The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic - PANIC!!
Episode Date: July 2, 2024@PBNLinks | Linktree...
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I don't want to set the world
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country
Maybe there will be
To chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage.
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.
We're going to get out of that commercial break because we have word that the Supreme Court has issued a ruling on the extent of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts
during the tenure of President Trump.
This is the big one we've been waiting for.
It's consequential.
It's really interesting that the Supreme Court in 248 years of our history has never actually ruled on this.
So it is big and sweeping.
And I have our political panel looking over this right now.
Andy McCarthy, Chief Justice John Roberts has the writing on this. He's got the
pen. Is that significant? It's very significant. It's the most important case of the term in terms
of the long term interests of the executive branch, in terms of the long, the short term
interests of Donald Trump. And it looks like at least within the bounds of clear executive authority, what Chief Justice Roberts is saying is that the president clearly has immunity from prosecution.
So the question is going to be, again, and I think Trey underscored this before, is what is an official act?
There's going to be a lot of litigation about that and what's close to the core of clear executive constitutional authority
versus the outer ambit of it folks calm down calm down liberals just relax don't get your panties
in a bunch guess what this ruling changes absolutely nothing. It was already like this.
Take it from someone who's worked for the government his entire life,
a branch of the government in some various form his entire life,
all government employees have limited immunity when they are officially engaging in their job.
The only time a government employee has no immunity when they're engaging in their job. The only time a government employee has no immunity
when they're engaging in their job
is willful and wanton misconduct.
Let me repeat that again,
willful and wanton misconduct.
So what the lower courts are going to have to decide is
not what is his job,
not what is his duties,
but what is misconduct in those duties.
Was it willful and was it wanted? So whatever the case may be, if he is the president and he's
giving a speech, tell people to patriotically and peacefully protest, that is within his scope of the President of the United States.
That is not willful and wanted misconduct.
He was speaking in his official capacity as the President of this country.
I'm sorry, liberals, that the Constitution happened to you.
I'm sorry that freedom will continue to abound.
I'm sorry that you're disappointed that the laws can only apply to you and in defense of you.
And that not every person that you disagree with will be locked up.
Let's face it, you're a fascist. You're going absolutely nuts
because you're in a panic over Joe Biden's pathetic, sad, gross, deplorable debate with
Donald Trump. It was sad. And even CNN is panicking. Even CNN counted 18 lies
that Joe Biden spread out there.
Even the liberal fact-checkers
have turned against Joe.
And all of them are calling for Joe Biden
to step down for somebody else
who's more apt to run for president
on the Democratic ticket.
I'm L. Douglas Hogan.
This is the Rising Republic.
And I leave you guys alone.
My listeners, I leave you alone for two weeks and all hell breaks loose.
Do I need to put something out every day so you stay calm and you don't drive the liberals crazy?
I'm telling you, I can't believe this nonsensical stuff.
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You guys, there's nothing new here about the about biden's behavior
the last two years he's behaving like this
he can't even stand up straight he can't walk up and down stairs without falling he
did you watch with the cameras cut you can only see it in videos that were released after the fact when Biden is being escorted
off the stage by his wife,
because he can't walk on his own.
He literally has to be guided by secret service.
When he gets on stage away from secret service,
he has to be guided by other people that are there,
other assistants that are there to help him along.
this guy,
this has been going on this entire time.
And you liberals don't even pay attention to the news you don't watch it when conservatives talk about this you think
we're making it up you think that we're lying you know that we're just we're just coming up with all
this craziness and and and here it is we got a nationwide debate you know oh yeah we're gonna
see our boy kick on don trump but then you see him for the first
time behaving the way we've been we've been telling you he's been behaving for the past year
and a half two years he literally stands up like a toddler pooping in his pants the guy cannot
stand on his own it's a sad sad day for america when a man like this can even identify as a president.
And the only reason why he wasn't prosecuted for mishandling of documents
that he had no business having whatsoever when he was vice president
because he doesn't have that presidential immunity,
taking documents just like all liberals were accusing Donald Trump of
and trying to indict him for that kind of stuff,
Joe Biden literally was committing a crime
because he had no presidential immunity.
He had no right to those records.
And he took them to his home, boxes of them, right?
Boxes of them.
And the only reason why they won't prosecute him
is because he's senile.
You remember, don't you?
Non compus mentis.
Not a sound mind.
That's Joe Biden for you.
And immediately after the debate, I guess they head off to Biden's little crowd, right?
And they're all screaming, four more years, four more years, right?
they're all screaming four more years four more years right and jill's got the microphone because because president biden can't talk he barely has the wind to speak and his focus is, yeah, anyway.
His focus is declining.
The man, I think he was staring at the moderator's boobs the whole time during the debate.
And I'm not saying that to be funny.
I saw a video of what she was wearing, and it looked like it was it was cold in the room and he was staring down at her.
I think he was a little distracted.
So maybe his vision is good,
but he can't stand on his own.
He can't walk on his own.
He don't talk well because he could barely,
he barely has the energy to speak.
And after,
even after being injected with all kinds of whatnot to hype him up
and and keep him energetic during this it was where it started to wear off i think and he was uh
he was declining and he was kind of crashing along the end but this is jill biden listen to this
this is the way you would treat a toddler right you this is the way you treat a toddler
when they go peepee in the potty listen
to this joe you did such a great job you answered every question you knew all the facts
and let me ask the crowd what did trump do Trump do? No! Yeah.
Trump lied.
Good job, Joe.
You answered all the questions.
You're such a good boy.
You're such a good boy.
What did you do?
Did you go poo-poo in the potty?
Did you go poo-poo in the potty?
You're such a good boy.
And Joe's like, Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was a sad display.
And it's embarrassing.
It's embarrassing that other countries are watching this.
You know, you got strong leaders across the world.
I'm not saying they're good, good, good leaders
or good people or anything.
You know, I'm not saying that they're,
but they're strong in whatever position they're taking, they're strong.
And they're looking at us.
And though we might be a strong country, we have a weak leader.
And behind a weak leader is a weak country, right?
And so these leaders are seeing this.
They're seeing the decline of Western civilization right before our eyes.
And they're seeing opportunities.
And it's a sad thing that all the Democrats continue to stand behind him, right?
And you've got other idiots that are out there posting obscenities
about the outcome of the SCOTUS decision on the whole immunity,
the immunity charges.
And they're throwing crazy things out there.
Like, relax, people.
Nothing's different.
You just are upset that liberty is upheld, that you just can't make up laws.
Well, you can because Alvin Bragg did it, you know, just make up a system that works
for you.
It worked in Manhattan, right? So we you know, a system that works for you.
It worked in Manhattan, right?
So we're going to try that with the Supreme Court.
No, sorry, it didn't turn out for you this time.
And so after this bad debate, the Supreme Court ruling came down, right?
This immunity. Well, no, not even before that.
Before that, the Chevron ruling came down.
The Chevron indifference ruling came down,
which I guess was back in a 47-year-old decision
that was handed down a long time ago.
The Supreme Court, I don't know if they overturned something,
but apparently, you know all these regulations
that we've been treating as laws?
Because I've talked about those before, right?
Who makes the laws?
There's three branches of Congress, not four.
This overturning of the Chevron indifference,
what this did is basically got rid of a ghost fourth branch of government,
which pretty much gave immunity to Congress.
Because all these regulations, all these laws were being written that Congress wasn't writing.
Instead, these other branches or these arms, we'll say these arms of government we're riding. Like the IRS.
Like the ATF.
Riding laws.
You can't do that.
You can't regulate the American people and call it a law.
That's not how this system works.
I'm going to go old school here.
Now, I realize some of you might not remember this.
But when I was a kid, and I'm going to be 52 this year,
when I was a kid, I would wake up in the morning on Saturday mornings,
and I would watch Schoolhouse Rock.
And you're like, what's Schoolhouse Rock, Doug?
What's Schoolhouse Rock?
It was an educational program that was cartoons, right?
It's not like the stuff today that you see where they're indoctrinating our children with LGBTQ alphabet community pronouns and all this kind of stuff.
Trying to confuse the lines between the genders.
Trying to blur the lines between male and female.
This was back when they were teaching children that it's a good thing to be a nationalist because all nationalism means is that you're proud of your country.
You love your country, right?
And I do love America.
And it might not be a perfect system,
but it's the best system.
But this right here,
this three-minute,
I'm just going to play this three-minute little song.
And some of you that are older
might remember this.
This is I'm Just a Bill,
a song and a cartoon
that was played on Schoolhouse Rock.
Whew, you sure gotta climb a lot of steps
to get to this Capitol building here in Washington.
Well, I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is.
I'm just a bill, yes, I'm only a bill
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill. Well, it's a long, long journey to the capital city. It's a long, long wait while I'm sitting in committee.
But I know I'll be a law someday. At least I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.
Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Well, I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill. I was just an idea.
Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local congressman,
and he said, you're right, there ought to be a law.
Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress, and I became a bill.
And I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.
I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee, and I'll sit here and wait
while a few key congressmen discuss and debate whether they
should let me be alone. I hope and pray that they will, but today I am still just a bill.
Listen to those congressmen arguing. Is all that discussion and debate about you?
Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones.
Most bills never even get this far.
I hope they decide to report on me favorably, otherwise I may die.
Yeah, die in committee.
Oh, but it looks like I'm going to live.
Now I go to the House of Representatives and they vote on me.
If they vote yes, what happens?
Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.
Oh, no.
Oh, yes.
I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill.
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill,
well, then I'm off to the White House where I'll wait in a line
with a lot of other bills for the president to sign.
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
I hope and pray that he will.
But today I am still just a bill.
You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?
Yes, that's called a veto.
If the president vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again.
And by that time, you're sold.
By that time, it's very unlikely that you'll become a law.
It's not easy to become a law, is it?
But how I hope and pray that I will.
But today I am still just a bill.
He signed your bill.
Now you're a law.
Oh, yes.
He signed your bill.
Now you're a law.
Oh, yes.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I learned when I was just a child,
before I even got into high school, even junior high, but when I was in grade school, how the House and the Senate and the President were required to sign a bill into law.
were required to sign a bill into law.
That's right, people.
The ATF, the IRS, and any other government agency cannot write regulations that are enforceable
because laws are enforceable, not regulations.
And that's why this Chevron indifference got shut down.
This is our constitution and again the liberals are going nuts about this and i apologize that the constitution happened to you but if you
don't like it here hey there's socialist countries you can go live at another great i've got goosebumps just talking about this
because I love
I love bringing this education aspect into
the rising republic
but there's another song
that I learned on schoolhouse rock
even when I was in grade school
I had this song memorized
and this song
was one of the reasons
not just this song but the schoolhouse rock thing
was one of the reasons why I was able to know so much and learn so much about the Constitution, the way that it operated.
Eventually taking the Constitution test in high school.
This helped so much.
And I had this song memorized.
And because I had this song memorized, I had the preamble of the United States memorized as a young boy. Listen to this.
Hey, do you know about the USA? Do you know about the government? Can you tell me about the Constitution?
Hey, learn about the USA.
In 1787, I'm told our founding fathers did agree To write a list of principles for keeping people free
The USA was just starting out a whole brand new country.
And so our people spelled it out,
the things that we should be.
And they put those principles down on paper and called it the Constitution.
And it's been helping us run our country ever since then.
The first part of the Constitution is called the Preamble
and tells what those founding fathers set out to do.
We the people, in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare at hand and secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this constitution
United States of America In 1787 I'm told our founding fathers all sat down
And wrote a list of principles that's known the world around
The USA was just starting out a whole brand new country.
And so our people spelled it out.
They wanted a land of liberty.
And the preamble goes like this.
Sing it with me.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Folks, this is the stuff that we used to share with our kids.
This is the stuff we'd sit our kids down in our homes to watch, to learn.
But now, now that's not the case at all, right?
Now we're indoctrining them with something
far worse, right? And I just wanted to share something with you guys. So I've been working on
my next book in the Patriot Series, and it's called The Program. For those of you that might
not be aware or haven't heard, it's going to be around Agenda 30.
And in this book I've been writing, right, I talk a little bit about,
and I have an entire chapter dedicated to it.
Let's see here, Malthusian Theory, Gender Confusion.
I'm not going to read a whole chapter to you, right?
But I do want to share this because I think it's important that you understand what the government's doing.
Not just the government, right?
There's a whole system out there.
It's Disney.
It's the television programming.
It's also the government.
the television programming.
It's also the government that's putting this stuff out there
to gaslight our children.
And I want to read
a section out of my book for you today.
And I'm going to sign off
of this episode of The Rising Republic
after reading this.
But take it to heart
and pay attention to what your kids are watching
because it's out there
and there's a lot more of it than I ever thought.
Here's a segment taken out of my book,
upcoming book, The Program.
No release date yet, I'm sorry.
In Mark 9, verse 42,
when children approached Jesus,
he told his listeners,
and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones
that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and were cast into the sea. I go on to say in the book,
the surface of the scripture seems simple enough.
Don't offend the children.
As adults, we know how easy it is to offend a child.
Even telling them no can be offensive to them.
But the old English word offend was transliterated
from the original Greek word
As you can rightfully assume,
the Greek word scandalizo
is where we get our modern word scandalize.
Lucifer knows this,
which is why he's attacking our children
in their schools,
where they're easily indoctrinated
with government curriculum.
Not only are these dark powers in high places
influencing high-ranking officials within the government,
they're also gaslighting our children with the syllabus they write.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop in the schools.
The scandalization of our children
has penetrated deep into the core of American culture.
You can find the alphabet community's propaganda
in the children's clothing department at your local Target, unless they've removed them due to public outcry.
Just look for rainbows with the hashtag TakePride.
You might even find the controversial children's t-shirt that says Satan Respects Pronouns, with an image of Satan appearing as a goat's head.
A simple Google search on this topic will show it being modeled by a Luciferian gay man with a weird childlike kink appearance.
If you don't have a local target, then turn on Netflix and watch the cartoon She-Ra.
Every character is either pansexual or gender fluid.
Adventure Time, Harley Quinn, Big Mouth, The Owl House, Bob's Burgers, BoJack Horseman, The Legend of Korra, Clarence, Queer Duck, and more.
All of which are designed to scandalize our kids through normalizing perversion.
It doesn't stop with cartoons.
Disney's been slowly spoon-feeding it to our children for the past several years. And the process is accelerating onto the big screen
in popular franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe
and Star Wars films, both of which were my favorite.
Watching the greatness of our clean, wholesome entertainment
go down the DEI LGBTQ alphabet drain has been painful.
I won't even attempt to watch Star Wars' new Acolyte series
about four sensitive lesbian witches that use pronouns.
It's sad to know that there's no safe space for our kids while they're out there from under our safety umbrella that we as parents give them.
So what's the recourse?
If we homeschool our kids, they lack social skills needed for the workplace.
If we send them to school, they get gaslit.
I'm not a fan of homeschooling, but it certainly seems to be the safer option.
That's it for The Rising Republic. I'm looking forward to finishing off this book,
getting it out there to you. It's going to cover everything that's involved in this,
that I could come up with anyway, that's involved in this spiritual war that's going on out there that they're calling Agenda 30.
Although they may not be
actively trying to push something,
we're in a deep spiritual warfare
and people are deeply invested in it,
whether they know it or not.
Anyway, I want to thank everybody for listening.
Hope you enjoyed this episode of The Rising Republic.
I'm Al Douglas Hogan. We'll see you on the next episode. Anyway, I want to thank everybody for listening. Hope you enjoyed this episode of The Rising Republic.
I'm Al Douglas Hogan.
We'll see you on the next episode.