The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Rising Republic: Reclaiming the Infrastructure

Episode Date: April 11, 2024

Books | L. Douglas Hogan ( | Linktree...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Donald Trump, I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I thought he should have punched him in the face. I feel like punching him. I'd like to take him behind the gym if I were in high school. If you were in high school, I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out now.
Starting point is 00:00:22 When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please get up in the face of some Congress people. People will do what they do. I want to tell you, Lord Dutch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. We're going to go in there winning.
Starting point is 00:01:03 This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them pay. We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. And loving. We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Welcome, everybody, to The Rising Republic with L. Douglas Hogan. I'm so excited today. I am here today with a seasoned IT professional, entrepreneur, author, and investor, Sean Patrick Terrio.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And Sean, through the years, has been, you know, he's got a pretty significant background. He's got a pretty significant biography, if you will, in IT, which I thought was interesting given the fact that in the past, I've had guests on here who we've talked about smart cities, we've talked about artificial intelligence, and I thought this would be a great culmination of that to have him on here. We can talk about a little bit of these topics, but just a little bit of his bio. Among many things, he's a father, husband, entrepreneur, a seed stage investor. Like I said, an author, community organizer, Americanist, and my favorite of all things. He's a Christ-loving patriot seeking and sharing truth and love. He spent most of his entire professional career developing strategic alliances within a business development role of some sort,
Starting point is 00:03:01 either for his employers, the boards that he served on, companies he's invested in and or advised, and companies and events he's directly produced over the past 20 years. He believes in action, learning from his mistakes, and simply making things happen. Sean, welcome to the Rising Republic. I'm so glad to have you on, bud. Doug, appreciate it, man. It's been fun chatting. I'm so glad to have you on, bud. Doug, appreciate it, man. It's been fun chatting.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Not a problem. So I actually ran into you. I put out not long ago. I would say just a few short months ago. I'm like, I need to make me, and I know the devil, Google pretty much, a Gmail account where I can reach out to and hear from my listeners. And lo and behold, I got an email not long after that went out from somebody on your end who will remain anonymous at this point because I don't have any permission to list names. But you were actually brought up as somebody that might be
Starting point is 00:03:57 an interesting person to talk to on this show. So naturally, I started doing my homework because I like to look and see what I can find and discover. And I thought that you were very interesting, especially when I looked at some YouTube video. I saw that you were being interviewed on there. And I'm like, okay, this guy would be a pretty good person to have on the show. Tell us a little bit about yourself, something that I've missed in that bio. Yeah, I guess born and raised in Chicago, North Shore, Chicago, and I'm 43 now.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Got three kids, have a soon-to-be 18-year-old, a 14-year-old, and a soon-to-be 11-year-old. As you know, as a dad, it's crazy watching my 18-year-old who's going to be graduating here soon and heading out into the real world. So having fun with those, those days right now, but I was born and raised in Chicago and I thankfully had a father who was very much awake and aware of what was going on in the world and also exploring and learning on his own what was going on in the world. And so when I was 14, he sat me down and made me watch the VHS
Starting point is 00:05:09 series of The Creature from Jekyll Island, which if you know that book, it's about the history of money and banking and currency and the Federal Reserve and whatnot. And so it sparked for me at a very young age, the idea and the understanding of what is really happening in the world around me. So that sent me on a quest throughout the rest of my life of really questioning everything to the degree that, you know, when 9-11 hit and I was a senior in college and all my friends were like freaking out and they're like, Oh my gosh, you know, the terrorists are coming after us. I'm like, are you like, how do you guys not see this as the controlled demolition that it is? Um, and all the other random things that kept popping up where they were like, you're telling, trying to tell me that the Pentagon,
Starting point is 00:06:02 which is the most fortified, secured building in America, the only images we have of an airplane hitting it are these five freeze frames. Like that's the only imaging we have of an airplane apparently hitting this building. You got to be kidding me. And then when the FBI claimed to have found a passport that had some burn marks on it from one of the hijackers in the airplane. I'm like, who is buying this drip? Like y'all are delusionally crazy. And they're all looking at me telling me that I was crazy. And I was in the middle of getting a double major in poli sci and econ and learning like who owns everything and who runs everything and how interrelated those parties are.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Um, and I gotta be honest, I got really depressed. I got very sad and very depressed that so many people around me were just clueless to what was really happening around them and just buying wholesale the propaganda that was being pushed out on every single channel instantly. I had read the Patriot Act and gotten deep into the Patriot Act as a 20, 21, 21 year old. And I was like, this is absolutely horrible.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And I was going to my poli sci professors and my theology professors. And I was like, this is going to be super frightening for us as American people. And people are like, oh, this is only going to apply to terrorists. And, you know, you're calm down, Sean. You know, this is not the end of the world. And I was like, we're now flipping. We're going to flip the script now and we're going to be now chasing. And it was funny because I had just gotten out of a class, college class, where we were
Starting point is 00:07:41 reading 1984, Brave New World, D um and a handful of other sci-fi related you know poli sci books which showed you exactly what the end game was that they were pushing towards so it was like right in front of my mind exactly what was going down while it was going down um and long story short i got depressed and, you know, as I was on my knees as many times in my life as I have been and just pleading with the Lord to give me some guidance, it just became clear to me that my mission at that point was not to save the world, that my mission at that point was just to become the most effective person I could be, and to just go out into the world and learn and spread truth
Starting point is 00:08:27 and love as much as possible, but really learn how to connect with people. Because if I truly wanted people to listen to me, I had to change the approach that I had at the time, which was, you know, screaming and yelling and trying to get in people's, you know, I grew up in an Irish Catholic family, which Doug, I think you said you did too. But, um, the way we communicate with each other is we just got louder, right? If someone, if you thought someone wasn't listening to you, you got louder. And if you yelled loud enough, then eventually you might get heard. Um, it's the, so eventually, yeah. So eventually, um, and so I've learned it's the Italian way.
Starting point is 00:09:04 It's, you know, it's, it's the way of a lot of different groups. It's the Greek way. It's a lot of different ways. But anyway, long story short, I had to relearn how to communicate. And so I went on a path of discovery and really just started learning about myself and learning how to really sit and have conversations with people and be truly empathetic with where they're coming from and understanding where they're coming from so that I can reach them on their level and really build the relationship so that there would come a point where they would then start to ask me questions and I could start to, you know, share my story
Starting point is 00:09:41 and my journey. So that's a key piece of the puzzle in my story is a, I've been awake trying to wake people up and, you know, you know, this whole red pilling thing, you know, I've been trying to red pill people my entire freaking adult life. And it's been a very lonely journey. And when COVID hit and people started to wake up and started to question what was going on around them, it was awesome because I now could have conversations about a lot of these topics and people would be interested. They would not just write me off as some kind of a crazy kook because they were seeing it right in front of their face. crazy kook, because they were seeing it right in front of their face. But I also hit a point where I realized, and it became very obvious to me, that my mission is no longer to try to wake
Starting point is 00:10:31 people up. My mission is to arm those who are awake with the tools that they need to be successful operating in the world today, especially those who are on the front lines of the war that we are in. And I know, Doug, you and your listeners probably would agree that we're currently at war, right? Yeah, you know, because we're in a spiritual war. I think me and you talked recently, just I think yesterday, about the spiritual war that we're in. And there's a lot of invisible forces that are at play. And, you know, I've referred to people as just kind of like meat puppets or being influenced by spirits.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So it's not always about, you know, him versus her or him, you know, people versus people. Sometimes there's spiritual entities and spiritual powers at play. And that bleeds over into the physical world. And people who are not spiritually perceptive just jump in on it. And unfortunately, that's where we're at. And the whole red pilling thing, I mean, 15% didn't just jump right into the COVID mandate. I think 80% to 85% of everybody just said, okay, because the government says it's safe, that it must be safe.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And it's like you were saying about the cameras at the Pentagon, one of the most secure facilities in the world. know there's just a couple freeze frames come on you know you don't believe that and it's like the january 6th stuff there's cameras all over the place they have no audio i mean come on it's it's time the people just need to open up and start stop being ridiculous about some of this stuff this country it's supposed to it's at the pinnacle of of it's it's it's reached heights where we've never that we've never seen before as far as technology goes we're more advanced now than we've ever been you know i can go we can have all kinds of conspiracy talks about
Starting point is 00:12:15 the moon landing and stuff like that's a whole other topic but um when did you graduate uh college in there because you i know you was in college when did you get out of there and what did you graduate with uh oh two i graduated and i was in santa clara california actually went to santa clara university private jesuit university out there and ended up getting a lot a lot of arguments and a lot of debates with the jesuits out there they uh they didn't always like me because i was asking asking a lot of hard questions and calling them to the table for a lot of the crap that they were doing as you can imagine in the bay area um bay area jesuits are a very interesting breed and um you know i'm still catholic and i've explored many different denominations over the years and actually go to a pretty solid Latin mass and traditional Catholic church up in North Carolina on the border. But
Starting point is 00:13:11 over the years, I went through Greek Orthodox, I went through the Society of St. Pius X, I became a non-denominational Christian for a while, and then found a priest who's just on fire and on point at the church that I'm at now. But my point is this. There are many Jesuits who have completely distorted the faith, and they call themselves, they even call themselves the pink Jesuits. And as you can imagine, they're mostly all homosexuals, which is anathema to their faith. And they basically have been promoting
Starting point is 00:13:49 and creating this little cabal out in northern, I guess, middle California where San Francisco is. So I was constantly arguing and fighting and debating with those guys while I was there. But that's where I was at that time. It's like how, you know, in the Bible, God gave a rainbow as a promise, right? It was like it meant something. And then what did Lucifer do?
Starting point is 00:14:16 He took it and perverted it. And so that's what I was telling you yesterday. Like, you know, Satan has a counterfeit for everything. And if he can take a religious group or religious sect of any kind and pervert it, he will. And it only takes one person that's not really spiritually discerning but might know the word. Look, Satan knows the Bible. Just because a person knows the Bible and is fluent in Scripture, Satan used to quote it to Jesus himself. Remember when he was taking him around on his 40 days and he was tempting him?
Starting point is 00:14:46 You know, they know, the devil knows the scripture too. And just because you know the scripture doesn't mean that you're some kind of godly person. It just means that you've studied the word and you understand its meaning. Now, well, you know, you might not understand it, you know, to the depth that it was intended, but it's there for a purpose. And that's one thing. And this is another. understand it you know to the depth that it was intended uh but it's there for a purpose and and that's one thing and this is another i noticed your because you got a very profound background starting out in probably 2006 uh with the santa cruz geeks but i'm it starts getting more profound
Starting point is 00:15:17 this guy come on let's start here in 2015 the internet infrastructure coalition the i2 coalition the internet infrastructure coalition the i2 coalition tell me a little bit about that so this is actually a fun story so we realized that um the 18ts and googles uh of the world were spending literally tens of millions of dollars and what's crazy, I mean, tens of millions of dollars is a lot of money, but in D.C., it's not that much money. But in D.C., $10 million buys you an army of people who will then go and meet with legislators and staffers, because people who don't know D.C. or politics don't quite understand. Staffers, because people who don't know D.C. or politics don't quite understand, staffers really run the show. And they're the younger, you know, 20-somethings right out of college or law school or whatever, who really run the office of a representative or a senator. So they spend their time effectively doing sales for those companies with these legislators.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And, you know, you call them lobbyists, they're salesmen and women. I have a twin sister, actually, who was a lobbyist in D.C. for a number of years. And I learned that industry intimately. So we would be, I would be in D.C. and I would see how the sausage was being made. And I realized there was very little voice for the mom and pop ISPs. So the smaller ISPs, the Internet service providers who were delivering last mile access to Joe customer who lived wherever. Or, you know, Jane Business that that was in a tier two, tier three market in the United States outside of the big cities. And I saw the encroachment, the continued encroachment of big tech and these big conglomerate infrastructure companies into those marketplaces. Same with the hosting companies. So, you know, everyone knows GoDaddy, but GoDaddy is one of literally thousands, thousands of hosting companies that are storing people's websites, their data, their email, whatever it might be online. And these exist in cities all over the United States and all over the world.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So there was no voice for these smaller entities. voice for these smaller entities. There's a big voice for the Googles and the AT&Ts and Verizons and Yahoo's and Microsoft's and Amazon's and Google's of the world. But there was no voice for those smaller ISPs. So I met a gentleman who had just started this Internet Infrastructure Coalition. And the objective was to provide a voice for those smaller companies and smaller businesses that had just as many needs. And we're really fighting against big tech because big tech was getting all the money and all the funding and all the attention. And many times, not all the time, but many times what they wanted was contradictory to what these smaller businesses wanted. And so we were meeting with the legislators who had these hosting ISPs and or hosting companies in their district and providing them with, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:38 hey, between the people in your room right now who are in your district, you have four hosting companies and you have one major ISP. Collectively, they have over 750 employees between these companies. And here's what this legislation that you're about to pass that, you know, Google has told you or AT&T has told you is, you know, has to pass because it's whatever, is going to affect these businesses. because it's whatever, is going to affect these businesses. So that was the objective of the I2C. And what we found, not surprisingly, is we would walk into the meeting and we would see, you know, the AT&T or the Google lobbyist walking out of the legislator's office,
Starting point is 00:19:20 the senator's office or the whatever's office, the key person's office, laughing joking hey you know great dinner last night you know thanks for the drinks whatever uh buddy buddy right and then and then it would be our turn to meet and it would be oh you know representative so-and-so is is busy he's got something else but you can go meet with you know this low-level staffer who you know is one year out of college or just right out of college um and he's he wants to hear what you guys have to say to see how you know we might be able to best serve you guys and and your businesses in our district right um and it's it's so blatantly obvious how dc works um and so we tried uh we had a lot of good meetings with a lot of good people who were in it for the right reasons out there but at the end of the day DC is
Starting point is 00:20:10 one massive swamp that is totally inappropriate term and cesspool of people who are motivated by money, greed power and a whole bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths which is not too dissimilar to Silicon Valley, which is where I spent the majority of my career.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And a big reason why I finally said, you know, I can't live in this. I can't live amongst this swamp either. And so, you know, we picked up our family and moved in 2016 to Raleigh, North Carolina. But anyway, that's my long story short. So then, because I see, I know that in your, call this your resume, you also worked with InfraGard, right? But that was with DC, is that correct? Washington DC? No, so that was out of North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So InfraGard is a public-private partnership between the FBI and the private sector. And at the time, I was wanting to see if there were any good people inside the FBI, especially near me in North Carolina. I was building these coalitions in North Carolina of different businesses and people who are wanting to take action and actually make a difference in and around the Raleigh area. People were fiscally conservative, you know, liberty minded folks. So I joined InfraGard because I'm a geek and I had just reached, I just launched my book, the Data Center Coallocation Industry Playbook. And I was wanting to take that education to see if I could use that education about how
Starting point is 00:21:52 the data center industry works and all the shortfallings I saw in the industry, specifically how easy it is for someone to basically crack and hack that infrastructure and take it down. And people think that this, the internet is like so crazy hardened and, you know, there's all this redundancy built into the, the, the internet and, um, you know, it would never go down. Uh, you know, let's just say that's not the case. It's held together by duct tape. If you really, you know, look at it and understand how it all plays and works.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So I wanted to see if I could talk to people and start making some pathways into together by duct tape if you really you know look at it and understand how it all plays and works so i wanted to see if i could talk to people and start making some pathways into our agencies to provide some knowledge and education hopefully meet some good people in the organization so i spent a couple years i actually did a presentation on the data center industry i had a handful a handful of people come up to me afterwards and say, this is really interesting. We may want to bring you into some meetings. And then I heard nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It was basically crickets from that community. And then I went to something called the Red Dart Conference. Are you familiar with that? No. So a Red Dart Conference is where, to take that same concept of public-private partnership, you have the NSA folks, the DOD folks, the, you know, I'm sure there were CIA folks there, there was the FBI folks, it was all the federal agencies, and then you had all of the contractors,
Starting point is 00:23:22 all of the military contractors. They were there, and it was being held in Raleigh. So I was right there. I said, screw it. You know, I'll go check this out. And it was in the middle of a conversation that a presentation by one of the former NSA directors where he was talking about all the threats of China. And they were literally spelling out exactly what China's intentions were, exactly which organizations they had infiltrated, how they did. They laid out the entire plan of how China had infiltrated the United States. So they knew, probably knew in advance even. Yes. So this was like not them trying to figure it out. They knew exactly who the actors were. They knew exactly the institutions.
Starting point is 00:24:08 They knew exactly what they were doing from an education, from a military, from a political, from an economic, from a industry. They knew it all. Like they were giving us the full blueprint of what was being played. I was like, oh, my God, is like, this is awesome. Like we know the plan of attack. Great. So I raised my hand at the end. I said, so you've told us the problem. What's the solution? Like what, what can we as businesses do who like you full on know that billions of dollars worth of IP is being siphoned out of the United States by the Chinese government and their actors in our state and in our country. What can we do as businesses and what is the government doing to help save America? And I literally kid you not. The answer was the guy laughed.
Starting point is 00:24:58 His response was a laugh. And then he said, well, the good news is I'm retired now and it's not my problem. Wow. And I was like, okay. And then he kept going and he gave some BS response about how, you know, they're trying really hard and they're working really hard, but really at the end of the day, you know, our hands are tied. Our hands are tied and really what we can do right now to combat this in the, the united states and so i tried to ask a follow-up question they wouldn't let me ask a follow-up question but the obvious follow-up question is who's tying your hands yes right because you were this was during the obama administration uh this was during the obama administration correct yep? Yep. So I lost my SHIT at that point. And I basically,
Starting point is 00:25:48 I stopped attending the meetings. And I was like, you guys are a freaking joke. You're not here to actually solve any problems. And it basically confirmed my suspicions that there really weren't any good people left in these organizations, which I'm sure there probably are some decent people, but they're probably on assignments that are completely unrelated to anything of value, or they're just clueless. Like my grandfather, fully acknowledged, my grandfather was an FBI agent. And the reason why I know a lot of the stuff that I know is, A, my dad taught me about what's going on in the world,
Starting point is 00:26:24 but at a young age, he only lived two blocks away from me. So I would go to his house in the morning when my parents would, you know, as a teenager, I didn't want to be around my parents like most kids. And so I would go walk to my grandparents' house because they would make me breakfast. And my grandfather was a great breakfast cook. And he would just talk to me. And he would tell me about the communist infiltration in America and blah, blah, blah. And at the time, I would write him off. I was like, grandpa, you're crazy. You know, just like people would tell me as I got older, you're crazy. You're a conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 00:26:51 There's no way. And he's like, nope. And here's what they've done. Here's how they've done it. You know, here's the agenda. You know, the communist manifesto is literally the as you were talking about. It's the antithesis of the Ten Commandments, if you really look at it. So we would dig into all this stuff with me at a young age. So I knew my grandfather, when he was in the office, his assignments were not the assignments that would really help him understand what their primary objective was. And if you were to see the information that's come out now over the last couple of years,
Starting point is 00:27:24 unfortunately, he's passed away about 10 years ago. But if you were to see the information that's come out about JFK, about RFK, about any of these assassinations that have been directly put through by our intelligence agencies, he probably would have died of another heart attack, unfortunately. I don't know how I got on that rant, but Red Dart, yeah. So that was my involvement with InfraGard and that organization. It's just crazy to me how much of this stuff is coming out now. It's like they're just randomly declassifying some of this information. And I can tell you, to answer your question about good people being in the government, because I've worked in my 30 years,
Starting point is 00:28:07 I've only had government jobs in a 29-year time frame. I've worked municipal, county, state, and federal. The federal part of it, I was in the military. So I understand the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I understand that kind of stuff. As far as federal government i know how to take orders and i can tell you that when it comes to municipal county state and federal there are good people there but when something's shady sketchy as they say or shade
Starting point is 00:28:39 and you're one of the good persons you you have to keep your mouth shut out of fear of losing your job or being killed or if you're cia yes the higher you go you know the more likely that's going to be you know because these because grunts the lower level grunts don't stumble upon stuff they shouldn't know it's uh you know the the ones that get a bit a little bit higher in rank and they hear things and they you know you just you've got to keep your mouth shut and so as you get closer to that stuff you begin to see more and your eyes become more and more open so they're there but when they say something they get clintoned right i mean let's just look at the the unfortunate situation with the new york cops who found the wiener laptop and saw what was on the wiener laptop and like what is it seven out of nine or seven out of eight or eight out of nine of those individuals that saw what was on that
Starting point is 00:29:29 laptop and you know their families were like you know these people were never the same after they watched what they watched on this thing they're all quote unquote you know suicided it's it's so however mad you may be and what our intelligence agencies have done over the past few years. I'm honestly of the opinion that you're not mad enough because it has been decades that they've been at work protecting and enabling these fascist world order globalist scum Luciferians. Yes. And I'm sure, you know, as I've been saying, I know that there's some good people through the agencies over the years. sure, you know, as I've been saying, I know that there's some good people through the agencies over the years. You know, it's just, I don't, I don't understand how you can have any kind of a conscience and be involved with what they're doing right now, how we don't see more whistleblowers coming out of these organizations right now, calling spades, spades, knowing that they're going to,
Starting point is 00:30:24 you know, even people who profess to be Christians. And I say this even to the people who are working currently for, you know, Monsanto or working for, you know, big tech, you know, Google companies, you're going to face a point in your life where you have to sit down with your creator and he's going to have a very hard conversation with you, which is, did you serve me when you were on the planet? And I had to have this very real conversation with the Lord because he made
Starting point is 00:30:55 it clear to me what he wanted me to do. What do you want me to be doing? Especially after January 6th, where I was pleading with him because I knew this thing was going to be a setup. I knew it was going to be a setup. Absolutely certain. I literally had to physically restrain my wife and hide the keys to our car the day
Starting point is 00:31:11 before to prevent my wife from going there because she was so adamant that she wanted to go. And I said, honey, this is going to be a massive, colossal setup. You have to trust me. And was. And I'm crying on my knees, on my knees on my face saying lord i'm so tired sorry i'm so tired of being right about these things you need to put me on the front lines now i'm done put me on the front lines
Starting point is 00:31:40 let me serve and And it seems, and it's okay, I can tell you're very passionate about this and you should be because Jesus didn't tell us to roll over and just watch evil happen. He commissioned us and he gave us things to do in the meantime. Yes, the time is set. No, mankind
Starting point is 00:32:00 cannot save the world. We cannot. Only Jesus can save the world. But we have our marching orders, right, from the Lord. And there's things we got to do in the meantime. But at some point, you're like, please, Lord, put me there. Give me an avenue. Open a door. And it seems like he heard you, right? Because there come a time where you were appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, right? And you got uh another you got another appointment by the the north carolina speaker of the house tell me a little bit about that and how god kind of laid these these doorways open for you yes i mean me being very interested in economic development
Starting point is 00:32:37 and politics just you know i knew how to navigate and i knew who i needed to get in front of to learn the system because for me it's all a big system. And if you understand systems theory, you understand that there's different industries and there's different systems. But they all, for the most part, operate very similarly. So, you know, how big tech works is really no different than how big finance work works. It's really no different than how big um you know accounting works it's really all the same um even as it relates to uh you know nature if you dig into systems within nature they're just microcosms of bigger bigger and bigger systems um as it expands out so through
Starting point is 00:33:21 that um when we moved to raleigh I got very connected very quickly because I just figured out I spent a year just kind of assessing and learning and kind of figuring out who the players were and what the organizations were. And then I started injecting myself where I thought I can make a difference. So that's how I got involved with that stuff. on the floor and I'm pleading, the Lord just made it clear. He said, look, I've given you all these experiences over the last 20 years, Sean, so that you could serve right now. And you're going to build parallel infrastructure. You're going to help all these people who are going to be forced offline.
Starting point is 00:34:03 As you know, all these conservatives, all this content, they're going to push you offline. We knew, I knew that that was the agenda because you follow the money within these organizations, these infrastructure companies, the data center companies, the hosting companies, the network companies, and you know that their agenda is to silence anyone who has a dissenting opinion that may have a single narrative that they want to push. And the only way to combat that is to reclaim ownership of that infrastructure itself and make sure that the people who own the companies that own the dirt, that own the facility, that own the servers, that own the network are on the same team so that they don't just
Starting point is 00:34:41 bend over when someone walks in and has a subpoena or claims to have a warrant. They'll actually do the diligence and fight back and provide intel to the customer and have the attorneys that actually know how to fight back fight on your behalf to make sure that they don't have to give up anything other than what they absolutely have to. Assuming that you're doing things legally and lawfully, you know, they're going to fight for your, your right for freedom of speech. So that became like, that was an explosion in my heart and in my mind at that time.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And so I just, I started on that mission. It's like, okay, we need to do this. And I, at the time I was running a podcast called I love data centers where I was literally interviewing all the different infrastructure, um, people who helped build the internet, um, as well as a lot of the different owner operators of different hosting companies and data center companies and infrastructure companies. So I knew all the players and I started calling them up and starting, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:46 relaying the story that I think I just told. And you'd be stunned how many of these folks who were, you know, they love Jesus and they're, they know what's going on in the world. But when push came to shove, their answer was Sean, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:02 I wish you the best. This needs to happen. But, you know, my board is going to fire me if they find out that I'm supporting this type of a business, you know, because we have Microsoft, we have Google, we have Twitter, we have Facebook. They're some of our largest clients. And if we lose those companies as clients, and we make the news about this, you know, I'm going to lose my job. And if we lose those companies as clients, um, and we make the news about this, uh, you know, I'm going to lose my job. And so I would have that conversation saying, look, are you kidding me? So you're more concerned about your job than you're concerned about doing
Starting point is 00:36:34 the right thing. Is that the conversation you want to have with your, you know, with your Lord, you claim to be a Christian, you claim Christ as King with, with your King, when you face him, that you couldn't do what you knew to be the right thing to do because you were afraid at the end of the day. And that, unfortunately, Doug, is a conversation I have to have almost daily with people who refuse to do the right thing, refuse to acknowledge what's really happening because they're afraid on some level. So the degree to which, you know, not just people have been brainwashed into not understanding what's really happening, but even those who do understand what's happening are living in this constant state of fear that they can't execute and do the right thing because there may be some kind of recourse that's going to create some kind of hardship in their life. And so, you know, I truly believe we live in this time where we've been fed convenience for so long that it's just created weak people, weak men and women who have
Starting point is 00:37:40 no fortitude and no backbone to truly stand up for what's right and to start doing the hard things like learning how to grow your own food, learning how to homestead, homeschooling your kids, you know, finding jobs with companies that are not proactively trying to kill us. I mean, for me, that seems like common sense type of stuff, even though it's hard, And for me, that seems like common sense type of stuff, even though it's hard, it's interesting, it's fun. And I know the Lord is going to provide. I just, I trust him. And he always does. Like, I have no excuse because I've been an entrepreneur my whole life.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And I've been in these situations where my back is up against the wall. And I have no idea how I'm going to, you know, pay salaries for my employees or even pay rent or pay for food. Um, and yet the Lord always provides always every single time he's come through. So I've experienced it. I have no excuse. Um, and so that's the conversation that I've had to have constantly where I'm like, Lord, I just left a very well-paying career doing work that, you know, maybe not have been the most fulfilling, which is helping, you know, data centers, investors in the data center industry find smarter ways and places to park their capital in data center companies doing what I'm doing now, which is really helping companies completely
Starting point is 00:38:59 migrate off of big tech and onto non, um, non big tech infrastructure and devices and software and platforms. But the Lord has smacked me upside the head a handful of times over the last couple of years where I've been pleading with him saying, Lord, are you sure you want me doing this? And he brings me right back to that conversation saying, you know, what I told you to do. I made a very abundantly clear and I'm constantly making it abundantly clear by the people I'm putting in front of you. So yes, Sean, keep, keep going on. I got your back. Don't worry about it. It's good to know that you can always fall back on, you know, the Lord's soft voice, you know, cause he speaks to us in a soft, still voice like he did, you know, with Moses whenever he was in the mountain pass. But,. But I think that the world has its own way also of gaslighting us and being more subtle about it,
Starting point is 00:39:50 you know, and it's still soft voice, you know, you might not necessarily know it, that it's happening. But like you said, convenience, making things more convenience. We're living in a microwave generation, where we've never been able, when I was a child, and you too, when we were kids, we used to have to, if we wanted to know something, we used to have to walk to the library and crack open a book or at school, you know, go to the library and crack open a book and do research. We had this thing called a catalog, right? At the library that you had to go in and look up an author or look up a topic and be able to find the topic you look for.
Starting point is 00:40:25 But now, these kids, they can literally open up their phone, hit a browser where everything is being tracked. They instantly put in search words, keywords, that instantly bring to their eyes, to their mind, instantaneously. And people have forgotten about patience. They've forgotten about due diligence. They've forgotten about hard work and these kind of things. These are things they're, I'm afraid that they're long gone. It's gotten so much worse. I mean, with, with my teenagers, they literally know how to use
Starting point is 00:40:55 chat GPT and all these AI tools. So my daughter, my 14 year old daughter was telling me how the other day she, um, you know, we had her write a paper. And now we're having her write papers, but we have to make sure that she's not using a computer for it. Because she learned how to go on to and say, write me a two-page essay on this topic and do it from the voice of a 14-year-old, you know, girl. Wow. And literally within seconds, it cranks out the paper right yes authors are doing this um um audio i get it's available on audible too i mean authors authors are are going down this route and they're putting in a few ideas and in this ai is is spitting out this stuff people people on at different levels of government are putting key things,
Starting point is 00:41:49 key points to consider for artificial intelligence into the, whatever you want to call it, the search or whatever it's called, and it uses that to generate a speech or, I don't know, a preamble, you know, whatever you want. It literally spits it out for you. And people are just going down this road and it's becoming more and more of a convenience for them. But it's sliding everybody else. It's sliding. I think it's cheating the customer because creativity is leaving. And we were created in God's image. You've got to ask yourself, what's that mean?
Starting point is 00:42:28 God is a creator and he has an imagination. We were designed like that to be creative, to imagine. It's all being taken away from us slowly and people can't see it, but it's happening. You're making a difference
Starting point is 00:42:44 with some of the stuff that you're developing. So I want to kind of start steering you in that direction. If you don't mind, tell us a little bit about what you're working on right now, what you've been doing to help us get out of this rut. So that first problem set that needed to be solved for that I was talking about before was the physical infrastructure layer. Right. So no new application that, you know, someone creates. Like, there's actually some very interesting, you know, AI catalogs of information that, like,
Starting point is 00:43:16 like, not the name, not Breitbart, but Health Ranger guy, Brighteon. health ranger guy um brighteon um so brighteon has released this basically catalog and database of research uh that's all you know the homeopathic based and all the studies that have been done and even just western science related studies that have been done on covid the realities of covid the realities of vitamin d and ivermectin and blah, blah, blah, like, you know, thousands upon thousands of studies and research that's been done that you can instantly search using an AI tool. So you can type in questions like, what is the most efficient way for me to address or cure a certain type of ailment or disease or even a certain type of wound that you may have.
Starting point is 00:44:10 And it will give you what WebMD is supposed to do, but WebMD is really just a voice for the pharmaceutical industry and has been since day one, basically. So it will give you that type of intel. So my point is this, is without owning that infrastructure and controlling that infrastructure, you're lost because none of those tools exist because you can just literally flip a switch and turn it off, you know, bye-bye really cool AI tool that you just created.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's actually pretty based and that's actually going to help people. If it's sitting on Amazon web web services or Google or sitting on Amazon or sitting on, um, uh, go daddy and they think that that content conflicts with the narrative that needs to be told to the people. They just flip a switch and turn off your content, which is exactly what happened to parlor on January 6th. If you remember, I do. so that was the big light bulb
Starting point is 00:45:07 moment that went off for most conservatives that i was screaming at and and you know talking to i don't want to say screaming at but i was very vehemently warning that this was going to happen and the response was sean you're crazy we have the first amendment here in america these companies can't do that they have a terms of service that prevents them from just turning me off for no reason. And so that forced the conversation to be saying, look, you don't understand who we're dealing with. They don to make this happen that they simply don't care. They will make it disappear. And then they'll find any creative reason to justify doing so. And then they'll draw out the legal process, which at the point that you may win the case, your business is bankrupt. And you may get a large settlement.
Starting point is 00:46:01 And that settlement won't get paid out for another couple, you know,, five, 10 years, which at one, at that point it's too late. Um, you know, so you finally got paid, but you're probably dead at that point. So I said, look, this has to happen. So we started building these companies and I started finding investors and started finding individuals that actually had the fortitude, uh, to step out of big tech arena and start building infrastructure. So once that was built and that foundational layer was built and I knew, okay, we actually have the facilities, we have the investors, we have the capital backing them. We have the hosting companies, the software development firms, the people who can create and build on infrastructure that's owned and operated by people
Starting point is 00:46:45 on our team. Now we can move to the next major problem set. And I'm an entrepreneur, you know, self-acknowledged, self-admit. The second a company starts growing and scaling, I get disinterested and I want to go build the next new thing that has to get created and built. So the next new thing that needed to get created and built in that process was the reality that, you know, Doug, if I, if, you know, we're at war right now, right? So if we're at war and I give you a weapon to go fight in this war, and I tell you that that you're doing. And it's also connected to every other device and every other weapon that is being held by everyone around you. And it's controlled by the enemy. All this information is being fed to the enemy and that enemy can literally turn it on and turn it off at will without you even knowing, would you use that weapon? Of course not. Right?
Starting point is 00:47:43 No one in their right mind would use that weapon. Even if you had no other weapon around you, you'd be better off not using that weapon and go create a new weapon, right? So I bring that up because that is literally what everyone is carrying around in their pockets every day who has an iPhone, who has a Google Android device, who is sitting in front of their laptop that's running Microsoft Windows of any flavor, who's sitting in front of their MacBook that's running macOS of any flavor, if you're using the operating system, it is a operating system that is literally owned by the companies that are censoring you,
Starting point is 00:48:23 that are trying to kill you at the end of the day. It is their device. They own that device. They control the device. You're simply using their device. And yet that is what 99 plus percent of the population is using today. Literally devices owned by the enemy that is tracking and monitoring everything that they're saying, everything that they're doing, every application that they open. In some cases, it's even tracking what your eyes are doing on the screen while you're on a website or while you're using an application. They know you in many cases better than you know yourself because they have so much data on you. And when I travel around the country right now, training people about this, and I do three, four, five hour seminars on just this topic on, you know, all the different ways we're
Starting point is 00:49:20 getting screwed by big tech and then all the things that we can do about it. I get people who will be like, you know, I had a thought the other day and then I saw an advertisement for it. You know, is it reading my mind? Right. And that's a great question. And I don't disagree that there's technology that can do that. In fact, I know for a fact that there is technology that can do that. And if you look at the patent for the airpods these airpods these earbuds from apple that people are constantly wearing all the time look at the patent on that product itself it is absolutely frightening because it specifically says that not only can that thing push frequencies into your brain not just your ear but your brain, not just your ear, but your brain, but it's also constantly receiving frequencies from your brain. That's crazy. I never even heard of that before.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yes. And for these earbuds to talk to each other, they have to send that frequency between each other. So not only is one of these things getting a signal from your phone that you're connected to or the laptop you're connected to, but then it sends it through your head from one bud to the next bud, right? So through your brain, right? So I'm not saying that that doesn't exist, but Doug, if I knew everything about you, I knew where you were going. I knew what you were buying. I knew every conversation you were having. I knew every website you went to. Even if you were scrolling through something on Facebook or scrolling through something on some website, and for a fraction of a second, you hesitated on a certain ad that popped up. Right?
Starting point is 00:50:59 I log that. I record that. And so I know that you're probably interested in something like that. Right? Right. And so i can then feed you advertising so from a marketing perspective it makes total sense it's brilliant right total sense brilliant you can target people to a crazy level to push products and services that you know that they're going to be interested in um so that's how people think that these things are like reading their minds. It's really, they're not reading your minds. They just know you better
Starting point is 00:51:28 than you know yourself and they know what you're going to want before you're going to want it. Right. So this is, again, we're living in this brave new world paradigm where the future is now we're literally living in, you know, Star Trek, Star Wars. We have this type of tech that's here, that's right in front of us. And most people are oblivious, absolutely oblivious to how they are personally affected by this. Because not only can I influence what products and services you're buying, but I can influence what you believe to be true and what you believe to be false. Most people now are waking up to the reality that if you do a Google search,
Starting point is 00:52:10 Google literally determines what shows up. So they can make entire things disappear that may exist if you go searching for it on a different browser. So entire topics, answers to things, can be totally different than what they actually are. But when people think, oh, through the lobbying efforts and through the marketing money that was spent, when we think of searching something online, we think, oh, well, let's go Google it, right? So Google has this position of authority now, of truth, of whether or not something is real or not. So now when you go search for something using Google and you get a certain answer, you believe that to be true. Even though Google is very clearly manipulating what is and is not true.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Very simple for, you know, whether you're a Trump fan or not, it doesn't matter. If you were to go to Google in 2015 or 2016 or even today, right? And you were search the name Trump, right, 10 out of maybe 11, probably even more than that, I Obama, 95 out of 100 of them would be putting them in a positive light. Right. That shifts the narrative and creates the narrative such that people start viewing things. And it's a very simple example that I'm giving. But that happens across the board, across everything. example that I'm giving, but that happens across the board, across everything. So what I'm working on today is educating people about all the different ways that they are being manipulated by these companies that, as you said, make over a trillion dollars, one trillion T as in Tom,
Starting point is 00:54:02 trillion dollars a year. These five companies, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook make over a trillion dollars a year. And they spend tens of billions of dollars every single year on candidates, causes, and organizations that are trying to kill us. Like, let's just be blunt about it. They're trying to kill us. They're trying to dumb us down. They're trying to control us. They're trying to make our kids stupid. They're trying to destroy the food system that we thrive on, that we could be thriving on. These are evil companies. And you follow the money at these companies and you look at the ownership and the board directorships and the equity stock ownership, and you follow the money at these companies and you look at the ownership and the board directorships and the equity stock ownership and you follow the individuals at these organizations
Starting point is 00:54:50 and you what's their ethos well they tell you what their ethos is they're at the un conventions they're at the world economic forum conventions they're at the bilderberg conventions they're over in uh northern california at the uh god what's the name of it secret secret club that all kinds of stuff is starting to come out on bohemian grove like oh yeah they are telling you we want a one world government we want central bank digital currencies we want to get rid of nation-state status around the world we want to dissolve borders we want to depopulate the planet down to 350 million people how many we have near 9 billion people on the planet so they're going to exterminate eight and a half billion people is their objective that's an even lower number because i remember the
Starting point is 00:55:39 georgia guidestones before they blew up they it was on there for 500 people, max cap. Right. In perpetual balance. Yeah. 500 million, right? 500 million, I'm sorry, yeah. Yeah, it was a million. I think it was more like 350 million, but it was around, anyway,
Starting point is 00:55:55 between 350 and 500 million is a lot less than 9 billion that we have now, right? Yeah. So it used to be that we would talk about these things and people would say, Sean, you're crazy. This is insanity. Now they are blatantly at conventions, putting this in front of your face, telling you this is some kind of spark of, holy crap, things are not what they seem, I need to dig deeper and learn more about
Starting point is 00:56:30 what's really going on in the world right now. If you haven't had that spark over the last couple of years, based on what's gone down, there's no documentary I can put in front of you. There's nothing I can say that is really going to shift that narrative for you internally, that is going to have to be an act of God working in your life. So my job these days is to provide those who are on the front lines, who are seeking truth with the tools that they need to be successful so that they can operate in this world without using the tools that are literally controlled and owned by the enemy. Because if we're at war, comms, our communications, our comms are absolutely critical, absolutely essential. And if our comms are literally owned by the enemy and they know exactly where we're going to be before we're
Starting point is 00:57:15 there, then it's no wonder they're kicking our butt on the battlefield right now. That's what's so terrifying about this uh you know the the upcoming digital currency that's going to happen it's i mean it's it's coming and uh this uh this you know the the because they want to what do they call it um it's not dehumanize transhuman they want to transhuman us right they want us to to merge with technology and they've been working on this for some time. A lot of people believed it, and it could be. Maybe I don't know much about it, but the whole 5G thing, when it first started coming out,
Starting point is 00:57:51 everybody was kind of freaking out a little bit because 5G, you would know more about it than I do, but it puts out all kinds of, I don't know, information that affects us, our brains our brains right tell me a little bit about that well that's that's a a deep rabbit hole so what most people believe to be 5g is the truly scary um technology that they have deployed in a lot of the tier one cities and by that i mean like new york and san francisco and chicago and Houston and whatnot, big cities. They're large devices.
Starting point is 00:58:31 They're like three, four feet wide by about five, six feet tall, if not taller. They're big panels, and they push out high frequency but short distance, so it can't go very far. It can only go, you know, like 50 yards, 80 yards for it to be effective but it's very powerful microwaves it's literally like you you know with the door open though you can't turn the microwave on with the door open but if you could turn on your microwave with the door open and just put your face in it right that's that's how you know dangerous these microwaves are coming off this thing which blows my mind because years ago i was, when they first started to deploy this, I was in New York and they had one of these 5g systems deployed. And sure enough, I opened my phone up and I checked out, you know, what network was
Starting point is 00:59:13 available and you could get, you know, a gig up a gig down, just walking down the street in New York coming from this tower, but they had it set up so that you could walk in front of it. And you could like, you know, see the map of the city and get directions to where you're going. And I was like, they're literally having people standing right in front of this microwave tower. It's not a tower because it's on the ground. That's pushing out this dangerous level of frequency. So people are getting cooked alive while they're trying to figure out where they need to go downtown New York. Right. My point is this, that is one type of 5g fifth generation tech that was deployed. It's only been deployed in a handful of cities. They've actually learned and realized that this tech is way too expensive to deploy. There's not very many use cases as they thought that there were
Starting point is 00:59:57 going to be. People really don't need one gig up one gig down per second. Like you just don't need that much bandwidth. There's very few things't need that much bandwidth there's very few things that need that much bandwidth um and so they're not really deploying more of them so what they did and when you hear you know 18t t-mobile verizon has nationwide 5g coverage what they're talking about and this is a brilliant marketing uh ploy that they played is they changed a 4g, uh, LTE multi-point tower tech that they had, which means that you can get from multiple towers, um, data. So you could get more data coming down to your phone because it's coming from multiple, uh, uh, towers at the same time. Does that make sense? Yeah. So it's not like, cause I was thinking,
Starting point is 01:00:45 and then you've already enlightened me quite a bit. Just, just listen. Um, that when my phone says 5g on it, I'm not getting these dangerous things, radiation things going through into my head. So you are, but it's not from your, it's most likely not from your phone, right? So that's, that's where people have to understand. So let's get to that. Let's get to the device and what 5g means on the device. Cause it's, it's, it's an important question because a lot of people who say that, you know, I refuse to buy a 5g phone because it's 5g. And I'm like, well, what does that mean? Let's understand what that means. So that 4g LTE multipoint service was named, was rebranded as 5G, which allowed all the carriers to say that they have 5G coverage nationwide. So when you're driving around and you see towers and you see stuff on these towers, what you're looking at is that it's that second thing I was talking about.
Starting point is 01:01:38 It's that 4G LTE multipoint service. Is that dangerous? Yes, it is. Is it as dangerous as the stuff that's downtown the major metros? No, it's not. It's nowhere near as dangerous as the stuff that's in the major metros, right? is 5G capable or it has 5G in the name. Nearly every single smartphone that's been made and manufactured since like 2015, 2016 is 5G capable. Whether it has the 5G in the name of the phone or not, it can still do 5G.
Starting point is 01:02:16 So the people who are not buying a device because it is or isn't 5G in the name are simply not fully understanding that the device that they probably just bought is 5g capable they just don't know it the more important piece here is that the radiation that we're concerned about is in the air around us no matter what your phone is really not going to change that paradigm so all the am radio fm radio if you're a ham radio guy, you know the signal's everywhere. It's all around you. You turn on your radio, it gets the signal, right? Because it's everywhere.
Starting point is 01:02:53 The signal is everywhere all the time. It's the same with these towers. The signal is everywhere all the time, no matter where you are. So we are, as a species now, in these markets, constantly being bombarded by these frequencies constantly. And when you start to understand how these devices work, it starts to make a little bit more sense. Um, but that's part of the training that I offer is I actually spend a good amount of time talking about, well, how does, what is the internet? How does it work? How is it that when I make a phone call, uh, and I move throughout, you know, as if I'm driving that I can maintain
Starting point is 01:03:31 that call and how does it instantly pick up and find the other person on the other line and know where they're at. Right. And if you understood, and as you start to understand these technologies and how these technologies, how they work and operate, then you can become a far better operator and smarter operator of the tool that is the phone that you carry around with you all the time or the laptop that you use. And it becomes less and less in a tool of the enemy. And it becomes your tool that you control, that you own. You dictate what happens on this thing or does not happen on this thing versus them dictating what's happening or not happening on this thing. So from a radiation standpoint, your 5G-capable phone is not kicking off
Starting point is 01:04:17 any more or less radiation than any other smartphone around you. I have an article on our website that's just on this topic actually we we have the research and we know exactly how much radiation these phones kick off and it's a nominal difference between like the brand new iphone whatever they're on you know 800 uh and the you know pixel 3 from like 2017 um 2016 2017 so that radiation is going to be there regardless with your phone, whether it can pick up that 5G signal or not. Does that make sense? It does make sense. Let's take a real quick break. And I want to ask you a couple, there's some terms that are growing in the internet community and they're directly going,
Starting point is 01:05:03 they're going to impact all of our lives. And I'll come right back in just one second after this ad from Point Zero Energy. On the brink of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. Scum says it expects to continue with Stage 6 running blackouts for the rest of the week.
Starting point is 01:05:23 A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled. It was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable lithium-ion battery, 2,000-watt-hour, 3,000-watt high-efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you?
Starting point is 01:05:57 It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours, your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours, your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to back up power. Okay, welcome back to the Rising Republic. And I'm talking here with Sean Patrick Theriault. And I was about ready to ask him some questions because I'm very curious.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I'm going around talking, Sean, about Ag formerly known as agenda 21 and uh there's it's a spiritual war there's things going on in our world and it's it's all I believe, counter to, in fact, I know it's counter spiritually to what God designed us to be. He designed us to be in his image, but we are now, there's powers that be trying to transform us into another image. And so there's some terms that are coming up that are in the internet, things like this. And I want to ask you what these terms are. And you could just tell me in your words or elaborate on what you know and how they've been defined to you. And let us know what they are. What is the internet of things? So IoT, internet of things, phraseology has now been around for a long time um but it's really any device you know now they have microwaves and uh uh lawnmowers and even uh you know smokers and cookers uh uh that are connected to the internet so it's really all these tiny little devices
Starting point is 01:07:43 uh that we use on a regular basis that are connected to the Internet. So when it becomes an Internet of Things, you have all these things that are connected to the Internet is the short answer. The crazy thing is that most of these things that are connected to the internet are very easily hackable. And so many of the what are called DDoS attacks, so it's basically you're flooding a server that a website may exist on with traffic. So the general traffic for your website may only be a couple megabits per second or gigabits per second, the general traffic for your website may only be a couple megabits per second or a gigabits per second. But if you can get and activate hundreds of thousands or millions or hundreds
Starting point is 01:08:29 of millions of these devices that have been hacked to start sending requests for information to a server, you can flood that server with terabytes worth of traffic and take down that website. of traffic and take down that website. Um, and that is, that is a common method of hackers to try to take down content that they don't want to exist, uh, which is a whole fun conversation that we could have about anonymous and what anonymous was and what it's morphed into. But it's probably another conversation for another time. Um, but that's what the internet of things is. I'll leave it at that.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Before I go on another story and another rant. That's okay, because I got a good friend of mine that's been on the show, Ryan Scow. He's an author of these kind of things, and he writes all kinds of, I hate to say, I call it faction. It's fact-based fiction, if that makes any sense. But imagine, if you will, because this is, I've read the back of the book, some of you, the Bible, and we know, we know that there's coming a time where we're going to have to take a mark.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And so, so imagine if you will, that we're going to have to be implanted with an identifier, just a simple number. Okay. Now imagine if you will, and I know this ain't hard for you to imagine because you're way into this, but you've got a smartphone and you're living in a smart city and everything is connected to the internet. So you're walking down the road, you're listening to music that is being fed to whoever, the power into the internet of things. Everything knows what you're listening to. And then your heart rate picks up.
Starting point is 01:10:07 And then somebody is notified that your heart is fibrillating. And then automatically an ambulance is called. And then before you know it, you're on the ground. Before somebody can even notice and call for help, the EMTs are already on scene. All this sounds really good to people who are not aware that there's a more broad and very malicious thing on the horizon. It's very interesting to me that we're all kind of subtly,
Starting point is 01:10:43 kind of coasting unawares drifting if you will into this together and and i love what you're doing like i said nine billion people in the world and we got to find a way to reach them and you're coming up with ways to help us do that but we we got to get the word out somehow some way and you were talking a while ago about things being easily hackable that brings me to blockchain can you tell me what blockchain is yes simply put blockchain is a network of storage devices that are constantly updating each other almost like a database i mean in my world my world, databases in a redundant world, you want to have one database on one side of the country
Starting point is 01:11:31 that's updating another database on the other side of the country so that the information that's being put into one mirrors in the other so that if any one of them is lost or goes down, you still haven't lost all of your data, right? So that concept of redundancy and having data in multiple locations is really what the blockchain is to the nth degree. So imagine millions of servers that are all updating each other real time with a whole
Starting point is 01:12:02 bunch of data so that you can't go in and make a change to that data once it's stored. Once, you know, a contract, for example, and there's very specific use cases for blockchain. People originally wanted to say that blockchain was going to solve every problem known to man. The reality is it's not the case, but it is very good for certain things like a contract. If you have a contract that is going to be fixed in time and not changed that you want, you know, stored perpetually, you could put it in the blockchain and it will be there forever. No
Starting point is 01:12:36 one's ever going to be able to go in and modify the content on that document because all these other devices that are going to say that's not the same record that we have on our end. So it's storing of information in a fixed manner across many, many devices. So when it comes down to it, it's all about control. For example, let's say that the system or the enemy, as you call it is is they don't want sean patrick terrio to have uh to do this they can't they can't go in nobody can go in and change it you can't go in and change where you were where you spent money on because let's say you go to ebay and you make a purchase on ebay i'll say a hundred million servers across the world
Starting point is 01:13:25 will know that you went there and made this purchase on eBay, correct? Yes. That's scary. Yeah. Well, that's already happening. I mean, Amazon, for example, or eBay, right? eBay is currently tracking that right now. They know where you were, they know what you bought, they know what credit card you used. And then as a result of that, they know all the other purchases that you've made. They know the other, you know, websites that you were on before you made the purchase. And that's where the tools and the technologies that you use today, for so long as we have the, we still have the freedom and the ability to make the choices of what tools and technologies and applications we use to do things, we sure as heck better. Because by not doing so, all we're
Starting point is 01:14:12 doing is feeding this beast with more data. And data has become the new oil that they then can sell and mine from you. You're the oil well that they're just constantly pulling and mining data from. So people who are like, Oh, well, you know, I didn't pay anything for my phone. It was free. So, you know, I don't want to switch the phone that I'm using. Cause I didn't have to pay for it. It's free. And I'm like, yeah, but they're still making money off of you. Apple is still making money off of you. Facebook, Google,
Starting point is 01:14:40 all of these companies are making money off of you because you have a profile and it knows everything about you in this profile, constantly being updated by all the new data points that they know about where you just went, what application you just opened, when you opened it, all this information, what conversation you just had with who, it's all being recorded. And for so long as they're mining this data, you have a value. But the less data they have on you and the last point through which they had that data on you, the less valuable you are. Because if they don't know what the hell you've been doing over the last two, three years, your stock price to them plummets. You're not as valuable to them. They can't sell you
Starting point is 01:15:21 as high as they could as if you were to be constantly giving them data in the system. So that's another key piece of this. The blockchain piece, I don't think is really the concern. I think the concern is the mining and tracking of all this data, whether it's put in a blockchain type of database or not, really doesn't matter to me, to be honest. or not really doesn't matter to me, to be honest. What makes this even more scary to me is because you got all these big tech companies who was in bed with the government. And now we got this push. Biden recently wrote an executive order to, I don't know what it was, a committee, I think,
Starting point is 01:15:59 to oversee the centralized digital currency. So that is being pushed. And what's really, really bad, when I go to my speaking engagements, I tell people to call their congressperson and to resist this push for CDC because we don't want the government in charge of digital currency. When the government is in bed with big tech and big tech is tracking you and they don't like, so let's say they get some information from Facebook that you bought a Gazdan Culpepper flag
Starting point is 01:16:32 to put in your front yard. They have you now red marked, red lined, red taped. They know exactly where you stand politically. Even if it's your very first post ever or purchase ever online, they know where you're standing at and what your alliances affiliations are politically because you bought what could be considered in some a rebel flag
Starting point is 01:16:50 right yeah so so and i i have conversations like this literally every day with customers and the the statement that gets made when i bring up that very thing, Doug. It's people like, oh, well, I'm already on the radar. I'm already being tracked. Screw them. I'm preaching the gospel to them all day, every day, who can hear me, the Fed agent that's been assigned to me. And I'm like, bro, two things. First and foremost, if you think you have a dedicated person who's only listening to you all day, every day, your ego must be way crazy inflated because the reality is every conversation is being transcribed and is being basically put into a massive database. They don't listen to anything that you've said until they want to. And so there's a key word that they want to go search for from you for a very specific reason. There's no one person who you're going to preach the gospel to at the NSA or the CIA or the FBI by you using these devices. So don't kid yourself. The second thing is this,
Starting point is 01:17:55 you're perpetually in the system by continuing to buy things and do things on these devices. You need to remove yourself from that system. That paradigm doesn't change by you saying, oh, well, they're tracking me anyway. Well, why can't that's like saying, well, um, I'm, you know, I I'm hungry. So I'm just going to continue to eat junk food because it's in front of me. No, you have a choice. You have a very clear choice that you are making by continuing to live in that matrix, by choosing to live in that matrix, you can get out of that matrix and you need to get out of that matrix. It drives me crazy when I hear people have that argument or come back with
Starting point is 01:18:33 that argument, because usually come back with like such a pompous attitude about, I don't care that they're tracking me. Like I doesn't matter to me. I'm like, well, it should matter. It should matter. I remember when the, when the Patriot Act was written, I'm i'm like oh my gosh like this is the beginning of the end and now i'm seeing this centralized digital currency thing coming like this is the beginning of the end you know and when the when the government is able to literally
Starting point is 01:18:58 shut off your bank account with the push of a button because they don't like something that you're doing that's insane and for you to take a back and to sit in the back seat or even in the passenger seat and say, you know, I don't really care because, you know, they're already tracking me. Well, maybe, maybe they are. And all your stuff, I'm sure, and I talk about this all the time in my surviving martial law lecture that I give, the Utah Data Center was built to store all this stuff. And that server is getting larger and larger all the time. And all of our stuff, everything that we tweet, everything that we text, everything that we talk about on the phone, all of our searches that we
Starting point is 01:19:34 do in the search engine, it doesn't matter if it's DuckDuckGo or Google, it's all stored somewhere. It just doesn't disappear unless you have some kind of special device and a browser to make sure that it's not being stored. I love that you brought up that Utah data center. So guess what? That Utah data center is one of thousands that they have and maintain across the country. I didn't even know that. Right. So what was funny is when I saw that thing being built and all the news around it, this is like the typical salesman hand wavy trick. Right. They want you to look over here, look over here and pay attention to this thing over here and not pay attention to the reality. Right. The reality is that was one data center of literally thousands that they have and that they that our government maintains across the country.
Starting point is 01:20:22 that our government maintains across the country. Yes, they've been doing some consolidation of those data centers over the years, but they still maintain literally thousands of these facilities all over the country. So I think it's interesting to me when people always point to that Utah facility because that's all you've been told, right? That's what you've heard about. That's what you know about. But these facilities exist everywhere. And for those who are in the industry like myself, it's funny because we can literally be driving down a freeway and pass by a building and know instantly that's a data center.
Starting point is 01:20:53 You can tell by the network infrastructure that's outside that you might be able to see the crack and cooling infrastructure and units around it. The diesel generators that might be sitting outside around it. There's very clear earmarks of one of these facilities, and they're all over the place. It's clear that I'm going to have to do another deep dive on this and update my PowerPoint. That's just crazy. Yeah, thank you for that. So next question in direct alignment with that is, what is big data? So big data is literally everything we've just been talking about. So it's having massive data sets. So think of like, actually, before we get into big data, I want to make a very clear point. Because there are a lot of people who
Starting point is 01:21:38 have this black pill, what we call black pill mentality, right? They're like, well, I'm already being tracked, you know, the world's gonna end anyway. So what, right. It's the same people who will tell you, well, there's no point in me growing my own food in my backyard or my front yard, because they've got chemtrails that are going to drop, you know, crazy stuff on top of me and my food and poison my food anyway. Or, you know, the water that comes from the muni is poison and it's just going to poison my stuff anyway, right? That's a ridiculous attitude to have. If that's truly your attitude, I want to pray for you. But you're literally living in a bunker somewhere like doom and gloom scenario, right? That's not going to prevent me from still trying to grow my own food and
Starting point is 01:22:27 trying to protect my, my family. Right. You can always find an excuse as to why you shouldn't do something, but you still have to forge ahead anyway. That's the same mentality is like, well, if, if we're completely screwed and if they're going to enforce these CBDCs and the whole world's going to become like communist China and there's nothing we can do about it then what's the point right but going back to the biblical perspective we are called to be saints we are called to be angels we're called to the front lines no matter what despite the fact that we know that Lucifer has control of the planet right now, we know that God still has a purpose and has a design. And at the end of the day, this world is a test, I truly believe,
Starting point is 01:23:12 of our fortitude. And if I were a king, I would want to be testing my subjects too, to make sure that they are actually loyal to me and my will. So all this BS that we see going on around us, for me, is just a test. I view it as a test, as a big test. And it's, you know, maybe it's the gaming background that I have, and I'm trying to gamify life through this, but I think it's all scriptural. It's all biblical. This world is but a test. He is testing us in all these moments and all of these things. And by having these hard times that we're going through, it's forcing people to get out of their comfort zones. So we have to get comfortable being uncomfortable so that we can truly ask ourselves the hard questions and deal with the harsh realities so that we know when our back
Starting point is 01:24:00 is up against the wall and someone's got a gun to your head and says do you believe that christ is king and are you going to continue to serve him are you going to serve me and mana you know what decision are you really going to make people like oh i totally would make the right decision in that situation would you you won't know until you're tried right um so i think anyway i need i wanted to make sure that i got that point out that this black pill pill mentality of, well, they're tracking me all the time anyway, everywhere, you know, the satellites and space and facial recognition on everything. That doesn't mean that you just check out and you give up. You still have to fight the fight and you still have to find creative ways to participate and to protect yourself and the people around you. We still have our marching orders, but it's like, I don't know if I told you this or not, but I was a preacher for 20 years.
Starting point is 01:24:49 And I can't tell you how many sermons I preached where I literally called this life, this present life that we live in, kind of a boot camp. And I used my own experiences in boot camp, you know, because I was in the Marines, to kind of use that as an analogy. And I wasn't a SEAL, but you and I probably, and many others know, that SEALs, when they're going through their training, there's a bell just up not too far away. When they're done, all they got to do is go and ding that.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I mean, they can't make it. They're done. They're done trying. That's kind of what we're seeing here with, like, what you were saying with the person, well, I'm not even going to bother to make my own food or grow my own food because they're trying to kill me anyway or you know why not they're already tracking me you know they're already dinging the bell they're done they're checking out we're being tested we're being tried and nobody ever said this life was going to be easy that was going to be an easy thing to do boot camp's not easy it was hard it was one of the
Starting point is 01:25:42 hardest things i've ever done in my life but it's the same thing in this in this world when we step over from this temporal life into eternity and are able to know all things and be as he is then we'll only then will we truly understand why we went through the things we went through right because you went through what you went through to share your story and i've gone through things to share my story. Great. Yeah, and I think it's Lucifer who's sitting there, who's giving you that mentality of, well, things should be easy. Well, I should have it easy. Well, I deserve this.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Well, I need this. I want this. Well, why can't I have this? You know, it's not right for me to be a servant to someone else. Like, I want to be my own man, determine my own path. And I think that's, you know, that's the hard thing, I think, for a lot of liberty-minded people. You know, I meet a lot of libertarians, right, who don't know Christ. And that's the key. and i was there in my life i spent a number of years having that you know conflict internally of you know who do i really want to be subservient
Starting point is 01:26:52 to god and have a fear of god and i really didn't understand it until i started really spending time in scripture reading scripture um digging you know talking with a handful of my different spiritual mentors and my father and people and really exploring what that really meant and understand that there's such a freedom that comes when you start to give your will to his will, when you understand that his will is no more than wanting what's best for you entirely. And wants you to do the hard things. Yes, do the hard things. But those hard things are going to make you stronger and better.
Starting point is 01:27:30 I agree. And you run a business, and I've been in leadership positions for many, many years. It's easier to be directed, to sit in the co-pilot seat, let somebody else pilot. It's easier. You know, that's why relinquishing your life to the Lord and following his footsteps, letting him guide you, it's a better way. It's always going to be a better way. But if you're not in tune with that, then you're following the marching orders of this present world that we live in. And there's a road that goes another way.
Starting point is 01:28:06 And it's not the way that the Lord wants to go because Jesus actually said that wide is the way and straight is the gate that leads to eternal damnation, right? But narrow is the path that leads to eternal salvation and few there be that go that way. The world is on that path. The world is going to be swallowing and slowly moving, subtly moving into this new transhumanism thing.
Starting point is 01:28:31 And I'm thankful for what you've done. Tell us a little bit about ghost laptops and ghost phones. Yes, the basic premise is they're running open source operating systems. And the real short description there is it's the difference between being able to see the blueprints of a building where you know where the plumbing is, you know where all the walls have been laid, you know where to said building, those plans are updated. So you know exactly what's going on. So on some level, people look at that and they say, well, that's a security risk. If you can see everything in the building, then people know how to attack it. And that is true, but that also means that the users and the coders also can see those same threats too. And they can adjust them and fix them accordingly
Starting point is 01:29:26 as those threats become known and visible. And the other key is you as a user know if it's been fixed or not. So if you identify and say, hey, there's an open door on the second floor that makes it super easy for someone to grab a ladder and jump in through. And someone says, okay, we fixed that.
Starting point is 01:29:45 You can then verify if they fixed it or not, right? So that's open source concept. Closed source software, which is Google Android, which is iOS, which is Microsoft Windows, which is macOS, which is all these other big software companies who control, centralize their IP, centralize all this data and don't give anyone access to it other than our three-letter agencies, they don't want you to know what they're doing. And they claim and say, well, this is for intellectual property reasons.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I firmly believe one of the major reasons they don't want us to see and know what they're doing with the software is because they have blatant and open back doors that they've provided to other companies and to our three-letter agencies so that they can see and know. And being part of InfraGard, I learned straight up that these back doors have been provided from day one. trust meetings, they were able to get out of that squeaky clean because they basically wrote a contract that said that they will provide perpetually backdoor access to the U.S. government and the intel agencies within their software, you know, moving forward. And in return, the government was going to push them into the marketplace and make them, you know, the number one software company and operating system in the world, which is brilliant. If you're the
Starting point is 01:31:06 U S government for national security reasons, because then you've got corporations and governments installing an operating system and running their businesses that they have full access to and can see what they see in here, what they hear on that end. So brilliant from U S government perspective, but that paradigm still exists. So when you regain control of your operating system by running an open source operating system, nothing happens on that device without you giving express permissions for it to happen. So all your applications sit in their own little sandboxed environment and they can't talk to any of your hardware or any other application without you giving it permission. So the paradigm now on your iOS device or your Android device or your Google Android device or your Windows device
Starting point is 01:31:59 is when you download a piece of software and you click, I agree, the terms of service, it instantly gets access to everything that it wants access to on your device. You have no idea really what you just gave it access to, unless you actually read the terms of service agreement, which you may or may not have read. And as we found with big tech, if you go to any of our social media sites on, if you just look up Mark three, seven, M a R K three,
Starting point is 01:32:25 seven, uh, which is scriptural by the way. Um, and you can find that on the about us section on our website as to why we call the business Mark three, seven, um, all these different applications, um, basically are sitting in their own sandbox. Oh, so the terms of service, right? So when you download something, you, you really have no idea what you just downloaded. Um, Oh, so on our social media websites, this is where I was going on all of our social media. So So when you download something, you really have no idea what you just downloaded. Oh, so on our social media websites, this is where I was going. On all of our social media, so on our Twitter, on our True Social, Gab, Telegram sites. Those are really the key ones. Every single day, we are pushing out articles that prove definitively that big tech is basically screwing us over.
Starting point is 01:33:08 And it's through court cases, specific court cases that they have lost, where they say in their terms of service, and they say in their contracts, that they promise that they are not going to be collecting XYZ information from their users. And yet they are, and has been proven that they are, right? So even if they say in their terms of service that they're not going to be mining XYZ data from you, they still are, right? And the way these firms operate is no different than the financial firms in that they know ahead of time that if they're going to make $2 billion on this product, they're going to set aside $500 million or a billion dollars of that $2 billion
Starting point is 01:33:45 in legal fees, in dollars that they know that they may have to pay out to the SEC or to the FCC or whoever, right? If it's ever found out that they're doing all this stuff that they're not supposed to be doing. But they don't care because they've made and netted a billion dollars net on top of the billion that they just had to pay out. Right. And they do this over and over and over and over again. And this is when you start to realize the rules and laws, the rule of law does not apply to these companies because they are not held accountable. There's no one holding them accountable and they're not being held accountable because they're literally paying off the judges and the attorneys and everybody and the legislators, everyone through this road so that they don't have to be held accountable. This is not crazy concept anymore.
Starting point is 01:34:36 This is literally what happens in a world that believes that money buys you anything and everything that you could ever need. When you worship money and you hold money up, the dollar up or whatever it is up as your God, then that is what is going to control and dictate how you operate in the world. So if you, if you have Christ up and that's what you're rooting for and aiming towards, you operate in a completely different paradigm mindset. So I totally went off on that tangent, but it's totally relevant. So that's what open source is.
Starting point is 01:35:07 That's what's happening on these laptops. And that's what's happening on these devices. So people ask, well, can I run XYZ application on this phone? Can I run, you know, my tracking app that I have for my kids? You know, I think there's one called Life 360. And, you know, know, I really still want to know where my 15-year-old daughter is at any given time and track her whereabouts wherever she's going, just in case. I try to talk people out of that mindset because, you know, yes, the
Starting point is 01:35:35 world is a different place today as it was back then. But I really think we need to train people with situational awareness so that we don't have to be tracking everybody all the time. But yes, you can run that app. I can also give you a firearm, Doug. I can train you on how to use that firearm. And you can still take that firearm even after years of training and accidentally shoot yourself in the foot, right? I can't prevent you from doing that even though I trained you on how to use that firearm. The same thing applies with tech, right? I can, you can still download Facebook, but you are going to be flagged and you're going to get the notifications that say, do you want to give Facebook access to your contacts, your GPS, your, your wifi access to whatever, you know, all of these different things on your device,
Starting point is 01:36:21 you're going to get that notification versus it instantly, automatically getting those notifications. And then you can decide how you want to operate from there. Now, through that process, you're going to become more and more aware of what all these different apps are really wanting access to. And then you can start asking yourself, do I really need this app? Do I need this thing downloaded onto my phone or is there another way i can access the information that i'm trying to get access to via my browser so if you're using brave browser for example brave then serves as a firewall between you and that company so that they don't have access to anything on your device but the second you download that app which they're going to remind you over and over again are you sure you don't want to download our app? Your experience is going to be so much better if you download our app.
Starting point is 01:37:08 The second you download that app, that app is then going to start requesting access to all these different things on your phone. And when you say your phone and the laptop in question, I just can't take my MacBook and make it do what I want to do because it's fixed. and make it do what I want to do because it's fixed. Like they control, Apple controls everything, right? You're talking about heading over to, where I think it's very affordable. The Ghost laptop, for example,
Starting point is 01:37:36 basic lightweight, affordable utility laptop. 95% of us simply need something that works and isn't running. $495. Yeah, and that's just a laptop. That's a mint condition refurbished laptop that we've loaded a flavor of Linux on. And Linux is no new thing. I mean, it's been around for 35 years and thankfully Linux has evolved over the last four or five years such that the user experience is almost exactly the same as using the windows machine or using a Mac OS machine. In fact, you can tweak the settings on most of the Linux user experiences, UI, user interfaces to look and feel exactly like what
Starting point is 01:38:16 you're used to. The difference is the guts of that, right? The guts of that operating system, you now control. You own it. Apple doesn't. Microsoft doesn't. You own it. So you can take any laptop. I could take your MacBook, for example, Doug. You could send it to us. Or if you're near one of the people on our team, we could come to you and we could basically take your files that you need, put them on an external drive. We could reflash your laptop to be running a flavor of Linux. Make sure that all the right drivers are working correctly so that you can still connect to your printer and everything else that you need to be connected to and that everything works, and then put the files back on the machine. And you'd be still using the same MacBook. You would just be using a Linux operating system.
Starting point is 01:38:59 We have customers almost daily that are shipping us their devices, and we're doing that for them, and then we're shipping it back, shipping the laptop back to them. But for those who – that's really for people who have extra devices laying around, which most people have PCs laying around from five years ago, seven years ago. And what's funny is even like a 2012 Dell laptop, once you take that Microsoft Windows operating system off or the Mac operating system off and you load Linux Dell laptop, once you take that Microsoft windows operating system off or the Mac operating system off and you load Linux on it, because there's so little bloatware and crapware
Starting point is 01:39:31 on that operating system, it runs so much faster. It's like a brand new machine that just works way, way faster. Um, so that works for people who have those extra devices or can take the time to ship us their stuff. But if you want a new, if you're in the who have those extra devices or can take the time to ship us their stuff. But if you want a new, if you're in the market for a new laptop or a new device, you can buy one from us and we can send it to you. But for me, these are all just tools, right? The phone itself, we call it a ghost phone. We're loading with something called graphene OS, which is the most secure and private mobile operating system. And then preloading it with about 20 different applications, which is kind of unique in that those apps will get you up and running very quickly.
Starting point is 01:40:09 We give training and tutorials on how to use the apps that come with the laptop and the phone so that you know what they do and you can kind of learn how to use all these things once you get the device. That's awesome. And you've got a community. You've got one. The last thing is we have a huge community that's growing now of people who are using these tools and trying to help other people and train other people to use these tools.
Starting point is 01:40:37 So because we don't have a billion-dollar marketing budget, in fact, I don't even have thousands of dollars to run a marketing budget these days, we can't be advertising this stuff all over the place. So it's only through community word of mouth that people are really picking up on this. But we have hundreds of customers now who are online, who are helping each other. So if someone says, Hey, I'm having this issue, you know, I don't understand why this is happening before anyone on my team can even respond. We have people in our community who are responding saying, Hey, great question. I had that same issue. Here's how I resolved it.
Starting point is 01:41:10 So that's really cool. And that's specifically on our telegram channel. If you're on telegram, we've got a telegram chat channel where our community is pretty actively engaged. I see also, cause I was on a mark three, and I clicked a link for resources and shot over there and I see that there's some some some general it's like a general tab or forum I guess a place for people to connect share ideas and ask questions yeah that's that's where a lot of our customers in fact I take a lot of the questions that come in through that chat channel and or through just our support at that come in and i push them in there so as customers have questions about topics that are primarily related to the phones ghost phones um that's where i push it one of our business partners jeffrey peterson who's an awesome human uh he runs a whole linux he's like a linux pro
Starting point is 01:42:01 in fact so much so that he and the people he's trained thousands of people on how to program and how to use Linux. Um, he's built his own Linux distribution called scenics. Um, so point being, he has a whole community that's just focused on Linux and, and that Linux environment. So we really try to push customers who really want to dig down that rabbit hole and learn that stuff to go over to his channel because he has at this point, thousands of people, um, who are actively engaged in using that, um, on his channel. Okay, cool. Well, Sean, I mean, we were, uh,
Starting point is 01:42:37 over an hour and a half and this has been extremely eyeopening. I've learned so much stuff just talking to you. And you've got a lot to say. I have friends and groups and things in the area where I go and speak. They would love to have you around. So I'm going to share your information with them and hopefully get you into the area. And I hear you're going to be maybe at Prepper Camp this September? Prepper camp this September? Yeah, most definitely. I will be at Prepper camp in Saluda, North Carolina in September. I'm actually later this month, I'm going to be at the Homesteading and Preparedness Expo or Festival or something like that down near Jacksonville, Florida at the end of this month. And then the week after that, I'm going to be at another conference up in North Carolina, uh, in may. Uh, but I'm, I spend my time, uh, traveling the
Starting point is 01:43:31 country right now, either going to these conferences and events and speaking at these events. And we have a booth that we set up and whatnot, um, doing that and then getting brought in by organizations and groups who want to get educated and trained on this stuff. So, uh, if, if you have an organization or a group, uh, that is meeting on a regular basis, and that's kind of key. Um, I really only want to be working with people who are going to take this stuff and do something with it. Uh, there's a lot of organizations and groups out there that like, they like meeting. They just don't like action. They don't like taking action. They don't want to do the hard things. And that's, that's why I love the prepper community because these people are taking action. Like they don't just want to sit behind a screen and click like, and share and buy some cool hats that say I'm a Patriot. Um, they actually are
Starting point is 01:44:20 taking action in their life to change the things that they're doing. Same with the homesteading or I'm sorry, the homeschooling community. The homeschooling people are amazing because they're taking action there. You know, it's not easy to take your kids out of the political or the public school system and start figuring out how you're going to educate them on your own. They're actually taking action. So that's where, you know, as I said in the very beginning, my mission these days is to arm those who are ready to take the action with the tools that they need and the education that they need to be successful. So if you have a group like that, please let me know. I would love to talk about coming out and speaking with your group. Perfect. Absolutely. All right, everybody, if you want to head over to, check out Sean Patrick Terrio.
Starting point is 01:45:07 And then if you're interested in getting a ghost phone or a ghost tablet or a ghost laptop, head over to And there's a little menu button there. You can just click on that and go to the products. And from the products, you can click on technology or homesteading or health or just scroll through everything with the all button. But once again, Sean, it's great having you on. Just hang tight after this outro and we'll close out, right? Yeah. Let me just say one last thing. Something that I found super effective is a lot of people don't know what they don't know, and they don't know what they really need at the end of the day.
Starting point is 01:45:48 So what I'm doing, if you go to the Ghost Laptop or the Ghost Phone or the Ghost Life or Ghost Home Service, where we work one-on-one and do private consulting with individuals and families, and you go towards the end of that page as you scroll down, towards the end of that page as you scroll down, you'll see an area where you can basically sign up for a free 15-minute digital privacy consultation. And you basically can just pick a time on my calendar that I've got free where we can talk for 15 minutes and do a quick audit of your digital world. And I can start to coach you through what direction would be a good place for you to start. So that's for those who are looking at this and saying, this is too overwhelming, this is too complicated. I don't even know where to begin here because I understand it is, it can be. I'm happy to spend 15 minutes with you individually, talking with you and coaching you through what the next, you know, step would be on the journey. Perfect. Now, will they get to talk to you or they get to
Starting point is 01:46:43 talk to somebody that works with you? Right now it's going to be me. Um, but I have a handful of team members that I'm training, uh, who are familiar, intimately familiar with doing these types of migrations and these technologies that are going to be jumping in here probably for the next month or two. So for the time being, if you want to chat with me, um, you can grab 15 minutes of my time just by going there on the site. I think that would be cool for everybody time being, if you want to chat with me, you can grab 15 minutes of my time just by going there on the site. I think that would be cool for everybody. Sean, I look forward to seeing you. I'm going to be at Prepper Camp September 27th through the 29th.
Starting point is 01:47:13 I'll be teaching a class on surviving martial law and hopefully rub shoulders with you and shake your hand to everybody else. I want to thank you for listening to The Rising Republic. Head over to Tell them I sent you and use promo code TRR15 for 15% off. That's TRR as in The Rising Republic
Starting point is 01:47:33 for 15% off. Use code TRR15 for 15% off. I am L. Douglas Hogan. Y'all come back again. Stay safe out there.

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