengths by using fbi raids
to cover it up that's just an absolute incredible development great reporting to you and to matt and
we look forward to your report tomorrow thank you so much so if you've ever wondered when will the
united states go full gestapo will the united states government ever go full fascist? There you go. It's not the right that is fascist.
No, it's the left.
It's the liberals.
It's the Democrats who want to silence you,
who want to eliminate all opponents,
who want to shut down anybody that competes for political office
and to make you the bad guy, to criminalize you,
to make it illegal for you to have a thought of your own that's where
we're at the united states right now and we're in a very very bad time just trying to live and you
know as americans as it is with the inflating dollar and things being ever so expensive and
this border crisis all this money going overseas now we got a deal you know we've had this spying
issue thank you george bush for the patriot act right so that now we can be spying all our information can be stored in utah database
and and that we have no privacy and no secrecy because in in reality everything that we say is
stored everything that we do is stored all of our contacts everything that we research on our phone
on our tablet on our computer on our laptop it's all stored so they can look at us later down the road.
If somewhere down the road, if you're a political opponent,
they can dig everything up about you and know exactly what you've looked at,
where you've been, who your associates are, everything.
And they can nail you because you have conservative beliefs.
That's where we're at.
So this is a very bad thing, and it's not going to get any better.
Let's see here.
What is next?
Oh, Mayorkas was finally impeached.
Well, what a funny guy.
Oh, Mayorkas, he believes that Biden is mentally strong.
Yeah, you believe that? We all knew that Mayorkas, he believes that Biden is mentally strong. Yeah, you believe that?
We all knew that Mayorkas was a liar, and that he was a phony,
and he was just a lazy crook that wasn't doing his job,
and he's part of this problem that we got going on on the border,
with the border crisis.
But did you know that he is also an idiot?
I watch these congressional hearings, i and i hear people say i know that you're a very smart man is he i mean is he is he is he smart because
i i have a video here that will play for you as audio where this moron is saying that uh
that biden is mentally strong.
Here, listen to this.
And those are improper.
The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he is sharp,
intensely probing, and detail-oriented and focused.
The most difficult part of having a meeting with Joe Biden is preparing
for the meeting with Joe Biden. Oh my gosh. Ooh, I got to meet with Joe Biden today. Ooh, I got,
I got to take my alpha brain. I got to take my five hour energy. I got to wake up early. I got
to stay, you know, mentally acute because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to keep up with I gotta be prepared for it he is
sharp he's intensely probe uh probing he's detail oriented and he's focused oh my gosh
who are you trying to fool dude who are you trying to fool I mean. The world knows better.
And thanks to you and thanks to the 10 million people that you've allowed to come into the United States, we see right through you.
We see that you're an idiot.
We see that you are bad for the United States, that you're not even a patriot.
So, that being said, moving on, CNN.
CNN actually turns on Joe Biden.
So let's listen to CNN, which I thought was bizarre,
turn on Joe Biden.
One thing that President Biden said is basically that he stored the documents in filing cabinets that could be locked.
Let's listen.
All the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked.
Just just not true, John.
This report from the special counsel includes photos.
Those photos include shots of a box just sitting in President Biden's
Delaware garage. The special counsel described it as a badly damaged box sitting amid household
detritus. So there was some material that was in cabinets, locked or lockable, as the
president said, but all of it is certainly not. And that open, unsealed, damaged box
included, according to the special counsel, highly sensitive, top secret material about the war in Afghanistan.
OK, another claim that President Biden made.
None of the documents were highly classified.
Let's listen.
None of it was high classified.
Didn't have any of that red stuff on it.
You know what I mean?
Around the corners.
None of that.
That claim that he didn't have any material that was,-unquote high classified is also not true, John.
The special counsel's report says that the president possessed multiple highly classified documents
that were indeed marked as being highly classified documents,
including some marked as top-secret-slash-SCI sensitive compartmented information.
That is a very high level of classification. For example,
special counsel Herr discussed two top secret documents about Afghanistan found in that open
unsealed damaged box in the garage, one of which Herr said contains highly sensitive info about
military programs and another that contains info about sensitive intelligence and sources
and methods. Now, it's not clear, John, if any of those Biden documents had those colored borders we saw on classified docs that former President Trump had, which I think is what
President Biden was referring to when he talked about red around the corners. But still, whatever
coloring these documents had, the special counsel says they were clearly marked as highly classified.
And then I should add, Herr also said that investigators' analysis of Biden's own
handwritten notes from his time as vice president
showed that these notebooks also contained highly classified info, though those were not marked.
And Hurst said a sampling of 37 excerpts found that, quote,
eight are top secret with sensitive compartmented information,
seven of which include information concerning human intelligence sources, plus six others that were top secret.
information concerning human intelligence sources, plus six others that were top secret.
And then the third claim that he made, Daniel, there was that he did not share classified information with a ghostwriter on a book he was working on. Listen to that.
I did not share classified information. I did not share it with my ghostwriter. I did not.
Guarantee you did not. But the special counsel said it. No, I did not say that.
He did not say that.
So he's entitled to say he didn't do it. He can defend himself.
But he also said the special counsel didn't say that he did share that classified info with the ghostwriter.
Except, John, the special counsel did say that explicitly.
Herr wrote, quote, Mr. Biden shared information, including some classified information, from those notebooks with his ghostwriter.
So there it is in black and white.
Now, Herr did elaborate that Biden shared classified info with the ghostwriter by reading nearly verbatim from the notebooks on at least three occasions, including notes from meetings in the Situation Room.
He did find that Biden, quote, at times tried to avoid sharing classified info, like by skipping over certain material as he was
reading them to the ghostwriter. And Hur did write that the evidence does not show that Biden knew
the info was classified. Nonetheless, even though the special counsel did clearly give him some
material to defend himself with, this is not a factual defense. So he could cite the factual
stuff, you know, Hur said, didn't know it was intentional, etc. But declaring the special
counsel just did not say what he said, John not a factual defense important to note daniel dale always great to have
you thanks so much wow so there you go cnn turning on the on liar biden liar biden and liar
mayorkas oh that's a tongue full liar by and liar Mayorkas. The whole administration
is full of lies and you, it's not hard to notice. You could, you could go to any press secretary,
press secretary, um, meeting and listen to, and I, I can't, I, I, I can't remember this lady's
name for the life of me. Kareem, K Corrine, Pierre, St. Pierre, Joan Pierre,
Corrine Jabbar, whatever her name is. That lady, the one that every time she opens her mouth,
lies fall out of her face, that person, starting there all the way up to the president, liars.
And Biden, of course, is outraged that the special counsel has come back and has declared a non-compass mentis, which means he's mentally inept and he's mentally incapable.
This is the reason why they're saying they're not going to file charges on this goon.
It's because he's mentally inept.
He's too mentally inept to stand trial, but he's mentally inept enough to run the presidency.
If you believe that, you're mistaken.
You're wrong.
This man is, I'm telling you, he is not running the country.
He's being propped up.
He's being propped up, and I'm calling it.
I'm telling you guys.
He's being propped up by Obama and financially by Soros.
And I'm telling you guys all right now that he won't be the next president.
I'm guessing somewhere along the line uh and i've
told this i've been talking about this for the last couple months or so that uh it's probably
going to be uh michelle obama that's right big mike is going to be the the presidential nominee
for the democratic party but how's it how's it going to happen you might be asking with kamala
harris well she's an idiot and the democrats know she's an idiot and she can't be you can't
you just can't take down a person of color, a female of color,
and replace them with a white nominee of any kind.
It's not going to happen.
The only way to take down a person of color
is to replace them with a person of equal standing.
All right, so you can pull down a black female presidential nominee.
You're going to replace them with a black female presidential nominee,
at least one who identifies as a black female presidential nominee, you're going to replace him with a black female presidential nominee, at least one who identifies as a black female presidential nominee.
Because Big Mike will be probably the first black female black president.
First female.
Nope, we won't say female.
And this is why it's so confusing.
These whole gender role things, these whole gender identity things.
This is why it's so confusing.
These whole gender role things,
these whole gender identity things. The first LGBTQ LMNOP,
however he, she identifies,
will be the first.
First gay president?
Definitely not.
Barack Obama.
First trans?
First trans president.
I don't think there will ever be another conservative president again.
I'm sorry, I don't believe it.
It's nice.
It's hopeful.
It really is hopeful.
And you see the MAGA movement, and you're like, yes, you know,
and you get goosebumps, and you see these itty-bitty little rallies
where hardly anybody show up for his Biden speeches.
You know, Biden, the guy that stayed in his basement the whole time,
didn't campaign, and won the more nomination,
or excuse me, more votes than any president in U.S. history.
That guy, the one that didn't campaign, the old feeble guy that's mentally inept.
You know, the old guy that's non-compassmentist.
Him, the one that beat out Barack Obama votes, that guy.
Yeah, if guy? Yeah.
If you believe that, you are wrong.
You are mistaken.
But listen, here is Biden getting mad, refuting,
refuting the non-compass mentis allegation.
Listen to this.
I know there's some attention paid to some language and report
about my recollection of events i'm gonna pause right there there's gonna come a time in this in
this uh this i don't know this news release wherever it is uh the press release where biden
is being interviewed where he's talking about the date of his son's death which he he says
someone accused him of not being able to remember he never tells us what the date of his son's death, which he says someone accused him of not being able to remember.
He never tells us what the date of his son's death was.
He tries to talk about a rosary that he wears from Our Lady of,
and he can't remember where he got it.
I'm going to stop there, and I'll let you guys just listen to the rest of this uninterrupted.
There's even a reference that I don't remember when my son died.
How in the hell dare he raise that?
Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn't any of their damn business.
Let me tell you something.
Some of you have commented, I wear since the day he died, every single day, the rosary he got from Our Lady of...
Every Memorial Day we hold a service remembering him, attended by friends and family and the people who loved him. I don't need anyone, I don't need anyone
to remind me when he passed away or passed away. Simple truth is I sat for a five-hour interview over two days of events
going back 40 years. At the same time I was managing an international crisis,
their task was to make a decision about whether to move forward with charges in this case.
That's their decision to make. That's the council's decision to make. That's his job.
And they decided not to move forward for any extraneous commentary.
They don't know what they're talking about. It has no place in this report. The bottom line is
the matter is now closed. I'm going to continue what I've always focused on. My job of being
president of the United States of America. President Biden, something the special counsel
said in his report is that
one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description, you are a well-meaning
elderly man with a poor memory. I'm well-meaning and I'm an elderly man and I know what the hell
I'm doing. I've been president. I put this country back on its feet. I don't need his
recommendation. How bad is your memory and can you continue as president?
My memory is so bad I let you speak.
Do you feel your memory has gotten worse?
Look, my memory is fine.
Take a look at what I've done since I've become president.
None of you thought I could pass any of the things I got passed.
How'd that happen?
You know, I guess I just forgot what was going on.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Voters have concerns about your age. How are you going to assuage them?
And do you fear that this report is only going to fuel further concerns about your age?
Only by some of you.
Mr. President, Mr. President. Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President.
Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President. Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, you weren't clear about criminal liability today. Do you take responsibility for at least being careless with classified material?
I take responsibility for not having seen exactly what my staff was doing.
It goes in and points out.
Things that appeared in my garage, things that came out of my home,
things that were moved not by me but my staff, but my staff.
Mr. President, why didn President, Mr. President, Mr. President,
for months when you were asked about your age,
you would respond with the words, watch me.
Many American people have been watching,
and they have expressed concerns about your age.
That is your judgment.
That is your judgment. That is your judgment.
That is not the judgment of the press.
They express concerns about your mental acuity.
They say that you are too old.
Mr. President, in December, you told me that you believe
there are many other Democrats who could defeat Donald Trump.
So why does it have to be you now?
What is your answer to that question?
Because I'm the most qualified person in this country
to be President of the United States and finish the job I started.
Oh, boy.
Mr. President, come here.
Come here, Joe.
Let me tell you, when they come up to you, Joe, when the press starts asking you questions about how those boxes of classified documents got into your home, into your garage, in an open lockbox or an open lockbox or in no lockbox at all. This is what you tell them. You tell them
that your staff, you have no idea what your staff are doing. Okay. That your staff come and go as
they please. You tell them that you don't supervise your staff properly and they come and they, and
you're not responsible for what they do, but they, they drop off things. They, they, they put things
in your home, in your garage without your permission. You tell them that you have no idea
what your staff are doing and your staff are doing things
and that you don't look where you're walking and you didn't see them sitting there.
And that's what you tell them.
You tell them that, Joe.
And we'll be watching on your back and we'll have you financially taken care of.
And don't you worry about anything.
You're doing a great job.
You are mentally acute.
You are mentally strong.
You are focused and uh we will have the america people drinking this kool-aid up oh mr biden pat him on
the shoulder rubbing him on the back be careful when you go out there joe don't fall down you're
walking down the steps folks that's what we're dealing with. And it sounds like an exaggeration, but that's where we're at as a country.
He is not running anything.
He's just the front man.
All these bad moves that are being made,
all these things that are happening,
these big moves that are happening,
only somebody pulling strings,
not showing their face,
would make these kind of moves
because it would be devastating to have your name and your face tied to the destruction of our economy,
tied to the destruction of our system, tied to the downfall of the United States,
tied to the downfall of the United States,
the weakening of our military,
the weakening of society,
and all the division that is being stirred up in this country.
Only somebody not showing their face,
only somebody wearing a mask would be brave enough to do something like that.
That's all I have for you right now.
Hey, email me at risingrepublic1773 at, especially if you're a New Yorker, a conservative New Yorker from New York City, and you're listening to this show, and you have firsthand experience with what's going on in your city, I want to hear from you.
Reach out to me.
I'm going to go through.
I'm a vet.
I don't know how far reaching I am.
I don't see the numbers.
I don't know the demographics reaching I am. I don't see the numbers. I don't know what the demographics
and where my listeners are living. But if you're from New York City, I want to talk to you. I want
to hear your thoughts, your opinions. If you want a chance to be on The Rising Republic with me,
get a hold of me. And to the rest of you, I want to say thank you for listening to
The Rising Republic. I'm L. Douglas Hogan. God bless.